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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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now that is why we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks up to $21 billion in new lending resources to the imf trust fund that provides concessional lending to the poorest coun countries. it's a little like having a go when you are in debt having to go find someone to help you out. that's what this is about. we believe supporting friends in this partnership is we are happy to do our part. and look, we have also doubled our commitment to the ida and i am proud the united states the biggest donor to the ida in the cycle and proud to be working with alongside kenya to support robust financing and policy package to help the most vulnerable countries address their investment needs. there is debt and there is growth and you can't -- you have to do with the debt before you do with the growth. so we are trying to use
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international lending organizations to be able to provide that capability so people can grow. that's what it is about. [reporters asking over each other] >> president biden: whoa exmac >> this concludes the press conference thank you, everybody. >> john: hanging on this for a second because in the past the president has broken protocol and answered a question. let's just watch for a second and see if he takes one. >> thanks, everybody. >> john: they are saying thank you. all right, there it is. the president of kenya with president biden. big day for kenya, supposed to receive major nonnato ally status a lot there about kenya in the long-delayed kenyan security force it is supposed to go into that country but i was really curious about, and it was
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really highlighted at the end of that, sandra, was the president, to the kenyan report of the president said i'm sorry what was your question, she repeats the question and he reads off a lengthy set of notes. >> sandra: on multiple occasions. >> john: that sat with me a little weirdly. >> sandra: on multiple occasions he asked for the question to be repeated at one point telling a reporter asking a question on the icc a question to ruto "you guys never keep the deal but that's okay." indicating the question was known and they strayed from the question. on a reporter try to get in a second question and he said no, just one. >> john: i wonder if the deal was one questions or was it straying from the intended question? how much do they know going into these? >> sandra: t's and knows a thing or two about these types of events. mark what were your thoughts as you watch that with us?
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>> very different from the white house i served and i can tell you that. the first of all, it was so scripted. it was shocking. they literally, john is right they looked like they had preplanned of the questions, he got the question and then read he looked like i hate to say this it's kind of insulting he looked like karine jean-pierre. reading from her binder. he's reading a prepared statement with a whole bunch of details he has no idea what are or could not commit to memory if he tried. and even men twice when he knew what the question was coming he had to ask question be repeated. there were any major gaps but but what a low bar this is this not a high-stakes presidential press conference this is something in the bush demonstration these are things we did almost every couple of weeks with visiting a foreign leader. as you are sitting there and he is talking about haiti, he is talking about congo, he is reading prepared statements,
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it's remarkable that this is such a high-wire act when for any other president this would be simple, daily activity. >> john: i covered clinton, i covered bush 43, and i covered from. i never saw them using notes in a situation like this. and i was in singapore with trump when he had his first meeting with kim jong un. he went for an hour answering every question that anybody put to him. never once glanced down at the lectern. just at the top of his head. >> sandra: the questions were not on-topic. >> john: no they were all over the place. >> i would say there's nothing wrong with having notes. there is nothing wrong with signing off it's the reading of the notes. when i come on segments here i prepared some notes for myself of things because you asked me to ask about something.
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spewing really? >> but i think about what i'm going to say. i don't have a staffer writing but you know it is respect for your audience to think through what you are going to say and to have some prepared answers but it is not just that he has notes, it's that he is reading it in such a roadway. he gives the impression he would be incapable of answering the question if he didn't have those papers in front of him. >> there were a couple of moments including one where he responded to the reporter "what was my question?" and we pulled it the their partisan can you tell me what the applicant is doing as far as kenya as far as the human in terry in crisis in congo thank you, the reporter says. president biden said what was my question? the reports i can answer your question was haiti can the united states and kenya collectively break the backs of the square native militia that has the grips of the nation, that nation, president biden
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then responded awkwardly yes. and no further comment. >> yeah. maybe he thought of as a question for the other president and he got confused but i would urge people you just watched that, tune in tonight and watch trump's rally in the bronx. compare the two men. because joe biden couldn't do having pulling aside the audience in the crowd that trump will have, joe biden couldn't do it donald trump is going to do tonight. >> john: this has come up before event for the white house has a notion of what the correspondents are going to ask and they prepare notes for the president. the last exchange between the president absolutely after he said what was your question, absolutely no what was coming? >> the kenyan press in american
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reporters but the thing to keep in mind he will not be able to do that in a presidential debate which he just agreed to. they cannot preclude the question and answer on his feet when we worry about how the president can get through an event like this, it is such a low bar, but if we set the bar low for presidential debates and all he has to do to clear it is not fall flat on his face. the standard for commander and chief should not be "can you get through 20 minute press conference with the president of kenya has a few questions" that is not the bar for the president of the united states. and don'ts of the bar solo. we need to set the bar high because this is the most important in the world with lives across the piece of the world and his ability to do his job. >> sandra: what about the substance of what we heard? speak i think it's great that they made kenya a major nonnato
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ally. that's a very positive step. they are 195 nations in the world only 18 are a major nonnato ally now 19 including countries like israel, is really, japan, kuwait, and taiwan and taiwan it technically is not but it has all the privileges of a nonnato ally. it doesn't require congress to do anything. it's not a treaty relationship there is no security appointment but it is a major statement that this country is one of a small handful of countries that we consider our closest friends in the world and its close to security partners. from that perspective very important development. >> john: definitely. it's going to be an important element in eastern africa. mark? think of returning us appreciated. >> sandra: thank you, mark. >> john: a new poll showing president biden and former president trump in a tight race one of them holding a lead when it comes to younger voters. we will tell you about that. >> sandra: plus former president donald trump
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holding his first big rally in new york city in the eight years as we just discussed while new yorkers are feeling the excitement for that far left squad member alexandria ocasio-cortez is having some short, choice words before he visits near her district. >> i will not be surprised if he is going to bust in a lot of his pals from long island and new jersey and wherever it. i hope they pay a nice hefty congestion tax. >> sandra: okay fox news political analyst gianno caldwell is on deck he will respond to that. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> john: national institutes of health director appearing after a fire hearing with
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dr. fauci's former right-hand man man the covert select sub subcommittee show dr. david moran's emails that show him bragging about using secret back channels to dodge record requests and evade freedom of information act scrutiny. here's a taste of that hearing. >> so you will joke about back channels to fauci and misspellings on queries, that is a joke, not very funny to me. >> i would have to see this communication. it's confusing to me because i had no -- i can walk in at tony's office and talk to him anytime i wanted. >> you deny these statements is what you're saying? >> i think there is a mix up somewhere. >> so you deny it? >> yes. >> john: let's bring in a pharmacy to see director group robert redfield, doc, thank you for being with us. what to make of this? from the 30,000-foot level it looks like a quite substantial attempted cover up here, but i don't know if it fully as. what do you think?
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>> it's obvious a very disappointing parent i was in public service many, many years and when we had a requirement to obtain our records and not delete emails, et cetera. with the testimony from dr. morens is not credible, not believable, mary disappointing. that over 20 years would not understand the rulings of public information very upsetting. >> sandra: how concerned are you, dr. redfield, great to have you on the program today about things like this dr. morens' email on making emails disappeared, this was emailed february 25th, 2021 dr. redfield released by the house committee on oversight at account ability you are right i have to be more careful, it reads. however as i mentioned years
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before from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear so i think we are all safe. plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail. how concerned are you about t that? >> that's problematic. it obviously shows that integrity problem with the individual when he feels he can do that. i think in general and i've said this to you and john before it was always very disappointed in the leadership of nih fauci and collins when they are world two hypotheses for the origin of covid one was pullover and one was lab that they did not aggressively pursue both hypotheses. that's what scientists would do. will go after it in a transparent open way but instead very rapidly they coalesced around the only credible was still over. and a lot of that undercurrent and some of these emails when
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they say destroyed all the emails related to covid origin because we now know the leadership of nih was saying one thing publicly and we know from their own personal emails they were saying something quite different in their personal email so it's very disconcerting that people were not open and transparent with the america public. >> john: morens got a strip turnoff and one up one side and down the other and a lot came from democrats listen to this. >> it is my hope, dr. morens, that today you will offer some humility and remorse for your actions which are a stain on the legacy of your colleagues at nyad and throughout the federal government. speak i mean you don't seem to remember anything. i find that amazing. something does not seem right here. it's very unsettling to me and obviously to members of this committee. >> i think your conduct shows blatant disregard for accountability to the taxpayers
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who fund nyad's work and quite frankly it really is disturbing. spewing when it came to condemnation of what morens allegedly did, the condemnation was bipartisan in a way we don't see very much these days. >> yeah, i thought it was very, very refreshing, john. and we saw the same thing last week with peter jessica. was very refreshing to see the committee as a whole committee i think look at the evidence and i think respond appropriately to their outrage in the question. >> sandra: i mean he is laughing off the fauci foia invasions, ps i forgot to say there is no rule about foia i can send things to tony on his private gmail or handed to him at work or at his house. he is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. that was another email obtained.
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here is senator john kennedy a louisiana urging the nih director testifying about gain-of-function research, listen here. >> the nih needs to clear the air on gain-of-function research. tell them what gain-of-function research is. tell them how it is funded. tell them what research projects the american taxpayers are funding. >> sandra: you look at those email exchanges with ouchi and this is the guy claiming transparency with the american public. we have a senator speaking on gain-of-function research let's have a presser, let's tell the american people what is going on, what has happened with this. i mean, why not? >> yes, center, think it's very important and i think you will know my point of view. i get an op-ed in
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"the wall street journal." i think we need more on gain-of-function research, i think it has a potential to cause a great pandemic. i think he was probably the instrumental in causing the pandemic we just went through periods but that is for society to decide. there should be an open and transparent discussion by society. it will be useful for nih to come out and sort of lead some of that discussion. clearly the agency was involved in gain-of-function research they play a lot of semantics with how they redefined it. i think it's pretty unbelievable when you think of how dr. fauci says it was redefined and if i took a pathogen that is nonpathogenic for humans and i teach it how to be pathogenic by definition that is not gain-of-function research. the pathogen has to be already pathogenic for humans. i mean, it's just semantics which really i think is disingenuous. >> john: doxed, one more email that i want to read to you here.
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this one really is a doozy. this was morens to peter daszak peter, just got the news that a freedom of information act request picked up an email i sent you saying that tony commented he was brain-dead. jokingly, of course. however ron johnson is all over it and now after me. tony will be pissed, rightly so and i deleted that but now every email i sent or got since 1998 will be captured and turned over whether or not ancillary deleted it. gmail, phone, text, i need to scrupulously rely on those exclusively." quick final thought, doctor. >> again the the exclamation point on how disappointed i am personally to see individuals in this leadership position have such total disregard. the american public has a right to know when i ran the cd/ci knew all of my emails were
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potentially public information. they have the right of access to that and that's all we had the freedom of information act and i think there was a aggressive attempt to get around the freedom of information act. i don't think they succeeded, as you know, because i got his emails now, but the fact is they attempted to do it and i think that is an arrogance that does not belong in the leadership of our institutions. >> john: wow. that hearing was amazing. doctor, think of being with us. >> sandra: think you dr. redfield. >> thank you all. >> sandra: to you as well. meanwhile this brand-new video released in the investigation into scottie scheffler's arrest by the officer took him into custody is now under fire. unints face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements.
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>> john: the louisville metro's police department showing new video from scottie scheffler top-ranked golfer last week you can see it highlighted on your top left there.
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pulling up to the gate of the valhalla golf club in round two of the bj to be shipped last week but it is not showing the initial interaction between the arrest. that's all we will see right there. that's because that's because the louisville metro police chief says the arresting officer did not activate his body camera as he was supposed to. chief says an internal investigation shows the officer violated policy by not activate in the camera and that "corrective action" has been taken. i am surprised, center, they still have not dropped the charges against him but i guess they will pursue it. >> sandra: and i think there's a lot more as that investigation continues, we will see. just a bizarre, bizarre thing. meanwhile we will watch the story and amal clooney wife of actor george clooney has been facing backlash for supporting the international criminal court a west warrants accusing mr. benjamin netanyahu of war crimes. our next guest argues if she
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cares about god so she should open her italian estate to refugees. let's bring in kennedy host of the kennedy save the world podcast and columnist kennedy it's good to have you here today. what is your message and all of this? >> my messages what you're calling for his not about stability, it's not about moral equivalence, it's about destabilizing and hating israel and trying to have the defense minister and the prime minister and to validate israel itself. and it really is no surprise that someone who is hollywood adjacent is pretty far left. but what she is calling for here is through an organization that is completely toothless. that would be like sending paul bart mall cop to the border to arrest illegal immigrants. >> john: here's what amal clooney said about the arrest
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warrant she said i support the historic step that the prosecutor the international criminal court has taken to bring justice to victims of atrocities in israel and palestine. here is what biden said about the icc action. >> to reject the icc application arrest warrant is needed. [cheers and applause] whatever these warrants may imply there is no equivalence between israel and hamas. contrary to allegations against israel made by the international court of justice. what is happening is not genocide we reject that. >> john: he called the actions outrageous which should make for an interesting fund-raiser in june that george clooney is a big part of. and i assume amal will be in attendance as well. it's peter that's her husband and with screen wife julia roberts, barack obama will be the third wheel that night. they are hoping because a
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president cannot raise this money by himself so they need to bring in some super high wattage clooney is also the star of some of those digital ads. gauze that happens to be an issue among young people and voicing to be shoring up some support with julia roberts being the face of the campaign but having a fracture in the cluny line may not be great for business. it certainly could make for some awkward dinner conversations. >> sandra: kennedy your daily mail column is a must read. okay? i'm a big fan. fan girl in your column. this is your latest headline on this, in posturing saint amal cares about gaza she should open up her italian estate and dole out millions. you offered a stinging rebuke but it is a fair enough point. what is she doing? >> she is
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marie antoinette-inning this situation and unfortunately no one is in the mood for cake because these are serious times and actions like this only escalate the conflict on call for more war and that's why it's morally irresponsible to equivocate hamas leaders, terrorists, and rapists with venom and that yahoo >> john: and people forget in france it was not cake it was a hardpan bread that no one wanted to eat. >> have to be honest gluten-free can be a doozy. >> john: there's a job opening there waiting for a meme manager to post nasty bits about donald trump. in this role you will have day-to-day options engaging in top content in meme page is the ideal candidate for this role is passionate about bringing political content to voters where they already are on the
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internet. you know, it's interesting the jobs the internet invents. as it goes along. >> it really is but i don't think a meme manager will be enough to rescue the president's poll numbers where there are some overall good economic news but that doesn't matter because as i said in a personal recession that is how you vote. you can hear wall street is great, jobs are being added and inflation is coming down but if your rent and food are too expensive and you can't afford them, then you are more likely to look elsewhere for leadership that might soften the sting a little bit. you can have all the memes in the world. unfortunately dark brandon is not a real thing. lets go brandon chants very real at the end of 500 where i will be this weekend. >> sandra: civic of university poll showed he is less popular
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with the less comic younger voters then in 2020 so may be meme manager is an attempt to bring them home, we will see. >> they will do whatever they can. spew and have fun at the indy. >> sandra: to enjoy -- >> thank you. >> sandra: moving on holding a rally in the deep blue bureau of the bronx tonight the first major campaign event in eight years lawmakers on the left not happy about it. >> has nowhere to go so he is deciding to come to the south bronx periods because the only place in the bronx were donald trump is any place being bronx, court. >> john: let's bring in gianno caldwell fox news clinical analyst and host of "out loud with gianno caldwell" podcast. it's been a long time so that anyone other than a democrat won the bronx county. last time a republican won the state itself was ronald reagan back in 1984 but take a look at this, the latest siena poll new york state to biden leads by
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nine points, 47-38, contrast that with the 2020 election results when biden won by 23 points. of this thing is getting narrow in the empire state. what are you thinking? >> i think most people would have never expected a republican to be in this particular position let alone donald trump. but i have to applaud him, i have to applaud his campaign for going out and doing something i would telling republicans to do almost ergo decades now. show up in the neighborhoods. don't just discount black voters and say they are never going to vote for us. they don't like republicans or as older republicans in the day politicians say we don't want to say the wrong thing come we don't want to upset anybody and we don't want to be accused of racism. donald trump does not have a problem saying whatever he thinks and how people take it is simply that. but these motors are interested in hearing what he has to say. these voters want to meet and where he is and they want to
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come to his communities. is for a play for this president. >> democrats are clearly freaked out about all of this because they are going to organize a counter rally. they've already got signs made up that says trump you are not welcome here in the bronx, but in terms of whether or not he is going to be welcome listen to the opinions that our rachel campos duffy got when she listened. >> i see democrats coming up and they are like probably not welcome here, who are you question mike >> i think you should definitely come to the neighborhood. >> he should come. he should check out the people because he is for the little man. >> not all of democrats vote democrat pair egg began to happen to be one of those democrats was not voted democrat since the age of ronald reagan. >> people who were not interested in politics are watching a sham trial. there watching all these things happen and they are just like what is going on? >> john: well that was unexpected. >> that young man is spot on and i say who are you because you don't show up unless it's election time.
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that's how it is in the inner cities. pulling out from cnn showing donald trump is getting 25% of the black vote between 18 and 49. these individuals have more interest in his methadone economics and are very upset with what they have seen with the migrants and their communities because often times when i've gotten involved in politics, i was 14 years old, they would say we can't do much for the community because there are no resources, there's no ability to do anything for the community. so you might as well to any voting. here we are seeing that you do have money. migrants are getting billions of dollars. what about the rest of us? that is the question being asked and it's the right question which is why people are saying you know what? i've had enough of you i will support donald trump. >> john: to your point clearly the biden campaign is freaked out about this hence the commencement address. that biden gave it morehouse college which was described by jason riley of "the wall street journal" bus fleet. he said "when mr. biden took the
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stage on sunday he did not see an audience of black men with limitless opportunities awaiting them. instead he saw an audience of black victims who show to their prospects. he was comparing obama's speech to morehouse with what biden said. obviously that does not play well among minority voters. we've heard a lot about that is being dark sort of saying you are a victim and you will never be anything else but. it does fit in the democratic playbook of trying to tell minority voters that if you don't stick with the democratic party you will be less than. >> they are using an old playbook. young african americans like myself want freedom, opportunity, economic empowerment, the old playbook of everyone is a racist. when you hear the things that joe biden says if you don't vote for me you ain't black, he owns the black vote. that is troubling.
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many folks have seen that in college and more educated blacks who have rejected the kind of language. >> john: gee i know it's great to have you on the program. we need to do it more often. >> great to be with you. please have me back. spewing up center? >> sandra: good have jian gianno there is a hearing with fulton county d.a. fani willis the committee is looking into whether willis misspent state funds while having that affair with former prosecutor nathan lead. they are currently testifying, she ran the juvenile detention program under willis but claims she was fired when she spoke out about the misuse of federal funds. we are monitoring that will bring you the news from it as it comes in. john? >> john: fox camera is capturing migrants from across the world illegally entering the united states through the san diego sector. our very own bill melugin live from the latest migrant hot spot, bill?
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>> and john there is no resistance whatsoever down at the california border as migrants from all around the planet continue spilling in the here nonstop. coming up after the break, you are going to hear from a turkish illegal immigrant who just crossed here. we talked to them who tells us americans should be very worried about how easy it is to cross and who may be crossing the border. will be right back.
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that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. ♪ ♪ >> sandra: if that doesn't put you in the mood for holiday week and i don't know what does come in the upcoming memorial day weekend and said to the busiest start of summer holiday weekend in the years. aaa protecting 43.8 million
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people trouble at least 50 miles from home between today and monday, keep your tv on while you do it. the tsa says up to 3 million passengers could pass through airport checkpoints on friday alone. if you have a be traveling through tennessee, dolly parton will be on this show tomorrow to tell us about the new attractions at dollywood. i could not be more excited for this, john, we've been asking dolly to come on america reports for some time. she found the perfect moment to do it. we look forward to having her tomorrow. >> john: i'm looking forward to it. the first time i interviewed dolly parton has to be 30 years ago she said y'all have to come to dollywood so we finally had a chance, care and i took the kids back at the beginning of april and had the best time. >> awesome. >> john: it was amazing my head is still rattling from going on "lightning rod" and the new coaster big bear mountain a triple launch lot of fun. >> i love it. dolly every time i see her, hear her, i stopped, i look i listen she's one of the most captivating stars.
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i really look forward to catching up with her tomorrow. >> john: they have a great show about dolly's life and dollywood and the whole timeline is fascinating. will look to that tomorrow. meantime our fox news cameras were rolling astray as a group of migrants from china entered turkey crossed illegally into southern california. one illegal migrant told our crew that he and a friend paid a cartel $10,000 to be smuggled in the united states. bill, how many chinese have crossed into the san diego sector of this fiscal year? >> john come in the numbers are crazy according to cbp sources just under 30,000 chinese nationals have crossed illegally right here in san diego sector. since october 1st we have another group of migrants behind us waiting to be picked up by border patrol but we will talk about what we saw yesterday tickling this video, another mass illegal crossing right here late yesterday afternoon primarily chinese and turkish
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nationals. some were carrying their luggage, others were coming in on the phone. we went in the middle of them and tried to see who would talk to us. some of them were chatty, others really did not want to be on camera, take a listen. glory from que? >> china. >> country, china? >> china? country from? >> india. >> where you going question work >> america. >> you're in america what city? >> i don't know. >> why did you come? >> i don't know. >> where you from, china? are you from china? china? hello, what country, china? no? china? so that ended up being a group of about 100 mainly from china as well as young turkish men. border patrol playing some audio of mandarin on a band giving them instructions. we caught up with a turkish man
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who said he sold everything he had to pay smugglers to cross the u.s. border and he said he was shocked how easy it was to cross the border without any kind of resistance. he said americans should be worried about how easy it is and the type of people who may be coming in. take a listen to this or markable exchange. did you have to pay cartel? >> yes. >> how much? >> around 10,000. >> 10,000? >> yes. america people's right, completely true. who coming to this country like i am good but what if they are not good? killer or psycho what else? like no security check. no background check. >> no security check no background check your worried who is crossing the border? >> yes, yes of course. people look normal. >> john just a short time ago i interviewed a pakistani man who just crossed illegally out here. he said he came here to look for work not a silent. i asked if he knows it's illegal to come for that reason he said
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yes. i asked him do you care and he smiled and shrugged at me. back to you. >> john: we will see how he does with his asylum claim. bill melugin, thank you. center? >> sandra: amazing reporting. meanwhile we all know her, taylor swift ticketmaster meltdowns are now fueling a doj crackdown but will an antitrust lawsuit really make it easier for you to get a seat to see her? that's next. ♪ now i've got bad blood among you know we used to be mad love ♪ ♪ take a look what you've done ♪ ♪ baby now we've got bad blood ♪
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>> we allege live nation has illegally monopolized markets across the united states for far too long. it is time to break it up. speech of the justice department suing to break up ticketmaster and its owner live nation arguing the company has a monopoly that blocks competition but will it make it easier to get tickets? most importantly will it make it cheaper? joining us now taylor riggs and branko host of "the big money show" great to see both. have you guys been to a concert a taylor swift concert yet? >> no they are too expensive. >> sandra: to that point then,
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but what people are noticing in europe is ticket prices are coming down. so will any of this lead to easier or cheaper ticket sales? >> i don't think so in the meantime. i think first of all the doj lawsuits will take a few years to play out so i don't think there will be in immediate impact on this, but brian i don't know i think you are against me on this. i'm actually interested to see where this lawsuit goes. remember this merger was approved over the obama administration in 2010. they did not love the merger but they said they will allow it to go through as long as it did not violate a a few clauses they were looking at but now some of this with the clauses have been broken so that's why they are suing but again this was approvd under the obama administration. >> i think merrick garland has got better things to do then live nation in my view. if it comes down to prices, sander look the reason they are so expensive tickets are so expensive because in 2019 live
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nation had 98 million people attend their events. last year that have 145 million spirit where we paying more? everyone in america has to see taylor swift and i don't think it's the same demand in europe so you buy it cheaper to get there you go on a plane and go see the show. but i don't see how the doj is going to solve this problem. >> sandra: i'm actually looking down because it appears there is a brand-new statement from the white house on exactly this. this is the following statement issued from the white house products secretary karine jean-pierre in the antitrust lawsuit against five live nation ticketmaster while we don't comment on specific enforcement matters, president biden strongly supports fair and robust enforcement of the antitrust laws. the president launches the strike force on unfair and illegal pricing because no american should pay higher prices or lose choices because companies break the law and engage in anticompetitive practices. has a administration taking action for corporate greed banning event tickets unfairly
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whizzing, increasing prices for hardworking families that they are tired of being played for suckers. >> he is the sucker not me. >> well, taylor. coming in hot. >> this is interesting because live nation's of the bulk of the service fees goads of the not to them. and competition has eroded a lot of their profit margins. you can argue if the venues are getting that money not ticket master and live nation. >> sandra: you want to talk about a slam respond to all of this and the doj lawsuit the complaint ignores he says everything that is actually responsible to your point for higher ticket prices from the increase in production costs to artist popularity two 24/7 online ticket scalping that reveals the public willingness to pay far more than primary ticket costs. >> do you think -- do you think the white house or
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this white house's doj getting involved in your concert tickets is going to make your concert experiences cheaper or better? and if you do, there is a bridge down the street i would like to sell you because they have not done that for anything else in america for three years. >> i have to tell you i read the rest of the statement really digging into the admin this ration on this one. it will be interesting. thank you for the discussion. we will take a quick break, will be right back, dolly parton tomorrow, guys. or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions,
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