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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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the east coast. thursday, may 23rd. this is "fox & friends." trump is hitting the campaign trail today in the south bronx. we sent rachel campos-duffy there to get the pulse of the people. >> that's amazing. i think it's epic. >> it's the best thing ever. >> rachel: how will he be received here? >> open arms. >> steve: tonthat's tonight. looking for epic lesson. one nbc host says if your finances are bad you might just be confused. but 72% of americans tell us they are cutting back on summer travel because of high prices. >> brian: and, back kids love flo rida as much as we do. ♪ >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better with friends. yep.
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>> steve: action. >> ainsley: roll the animation. >> steve: that's better. >> brian: wearing the same thing. >> steve: i know. look at that in a couple hours president biden and the president of kenya are going to be. >> brian: the whole stopped for a moment. i didn't think the earth was spinning. >> steve: i was waiting. the president sounds like is going to have a little press conference today. the white house urging leaders to help lessen kenya's debt. >> ainsley: meanwhile democrats are sounding the alarm about biden's age for the upcoming presidential election. >> brian: peter doocy is live outside the white house. hey, peter. >> peter: and the big political headline overnight we know now that a lot has changed since february when nikki haley said she would -- she did not think that donald trump is qualified to be president now she says she will vote for him for president. >> trump has not been perfect on these policies. i have made that clear many, many times. but, biden has been a catastrophe.
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so, i will be voting for trump. >> pete: haley represents about one in five voters right now. that is houmsee they could change their minds about who they will support in a new quinnipiac poll. in a two-way race, biden supporters are more likely than trump's to look elsewhere. in a three-way race, r.f.k. jr.'s supporters are by far the most likely to jump ship. and trump right now is hoping to expand the electoral map to new york with a stop in the south bronx tonight. is he only down 9 points to biden in a new siena college poll. the empire state has 28 electoral votes. usually off the board early on election night giving democrats some pad if that swings. biden's pathway to victory is extremely narrow. and top democratic thinkers have some ideas about the elephant in the room slowing biden down. >> the age issue is suffocating him. and he needs to bring up that he
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is only four years older than trump. he has got to turn that around. need to quit complaining about the "times" covering his age and polling is no good. that's a waste of time. don't do that. >> there is going to be a rare but probably pretty short joint press conference today with president biden and kenya's president mute toe. we would expect them both to take two questions the visit today is seen as a substitute for the drip to africa that president biden promised he was going to take last year but didn't. now he says he will go in february after he wins re-election. back to you when the last time had an actual press conference all you people in the room and called on like 50 people. >> brian: all the randomly. >> peter: last time he called on 50 people was two years ago,
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three years ago. made a whole show of going for two hours and books have been written since that say that the first lady was standing in the back looking at the press team who is going to pull him? now they do everything much more abrief brief katieed. but it's been a while. >> ainsley: why is that? do you hear anything behind the scenes? >> peter: i hear a lot of things behind the scenes, yeah. >> ainsley: anything you want to share? >> peter: they just want to control -- it seems like they want to control the message right now it's complicated white house officials who want an official policy statement made and they don't want to deviate from that and then you have these folks up in wilmington who want specific campaign things out. and president biden is kind of in the middle and a rose garden ceremony with president of kenya is not really a great place to talk politics even though that's all that anybody white house
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officials trying to figure out who to call on who is not going to ask any question about the nine mistakes he made in the naacp speech over the weekend. >> steve: that's one of the reasons they want to control him is he a gaffe machine right now. he was on a teleprompter then. unlike you, peter. just add libbing your way to start this thursday. >> peter: it's all queue cards. we have been up since midnight looking at the coul cue cards. >> brian: 24 hours ago we heard bill maher on "the view" and basically saying why don't you endorse, bill. it would be great if you got behind joe biden why don't you say it? is he a little upset joe biden skews very old. i don't like a lookout of stuff he has done. he doesn't like trump but i'm not going to go out and endorse. other major player that people really want in politics support him is charlamagne tha god. hosts the breakfast club at the same time we are on the air. he has a podcast. got his own companies. he has actually his own channel
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he fills in on the daily show. he famously has had great moments on his show. remember when hillary clinton took out the hot sauce because he know notice black community evidently they -- many travel with the hot sauce? many thought that was pandering. remember when joe biden came out and said if you don't vote for me you ain't black? that was to charlamagne tha god. he has a book out. thought he would stop on "the view" yesterday prior to going out on the set he has made it clear i'm not endorsing anybody this time. i went with biden last time. i'm not endorsing this time. >> so, listen to this. >> you endorsed joe biden back in 2020, but this time around you say you're not going to endorse anybody. charlamagne now is not the time in my opinion to sit this one out. >> yeah. i never said i was sitting it out. >> what's you going to do. >> i'm definitely voting in november. what i like to focus on is issues not individuals. >> well, why not endorse biden? >> we need you to do it or your show. >> the reality is i think both candidates are trash.
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because i'm -- but i am going to vote in november. i'm going to vote my best interest and i'm going to vote who i think can preserve democracy. i think the person who goes out there and probably energizes their base the best at this point. and when you look at somebody like president biden, feels like his base is pretty pissed off at him. >> help him out, help him out. >> >> help him out by doing what? >> brian: do you believe this? >> ainsley: why are they pushing so hard for bill maher. >> steve: to be like them. >> y'all wants me to do this? whoopi said no it's not for us. it's for the people. >> brian: it's crazy. >> steve: is he trying to sell a book. he would like to sell the book to the entire country. both sides. it is interesting though when he said you know, i'm all about issues. i'm going to vote. i bet he does endorse somebody. just a little before the election. >> ainsley: you think so? i don't think he will. >> steve: he did say one little-owe gave one little hint and he said will ho will be best
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to protect democracy, which we know which candidate that is. >> brian: is he upset about january 6th as is bill maher upset about january 6th. he is fixated on that. if you listen to him talk and interviews. is he really upset about the border and economy, too. is he really upset about the illegal immigration taking over this city and hurting a lot of the working class and minorities in this city, too. when it comes to a lot of these things. how could he possibly vote for someone that's allowed this to happen. he is in a tough situation. just like bill maher and just like liz cheney is he also just fixated on october 6th. he believes the president was trying to overthrow the government and he can't get over that. i don't feel that way. we already saw the theater. we saw the -- we saw the investigation. we saw how political it was. nobody lauds and thinks that was great moment on january 6th. but it's been overstated and overdone. i will have a chance to talk to him soon. and we will see it next week. >> ainsley: charlamagne?
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>> brian: we will have it on this show. >> steve: one thing about him endorsing joe biden last time. he really endorsed joe biden because he felt like kamala harris was going to be an historic transformational character in american history. now fast-forward over three and a half years, we have heard him say what happened to her? >> brian: is he really disappointed in her. >> ainsley: disappointed in the wrong way. >> brian: the person i knew before she was vice presidential candidate is not the person i see now. totally let him down. ainsley: it it says a lot that he endorsed in 2020, joe biden,and now he is saying i know i'm going to vote but i'm not endorsing. >> steve: remember a couple days ago we told you about how the atlantic had this article talking about the number one issue is the economy and right now joe biden is losing. but, when you look at the numbers, the numbers are really good but people just don't feel like they're good. we have also seen "new york times" columnist say the same thing. the numbers are good but feel -- people feel bad. over on msnbc yesterday, stephanie ruhle had austin
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goolsbee on who is a great guest. he knows about economics. >> brian: i actually hosted "the five" with him once. he was here a lot. >> steve: brilliant guy. >> ainsley: president of chicago's federal reserve. >> steve: he used to come on this show. here she is and saying the same thing we have heard time and again from people on the left who are trying to help joe biden numbers are good but people don't feel good about it. here is stefani and austin. >> economic explainer. people are confused. they are exhausted but they are also doing quite well. so i want to start with price. they have been an issue for everyone. what is your take when you hear about big consumer brands actually cutting prices? >> good. but, you've had -- you've had inflation that got way too high in the u.s. and in other countries around the world. incomes didn't keep up with that i think the economy is doing well but we get shocks from
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outside the united states that can throw us off. and we have seen that happen with supply chains. we have seen that happen with wars. we have seen that happen with oil prices. and so i think we're kind of keeping our fingers crossed we don't get another. >> steve: i don't think that's the answer she thought she was going to get. >> ainsley: she was talking about how we noticed some of the big box stores cutting prices like target. and it's going to be interesting to see how target -- how they fair through that process. i think they are lowering them to attract all of us to go to that store. >> bargain hunters. >> all the other stores raising prices. i have this idea we are going to lower prices and see if our numbers are good. she talked about how some of the fast food restaurants is cutting prices. wengedy's offering $3 breakfast deal. mcdonald's offering a lower priced value meal. >> steve: would suggest during joe biden's economy look at all these places cutting prices. you shouldn't feel so bad. but we know people feel bad. >> brian: what is so interesting is. steve, you are right.
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a lot of the numbers are good when it comes to unemployment. a lot of numbers are good when it comes to growth. maybe not as good in the last quarter. one thing people are noticing is the inflation rate. for the longest time the president said said look our inflation is better than everyone else's. for a time it was accurate and now it's not. inflation going so low at the u.k. they are actually going to cut rates. and the eu is right behind them they are cutting rates. china is beginning to recover. the president can no longer say it's a tough situation coming out of the pandemic. i was handed a bad roster and i'm trying to make the best of it and we are coming out quicker. he can't say that and then he wants to have corporate greed. he is blaming corporations for jacking prices up for maximum profit. so he is blaming the grocery store owners. >> ainsley: meanwhile here in the u.s. they are talking about possibly raising interest rates again. the minutes were released from the last meeting and there were a lot of people in the room that vote on this that were suggesting that we should increase prices again. and that affected the stock market yesterday.
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>> steve: it did, indeed. brian, to your point. joe biden needs a boogie man, it's also blame the republicans. now given we're three and a half years plus into the joe biden economy, he has got to blame -- okay, i have been blaming republicans for a long time. now i need to blame companies. >> ainsley: for jacking up prices. >> steve: look, target is cutting the prices and all that other stuff about a new $5 mcdonald's value meal and things like that. hey, are things getting better? people don't feel that good. we had a small business owner on from oklahoma about an hour ago. and she said when she opened her bakery in yukon, oklahoma in 2020, in 2020, with her mother, eggs were $15 a carton. they are now 50 to $100 a carton. and she doesn't know if she is going to be able to make it. >> brian: when margins are so small on restaurants and grocery stores, you have to raise the price. it's not gouging. you don't gouge people when things are tight. >> ainsley: they don't want to
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raise the prices they know it's going to effected who is coming in the door. >> brian: what they buy. >> ainsley: because everything is more expensive, a lot of people are opting to stay home. it's affecting summer travel plans. 72% say it's a big deal for them. it's going to effect their summer travel plans. only 28% say no, not much. >> steve: what are the big problems for your family? not surprising, grocery prices. gas prices, the cost of electricity as well. add to that insurance. i hear from so many people that the insurance is through the roof and there are a number of insurance companies that have actually pulled out of different states because their losses in the past. >> ainsley: thursday the aaa they looked at thursday through monday travel. >> so the highways are going to be busy if new if you are headig out of town leave right now -- after the show. leave in an hour and 45 minutes. traveling after work and going to skip tomorrow and tomorrow is the middle school. out of 55% of those not going away, 73 percent said they don't
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have enough money for a trip. >> brian: a couple things i had would like to add to that the last thing you read on that list is utility costs. some people when i leave the set will go you keep focusing on gas prices in your car. we are talking about the utility costs are doubling and tripling and air conditioning season is about to start as heat goes away according to reports. i haven't talked to janice lately. i do think it's going to get hotter in the summer. i would add that, too. and also when it comes to excess income on vacation. a lot of people just saying i'm not doing it this year, which is going to hurt the entertainment industry. the resort industry, the cruise industry. so, it could ripple on down. >> steve: i was readings this morning according to aaa the cost of gas is only up 6 cents more than a year ago. keep in mind it has gone up significantly during the biden administration. >> ainsley: it's still a lot. >> steve: still 3.60 a gallon. >> ainsley: speaking of travel. a lot of people are going to be jumping on planes.
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the faa catastrophic flaw in boeing 777 planes regarding their fuel tanks. >> steve: i don't like the sound of that that goes on a long laundry list of problems. >> ainsley: you should drive. >> steve: that the travel giant has been facing lately. >> brian: take my hatchback vega on vacation this year. todd piro joins us with more. >> todd: natural to not want to hear plane fire/explosion in the same sentence. faa, federal aviation administration finding a flaw with some of boeing's aircraft saying, quote: this condition if not addressed could result in an ignition source inside the fuel tank and subsequent fire or explosion. again, you never want to hear that sentence together. the issue stems from electrical insulation neither plain's fuel tank, leaving a possibility the entire aircraft could burst into flames. now, a boeing spokeswoman responding to the story, which was first reported by "the daily mail," quote: "the daily mail" story is misleading and reckless. it makes incorrect connections
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and sensationalizes the standard regulatory safest form of transportation. this is not an immediate safety of flight issue. there are multiple redundancies designed into modern northwesterly airplanes to ensure protection for electromagnetic effects. but, as you guys mentioned. boeing has had a number of concerning incidents recently, including tires falling off, doors falling off, engine covers blowing off, all during flight. not good. back over to you. >> steve: not good. and a record number of people will be getting on a plane today wondering am i in a 777? >> todd: it makes you think. you know, we don't want to disparage boeing in any way, shape, or form. let's be realistic any of us who bookdz a flight we kind of take a look. and a lot of people have a second pause, you know, they say should i be doing this? again, air travel is still safe, but you have to think. >> brian: that's why i always talk to the lead mechanic when i call jetblue. can i talk to the guy who put
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the plane together. sure enough he will have the ratchet going. put it down for a second and i will talk to him. did you do a good job making that plane? >> ainsley: this reminds me of the university. >> steve: how do you call the head mechanic? >> brian: you have to know people. 1-888-jetblue and i hold and i hit 4. >> ainsley: golf bags off the plane and throwing them. the golfers on the team were flying out to california. >> brian: east tennessee state. >> ainsley: they all videotaped it. the golf clubs were fine. >> steve: speaking of golfers and videotape. the scottie scheffler body cam stuff is going to come out today. >> ainsley: he is supposed to be great guy though. i'm pulling for him. >> brian: he has only been arrested once. look at this. could you imagine this? you are in the ncaa finals and this is what they are doing with your clubs. fantastic. >> ainsley: equipment. >> steve: as long as they are doing it to both teams. >> brian: yeah, that's right. >> ainsley: make it fair. >> steve: okay. how did you find that video so quickly.
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good job, control room. >> steve: indeed. >> brian: i can't wait to meet the people in the control room i have not met them either. too busy with the head mechanic. >> steve: carley shimkus. carley, have you ever actually called a mechanic? >> carley: this is why you have to walk everywhere, guys. >> brian: you don't even drive. >> carley: 1700s, just two feet on the ground at all times. >> ainsley: walk to your vacation. staff staff with a staph. >> brian: jefferson never talked about plane crashes. >> carley: another transportation situation to get do here. a wild police chase in southern california caught on camera overnight ending in a massive wreck. police say the driver was wanted for alle weapon before startinge chase. after the crash the driver tried to escape on foot before being ran down by the lapd. there is no official word yet on any injuries or charges.
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new charges allegedly show hunter biden asking to set up his dad and uncle with a meeting with the chinese energy company executive in new york city. hunter's text message saying, quote: can you meet this evening early. my father will be in new york, also. and he wants me to attend the sandy hook memorial service with him and i would like him to meet you along with my uncle and then you and can i talk. president biden maintains he never spoke those son about his overseas business dealings. >> brian: right. >> carley: happening today, georgia state senate will hold a hearing to investigate fulton county district attorney fani willis over possible misuse of state funds. allegations of misconduct. and potential conflicts of interest. this comes as the former trump special prosecutor in his georgia election case, nathan wade, defends his relationship with willis in a new interview. watch this. >> our relationship was professional. our relationship grew
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organically over time. workplace romances are as american as apple pie, that it could happen to anyone. i felt we dealt with in a manner. >> carley: salacious slice of apple pie. nathan wade was spotted at fani willis' post victory party after he resigned from trump's georgia case back in march. the expected to file a suit against live nation. ticketmaster as soon as today. the lawsuit is expected to allege leveraged its footprint as a concert promoter, ticket seller, and venue owner to ice out rivals. as the company is accused of having too much influence over live entertainment events. in 2022 ticketmaster angered taylor swift fans when its website crashed during a presale period for her eros tour. we all remember that may is national bike month.
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one encouraging ditch the bus and ride a bike with assistance from this absolute jam from the one and only flo rida. ♪ ♪ >> carley: they're cruising the teacher who started the bike ride do a great job of keeping everyone safe. and most importantly having fun and that's what flo rida is good at. having fun. >> brian: they are going to school? >> steve: they are going to school. >> ainsley: it actually does look very fun. >> carley: yeah, awesome. >> steve: more exercise in some soul classes i have been to. those kids will need a change of clothes. >> carley: get those kids outside though. that's a great way to start the day. >> ainsley: ride home. maybe they change in the locker room. >> brian: i was reading this parenting book letting the kids go back to ride and walk to school again even if it's a risk
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and they are toddlers. >> ainsley: we had her on our show. >> steve: brian, your kids are grown up. now you are reading the parenting tips? >> brian: i should have. that didn't really sink. in. >> carley: when dawn told you to read the books 22 years ago at least i got to it two decades later. >> brian: all-american concert series flo rida is going to be here tomorrow. >> steve: we need a bike for him. >> brian: dvr the show. >> ainsley: wear your apple bottom jeans, brian. >> steve: with the fur. >> brian: i don't know what they are referring. to say rachel campos-duffy will walk out soon. she got the pulse of the people. >> that's amazing. i think it's epic. >> it's the best thing ever. >> rachel: how will he be received here? >> open arms. >> ainsley: we have more of her visit with the bronx.! visit with the bronx.! >> steve: come on up. ♪ fro inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button.
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so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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yeah, guys, ucla chancellor will face house committee this morning face questioning about ucla's response anti-semitism on campus. hundreds of anti-israel protesters took over the ucla campus earlier this month. police were called in to forcibly remove the protesters after refusing to take down encampment on campus. hosts reacting to the chaos live as it was happening. >> a lot of chaos. lots of fighting breaking out. >> like watching a live brawl for two and a half hours. >> complete anarchy and chaos on the campus of a major american university and nobody doing a thing about it. >> block saying in a campus wide letter i will continue to insist anti-semitism as well as islamophobia, anti-arab hate, bigotry or discrimination is antithetical to our values, corrosive to our community and not to be tolerated. block is set to northwestern
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university as well. guys? >> steve: all right. brook. thank you. >> brian: both sides of the aisle should be outraged what is taking place. it shouldn't be a partisan thing. >> steve: it is. >> ainsley: happening today donald trump is set to make a campaign stop in the traditionally deep blue south bronx. >> brian: very few votes there in the past. he wants to change it. we sent out "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy out there. in fact, to talk to voters. in fact, i even asked her to come and sit on the couch and she responded. it seems like. >> ainsley: what you always say three names, one person. >> rachel: three names, one person. open arms for me here just like open arms for trump in south bronx. >> brian: you said you like the bronx. >> rachel: everyone was so friendly. i will tell you i was expectation a lot more like ambivalence or maybe even some negativity about donald trump coming because, remember, the democrats are putting out the message he's not welcome in the south bronx. that's not the message i got. look.
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>> rachel: donald trump is set to make an historic visit right here in the south bronx. i decided to pop in and talk to some people who are going to be there to see why they're excited about the former president coming to their neighborhood. >> i think that's amazing. >> i think it's epic. >> it's the best thing. >> are you going to go? >> yeah. >> rachel: how will he be received here? >> open arms. >> rachel: really? >> open arms. everybody is going to show the love. you come show love they will slow he show you love right back. >> if i see them what's up and thank you for what you did. 50/50, honestly. people will have love and hate. some people do love him. better than joe biden. >> rachel: was life in the bronx better under donald trump or under joe biden. >> it was better under donald trump. i can tell you that the bronx has been through many changes. and everything was getting back on track. and then, you know, everything is like falling apart again. >> citizens can't walk in the street. our children are being killed.
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groceries, when you go to the grocery store and you can't even buy anything anymore. >> everybody needs help. people need housing. instead of giving migrants and everybody coming from other countries help. we americans give us help. [speaking spanish] >> rachel: they are giving all the money to the immigrants: i'm not against that. >> no. [speaking spanish] >> rachel: the problem is they are cutting our stuff. what can biden do at this point? >> nothing. even if he did something, we're beyond the pointed notify return when everybody is on the trump train. >> i'm a democrat. all my life i have been a democrat. but democrats have used us and abused us. and they think that they own us. and donald trump, he is giving opportunity. >> black people and hispanic people are very happy about him coming here. and they want to see the options
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and they want to put pressure on democrats to step their game up and maybe republicans have an opportunity here. they cannot let go. >> rachel: what's your advice to trump? >> my advice to trump, just to be himself. to be relatable. >> don't change. don't switch up because they are trying to take you down. you was in the white house. a lot of people want your spot. >> come to the park and keep it real with the people. >> just let us know exactly what you are going to do for everyone. not just the hispanic community, not just the black and the minority communities, but for america because when america succeeds, we all succeed. >> steve: that is great. it shows that he has got a lot of support there. the problem for him today is at 6:00 it sounds like people who don't like trump are going to have a counter protest right next to it. you got people saying we love him and other people saying 180. >> rachel: the question is who are those other people? i went down to that district. i was on a corner you know talking to random people that
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came up to me. some of those people we planned to meet with them. but then i went to a corner and i talked to dozens of people. only one person, who was not all with it, said she was anti- -- was against trump. everybody else said open arms. come on in. they were honored that he is coming to their district. remember, aoc said you know, it's a disgrace. it's a shame. it's a embarrassment that he has to go to the bronx. i asked him about that. he said there is no shame in coming to the bronx. we are honored is he coming. come on over. open arms. >> steve: one person wasn't always is he a biden supporter? >> rachel: that's right. the question will be for lawrence who is going to be there tonight and is he going to interview the president as well. if he sees those counter protests, he should go up and find out who are these people? who is funding them. >> ainsley: we will. >> rachel: didn't seem like anybody from that district. >> brian: my hope they are far enough away. the nypd is not and trump.
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in fact, they have had it with the people that are running the city. my hope is go protest, you have your right. but people have a right to hear the former president. keep them separate. >> rachel: the people i talked to were people -- they all said they looked back fondly on the economic years under donald trump. they're frustrated with the crime that they see associated with. >> brian: alvin bragg. >> rachel: alvin bragg and illegal immigration. ever since joe biden opened the border, the crime has gone up in our neighborhood. so, i was really surprised. it was crime, inflation, and the border. >> ainsley: all right. >> brian: come back again? >> rachel: coming back again. >> ainsley: speaking at core tone in a park at 6:00 tonight if you want to go. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ #
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. another afternoon and evening yesterday of severe storms including tornadoes in texas. we have the same set up today and through the weekend. taking a look at it, we have a severe thunderstorm warning for central texas and looks like we have a couple of severe thunderstorm warnings for parts of pennsylvania and north of new york area. the area of concern across the plain states. some of the same regions gotten tornadoes after the last few weeks heavy rain causing flooding strong winds and heavy rail. we an at this time pace for dfw atlanta memphis up to boston today. memorial day forecast showers, thunderstorms, potential for severe weather across the midwest and the mid-a another rd moving in on sunday. fox will give you all of your alerts have a way to get watches and warnings. it's not going to subside this memorial day weekend. all right, brian, i'm going to toss it over to you.
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>> brian: thanks so much, janice, shocking new records show top adviser to dr. anthony fauci deleted emails relating to covid and used private accounts to prevent their communications from being uncovered. oops? we uncovered them. some of those emails by dr. david morens reading, quote i learned from -- if a lady, meaning freedom from information act expert here how to make emails disappear, closed quote. and another email suggesting that someone contact fauci through a, quote: secret back channel. he even admitted to the strategy on capitol hill. is that why you used your email instead of official email. >> that was for avoiding more barmted. >> and specifically avoiding foye a correct? >> well, yeah. i guess you could say that. >> you could say that internet
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conspiracy netted works. covid whistleblower job and family metzl joins us now. jamie, you were mentioned how many times early in these emails. >> six times in the beginning of it. >> he didn't like that you were asking questions and a lot of it on our show. >> i was asking questions on your show and elsewhere and i'm a democrat so i was saying hey, we don't know the answer in those early growing mountain of circumstantial evidence. very likely drops research related incident in wuhan and these guys were closed to that possibility. >> brian: they went out of their way to stop being their words were we don't want any of our emails being on the front page of the "new york times." what were they trying to hide? >> what they were trying to do was migrate, which was really wrong and a violation of our ethics codes. and maybe even our laws. but they were trying to migrate the sensitive conversations out of their government email accounts and into the private
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service. and so, i don't think it was that they knew that it comes from a lab and they were covering that up. i think that they were so firm in their belief that a natural origin was the only possibility and that they just pushed aside this possibility of research-related origin, lab origin is a crazy conspiracy theory. and then they were trying to defend. there was like a small cabal of people who were drying to defend their guy who was peter day zac. >> brian: you have the same mind, scientific mind. aren't scientists curious? aren't they open to learning and understanding new things? this is and they call? >> that's the exact right question. the scientific method means we don't jump to the conclusions even though they are desirable conclusions. it would be great if this comes from nature, that's great. it's good for u.s.-china relations, maybe it's good for science. the scientific method demands we say hey, we don't know the answer, let's follow the evidence. what these guys were doing, at least in my opinion, was saying we want to have it -- we want this to be the answer and
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therefore, we are going to close our eyes to these other possibilities. >> brian: jamie, everything we feared. our lives were changing. businesses were shutting down. schools were being closed. our companies were forced to change everything we're doing and people coming up with these rules were really concerned about their methods and practices being exposed and that makes people even question more no longer trust the so-called experts or the nih. >> this is a big challenge. because we rely on our government for a lot of things the government and president trump was the leader in this with operation warp speed did an incredible job of making great vaccines in the shortest time in history. that's a huge success: we had to some v. some kind of response to covid-19. we didn't have a lot of information those early days it was very challenging and complicated environment. when we see situations like this particularly on the covid-19 origins issue and we see this kind of whatever you want to call it malfeasance, it
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undermines people's faith in the government and faith in the government is actually really important because we rely on the government. >> brian: see fauci dr. and frank collins we haven't seen their emails and why everyone was so concerned about their communication getting out. you were one of the first respectable people to come out and question. jamie, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> brian: major recruiting challenges for the military as a majority of young americans don't even qualify. one branch is beating the odds. how the air force is doing it. don't move. ♪ for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term
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is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like your sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. 105% air force and 102 marines, 105 army and navy, how often, are lag, here with how they are doing it air force recruiting service commander brigadier general christopher amrine folds of honor and dan rooney. guys,
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good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: general, let's start with you, the numbers are jaw dropping and so i understand you kind of changed the requirements a little bit. you changed body composition requirements and you amounted the tattoo policy. and that was able to bring more people in, right? >> absolutely. and really what we did was align our body composition with the dod standard. and because of that, we have been able to bring in over 3,000 more recruits. what i will say is we haven't adjusted the standard. what i mean by that is for every recruit that we brought in of those 3,000, we have only lost one to a if the fitness standard. that is about the barriers that we have been age to remove as well as being able to really get out there and tell our story from our recruiter standpoint. >> steve: indeed. i'm glad you clarified that a lot of people looking in oh, they changed the body
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composition requirements. maybe they are not fit. you are saying they are. dan, you left the cockpit flying full time to join recruiting. why did you do that? >> to pay it forward. it is just such a blessing. the air force has changed my life in so many ways. and it's a great time of year, right, steve? we have college graduation. we have high school graduation. and so many of these young people don't know what to do. my answer is always the same. passion, aptitude, impact. you love it, are you good at it? does it make an impact? for me as a fellow jacques like fell jayhawk likeyou when i lefd my to the air force. i was nervous. no one in my family had served. the other thing you will find out about the air force, you are statistically safer in the air force than you are in the general population. i would share one life-changing story. i know we have a short segment here. >> steve: right. >> i made it to the f-16. you get four rides with an instructor in the f-16. fifth ride is solo. i climb into the single seat
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cockpit. it's a $50 million fighter jet. and i'm all by myself. in that moment, though i realized i wasn't alone that pretty much everybody in my life had told me, man, you are not good enough. you are not smart enough. you will never make it was with me. i have got my helmet here. i pulled out this helmet. and i put my dark visor down. i closed them all out. put your dark advise advisor down. don't be a prisoner of common assumption. follow your heart and don't let the world tell you what you need to do and we are hiring on the greatest team on earth. >> steve: right. >> i'm blessed to be able to share my story. >> steve: general, i know you want to make sure people understand you're hiring as well. if you are interested, take a look online at the air force. guys, thank you very much. by the way, visit folds of if you would like to contribute to folds of honor. all right. coming up on the top of the hour, we're going to change into the 8:00 hour and senator tim
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scott is going to be with us. stick around. you are watching "fox & friends" for a very busy thursday. good morning myrtle beach. ♪ ♪
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