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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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in california. what's critical? san francisco to the farallonnek islands? it's a game of bull. the sharks are okay. that's why they didn't touch their dead. okay, greg. all right. gonight, tone more thing.great. here we go. tonight. oh, this is going to be great. n charlie hurt, the great comedian harland williams, ams, timpfkat timpf, tyrus. >> check it out. let's do this great celebrity. sighting. i'm so excited when other shows have their annual, like, picniec race. check out the view. this was this morning. they taped it live. they have this every year around may. it's their picnic race. they race for that cheese. it's called all the proceeds go to charity, which is the name of whoopi's boat. i hav how do you know that? i've been on ie t many times. >> is that right? yeah. great charity case. all righfollowe on, t, that's i. >> everybody, have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight.
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>> he's got caught, and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him. and he can't leave the five boroughs. i don't care how you feel about joe biden, you must vote for him. >> progressive power and the revenge of the normies. >> we have to win more. we're going to win more. we are going to celebrate. we're going to party the day drinking. great news in case anybody wondering fani willis keeps dancing, but the music's about to stop. th i probably smoked more parmesan cheese thanknow anyone. >> anyone that you know. i'm sure hunter biden, irs whistleblowers and the cia. >> plus, i'm not playing with you in new york. i'm giving you this love. it's a love rampage. hear, hear. >> normies are revolting and they want to mak revoltie
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america normal again. former cia analyst martin guri ,one of the good guys, says we're living through a great global battlinrough e for powerl a clash of classes between the normies. >> ordinary people who just want to work, get married and have children and geies, ort on with their lives. >> and the elites who wish to change everything. ,the climate, our history,diet your automobile, your diet, even the straws with which you slurp your smoothiaws witheo >> for them, there is no good and evil, no right and wrong. evil, only oppressors and oppre. every transaction demandsrventi their intervention to protect designated oppressed groupons. >> the elites need totald control over the informationtotr sphere because their policies on immigration, gender and climate justr policin to mentioo aren't popular with normies. >> to them, normies are justar a basket of deplorables manipulated by unscrupuloused t populists who need to be brought to hee broughtl. w but no matter how much normies are censored, smeared
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and corralle normies d by the elites,nd they keep fighting back and trump. cann like donald the elites can feel it. and their wedding, the bed. >> i'm torn because i loveemocry american democracy. me too. and at the same time, i hate listening to democrati andt c bedwetting every day. >> i want them to be scared so they'll work hardei wante r. i want them to be wetting their bed every morning so they get ud every p and work har all day. >> you're seeing it from coast to coast. >> to blue. soros funded d.a.'s yanked from their jobs. soroblack women yellingg about migrants invading, parents refusing to let loc their daughters change in the same locker room as boys take care. >> from bronx bodegas to manhattan, construction f sites to beach towns on the jersey shore. beac normies are showing up. trump's holding a rallytr tomorrow in the south bronx,joei and joe biden can't even fill up a room in new fil hampshire. this was the president of the united states crowd yesterda thf >> does that look like a man
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of the people? joe biden yeah. it's never going to look like beatlemania when joe biden. biden step loos off a plane goinga plan to an event. joe biden'es joe biden. >> biden's about normalcy. there's nothing normalg about the biden presidency. pandemic crimeal about, inflatia illegal immigration. no leadership. he justion gration,t lies and hides. a new reuters poll has biden'sg% approval rating falling to 36%, 36. the revenge of the normies is eve revengn being felt in biden's hometown of scranton. >> get a stable guy in there who knows what he's doing. a business man who did it the first time. >> we were doing pretty good. i was in betteinr shape when trump was in office financially making less mone y than i am now. >> we need some fresh in office, not crooks and not old, decrepit old people. >> biden has a tendency of jus.t gazing off and falling asleep, so who knows?
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trump so far, he's on top of things. >> what you're watching is a politica l uprising in thisin t country against a class of peopl againste who have doneg but talk down to you. if they talk to you at all. two of our founding fathers would call democracy the elite s . >> favorite word. but when the elites saybu democract when y, guthrie says, what they mean is their democracy. democracy only exists when they're in power. the elites are so disgustedreatn and threatened by populism they don't even dare debate itee . it's to be exterminated from the political landscap tted fre populism must be criminalized. it's why they're usingg th the judicial system. the stuff trump in a refrigerator. edicial stokeep them on ice befw they try to throw them in jail. so whe n he pops up in the south, bronx tomorrow night, it's going to drive him craz gon >>g he's hosting a rally to try to con people and try to fleecem him out of every dollar that they have to fund his own anga outyl fees. and by the way, he's doing it in the south bronx, not to mak e
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a point, but because he's got caught and the man practically has go s the legal version of anund ankle bracelet around him. and hehim can't leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court. and solwayha it is truly ant to embarrassment to him. and i am looking forward to the response of every day bronx sites talking about how they feeingl about him coming>>e to their back. >> i think aoc admitted law affairs, an ankle bracelet ank to keep trump away from normies. his connection braceles to powei there's no way aoc couldo powerf get anywhere near the crowdow trump could get in the bronx, and that's her district. him t she's humiliated that thex wants him there, and he wants to be in the bronxd he. >> curry says the elites can sense impending danger. the aggressive moralizing, the embrace of bizarre ideologyt ,the trampling of the norms all of it is a function of panic. democrats have lost the normie vote. all theydemocrhave los have is s >> and here's the scarieste of one of all.e's go
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>>in he's going to put people in positions in those organizationpositions. id not he didn't have all-stars the last time. he'll have the bottom of the barrell-stars thime, you th. but people who will want to do his will and that should worryt every american. this election matters because of a reaso worn like that. people have to participate. you cannot sit. on the sidelineu . i don't care how you feel about joe biden. jo vote for him becauseother the consequences on the other side are too severe. arethe former fbi director doet realize the normies hate what's become of the fbi. it's the whole reason they're voting trump. send them to washington and smack the town around. no one feels sorry for crookedrd fbi directors, dirty prosecutors, rogue judges, and insider trading politicians. they don't need protectiontradi normies need protection from them. >> four years ago, biden told charlamagne tha god, if you don'ft vote for me, you ain't black. >> now the elites are begging the guy biden insulted to endorse them. >> watch m.. e anybod
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>> you say you're not going to endorse anybody. charlamagne, now is not the time, in my opinion, to sitn this one out. >> i didn't say that. i nevet. r said i was saying ito? out loud. >> you're going to i'm definitely voting in november. but what i like to focus on is issues, not individuals. like, you know, wheninonnt ts e not endorse. >> why not endorse biden? why do y'all neehy do yod us toi this? >> and we don't feel comfortable saying, no, no, it's not that we need you to sang i not that ty it. oh, but i think i think other folks need to hear the reality . i think both candidates are trash. so because i'm because i'm. but i am going to vote in november and i'm going to vote in my best interest and i'm going to vote who i thini amo vovember a tt intereke democracy. >> gary predicts a political pri earthquakes coming and joe biden will be crushed pon day if democrats keep prosecuting populism. america's ready for normal,dy fr and that's only starting when we get a president back in theth white house who listens to thewh will oo listf the normie. >> senator j.d. vance joins me now. >> senator, is it a normie election?
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i think it certainly is, jesse. and you're seeing this in a and of ways. people are sick of the lawfare, the weaponization of their own governmentk aw. they're sick, of course, of higher prices. they're sick of the borderf hig the fitting all flow across the wide open southern border. so on issue afteng acroser issur issue, what you have is just jus normal people who think like,e o you know, simply they should be able to send their kids to school without them d, that they cnate sen should live in a country with public safety. they should be able to g o to the grocery store and noto have to break their their budget. those issuesbrk thei are domina' this election. and it's so funny, jesse, to sees so all of these people panicked about the fact that they cannot figure outm how to distract from the fact that joe biden has been a failur than hae. you every single clip that you showed of various msnbc hosts ms and politicos melting down, it's becauses they want to talkt about trump's legal problems that are, of course, the creationtrump's ms tha of a justice department. they want to talk about anythingtalk other than the fact that biden has been a failure.
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and when donald trump was a president,um he was a success. >> you hear james comey whine that donald trump might, i don't know, puncth back at the people that have tried to throw him in prison for the resteo trie of his life. do you think that resonates with anybody anymoredo you, tho, which remember james comey is the guy who identified that hillary clinton had broken the law a fe, comew days beforet the 2016 election and now iow he'she's decided somehow that donald trump is the biggest publicd enemy. the problem is james comey himself presided over of ju a department of justice, federal bureau of investigation beat becamste weaponized. you know, people don't want pe speakingcuted for their mind. they don't want to be 't w participating in the pro-life cause. they certainly don't want the leader they cer of the opposition, donald trump, prosecuted on phony, trumped up charges that have nothing to do with justice and everything to dwith justio with politics.of so when you have the leader
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of the fbi who's maybe the single biggest reason why we have a weaponiz why we justie system in this country, talking about donald trump as if he's the problem. the problem is james comey and everybod y who thinks like he does. and if donald trump goes after that, weaponized. system of justice, it will benefit not primarily donald am it will benefit everyday americans who want to be able to participate in their owernt nt bein country without being thrown in jail. i agree he needs in to look in the mirror. so today, big breaking news. soiny, who had held out tim for quite some time, officially endorse donald trump. >> watch. as a voter , i put my priorities on a president who's goingck to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account . who would secure the border? no more excuses. a president who would supporttam capitalism and freedom a.
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>> a president who understands we need less debt, not more debt. t trump has not been perfect on these policies. i've on made that clear many, mm timeess. rophe. >> but biden has been a catastrophe. so i will be voting for trump. >> jo does that give you a great confidence that the republican party, all spectrums are coalescing and going intoesg november? well, cheers to her saying, jesse, that biden has been a catastrophe becaus e he has been. and look, my message to people, whether they voted formy messaop joe biden in 2020, whether they were on the other side of the republican primarey wer y in 2024 is welcome. we need all hands on dec 202kder to defeat the democrats and take back this country. it's just toat bacthiso crazy. and we want to return to normalcy. so i know a lot of people are going to tacurn tok nikki h for not getting on board sooner. my attitude is more thrilledt gv to have nikki haley's support for the republicany su party i
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in 2024. and anybody who just wants to go back to lo w inflatione, at home, a peace all over pi sensed and common at all layers of government. donald trump and republicansre are the ticket. >> so please get out there and vote for us. all right. i think that's going to be vot a big endorsement for donald trump. significant, absolutrsement foe. and you need a unitedne republican party in order to slaed a uany this beast. j.d. vance, ohio. thing to be a big state. thank you so much for comingfo on. primetimminge. thanks, jesse. fannie fauci and loverboy.illis, to when a is gone, you cannot al. get it back, but you can repairh it with prone ammo. repair. it penetrates deep intwao the to to actively repair as it weakened enamel. i recommend from normal repair with new paranormal repair mouthwash. you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. >> they were great together there's a 71% chance you could
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shell. powering progress. a cream tube of deodorant in the center of your choice. plus two free items, plus free shipping. >> fox news alert.ouse house republicans say they have repudocuments that show hunter
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biden lied to congress under oath to irs whistleblowers provided docs to the house. hid they claim prove hunter perjured himself at least three times? hunter lie three timesd to congi about using his dad's name to shakedown a chinese businessmao shn for five mil.mio he lied about controlling a bank accountn.t co for his shy firm, and he lied about helping a foreigneher obtain a visa. hunter's lawyer told fox this. here they go again, grasping at straws and twisting hunter's testimony to try to revive an impeachment inquiry that was a completeo re and utter failur. the house is also releasinguse a document from one of the irsci whistleblowers claiming the cia blocked them from interviewing hunter's sugar brother, hu. n morris >> according to the document, an assistant u.s clattorney, leslie wolfe, had a classified meeting with the ciah the at ly and was told morris was untouchable. >> she didn't telldid not the investigators why they couldn't interview morris t
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,but she did tell them picke that she picked up a mug from the cia gift shop on the way out. why would the cia protect the hollywood lawyer keepingter? hunter above water? >> and does the cia have a gift shop? >> and tonight, we're alsot hunr finding out hunter's tax trial just got pushed back to september. >> his gun trial where three ex-lovers testify, still starts in june. >> but the tax trial still we ee to run the whole month of september right before election, maybe into october. this is a nightmare for the biden family and the campaign. columnis >> miranda devine, a new york post columnist. t of a lot of significant developments here. what do you think's the most l? actfuficant jose? i think the lying of course,s py is pretty important when he lied under oath. ortantbut we've seen other peoph
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under oath to congress and nothing is ever come to light. ongress and no not holding my b. i think that the cia of this is very curious. i've just been researching. a book, and it seems that the cia's shadowy hand is behinde a lot of the hunter biden joe bn biden influence peddling saga, both during joe biden's vice presidency and beyond. 51 l you knot sew, we've already seen that the dirty 51 letter, that dishonest letter writtener by 51 former intelligence operatives, most of them fro m cia the cia, including five former cia directors. that letter saying that hunter's laptop wastion, wh russian disinformation, which it wasn't just before the election, was really amounted to election interference. and even, it fact, as there is suggestion that there were active cia people involved in vetting that letter, that and clearing it, then we're talking about a very serious
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issue where the intelligence agencies will have been provenin to have intervened on joe biden's behalf to rig the election. and on top of the fact that herand one it seems that ty were trying to intervene in the hunter biden investigation inveelaware on hunter's behalf to prevent the investigators from talking to his sugar brother whors fromo was an intel part of the tax investigation. because, of course, he gave more than $6 million or lent to hunter to pay off his tax debts and tond, to h fund his lh lifestyle. >> yeah. and we also remember the whistleblowe fun r for the trumprfect perfect phone call. such a perfect phone calphl was cia as well. so is the sugar brother an asset? and is that 6 million he loanede a hunter even his money? very good question. and look, ify good q he's beingy protected by the cia, he must have been useful in some
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way. and remember that hunter biden himself was on the boardss of a cia cut out., he placas placed on that just before he went to burisma in ukraine. >> which cut out was that that>t charity grou?p it's called. thea it's part of the nedti,subset the national endowment for democracy. it's the subset of that that democrats o are involved is wow. very, very interestingw. . miranda, thank you so much for your reporting. thanks, jesse. jesse >> a few weeks ago, primetime introduced you to joel, primt who had had his quarter million dollar student debt erased by biden. w what did joel do with his new financial freedom? s newhe's flying to india for aa retreat. but the white house isn't justsf stopping with the likes of joel. today, biden handpicked 160,000 more jobs and paid off $7 billion of their student loans, including a little not$7 bile
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that says, please vote for me. what about the people who didn'teopl go college or the peo who paid their own way? binder says tough luck. >> what then, is the white house's message to those americans who did not attendmes college for a variety of reasons, perhaps including perhaps that they didn't want to tak the on all the debt that went with it right now, that they feel like in some form i they are responsible fori allowing those who did not to pay their fair sharngthose en >> so, look, here's the thing. this is a president who has been very clear abouhot making sure that he's building an economy that leaves no one behind. uildinnomymaking sure that leftd the ones who didn't get support because they didn't go toyour college. >> i hear your question, but this is if you look at what the president has done questiooe what realistically over the past three and a half years, he has tried to build an econom ay for everyone. we're talking about folks who are in debt, who are literall deby being crushed, y n literally being crushed because they took and theyg you know, they took being crushe.d financially. is that okay with you?
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what's crushing is the two punch combination of unfairness and inflation unfaong voters by paying their debts. what is binder called that? >> e >> they should be given a little bit of breathing room. that is something that, by theof way, that's something that majority of americans agre agree one on.breath >> breathing room. we know biden hates pollins, lo but he should probably have looked at this one before rubber stamping this new round ,a handout. the majority of americans actually do not wantar their money used as welfare for college grads. >> more prime time ahead this memorial day weekend. >> we are remembering our nation's heroes and honoring their sacrifice. share your pride by using hashtag proud american. don't miss "fox and friends" live sponsored by jeep. >> there's only one in here you can expect to find crystal
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>> nor is there anyone beneath. it is paying your loverover with taxpayer dollars above or t beneataxpayeh the law. >> then fannie moved on to what she loves the most right here tonight. >> this is a fundraiser in casea you confused it. >> if you left some money at the back, it leaves tomorrow . >> i got a two is going along. go and buy a t shirt becauset-s you're to need to pay. >> after fannie goeet paid time to hit the bar. and you know fannie doesn't drink wineth. >> tonight we going to stop and smell these rose stos. we are going to celebrate. we going to party the dayoose drinking gray goose in case anybody wonderin g. >> but the highlight of the night was when loverboy nathan wade showed up with a big smil e on his face, with which
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he stuffed before his woman got up on stage last >> must have beestn great becaue loverboy had a new pep inp an his step and joy in his >> i made the statement earlier that workplace romances are as american as apple pie right? t that was not to make light o of the situation. that wasf just to say that it could happen to anyone. >> sure can.but that but that's over. not, loverboy and are jus friends. >> how would you characterize your relationship now? oh, we're the best of friends. we're great friends. being attacked this waf y. the only other personer on the planet who knowson onsan what i'm going through. and i know what she's going throug whah. we communicate daily, you know, during the course of the. the prosecution, when i was a part of the team. but we talk all the time, but we
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talk about the case. it was about business. now, there's been a shiftore in the communication and it's more about, hey, how are you handlingw u hand the pressu? >> is your family okay? friends without benefits. then trump calls wade, lover boy's last name. >> nathan doesn't like that, is he sens does noe ative? >> i respect his right to voiceo his opinion. her name is fani is. my name is nathan wade. we are not married. at having said that, there's, ther something special about individuals who say things just for attention or g just to get a reaction. simply my reaction is simply this. thank you. clay travis is the founder of outkick .com. ohof out,., boy.
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there's something endearing about these two. i can't put my fingetwo. r on it. >> did you see that? she made him wear credentialst in the first shot that you had where he was standint yog there at the table, eating off a plate. he had a big sort of lanyard had around his neck. i guess at some point they came i e f. him take that of i love that this duo has somehow turned themselves intoee victims when the people of the state of georgia paid nathan t wade $700,000, basically to be boy toy of fani willis. >> and i. jus t the idea that shet sh got reelected with these, i guess is fantastic. rel think she's goingla to lose her law license over all of this. spoknd maybe of she can become a spokesperson for gray goose, because in her defense, she becay love vodka.ra i mean, i like gray goose. i don't know that that's going to pay the bills. i lo but i't kno, i absolutely e everything about this story. >> i mean, it's perfect becausge if you were trying to come up m with the most ridiculous prosecutioosn of trump, it's nov
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even going to be down in south florida for the deadly raidlled where they could have killed him, tried to get, you know,20-a 20-year-old papers. it's not going to be jack smith fumblingrs, it's all over himsef in washington, d.c. it's not even going to be alvin bragg, in new york city. this is the personification of the crazyn bragg . that theyn have brought to bear in atlanta, where this woman, i think, is going to actually lose her law license, certainly lose the ability to prosecute: h this case before all is said and done. >> she's going to lose her law law y after her dignite all is said and done. big day in the republican party . nikki haley officiallysi endorsinngg donald trump. this is huge. what do you think? >> maybe she wants to be vp. i mean, did anybody think shes o was not going to endorse donald trump for the last several months endortrum? t i look, she should have done it a long time ago. i think jesse, if she had hang e really good advisors, they would have told her after the big kicking iny ol hampshirt let's go ahead and endorse trump. >> i actually think if she had
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done'sdi th that, i think she'd vice president right now. i think you think she could >>e e on to the ticket. >> you think she couldf sh have squeezed on to the ticket endo had done the endorsement earlier? >> i think if she right aftersh new hampshire had come out and said the people have made their choiceire ha o, donald trn going to be the nominee. and it's important for all of us to rally behind him. instead, she went and got crusheshe wentd in her home stae of south carolina, then stayed on for big tuesday , super tuesday got beat even worse. >> i think she killed her vp chances. all right. well, we're happse.e killedy tho on the team now because we need a united party going into novemberd. >> thank you so much, clay travis. oh, she likes gray goosethank y >> clay travis, who will never lose a bottle of gray goose or m his law license. >> god help them. than.k you. >> so, yes, southern california's become america's hottest migran jesse: t magnet.. san diego county officials said the shelter system overrun. nearly 150,000 migrants have been released
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on the streets just since september. and they come from every corne theyrthe gl of the globe south america,na china, the mideast, the. ondentb national correspondent bill milligan caught up with a group of themeluwithm in the mi of the night. >> here's how that went downown >> well, jesse, adult men fromt all around the world are showing up here in sanctuary state, california, ni crossy our illegally in the middle of the night. take a look at this video we ta right here in her comean back east of san diego, 2 a.m. overnight as masses of predominantly middle eastern and asian men crossed illegally here. very nonchalant. many of themmany of them speciat aliens, meaning they are coming from countriesaliens, with poti national security concerns. we talked to a lot of themon. there was not a single mexican out here. there wan. ask >> where are you guys from? what country? pakistan. pakistant here. india. india. we're talking turkey. yeah, turkey. okay. india. india. where are you guys?
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>> turkey. turkey. where are you guys from? china. china for ecuador. where are you guys from? >> india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. india. ndia.a. ia. india. india. india. india. india. indi>> ind >> ind >> inda. >> all >> iran. iran. iran. why did you come? no. freedon. >> im no. freedom. yes. in iran. iran is a dangerous country. no freedom for speech, for writing, for singing. >> singing. and we also met up with a local resident out here, coreytry. gautreaux, former u.s. military. he goes out and he collectreedos all these discarded passports and ids that illegal immigrants drop as soon as they cross here into how come by illegally. he's got hundredheys intos of tm china, from afghanistan, pakistan, saudi arabia, turkey, many other some of them are burned, cut, shredded as these migrants tried to destroy some of the document many ots to, hide y are and where they've been. take a listen.
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they're just dropping this stuff on the ground to come here and assume a new identity . so it's a little bit scary for me with my military background and seeing the people that areed coming across that. male, male, male. these are all military d. age males. people keep saying that i've got the proof right here. and if you're wondering how some of these people from halfway around the world arrive here at the san diego border,tay we've talked to a lot of them b using translatorace who ar wrapr they've told us they fly into turkey, then they fly in to mexicoteing how le from . m, usg then they take a bus up to tijuana. then they cross somewhere in this area they . >> jesse, we'll send it back to you. pretty. plus, wellness wednesday ahead . >> you know how your car insurance rates just kind of creep up year? totally. but i never do anything because shopping for auto insurance is such a pain. >> well, not anymore. experian has a new, better, easier way to shop and save on car insurance. and it's tailored just for you. experian compares your current
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i'm doing it. >> happy wellness wednesday. si primetime has always said if your life's too comfortable, you're not livin moyour dying. modern america has gotten complacent. we sit in climate controllede -r boxes all day. onen we drive home in a climatde controlled box on wheels to another climate controlled botex. or we don't hunter harvest. we have seamless drop dinner ofwef and we eat it on a cushioned recliner on front
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of tv. we've confused comfortt of with happiness, the heart of the human tv. experience hasn always been about perseverance. you try, fai l, get back up and and try again. you do hard things because it's rewardingtr. out you don't have to go out in the woods and grapple with a grizzly. eods angrapplbut a certain level of discomfort can drastically change your life for can dra thr . run fast. lift heavy. learn a language. >> give a speech. expose yourself to extreme heate and coldem. ot adversity shocks the system. makes us sharper. gives us a purposee system. and discipline. so let's get uncomfortable together ncomfort. michael easter knows the importance of challenging yourself. he survived alaska's most remote backcountry. and wrote the book the comfort crisis. >> he joins us nows now.. >> all right, michael, tell us what it means to be uncomfortabl ie. as w how can we be as uncomfortable w as we can be without dying?
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we can go to alaska for 30 days like i did. yeah, i think the larger message of my book that was that, you know, weaving discomfort into your life can be very practical and veryical d beneficial. stout i like to throw out is tha very stat only 2% of peop the stairs when there's also an escalator availablle e. le act yet that simple act of taking the stairs was recently showne k in the study to reduce the risk of heart disease deathfs by 39% >> just the simple actg of taking the stairs. the e things like peopl that can people do in their daily lives? their habits and routines? >> man we've woven comfort into our life so deeply that the steps we can take to sorter dis of rediscover discomfort are very easy. so, for examplcot are vee, 93% r time is spent indoors. and yet we know spendinge more time outside exposed to the elements. thewalking is one of the bestad things a person can do for themselves. i mean, the steps are reallyr ta easy. it really is as simple as going escalator or stairsimplegs. ke >> which 1 a.m. i goingg to take? and choosing the stairs. all right. so walking more, gettingight sunlight. >> what else in terms of ifre
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someone's up for an adventure, we can all go to alaska like you. but if maybe, like a weekend warrior, what do you suggest ? >> so there's a concept that i>> talk about in the book the the called the nature pyramid, and it basically gives people a sort of prescriptionamid and for the amount of time that we should spend outside in order to enhance our menta orderl health, our physical health. it's found that basically 20 minutesical heand tha, threek is a really great dose. if you live e in a neighborhooda and have easy access to a park. next stosycessp is spending 5 hr a month in sort of more state park like nature. t and then finally, at the very top of this, this is called the three day effect. and it's found that spending three days in the backcountr yy every single year is like this hard reset for human mental health, for human physicalysic health. and it's an awesome, approachable way to get outsida more. and along the way, you're going to have a lot of good things happen to you. and i can tell you you're not going to regret od thing ct it mightit may be uncomfortable in the short term, but you won't regret it. >> alaskortable a. here comes primetime. we're taking the show out there to the backcountryking so much.e
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>> we love the book, the comfort crisis. let's get uncomfortabl . e, old buddy. >> thanks again. thanks for having me>> tha. >> time for water cooler. >> let's bring in joe concha. first topic, concha. >> the nfl's best kicker, harrison bunker, became the media's newest punching bag after telling female college graduates they're probably bag a excited to fall in love and have families so controversial. >>n now, patrick mahomes, his coach, andy reid, and even the commissionerh, are backing him up. >> watch. i judge them by the character that he shows every single day, and that's a good person. >> he has his opinionshat' and e all respect that. i let you guys in this roo mom and you have a lot of opinions that i don't like. >> they have a diversity of opinions and thought.just >> just like america does, diversity of opinions and thoughts. >> is that indeed? is not howbsolutely in the eye. you got to love how they all champion free speech
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. y talk and mahomes and reid particularly talked about how the chiefs locker room is likehh a family and you're going have disagreements, but then they're on the same team. >>nts but nd they all respect each other. >> but this was such a stupid controversy. jesse reminds me but of during the black lives matter hype when when that was big inou 2020 and you had people literally getting fired peoprerply writing on twitte saying, no, i think all lives matter. >> oh, that's racist. because i thin. racisk all peope are created equal. >> all races, all lives matter. you're firedre cre jesse. >> clean out your desk. what? all right. people love to betwhat on everything from sports, horses, cards. mommy or 50 bucks?surprise it's no surprise that people like to make money on politicsle . they're called election betting markets. trump said an all time high insh the betting markets right now. >> and this week, the biden week orderedont w in all betting to be banned on elections. what a coincidence. yeah, they're not happy with the point spreads. happthey're seeing lately. >> that's a big one. the alvin bragg trial started, i think, in late april, and at that time, the sports betting markets had biden as a slight favorite. >> today, donald trump is up
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17 points. >> that's a three possession game. p isjesse is highest ever in all three elections. >> wow. it has everything to do with the trial or is it something else? >> it's the boomerang effect from the trial because it's not like he's been campaigningg effm all that much. he had some sort of big policy announcement. it's what's happeninolicy annous show trial. >> and people don't like the weaponization of the justice system. 17 point spread. that's a big one. september new york city mayor eric adams gave diddy the keys to the city. >> remembepeopler? y >> keys of the city? yeah. yeah, i'm coming to the garden , with you. i'm not playing with you in new york. let me give you this lov'mng too >> it's a love rampage.t but afte newr everybody saw didg beating up his ex, adams wants the key. e go we're going to take the nexte th steps. my heart goes out to the young ladymy h who was assaulted. all of us are disgusted at the disguste video seeing something of that magnitude. but we want to take the process.
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we never removed the key from righne before. >> we want to make sure we do it right. what is do>> jes it right mean e you go get the key back from ke you needdeclare to get this back. >> now, if you look, i'm hedging in the dictionary >> eric adams. >> that statement was the example. but i loved when adams gavegave diddy the key. and september 2023, you want to hear the money, quote, quote, the keyerth the bad boy of entertainment is getting a key from the city, from the bad boy of politics. y of oh, no, no, no. you're just bad. and literallo.a.t.y no one has p called you the bad boy except himself. >> all right. well except h, now, concha and i wer- going to bet on trump in the election markets before they shut it down. >> yes, good idea. let's go do it. it's like colts jets breaking news on fauci's deleted emailsi. right back back. >> they were among the toughest, most dedicated lawmen this country has ever seen. and maybe the greatest of them all was a former slain u.s. marshal three in the midst of violence and prejudice, reeves is committed to justice.
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over 30 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. your information could be used to open loans transfer titles, or even commit crimes. i had almost 20 accounts opened in my name. it was terrifying. >> i never dreamed it would happen to me. only lifelock alerts you to the widest volume of threats, all in one place. and if you're a victim, lifelock works to fix it on your behalf, all backed by the million dollar protection package. >> enroll now, who will fill the role of ibrahim raci? the white house concurred that there is no cause for why the court system can be investigating israel. testimony is open. we could have verdict sometime late next week. >> only on fox news channel. anthony fauci's right hand man o was caught deleting records about the originys of covidvid-9 and using secret back channels to avoid foi requests.ur
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>> fox news senior national correspond and kevincos corke has the latest. >> kevin jesse, this is somethingpost else.e a attop adviser at the nih that, of course, is the national institutes of health deleted records critical to uncoverinealtrecordg the of 9 and then apparently used a quote, secret backchannel to help dr. anthony fauci and another federal grantee that apparently funded gain of function research in wuhan,f china, evade transparency that according to congressional lawmakers who believe that the senior adviser, dr. david lawrence, improperly conducted government officialsoy ,government business, that is from his private email account. goveissound familiar? he also apparently solicited help from the nih, his foya office, to dodge records request. according to the emails b that have been put out by the house select subcommittee on the coronavirusect subco pani that 35 page memo also suggestc. dr. fauci took part in a, quote, conspiracy among the highest levels of tht tooke
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agency to hide and potentially destroy official regarding the origins of covid 19. this is dr. and one email,l ap april 21st of 21. there's no worryl 21st about fus . i can either send stuff to tony on his private gmail or handedom to him at work or at his house.a fauci is too smart to letto colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. subcommittee chairman brad wenstrup of ohio, a republican called the 30,000 pages of emails deeply concerningd th said they reflecy poorly on fauci's leadership. ha other os les have suggested . lawrence may have even broken the laaww. 202 >> on may 13, 2021. you wrote that you connected a reporter to dr. fauci via your secret back channel. >> what back channel did you have for dr. fauci? >> well, all these terms like secret back channel and the other one, you were just
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the jokes. >> just jokes. he did write that. he said backchannel, secret backchannel. nel secrett, morgan's who's currently on administrative leave. in another email admini, february 24th, said he parted with thehe staff to quote, hide emails. he said, i learned from our foya lady how to makew to emails disappear after they'd been fired . arlier plus, i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending thems to. basically, my gmail is safe from foia as long as we use my. private email. he said. i ashe saik both of you that nog get sent to me except to my gmail. wow. then in june, maybe feeling the tightening i feeling news, t he admitted that he and dr. fauci deleted emails regardingeh alliance once quote the s hit the fan, adding that if you ever send informatiohinrelae related to covid 19 to dr. fauci's personal emaild , i dont remember if i did, i may have, t but i certainly told him
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some things that he asked me ce. to tell him about. >> i don't know. i don't remember now.once what's more, the emails ms je jesse also appeared to show o that the now is office of general counselco instructedy the agency's underlings to ignore foia requests, eveundn though they were lawful. >> while she hit the fan. the yeah, that's an understatement. kevin, thank you s o much. they want to spray my yard with mosquito chemicalshe that will kill all of them. but i heard that's going to kill me. so is it worthi hearl losing a yearr of of my life so i don't swat flies? s >> i think you know the answer. let's do tim from california. >> i'm a normie. hear me roar, will you roarl yo with me. >> nice try. i'm watersur . >> this is my world. >> welcome to this


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