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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 23, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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well, well, what to head back? oh, come down or come back. take me lucky run, boy. that's how we go. great shot. 5 p.m.. surprise, surprise. one, two, three. singing. come over party crashing. what if it was all back? and on the whole lot? who will fill the role of ebrahim raisi? the white house concurred that there is no cause for why the court system can be israel . testimony is open. we could have a sometime late next week. show.on fox news channel "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham >> laura: good evening,"the
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everyone, young laura ingraham,r and this is from washington tonight. nikki haley and war with newt gingrich and moments,s ju . first biden judicial sneak is tonight's focus of tonight's "angle." sunday, the bide n administration put it left demand for diversiti and activism above confidence and merit. >> as you know, one of the biggest priorityis of theri lypresident's nominating and confirming extraordinarily qualified men and women who are dedicated to the constitution and who represent the diversity of america. >> laura: from the open borders to the push for transgender isism, the democrats have relied on handpicked judge, to validate these policies regardless of the constitution through law or plain common sense of biology, which takes us to today's senate judiciary committee hearing topoin considr
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the nominations of several biden appointees to federal judgeships. the democrats were hoping to squeak these nominees through, all of them women, knowing americans don't see much of these hearings. but today's was a doozy and it was illustrative the democrats perversion of article 3 cohorts. the public has a right to know how radical these nominees are with these clips will run a little bit normal longer than normal tonight. but question by senator john kennedy and ted if>> you went to law school in california? >> that is correct. >> you have worked for the brennan center? >> i interned.kay. i was a law student intern. >> okay. p you know mike you work for the center of reproductive policy? i was a law student intern for
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ontivie summer. > and you are a political activist, aren't you?st ra>> i am not, i'm a sitting jue united states judge. >> do you remember in inmate william mclean? also known as to my justine shall be. >> yes, i know who you are referring to. >> okay, mr. maclean raped a child, didn't he?>> >> 30 years the petitioner in the case before me. >> did he a child? yes. >> he rape-d a little boy? two acts of violence. >>he then he s raped a 7-year-od girl? >> this case was -- don't stallr me now. did he raped a 17-year-old girl after a 9-year-old boy?
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asi quite believe that is what e pled guilty to. weirdra: that was a smile that she had there. then he went to prison for that offense. sometime after that, he decidedw he wanted to wear dresses. a trans woman now who liberals p like sara neff burn leave are members of a protected class deserve special accommodations. >> and then he decided to to transition and he became a female and started going by to my justine shall become is that right? >> yes.nt t and miss shelby said i don't want to go to a male prison buta i want to go to a female prisoni and the board of prison said, what planet did you parachute in?an you are going to a male prison with this kind of record. and you sent him to a female prison, didn't you?on you said that the board ofat
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prisons was trying to violatecos miss shelby come a formerrt mr. maclean's constitutionalenda rights, didn't you? i you should report to the district judge recommending that the district judge transfer of the petitioner to a woman's facility. the district judge stopped the affidavit. >> you said the district judge was trying to violate mr. shelby's constitutional right? my i base my decision on the facts presented to me in the record. >> wasn't that your ruling? >> i recommend finding under -- >> why won't you admit that ruling, are you ashamed of it? i'm answered the >> was at your ruling?re >> my recommendation was that petitioner metke serious to nees that were being denied by keeping her in the men's facility. >> a violation of the eighth amendment, right? >> that is correct. >> laura: cruel and unusual
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punishment applies to that? this is the type of warped thinking that encapsulates thee modern-day democrat party.ions these are the types of people they want making decisions not just on prison transfer cases, which are outrageous enough but critical issues that affect all americans like whether ev mandates are constitutional, forgivenessent loan is constitutional. even whether illegal aliens have the right to vote. the whole legal reasoning of this nominee would question by someone who actually knows how et ato get answers. >> how big was miss j shelby/mr. maclean?us >> i don't have a specific recollection.ta your call he just suggested she was more than 6 feet tall.ison >> and you told the board prisoners, "well, she will be okay. the women in the primo prism will be okay because it's only hypothetical that ms. shelby, a
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gamr. maclean will reoffend again after he's already raped and 9-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl and then inth child porn through a male. "ud did you say that? am i right? did you conclude that? >> i don't have a specific recollectionth of that. >> laura: then ted cruz thi stepped in and got to the heart of the matter. >> this case demonstrates that you were willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology. >> in this individual 6'2" come up biologically a man admitted at minute ago you said when thiu man decided he was a she, you said thirotes individual was "ie down sober and entirely a female hear that phrase struck me as remarkable. dd this individual have male?
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>> i think i said to. >> that is verbatim quote. >> hormonal with a female. >> that is not entirely. a did this individual have male? >> yes. >> you took a 6'2" serial,tali serial child rapist with male and said, you know i would like to be in a women's prison. and you said that sounds great to me. let me ask you something, the other women ins that prison, d they have any rights?an >> is that a question? do the women into prison havere rights? of course. >> do they have a 6'2" man who is a serial rapist vm thayer cell? i asked you a question, i askedi you a question, senator kennedy is rights , this is not a judges
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order by the political activist and by the way the beginning of your orders at says at birth, pe are typically assigned to gender.t i have tofo say that would astonish a lotrown of americans, signed to gender? i know you went to brown but it sounds like a college faculty lounge with no bearing on reality. be one pinko, the bureau of prisons decided it was wrong tom transfer this prisoner, 6'2" male, biological male, but the magistrate didn't care. >> you wrote, "the bureau of prisons claim protecting femalel prisoners from this interest is legitimate, that is kind of you to say but no signs of petitioner is at risk of reoffending and the theoretical risk of sexual assault cannot support the position. in what universe is someone who is a serial repeat child rapist not at risk of reoffending iswo
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itme is clear that a heck of a a more than the women's rights that you endangered. i think you're radical and haven no business being a judge. we went toewee democrats on the committee knew they were nominee had been exposed. so the chair tries to clean it t all up. >> there was an opportunity during your exchange with senator cruz that you were attemptingo to offer the response. speak with the facts that were presented to me and what iat relied on to t make my decision were that the petitioner had violengaged in no violence, no physical violence, no acts of sexual violence whatsoever whila in all three ward ands whomen' supervised the petitioner beuested that she transferred to a woman's facility because of her serious medical needs. but the transgender executive council repeatedly said in denying the request was simply that she needed tohe
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maintain her hormone levels. her hormones were entirely female at that point. so the decisioden by the transgender executive council to asdeny the transfer request basd on this idea that it was only because her hormones needed to d stabilized ian found was a pretext, but they never once said she could not be transferred because of violence. >> with respect, you allowed the witness to go at length and change her testimony without her being subject to a are you going to allow us to have a second round ofve questioning? >> no, no senator kennedy. >> what are you trying to cover up here? >> there is no cover up and you will be allowed 30 seconds. senator kennedy. r>> why can't i have a second round? i am appealing the ruling of the chair. >>allowing no tension on a secod of questioning.
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s a hearing and i have thejust gavel. >> the senator tried so hard to avoid why she lied on the stand with her own words, her own opinion. o>> laura: i love the staff whispering, get out of this as soon as possible. oh, my goodness, hazy maisie comes in for the rescue attempt for the novice chair. >> the witness, the witness literally badgering the chair. some of ushe would like to get n with this hearing. >> i'm sure you would! >> can we get on with the chair >> so does every democrat senator want to cover up the facts here? >> can we return to senator -- we will be returning to senator diaz questioning or we will adjourn today's hearing. if you want to adjourn, go ahead and do that. not answer brilliant and beautiful. >> laura: don'het let the facts get in the way of decision-making. we saw that at the trump trial.t back to the democrats trying to
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sneak this pro-trans radical on the court. they returned to the cliches of their most cherished value. >> the value, not just the diimportance but the value of diversity in our judiciary clearly each bring tremendous both life as well as professional experience, which r think strengthens the judiciary, more perspectives areas considered.ti >> laura: this hearing was fantastic because it demonstrated, once again, how vital it is that biden not be given four more years to destroy the integrity of another american institution, the federal my goodness, hasn't he done enough damage already? >> reaching 200 judges is a major milestone here and simply put camaro 200 judges comprisedn most diverse slate of judicial nominations under any president in american history.
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>> now biden's first term, remember they lost huge cases bt doesn't yet control the p but as we saw today, they are doing everything possible to gel there. and ifs wi they do, you will fid that criminals will be treatedey better than most law-abiding americans. traditional christians, they will be totally run over. >> to stop this unconstitutionae blackness that we need a senate and we need to put donald trumpr back in the white house. that is "the angle." joining me, nikki haley has made her announcement. >> i putt my priorities on a president who is going to have the backs of our allies and holo our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses. a president who would support capitalism and freedom.
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a president who understands we need less debt, not more debt. trump has not been perfect on these policies but biden has been a catastrophe. so i will be voting for trump. e >> laura: backhanded but nikki haley saying she is votinn for trump. the republican party is firmly united behind him. joining me now newt gingrich number speaker the houseitic and fox news political analyst, newt, nikki comes home. >> i think. this is a very important moment because she wa. the last hope of the never trump person what she said is very clear. if your choices biden or trump, no one who cares about thei th future of the country can be foa biden. and i think she will be an asset et oof the convention. she will be an asset on the campaign trail. and i think she will give areot of people d sua sense that theyl
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be with her to support president trump.unif i think in terms of unifying the republican party, this was a. very, very important day. >> laura: newt, should for president trump, former president trump invite her to bedminster for a meeting o r a chat just to kind of put all of the ill will behind them and be magnanimous? >> well, he can. he can also invite her to give v speech at the convention here there are many way s to reach out to her. ank thd i do think that unifyine country as it becomes clear and clearer that president trump isi going to win that he will be president. i think at some point, turning the idea ogovef what we can brig people together so we can actually govern the next four years is important but i think nikki haley can be a part of that. >> laura: newt, more of a sentence tonight voters don't dleave trump is a threat to
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democracy. that is the big oak fohingr thet democrat repair this from "the washington post" night, spmike biden's team is aware to young black voters but pulling r said central element of campaign pitch that democracy is under threat and thesyst selection is referendum of political system simply is not engaging those h voters as he might've hoped. wor newt, what on earth can he argue now? that is not working. ui guess the student loan of a way or? >> here's the problem biden faced. biden inflation is eating up the young. you go to work and then you go to the grocery store appeared te buy gasoline you can't afford to buy a house. you may be living from paycheck to paycheck or credit card to credit card. and biden wants to b.e worried about something that is baloney. but the objective reality is
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that donald trump who appears before thousands and thousands of people who clearly is a nationwide base that loves him and wants him to be president. and how pathetic biden was in new hampshire for example where they couldn't fill up a small room. when, they did some of the who were there, someone said they might as well have said bingourh because they got together forgo the local church bingo program. i think the average person, including many, many african american males who are drifting towards trump, many, wh latinos will get an absolute majority and i think again newco out an witd you talk with subure women clipped immediately sort of counting on for biden, they are looking at the border. they aret looking at things lie you just showed some woman who wants to put a serial rapist into a women's prison.h to and they are thinking, you know, do i feel safe enough to takn ea risk on the 18 and harris?
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remember a vote for biden is likely a v vote for harris to bo president. a very high percentage of the country will say come i can't do it. day>> laura: no wonder jamesk o carville is so upset these days. note, great to see you these days. dr. fauci's former advisor in a major scandal and it involves covid. that is next.
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>> laura: anthony fauci sold by the media as the calming, reassuring face of the governments covert or covert response. he was practically a pinup boy with those glasses. you don't survive five decades in government without having to thwart accountability or tweak it when you need to. and now explosive new email showing a top nih advisor brazenly deleting records and using secret back channels to help fauci keep tam eviden with origins of covid and involvement in the finding of gain-of-function research. senior advisor dr. david morens is accused of properly conducting official government business from his private email account and soliciting help from the nih freedom of information
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act office to dodge record request. now he rode in a february 2021 email, "i learned from our 40 lady to make emails disappear. before the search starts up i deleted emails after sending them to gmail." deleted emails, government account here and he emphasized again november 2021 email, i ask you both nothing get sent to me except to my gmail. and republicans jumped on this clearly unethical conduct. what happened next? >> you rode you connected a reporter to dr. fauci via your secret back channel you are and what back channel did you have for dr. fauci? >> well, all of these terms like secret back channel and the other when you mention were just jokes. >> laura: [laughter] that is what my kids do, they pretend a lot. it is funny.
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let's look at the more hilarious emails april 2021. there is no worry come i can send stuff to tony at his house. he's too smart to let colleagues and stuff that could cause trouble. tony too smart? but today at the hearing, well the same individual suggested his colleagues were not smart at all. >> i said to him as i said several times to him, why are you sending it on my government email? this isn't government business. it is your personal thing about your state of mind come about your security arrangements and i'm sorry, i'm getting this echo here. should i turn off my microphone? >> laura: echoing in the tony fauci world. maybe the microphone should have been turned off. he deleted all emails to the origin of the covid virus. why is that? june 28, 2021, deleted all emails to arjun when the blank started hitting the fan.
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mine was deleted pretty long ago and am pretty sure tony's was too appear at the way to avoid is delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive. june 16, 2020, we are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns and we did, even if we did we wouldn't put them in emails and if we found them, we would delete them. he told congress this was all a big mixup. >> they have obviously mixed up mistakes of gmail's and emails, and that has caused me to do all the things you mentioned but bring discredit on myself and the government. i don't know what to say. i apologize that and regret that. i wish i could take it back, but i can't. >> you know it is bad when staunch democrats knew not to try to defend this. >> i think you will be haunted by your testimony today. it is unfortunate and it is all on the record.
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it doesn't make a lot of sense to many of us and certainly not to me. >> laura: joining me now ohio congressman of the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic, congressman, it seems like the b.s. monitor was going off on both sides of the l with that testimony. >> it really was and did contradictions between predescribed interview on what we found in these emails that he thought may be got rid of that we haven't been able to get, not only his official ones but is gmail. it is unbelievable that the message he tries to get out today home i didn't know these were official. you are talking about nih. >> laura: you are congressman and you have to be diplomatic. he was deleting damaging information, he was deleting information that would make tony fauci and the entire office most likely look really bad because of either what they knew about the gain-of-function research, who was finding it and whether u.s. tax dollars was going toward it.
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that is what was going on. >> two things that were in the mail, one he says we have to protect tony. the other thing he says, tony doesn't want his fingerprints over any of this stuff to do with origins of covid. it tells you what he was doing and working outside of the box illegal and we are pursuing this every aspect. he is dead to rights today and you saw a bipartisan thing. they could not avoid trying to defend him. >> laura: people were trying to jeez rand paul down america's doctor and all of that. but it turns out rand paul was on to this early on. we were on "the angle" and week-old what we knew going on with fauci and making excuses for the chinese in february 2020 on this program. i said, why don't have those documents? they are good people and researchers and i'm paraphrasing, good people in china. he did not want to touch the china angle. why do you think? >> he was in bold in it and we
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were planning gain of research in china which actually the former nih director, temporary director and the doctor said we were funding gain-of-function research in china. if you are doing this you want your hands taken off of this moat which looks till mike also would explain dr. fauci early on the white house lawn said, "we have the scientists that came from nature and it is settled." it was not settled and we knew that from the beginning. i learned from lockdown investigating covid and i saw the possibility of creating a gain of function virus, i knew we were in trouble. >> laura: congressman thank you for pursuing this and we should never let this go until we get the real answers. >> thank you. >> laura: what is biden hiding? glenn youngkin after four nationals broke into a military base in virginia. stay there. ♪ ♪ ng a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person.
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>> what is the pentagon's reaction to tw >> what is the pentagon'se reaction to two jordanians breaking in supreme court basin quantic come. >> iin am aware of those report, but i don't have more information for you. >> we will be mindful of the two jordanians and i.c.e. custodyto and given active law enforcement matter. i would have to refer you to i.c.e. i just can't dive into this. c >> laura: this is classic stonewalling. i.c.e., last timnswee i checkedi know the chain of command, answers to theen h president. where these two jordanian men in the united states illegalls y or not, kj p? the disturbing incident, but nothing from the white house? joining me virginia s sagovernor glenn youngkin. you sent a, letter to president biden demanding answers saying "the silence ons
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immigration status of the individuals involved reiteratesr failure to secure the southern border."n ha any response? >> none, but let's be clear, joe biden has brought the border crisis, literally, to the front gate of quantico marine corps base. >> laura: what were they k doing? trying to drive a box through the gate? >> from what we know or at least reported two jordanian illegal immigrants were driving a box truck through secure gate and luckily they were stopped. >> laura: again, this begs the question, we have millions ofha people in the country illegallyt we have had at least 2 millionmo by official counts, probably a lot more got a ways. we don't know what these people are or their intentions and tens of thousands of chinese nationals coming through the country. a lot of defense experts believe sleeper agents for the ccp. and we are supposed to say,y, isn't this wonderful, diversity,
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great.o in >> this is the fourth incident in the recent past two in virginia and two in california breachesns of most classified an important defense installations in americale! this is what we got fromt joe biden it failed border policy and as a resultisis not t just drug crisis and women beina sexually assaulted or murdered but now we see assaults and breaches at our most secure military installations. listen, laura, at the end of thi day, what this proves once again is that the most of the mosts' m important topic on virginia'shyw mind and on america's mind is border security. that is why we havvembe to let donald trump this november. of he will fix this.. he could fix it with a stroke of a pen tomorrow.s' l he is refusing to do it and b putting americans lives at risk and nationald security at riskf this can be fixed with a stroke of a pen and he refuses to domo two >> laura: apparently we learn, e the rank of file did not learn aboun t this two weeks so they
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were not informing the men and women on base. your reaction to nikki haley saying she will vote toeo president trump. your reaction to that. >> there will be a lot of people voting fort president trump, th. exact issue when you see a failed economy from weak leadership and seen weak foreign policy from leadership and aut border, in fact, exposing not just everyday americans but, military bases to these kind of breaches come americans want and streaks. they don't want weakness. we will come together and elect donald trump the next president of the united states. >> laura: i look forward to see what is nexte pr. you are on that short-list of the presidents short-list of potential vpp read that you are smiling. you endorsed trump a while ago.u >> i came out and endorsed him and said i wouldan enthusiastically support him. virginia is implant here isea dewhite. in 2021 common sense conservative leadership.
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we have proven it has worked in virginians like it and they seei the economy donald trump builtty in previous presidency and they. see the one we bill in virginiaw anhyd want more of it here they want leadership that is why they think virginiaward is simply wih leadership. >> laura: glenn youngkin great a tobo see is always fear the fute of the republican party as we were talking about just now, will it help donald trump? he's already ahead. we will explain it th next. ♪ ♪ nts and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa!
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♪ ♪ >> laura: you heard what governor youngkin just said to come at the g.o.p. is officially united behind donald trump. big news that nikki haley said she will vote for donald trump now "the angle" told nikki haley to drop out after iowa and endorsed him but better late than never. the g.o.p. coalition's majority populists. that caused friction notth just with haley but senate leadership. a man who wants to turn the pags from the mcconnell era joinsat us now. florida governor rick scott is just announcing he is running for ja g.o.p. leader. what is the news? about time. off he is our nominee.. >> laura: presumptive nominee, not official. >> of the border was secure. we didn't have inflation. wey do were not at work.
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hthis is easy, why doesn't everybody pack him. iin florida and i've been'm ale state grassroots and everybody. is for trump. everybody is for trump. all the grass roots or trump. >> laura: he has a good chance of winning the presidency again. but it is a good sign because it does represent part of the part. and we want everyone together. you announced you are running for g.o.p. leadership in theyn senate but f why do you think ts will work? john cornyn from texas, handpicked successor ande ne establishment favor though my favorite pure then you come along and what do you offer? we need a change and i talked to trump and he's excited to gethig into the race. think about it my debt, the borderen., everything. we have allowed this to happen. ai'm a change agent, i did turn around, change florida and weonl will change the senate. we will beat the senate that hopes donald trump get hisrk conservative agenda back. >> laura: you can't geworkt the
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senate that works against heaven for beuld tod come up with a bn in a second term, that would be a complete disaster. to your point, senator last night on cnn senator lankford from omaha from border securitya immigration bill, amnesty bill with schumer was asked about this resurrection of the billed that already tied up you are. watch this. >> you said that you would vote no. on this bill, even though of course we know about the efforts you put into it. why are you voting no onit's thursday? a >> it is no longer a it is a prop.d se everyone knows this bill would nor sct pass them schumer is bringing it up to bludgeonolve people. athis is not a bipartisan attet to assault something. but it does for fund-raising or whatever attempt they are trying to do. >> laura: senator lankford is. a lovely person and i really like him personally. we tried tamo warn him but marco rubio got into the same as 2013 and saw the light of
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immigration. bumartt again, we need senatorst are smarter than this, pushing the spending, driving inflation as they did with bipartisanus spending bill with biden they agreed to. >> conservative voters want to stand for let stand and fight over the border. le t stand and fight overspending and fight over making sure israel gets help but we don't waste. >> laura: how about no more omnibus bills, not you aboute ca throw everything in the pot and> no one can see it until the last second? >> i did a letter of my are not doing itwe anymore but we will have appropriation buses and ibl balanced the budget every year as governor. we should be able to do it here. you have to do it in your personal life. >> laura: i don't go that far.ry senator, we will watch this the winds of change are in thee. era. >> lwe will hope for good outcou thank you. pop singer targets harris but kerr's commencement?
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should he mind his manners? gen z and the worst possible w way, "seen and unseen" with raymond is next.
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we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're
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>> laura: it is time ford "seen and unseen" where weorie reveal the stories behind the we turn to fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. good to see you in person.goch people can't seem to let go of this harrison butker commencement speech.owba the throwback runs musician is ticked off?edor >> not since dumbledore addressed the class ast commencement generated this kind of publicity. now pearl jam during the big show decided to riff on harrison butker because we were allal waiting for it. >> don't forget to puff up youry ouchest and be more masculine. don't lose your masculinity. when he was saying that, [bleep]
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[bleep] more massive than supporting a strong woman. we believe in the quality. do not fear equality. >> the real irony is b5 is supporting a strong man, hisllio strong wife and millions of people who embrace i don't see why an additional opinion mainly to work outside the house or be a homemaker is suddenly so controversial here and he didn't say you have theoe d hin the kitchen contrary to a is being advertised. >> laura: i think he is mad about here at i can't remember. but he such a person of great quality. here hy, he is demonstrating his devotion to women back in 2003. >> some little cold cat downtt here who thinkins he's getting o excited by pulling her top off and showing me absolutely nothing.
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by the way, little lady, i'm not turned on by that little thing. i'm into harder core stuff my like to [bleep] on littls e girl's head. that ii tnwhat turns me on. >> a delightful character witness. harrison butker should be happy. that he's criticizing him. if that is what man respect for women looks like. >> llook, today's the chief coah andy reid was asked about thishe black.e co here is what he said about the kickers comments. >> 's comments kind of touched on the workforce. what do you tell him that concerned about speaking? >> that hasn't happened.t's i don't think about his opinions but we respect that. i will let you guys in guy thism and yo gu have a lot of opinions that i don't like. >> i love that. today patrick mahomes came up>>
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and said butker is made ofch character every day. >> laura: everybody should the sports media with out kick and a few outliers, mor they are more liberal than msnbc. i mean, they are far to the lefl of most of the liberal talking heads on tv. talngi don't know why sports ma became so's it is out of touch with its audience. >> it was on e thing if he was saying something controversial. but harris and butker listen tod the comments and it'sicous. ridiculous. >> laura: did you see the biden campaign job actually posted? ththey are looking for a meane manager for the biden campaign. the job description says, "you will initiate and manage day-to-day operations and engage internet's top content. the r this role isorfo passionate about bringingth political content to votere s where they are already on thean internet."r yo >> you want me to translate
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that? we are in trouble with voters anrs wd cn cnn said the 15 winng by 15 points. maybe we can win them back but i doubt that will work. >> lwe need to reach the young . it is not the memes, laura commit is the candidate. young people like the rest of us are single clips of the president last night. dump amounts to anyone in new hampshire, the president had an event last night here.eopl i have seen more people at a girl scout s information meeting proctologist waiting rooms and more people that biden could half of them wish they were at the proctologist. >> the packed act signed intow, law. the best trained warrior ms we have ever seen. we saw 9/11 fighters, firefighters that were incredibly helpful. i'm making my case. the law -- look, the bottom line
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is people will not be sure we get it done without a lot of .omplication >> what is he talking about? again, young people see thepl spirit they say it's because we are not giving them enough or eirsthere's not enough social m. it is because biden can't talk. >> laura: it is not just that. biden couldn't talk and people had money in their pockets and gas was $2.19 a gallon, they wouldn't care if he couldn't talk. but he can't talk and thein country is going down the tubes and people d camp buy houses. .i understand the biden campaign isc th mimic the trump campaignh local business? >> only one problem trump visitt the campaign and in the biden they sent kamala harris and the word of the day is community.
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>> typically community leaders. i am hungry. so, i'm going to have --eak. >> do you care if it is>> provolone? that is okay, right? okay. [laughter] >> they are probably thinking what community is she talkingop about? she said i hope i have the respect after leaving after e haring this. is she sure she had respect to begin with? it is awkward and she neve rte connects but trump's can interact with anybody. he goes to them. >> laura: trump is fun to watch and even if you don't agree with him, okay, i want to watch. >> i tot is a good time. >> laura: raymond, great to see you in the studio. follow on instagram and all of the rest or whatever >> carley: portland progressiv


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