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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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with trump at the event. you can catch that interview tomorrow on "fox & friends" starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. tonight be sure to tune into hannity at 9:00 p.m. easter i will be hosting we have a great show lined up byron donalds, also senator josh hawley among others, some big moments this rally in the bronx, new york, times the sienna poll showed president trump was within three points of getting the latino vote and when it came to the black vote he was pulling in 23%. if he was to get that total among black voters that would be the highest number eight republican has received among the black community since the civil rights act of 1964. will bring it in on hannity where i'll be guest hosting, thank you to everyone next up "america reports." >> john: kaylee, thinking we will see you tonight. right now a live look at the east room at the white house where any moment president biden will be holding a rare news conference this time in the
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company of the president of kenya, william ruta. hello john roberts in washington, center welcome back it's going to be a busy afternoon. >> sandra: good to be back i'm sandra smith this is "america reports" byron r is calling on leaders to lessen kenya's debt and boost business of u.s. tax dollars. >> john: as kaylee mentioned may be nonnato status but an equivalent thereof just ahead. the news conference may be more about biden's delivery as concerns grow in his recent mental lapses. >> sandra: the world is watching jacqui heinrich is live in the east room right now where this is about to be underway, what can we expect to hear shortly, jackie? >> we just got the announcement, sandra, the president putting in writing his intent to designate kenya as a major nonnato ally. this is all happening against the backdrop of russia and china
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trying to deepen ties on the african continent and washington trying to pitch partnership with the u.s. as an alternative and a drive the message that democracy delivers. now remember this is happening against the back drop of u.s. troops announcing their withdrawal from niger and u.s. relations with ethiopia and south africa really on the ro rocks. but this benefits both countries because you have kenya which is really a space to invite foreign companies to come in and take advantage of their carbon neutral status to deepen their business there is a center for data hubs and for the u.s. which is trying to develop friend assuring developing those that are friendly and after the pandemic making sure the supply chains throughout the world are
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not relying as much on countries like china. in the african continent we have metal and mineral mining as an area where china and russia have aimed to drive in and take hold there. ken is an area where you see the u.s. partner with them against terror threats coming from al-shabaab which is a big ally of al qaeda. this is a strategic partnership on diplomatic and security levels talk about the significance of this today in the head of state to a state visit and 15 years or so a event for the president and he is trying to make good on his promise to be all end. president biden on africa he said he would visit the continent within his first term. this is not set to happen and just yesterday he said he would go in february if he was reelected again.
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so it seems for now this is the most he can offer, sandra? >> sandra: jacqui heinrich setting that up it should be underway shortly we are walking it, thank you. >> john: for more on all of its end of the issues let's bring in ari fleischer former white house press secretary and fox news contributor. it has been a lovely week in kenya several years back on assignment and i got to meet the legendary kip cano and interview him as well. this nonnato ally status will this serve as an effective counterweight at least in the eastern to russian and chinese implements? >> it's a serious designation i remember when i was at the white house and we announced bahrain and the arab middle east had earned major nonnato designation status. and it allows the united states to do more from a military point of view, intelligence gathering point of view and it's good for the host country. it is a very western looking thing to do as opposed to them and tilting towards china or russia. so i do view this as significant
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announcement and something in our interest as americans we want that to happen. >> sandra: obviously the elephant in the room is the messaging on part of this white house having to make so many corrections especially after that naacp speech where the white house made it nine corrections to that speech. as we highlighted at the top your money will be watching for the president's delivery and his mental acuity as we do have this fox news poll on trump and biden's mental soundness. right now when asked if mental soundness to serve the percent saying "yes" for the candidate it is now at 41% for joe biden, 50% for donald trump area what will you be listing for, already? >> just to set the payable number one this is not a news conference we are about to wa
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watch. this is two questions for biden in two questions for the president of a foreign country and they are waistcoat out of there. ten or 15 questions where there are follow-ups and reporters are shouting and biden hasn't done it in years or want him to do so. i am not expecting much because it's a tightly controlled event but still this is a white house that lives in fear of the president. they fear them having to put out additional corrections. let alone correcting the cnn interview that president biden did and when he said inflation was 9.5% when he took off is because we remember when he took office. there is just a lot going on when joe biden opens his mouth. there's a lot that goes wrong and this is the president we have. this is what happens when you have a president in his 80s, this is why these are serious times and people want to measure whether joe biden is up to the task.
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spiel and i remember the time, ra, not long ago when the u.s. press secretary went nuts when they made a minor correction to a transfer but we haven't heard what's going on with biden. the big news of the day nikki haley saying she is going to vote for former president trump in november, but do you make of this? is this throwing her hat in the ring for the veepstakes or maintaining the party in hopes of maybe running for president again in 2028? >> i did make a lot less out of this than i think a lot of other observers have. they would say she feels she is a solid, good, strong, republican. there is nothing surprising then that other than the low rivalry but she has said it now that she will endorse but too the reason i say it's less than meets the eye it's been forever in politics where endorsements really matter. people vote on their gut for who
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the best candidate is on policy and personality and they don't really do it much anymore on the basis of welcome a third party said that she voted for him and that is good enough for me. people tend to form their own opinions with other third parties. so it's better she said it then she says she won't vote for him, that does help donald trump on the margins but that doesn't mean it's less than meets the eye but check the box, i'm glad she said it it's the right thing to do. >> sandra: i would to squeeze this in here on another network msnbc nicole wallace and nikki haley voted for donald trump, get your reaction. >> we need shrinks and colts experts to explain this because with what you are reporting it it does not make a lick of sense to me and it's so recent for her and her husband to both have been feuding publicly with him just two days and weeks before endorsing him is inexplicable to me on a human level. >> it's always shocking because you hear that like if it doesn't make sense to you and in this case her, it can't possibly make
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sense to anyone else anywhere. >> you have to belong to a cult to support the donald trump. we have seen with hillary and the deportable's and how the democrats put down people. half the country and could possibly be for donald trump not only rural people with high school degrees but now you see it about nikki haley must belong to a cold. college educated former governors must belong to a cold. when people like mccall don't recognize is how bad joe biden is. and help or even someone like nikki haley who obviously had issues with donald trump when she weighs what's wrong with joe biden but what is right with donald trump she concludes there is a whole lot more wrong with joe biden. unafraid with donald trump for her to support him. that is a legitimate point of view. and one of the things that i try so hard sander in politics not to do is question the motives of people on the other side. i differ with them. i don't like the policies or their points of view, but i don't say they are illegitimate
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to hold them. you still see that in a huge strain of the democratic party and especially the commentary that mocks republicans that support donald trump. >> sandra: you know i think she fully grabs what nikki haley is doing but i don't get it, why would she do it? >> sandra: very well said, ari, as usual, thank you for joining us. >> john: thanks, ari. >> thank you guys. >> sandra: a minute from now the georgia state senate hearing will get underway with lawmakers taking a closer look into alleged misconduct by fani willis how a key witness could strengthen the case against the embattled d.a. plus this. >> isn't it true that jewish nortjewish northwestern students assaulted? >> so, i want to question the premise of your question -- >> no, no, no i'm asking the questions you are answering. >> john: shades of last fall in harvard and you pan a hated hearing on capitol hill as
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republican some of the leaders of more colleges to testify about anti-semitism at their schools. did they learn anything from last fall? one ucla students as protesters vented him from going to class by forming a human blockade. we will talk to him about that disturbing experience and about what he heard in congress today. coming up next. speak of this program is brought to you by: tentional movements ir face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood,
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>> isn't it true the northwestern earned an f for your failure to response and combat anti-semitism and called for your resignation is that correct? speak i have great respect for the adl. >> i'm asking if it's a fact you earned an f in the copier resignation? >> i have great respect for the adl i am sad that they cave the
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northwestern -- >> but it's true you got an f, yes. >> john: tense exchange on capitol hill at today's house hearing with anti-semitism the leaders of three universities getting grilled on how they handle unruly protests in encampment and their schools which left jewish students feeling unsafe paired our next guest was denied access to the ucla by pro-palestinian activists he will join us in moments but we begin with mark meredith live on capitol hill with more on today's hearing. mark, to the president of northwestern not review the testimony of elizabeth to go before i got on stand? >> there were a lot of different exchanges today we heard from leaders of ucla at rutgers as well as northwestern and all of them were pressed about how the anti-israel protests were allowed to be set up on their college campuses pair a one of the more interesting moments can from congresswoman elise stefanik who has been on the forefront of this whole
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discussion which she pressed northwestern leaders to explain how students are being treated in what has been done since. >> isn't it true a jewish student wearing a yarmulke was spot on? >> these are allegations being investigated. >> how long are these investigations going to occur? >> if you remember the encampment was up just a few weeks ago, so we believed at northwestern in due process. we believe in investigations. >> ucla's protest was up perhaps one of the most notable and recent weeks after police were called in and faced extreme difficulties trying to get the people off the campus. on wednesday ucla's police chief was reassigned in this position because they are still ongoing investigation. we heard from the school's chancellor today who admitted mistakes were made. >> the benefit of hindsight, we should have been prepared to mentally remove the encampment if and when the safety of our community was put at risk. we have since taken decisive
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action. >> democrats labeling this as a sideshow political theater saying it's much ado about nothing but however john some democratic lawmakers even thank the universities who negotiated with some of the students to essentially shut on the protest they felt it was necessary to do that as a poster calling the police. john? >> john: times those hearings are deja vu the last fall. mark meredith for us, thank you. >> sandra: bringing in a ucla student thank you for coming on the program. please tell us when you were denied access to the you see a leg campus by these pro-palestinian activists, what went down? we are showing video. >> thank you for having me. i was taking the same walk to class as i do every day and this time they expanded outside the encampment and they simply denied me access because of my necklace and because they know i am a proud zionist jewish student on campus.
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>> sandra: this was the ucla chancellor responding to that video that may have now had the chance to see it was in the chancellor's response was a. >> for the students who form the blockade they don't know if they are students or non-affiliates. >> you don't know? >> have any been disciplined yet? >> the people on the video that formed the blockade have they been disciplined? >> after the response after we learned about that i sent a message to all of our students affairs to make sure pathways are open for everyone and they sent a message out to our community. >> i will take that as a no. if you do i'm in the response was we sent emails? >> yes, so he did send an email. now he did end up pushing those protesters back into the encampment, but you and i both know what he should have done immediately sent to the police force to take down the
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encampment and make arrests. >> sandra: it seems like there were a lot of mistakes made and this could have handled a lot better in hindsight how do you like to see the university respond to this? >> well i think jewish students have never felt more in danger because of these encasements. i mean just today while chancellor bloch was speaking a new smaller encampment formed, actually, i don't know if he knows about it yet, near kirchhoff hall. and jewish students are feeling more and more concerned. any time one of illegal encampments forms, ucla and all college demonstrations are un-american need to bring in the police force and make arrests or threatened to expel these students. >> sandra: you say that as a member of congress just in the last hour this is rashida tlaib praising the protesters, eli, and slamming the police response, listen. >> it's appalling to witness the crackdown and violent repression
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of first amendment protected speech and a simile on college campuses throughout our country. i am so proud of the brave students and faculty from all different backgrounds it's utterly disgraceful that a university administrators and government officials are sending, again, militarized police forces to stop students from exercising their first amendment rights. >> sandra: when you part dumb i personally have experienced the hatred spewed at you, toward you, from walking on the college campus what is your response to? >> i think they should be ashamed of themselves. we saw today is congresswoman omar instead of talking about anti-semitism all she did was focus her 5 minutes on spewing false information about israel and glorifying the encampment and glorifying the pro-hamas and anti-semitic rhetoric that's been happening all around america. it is a shame that these people
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are in our government and we need to see something be done about it. >> eli you've been through a lot. so many other students have as well and we appreciate you coming on and talking about it. in hopes of making this better. >> thank you for having me. >> speaking of which, john, we put together some of the students we have had, these are previous ucla students we have had on "america reports" describing what they have gone through, listen here. >> i have seen chants of them in a circle chanting for a call of violence against jews. that they would burn babies in their cribs and my peers was celebrated i would not have believed you. >> sandra: it's crazy what's going on. you go to the ucla chancellor in the hearing room earlier the oblivious nature of his responses, no one has been
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disciplined for any of it? >> john: i watch some of that hearing today and it looked like times the university presents that were on the stand today learned nothing from what happened to claudine gay and elizabeth mcgill that the dustup that michael show the president of northwestern was having with burgess owens the democrat spirit it was stunning that one point to burgess owens he said "i don't appreciate you telling me what i am thinking" i mean -- >> the arrogance is still there like last fall it's crazy. >> john: now this. >> detective gillis should have turned on his body camera but did not. >> john: we are learning more information about the rest of the world's top ranked golfer scottie scheffler is pleased with release new footage of that incident. >> sandra: plus amal clooney facing backlash for supporting arrest warrants for the israeli
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>> john: there is a live look where we expect president biden and president of kenya will come out and take questions. >> sandra: we know for the press release the u.s. and kenya marking the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations. the white house officials saying they will have trade and investment, john, technological innovation, climate including energy hell-bent security other john has we pointed out at the top of the show many are watching for the president's delivery after he has had many corrections made by white house staff to recent speeches and quite frankly just errors in some of his speaking so we will be listening for that.
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>> john: not coming up pretty soon the speeches on the podium the delegations are in the room so we are standing by. >> sandra: happening any moment now. the state senate committee on pauline willis is getting underway it all is after willis' former lover defended the relationship last night calling it "as american as apple pie" senior correspondent jonathan serrie is live outside of the georgia state capitol in atlanta he has the latest on that for us. jonathan, who is the committee going to hear from today? >> hi, center one witness today a whistle-blower who used two were for the fulton county d.a.'s office she is amanda tennyson she served as fani willis' director of programs but they say that they fired her after she complained that funds are being misspent. they have yet to hear from willis was a democrat. >> we certainly hope she will come and explain her conduct.
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we have invited her, she has an open invitation to come anytime she would like to. and if she does not come voluntarily than we do intend to subpoena her. >> the committee intends to recommend guidelines for state oversight and prosecutors but cannot remove willis from office and on tuesday willis won the primary race. among the supporters that came up on the party from her boyfriend nathan wade that says he and willis look out for each other among all the threats and criticism they faced. >> where the best of friends. great friends being attacked this way and only other person on the planet who knows what i am going through and i know what she is going through. we communicate daily. >> wade resigned as a special prosecutor in the georgia
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election interference case against former president trump back in march after a judge ordered either he or willis needed to step aside, john and send her back to you. >> sandra: jonathan, thank you. >> john: now to the east room of the white house presi president biden, president roto of kenya. >> president biden: 60 years of partnership between our democracy and we are fulfilling that wish together and continuing. i truly believe it has brought out the best in both of us not only in kenya and america but around the world. to have positive impact. through our partnership we are continuing to meet our responsibilities and four key areas. first i am proud to announce we are working with congress to designate kenya a major nonnato ally. that is a fulfillment of years of collaboration. our joint counterterrorism operation with isis and also bob our mutual support for ukraine and around the world behind the
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u.n. charter and our work together on haiti that has helped pave the way to reduce instability and insecurity. i want to thank you, mr. president, for kenya's leadership and national security and supporting the mission in haiti. our new partner, global partnership, will fill in all this progress. we will make new progress and it will strengthen security of our countries and our countries around the world. second week in here are deep in and economical operations the president and i are focusing on our growing economies growing from the bottom up come the middle out and the bottom up and when that happens everyone wins not just the top down because when middle classed as well the poor have it later and the wealthy still do very well. that's true in kenya and america and around the world. right now many countries get in the way with debt.
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many make a decision between development and debt between investing in their people and paying back their creditors. so today we are launching what we are calling a nairobi washing machine. this initiative will bring together international financial institutions around the world to mobilize more resources for countries settled with debt. to open up more opportunities in the private sector financing. to mode sustainable and affordable lending practices. these are big goals. it will take big time to see lasting progress but we are providing $215 million the united states is to the world bank in a crisis response window. in the coming weeks the united states will make an additional $21 billion available to international monetary use. today i am proud to announce there will be $250 billion in new lending capacity for the development banks like the world bank to help low income nations invest in the development and growing challenges. this is supported by the united states and many other countries as well.
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next we are launching a new era of technology to technological corporation between the united states and kenya. that means new partnerships, new partnerships with industry, artificial intelligence, semiconductors and cybers cybersecurity. new initiatives to expand affordable and in all across east africa. new education programs and will bring kenya students to the united states to study in the stem fields. and i am proud to announce that i'm working with congress to make kenya the first country in africa to receive funding through the chips and science act which has served us well. this funding will link their supply chains to the united states and to our partners. it spurs innovation and expense from silicon valley in california to silicon savanna in kenya. which by the way it is already a 1 billion company already. finally insuring democracy delivers for our people including kenya's community in
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the united states. two years ago the nation's first black vice president, kamala harris, launched the first presidential advisory council on african engagement. today we are building out our work for long-standing bonds between our people. i also want to thank mr. president for taking action to implement the long-awaited public benefits organization which provides historic protections for civil society and ngos across kenya. like you believe the future will be won by unleashing the whole potential of their population. including civil society, women, and the young. i look forward to implement this act in were forms of democratic values for our nation. now let me close with this. together these are response abilities kenya and americans must be in the years today be together. as partners, security for
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prosperity for innovation and most importantly for democracy. these responsibilities will awake the best in us but i know it will not only bring our nation together but i want to thank you again mr. president for being here and knowing we have even bigger dreams for both of our coun countries. >> thank you, mr. president. i want to in a very, very sincere way thank you, mr. president, for inviting me to make this visit today to the united states on behalf of of the people and government of kenya. i also take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for the warm welcome we received on our and the hospitality of the american people. my business provides us mr. president with the opportunity to celebrate 60 years of bilateral relations and would on shared values of
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freedom, democracy, rule of law, equality, and inclusivity. at a time when democracy is perceived to be retreating worldwide. the isolating drift toward regimes in different to democratic values to us i believe it is time the u.s. working with kenya deploys its capabilities and rally like-minded democratic countries to set up the course for democracy. during our discussions, we agreed on the significant opportunity for the u.s. to radically recalibrate its strategy and strengthen its support for africa. as the u.s.'s captain crozier leadership summit investment in the african integration and increasing support for peace and
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security. as we take this historic step of elevating our partnership to be more effective in growth in addressing global challenges, it is important for us to appreciate that many countries in africa including kenya are struggling with an overwhelming convergence of multiple shocks including extreme climate events, debt distress, and the disruptive of people in europe and the middle east. whose cumulative impact is to divert national resources from investment in people a and i cannot stomach economic growth in managing climate induced crid sobering debt. for this reason i have underscored the imperative video for our partnership to facilitate recovery from these multiple crisis and for the
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united states of america to take a leading role in a comprehensive debt resolution framework. by doubling contribution to the concessionary financing window of the world bank, and also to work on rechanneling to institutions like the africa development on private sector funding. in democracy and the rule of l law. original peace and security in africa and the great lakes region, i expressed optimism that kenny and the u.s. will inevitably design appropriate defense and security frameworks to help kenya and the state and the region in general to deal with a peace and security challenges that are undermining
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human well-being slowing down development and also having a negative impact on democracy. we upon our mutual commitment to the stabilization of haiti through the multinational security mission, the kenya climate and clean industrial partnership we've just committed to is an encouraging milestone on our collective journey and builds on the paradigm shift we have integrated at the africa clinic stomach and neural beat last year. climate summit in nairobi. to catalyze unprecedented growth through green industrialization we both saw agreed to hasten the renewal to the growth and opportunities act to sustain rising momentum and in the
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space. similarly we agreed to sustainable green growth by facilitating inclusion of our trade investment partnership alongside. during our discussion president biden, and the u.s. government's determination to make our partnership work and resolved to spread the roots of freedom, democracy, and prosperity throughout the world. as my visit comes to a close, i am confident that our engagements have laid a solid foundation for us to continue the good work we have begun with stronger faith and greater hope and success because in joe biden kenya and africa have a strong
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and committed friend. i think you. >> president biden: thank you, president you have a friend and millions of people. the idea we would ignore it makes no sense at all, first question mike wimmer macleod should. >> thank you mr. president. >> president biden: no, one. >> i'll do my level best. your administration went on a worldwide search for security forces, lebanese forces, bangladeshi, canadian, chilean anybody american forces. to stand up this multinational security support mission for haiti before kenya stood up to lead. can you explain why it is you believe on the one hand that this mission is so critical and on the other why it is that you have categorically ruled out contributing u.s. forces to the
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separate? is it your idea to beat back these gains or contain them? it's >> president biden: one question i will answer your question. the question in regard to haiti is we concluded that for the united states to deploy forces in the hemisphere just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily were misrepresented by what we are trying to do. and to be able you to be used by those who disagree with us and against the interest of haiti and the united states. so we set out to find a partner or partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in knot with american forces but with supplies and making sure they have what they needed. and so, you know, i'm very grateful for president ruto's leadership and kenya a prosperous willingness to really leave this matter matters. not the only country but leading this effort. and u.s. forces not on the ground but we are going to
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supply logistics, intelligence, and equipment. as a matter fact some implement has artie arrived. and kenya is stepping up with police and other countries plan to do as well. united states is going to support the collective effort here. end of course kenya will not be going it alone, we are working with congress to provide $300 million to mss mission and an additional 60 million for equipment assistance. and we also have received two bring major contributions from other partisans as well. president ruto and i agree haitian people deserve better. they deserve peace and security and i thank him for taking on this responsibility but we have his back and we are there all the way. >> we do have a question for president ruto but before i do i do very briefly have a part question on whether or not the united states has any evidence at all that would substantiate the icc prosecutor's specific
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allegations against israel leaders that they are using starvation as a tactic of war in gaza or exculpatory but evidence for that matter. and if you would commit to release that information for any potential issuance of icc arrest warrants. and president ruto at the mission that kenya is about to lead in haiti is obviously a support mission that is well-known, but the fact is haiti's national police have been internationally funded and trained for some time and nevertheless have obviously failed to beat back these gangs. will kenyon forces and partnership be out front in these gangs or will they be a
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static force behind the h and are you concerned about casualties among the kenyon forces? >> president ruto: thank you very much. we believe that peace and security anywhere in the world including in haiti is the collective responsibility of all nations and all peoples who believe in freedom, self-determination, democracy, and justice. and it is the reason why kenya took up this responsibility. because we've been participating in peacemaking and we have been participating in peacekeeping. over the last 40 years in 47 countries including very difficult neighborhoods. like what we are going to face in haiti. we are going to take up that responsibility alongside the haiti police and we have clear
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moral super reality of how we are going to relate with the situation on the ground which has been agreed under the united nations framework. so we are looking for what to this deployment because we believe that the women and children in haiti deserve peace like all other women and children and people around the world. >> president biden: in the icc you never keep the deal but that's okay. we have made our position clear. on the icc. we don't think or recognize the jurisdiction in the icc the way it is being exercised and it is that simple. we don't think there's an equivalence between what israel did and what come austin. okay, do i ask the next question as well?
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>> president ruto: let me ask from kenya for the next question? >> thank you mr. president. one question. and this is on haiti. [laughter] president biden, kenya is rather doing the heavy lifting in somalia south sudan the democratic republic of the congo. at washington has committed millions of dollars for the costs in haiti. isn't it ironic that while america is ending its forever wars in afghanistan the latest in 2021 and under your leadership when you retrieved from cabo and committing kenya to another foreign war from nairobi why the dichotomy while ending forever wars and committing kenya to haiti can you explain that? >> president biden: for easily. there is a reason why they are
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the graveyard of empires. and in afghanistan is highly highly highly unlikely. number one. number two there are ways to control isis other than occupying afghanistan. it was an unnecessary need. now with regard to haiti, haiti is in an area of the caribbean that is very volatile. there's a lot going on in this atmosphere. and we are in a situation where we want to do all we can without us looking like america, once again, is stepping over and deciding this is what must be done. haitians are looking for help as well as the folks in the caribbean looking for help. so we checked out with a number of different countries and the one who stepped up was haiti. we committed to provide with all of the intelligence and equipment and the like to haiti so it's a logical think.
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thing. so you keep your word. that's an important dynamic. >> president ruto: i grew president biden. in haiti is not so much about what happened in the past. it's about what we believe in the peace and security of humanity. i am the president of kenya, it's me, to make that decision. using their own structures we have gone through processes in kenya, parliament has approved we have a clear mandate, we have a clear framework, and it's us the people of kenya who made this decision in the interest of peace and stability as responsible global citizen and
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understanding that insecurity, instability anywhere is insecurity and instability everywhere. >> president biden: and by the way you implied we weren't doing anything anywhere else. we are kind of occupied around the world but also engaged in the congo. in that neighborhood. you know, with the human suffering that of the united states is one of the largest humanitarian donor providing for and it's only 5 million in humanitarian funding just this year. including support for more than 6 million displaced people from the drc. so we are encased in more than one place. >> follow-up to the president and ruto, you say kenyon's stomach kenya is committed in atlanta you said it's based on him in a terry ant can you explain the geopolitical
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goal of 12,000 kilometers away from nairobi when schools and the counties of westbrook coat and dark and have not yet open because of the problem and yet u are committing our national police force to haiti in ways and priorities this has been one of your major talking about security and to the extent that even the defense cabinet secretary talked about the deployment of if need be the kenyon military or the special personnel to make sure schools open, children go to school in areas in kenya where are you committing to haiti when we have a problem back home? it's a bit of irony that you are putting the fire in the faraway neighbor's home in our own home is on fire? >> president ruto: thank you very much. i made a comment to the people of kenya to shut out insecurity in the rift. i have followed that with ac action. as we talked, there are 3,000 military officers in the north
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rift, 2,000 police officers in the other rift, we have renovated the first 15 schools and completed. we have reopened 20 schools already that were closed in the north rift. and of that exercise is ongoing. we have made tremendous progress in making sure we have security at home but that does not take away our responsibility even as we were deploying troops and police men in our own country in north rift to sort out the problem. we still deployed a thousand troops to drc congo. that is our neighborhood. we are 5,000 troops in somalia because equally that is our responsibility. and haiti should not be an exception. that is why deploying 1,000's agreement to haiti speaks to the
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same belief and commitment to peace and security. >> president biden: next question from april ryan. >> mr. president, president biden and president ruto thank you. first of all when you talk about haiti president ruto you said haiti is a collective responsibility for all nations. and for you, mr. president, president biden and president ruto do you believe that these nations can break the back of this militia that has gripped the nation there? and also when it comes to congo, thank you mr. president for bringing up with the united states is doing for the congo especially as that flag is behind you at morehouse. mr. president, can you tell me what the african union is doing as well as kenya is doing when it comes to the humanitarian crisis in the congo?
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thank you. >> president biden: what was my question? [laughter] >> sir, your question was haiti, kenya united states and kenya or the nation's collectively break the backs of the court nato militia has groups of the na nation? >> president biden: yes. the very way we are doing end. we are not talking about a thousand person army that is made up of trained -- this is a crisis. is able to be dealt with peer who we think we can deal with it this way with a multinational approach with haiti leading the way and us providing intelligence as well as equipment. >> president ruto: gangs and criminals do not have nationalities. they have no religion. they have no language.
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their language is what? to deal with them family decisively within the parameters of the law. that's why we are building a coalition of nations beyond kenya and of the u.s. many who are making contribution towards the force in haiti. to secure that country and to break the back of the gangs and the criminals that have visited untold suffering in that cou country. on drc the au from the east african community and kenya are seized with that matter. i just told you kenya had a thousand troops in haiti. we now have another 800 --
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not in haiti but in drc. we have another 800 troops. we are going to be having a meeting with the east african community. i sent my minister -- my foreign minister to kinshasa, they had a conversation and shortly we will be looking how to begin the dialogue process and the nairobi process because we believe there is no solution to what is going on in drc but instead dialogue should be able to give us the necessary momentum and outcomes that would sell the matters in eastern drc so put the au the east african community and kenya as a country seized of that matter. we know the humanitarian crisis in eastern drc has displaced
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close to 7 million people. and i want to thank united states of america for stepping in with humanitarian support because it is a collaboration of different countries in different ways to deal with that situation. the rest of us are committing troops. we are committing our deploying our infrastructure to facilitate the resolution of the matters in drc. let me ask nancy gutu from kenya. >> think of a minister president. with their asking to lead the way and give to the expressing a more financing and debt distress and to tackle climate change
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come with your commitment on this? thank you. >> president biden: i'm sorry i didn't catch all your question. >> i'm sorry i am saying africa is asking america to lead the way and double its contribution to the international development assistance to help developing countries. to access financing to alleviate debt distress and to tackle climate change what is your commitment on this? >> president biden: we made a major commitment to this number one as i said the united states is long champion international financial institutions that provide low-cost intestinal resources to the poorest of developing countries including from the imf. to that end my administration helped design the new initiative that has low-cost funding for countries that are taking steps to enhance the resilience. important partners in africa have the capital lanes to ensure they have their capital need to invest in their futures. we heard of them and we stand
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with them. now that is why we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks up to $21 billion in new lending resources to the imf trust fund that provides concessional lending to the poorest coun countries. it's a little like having a go when you are in debt having to go find someone to help you out. that's what this is about. we believe supporting friends in this partnership is we are happy to do our part. and look, we have also doubled our commitment to the ida and i am proud the united states the biggest donor to the ida in the cycle and proud to be working with alongside kenya to support robust financing and policy package to help the most vulnerable countries address their investment needs. there is debt and there is growth and you can't -- you have to do with the debt before you do with the growth. so we are trying


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