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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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i am hungry. so, i'm going to have --eak. >> do you care if it is>> provolone? that is okay, right? okay. [laughter] >> they are probably thinking what community is she talkingop about? she said i hope i have the respect after leaving after e haring this. is she sure she had respect to begin with? it is awkward and she neve rte connects but trump's can interact with anybody. he goes to them. >> laura: trump is fun to watch and even if you don't agree with him, okay, i want to watch. >> i tot is a good time. >> laura: raymond, great to see you in the studio. follow on instagram and all of the rest or whatever >> carley: portland progressive district attorney has been
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fired. voters electing tough on crime challenger after years of antifa riots and open drug use. more on the message this is sending other prosecutors across the country. >> todd: we don't want to be attacked. fox news exclusive. new whistleblower report accusing obama organization of shielding known terrorists and others connected to the iran nuc nuclear. brooke singman broke the story. >> carley: and harrison butker getting backup from two big names on the super bowl winning team. >> i judge him by the character he shows every single day, he is a good person. >> everybody has their own opinion, that is great about this country. >> carley: patrick mahomes and andy reid are not the only ones speaking up, who else is talking. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro.
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more on those stories in a bit. former president trump continuing blue state campaign trip with going to the bronx today. >> carley: no republican presidential candidate has won there since 1924. calvin coolidge. lucas tomlinson is live with details. >> lucas: good early morning. donald trump went to a bo bag in harlem and now moving to south bronx. ronald reagan was last republican to speak in the bronx. who was last republican presidential candidate to win the bronx? drum roll, please. calvin coolidge, served as president when johnson debuted band-aids, which biden say need to fix his campaign after losing black and hispanic men to name a
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few demographics. senators defeated giants and nationals won the world series in 2019 and democratic lost the senators and they became the texas rangers in 1972 and won the world series last year. i digress big time. here are other coolidge supported prohibition and gave first radio broadcast presidential address. we can move on now. donald trump faces uphill climb to win new york. latest polling in the empire state, biden has a nine-point lead in new york. and former florida attorney general pam bondi on hannity. >> trump flies to texas today and holds two multi million
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dollar fundraisers and in palm beach had the largest fundraiser ever and doubled what democrats ra raised. people are talking about going to the rally tomorrow night to support president trump. >> going back to silent cal, he became president because warren harding died during the great mississippi river flood, coolidge sent his commerce secretary and he did not go and who became next president? herbert hoover, guys. >> todd: lucas tomlinson live. >> lucas: a lot for 5:00 a.m. >> carley: you know more dating back generations than just about anybody. thank you for sharing. >> todd: thanks professor. >> lucas: baseball trivia, too. >> todd: rachel campos duffy went to the bronx to talk to
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locals ahead of today's event, you will not believe responses s she got. >> are you happy he's coming here? >> that's a good step for him, him coming here will bring light to the hood, at least he's trying. >> carley: rachel will be live on "fox and friends" and joining us later this morning, this hour with more reaction, stick around, you do not want to miss what people are saying ahead of this big event. former presidential candidate nikki haley is breaking her silence and revealing who she is voting for in this year's presidential election. >> as a voter, i put my priorities on a president who will have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses, trump has not been perfect on these
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policies, but biden has been a catastrophe, so i will be voting for trump. >> carley: haley ended her campaign two months ago and did not immediately endorse donald trump saying he has to win over the voters who supported her. >> todd: if trump can get haley voters, huge for his campaign. georgia state senate hold a hearing to investigate fulton county d.a. fani willis and her possible misuse of state funds. allegations of misconduct as former trump special prosecutor nathan wade defends his relationship with willis. >> our relationship was professional. our relationship grew organically over time. workplace romances are as american as apple pie, it could happen to anyone. we dealt with it in a manner that was professional.
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we kept our personal lives personal and private and i still believe that it had no place in the courtroom. >> todd: nathan wade resigned from trump's georgia case in march after admitting to the workplace romance with fani willis. on capitol hill, senate majority leader chuck schumer bring up border protection bill after it was rejected earlier this year. schumer effort is receiving bipartisan pushback. >> it is no longer a bill, now it is a prop, we sit four months sitting down to work out what do we think we can get passed. i was not successful in getting something passed, problem remains, everyone knows this bill will not pass and senator schumer is bringing back up to bludgeon people. >> todd: new jersey senator cory mills -- booker says i will not vote for the bill, it includes
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provisions that will violate shared values. >> carley: reeffort losing democrat support, something schumer did not anticipate. health adviser david morens apologizing for deleting e-mails and using secret back channel on personal accounts to help anthony fauci evade covid transparency. >> i was not aware it was a federal record. >> you are editing things and letters he wanted to send to nih. >> you did that on personal e-mail, correct? >> if i did that, i don't remember. >> do you want to take your fifth amendment? you will be haunt from your testimony today. >> carley: we are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, if we did, we wouldn't put them in e-mails. that is in an e-mail. if we found them, we'd delete
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them. there is a lot that was exposed there, all coming to light now. >> todd: this is concerning for no other reason, shows people at top level of science don't understand how to go back into somebody's e-mail and find it later. >> carley: all out there. we mentioned earlier, up next, shock results from portland d.a. race putting other woke prosecutors on notice. >> todd: and council members, urging eric adams to revoke diy's key to the city. we are asking about that, we have a jam-packed morning of "fox and friends first."
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>> carley: fox news alert, nine people are dead including a small child in more than 60 people hurt after strong winds caused the stage to collapse during a presidential campaign rally in mexico. videos show the stage's giant screen and metal structure come apart sending politicians and supporters running for their lives. the candidate says he is s suspended all campaign events
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going forward. mexico presidential election is two weeks away. weather alert. 125,000 texas residents without power after tornado going through texas. temple has major damage with cars flipped over and roofs shredded. >> todd: streets are flooded, people are encouraged to stay off the road. janice dean has the forecast. central part of our nation continues to get hit week after week after week. >> janice: this weekend is no exception, severe storms and heat is my big concern, we have hundr hundreds thousands without power. in houston, still trying to rebuild after that tornado awen
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through last week. severe storm reports, central texas, several tornado-warned storms, wind gusts and hail in excess of three inches in diameter in the texas region, could see potential for more severe weather, severe thunderstorm warnings for texas toward missouri. looks like kentucky and pennsylvania and look at the area of concern here for severe storm threat from northern plains down texas and across tennessee and ohio river valley to the northeast today. on alert, have way to get watches and warnings, focus on the plain states yet again for severe weather today and through the weekend. take a look at memorial day weekend. severe storm threat for saturday and sunday, texas and oklahoma and toward arkansas and missouri, across ohio river valley saturday and sunday. some areas hit hard over last few weeks and months.
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take a look at memorial day weekend outlook. across plain states, midwest and mid-atlantic friday into saturday and sunday, more storms developing. this time more across the midwest and great lakes and on monday, pushing across the northeast. for fleet week, good-looking forecast except getting into mi monday. today, this evening, real risk is monday for heavy rainfall. in terms of memorial day forecast for the northeast and new york, that is pretty darn good. there have been weekends in the past where it has been a wash out, we'll take it and continue to update you on all of the watches and warnings throughout the plain states. it has been an active season of severe weather, fox weather.comfor the latest details. back to you. >> todd: we want it to be sunny for gentlemen and ladies for
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fleet week, they are in the navy, they are used to water, they should be fine. >> janice: good rationale. >> carley: 77 and partly cloud and he mostly sunny on saturday, not bad for new york. >> janice: i will admit, pretty darn good forecast for memorial day weekend. >> todd: progressive d.a. of portland, oregon overseeing rise in murder, drugs and hom homelessness is out after losing to a tough on crime opponent. >> carley: chanley painter joins us. >> good morning, more moderate candidate, a 20-year deputy prosecutor came out on top in the election for d.a. where portland is, after challenging his former bos mike schmidt.
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george floyd case spurred demonstrations throughout portland as chaos erupted every night for months. schmidt announced his office would drop charges against many protesters accused of low-level crime and his policies were connected to a surge in murders, drug use and homelessness making way for tough on crime challenger to oust him from office. here is breakdown of results from tuesday with vasquez win winning. on his campaign facebook page, vasquez, i want to thank schmidt for professionalism and service in the community, i look forward to working with community partners and public to build a safer county for all of us. p portland has only voted for democrats since 1960. many see this defeat as a
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full-circle moment from 2020. >> todd: at some point, people say, we've had enough, it does appear portland is the case. >> carley: lost 22,000 residents since 2020, they voted and voted with their feet. >> todd: thank you. could this be happening in l.a.? when you hear a story like this, you have to thank so. los angeles woman brain dead after she was attacked by a homeless man outside mcdonald's. they were in their car when the man approached. maria suffered a heart attack trying to help her husband and doctors recommended taking her off life support. the attacker has been charged with a misdemeanor and released. her daut sxer grandson join me now. we are praying for your family
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me member. this is horrible what happened. vo voren veronica, what else do you know about this attack? did this homeless man try to take something from them or was this a random attack? >> it was a random attack. my father had just placed his order and was driving up to pay and get his food when the man approached my father. he told him no english, the man was mumbling and the man punched my father through the window of the vehicle. my father put the car in park and exited the vehicle to defend himself. my mother got out because she her my father crying for help. she is partially blind, you see her moving slowly toward them and her hands in front of her feeling for my father. the man with his body pushed her
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and she fell back, hit her head and had a heart attack and was able to be resuscitated. when she was stable, she was placed with a feeding tube, the breathing tube caused damage to her esophagus and she couldn't eat anything. they sent her home with my father who had to be feeding her through the feeding tube. a week ago she had another episode where she stopped breathing and she was taken to the hospital but it appears there is no more brain activity, they want my dad to make the decision of disconnecting her. >> todd: a horrible choice for any husband to have to make. william, this is wrong. what does justice look like for you, william? >> to me, justice looks like something has to be done. from what happened with nothing,
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it is essentially just a slap on the wrist. this man just feels like he can do whatever he wants. and the cops, even when everything went down at mcdonald's, they asked my grandpa, do you want to press charges? you will have to go to court and see this through, are you sure you want to go through the trouble. my grandpa was adamant, yes. it was like they were like, hey, do you want to because at this point, why. they were trying to make it seem like don't go for it, it is just let it go. >> todd: that seems to me, it is not right. this notion in l.a. criminals can do what they want and be realistic, it does appear your step-mom is not going to recover. so basically this homeless guy killed her, let's be honest.
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to have a question like that, do you want to press charges, is insane. veronica, what goes 32 you your mind knowing your step-mom probably is not going to recover while this attacker is free to roam the streets and do this to another person? >> we're devastated, my father is beside himself and says he does not want to keep living without her. he was her world. they have been married for 30 years. she gave up her life trying to defend him. my dad feels guilty, he feels sad and angry. he feels like he's losing his life partner, his best friend for something that should have never happened, there was no reason for it. yes, our district attorney is just basically told me she called us into her office and we have the video she wanted to
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show us, it is only a misdemeanor because she said he did not maliciously intend to push her. she wanted to charge him with a misdemeanor assault against my father, nothing against her. since news caught wind of this and now you guys are helping us, now she is saying she will charge him with a felony assault against her. but that's it. she is technically dead because of what this man did. she still doesn't want to press harsh punish menopause against him and he was released two days after he was arrested on or. we have court tomorrow and we're more than sure he will not show up. >> todd: of course he is not, please keep us posted what upon has. we feel horrible for what you are going through. hope the d.a. watches this and realizes his polses, george ga gascon's policies have
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real-world consequences if for people like you. best of luck, praying for you. another major report about boeing just ahead of summer travel season. >> carley: faa is pointing to dangerous flaw that could cause fuel tanks to explode. cheryl casone is here next. was that your grandfather, leading armies to battle? was that your great aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most. discover, preserve, and share the stories of your family's heroes. save on ancestry subscriptions for a limited time. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app
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why not give it a try? oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. >> carley: thousands of peep will are expected to turn out for donald trump campaign stop today in the bronx. state of new york has not gone republican since ronald reagan and have not voted for a republican president in 100 years. joe borelli has been helping organize the event and joins us now. good morning. that whole 100-year thing is why republicans don't campaign in new york city. they feel it is a waste of time. today donald trump is.
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why? >> joe: carley, we the republican party won our first elected office in that burrough in years. you have to question why there wouldn't be more. my colleagues from the bronx are telling me the bronx is defunded and negligented. who has been in part of the bronx for better part of a generation? it has been democrats. you should not be surprised when people come out tonight in great numbers to hear someone not singing from the same choir book. donald trump is going to go out there and confront the public with why they are being faced with economic problems from joe biden. we know working class, lower middle class get affected by economic downturn more than anyone else. when new yorkers face 3000 more on energy bill and food bills
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and thousands more on housing, there is no one to blame but joe biden and democrats. i think that is what you will hear donald trump make his main message tonight and don't be surprised when thousands and thousands of bronx residents show up and excited for change. >> carley: going back to the phrase, it is the economy, stupid. so much reaction to this campaign event, even from andrew cuomo who says campaigning in this part of the city makes sense for donald trump, there is concentration of latino ministers who are pro-life in the bronx and they are mobilized and energized. a strategist says donald trump may not win the state, but can win the news cycle going to this event later today. during the midterm election, lee zeldin was within five points of kathy hochul and you start to think, maybe see why this is happening right now. joe biden is beating donald trump in polling but by single
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digits, nine points. what factors have changed on the ground in new york to turn new york -- it is still a blue state, but call it light blue now. >> joe: he lost the state by 23 points in 2020, that poll you just referenced has him down by nine. he is winning suburbs and younger voters, blacks and percentage of latino voters. something is causing people to wake up and realize it. it is the economy, on one hand, how much it costs to live in the bronx this year than in 2019. on top of that, result of five years of a crime problem that is the direct result of democrats, you mentioned andrew cuomo, prime culprit, broadly democratic party nationally and locally who have given us these woke district attorneys, given
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us bail reform and things you and i talk about on this program time and time again. they are all the result of democratic lawmakers, many from the bronx and constituents of sick of hearing same garbage over and over again. >> carley: great point and we've spoken to republicans who live if inner cities who are frustrated and saying republicans never come around because they feel like it is a waste of time, maybe if they start, they will get more support and donald trump is doing that today. ask you about this story in the news for sometime because of shocking video of p dididdy, wanting to revoke his keys to the city. >> we tear down thomas jefferson's statue for
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20-ye 20-year-old -- i don't know why we tore down a teddy roosevelt statue, someone on video beating a woman less than a decade ago in a heinous and violent way seems like at the least, it is par for the course to not give him this honor. >> carley: makes a whole lot of sense. thank you for joining us ahead of the big trump event later today. the clhancellor of ucla will be on the hill today discuss ing - police broke out on campus. >> todd: cheryl casone from fox business here with details. >> cheryl: covered it on this program watching violence at ucla and now time for gene jean block to answer questions about why were jewish students not protected on his campus.
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g >> gianno: /* gene block says i will continue to make sure antisemitism, hostility or corrosive to community and not to be tolerated. this is house committee on education and workforce, they are the ones that had the chiefs of harvard come in, upenn, both leaders resigning. block will be out in a couple of months. what is interesting today, chair of the committee, representative fox says no more mealy mouthed leaders will get away with what they have, not in front of my committee. get ready for a fiery day on capitol hill. >> carley: buckle up and i believe gene block is stepping down in two months. i would say, you are right, i let these college students push me around, i'm sorry. >> todd: whoever takes over at
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ucla better come with a different plan. as an alum, i don't feel great about ucla and that has to change. >> carley: did they clean up all the graffiti? faa is revealing dangerous flaw in boeing 737 planes. >> cheryl: it is, media sfrj is being criticized. november of 2023, boeing went to airlines and said there is an issue we would like to see fixed, the fuel tanks. basically air worthy ness directive came out and that is what daily news picked up on that says this condition could result in ignition source inside the fuel tank and subsequent fire or explosion. this would only be during fueling and neither faa or boeing raised red flag saying this has to be fixed immediately. faa says they have 60 months to
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fix this issue. controversy came in because daily news put out this article and boeing is now responding to the daily news. daily news story is misleading and reckless and makes incorrect regulatory process that helped ensure air travel is safest form of transportation. there are modern commercial airline to ensure protection frr electromagnetic effects. it will be expensive, it is the triple 7s, that is the same plane in the singapore incident, different issue. do not want to frighten the flying public especially going into a travel weekend that you will have an issue on triple 7. >> carley: there are boeing
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whistleblowers raising big red flags. >> cheryl: and the airplanes should not have to be fixed, they need to be fixed. >> carley: donald 't miss chery 21 minutes. >> todd: obama administration accused of shielding known terrorists and others connected to iran's nuclear program. >> carley: brooke singman has the story that she broke here with a live report next. a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. doctor: why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90-day prescription for xiidra today. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be...
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>> todd: letter from two republican senators revealing e-mails that showed obama administration stopped fbi from arresting known supporters of iran ballistic program including known terrorists here in the u.s. >> carley: brooke singman has that. >> brooke: senators grassley and ron johnson say that the record provided to their office show the obama administration state department under john kerry actively interfered with fbi operations pertaining to lawful arrest of known terrorists, members of iranian networks and other criminals providing
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support for iran nuclear and ballistic missile programs. according to whistleblower disclosure, john kerry actively stopped fbi from making arrest. unclassified record from august of 2017 detailed at least eight instances where fbi, doj and u.s. government could have you have mooed forward with cases, state department chose to block them. another e-mail shows obama state department let a known terrorist leave the united states. in six instances, the u.s. lost the main subject that was on terrorism watch list and the other returned to iran. the block was lifted after former president trump took office and led to arrest of two targets. grassley and johnson are demanding archived e-mail record from john kerry, bill burns,
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wendy sherman and blinken bliand demanding records pertaining to iran nuclear deal and want it by june 4th. >> carley: that is shocking, eight is eight too many. >> todd: john kerry seens to be forest gump of horrific policy decisions. >> carley: this news broke coming out on same week we learned the state department offered to assist iran to find the helicopter that crashed, offe offering assistant to iran is notable. ahead of donald trump campaign stop in south bronx today, "fox and friends" weekend cohost rachel campos duffy went there. >> are you happy he's coming here? >> that is a good step for him, good step for him, him coming here will bring light to the hood. him coming here will show that
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at least he's trying. >> rachel: how will he be received here? >> open arms. >> rachel: really? >> open arms, fsh show love, you show love, they show you love right back. >> rachel: should joe biden come? >> [bleep] sleepy joe, sleepy joe, wake up if you want to come. >> todd: cut to the chase, question everybody wants answer to, after being there and speaking with the people, do you think that new york is in play for donald j trump? >> rachel: south bronx is. i was shocked. i thought i was going to get a mixed bag. i interviewed doz knows of people random and only had one person say something negative about donald trump. everybody else was honored and happy someone was going to come and see degradation of their
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neighborhood. they are so unhappy, crime, inflation, they are like, somebody come show us love. it is total frustration. >> carley: three years of frustration and searching for answers. what are issues you heard about most? crime and inflation? crime is a big deal. >> rachel: especially when you talk to women, women say, i don't feel safe walking down the street, that is a big issue for women. i talked to guy that owned a business on the corner and somebody had been shot outside there. i'm sure he became a trump supporter the minute that kid got shot. these policies change and negative comments about biden and about the mayor. they understand where policies come from. interesting, again, the economy, people talking about inflation, inflation hits the poor hardest, they were feeling that and talking about that. immigration, illegal
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immigration, even with people that interviewed who prefer to be interviewed in know spaish were saying this is straining social services, why are people coming here illegally taking money that should be going to our community. that was fascinating, as well. the trial, they have a clip about the trial. i'll tell you what happened on the other side. >> he's a super star now, it's over. he's a super star, people are coming out in support of him, people that were not interested in politics are watching a sham trial and they are like, what is going on, you know, they are hearing more about trump than maybe i think in my opinion, they overplayed their hand by going after the former president of the united states. >> rachel: we were on that -- got kicked out and that guy said this is very new york. get out. but a lot of hispanics look at what is happening at the trial
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and this is a double-edged sword. they wanted to embarrass him. aoc said this trial is like an ankle bracelet, has to go to south bronx because he can't go anywhere. latinos are going, this looks like political circus we saw in latin america, revealing level of corruption they did not know existed in america. when you weaponize the justice system, people say, this is marxism and communism and stuff we left latin america for and they notice. people also said, i have been watching and i still don't know why he's on trial. >> todd: neither do we. >> carley: that is right, ed cox, chairman of new york republican parties republicans picked up a city council seat in the bronx, huge surprise. the temperature is right for donald trump to arrive now. >> rachel: i'll leave this with you. the support and love and interest in him coming to the area was so big, if you see
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counter protests today, you can be sure those are outsiders and they should be investigated. who are those people? everybody i talked to wanted him there. >> todd: we'll see you coming up. thank you. >> carley: thank you, rachel. white house refusing to take responsibility for the border crisis and you won't believe what the press secretary just said ahead of today's vote on a key border bill. >> todd: it makes no sense. sheriff of a texas border county res responds next. can't filter out . so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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♪ >> todd: today the senate is expected to vote on the white house-backed border bill. this is the rehash of that border bill. but press secretary karine jean-pierre is bucking the president's responsibility for the border crisis. listen. >> the president has the authority to do something about this unio unilaterally. the congress is in a divided government. >> why should veto do it unilaterally. why shouldn't we do it in a legislative way. >> taken action before to undo some -- >> wait. you are right. he took many executive actions before. but in order to deal with what is happening at the border. in order to deal with a broken immigration system, you need law. you need legislation. you need it to happen in a bipartisan way.
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>> carley: sheriff of carroll county texas and retired border patrol agent and joins us now. sheriff, good morning to you. it was seven words why should we have to do it? that karine jean-pierre just said when it comes to the border. what do you think about the response? >> hey. good morning, carley, good morning, todd. thank you all for having me back. look, the first and foremost, the system isn't broken. if we would just enforce the laws of the immigration nationality act we could solve the problem that's going on right now. border security and immigration are two separate issues. yes, they cross paths, but we have to get back to the border securipiece and then later on wn work on the immigration piece. are there things we can work upon, certainly. but what we have right now suffices. >> todd: when you hear an answer like that completely kicking the can down the road on a problem joe biden precipitated. let's being realistic during the
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trump administration immigration was relatively under control. when you hear an answer like that from his spokesperson how angry, and frustrated does that make you? >> you know kjp has no clue what is going on along the border. she needs to come down along the border. invite her to come down to tarot county, texas. i was out working with them yesterday it reached 112 degrees. they responded to a 911 call we h they rescued two illegal aliens. they caught a group three hours ago using night vision cameras. they don't have a clue what is going on along the border. we have people that can show them what is going on. and, to your point, this administration certainly caused this problem. the four previous administrations both democrat and republican worked together to create a safe and secure border. >> carley: sheriff, there was a report in the free press this weeks that highlights the horrific things border patrol agents see and how it's
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impacting their mental health. the time we have remaining, about a minute, can you explain this and if there is a mental health crisis that you are seeing among border patrol agents? >> there certainly is. and one part of it is agents don't want to confide in their supervisors, the management because they are afraid of repercussions that will happen. they are afraid of losing their job. it certainly has happened in the past. happened under my watch at this station. they lost trust in some of their managers. when i was at the border patrol station just before coming on air, talking with a supervisor about a completely different topic, and to be honest, you have to know your troops. you have to know who they are and understand them. you can take a border patrol agent. you can put them in any other law enforcement agency, but, not that we are better than anybody else. what we do as border patrol agents, the climate, the conditions we work in it's a lot more difficult. >> todd: we got to run. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪


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