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  The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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polls, he's still holding leads but what about this move? >> very smart move to go to the south bronx. that symbol of urban decay. he's not going to win the bronx or new york city or new york state but sends a message to minority voters that he cares about their problems. he's a guy who gets it and now everybody talking about should he have gone, liberals are criticizing it that's how he drives the news cycle making him the center of attention. >> bret: panel we squeezed you in there, live rally still happening. we'll bring it to you live here on fox. that thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for special report, fair balanced and still unafraid. the ingraham angle is next. we'll take you back to the rally as we head out. ♪ >> policy is called remain in mexico. nobody can come into our country and then you're going to have catch and release into mexico. >> i'm laura ingraham this is
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the ingraham angle from washington tonight. if a new yorker can't save this country than no one can that's what former president trump said a few moments ago in the south bronx. let's keep watching. >> give me a top 10, give me a top 10 list, give me a top 10. i said to ice and border patrol give me a top 10. they gave me a top 10 list and a lot of it had to do with all the horrible disease that pours through. people that have highly contagious disease resist coming into our country at levels we've never seen before. so many other things. and they gave me a top 10 list but they laughed they said sir we'll never -- we've been trying to get this up for 25 years. i said if i were a betting man i would bet you any amount of money you'll have it very quickly. so this man comes in, i said we want a policy remain in mexico. tijuana, hundreds -- probably the fastest growing city in the world for a period of a year. that place loaded up with people that weren't allowed in our country. we had already built a lot of
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the wall, tremendous, 571 miles without that we couldn't have done that and they said we're not going to do it sir i sai you are going to do it he said we're not. i said i'm not going to mess around with you i have to go have a very important meeting much more important than this. i said here's the story, you're either going to do it, it's friday evening or on monday morning at 7:00 in the morning we are going to put a 25% tariff on everything that mexico sends into our country, and then, one month later if you don't do it we're going to put 50% then 75 and because i'm a nice person we're going to stop at a 100 percent tariff. and here's -- i had it literally written. i'm saying should i sign it or not? am i going to waste the inching ink or not. on monday morning you're going to pay up a hundred dollar tariff. he said you are i would like to make a phone call. i wonder i guess you're going to call the president. he comes back three minutes later, sir it would be our great
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honor to give you 28 thousand soldiers free of charge. our great honor to have a policy of remain in mexico. anyway, we got all ten things, it took about luke ten minutes. and now the other day, did you see? mexico said to crooked joe biden, we want $20 billion a year just for the privilege of negotiating with you. we want you to pay us -- did you see take? it was a little article you hardly -- there's a slight difference wouldn't you say? he would have never asked that. he would have never asked it. so he said, they want 20 billion, 20 billion, not 20 million. 20 million's a lot. they want 20 with a b, $20 billion a year just for the privilege of negotiating with mexico. and you would never get the things that -- they gave up remain in mexico. they gave up catch and release in mexico. they gave up, they gave up
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everything. they gave up everything. they did. they did give up the constitution. joe biden, his inflation has cost the average new york household a staggering $24,000. think of that. because the costs have gone up so much. bacon -- i don't eat bacon anymore it's too expensive. it's true. it's gone up like four times. i said what's with bacon. but if you look at the biden price hikes very much caused the run away inflation the likes of which i don't think we've ever seen before anything like it. and they're costing average new york families a thousand dollars a month just in the inflationary costs. i call it the biden inflation tax. because it's a tax. on day one we're going to throw out bidenomics and replace it with maganomics like your hats. and i will give you lower taxes.
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remember, when i cut taxes, i gave you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country, bigger than the reagan tax cuts. and you know what? the following year we reported massive increases in revenue. so with lower taxes, we actually took in more money because it gave incentive for possibly to work, lots of reasons. but i will give you low taxes, low inflicks, low interest rates, rising wages, growing incomes and fair trade for the american worker. and we will make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby, drill. [cheers and applause]. >> drill, baby, drill. your energy costs will come down within the first year by 50%. that's a hell of a promise. and it will, too. we can drop that so quickly. remember, it was his stupid energy policies that caused the inflation. now it's more than energy. now everything's like on fire.
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the whole place is a mess. we will quickly return our nation to the path of prosperity and we will bring our country back together through unparalleled success. our country is going to be very successful and people are going to come together. and i will tell you, i will tell you, a lot of people say, do you think you could ever get the sides together. and by the way i have to say something. our side is much bigger than their side. much bigger. we're more quiet, much more quiet, but when we get going, we're much tougher. right? we're much tougher. but much bigger. but i saw it, we had the greatest economy in history, and i woulds taking calls from the other side, i call it the radical left. but left leaning to put it mildly democrats, can we get together? because everybody had the best they've ever had. african american jobs were the best in history. asian american, the best in
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history. hispanic, the best in history, women, people a diploma, people without a diploma, people that went to the great wharton school of finance, mit, harvard, they were doing better and people that didn't have a high school diploma, everyone was doing better, there wasn't one group that went down and it was bringing our country together. so it can happen. and when they ask -- because i get that question a lot. do you think the sides can ever get together? and i went through the experience, and we can get together. and then we had covid come in and we had to fight that battle and we did a great -- you know, i've been recognized as having created a great economy and great military defeating isis and all the things, rebuilt the entire military created space force all those things. we never got the credit and we had no wars. thank you, sir. that's very nice. remember hillary clinton used to point at me he will create wars. no, no. he said his personality's going
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to create wars and i said no, my personality will keep us out of wars and i was right. first president in 78 years that didn't start a war. we had no wars, none of these stupid wars. such a shame. when you see all the people that died in these horrible wars in the middle east and everything else, countries didn't want us dropping bombs all over the place, spent $9 trillion in the middle east. we bombed the hell out of the place and then we leave. you know, in the old days, to the victor belonged spoils. we don't do that. we have -- we bombed the hell out of everyone and then we come back home. it's so sick, it's so sick and so stupid. these people that led us are so stupid. you want to use that as a last resort, you can solve these problems with a meeting or with a telephone call. you don't have to drop billions of dollars worth of bombs on people's heads. you don't have to. it's called peace through strength, it really is, and
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there's no reason for it. what they did in the middle east is so incredible. they bombed the hell out of the placen then they left. but to the victor belong the spoils we didn't do that. now in iraq years ago i was a civilian but i got a lot of publicity for whatever the hell reason and i said don't go into iraq, don't go into iraq, don't go into iraq, but if you're going to go in keep the oil. well they went in and they didn't keep the oil and iraq now has $350 billion in cash from the oil, and iran, by us destroying iraq, the military of iraq, you know, for years they fought each other and they were equal sizes, equal everything. they were equal military partners. and for a thousand years under different names, they would fight. a religious thing. they'd fight, they'd go five feet left, five feet right, five feet left, five feet right, somebody would say they had gas somebody would say they had nuclear and then they'd fight again. but we blew the hell out of one
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side, iraq. so now iraq is a subsidiary of iran. congratulations to the geniuses that got us into that mess because iran essentially controls -- and that was the other thing. when i was president, iran was broke. they had no money. i said to china, if you buy -- they bought a lot of oil. i said if you buy anything, but if you buy oil from iran, we are going to do something to you. what's that? you're not going to do any business in the united states. they said well, that's the end of buying oil from iran. every country was told that. iran was broke. they had no money for hamas. they had no money for hezbollah. they had no money for anything. and then biden comes in and he takes all of the sanctions off and they go out and no iran has $223 billion. congratulations. and we're the only ones for five hostages we just paid $6 billion.
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and for electricity, for iraq, we just paid $10 billion. and think of it, iraq has billions of dollars and we're paying for their electricity. so we were in a position, there was no tarror, there was no threat there was no nothing and now iran has become a big threat again. [chanting: bring them home! bring them home [ [. >> i tell you i see a lot of flags, a lot of flags right out of israel, right? that's right out of israel. but remember i said it. i said it a month ago, it's a terrible thing to say but i believe it. many of the hostages that you're waiting for and everybody's waiting for those hostages, many of them are dead. many of them are dead. and it's a horrible thing. but many of those hostages are dead. and that's why when you see these negotiations where hamas is like not getting back,
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they're saying, man, we could make a good deal but these people are no longer alive. when i saw the way they were treated, when i saw the way they were thrown into the cars and how horribly they were treated, there's no way that those hostages -- some will be alive but many of those hostages are dead. it's a very serious horrible thing. it would have never happened if the election weren't rigged. it would have never happened if i were your president. they would have never done it. because we have so many young people here today, i want to talk about, just for a moment, about success. do you remember i used to give talks on success, before politics. okay, that's enough. we're going to do it. i know you're on our side, but it's enough. we're going to get them home. it's a rough situation. but remember, we used to give talks and success for the learning and ex and for others and i used to do that before politics and maybe it's one of the reasons i went in.
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because bringing our city back it starts with getting the right leadership but also involves men and women just like you. but i talk a lot about success and i get paid money to talk about success. i would have done it for nothing. but then, because of politics -- and if you take a look, because of politics i stopped doing that. but i think we're in the bronx. we have young people, people that aspire to success. and i just wanted to know, i'm so tired of politics. can we devote six minutes to success? [cheers and applause]. >> so, for all of you young people, i think it's -- look, you know, i've been through great success i've had it in entertainment, i've had it in business, i've had it for politics. i ran for office. what office did you run for? i ran for president. how did you do? i won. actually i won twice. we did much better the second
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time. you know we got millions more votes the second time. but it doesn't compare to this time. there was so much more -- we had tremendous enthusiasm -- i don't call her crooked hillary i call her beautiful hillary because i took it and use it for joe. >> we had tremendous enthusiasm in 2016. we had unbelievable, more enthusiasm in 2020 because we did such a good job. in fact, one of the big problems in 2016, was the wall, it was the border, i fixed it. so good i couldn't talk about it in 2020. i told my people i want to talk about the wall, i want to talk about the great job i did on immigration. they said sir nobody cares you already fixed it. terrible thing you fix it and you can't talk about it. but for the young people just to listen for a couple minutes because we've been talking about politics for so long, i'm od'd. you know what that means i'm od'd on politics. i'm od'd on trump, i turn on the
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television, trump, trump, trump, trump, all different stories. trump, trump. they're driving us crazy. so i believe in the expression, did you ever hear this expression? the harder you work, the luckier you get. you know who said that? a great golfer named gary player. i was smaller than other golfers but he worked harder than other golfers and he ended up with the most career wins of any golfer. he ended up with nine majors, you know, small in stature but big right up here. but he made that statement was the first time i ever heard about it. he said, it's a funny thing happens, the harder i work, the luckier i get. that was an athlete saying that, amazing right. was the first time i heard it probably been said by others but it's true. i can tell you if you didn't work very hard there is very little chance that i would be standing here right now, another part of success is something i learned from my father. i had a wonderful father,
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wonderful parents, i was lucky. you have to be lucky to get great parents. if you're going to spend your life working really hard you have to love it. you have to pick something you really enjoy. sometimes your parents will say don't do that, but in that case you have to follow your own way, you have to love it. ideally you're going to love something with potential. because some things you love but it's not going to do you so good. so ideally falling in love with something good, some people go into a business where it's a very hard business. if you can go into business that's an easier business and do well. but i see it all the time, somebody has every increased ingredient for success smart brilliant everything's good but you're in a business where you hit your head on a wall, very tough business. try finding something where it's a great business and a great future and there are plenty of them out there i. my father taught me about construction but what i really learned was he worked seven days a week because he really loved to do it. i mean he would work on sunday,
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he would go to church in the morning and then we go and work. i know some people that don't believe in working on sunday, you couldn't keep him away from work but he loved working and he was happy. he was married for a long time. that's one thing i'm not going to top him on. he was married for a long time, decades and decades. i said, pop, i'm not going to beat you on that one. but because his work made him happy but he was happy when he worked and he was successful and he knew what he was doing. he'd build a house on one side of the street, somebody else would build a house on the other side of the street. and he would build his house faster, better, cheaper, and he'd sell it for less money. the other guy would build a house for more money, take him longer, couldn't sell it. moi father would go buy the house for less money than it cost him to build the first one and he'd sell it. and, you know, in the old days a long time ago, his brother was a professor at mit. my father worked he was a little younger than my father my father
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put him through school. he went to mit brilliant guy professor john trump the longest serving professor in the history of mit 41 years i think. dr. john trump. my father told me i used to go crazy your uncle was always getting degrees i had to keep building for your uncle to get through college he was always up there getting degrees. he was at mit for 41 years, a brilliant guy. he used to talk to me about nuclear because he was a nuclear genius along with a genius about everything else and he used to say that some day there will be a team when a small package carried by hand can blow up an entire city. and i said, no way, uncle john, that's never going to happen uncle john. guess what? he was right, long time ago that he said it. but my father would price a house and i would say, how did you price in those days dad? he said pricing was everything. he said i'd sell a house for
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3,999 dollars and $0.99 and that one penny made the difference between selling it and not. one penny. if i made it $4,000 i wouldn't sell it but psychologically $3,999.99 and he sold houses and guys wouldn't sell them. but he used to tell member that one penny, sounds crazy but it wasn't crazy. psychologically people thought they were buying it for $3,000 not $4,000. it's sort of like getting an 89 on a test in school or a 90. a 90's an a and an 89, one point, is a b-plus. another lesson, when times are tough, sometimes that's when you perform the best. you have to learn that about yourself. you have to learn it about yourself. are you okay? are you guys okay? okay. take your time. take your time. doctor, any doctor please? doctor in the house. thank you. are you okay?
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you take your time darling. yeah. take your time. [chanting: we want trump! we want trump]. >> take your time, doc. we have time. some people waited here for two days. it's tough. it's tough. thank you. plenty of time. that's good.
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water. she all right? she okay? she doing all right? she doing okay? thank you. plenty of time.
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>> all right, someone's having a medical issue at the trump rally. we'll return to that when that's resolved. joining me now is savannah hernandez turning point action reporter. savannah, you're there, what are you seeing? incredible crowds there. >> it's been crazy laura. now when i got here this morning at 9:30, you had a couple hundred people. keep in mind there were heavy rains this morning but people were still out there, with somebody here as early as 3:00 a.m. i took a small break and came back around 4:00 and you had thousands of people lined up around two blocks. so the crowds have been huge. you've had a multitude of different people here from all over new york as well. i spoke to a registered democrat and hipsters from brooklyn. we have so many different people from all areas of life coming out here today in support of donald trump because they say that they're just tired of joe biden. i've been hearing so many biden jokes today but how he's basically destroying america.
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he can barely stand up and again the energy has just been absolutely incredible. behind me right now we have a small group of anti protesters here that have actually been starting to cause some violence now that the sun is going down so we're monitoring that situation as well. >> all right savannah, we're going to go back to president trump, former president trump, who's resuming his speech at this rally. let's listen. >> horrible human beings are after you all the time. impeachment hoax number one, impeachment hoax number two, lawsuits all over. and they're doing it to injure the political opponent of an incompetent candidate because he can't run fairly and squarely. and you say what i say? you know what i do? i just do it. i put on the blinders and say just do it. we do it. and the other question they ask me is, will it happen again? and we have to make it too big to rig. we have a lot of great people watching. we have to make it too big to rig. but one of the things you need
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in success is momentum. you need momentum. you've got to have -- and when you have that momentum going, there's nothing that can stop you. and i tell the story of bill levitt. bill levitt was a great real estate man, graichlt levitt towns all over the country, one of the greatest real estate people certain age ever, and he built these massive towns that there was nothing like him at the time and very successful and he was offered a lot of money to sell to a big public company, and he decided to take it. he was a young man. he was in his 40s and he said darling, i'm going to take it. told his wife i want to take the money. and for 20 years, he went out, he bought a yacht, he lived a beautiful life, he lived in the south of france, but he got board. and 21, 22 years later, he said, i want to make a comeback, i can't stand this life anymore, i want to make a comeback. and he went to the company that he sold to, a big public company
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that did very poorly. they had no idea what they were doing. you know, he used to -- by the way, he used to pick up every nail, every piece of wood, every -- he used to sell the saw dust, everything. every penny was a major event. and now you had this big public company, they didn't know what the hell they were doing. so he went back and he made them an offer, they didn't want to sell anymore he paid a little more and ended up buying it for an okay price and he was so happy and said now i can go back to work. and he went back and everything he touched turned bad, the market turned on him, the jobs turned on him, he was no longer able to get zoning, he was spending a fortune he had just purchased it for a lot of money and he ended up going bankrupt, he was bankrupt. and i was young when i met him and i was at the party of a very big person, big public company person. and bill levitt was there and i was in the real estate business so i knew who he was and you probably indirectly know who. and everybody was shunning him a
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little bit. nobody cared about him anymore. but i did. and i went over to him and i say hi mr. levitt i'm donald trump. i was doing great. i was sort of a hot guy, i was hot as a pistol. i think i was hotter than i am now and i became president, i don't know. i said to somebody was i hotter before or hotter now? i don't know. who the hell knows. who the hell knows, who the hell cares, right? but he knew who i was and i went up, i said, so are you okay? and he said, i'm not really okay. i made a mistake that i'll never forget. and he was by this time a pretty old guy and he was sitting in the corner of this magnificent fifth avenue apartment where there were 25 very successful people but i wanted to talk to him i wanted to find out what happened. because he lost everything, everybody knew it. and i said what happened exactly, what happened. he said, son, i lost my momentum. i had something going that
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couldn't be stopped and i should have just stayed. i lost my momentum. and i've never forgotten that. if you lose your momentum, you've got to figure it out. but bill levitt lost his momentum and he died penniless and he was the biggest real estate person on the planet. and i've never forgotten that story. it was a sad story. he was a good man, too, i thought he was a good man, did an unbelievable job today you have levitt towns all over the country and pretty amazing. but you have to always keep moving forward. and when it's your time you have to know it's your time. and i said to myself, in terms of politics, i said, you know what? we did so well in number one, we did even better in number two, i said we've got to do it again, because have to do it. . (cheers and applause). >> maybe i'm wrong. and i'm not doing it for myself, i'm doing it to make america great again. you know, if i didn't think we won, easily won, i would never do this. because, you know what?
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in many ways it's easier you have a winner you have a loser, it's okay i won once it was a big upset i guess. i don't know why it was an upset because i would go and have 50 thousand people at a rally she would have 200 people and then they would say why did i win michigan or pennsylvania or all these states that a republican hadn't won in many years, why? and by the way we're up in pennsylvania, we're up in michigan, we're up in new hampshire today. we're newspaper florida at numbers that you wouldn't even believe. but i also think it's very important to know what you want. you have to set your sights high, set your sights so high, higher than you ever thought possible and make your goals big and go after it. that's why i say we won't just make new york a little better, i say, we want to make new york a lot better, better than it ever was before. right? [cheers and applause]. >> and, finally, you have to take pride in your accomplishments. do not take for granted what
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you've achieved. forget it. it's over. it's good no for your confidence, but it is a over, think to your future but not to your past but learn from the past. you know, wherever i go, i know that if i could build a skyscraper in manhattan i could do everything. it's very tough. building a 68 story building on 5th avenue is hard with all you have to deal with. i mean you have unions, you have legal entanklements, property rights, zoning. you're dealing with the smartest and toughest contractors in the world. these are killers. many of you are here today, thank you very much. but by comparison, talking to world leaders, i believe is easier, and i've done them both. talking to a world leader, if you're smart, you know, you have the united states behind you, now the country's not the same but it will be better and stronger and bigger in a very short period of time. you know, we have so many
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different things we could discuss having to do with the republican party, but the biggest thing i think, and i really mean this and it's happening more and more and i see it all the time, because really you have to be the party of common sense as opposed to the democrat party. it's a pavarotti failure, extremism and gross incompetence and that's what it is. and they're going to destroy our country. but our country has faced down much harder challenges before and come back stronger than ever. that's why i so firmly believe that we can quickly make america a great and glorious nation again. when i take office, we are going to restore public safety and the rule of law in new york city. that starts with stopping the pouring into our country of millions and millions of illegal immigrants, which are causing a new category of violence called migrant crime. we have a migrant crime happening now. you add that to the crime already. a terrible statistic.
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venezuela was a very crime-ridden country. they just announced a month ago 67, but now they just announced 72% reduction in crime in venezuela. in corracas they took their drug dealers, they're emptying out their prisons they're taking everybody that is a problem and dumping them into the united states of america. we're like a dumping ground. but many countries are doing that. i would say eventually all countries would be doing that. if i headed up honduras, if i headed up any one of the countries that are neighboring -- not neighboring. we're not just talking about south american countries we're talking about countries from africa, the other day 22 -- think of it. 22 people from the congo. where do you live? we came from jail. what did you do in jail? we don't want to tell you. now they're living happily. they come from africa, they come
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from asia. they come from all over the world. the middle east, yemen, we're bombing yemen here we go with the bombs again. we're bombing yemen and people are coming in from yemen. large numbers of people are coming in from china. and if you look at these people. did you see them? they are physically fit. they're 19-25, almost every one us a male and they look like fighting age. i think they're building an army. 29,000 people over the last -- i think they're building -- they want to get us from win. i think they're building an army. this is not -- you know, it's interesting. did you see them? they all have tents, they all have gas-fired stoves. i mean, this is not like an illegal immigrant, this is -- they're building something. they have something in mind. we're going to end all of that stuff. they respected your president. they respected our country. and we're not going to let people -- we are not going to let these people come in and take our city away from us and
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take our country away from us. it's not going to happen. [cheers and applause] . >> now, who would let people, seriously, who would let people come from prisons and jails froms mental institutions? they cannot stay. we will immediately begin the largest criminal deportation operation in our country's history, because this situation is sustainable by no country. no country can sustain this. [chanting: send them back! send them back]. >> as we speak, there are hundreds of thousands of biden migrants invading our city and our country. we no longer have border states like texas and arizona. all states, including new york, are -- you're a border state. the people are pouring through texas, they are pouring through arizona, they are pouring
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through every state. every state is now a border state. every state is now -- we're talking about, in my opinion, 16 to 17 million people, and these are not necessarily people that are going to help us as a country. we want to be nice. we want to be respectful. they're coming from so many places, we don't have any idea. in many cases, we don't even know what the language -- you know, you have languages that people don't even know about. we have languages where there's nobody in our country that speaks these languages. they're coming from places we have no idea what's happening with our country. the flood of migrants is putting crippling burredens in our communities, your schools, hospitals, parks and public resources. frankly we're lucky to get this big park. i don't know how the hell we did it. it must be new york's finest. i don't know how we did it. [cheers and applause]. >> they call it the biden migrant invasion. and it's wrong. it's immoral and the vast
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majority of new yorkers agree with me that it's unacceptable. it's unacceptable. we must stop it immediately. and for the people coming up it's also unacceptable. they come up in what's called caravans. the women are treated horribly. they're being raped at levels that nobody's ever seen before. nobody wants to talk about it. the fake news will report that oh, it's so terrible what he said. but it's fact. it's fact. the people are being treated -- they're coming up in a hundred degrees and then it's freezing, they're coming through snake infested areas. it's a hell of a journey. so many people are dying coming up. if we told them please do not come up, you're not going to come in, like i was telling them for a long period of time. they wouldn't come. they're being offered -- look at california, governor newscum. he offers medication, he offers medical care, he offers pension persist, he offers everything.
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he'll even give them an electric car because they're all over the place. how about the electric mandates, do you like the all electric mandate? not too much [boos] >> does anybody like a car that doesn't go very far? of course not. in brooklyn american students at james madison high school were recently told they had to stay at home from school so their classrooms could be turned into housing for thousands of -- [boos] >> right? thousands of migrants. very simply joe biden puts illegal aliens first. i put america first. i put america first. [cheers and applause] [chanting: usa! usa [ [. >> would anybody -- now this is up to you. has anybody heard the snake? would anybody like to hear the
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snake? because we can stay here all night. i don't care. would you like to hear the snake? [yeah!] >> it's a metaphor, it's an old song it was re-done, didn't have knowing do with snake or people or illegal immigration but this has to do with illegal immigration and i think it's very accurate actually and very sad. but i'll ga and do it and some of you have heard it and many of you haven't but we're going to do it right now for the great people of the bronx and elsewhere. we love the bronx. we love the bronx. are you ready? on her work -- and you know what? you what this is all about right? do you know? you've heard this? have you heard it? we've got the greatest people here. on our way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake. his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
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poor thing, he said, i'll take you in and i'll take care of you. take me in oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake. take me in on tender woman, side the vicious snake. she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk. she hurried home from work that night and as soon as she arrived she found the pretty snake she had taken in had been revived. take me in oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake, take me in oh tender woman, side the vicious snake. she clutched him to her bosom you're so beautiful she cried, but if i hadn't brought you in, by now you truly would have died. she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight but instead of saying thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite! take me in oh tender woman, take
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me in for heaven's sake, take me in oh tender woman, side the vicious snake. i saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me, but why? you know your bite is poison us and now i'm going to die. shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin. you knew damn well i was a snack before you took me in. right? so when we allow people from prisons, when we allow people from insane asylums and mental institutions, which are being emptied out all over the world, you know, their prison populations are going way down, you know why? because they're being dumped into the united states. when we are allowing terrorists at numbers that we've never seen before, remember the snake. remember the snake. because you're going to get bitten like you never got bitten before and you need a new
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president and you have to get rid of this person who is not a smart person, not a respected person, and doesn't have a clue what the hell is happening. so that's the snake. did you enjoy the snake? [yeah! [ [. >> on day one i will seal the border and i will stop the invasion of our country. very sadly [cheers and applause] >> in recent years we have also seen our city destroyed by bad radical left pro-crime policy that virtually everyone, republican, democrat, independent, everyone, you all know it's a disaster. you know the names of these lunatic policies. no cash bail. somebody killed somebody. go out, no bail, don't worry. go out and kill a couple of more people. defund our great police. defund the police. sanctuary cities, release violent repeat offenders from jail. joe biden supports all of this insanity and much more but millions of people across new
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york know it's crazy. there is no way, when you watch this guy get off an airplane, he doesn't even have to talk. when he falls out of a helicopter he has three little stairs, not that hard. you've got two railings. you don't fall out of helicopters, you don't fall up stairs. he falls up. he has more trouble going up than he does coming down. but you're just not going to vote for him. you're just not. we have to win. if we win this state it puts it right -- it's such a big state, it puts it to bed. you're going to have a president and people, but you're going to have a president that understands what we have to do. we have to be nice about it but we have to do things. and we're going to be done. and the world is going to respect us again. we were never so respected as we were four years ago. president xi of china, putin, you know, victor orban ever hear of him? prime minister of hungry, tough guy, known as a strong guy.
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they hate when i talk about him, he's a strong man. trump likes strong men, i like weak men i would rather have weak men. but they asked him why is it the whole world is blowing up. he said one simple reason trump is not president in the united states. he said you put trump back as president and the whole world is going to get better. because they were afraid of trump. they couldn't figure trump out. trump was a rather difficult person. but he used the word afraid. i don't use afraid i the word respect. they respected your president. they respected the united states of america and they're going to do it again and it's going to happen fast but we have to get this absolute disaster, the worst president in history. he makes jimmy carter look like he had a brilliant administration. the only thing. the only happy person about joe biden is jimmy carter because jimmy looks brilliant by comparison. i also want to thank new york's finest. i grew up with them. i know them, i love them. i love our firemen.
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i love our teachers. these are incredible people and we have to bring the word respect and honor back to them right where it belongs. a few weeks ago i visited with a grieving family, new york police officer, jonathan diller. what a beautiful family. he was a beautiful person. he was 31 years old gunned down during a traffic stop by a vicious thug. and just horrible, leaving his beautiful young wife behind, son ryan behind, 1-year-old son. and it was the saddest day. it was a horrible thing. opened the door and just started shooting him. the criminal charge was savagely murdering officer diller who was previously arrested by the nypd-21 times and he was allowed to go out because of the political things they do here. i'm the only one they want to keep. if i ever said, i want no bail, they would say you've got to pay a fortune. if i ever say, oh, no cash bail, that sounds good, that sounds good. oh, it doesn't apply to trump r
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i'm the only one it doesn't apply to probably. and the accomplice driving the call was arrested 14 times actually a far more violent person and his nickname was killer, they called him killer. into is dangerous and violent repeat offenders should never have been on our streets. jonathan should be alive today but they were released again and again and again. i will not sit by and accept this reckless insanity when i am in the white house. ly stand up to the markist das and soros prosecutors and we will tell them no more, we're not going to stand for it. we will not let them destroy our communities, we will not let them destroy our country. there's a 53% increase in felony assaults on your sub ways, 53%. that's in a short period of time. since 2019, murders are up more than 20%, shootings are up more than 30%. i'm going to endem nah by all
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police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the united states to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime. and, remember, black, hispanic, asian people need this protection and safety more than anyone else. don't ever forget it. and after years of talk by the raddle left democrats, we are going to give them the protection they need and we're going to protect our police, we're going to make sure they do a great job. they can do it very quickly. they know who the bad guys are. they know everything about them. they know their name, they know their middle initial. we're going to insist that if a violent criminal murders a police officer, they receive the death penalty. it's going to be quick. [cheers and applause]. >> and i also want to work with your mayor and your governor, happen to be democrats, to clean up the homeless encampments so that you can once again enjoy your parks and your public spaces. right now, you don't have public spaces, they're occupied by
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migrants in tents. pleasures as simple as a balk the park or watching your children again play in a little league game will come roaring back and they're going to come back very quickly. your life style and the american dream will be with you once again, we're going to bring it back, the american dream. you don't have an american dream right now. you will be proud children and even prouder, years ago with severe mental illness were in me mental institutions and then a certain governor i won't mention the name because at this point what difference, they dumped all of them into the streets because they said those institutions were too expensive to run so now they live on our streets and that's what we have. this is no good for anybody. it's bad for the people who need help and it's bad for the people of our city and it's a horrible, horrible way to live. i want to work in partnership with your local leaders, democrats, pretty much all, and
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move the severely mentally ill off your streets and back into a place where they can get help and the help that they desperately need. i want to recognize, by the way, a few very special people. you have some really great people here and i'm sorry i can't mention -- we have congress men all over the place. but i just can't mention you today. you're never going to speak to me, but would anybody like to hear these congressmen's names? i don't think so. a few people, we are honored to be joined by a man a democrat and former member of the new york city council and is a friend of mine and helped me very much with the ferry point project and getting it working and did a really good job, rubin diaz sr. come on up, rubin. good.
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please. >> thank you. mr. president, i am a puerto rican, a black puerto rican. i used to be a us state senator for 50 years. i used to be city council member. today i'm here for a reason. but i want to tell you first, that as a puerto rican, as an hispanic, i want to apologize to you for the conduct of judge juan merchant. as an hispanic i want to apologize. >> thank you. >> he's being used, he's being
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used to destroy you but we know better than that. we know better than that. as a minister, president of the new york hispanic organization, i want to tell aoc [boos]. >> this morning she intended to become a profit and she said, even god doesn't want trump in the bronx, because it's going to rain. madam profit aoc, you have become a false profit.
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look, look at what a beautiful day. [cheers and applause] that means that not only you guys want trump in the bronx, because if we're going to measure that for the weather, then i would say humbly that even god want you in the bronx. [cheers and applause]. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> and i want [chanting: usa! usa]. >> and i want to close by saying, i want to close by saying, mr. president, i want to join you in having the bronx
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great again. please accept this democrat, this black puerto rican with kinky hair and broken english, please accept my endorsement for you as the president. thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you very much. [cheers and applause]. >> thank you. beautiful job. thank you. [chanting: u ] >> thank you very much. how nice was that? i didn't expect that. really. that was beautiful. dangerous to do that. you never know what's going to come out. maybe he'll change his mind coming up. but he doesn't change his mind
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that man is a winner and a great manment thank you very much. also with us is new york native and current u.s. congressman, he's hot as a pistol, oh, boy, he has a future and he's a great friend of mine byron donalds. come up, please. [cheers and applause]. >> give 'em hell. >> wow. mr. president -- >> all right, joining me now from the rally and we'll dip back into it is latina brown who lives in the bronx a democrat voting for trump and one of the organizers of the trump march held in the south bronx last weekend, also with me is madeline former democrat new york city resident, she spoke just before the former president did tonight. latina let's start with you. now you're a democrat, you're supporting trump. why? >> well, it's time for a change in leadership.
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we've been voting down the same party for years now, and nothing has changed. things have gotten out of control. we're dealing with housing situations, we're dealing with homelessness, the mentally ill, crime. there's a lot happening here. inflation. so it's time that we unite, democrats, republicans, independents and conservatives and start voting in this general election. we need a change in leadership. and i have to do what i have to do as a community advocate to unite the people. >> madeline, you and i have talked before about crime and how it ravages especially the minority community. former president trump spoke directly to that point tonight. how important is that at this moment? >> yes, it is. i mean, it is imperative at this point in time. you know, if we don't restore law and order in new york city, and every major city across this
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country, it's just going to self decimate from the inside out. we have so many, you know, mothers that are down at the morgue identifying their dead child's body. you know, we have so many young people who have lost their lives at the hands of someone who looks just like them. all right? so we need, we need to focus on initiatives that are going to help our young people avoid incarceration, number one. you know, we need to replace those drugs and those guns with something like a hammer and some nails and sheetrock and some metal work and iron work. we need to replace those things. >> latina, i want to just go back to you for a moment. we're watching this, we played almost the entire rally, and it's so fascinating to watch, this coalition of americans
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working class, black, brown, white, young, old, come together for what president, former president trump said is common sense solutions to restore new york, the bronx and america. how important is that common sense theme, and that unity theme that he was interweaving throughout his entire speech tonight? >> i think it's very important. we -- we did the pre rally, i did this in partnership with black patriots for trump with gibson and the reverend, we wanted to send a strong message to the democrats, to the dnc, that we will not sit back and allow them to destroy our country, allow them to destroy our city, and our community, we want common sense leadership. and i think that what president trump is saying, he's trying to unite all of us together. we should not be fighting. there's not -- it shouldn't be about republican, democrat,
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conservatives. it should be about all of us coming to the forefront to really send a strong message. and if you look at the people standing here at this park, the bronx came out today heavy. they came out today heavy. pre rally gained us so much national attention and sent a strong message that we are just fed up. i'm fed up. i live in this community. i live 10 minutes away from this park, i lived in this community for 19 years. i'm a mom. i have a daughter. we worry about our safety. taking public transportation. >> you bet. >> i mean how much more of this do we have to take so we need to get trump back into office. >> yes. >> i love that there's a lot of love there tonight and president trump's love for new york came through, which i loved hearing about how much he loves the city and he loves all the boroughs. lattina and madeline thank you very much r joining me now vivek ramaswamy coming us from michigan where he's campaigning
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for republicans. vivek we hate to cut away even for a second from this rally because it's so exciting looks pretty boring where you are. just kidding. but this is a moment that we've all been waiting for vivek, you and i have talked about it. bringing the country together and going into these liberal strong holds where liberal policies have destroyed communities. how big is this tonight? >> this is big time and in that room we've got about a thousand people ruckusly cheering in a swing state like michigan. we're seeing this across the country laura, america first includes all americans. this is bigger than the republican party. i'm speaking at the libertarian party convention tomorrow night, president trump's speaking there saturday night. it's bigger than the republican label. this is about a movement that's bringing in that multi ethnic working class coalition that i think that has the potential to deliver a land slide this year like we have not seen since ray gab in 1980 and 1984. it's up to us to now show up in the places where traditional republicans don't show up to actually capture those votes.
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that's what president trump is doing in the south bronx tonight. >> it's so exciting to see women out there in such huge numbers, again, black, brown, people from all backgrounds. and you know what has been missing in politics in this sad economic times that we've lived in is fun, vivek. politics can actually be fun, and he's having fun up there. he's enjoying himself and i think we look at the difference between biden, who struggles, just struggles to speak, sometimes struggles to move and trump's up there just free wheeling and he said, look, biden couldn't do this. that is true. biden could not do that what he's doing tonight. >> i love that laura. and fun is unifying. it's not just going to be debating one policy issue or another but bringing the spirit to say we might not agree on everything as americans but we're going to have fun even as we spar and i think president trump's doing a great job of that and it's going to be a competitive weapon heading into the fall. >> vivek doing a great job in
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michigan we'll check back with you, let's go back dipping into the rally president trump is still speaking in the south bronx. >> frank sinatra and in baseball alone babe ruth, lou gehrig, joe dimaggio jacqui robinson and many many others. a city where skilled crafts men strolled across steel beams 80 stories high to build empire state building and the chrysler building and all >> the turn times square from the cd, dirty, long forgotten area to one of the greatest crossroads of glamor everywhere in the world. it's a city that produce generations of everyday american heroes who willingly spill blood and gave everything they had to make america into the greatest nation in the history of the world. above all, this is the place where everyone here today is
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proud to call our home, power town, our city and we are the ones that are going to make our city grade again. it's the hard-working patriots like you who build this city and it's hard-working patriots and this is something that you can say and you can say it a million times, and you can emblazon it, its hard-working patriots like you who are going to save our country. you are going to save our country and we are going to get out and vote like never before. >> you love president trump. he loves new york and he believes new york should be saved and all the cities across this country, these wonderful places were so many hard-working americans deserve better. jesse watters and they gang our next. president trump is just about to wrap but stay with us on fox for all the coverage of this and a lot more. see you tomorrow night. [ ♪♪ ]
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