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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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factor from my wife... i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. ...look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, "i'm glad it helped." i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. the only thing better than dolly parton is the cinnamon bread at the dolly world. [ laughter ] >> i'm excited for this tomorrow to kickoff the holiday weekend she will join us here on in america report don't miss a thank you for joining us great to be with you don i'm sandra smith. >> unlike me she is 1 of those people you inherently like. i'm john roberts we will see you tomorrow. the story begins right now with martha maccallum. >> martha: nice job guys.
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good afternoon i'm martha maccallum and this is the story a big afternoon in new york. former president donald trump is about to hold a campaign event in the bronx. this is a highly unlikely situation. he would be the first republican presidential candidate if he were to in new york which he thinks he has a possibility of doing. as i said, very unlikely it hasn't happened since ronald reagan 40 years ago. take a look at this, this is president reagan speaking to the national urban league in new york city 1980. watch... >> you and i both know there are perceived barriers between my political beliefs and the aspirations of black americans. those barriers are false. what i want for america is i think pretty much what the overwhelming majority of black americans also want. >> martha: so interesting.
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shannon rain and david perino are here, wonderful to have the onset. i hung out with dana a couple hours ago this morning, thank you so much for coming back. first to our correspondent alexis mcadams reporting live on the scene in the bronx a lot of excitement is building today p. hello alexis. >> reporter: hello martha. a deep blue area right in the bronx but a trump rally. not many were expecting to hear that here in new york city but it's exactly what's happening. i'll step away so you can see what we are seeing out here in the bronx. the former president has said he will make a play for new york focusing on crime calculation and immigration. he is ready to get out here and people are eager to hear what he has to say. >> i'm here because i'm so grateful trump came to the toughest most aggressive pack most dangerous town in the
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country. figure trump for coming. >> reporter: it's been decades since a republican presidential candidate campaign here in the bronx. so long ago that the video is a black and white. back in 1980 ronald reagan visited the deep blue neighbourhood. he was then running against jimmy carter and trump certainly hoping history repeats itself because that was the reagan flipped new york state blue unseating president carter. and other live luckier in the bronx it's been a longer ride since a republican candidate won the support of voters. 1 of the things they're focusing on is crime. it's top of mind for people in the bronx and voters across new york as his trial started in the big apple, 33 murders and 1300 robberies according to police data. t we want to hear first in america about that because in new york city people are getting
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debit cards, fast-track to the shelter system. >> reporter: but this is a lot different to see this out here in the bronx compared to some other areas we've gone to for rallies. but we have seen trump in harlem and he does pull out a cry. people think he might not have support but i don't have to tell you, people from all over new york came here and are waiting in line to hear the former president speak. martha. >> martha: a quick question alexis, how many people roughly would you say are there now? it is still 3 hours away i think it begins at 6:00. what is the set up like we what is this going to be like? >> reporter: there are thousands in line here at crotona park and it continues to go -- grow. like you said 3 hours out and people are still coming in. you can also see the line here, this is where they will have to go through security and inside they expect a stage to be set up where the former president will speak. that we'll be around 6:00 we don't know how long it will be
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but sure like to see a larger crowd so he might talk longer. martha. >> martha: so interesting alexis, thank you. shannon bring with me now, along with dana free no. great to have both of you. this comparison with dragon is so interesting i think. i'd like to play in other soundbite we have 2. let's due number 21st of dragon campaigning in 1980 as another part of the urban league adjusts. listen to the language he's speaking in this address. >> another barrier concerns me even more. that's the idea of black americans are some underclass of people who must be treated apart from the mainstream of americans because they don't have the capabilities the rest of us have. nothing could be further from the truth. >> martha: so, dana, you know, this is an interesting moment.
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i think about the white house speech president biden gave the other day and the comparison between these philosophies of what all voters might be looking for, block white and hispanic. also interesting to consider no child left behind was -- which was president bush's signature before 9/11 and that's because what he saw as governor was the soft bigotry for low expectations for black and brown children. it's an issue not being solved over time. i also want to compare not just what trump is doing and what reagan did, that 1 is not like, okay you can see how it makes sense. compare biden's campaign in new hampshire this week which should be a lock for him, they had to go there because it is not a lot. trump saying let me try to widen this electoral map. they're looking at places like minnesota, virginia obama was able to say let me try to do this.
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imagine president biden saying i'm going to give -- do an event in misery pack alabama, arkansas. just because he thinks i might have a chance there because i've something to say those people. you can imagin because it's out of the question he would do that but former president donald trump doing it today he is got the left angry at him, the aoc saying how dare you. i imagine constituents are saying they like to hear what he has to say. >> martha: could be peer channing, as we get ready to watch this tonight, we see the latest polls are really net end-mac nationally. but trump is trying to push into these areas that are not a safe haven for him. >> yes, and as you talk about the contrasting events, to thank about present truck dizzily to go into a place with thousands of people, we know there are calls for counter protesters to show up at he knows in mind a beautifully welcoming audience yet he is willing to do it which is such a contrast from the very controlled biden events that are restricted and who will ask
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questions, we'll be there, making sure no protesters can get anywhere close to what he is doing. just the optics of him willing to go there. >> martha: and also in new hampshire i should have said when he went there this week, there were just dozens of people there. the article i sent from the new hampshire journal you have to read it it is unbelievable. basically quoting people they are saying are they still practising social distancing. that's how lacklustre -- they said there was nothing memorable you couldn't quote anything from the speech. that's just compare and contrast that's what i would say to everyone. president trump may not win new york, he might but he might not. these willing to try again. biden could never go to the sum of these southern states he can even get a crowd in new hampshire. >> someone at the event for biden said there waiting for someone to yell bingo.
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e and this is supposed to be 1 of the most diverse districts around, 65% hispanic and 31% black residents. but trump is going to go there because the polls have shown this closing. new york times polls and our polls and swing states closing the gap nearly tied with hispanic members. he'd need nearly 23% from black voters which has not happened years. >> the other thing president trump gets from an event like this today is data and information so everyone that comes through an e-mail chess and phone number. which you mind volunteering, can i count on your vote. that is very valuable as well. and remember all those videos will go viral. it has a chance to go bad there is a risk. >> but there is also a chance it can be good. >> and he likes to mix it up,.
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>> the other thing i think is part of motivation here, this is just my gut instinct, he is a new yorker, when a group in this area, you know, i think it dries him crazy that he is downtown in this courtroom and he feels like he is getting baked -- beat up by the new york justice system. he would love to win new york for that reason. >> 1 of the things that motivated him to run for office was potholes because he used to get so angry driving around the city that everything was a mess saying, you know, we need to fix this. >> you heard the teacher ate he was very upset from the bronx about that. >> martha: alright think you so much. shannon breen. >> i hitched myself to the martha wagon. >> martha: thank you so much in grade have both of you with those. senator ted cruz on president
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biden's open border policy remaining in place for now at least. that is next
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- to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) already, breaking today the senate failing to pass a bipartisan border bill for the second time as president biden reportedly ways doing executive action which he could've done on day 1 of his administration. he is warming up to do it now apparently. the white house is shifting blame for an action on the crisis. watch this exchange with jackie heinrich. >> the president has the authority to do something about this unilaterally. congress is an divided government right now. >> why should he have to do it unilaterally? why shouldn't we do and a legislative way? and let's not forget pack -- i
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know but wait. so you are right he took many executive actions before. and order to deal with a broken immigration system you need all. >> martha: the texas editor -- senator ted cruz is standing by. >> martha it's been busy on here so far we've been seeing people from pakistan,'s and bob laycock turkey, china all over the place. you can see more migrants over the shoulder waiting for order controlled to pick them up. but look at this video another mass illegal crossing primarily turkish nationals some bringing their luggage even. we went to the group and saw who would talk to us and some of them were pretty shy. >> where you from? >> china. >> china. >> reporter: what country are you from? >> india. >> reporter: where you going? >> america.
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>> reporter: you are in america what city? >> i don't know. >> reporter: why did you come? >> i don't know. >> reporter: when negus where you're from, china? are you guys from china? china? hello what country? china? no? china? so it ended up being about a group of 100 people predominantly chinese and young men from turkey. we talked with a turkish man who said he basically sold everything he had to get to the u.s. border and cross it. he told us he was shocked at how easy it was to cross it down here with no resistance whatsoever. he said he feels americans should be worried about how easy it isn't and the kind of people that could potentially be coming in. listen to this. did you have to pay a cartel? >> yes. around 10,000. >> reporter: 10,000? >> who come into this country
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they don't know they are okay and good no background check. >> reporter: no security chakra background check and you're worried about who's crossing the border? >> yes of course. >> reporter: the turkish guys seem like a decent guy i asked him why didn't you come legally and he told me he tried to and his visa requests were rejected multiple times. he decided it would be easier to come from halfway around the world and walk across the border back martha that is a decision millions have made in recent years. will send it back to you. >> martha: that is the sound bite of the day if not the week or the month. i think he sums it up perfectly and he is coming into our country this way himself. he said he is worried about the psychopaths and colours coming in with me. bill, thank you very much. really, really insightful.
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with that we bring the texas senator ted cruz. former relations committee member who voted against the bipartisan bill today and needs an effort to pass the house led h. or to border bill in the senate which is previously structured social struggle. thank you and good happy with this. >> rate to be with you. >> martha: i can help but wonder if we play that soundbite for president biden, this man from turkey basically saying i paid $10,000 to the cartel but you should know that it's too easy to get into your country. there is no background check hack there is nothing. psychopaths and killers could be in this group are what do you think president biden would say to that man? >> i am sorry to tillie, he wouldn't care at all. i know that because the senate democrats, we have made that point to every single senate democrat. they have heard over and over again. there's not a single senate democrat who cares. i know they don't care because every single time we force a
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vote on doing something meaningful to secure the border, every single senate democrat votes know. they vote no, whether its major legislation like hr to which as you noted i'm leading in the senate that would actually fix the problem, everyone of them votes know on it. they also vote no on smaller things, they vote no on things like caselaw which i am also the lead author of that says violent criminals aggravated criminals who cross the border repeatedly pays amendatory minimum prison sentence. it was named after the beautiful young women kate's family murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been released over and over again. we forced to vote on kate -- kids law every democrat votes know. they do not care about the criminals they are releasing because if they cared, they would stop releasing them and they have no interest in doing so. >> martha: we have a lot of crime going on in the country and a lot of people on the terror watch list. i hoped about it doesn't take a
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terror act on our soil to wake people up on this. here's the border action and election schedule for president biden. in june he is expected to do an executive action announcement. then june 27 the first debate we could locking to that debate and say like a just passed this law and we have artie seen the numbers go down. what you think of that schedule? >> i thank the entire thanks camouflage back it's entirely fake for the election, for him to pretend he cares about this issue. understand how this problem happen. when joe biden became president, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration and 43 years. i worked hand-in-hand with president trump and we achieved a credible success. buy in large securing of the border. joe biden systematically and deliberately broke it. if he did nothing, he had the lowest rate in 45 years, but he made 3 decisions that cause this crisis. per stay in office he halted construction of the border wall,
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that was decision 1. decision 2 he reinstated catch and release. the policy when they catch an illegal immigrant, they let him go. you saw the chinese invading this country they are holding out their passport, they turn themselves in and joe biden lets them know. number 3, he pulled out of the remaining mexico agreement on incredibly successful agreement -- an agreement that reduced the rate of illegal immigration to the lowest in 43 years and the numbers skyrocketed. we now have the late -- highest rate ever recorded, more than 11 million illegals under joe biden. >> martha: i don't want to subscribe to the it's not broke don't fix it because if you look at it there a lot of thanks to change. i want to ask you about the idea that you and katie brett have proposed. there are critics who say this is a proposal in search of a problem, that no leadership across the country at the state or federal level wants to ban it
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and they also say its just a boost for the multibillion-dollar fertility industry. what do you say to that? >> several things. number 1, ivf's miraculous technology period has enabled millions of parents to be able to bring children into the world and raise sons and daughters that they loved cherish and nurture. every year roughly 2% of all births in america come from i.v.f. over 8 million babies have been born through i.v.f. but what has happened particularly following the elbe -- alabama supreme court decision, up there has been a lot of confusion and fear. frankly democrat politicians have decided it's good policy and good politics to scare people and scaremongering and tell them the big bad republicans are going to take ivf away. and much of the court a media is amplifying the message. i went to the senator and alabama katie brett and said
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let's team together and trapped simple straightforward legislation that protects everyone's right to ivf and makes it clear no state can ban it or no local government can ban it are to the best of my knowledge, all 100 senators support ivf in the senator it ought to be a bipartisan bill. we are seen democrats already saying they will block it, not because they object to protecting ivf but because cynically they want an issue to campaign on november rather rather than actually address it. >> martha: i understand where you're coming from. no federal body is trying to ban it right? >> you're right there is no threat to a because no status try to do so but understand the democrats are going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars the next 6 months trying to convince the voters that republicans want to do this so it is important for us to make clear, look we strongly support ivf and you know why the
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democrats do that, because they cannot defend their own policies on abortion where they support late term abortions that the american people don't. they want to change the subject. >> martha: alright senator ted cruz always good to have you. >> to give martha. >> martha: good to see you. here is the scene in south bronx in new york. these people are lining up for a former president donald trump rally, event, whatever they are calling it this afternoon pack but it's still several hours away. they are quite a few people have shown up despite the fact there is a counterprotest apparently trying to get its act together to balance it out. it will be a fascinating ad will watch a closely. leo terrel and jack grew as we keep an eye on this big event and here is 1 of the members of congress from that neck of the woods, watch... >> by the way, he is doing in south bronx not to make a point, but because he has got court. the man practically has the legal version of ankle bracelet
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new video of the arrest of scotty scheffler in louisville last weekend. you can see it there the spot shadow in the upper left. you can see -- we can see it well. but basically that it's his car
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moving through the area. this is the only view that we have but what you are looking at it appears an officer approaches the car but at least in terms of what we can see from this particular video, there is no moment a lot of people thought happen or set happened and the police officer would have been on top of the car and he drove through there. no evidence of that. at least in this video. maybe some other video will service later but nothing like that in this video. nobody can video from the office or the police say he's being disciplined for not it on. according to the report the officer was dragged to the ground and suffered pain and swelling on his left wrist after the car accelerated forward. very difficult to tell from that video. we don't see dragging in that part so more to come on that. scheffler's lawyers tell fox at
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no time did he through any accident scene or ongoing investigation he was following conflicting instructions from a traffic can's -- control officer. we know he had said it was just a big misunderstanding. this is the video of the arrest we saw that morning. he is calmly going with officers and then was brought down with an orange jumpsuit on and had a mug shot. for now the cops are not dropping the charges because the investigation is ongoing but they include assaulting a police officer. there is a court date for scheffler next month and they -- it was said he will plead not guilty. in the meantime sean diddy can facing a new lawsuit of sexual assault against an. a former mtv star krystal mckinney said she kept the clothes she was wearing that night on washed and wrapped in plastic. his ex-girlfriend is also making her first comment since we saw that horrific video of him
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jacking and kicking her. our correspondent cb cotton joins us with the back story. hello cd metro vancouver hello. for the first time the explosive video showed her ex beating her back in 2016. the singer took to instagram to route -- right in part domestic violence is the issue. it broke me down to some 1 i never thought i would become. last fall they settled a lawsuit where she alleged he subjected her to a years long abusive relationship. video again showing them attacking her was obtained by cnn and released friday. in response he has released a 1 minute apology video. >> i hit rock bottom. and make no excuses. my behaviour on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility. >> reporter: now former model crystal mckinney claims she too was a victim. she said she had dinner with
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them into thousand 3 and was later invited to his recording studio where she said he -- she felt pressure to drink and smoke. she was then forced to perform a sex act on the wrapper before becoming unconscious and waking up in the backseat of the taxicab. she alleges he later had her "blackballed in the industry. co this lawsuit marks the sixth 1 accusing the hip-hop mogul of sexual assault. he has denied previous allegations and has not responded to our repeated request for comment on this new lawsuit. but you remember federal agents raided his homes in california, and florida and connection to the human trafficking investigation in march. >> martha: okay,, a nod of support from the super bowl winning team after backlash to his strong belief in a commencement of each. >> what makes a locked room so cool as you can have those discussions and become better at
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making those decisions for yourself. that's what makes this country so great. >> martha: farmer and a ballplayer jack were on this next i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button.
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the ladies present today congratulations on an amazing combos may. some of you may go on to lead successful careers but i would venture to guess and the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. >> martha: kansas city chiefs quarterback patrick mahon's and head andy reid rallying behind the kicker harrison bunker who is strong believes on family values set up a polarizing debate. >> we won't always agree but there are certain thanks he said i don't necessarily agree with but i understand the person he is with the he is trying to do everything he can to the people in the right direction. >> he has opinions and we all respect that.
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i let you guys in this room and you all have a lot of opinions i don't like. >> martha: let's bring in jack brewer who played in the nfl as a safety. great to have you with us. what did you think of the response there? >> you know, i thought it was good. about to be honest i don't think what he doesn't agree with as a christian but i think of all christians and for all athletes this is a great moment because this confirms the gospel. we said that we would be persecuted for the name of jesus and i think that is exactly what you are seeing in this situation. god bless that young man for going to a school or university that teaches these principles and actually standing up and speaking truths. i applaud him. >> martha: ethic it's good when and addresses slightly provocative. a spark a lot of conversation, it made people think, it's not a boring commencement speech and it provokes conversation. here's part of the conversation,
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former espn post michelle beadle i didn't -- i will warn you there is some salty language cashew didn't like it. >> as a woman i think everything he said was garbage. what the hell dude? we just walked our [ bleep ] off for years and neil tello's its all cute but what you will really want to do is get married and have babies. then you'll feel important. like coakley leap yourself. >> it's also refuting no speech to say no sleep the yourself that's my freedom i can do that. >> martha: she does have the freedom to say what she wants. jack. >> her words are not coming in love and harrison was coming with love. it's just so sad to see because, you know, any time if was up talking about separating families, if he was talking about, you know, issues
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separating because of race and skin colour people would applaud him for it. but now it's typical of what you see in modern sports. >> martha: i know this is something you spend a lot of time on but we know we need strong families in this country. people should feel good about that kind of commitment. putting a family first regardless of your other professional accomplishments, that's what came through to meet in his speech. thank you very much jack. former president trump gearing up for a big event and deep blue bronx, the south bronx. this is going to be interesting folks, politicians don't usually go places were a lot of people don't vote for them. that's happening today with hopes of becoming the first republican nominee to carry the state of new york which is his home state. hasn't happened in 40 years. leo charles next.
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>> were going to come into new york, were going to make a big play for new york. i love this city. it's gotten so bad in the last 3 or 4 years, we're going to to straighten new york out.
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former president donald trump back to hold a campaign event in the south bronx in new york city. it is a minority community for the most part fact many people live below the poverty level in the south bronx. it's an area that's not seem republican support since ronald reagan in terms of presidential elections. president biden's support fell to 77% last month after winning more than 90% of lifeboats in 2020. former president jumping from 8 to 18% a 25% swing and his
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favour among black voters. we've also seen increases among hispanic voters to an extent as well. leo terrel is standing buy but first let's go to alexis mcadams reporting live. hello alexis. >> reporter: hello martha. the crowd continues to grow and the deep blue south bronx. you can kind of take a look at some of the crowds here we are seeing. the line continues to grow as we are still just a few hours out from former president donald trump taking the stage here. he's going to do everything he can to try to make a play in new york city and turn as many areas of new york city read. maybe a sum people expected. and she was not expecting many people to show up but we are
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talking to some supporters including marcello who is 29. you grew up in the bronx did you expect this many people coming out to support the former president? >> i did. it's a huge city and at this point after seeing biden's term people are open to new ideas. the people of the bronx recognize the cost of living has gone out of control and are ready for something new. >> reporter: 1 of the big thanks a lot of people seem to focus on here is what's going on with the migrant crisis in new york and across the country. what do you think about that? >> up and we see it all around. people are coming in and want a different way of life. however, it's taking away from resources of the people who are from the community and the bronx i see library hours being cut. i thank the bottom line is that this is not sustainable. >> reporter: you didn't always think you would be out here at a truck rally with neighbours and your friends and family supporting former president donald trump. what made you slip to support
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him? >> i thank the foundation of all this is i've always believed in freedom of speech and the first amendment so i think it starts by coming out to 1 of these rallies and hearing people's ideas and being open to something new. that's where i'm starting and i'm happy to be here. >> reporter: thank you for talking to us. that some of what we're hearing martha but the crowd continues to grow and are still living in to get ready for this big speech >> martha: thank you alexis. we'll be watching. let's bring in leo terrel fox news contributor great to have you. you know, what do you make of what that young man had to say? i guess the question is is there actually a ship going on politically in this country or not? this would certainly be a big test. >> yes martha, there is a big shift going on and just go back a couple years to what was done in new york. republicans were carried to the house of representatives.
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what's happening is vary civil. the democratic playbook is totally outdated. democrats will go to a black church, a black university and in the naacp. it's not on the minds of black americans. black americans issues are american issues. the group there is low unemployment, it's law & order, crime. they want a reduction in crime. those are american issues and that's what trump is pushing for. voters are not waking up, black americans are not waking up thinking though voter id. that's the issue the democrats want black americans to pray on and think about as if they are being victims. black americans want the same thing as all americans martha. >> martha: pulling shows a lot of people are still not thrilled with either candidate. hears charlemagne talking about this.
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>> the reality i think both candidates are trashed. it feels like biden space is pretty [ bleep ] off at him. >> help them out. >> by doing what? >> martha: help them out. neil. >> yes. that's easy martha, you look at 4 years ago he was in the biden camp and now he cannot hack you lose credibility if he comes out and endorses joe biden. you make that reference i am black, martha about was the turning point when i left the democrat and became a trump supported. are will tell you right now the numbers don't lie. black men are shifting to the republican party because of trump's policy. the race card at the democrats won't let it go because it's big business. they have braced hustlers on the democratic side. trump is looking at colourblind issues that benefit does benefit all americans. and another point it's a great
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race here in comparison. or you better off in the trump from 4 years obiden 4 years we most black americans are waking up and saying under the trump years. >> martha: there we'll be an anonymous effort for biden to bring these voters back. we saw what happened in south carolina with jim clyburn trying to salvage what was thought to be a finished joe biden run in 2020. this is new york state pole, 47% biden support. final thought on that. >> the democrats worst nightmare because new york is in play. if this strategy works martha, expect president trump in detroit, philadelphia, in cities where there are large black minority ovulation because a message is reaching the minority community.
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minority issues are american issues. >> martha: alright national posts to looking -- national goals still looking very tight. we will see where this goes. thank you very much leo always good to do you. >> thank you martha. >> martha: final farewell to 1 of the greatest heroes of a generation. a world war ii aaa's clarence bud anderson whom we met season 1 of the final journey on fox nation. >> best dogfight i ever had was june 27th 1944. the germans come down, we can shoot. we met them head on. use right here and i come on purely goes. and hits all over the carpet
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we head into memorial day weekend. we are remembering 1 of the greats who we lost last week. world war ii's last aaa's fighter pilot. clarence bud anderson is 1 of the greatest of the greatest generation he shot down 16 german fighter planes during world war ii. at 15 he secured the aaa's title. he served 30 years in the united states military and are dozens of metals. there he is in front of his plane. his family said he died and his sleep friday at his summer in california. he was 102 years old. i was so honoured to have the opportunity to speak with him for my fox nation special the final journey of the greatest generation. he told me about client over normandy on d-day.
1:00 pm
>> when you look back down and we could see the higgins boat going in there. there was fire and smoke and stuff so it was quite a dramatic scene. >> martha: a hero and a gentleman. you can hear more from him and other world war ii heroes. both parts pacific and europe both available on fox nation right now. next month the story we'll be live from normandy to mark 80 years since d-day. that's the story this thursday may 23rd. tomorrow the story goes on. i'll see you back here as your world begins. station for more. [ ♪♪ ]


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