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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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lawsuit was filed this week in manhattan federal court. former model mckinney claims she had dinner with combs in 2003 and later on the same night was attacked in his recording studio after being pressured by him to smoke and drink. she said once she was intoxicated combs forced her to perform a sex act. she says she then lost consciousness before waking up in the back of a cab. the lawsuit is the latest in a strange of others accusing combs of sexual abuse. he has previously denied any wrongdoing. some new york city council members say combs's key to the city should be yanked. mayor adams said there is a panel working on recommendations. >> we never removed a key from anyone before. we want to make sure we do it right. now we'll set precedent. we want to make sure we do it right. >> combs has not responded to our request for comment on the latest lawsuit. >> thank you.
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>> dana: fox news alert here. supreme court justices are expected to issue one or more new opinions right now. some high profile cases include possible rulings on trump, presidential immunity, gun rights, abortion access and social media censorship. as usual, the court will not tell us in advance which rulings or how many will be issued any given day. each will be announced from the bench one at a time and why we have shannon bream on stand by. she is standing at attention. >> martha: we're awaiting the arrival of kenya's president to the white house. a rare joint news conference where president biden is like le to face some pointed questions on a growing number of international crises plaguing his administration or domestic politics. i'm dana perino. good morning. martha. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum in for bill. president biden on the world stage as a wide array of international issues pile up on
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his watch. the president could be facing questions shortly about those issues or issues here at home during today's joint news conference, which we'll look forward to this afternoon with the president of kenya. secretary of state antony blinken rejecting accusations that biden's foreign policies are failing. >> the disastrous afghanistan drawl, invasion of ukraine, unholyy alliance between russia and china. houthi attacking international shipping. hostages in gaza, iran flush with cash. the reemergence of isis-k, sixth warted attacks in university. increased chinese aggression and the collapse of our influence in central africa. you will tell the american people with this list they are safer? take a step back and look in the mirror and say our policies are failing. >> i totally disagree. >> dana: peter doocy live on the
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south lawn. good morning, peter. >> good morning. some of the big topics that president biden hasn't said much about on camera lately but could at 12:30 include the trump trial, the southern border, and the reasons that none of the things they are doing to address the high cost of living seem to be working for anybody that is contacted by a pollster. he could get a question from the visiting kenyan delegation about a broken promise to visit africa by the end of last year. >> do you think you will get there before january? >> president biden: i plan on going in february. >> as for the actual state visit about to kick off it is part of a big competition with china for influence in africa. the chinese have been investing there.
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u.s. has been investing there. chinese are seen as leading the last couple years. the u.s. has been trying to make the case with potential partners we're better for them than beijing. today they will do that by designating kenya a major non-nato ally as they get ready to help the hemisphere out sending 1,000 police officers to haiti to try to restore order there. >> this is not something that, you have know, is a completely straight line. it is a dynamic operating environment to say the least in haiti and require an adaptive, flexible approach but one guided by certain core functions and operations. kenya has laid that out. >> this will be a rare but likely short joint press conference at 2:30 in the east room. remember, white house staff had to make nine corrections to president biden's scripted remarks over the weekend. so like they usually do, we
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expect them to try to limit his unscripted remarks and we believe there will be probably two questioners from each delegation, u.s. side and kenyan side. >> dana: better stand up tall so they can recognize you to get your question out. thank you so much. all right, let's bring in fox news contributor kellyanne conway. no problem standing tall in your shoes. a quick question for you about the foreign policy crises that representative michael waltz was walking through with antony blinken who said he totally disagrees. how much do you think foreign policy may or may not play a role in the 2024 election? >> nice to be with you. it matters tremendously part of the security rubric that voters are focused on. affordability and security most of all. it includes border security, health security, economic security but increasingly includes national security and foreign policy. according to the real clear politics average of joe biden's approval rating a third of americans approve of his handling of foreign policy.
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that tells the tale. even lower when you focus specifically on israel and hamas. why? well, people see we are oh he in two new wars, ukraine and middle east on joe biden's watch. no new wars under president trump. and broken promises, outright lies like the one he told dozens of african leaders at the end of 2022 saying i promise to come to after yeah in 2023. that's a broken promise. i am glad he is receiving the head of kenya but he broke that promise. since that time the "washington post" reported since he promised to go to africa, he has had one phone call with an african leader. today will be the second african leader he is receiving into the oval. it comes at a time when the reports say that we are about to lose in the u.s. a critical drone base in niger and comes at a time when niger and chad are telling the u.s. get your troops out of here and welcoming russian troops. dangerous for our times.
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>> martha: we have lost a lot of influence on the continent. it is a troublesome situation that needs to be repaired probably by a presidential visit for one thing. there is a presidential visit happening in the south bronx today, a former president, president trump going there later today. here is a little bit of rachel campus duffy's interviews with people there in anticipation of the speech. >> was life in the bronx better under donald trump or joe biden? >> it was better under donald trump. everything was getting back on track and then, you know, everything is like falling apart again. >> i watch children being killed. when you go to the grocery store and you can't buy anything anymore. >> let us know exactly what you are going to do for everyone. not just the hispanic community or the black and minority communities, but for america. >> dana: kellyanne, it will be an interesting visit there.
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they aren't calling it a rally. yesterday they called it a visit, event, something along those lines. why that distinction and what do you expect to see there today? >> a smaller venue than new jersey when the president had between 80,100,000. it broke a record for any type of political event in new jersey history. i think it shows you what donald trump is willing to do. he is willing to expand the map and go to places that are deep bright cobalt blue and say look, as he said in detroit in 2016 what do you have to lose? you have been trying it their way forever. you do see this attrition away from the democratic party particularly from president biden among african-american and hispanics, particularly young men. this will come down to a few things. one that is glaring to me as a pollster the difference between college educated and non-educated college households and voters.
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you see it in neon lights. trump will expand his map into virginia, minnesota, i haven't heard the biden say beyond the swing states they extend the maps. he doesn't need to win the bronx. but you needs to show up and stand up. people feel included. that's incredibly important. last point, donald trump has made very clear as president he wants to work to reform these cities. the increasing crime and homelessness, disrespect and lack of resourcing for the police. preference of migrant children over our own school children in some of our new york city classrooms and on and on. people know what they see and there is one party rule. you have soros-funded district attorneys and one-party rule democrats running the cities. it is time for a change. i don't think he will win the city but he doesn't need to. what he wants to do in the cities will emanate to the suburbs also. >> dana: thank you so much. as you can see the white house event is underway and looks like
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the president and first lady of kenya are arriving now. the bidens are out there. we'll take a quick break and be right back. today, at america's beverage companies,... ...our bottles might still look the same... ...but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you... we're getting bottles back... and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic. new bottles - made using no new plastic. you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back... ...we can use less new plastic. see how our bottles are made to be remade. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add any base shop now at
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>> dana: fox news alert. the supreme court issues opinions on thursdays and shannon bream has been standing by. we got one case we're interested in about south carolina and gerrymandering. a challenge to the republican-controlled legislature's redrawing of voting boundaries that civil rights group say disenfranchise black voters. shannon bream joins us with this. any broader implications? >> it potentially will. it comes out of south carolina after the 2020 census. a state senate gathering, a
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group there put together an analysis to look at districting. congressional districts and the claim was this was racial gerrymandering, which obviously is unconstitutional. if it is partisan gerrymandering, justice alito wrote for the majority says the lower court got this wrong and he says listen, there are times when race and party seem intertwined. you have to be very careful with analysis to figure out if it was racial or partisan gerrymandering. essentially what they are saying is the lower courts got it wrong when they tossed the plan drawn by gop legislature or senate body and so it has to go back. they are reversing part of this case. it is not over yet. but for now what has happened with this goes back to south carolina. they were already going to have to use the old districts for this fall. this looks at the next round of elections the next time they do the districting to get it done. for now it's a clear 6-three
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split on this. the dissenting justices as you would expect. along party lines. the party that nominating these justices, it goes back for more at that level. >> dana: next thursday we get to see you again. thank you so much. >> my granddaughter, was on top of her and it just come and i prayed to god the whole time and the ceiling fell down. everything was coming down on top of us. >> martha: greenfield, iowa, unbelievable images of destruction. five people are dead. dozens more hurt. multiple tornadoes ripped through iowa. greenfield was hit very hard. the town was destroyed in that area. max gordon is reporting live from there today. hi, max. >> we're standing in what used to be downtown greenfield, iowa. awful to see the destruction all around us. the death toll is rising.
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iowa state patrol confirmed four people died in greenfield. 35 others injured during the tornado as it ripped through town on tuesday. not confirming the ages or identities of the victims as they try to notify next of kin. state patrol is asking people who believe loved ones are still missing to get in contact with them. this as the town of greenfield begins the process of cleaning up. not sure how many buildings were impacted by the tornado as officials continue to assess the damage. the national weather service the tornado that truck it was at least an ef3 and survey teams will be on the ground today. tornado in greenfield was one of several that touched down in central and western iowa on tuesday. one other person was also killed by a super cell storm in coring, iowa. nevada, iowa dot cameras caught a tornado catching two semis, flipping one truck over and pushing a tanker truck into
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trees. state patrol says both drivers made it through without any injuries. over in prescott, iowa, a video showing it toppled over. greenfield the recovery process is now underway but that could be complicated by storms later on tonight and throughout the next couple of days. some of them could be severe. back to you. >> martha: tough times. maxx, thank you very much max dor done in iowa. >> dana: the war in gaza. israel says it completed a two-day operation in the west bank as hezbollah launches more attacks against israel. trey yengst. >> good morning. lebanese militant group hezbollah is launching new attacks into northern israel today. we do know dozens of rockets have been fired and intercepted by israel's missile defense system the iron dome. some of them landed in open areas causing fires but no injuries. the northern front does remain
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active as israeli officials warn the country is getting closer to a large-scale military solution to deal with the problem. on the southern front 230 days into the war between israel and hamas inside gaza, israeli troops are advancing deeper into the city of rafah. new video shows extensive damage in the city where the israeli military says around 1 million people have evacuated since last week. >> as we leave the shadow of war in gaza we appeal to major world powers to stand with us and end this war. ending the displacement of our people and stopping israel's aggression. >> cease-fire is unlikely in the coming days or weeks with more than 120 israeli hostages still remaining in gaza, some dead and some alive. each day new information is coming out about those held by hamas prompting new demonstrations here in israel calling for an immediate solution. indirect talks by israel and
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hamas have come to a halt as both sides are staying firm on their negotiation tactics. dana. >> dana: thank you for the update. >> martha: volatile situation comes amid a direct blow against israel by allied nations, norway, ireland and spain say they will recognize a palestinian state. the move puts them at odds not only with the united states and other europey own countries. netanyahu says it plays into the hands of hamas. >> the intention of several european countries to recognize a palestinian state is a reward for terrorism. rewarding terrorism will not bring peace. >> martha: jack keane. good to have you with us. your reaction to this and we've heard more since you and i spoke yesterday from netanyahu, obviously he thinks it is a way to prove to these terrorists
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that they are getting exactly what they want, international recognition. >> well, it's about 140 nations that have done the same thing that these latest three nations have done and it is largely symbolic and aspirational. controversial certainly because i think it is a further political isolation of israel. but let's unpack this a little bit for our audience to understand about the two-state solution establishment of a palestinian state. where is iran and hamas on that? they don't want a two-state solution. they want to replace israel as a state with a palestinian state. no shared solution whatsoever. where is israel? they want a two-state solution but not now. why is that? well, simply hamas obviously who they are fighting wants a one-state solution. the majority of palestinians on the west bank in a survey
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indicated that 80% of them supported hamas's attack on israel and the israelis believe the current leadership in the palestinian authority is corrupt and there is no way they can make a deal with them. where do the arabs stand in the region? they want the military effectiveness and political control of hamas to go away. they won't say it publicly but they believe they are the obstacles to ever having a two-state solution. they want a palestinian state but with this caveat, martha. they want no part of the current palestinian authority leadership, which they believe is corrupt and they also will tell you privately the israelis at times have made major concessions toward a palestinian state, very close in the clinton administration for sure, and the palestinian authority has rejected it time and time again. so i think where we are is there is a movement certainly and recognition on the part of the
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united states, israel, arabs in the region that certainly palestinian independents freedom and self-governing is a goal to be achieved. it is awful tough to see that in the immediate sense until this war is over and the leadership changes in the west bank and the palestinian authority. >> martha: a quick question about the video released. we aren't showing it. it is still images and video of the young women who were idf soldiers who were taken by hamas and the video of them being taken is absolutely horrific. they are wounded, bleeding from their faces as they are taken off to gaza. and the families of these young women want these images to be seen. they feel the israeli government is not putting the priority on getting these hostages out. how much is that complicated by the move into rafah? can you move into rafah and also
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get them safely out? >> well, the idf and prime minister netanyahu's movement into rafah is two things. to eliminate the fighting organization as much as they can and also to capture and kill as many leaders as they can, likely given the amount of time it took to start this operation, i suspect a lot of those leaders have moved north. these tunnel complexes is not all for protection but offers concealment from transit from one area to another. the second primary reason for going into rafah and conducting this operation that the administration was opposed to was and is to put pressure own hamas to come back to the negotiating table so we can get these hostages released. remember, their position right now has been the same for months on the release of the hostages, hamas's position is permanent cease-fire, withdrawal troops. then we'll talk about hostage release. that's not acceptable to the
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israelis. they want this military pressure on them to move them to a much better position. >> martha: get these people back with their families as soon as possible, general, thank you very much. general jack keane for joining us. over at the white house president biden is speaking now as he welcomes the president of kenya. they will hold a joint news conference later. let's listen to a bit of this. >> president biden: high standards for workers, technology and environment. we're working to insure debt doesn't leave these crucial investments out of reach for low and middle income countries. around the world, kenya and america are also standing united against the terror of isis and -- the aggression that russia is inflicting on ukraine, the violence that has toppled too many democracies across both our
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regions. and today as we begin the next decade of our partnership, we've launched a new initiative to bring our countries companies and communities closer together because the past is our proof that we are stronger and the world is safer when kenya and the united states work together. [applause] let me close with this. we stand at an inflection point in history where the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. today i'm an optimistic and hopeful as i was those years ago when kenya patriots raised that new flag high in that midnight sky, because kenya and the united states stand together committed to each other, committed to our people, and committed to building a better
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world. one of greater opportunity, dignity, security, and liberty for all americans, for all kenyans. god bless our partnership and may god bless our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] >> distinguished guest. >> dana: that's the president of kenya taking over the podium as president biden welcomes him to the white house. we used to call it two and two. two questions aside at a press conference later today and you'll have that on your show. >> martha: around 2:30. >> dana: we'll get to this, too. >> i think we're putting a band-aid on a symptom instead of fixing the problem and that problem is in my mind the overwhelming numbers is the federal government's issue but we should be vetting the people coming through. >> dana: county supervisors in
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san diego have approved $20 million for a migrant center. jim desmond was the lone no vote and he will join us next. plus there is a hearing underway right now on capitol hill about anti-semitism on campus at public universities. we'll be right back. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable.
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happen at ucla. yesterday they reassigned its police chief as an to investigate what happened. today's hearing is first time lawmakers have questioned leaders from larger public universities and so far these college officials are not getting a very warm welcome. >> each of you should be ashamed of your decisions that allowed anti-semitic encampments to endanger jewish students. mr. shill and dr. holloway, you should be doubly ashamed for capitulateing to the anti-semitic rule breakers. >> these protests wrapped up with the end of the school year created political turmoil for democrats. leaders say today in their view this hearing is all about theater. >> our caucus and the democrats, house democrats are focused on issues thamand we feel this is a serious issue treated unfortunately in a very
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unserious way. >> lawmakers are expected to ask about what concessions some of these schools offered students in order to get them to essentially just go home to break up the protests and some jewish students, martha, have taken matters into their own hands planning lawsuits against the college campuses because of the protests allowed the happen. >> martha: rutgers and northwestern did a lot of negotiating with these students. they gave them a lot of concessions. interesting position for these presidents to be in. mark, thank you very much. >> dana: san diego emerging as the new epicenter of the immigration crisis. this week the county board ever supervisors voted to accept nearly $20 million in federal funding for a migrant transition center. my next guest was the lone no vote. jim desmond from san diego county. i will play sound from a fellow county supervisors. she decided to vote for the money. here she is. >> you are saying okay, we don't want the money that we're being
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offered to help fix a problem that we know we have because we want to keep this problem festering to make more politics out of it. i think this is absurd. we know -- we all agree we have to fix the border crisis. >> dana: she voted yes, you voted no. why so? >> this doesn't fix the problem. all it is putting a band-aid on the symptom. this is money from the federal government to basically process migrants as they come through san diego county. being dropped off by the federal government and border patrol. and it doesn't fix the problem. the problem is people can just walk freely across the border, ask for asylum and then come into san diego county and this money is also not just using for translation and other services for migrants but also to pay for transportation. so what california offers free healthcare and now we're offering free airfare to any place you want to go in the
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country. we are transferring people to other parts of the country and this is not fixing the problem. it is not making it safer. that money should have gone towards vetting people. the numbers that are coming across the border, we're the number one spot now. the number of peoples coming across the border, border patrol doesn't have time to vet the people and that's where the money should be spent instead of us being the travel agent for other parts of the country. >> dana: it is interesting you say that. we'll put up on the board. you are now the epicenter where everybody is coming through. you can see in the numbers, the san diego sector the numbers keep going up. that's a lot of people coming through there. i lived in san diego for three years and it is a big area, but the city itself is small. you are making a good point it just goes other places. you aren't the only one who thinks there should be background checks. listen to this interview that our bill melugin got with a turkish migrant yesterday. >> did you have to pay a cartel? >> yes.
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>> how much? >> $10,000. >> 10,000? >> american people is completely true, who come into this country? they don't no, i'm good. if they're not good, killer, psychopath, no security or background check. >> you are worrying about who is crossing the border snow >> yes. people are not normal. >> dana: i told martha i could listen to that all day. he is saying what we have been trying to say and what would mayorkas say to him and your last comment. he said he paid $10,000 to the cartels. so we are having the migrants are paying $10,000 to the cartels. they are coming across the border illegally, and then the taxpayers are expected to then fork over money in order to take care of them. last word to you. >> well, you are absolutely right. it is more about the safety of our country.
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safety for san diego and safety of our country. we are not -- the vetting is not happening. they cannot do it. we even have boats coming ashore dropping off dozens of people at a time. those people aren't vetted at all or even go through border patrol agents. so san diego county, we want to be part of the solution but this money that we just got from the federal government just per pet waits the problem. doesn't fix it and it is status quo and more people will hear about it and more people in the cartels will bring people just walk right across the border here in san diego county. >> dana: jim desmond, we appreciate you coming on "america's newsroom." thank you. >> martha: that's the greatest irony ever that sound bite. the man is crossing the border and he is boy, you should see these other people. psycho paths. >> dana: he seems like a nice guy. >> martha: no background checks. >> dana: and $ten grand to give the cartels. unbelievable. watch this. >> everybody has their own
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opinion. that's what is so great about this country. you can share those things and work through it. that's what guys do. >> martha: that's what you call a defense, kansas city chiefs head coach andy reid says he is shutting down critics taking aim at his extraordinarily successful kicker and his controversial commencement address. the city of nashville not allowing country singer morgan wall -- wallen's new bar to open this weekend. wait until you hear why. where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond.
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>> martha: harrison butker getting a lot of backlash but also good feedback as well after his commendation speech. some in the mainstream media slammed his remarks on the significance of being a wife and being a mother. he also said that, you know, people should enjoy their careers as well. he made comments on abortion, lgbtq references in one part of the speech but his head coach and teammates are defending him wholeheartedly. >> we're a microcosm of life.
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everybody from different areas, religions, races, and so we all get along. we all respect each other's opinions. we respect everybody to have a voice. great thing about america. >> as someone who cares about the people around him and cares about his family wants to make a good impact in society. >> martha: carley shimkus and joe concha, really, a very supportive reaction from andy reid and patrick mahomes. >> i thought that patrick maholm's comments were heart felt. i'm going to judge him off the cork he shows me every today. i may not agree with everything he said in the speech but he is a good man, end of story. i don't think there will be any problems in the locker rooms. leaders of the team are making sure of that. what they said was different than the nfl's initial
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statement. those are his comments. we believe in inclusion. so i think that's the difference in the statement you get when you know the person versus something a lawyer is writing. >> dana: they were selling out in women's jerseys. the media and nfl didn't read the room. the room was for a catholic audience. >> good to see there are adults back in the room. this is true leadership from patrick mahomes and andy reid. won three championships. they hadn't won a super bowl in 50 years and the winning culture is there because of the attitude we see there. give credit to -- they all said the same thing. free speech and di verse thoughts are vital in this society and that what we have here. the chiefs are like the average family in the locker room. you have disagreements but all on the same team and respect each other. the kansas city star actually ran a piece calling for butker
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to be fired and replaced with a female kicker. the guy only won a super bowl two seasons ago, right? and look, butker, his jersey is selling more than anybody's on the chiefs. for a kicker this does not happen. mahomes and kelce when they are on your team. >> dana: and especially women's jerseys. >> martha: a lot of articles how butker's would be a problem for the nfl trying to reach women. you get the jersey sales of women's jerseys and it proves the opposite. money talks. >> martha: i don't understand why fem are cite sizing what he said. many will start your careers. i would bet in the end you will feel most gratified by your life as a wife and mother. it's his opinion. the things that people get away with saying in the world today that no featherers are ruffled from amazes me.
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>> my wife put herself through medical school. paid back loans. not getting a check and became a doctor at one of the top hospitals in new jersey. a great accomplishened and is proud of it. she is most fulfilled by my daughter and son and spending time with them. >> martha: and you, joe. >> dana: harold ford junior says i'm number four in a four-person household. >> martha: have a great day. we pecksect to learn more about the arrest of the world's top ranked golfer scotty scheffler. the police department is also expected to release any video it has of the incident. a happy ending for a young boy. a love this story who waited years for his forever family. you will hear from his next mom and dad. ♪ etirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times.
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>> harris: important day to be in our nation's capitol today. that's where i am. u.s. house speaker mike johnson joins me live on set and ask him about democrats playing politics with biden's border crisis, the speaker's bill to deal with non-citizens voting in certain selections. and can republicans hold onto their slim majority in november? trump attorney alina habba and dr. marty makary here with me. "the faulkner focus" from d.c. at the top of the hour. >> dana: a fourth grader in arkansas now has a place to call home and a family to call his. 11-year-old luke was officially adopted earlier this month after spending time in 25 foster homes over the span of four years. he joins us now along with his new parents. welcome to all of you. thank you so much. tell me about your decision to jump in here and give a home to
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luke. >> so i grew up in a home that in a family that fostered and adopted, so i always wanted to adopt. when we opened our home we started searching for the kid that would be ours. we saw a video that was done on him by project 0, an organization here in arkansas. and immediately knew that he was ours. so we started working to bring him home. >> dana: bradley, what was it like to come into your home? you have a 14-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy. >> honestly nerve racking to get started. as soon as he got in, it was like it was supposed to be. there has been no doubt since day one. >> dana: so luke, let's hear from you. when you found out that you had a forever family after those many years in foster care and all those different homes, what did you feel? >> well, i felt really amazed
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because i knew this would be forever and i really just wanted to grip my mind around that i would actually be here forever. four years of living in foster care, i never thought that forever was a thing anymore and so i'm like -- this would be a good fit for me. so i'm just shocked how it actually worked out. >> dana: now you have a brother and a sister. >> they are really good, as in like one of the best brothers and sisters i ever had. >> dana: cassie, for people wondering about fostering children or adopting, any words of advice for people to think about it? maybe search out an organization or just any sort of tips for
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people? because this kind of love just keeps growing and you might actually find yourself in this situation again. >> so if there is anything that i could say, it would be just go for it. there are organizations all over the country. i work for one called the call in arkansas working to recruit foster and adoptive families and there are organizations in every state that do the same thing. it is not an easy road for us as foster parents, but it is an even harder road for these kids bounced around in foster care. they need somewhere that is stable and somewhere that is loving. for kids like luke who can't reunify if biological families they need a forever home and walking through life with them. be there for the 1 time they drive, graduation, when they get married. they should have a family that walks alongside them through life like that and not have to do it on their own. >> dana: bradley, any additional
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thoughts what cassie just said? >> like she said, go for it. don't let any sort of doubt or fear or anything like that get in your way. the thought has ever crossed your mind, go with your gut feeling. the number of kids out there that need a forever home or just love. >> dana: luke, what are your big plans for the summer? >> well, i went out for football. i'm really excited about playing on the team because it's been a while since i was in sports. >> dana: you are a beautiful family and thank you so much. the kissinger family. >> thank you. >> martha: amazing. when he said i never thought forever was for me. >> dana: harris, over to you


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