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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 23, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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can it happen again? >> theoretically, it could happen again, and it's interesting that you bring up new york because you are starting to see, or you saw in 2022, republicans make some inroads in new york. governor kathy hochul did win, but we saw republicans doing better than before. a lot of that had to do with the issue of crime in 2022. so to add on top of that, now we have in new york city this issue of migrants being taken there and new york city essentially having to deal with this. adams very much on the defense. there is opportunity there. i don't think new york is going to go to trump, but i think republicans can continue to make a showing there. >> neil: well come history could repeat itself. we will watch it closely. julia manchester, thank you. that will do it for us. let's go right to "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the presumptive g.o.p. nominee boldly going where no republican has gone since ronald reagan. donald trump getting ready to hold a rally in the bronx. it's a deep blue district in new york city that biden won by 83% in 2020. trump will try to spread his maga message to black and hispanic voters in an effort to try to win over the traditional democratic voting blocs, as biden's coalition crumbles. the former president expected to hammer issues like rising crime, inflation, and the border. democrats fuming that trump even dares to talk to their traditional voters. >> the bronx knows better. they see what's going on. this is like essentially -- i think it's a gofundme for legal funds. this is an attempt to come i think, tricked some of our folks
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here, but i think the bronx knows better. >> it's obvious to all of us that his priority is not the people of the bronx, they're not going to buy the snake oil he is selling. his presidency was a catastrophe for the bronx. he should be apologizing to the people of the bronx for the damage he has done. >> yes, it seems like a long shot that donald trump would ever win new york, but looking at lee zeldin numbers in 2022, does make me realize there are a lot more republicans and dissatisfied democrats in the state of new york than we would like to admit. >> dana: democratic lawmakers will also be there at the same part, but not for the rally, they are protesting trump's visit, but there are many residents who think that the former president will be received with open arms. >> i see democrats now coming out, and they are like, oh, trump is not welcome here. who are you? >> i think he should definitely come to the neighborhood. >> he should come. trump is where the little man. >> not all democrats vote democrat. i happen to be one of those democrats that hasn't voted
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democrat since the age of ronald reagan. >> people went into the politics, now they are watching a sham trial. they are watching all of these things happen, what is going on? >> dana: jesse, this is my favorite story. it's got all sorts of things that i want to talk about, but i will ask you questions instead. can you imagine president biden going to missouri or alabama or arkansas, and showing that kind of confidence in this election year, to say i am here to try to talk to you voters? >> jesse: actually i don't think it is a good idea for him to go there. could get a little hairy. you know, if he has the courage to go for it, i don't think it is going to turn any new voters but this will be at first, aoc, there is no evidence he is bossing anybody in. johnny has been there since 2:00. that's b.s. and he is not using it to raise money. if you were to raise money, would you go to the bronx and get people's email addresses and then hit them up for like a $10 donation? that's not happening. and the other guy that says this was a catastrophe, trump
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presidency, for the bronx? why? because there were lower prices, lower rent from a lower crime, lower migrants? i don't even know what the guy is talking about. it does seem like they are trying to say trump is a racist. and they have to go all the way back into the '80s to say he is a racist. i remember in the '80s blacks love trump come in the '90s they loved him, in the 200 2000s,'s blacks wanted to be trump come everybody wanted to be trump, no matter what color you are. that changed when he ran for president. and i don't think black americans even really knew who joe biden was until barack obama tapped him for vp. but the way the electoral system is in this country, because time is money, a lot of times you raise money in your own strongholds and then you campaign in the battlegrounds, and you kind of leave your other opponents' base alone. that's off the table now because trump smells weakness, so he's diving into joe biden space.
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and, you know, voters are like women, dana, they want to be courted. they want you to lavish attention on them periods of the bronx is now like, hey, where have you been all my life? he's coming and he is going to come strong. i think if you replicate this, maybe not in new york but if you go into these deep blue precincts in philly, you do it in milwaukee, you do it in atlanta, you do it in detroit, if you can even just get in a battleground, maybe 3% or 4% more of the black and hispanic in these cities, that makes a huge difference in november. >> dana: and harold, new york, i want to get your take on it, but the poll today in new hampshire, trump up in new hampshire over biden, biden was there this week with one of the weakest campaigns i have seen since the wawa. >> harold: good to be back. two things. i think it is very smart for candidates to go and meet people where they live, to understand their needs and challenges and
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aspirations and dreams and hopes, and the only way you can do that is to not box out or not alienate or not eliminate going to places. i'm old enough to remember when california was a reliably republican state for presidential candidates. i was old enough to remember when new york elected republican governors. even massachusetts elected republican governors. one thing is for certain. you won't get the vote of people, any person, if you do not go and ask them. and you don't understand people if you don't go and see how they live, where they live, and understand why it is they may have needs that are different than other communities across the country. that's number one. number two, i think it is fair to go after president trump on things he said in the past, and he should just answer. i do think there are things that he has done and said that i find a little off-putting, but he has answered a lot of those questions, and i think that voters will have an opportunity to view him in a light that is fair. to him. but you can't expect to get any votes if you don't go into these
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places. now to my last point, to your point, jesse, black voters should not be thought of reflexively as democratic voters. we have voted democrat in the past, largely, because the democratic party has, we believe, stood up for us, in times of need, in times of grief, political grief, that is, and set up for us in terms of education and other things, but if you listen to what those people sit in the bronx, residents of the bronx, i assume they are, the people we had in our package, they welcomed the president coming and said we want you to hear what we have to say and if you have a better set of answers than the guy you are running against, we are going to grade you on how you plan to try a future that includes us. i applaud the president. >> dana: talking to a lifelong new yorker that does president trump loves new york and he wanted to be be a better city, and they'll hear that tonight. >> judge jeanine: they will hear that, and you know, the thing about the democrats saying things like the bronx, dems plan to counter the enemy trump,
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and the whole idea that aoc is saying, you know, trump is now, you know, he should be embarrassed, the truth is trump is a true new yorker. he has proved it. i have walked on the street with him. 30 years ago. and if it was a cop, or someone with a hard hat or a waitress, and i've said this before, they loved him, they always loved him, and it wasn't until he ran for president when all of a sudden the people loved him decided they hated him. but i'm not so -- >> harold: the politics -- >> judge jeanine: waiting minute. i'm not so sure they hated him. i think they were told to hate him because he was a republican. he was the same guy he was when he was walking down the street. but you get people like aoc, and you realize that she is representative of a dictatorial approach to politics in america, and that is where the left is right now. they don't want to see him in their area. they don't want people to vote for him. they don't even want you to listen to him. and that is what is so sick
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about all of this. aoc is acting like, i grew up here, and that's a quote. she didn't go up there. she was born in the bronx. she grew up in westchester county, one of the most affluent counties in the country. she went to hackley. she went to boston college. i mean, she has -- she can't lay claim to the bronx or anywhere else. and where does donald trump go? he goes where people are afraid to go. he is going to harlem. he has been to a bodega. he goes and talks to construction workers. and people want to hear from him because they are not happy with what the democrats are selling them. they are not happy having to pay for food. they are not happy that the illegals are getting better rights and more product and more benefits than they are. and they are not happy with the fact they have to pay more for gas, and $11,000 more a year just to live because of the democrats inflation. >> dana: one of the things biden does repeatedly is talk about the maga minions and
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extremists, cutting off those voters. president trump has taken a different tack. i know they might not like me but i'm going to go talk to them anyway. so he is expanding the circle. >> greg: he also runs to the challenge and not to the basement. i don't think biden is capable of doing anything outside his comfort zone, especially when that comfort zone is a room with around-the-clock nurses and no sharp objects. it is amazing to see aoc kind of somehow offended, offended that trump would campaign in the bronx and speak to thousands of voters. how dare he? because our candidate can't do that. it's not fair. but it's not trump's fault that biden is imploding like an iranian helicopter. remember, aoc, pelosi described her -- what did pelosi say about her? a glass of water could be elected there. as long as it's a registered democrat. right? she didn't have to be any good. aoc is now less popular than a glass of water from flint, michigan. nobody likes her. trump draws crowds.
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she repels them. you brought it up yesterday. aoc killed the amazon job. the amazon jobs deal. that cost the city thousands of jobs, and her district, and taxpaying citizens, it is the story of socialism. you don't know the real opportunity cost of electing a marxist because you never experience what could have been because they destroy the opportunity. i don't think the media is ready to admit how bad biden has gotten and how good trump has gotten in the same time frame. it's like watching a video of a house being built at an accelerated speed, but then right next to it it is the same tape in reverse. at this rate, biden is going to be gone at trump is going to be sunning himself on mount rushmore, but you will still have joe scarborough going, but wait, biden, he can still breathe, the machine, it's still beeping. >> dana: i love it. we are going to carry live, i think we have 49 minutes, left to go, johnny is there come alexis mcadams is there are, and it looks like there is a lot of energy, and some flags, i
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love that. coming up, you don't love bidenomics, you don't say. some in the media think you are just not smart enough to know how good you've got it. >> greg: yeah! ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: bidenomics continues to be a vampire sucking the life out of our finances, draining bank accounts faster than jesse's when he binges on toupee's beer now msnbc stephanie ruhle trying to hypnotize americans into thinking we are not feeling the bite.
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cue the economic explainer. >> we need an exit economic explainer. people are confused, they are exhausted, but they are also doing quite well appeared so i want to start with prices. they have been an issue for everyone. >> you have inflation that got way too high in the u.s. and in other countries around the wo world. incomes didn't keep up with that. i think the economy is doing well, but we get shocks from outside the united states. i've seen that happen with supply chains. we've seen that happen with wars. i think we're kind of keeping our fingers crossed we don't get another. >> greg: that was exciting. but ruhle needs to go to school if she things americans are doing quite well. why not hop on over to her local fast food joint, which is where joe has supersized the cost of fries, big macs, and even your trusted foot-long. all of which have gone up since biden stepped into office. harold, this is arrogant and insulting. it's like a comical bombs on stage and blames the audience.
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they are blaming the people. do you think she has been to a fast food restaurant? she doesn't mind because organic blueberries are always going to be $12 a pound or whatever they are. i wouldn't know because i eat nothing but junk but junk. >> harold: look, i like stephanie. i don't necessarily agree with her. and austin. i don't fully agree with what they are saying. when politicians, we have set on this show many times, when you are telling someone they are safe, they are healthy, they are economically secure and they don't feel it, it is a hard time translating that into them supporting you when you say they should be feeling well. the truth of the matter is the credit card delinquencies are up from last year. serious delinquencies. 7% versus 4%. we do have two economies. wealthier households are doing better and don't have the kind of anxiety and concerns that low and moderate income households have. i think that's a dilemma that the fed faces as they think about what they are going to do or when they are going to do it, or for that matter if they are
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going to do a cut at all, which is something that some people are clamoring for and the data suggest they shouldn't do it because inflation could be going back up, but i start -- i end where i started. every day americans in the lower to moderate income categories are feeling strained. and there is no amount of numbers, there is no amount of data that is going to tell someone who can't pay their credit card bill, who is struggling to renew their insurance, afford their insurance, or tell someone who is trying to buy gas, or food, look, you are doing better, don't worry about the high prices, you are going to be fine. people do that normally lose elections for its b3 judge, you know this remind me of? >> judge jeanine: what? >> greg: crime and into immigration. everyone who plays down these issues plays them down because they are immune -- you know, the prices don't matter to her. the immigration, crime, a building manned with security, your courtroom, whatever you want, it is this elitist point of view. >> judge jeanine: it's an
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elitist point of view and i want to say you have good skin for eating nothing but junk. >> greg: i think it is the junk that does it to me. >> judge jeanine: i got to try that. look, i thought about it, and i said, who are these people convincing that the economy is great? the only people that they are convincing are the people who are rich. and wealthy. which is exactly your point. the truth is, you know, they are delusional because 70% of americans have a negative view of the economy. 64% say it is getting worse, and then 64% disapprove of biden and how he is running the economy. so you can talk until the cows come home and that is not going to change anything. with credit card debt, as harold talked about, being over-the-top, and medium fries, $1.79, in 2019, are $4.79 today. a big macs went from $5.99 to $12.69.
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a chicken burrito at chipotle, 6.50 to $10.70. this is what people are eating. inflation is more than $12,000 a year just to live the same way you live last year. so this isn't about, oh, you are stupid, you are just not feeling it. this is reality. and these people live in their own world, in their own bubble, and that's why people like donald trump are going to the bronx, to talk to people, and i guarantee you he is going to have a great crowd tonight in spite of how hard the democrats are trying to tell people not to go. >> greg: jesse, you love a good foot-long. >> jesse: sandwich. >> greg: yeah, the assumption was there. by the way, it's not a sandwich, it's a hot dog. are you going to dial back to a smaller weenie? >> jesse: a 6-inch? i'm going with a 6-inch, it's all i can afford, greg. i don't make gutfeld money. i will say this, i did not take econ 101 in college, one of my biggest regrets, but i made up for it by reading
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"the wall street journal" and i have a financial advisor -- i mean, i am no harold ford jr. or anything, but i think i have a basic grasp of this. a little econ explainer. if joe schmo makes, i don't know, 10% more one year, that's great, way to go, joe schmo. but if rent, insurance, gas gasoline, mortgage payments, groceries, are all up 30% to 50%, then joe schmo is getting hammered. and he can maybe not survive that. stephanie ruhle can survive that. so why doesn't stephanie just feel his pain? i thought democrats were compassionate. and here's why. they can't acknowledge that their policies because the pain. >> greg: exactly. to be when they can't acknowledge the trillions in spending from opening the which increases consumption and drives down wages, the wind energy, skyrocketed inflation. they are in denial and telling everybody else you are in denial. it is a projection. >> greg: it is. >> dana: there is another one,
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the $20 minimum wage in california, for example, that is the most populous state, so that has been a problem at all of these people wasting. some of these fast food owners and franchise owners are trying to figure out how they can keep these places open. they are cutting hours, which means people aren't able to work as much. the liberal elites that biden cares about, they haven't been inside a fast food restaurant since michelle obama told them this was outrageous. where do you think a truck driver -- he's got to get from point a to point b in a certain amount of time to make his delivery on time so he gets paid, and along the way, might have a fast food restaurant and who cares, people can eat whatever they want to eat, but they can pretend they don't have a huge problem. the other thing is the white house says this is all corporate greed. how come there's only corporate greed when democrats are in office? >> greg: right. >> dana: doesn't pass the smell test and people in the bronx no. >> greg: there is the scent of a class issue here where they assign a moral value to the
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things you buy. you know, who eats fast food? not people i know. but i have a feeling a lot more people will be eating fast food, particularly the people at media matters who got laid off. [laughter] >> jesse: i didn't know that. >> greg: yeah. ahead, how dare a republican vote for a republican. but tv meltdown over nikki haley endorsing trump. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to the roots of our legacy. where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking...
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another republican. nikki haley revealing she'll be checking out donald trump's night in the ballot box this november, and it's triggering a tsunami of liberal tears that nikki didn't fully liz cheney. >> we need shrinks and cult experts to explain this because what you are reporting, doesn't make a lick of sense to me. >> i am shocked that she would sink so low so fast and just lie about the facts as badly as she did beard >> haley of course may not have kissed the ring but she has certainly tried it on tonig. >> this is about her personal admission, not the country. peak nikki haley. >> she kind of does that thing when you pull in a fish and -- >> flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop. >> jesse: judge jeanine, did they really expect that nikki haley was maybe just not going to endorse donald trump at all? >> judge jeanine: well, you know --
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>> jesse: and endorse joe biden? >> judge jeanine: i think there is a difference between endorsing someone and saying, kind of come at the end of a speech, in answer to a question, that you are going to vote for him. i see an endorsement as something where you show up with the candidate. you have an event that is specifically around that idea. to me that is an endorsement. this is, yeah, i'll vote for trump. she really has to come out and say a little more than that for her to endorse him. having said that, i am so sick and tired of these people on the left saying that we are part of a cult. you know, get yourself a cult expert to analyze the half of the american people from afar because i'm tired of hearing about all of us being in a cult. but i think that nikki did say something that's accurate. she said that biden is one of the worst presidents in history as it relates to the withdrawal in afghanistan, and that foreign policy is her forte. but i would like to see her
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actually do a real and political endorsement. >> jesse: do you think we will see that with those two on stage? >> dana: it takes two to tango. in order to have that kind of event, you have to have trump saying i want to appear with you at this event. >> judge jeanine: she has to make they -- >> dana: >> dana: that could happen. that's natural, it happens, remember when hillary and obama were at each other's throats? all that whole summer, and then what did hillary do? she is like, i'm for obama, then went to campaign for him and undermined him, a little come anyway. the media would consider why somebody would want to have this position. disagree with trump but think biden is a disaster. bill barr said trump might be russian roulette but biden is national suicide. if biden wins they are never going to be able to refinance their house. people are making some practical decisions. i imagine the trump team would say we take those voters because they know they have to cobble
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these things together to make their coalition seen. the other thing is the left seems to think that you should say, okay, you might not like trump so that means you should go over and vote for a guy that you think is a disaster? that's unrealistic. it's not going to happen. looking at some of the reporting, lawrence jones just posted on x, he's been to a lot of trump rallies come he is at the bronx now along with johnny and alexis mcadams, never seen anything like this. so something is happening out there, and again, you have to pull all these pieces together. i'm not saying it is a perfect picture but you are starting to see how a new coalition could be forming while biden starts to fall apart. >> jesse: you do see things falling into place slowly by slowly, greg. >> greg: just like your hair. [laughter] you said practical decision. that's an adult decision. nikki made an adult decision divorced from the kind of emotional dead end of never trumpism. an adult decision is you don't have to like someone to know and
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appreciate their value. who would you rather have? and incompetent but likable agent, or an arrogant shark who wins? like it or not, trump is america's agent, right? not the world a gent. it's the basic definition, in my mind, anyway, populism. he is your agent and not theirs. was kamala a flip-flop or when she ended up working for a racist? by her own definition, joe biden was a racist, kept her on the bus. this is why the elites in both parties who profited off the backslapping geopolitics found trump so unseemly in the first place. they didn't want their cocktail party ruined by some unseemly rogue asking how much the cocktail weenies are or are you paying your fair share? the never trumpers c cannot divorce themselves from the personal impact trump made on their egos. whether it is mitt or liz cheney or kinsinger, there is a lot of ego and a lot of resentment
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built into it and you call it a sunk cost. once you marry yourself to so much emotion over so much time and you put so much effort into this, you can't reverse that stance. it hurts too much. they can't change their mind. when they see somebody do that, it burns them up. that's what you are seeing. that is why you are seeing a lot of these implosion's. >> jesse: it has happened in political history. a lot of times people tear each other's faces off for a year before the election, and then they break bread and come together. >> harold: so i think her saying yesterday, judge, nikki haley, governor haley, she is supporting trump, if you are in the trump campaign and are serious about the numbers in a campaign, you want what she said yesterday, and you want what you said, as well. since march 6th, which mr. trump has locked up the nomination since march 6, nikki haley got 18% of the vote in arizona in a closed primary, meaning only republicans voted, 14% in
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florida and 70% in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. so her saying at the end of the day, this is what's going to make -- i have to vote for him because i don't want to vote for biden as something good for trump. on the flip side, democrats do the same. democrats are going to say i may have reservations about biden but i can't stand trump for abortion, january 6th, what they did -- they will have a number of reasons why they feel that way, as well. finally, for those who care about the debt, we were talking, i think it is going to be really interesting to see these two campaigns talk about the economy. some of the headline stuff right now is interesting. it's predictable. but when you really dig into the numbers and you look at some of the things that are happening on the republican side, there is a whole new movement of republicans rising up, saying that we want unions, we want higher tariffs, we want more government -- more government spending. now that used to be things that democrats used to say. these are facts within what's happening in the republican narrative. mr. trump, when he was in office were four years, ran up and $8 trillion debt. mr. biden since he has been in
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office, since september 23, has a key related $4.7 trillion debt. once we get into this -- that's what the debates are about. that's what the debates are about and let both of these candidates answer these tough, right in your face questions, and i hope, being in the bronx, i hope they ask him these questions. and a democrat who says he doesn't have the right to go there, you don't know politics. this is what politics is, meeting voters where they aren't answering their questions. >> judge jeanine: take that, aoc. >> harold: anybody. >> jesse: harold ford jr. >> harold: there were republicans toiling in my me i should go to rural areas in tennessee -- >> judge jeanine: all of us. >> harold: it's silly. >> jesse: it's so silly. coming up, whatever happened to women lifting up women sports? "the view" launching a racial attack on caitlin clark. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the haters are going to hate. liberal bdm lunatics are launching ridiculous late racial attacks on caitlin clark. she has the college sports sensation turned wnba star who is making women sports a big deal. her celebrity is boosting league ratings and ticket sales. but when the left isn't busy trying to shove dudes into caitlin's locker room, they are calling her fans racists. "the view"'s sunny hostin claims caitlin clark is only popular because she's white. >> i do think that there is anything called pretty privilege. there is a thing called white privilege. there is a thing called tall privilege. and we have to acknowledge that. and so part of it is about race
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because if you think about the brittney griners of the world, you know, why did she have to go to play in russia, because they wouldn't pay her. >> dana: oh, my word. >> judge jeanine: but thankfully basketball legends like lebron james and charles barkley are dunking on caitlin's detractors. >> caitlin clark is the reason why a lot of great things is going to happen for the wnba. i'm going to root for caitlin because i have been in that seat before. i walked that road before. i hope she kills. >> lebron, you are 100% on these girls hating caitlin clark? >> we are in the most insecure group in the world. y'all should be thanking that girl for getting y'all [bleep] private charters, all the money and visibility she bringing to the wnba. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, it is so sad that it is women who are dumping on the woman who has the number one, as far as i know, the number one
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scoring in college, and brittney griner didn't have come although they were each the wnba number one draft, but after all these years of losing money, the wnba, this woman that you are looking right there at the screen is making a huge difference for women sports in the wnba. >> greg: well, first, sunny hostin claims that caitlin clark -- and also jamele hill said the same thing -- that her popularity was due to white privilege, then how do you explain why no one can stand joy behar? and then she mentions pretty privilege, which is basically an order for that to be true, sunny hostin just said that the women of the wnba are dogs. she is saying she is doing well because she is basically pretty. she just called all of the wnba women dogs. if you're going to play this privilege game, let's bring up brittney griner, right, what's our privilege? black lesbian. let's play the game. she was able to get back to the united states because of her
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privilege. what wokeism did was take the worst sin on the planet which is enby and elevate it as a form of political agency. so you have sunny and jemele, they cannot be happy for someone else a but envy as based on race or privilege. it isn't indulging their human insecurities. why don't i have that adulation? is it because she is white? and oh, the problem is that question that you have to ask why people are doing better than you. this racial prism has done more to dissuade young people from seeking success than drugs or alcohol. instead of focusing on being a better you, you apply equity. they are actually applying equity to others who achieve more. ironically, these are the very same people, the sunny hostins and jemele hills, who will not extend a hand down to women who have less access than they are. why aren't they doing something? they are pathetic. >> judge jeanine: the sad part about it is not just caitlin,
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the number one spot in terms of college scoring in basketball, but she is an entertainer. she's got a swag. she's got something that a lot of these basketball players don't have. >> jesse: she's got the it factor. let's just play a game, judge jeanine. "the five" is a pretty popular show, 3 million a night, everyone loves us, dana needs security when she walks outside alone, it's insane. harold ford jr. he tries out for "the voice." all of a sudden, people discovered what a beautiful, soulful crooner harold ford jr. is, and all of a sudden, this show skyrockets to popularity. we are sitting next to harold ford. everybody is watching him on "the voice," everyone is watching us on "the five," it's great, we don't sit around and say, oh, man, i am so jealous because harold is so handsome. he is so talented. should have been me. he doesn't deserve it. no, you are just happy to be along for the ride. that's what these other women should become happy to be part
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of something special. >> judge jeanine: and dana, the truth is that they are not, di suspect showed an average male wants to be in the w and b he transitions, how long will it be before they say you go. >> dana: in one second, if -- excuse me, caitlin clark agreed to come on their show, that they wouldn't take it? it would help their ratings. and brittney griner, let's not forget, america gave up a convicted murderer, drug dealing gunrunner in order to get her back, and we left the u.s. marine in moscow at the same time, so there is an privilege right there. and also, talk about pretty privilege, does she think they keep her on "the view" for her stunning legal insights? i don't think that's the case. i don't like to be mean girl, i don't come and i don't like it when they do it, and they do it all the time, but now that they are doing it with the race that's disgusting. >> harold: we think -- this
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preoccupation with race, it less where races actually a factor. caitlin clark, something in college basketball at no one accomplished before. she broke all of these scoring records in three years. normally for years to play college basketball, the people who had those records for years. she put the records out of reach for a long time. all records will be broken but what she did was truly amazing. two, she has introduced so many young kids to the game. you are going to have a group of kids who believe, who will grow up knowing the wnba like they know the nba. and the wnba, the charles barkley very poignant point, important point, the wnba is going to start getting salaries going up, start being treated -- you think about this, the last couple years, women's ncaa basketball tournament, they didn't give any kind of consideration for those young women to be able to practice, for their green room.
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the men had everything of the women had nothing and someone shined a light on that and it changed. because of this young lady, if you are four, five, six, seven, nine, ten, 11 years old and want to go to college, you will have a very different experience in college basketball because of her. and there is a great saying, the ball don't lie, she can play. and anybody doesn't think she can play didn't watch her. now, she is going to have a transition to the wnba because it is a bunch of pros. college players going to the pros. which he came to new york the other night and lit it up with 22 points. this young lady can play, she is going to be good for men and women sports and everybody should be -- >> judge jeanine: and we love you, caitlin clark. >> harold: i think she is great. >> judge jeanine: she is. she is a superstar. >> greg: it's because she is white is white. >> judge jeanine: and pretty. all right, "the fastest" "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ well i was on my regular route, when i find this note... bring rings to beach wedding?
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fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i grabbed the rings and hustled down the beach. who has the rings? i do... i mean, i do. okay... save wedding...all set. just another day on the job. if this is what we did for love, see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. speed demon's head's up. your ride is about to snitch on you. a bill in california could require new cars to beat at drivers when they exceed the speed limit by at least 10 miles per hour. judge, what do you think -- must be five why did you talk to me
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about it? >> harold: i'm just curious, is this something that you are -- >> judge jeanine: i think it is wonderful, as someone who spent 30 years in law enforcement, it's a wonderful thing. for me personally i hope it beats on the inside and not on the outside. do we know where it is beeping, in or out? >> harold: prime time, what do you think about this? >> jesse: they use to regulate putting seat belts in and that was a good thing and we have gone way too far. going to smack me in the face when i argue with emma on a road trip? it has gotten way out of hand, harold. nanny state. >> dana: i'm against it. i want my freedom because i really speed a lot. >> jesse: and you hate beeps. >> dana: i hate on noises, it's true. >> harold: exclamation point, what's your thinking on this? >> greg: i love the sound of a good beat so this is not going to work on me. none of this is going to matter in 20 years. all the cars are going to be self-driving. you say no, that isn't, but once all of the cars start offering it as an option, you are not going to buy a car that doesn't have the option and then all of a sudden the insurance companies are going to start lowering their rates because they are going to see how safe self-driving car is, and then
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there will be really special rates for people that just use a self-driving car, and then like 40-50 years from now people are going to go, did you realize, can you believe humans actually drove themselves and had 43,000 deaths per year? they let 43,000 people die so they could drive around. >> harold: real quick, you think in 20 years we will have more -- the dominance of driverless cars? >> dana: absolutely. >> harold: do you? >> jesse: i'm still sticking with my own human-driven vehicle. not in a box on wheels. >> judge jeanine: the democrats in charge, won't have a choice. >> dana: besides, the world is ending in ten years with global warming, harold, haven't you heard? >> greg: good to be around the table. [laughter] >> harold: i love my friends. "one more thing" is next. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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>> dana: time now for one more thing. i don't usually do this but i want to play something from america's news room, we played this cassidy joined america's news room along with their newly adopted son luke, luke was in 25 foster homes the last four years, they adopted him. here's what he wants to say. >> i really want to say that i would actually be here forever. i never thought that forever was a thing anymore. >> dana: so, he's going to play football this year, hasn't been able to be on a team, great family. project zero is a nonprofit that helped them. we wish him all the best. and greg you're next. >> greg: oh, what a show we have tonight. michele tafoya, andrew gruel, kat timpf. let's do this. greg's duck crossing. you ever drive on some country road and all of a sudden the little ducks come across and you have to stop or you'll run over them like jesse does. check out this little duck crossing here.
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it was, duck belonged from the thrifty treasures antiques and more cost three grand and only to fly away, weighs a hundred pounds, a giant inflatable duck >> jesse: came in tyrus's bathtub. >> greg: nicely done. that's in frank mute michigan. >> dana: judge >> judge jeanine: fashion goes to the dogs literally. check out these adorable pooches rocking the red carpet at the pet gala at the american kennel club museum of the dog week this week. museum of the dog. each canine donned couture similar to what celebrities wore at the met gala. the furry fashionista outfits will be housed at the museum of the dog for the month of junement very cute. >> dana: fashion's really gone to the dogs. >> jesse: i loved this morning on news. >> dana: that's it for us everyone. have a great night. >> greg: you have a great night >> bret: you have a great night everybody. good evening welcome to


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