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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 23, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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impacting their mental health. the time we have remaining, about a minute, can you explain this and if there is a mental health crisis that you are seeing among border patrol agents? >> there certainly is. and one part of it is agents don't want to confide in their supervisors, the management because they are afraid of repercussions that will happen. they are afraid of losing their job. it certainly has happened in the past. happened under my watch at this station. they lost trust in some of their managers. when i was at the border patrol station just before coming on air, talking with a supervisor about a completely different topic, and to be honest, you have to know your troops. you have to know who they are and understand them. you can take a border patrol agent. you can put them in any other law enforcement agency, but, not that we are better than anybody else. what we do as border patrol agents, the climate, the conditions we work in it's a lot more difficult. >> todd: we got to run. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: all right. it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. may 23rd, "fox & friends." getting over a grudge. rival, nikki haley, or should i say former rival nikki haley says she will vote for trump as the founder and president heads to the deep blue south bronx. rachel campos duffy, one woman, three names talked to voters there. >> he should definitely come. >> always doing something that no one -- such a respect for the bronx. >> before trump, it was not really considered like would they really go into the democratic strongholds? >> he should come. >> steve: rachel is going to be with us shortly. plus, the risk of exploding? apparently there is a flaw the faa says it is finding in some boeing planes' gas tanks. boeing said they had previously issued guidance about this. we will have a live report to get the story straight straight ahead. >> ainsley: ache threat cate blanchett is describing herself
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as middle class despite being worth almost $95 million. we will talk about that. "fox & friends" begins right now. remember, mornings are better with friends we start with nikki haley finally making her pick in the upcoming election revealing she will be voting for her one-time rival president trump. >> brian: all right. trump's former ambassador to the united nations revealing her vote more than 2.5 months after dropping out of the race. >> steve: lucas tomlinson joins us now from washington on this surprising announcement yesterday, lucas. luke's luke's that's right. speaking at the hudson institute in washington nikki haley endorsed donald trump for president and encouraged the former president to win over her voters, too. >> it's been a catastrophe. so, i will be voting for trump. having said that i stand by what
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i said in my succession speech trump have called for a trump haley ticket given high poll numbers against the sitting president getting 20% of the vote in primaries. the dnc has painted all of trump's potential running mates roll the headline, according to the axios the dnc is launching a trump's maga veep state to paint all the contenders as extremist backers of ultra maga. if we are playing a little running mate casino here on "fox & friends" this morning. take a look at trump's reported short list. j.d. vance, marco rubio, tim scott, doug burgum. so we have got three senators and a governor there. now, it's notable who is not on the list. nikki haley, since we are in the middle of the triple crown, a
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little handicapping. texas congressman wesley hunt, perhaps elise stefanik giving him foreign policy after speech in israel tulsi gabbard. after making a trip to the bodega, former president trump taking his campaign further up up town. reagan is the last republican win both in new york in both 1980 and 1948 and also spoke in the south bronx, guys. >> steve: indeed, lucas, thank you very much. there local assembly members calling for a lot of people from the unions go up to the bronx and show donald trump that he is -- that the protest is called trump isn't welcome in the bronx bronx residents or people being encouraged to travel up there.
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>> steve: announcement this is happening at 6:00. a lot of unions are listed there. >> brian: talking about nikki haley for a second. i think it's -- i think she is playing it pretty smart. meets with the donors and said whatever her message was it's pretty secret. i appreciate all your support. and they notice that she is still getting votes in pennsylvania. still getting votes in kentucky. still getting votes in michigan. and that is something that the president trump can't afford. he needs all the republicans behind. he needs all independents, and undecideds with him. too. so much at stake for the former president. if he doesn't win is he out in the cold without a campaign to run. without funds coming in to handle his legal expenses and three more cases facing him. he goes out and wins, everything except georgia goes away and georgia is just a mess. you need nikki haley supporters. some say they are just anti-trumpers, perhaps. others are just moderates. others are dissatisfied with democrats. and they said, you know, we want
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someone in between younger different diversity. whatever reason he has to find way. she made the move today to say i'm voting for trump. but, as soon as she comes forward and they're on the stage together, maybe dramatically at the rnc. they will start rolling in all the clips of how vicious they went after each other. >> ainsley: think about how hard she worked. she was on the campaign trail day after day after day. her husband was serving overseas and he just came home after she did pull out of the race in the march. i hear whether you have to pull out of the race, it's devastating for you when you work so hard. i'm sure she wanted to take a breather, take some time. be with her family. her husband comes home. she wanted to spend time with him. she comes out and has this interview. she gave a speech first and then she had the question and answer. didn't talk about who she is going to endorse or who she is voting for. then when they asked her the questions. she said, you know, if you compare the two. he hasn't been perfect. and i have made that crystal
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clear but when you have biden catastrophe in foreign policy and other things. she said it's more important for me to vote for trump. >> steve: brian, to your point about moderates and independents who were in her camp, the "new york times" this morning is talking about how the biden official -- the campaign officials apparently they are -- they say that that endorsement is not going to sway anybody to vote for donald trump, the biden people say. and so what he dhr doing is working behind the scenes to reach out to high profile republican and haley voters. is that gonna work? >> ainsley: i disagree with him. because if you wanted to vote for nikki haley and you like her policies and she is choosing one candidate over the other, and you really like her and respect her -- >> steve: ainsley, i agree with you. >> ainsley: that's what he they're saying, yeah. of course they're saying that. >> steve: yeah, there are some votes out there floating around grab them up. >> brian: i also think too the drama around donald trump is driven by his enemies, with the russia investigation, the extreme push on ukraine, a lot
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of things that happened people just vehemently against him and then he would react. and stuff that we now know was trumped up. i also say this. i think in the againing when nikki haley was running it's like hey, dodged, i'm going to give this a shot. i don't mind, mr. president, no problem you can be in. when she got close is when things got vicious and got personal. fundamentally in 2023, they were seeing eye to eye on seven out of 8 or 10 things until it got into a competition. >> carley: you are right. >> ainsley: i love they are saying they are going to have to go after the maga veepstakes. go after all the people possibly on his list. he says he might not make the announcement until july at the rnc. >> brian: a lot of attacking. >> steve: former president trump is going to make that stop at the bronx near aoc's district where no republican candidate has won in 100 years. >> brian: right. thousands of supporters have expected to turn out as a new siena poll has the former president now within single digits of president biden in new
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york. >> ainsley: that's pretty incredible because it was a little more than 20% in 2020 that joe biden beat donald trump. now this is single digit. the left wing demonstrations are already being planned as steve was talking about to try to counter the former president's visit like this poster seen circulating on social media claiming that trump is, quote: not welcome in the bronx. >> steve: see all those unions right there? "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy joins us right now. you were out and about in that neighborhood to essentially poll the audience. >> rachel: is he more than welcome that neighborhood. >> brian: you think so? >> rachel: listen, i was expecting maybe 50/50. i was on a street corner just blocks away from the park where is he going to make this campaign stop. i spoke to dozens of people. only one person had something negative to say about donald trump. and i wasn't sure if that person was all there. so, i'm telling you like i was shocked. open arms. just saying good.
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and proud. pride that he came. offended that aoc said it's an embarrassment that he has to come to the south bronx. remember she said he essentially has like an electric ankle monitor and it's embarrassing. they were offended that she said that by the way if he keeps going to the bronx he will be there that area more than aoc. remember when i went to queens they said we haven't seen this chick since she was campaigning brian. >> brian: okay, baby doll, easy on that. [laughter] >> ainsley: baby girl. >> brian: i apologize. baby doll. i'm thinking frank sinatra is he more of baby doll guy. >> rachel: based on my experience of being there, all afternoon yesterday and talking to so many people, if you see these counter protests, somebody has got to interview them. i think they are not from the bronx. i don't think they will be from the bronx. anyway, here is what happened when i went. >> i see democrats now coming out. they are like oh, trump is not welcome here. who are you? >> i think he should definitely
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come to the neighborhood. >> he should come. he should check out the people because trump is for the little man. >> donald trump is coming to the bronx. are the other girls going to be jealous? >> i don't know but i hope so. trump is doing something that no one has done. he is giving such a respect to the bronx. >> before trump, you know, it was not -- it was not really considered like would they really go into the democratic strongholds? would they really go into the poor neighborhoods. >> one of the very important things that i wish the republicans would understand is that even though you have -- you look at the registers and you see how many registered democrats are in the bronx and you say 80%, 90% are all democrats. not all democrats vote democrat. i happen to be one of those democrats that hasn't voted democrat since the age of ronald reagan. >> rachel: i have been intrigued by the impact of the trial of donald trump. and as an hispanic myself, it
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looks familiar to a lot of things we have seen in latin america. >> absolutely. i know a lot of friends of mine that are cuban and they are frustrated. cubans, nicaraguans, they see this in their country. >> i happen to be one that i'm still asking what is he being charged with? what is he being charged with? i'm still trying to figure that out. so i think it's not just me because, you know, we are not dummies, okay? even though democrats sometimes treat us like we are dummies. >> people that weren't interested in politics now, they are watching a sham trial, they are watching all these things happen. they are like what is going on? >> steve: that is such a good way to gauge the audience. number one issue has got to be the economy, right? >> >> rachel: economy, inflation. people look back fondly on the trump years. we thought things were getting brighter. inflation hits the poor the hardest. that was a big issue. crime, especially with women. the women i talked to said i don't feel safe walking down the
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street. and i used to feel safe walking down the street. the big shocker to me were two issues. the border, even people who said i prefer if you interview me in spanish i feel more comfortable saying i'm upset about what is happening at the border. resources are strained in our neighborhood. they are getting more resources and our kids are getting resources and i have been here for 20 years. i'm working my butt off and i can't get services here. so and they are attaching it to the crime. they are saying since the border was open, our crime rates have gone up. and then the other issue, which we touched on here, was the trial. i think it's been a double-edged sword. especially with the latino vote. i think hispanics look at this trial, again, she said i'm so still trying to figure out what the crime is and most people are in that boat. they see it for what it is. i think it's revealed the level of corruption that shocks them because a lot of these people love latin america and places where, you know, the justice system is politicized and they come here and they can't believe this is happening to donald trump. and they are excited that he is
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coming. i was floored. absolutely floored by the level of support. >> brian: i think for the longest time how long have we sat on this couch why aren't they going into chicago. trying to win a race in major city. all they do is complain. at least try. the message didn't resonate i will try again. the president can't say well i would have won new york but i didn't get the new york city. with, i'm going to try. i'm going to go to the bronx bronx, if the bronx go well go to brooklyn. staten island he has got. long island he has got. >> rachel: fun i couldn't bring up staten island. do you know what they said to me, several people said there is five boroughs, four run by democrats. the best economy and way of life is in staten island run by republicans. >> brian: very patriotic. >> rachel: they are starting to notice that republican-led places are fairing better. i would say yeah, that, you know, a lot of these people are like open arms. and i heard them say what do i have to lose? >> brian: right. >> rachel: it was just a
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fascinating visit. and they wants to -- they were happy that we were there. >> ainsley: if you want to go, 6:00 tonight at extra tone in a park. we are sending lawrence r ted he is coming back. he says i'm come bang e. back for this event. i want to interview the former president. >> brian: going to interview the president. >> rachel: i will tell lawrence to interview the counter protesters. becai didn't meet anybody. >> ainsley: where do you live? not one from the bronx. >> brian: my only hope is he is able to get these this speech off. seen almost all these speeches interrupted even in big trump events still heretics in the middle screaming. i worry this will be a wrong message. i think biden should go to oklahoma. he should go nebraska. you should win all 50 states. >> steve: i predict the gaza people are going to be there. >> brian: absolutely. they go everywhere. they don't have much to do, steve. this is all they do. >> ainsley: i don't think it's going to intimidate him.
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>> rachel: i don't either. >> ainsley: today record memorial day travel set to begin again as aaa predicts nearly 44 million travelers will leave town for the holiday weekend. >> steve: that would be the largest number seen in two decades. fox weather correspondent katy berne is on the road in pennsylvania i think you are at a rest stop, right, katy? >> katie: right along i-559 her. good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. if anybody has five day weekend plans i'm jealous. now is a good time to leave. things are moving on interstate 95 behind me. if you are in the northeast make sure windshield wiretaps are in good shape. we do have some showers, even possible severe storms in the forecast all across the i-95 corridor today. we are keeping our eye on that. once you do get on the road, this comes as no surprise, you are going to expect to be among a lot of company. we have almost 44 million americans leaving town this
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weekend according to aaa. that's a number that hasn't been seen in 20 years. the most traffic is expected today and tomorrow and here are the worst times to leave, any time between noon and 6:00 at night. that's when you are going to want to avoid the congestion. the aaa spokesperson in the mid-atlantic region. we spoke with her. she says this mohammed weekend is going to be a record breaker for road trips. >> the big news this year is we expect road trips will set an all-time record. with more than 90% of americans traveling by car or just about 38 million americans traveling. >> rachel: of course, most people we'll talk to here at this rest stop will be headed to the delaware beaches to kick off the unofficial start of summer. guys? >> steve: and i have got a feeling our president is probably going to be heading to the delaware beach, too. all right, katie, thank you very much for joining us live in pennsylvania. >> brian: few have recreational income, now is the time to use
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it. because traditionally, if you have a traditional work schedule, vacation is here. so, if you have money, if you feel have a little bit better. if inflation is not affecting you, that will gauge if you go on vacation and where you go on vacation. >> ainsley: aaa interviewed people out of the 55% that said they weren't going away, 73% of those said it was because they didn't have enough money. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: 15% says i can't take off work. i don't have time. >> steve: take a look at graphic. summer travel plans are higher prices affecting them? 72%, beyond the super majority say yes it's all about the cash. so the top domestic destinations this weekend by the way are orlando, seattle, new york city, probably for fleet week. vague, lovegas, los angeles, fot lauderdale and boston. >> ainsley: most of them
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driving. >> steve: a lot. >> ainsley: 38 by car. >> brian: according to joe biden we all have electric cars is there a flies plug in? do you know? >> steve: as long as you got wiretaps according to katy in the northeast it's going to be raining. >> ainsley: a fox news alert. at least nine people are dead and more than 60 injured after strong winds caused a stage to collapse during a presidential campaign rally in mexico. videos on social media say the stage's giant screen and metal structure came apart. sending politicians and supporters running for safety. mexico's presidential election is two weeks away. a los angeles woman is now brain dead after she was savagely attacked by a homeless man outside a mcdonald's. she was in the car with her husband when the attacker approached. they got out. they were overpowered. the attacker has been charged with a misdemeanor and released. we spoke with the couple's grandson who just wants justice.
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>> it was essentially a slap on the wrist. this man just feels like i guess he can do whatever he wants. >> a court hearing for the case is scheduled for tomorrow. ucla's chancellor will be on capitol hill today facing questions from lawmakers about the campus' anti-semitism after protesters on his campus clashed with lapd a few weeks ago. chancellor gene block saying in a campus wide letter quote i will continue to insist that anti-semitism as well as islamophobia, anti-arab hate and any form of bigotry, hostility or discrimination is antithetical to our values, corrosive to our community, and not to be tolerated. block is set at the appear along and northwestern university as well. later this morning. louisville officials are set to give update on the investigation of the number one golfer in the world scottie scheffler on the
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latest details what happened the morning of the second round of the pga championship in kentucky. scheffler is facing charges of assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, and reckless driving. his lawyers say he will enter a not guilty plea. in tennessee, the nashville metropolitan council ruling that country music star morgan wallen cannot have a knee on sign hanging outside of his new bar with his name on it. >> steve: why not? >> ainsley: council citing his past bad behavior including a recent incident of him allegedly throwing a chair. >> steve: oh, yeah. >> ainsley: remember that off a national roof top bar and nearly hitting police officers. wallen and the restaurant group licensing could take action. actress cate blanchett getting backlash for describing herself as a middle class person despite having a reported net worth of $95 million. she said, quote: i'm white, i'm privileged, i'm middle class, and i think you know one can be accused of having a bit of a
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white savior complex. people on social media say. >> brian: really? >> ainsley: the actress is out of touch. >> brian: least offensive thing is middle class in all those statements. here we go again. >> steve: who is she middle class compared to warren buffett maybe? >> brian: $93 million. >> ainsley: kansas music festival. >> depends on if you go. >> it's cannes. >> brian: who is toba. >> ainsley: is he in my ear. >> brian: we have not met him. >> steve: we will make that happen during this time-out. >> ainsley: he has only been here 26 years. >> brian: i have never seen him. was it rhoda the door man would call up and be on the speaker every day. >> steve: carlton the door man.
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>> brian: how did you know that? that's incredible. >> steve: you're welcome. >> brian: without chris chulo. >> steve: i have a lot of useless trivia in my head. [doorbell] >> steve: a fox weather alert. roofs torn and homes shattered as tornado rips through texas. >> brian: thousands of business owners say they can't survive another four years under president biden. two of them join us, next. ♪
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clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. - after military service, you bring a lot back to civilian life. leadership skills. technical ability. and a drive to serve in new ways. syracuse university's d'aniello institute for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. another afternoon, evening of severe weather across the south, the ohio, the tennessee, the mississippi river valley. we are potentially going to see devastating storms into the memorial day weekend. taking a look at texas, we had tornadoes reports in texas, flooding reports, hail, over 3 inches in diameter. and then look at the temperatures as we go through the next couple of days, houston, you'll recall, had a tornadoes and a derecho on friday of last week. and then the temperatures are going to be soaring. so those that are still without power are dealing with extreme heat early in the season. and this is the tornadoes tally over the last couple of days for
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the other states, including oklahoma, kansas, in towards illinois. up towards up towards the upper midwest. potential for severe weather up towards texas and arkansas and also have a severe thunderstorm warning for central pennsylvania. the forecast over the weekend as we go for severe storms across the plain states. some of the same areas that have been hit hard over the last few weeks watch this as we go through the next few days. a lot of people traveling. fox all of your alerts and keep you up to dated as well. steve, my friend, it's been so busy. i hope people are really, really careful. >> steve: absolutely. some people were traveling. good luck. thank you so much. >> janice: got it. >> steve: bidenomics. inflation is crushing not only you at home but small business owners with thousands warning they are at risk of closing. a new survey finding nearly 49% say they will definitely or
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probably not survive another four years if joe biden is president. our next guests have seen the impact firsthand. kaitlin swap everywhere of just baked bakery and deli joins us now and joseph join us live. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> steve: kaitlin, i understand you opened your place in 2020 this had been a dream of yours since you were a little girl in middle school. you opened it with your mom. prices have so skyrocketed, i know you use a lot of eggs. what is the price of eggs look like now compared to what you were paying in 2020. >> yeah. so in 2020 when we first opened, we would pay, you know, around $15 a case for eggs, which is 15 dozen. now it's upwards of $50 and sometimes it's $100 for a case of eggs. >> steve: 50 to 100 bucks? same eggs?
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>> yep. we were citing this maize freedom index. apparently 40% of business owners forced to delay bill payments in order to manage cash flow. in other words, i know you opened your business with your best friend and brother, i think, y'all worked at microsoft. but then you opened a business, you know, dreams of this working out really well, but now, are you also taking a look at the bills saying, you know what? let's see if we can pay this one next month. >> yes. that's happening every day for the credit card, for the loan, i have loan. i have credit card bills. everything like the eggs, just one item is a lot of items. eggs get like triple price. even gas, gas is getting too expensive. like when we go shopping, we have to pay for gas, and, you know, when you go things like
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salsa or bread. everything become very expensive. we can't put prices too high because people can't afford. >> steve: i know. >> steve: kaitlin, to maher's point, the customer. >> the price of eggs gone up five fold in some cases for you, but the customer is also facing higher prices. what you are noticing at your place is either they come in and they buy one thing and two people share it, they split it rather than just buying one or they don't come as often, right, kaitlin? >> right, yeah. we have a lot of our regular customers who have -- they are no longer regular customers. they maybe come once a month instead of once a week. or they are not buying their cakes from us anymore because we have to charge more than a grocery store. they are buying it at walmart and crest and stuff like that.
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>> steve: mahre. let's end where we started. according to that survey, so many people in small business say that there's a real good possibility they would not be able to survive another four years with the joe biden policies. do you feel that way? >> i feel that way. and you know, biden should do something about it. and he should never, like, you know, continue. because he only care about himself and his family and we work like slave. we make money and we give him and i don't know what he put the money. in and he just collecting money for himself and his family and his cabinet. and we all struggle. everybody struggle. i don't know how we are going to continue like that. >> steve: no kidding. thank you both for telling us your story. kaitlin, where are you located? >> we're in yukon, oklahoma. >> steve: that's right. if people would like to stop by the just baked bakery what's your special today?
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>> we have been running sour dough lately. fresh laked sour dough with fresh sliced roast beef. >> steve: and stop by the pluto cafe in seattle as well. guys, good luck to you. >> thank you so much. god bless you and god bless america. >> steve: indeed, god bless america. god bless will cain, he is coming up next. ♪ wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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on premium kitchenaid appliances. get everything you need to make a statement in the kitchen and on the table. shop lowe's now for great memorial day deals. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at ♪ >> ainsley: we are back with the faa revealing a potentially dangerous flaw in boeing 777 planes regarding the fuel tank. todd piro has the story. todd? >> todd: ainsley, a headline like that certainly gets your attention. the federal aviation administration finding a flaw with some of boeing's aircraft saying the condition, quote, if not addressed could result in an ignition source inside the fuel tank and subsequent fire or explosion. now, this issue stems from electrical insulation near the
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plane's fuel tank leaving a possibility the entire aircraft could burst into flames. a boeing spokeswoman responding to the story, which was first reported by "the daily mail" saying quote, "the daily mail" story is misleading and reckless. it makes incorrect connections and sensationalizes the standard regulatory process that has helped ensure air travel is the safest form of transportation. this is not an immediate safety of flight issue. there are multiple redundancies designed into modern commercial airplanes to ensure protection for electromagnetic effects. now as ainsley mentioned boeing has had a number of concerning incidents recently which include tires falling off, doors falling off and engine covers blowing off during flight. brian, over to you. >> brian: all bad things. >> todd: not good things. >> brian: thanks, todd. 21 minutes before the top of the hour from iowa to the wnba caitlin clark dominating the court inspiring women in many
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ways people to play sports. on over on abc sunny hostin's view her popularity is about pretty privilege. >> i do think there is a thing called pretty privilege. there is a thing called white privilege. there is a thing called total privilege. but i do think she is more relatable to more people because she's white, because she's attractive. >> brian: unbelievable. here with reaction "fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain. i learned something new i didn't know there was a pretty privilege and a tall privilege. your thoughts. >> my thoughts are "the view" gets uglier and uglier, brian. it's full of hateful speech and dismisses people based on superficial characteristics. it's racist. caitlin clark is the all time women's scorer. greatest women's basketball player of all time. she revolutionized the game. woman's steph curry, pulls up from the logo to hit the shot. to wipe all that way, brian, because she has white skin is to
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me not just ugly but the definition of racist: these women by the way also said around the table some of the women's college some of the wnba players are better than the men. they embarked on a competition, brian, to say as many stupid things in two minutes as possible. i think they won. >> brian: one thing about sports is there really is no privilege. it's all about performance. and if she was the most attractive person to ever walk the face of the earth and couldn't get open and couldn't hit a shot, she would be the most attractive bench person to ever watch a game. that would be it. that's the only place where all is equal. it's pretty clear the wnba has viewer interest up 21% since she joined the league a couple weeks ago. there is so much to say there too; >> will: real quick on this she threw in pretty and tall. white privilege based on jamal hill column. even if it race was a factor
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it's not that people is white and like girls. people watch anomalies in schools. catch dana can i patrick in motorsports and tiger woods in golf. look at that, that's different. that's fascinating. >> brian: great point. now let's move on to something extremely complex but it's changing we have got to stay on top of it. especially where you are from college sports rules the world northeast not as big. finding out a move not only with nil to get players imemergency and likeness arch manning at the top of the frame. earned $2.8 million last year because of his last name and potential but he barely played. but now they are going to do something else. the ncaa might be cutting a deal with the top schools in division 1 college athletics and they can share in revenue with the players? can you expand on this? >> yeah. and i don't even know it would include the ncaa. we might be seeing the end of the ncaa. what you are talking about is private equity come in.
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they don't get to take equity in a school, obviously. they say they make a deal. private equity group owns ac milan one of the biggest soccer clubs in the world saying make a deal with five of ten of the biggest colleges for essentially like merchandising and branding. and they can't, again, take equity. what they can take is ongoing royalty payment. if they increase the number of, for example, i don't know that texas would be one of the five in 10 schools. the longhorns brand logo and sales over the next 10 to 20 years they get a cut. i don't know in the end how this plays out, brian. and i don't think anybody does. that's the whole point. it's over. like what we know of college spores is over. amateurism is over. and my guess is no matter what we throw into here. private equity nil. players getting paid. the end result will be there will be about 20 schools that further separate themselves from the pack and they will be the elite. they will be a super league,
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quasi professional and playing a different sport than say the rest of the 70 teams in college football or whatever. and by the way it also separates football from other other sport. >> brian: maybe basketball will be following suit. the collegiate athletic solution 10 to $15 million apiece in five universities. so far the ncaa for now is poised to agree to this. wow. unbelievable what is happening. but if they are not student athletes, do we still care as much or does it become the a.a.a. of the nfl? will, it's fascinating stuff. thanks so much. appreciate it. we will watch you all weekend. >> will: thanks, brian. >> brian: with the unofficial start to summer around the corner. skip bedell has the ultimate checklist for your summer barbecue and brought it all with him. he always travels with turf. we appreciate that. ♪
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[laughter] paybacks. >> shut up, shut up, shut up. [laughter] >> carley: boy have we all been there. the survey reveals 25% of americans say moving is more stressful than landing a plane in an emergency. you got to land a plane. packing stinks. >> steve: i remember when my wife moved out of her apartment in washington, d.c. a friend of mine a camera guy from the station i worked at and i moved her couch out the door. we screwed it up so much we had to buy a new couch. >> carley: have you had to buy a new staircase as well. walls are all destroyed. >> steve: probably lost security deposit. need an app. to move. >> carley: phenomenal idea. a new study shows one in four americans consider themselves car incompatible with their partners or spouses.
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the poll analyzing the different ways each partner uses and treats their vehicle. their survey also revealing 10% of men would consider it a deal breaker if they're not car compatible with their partner. steve, what do you think about that? >> steve: here's the thing. listen, i don't readjust everything after my wife has been driving; however, if she is driving, i will suggest now in a mile or so you might want to change lanes. she does not want to hear that from me because she is the driver and she knows what she is going to do. >> carley: back seating driving. >> carley: i'm car compatible with anybody. i don't drive. i'm happy if you take me somewhere. >> steve: i do a morning show about 15 minutes into a long drive i'm asleep. and if you are driving that's a problem. my wife drives everywhere. >> carley: don't fall asleep at the wheel, steve. >> steve: it's a bad idea. let us know what you think email us carley, thank you very much. >> carley: thank you. >> steve: steve let's go outside to janice, brian and skip.
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>> ainsley: time to kick off the summer season and outdoor kitchen and grills set up here. >> brian: we should say skip does. home contractor skip bedell. >> janice: you didn't see me in the commercial break? >> brian: you did not help, janice. skip, take it away. >> skip: dyi pizza ovens. up and running in one day. three to show you. super exciting this is a rolling pizzeria on a cart. it's great. roll it into place when you want to use it. tuck it away when you are not. made by ever door. propane pizza oven, barbecue tanks, roll out trays for your pizza. and this whole prep station, make your pizza right here amazing, right? >> janice: who comes with this to make the pizza. >> comes the way you see it. it just shows up and super easy dyi. >> ainsley: this is your thing you do the bagel pizzas. >> skip: super easy.
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available on barbecue guys right now. i want to show this you a little patio heater? >> janice: love this in the studio? >> skip: keep you heated up. >> ainsley: keep it next to brian. >> skip: bistro sets, barbecues. slide down to this one. i want to show you. this this is on barbecue you can find multiple islands like this. different sizes and colors. what's cool about this it comes the way you see it. very little assembly up and running the same day. slide the grill in place and you got it. outdoor rated refrigerator so it's all year long. the best part today only guys on barbecue if you buy an island you get a free pizza oven today. >> brian: what's that called? >> outdoor rated refrigerator. >> brian: always tell me to shut mine off. >> leave it hot, cold. so today only, on barbecue guys, free pizza one any mont space alpi island.
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>> brian: all year long. >> skip: wrap up big. >> this is blazes top of the line premium lte grill. multiple burners, stainless steel, all your storage on self-closing divars. nice comes in a lot of different colors. what i love about this is the pizza oven, watch this. rotating pizza oven. wheel inside there. you have a rotisserie. >> janice: could you put chicken in there. >> rotisserie oven, pizza oven. and also when you are not using the pizza or rotisserie, you have baking trays that can make your muffins and all your baking goods. >> brian: why ever go indoors. america is sick of hot dogs. >> everything i'm showing you today right now suspect to 60% off sale for viewers for memorial day weekend. barbecue has got it all. >> janice: i love all of this. >> check out fire tables and couches. do you know what is cool about it it's a one stop shop. i get all my stuff get whatever you want. furniture, grills, bbq
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>> janice: i will be doing the weather from this set the rest of the summer. >> skip: love you guys. >> ainsley: more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ ♪ choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms.
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