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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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proud to call our home, power town, our city and we are the ones that are going to make our city grade again. it's the hard-working patriots like you who build this city and it's hard-working patriots and this is something that you can say and you can say it a million times, and you can emblazon it, its hard-working patriots like you who are going to save our country. you are going to save our country and we are going to get out and vote like never before. >> you love president trump. he loves new york and he believes new york should be saved and all the cities across this country, these wonderful places were so many hard-working americans deserve better. jesse watters and they gang our next. president trump is just about to wrap but stay with us on fox for all the coverage of this and a lot more. see you tomorrow night. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> fox news alert president trump speaking live to a massive crowd in the south bronx. let's listen in. >> we will make america safe again. we will make america great again! thank you bronx, thank you new york we love you. god bless everybody. god bless you. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: that was about an hour and a half of donald trump speaking live in the south bronx. the republican hasn't carried the state of new york in over 40 years. into night fresh off of his visit to the south bronx. donald trump is looking to change that. >> [ chanting ] trump! >> thank you everybody. what a crowd! this is something. you know we wanted to keep it small because who no. this is like a love festival. it's a lovefest. we love you. thank you. >> jesse: here's the native
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new yorker feeling right at home >> i was sort of like a hot guy. i was hot as a pistol. i thought i was hotter than i am now when i became president. the cost has gone up so much. i don't eat bacon anymore, it's too expensive. when he is finished with his speech he can never find the stairs. he can never find the stairs. and when he does it's not a pretty picture either. thank you to the save it -- secret service to help them. she wrapped him up in a comforter cozy and laid him by the fire set with some honey and some milk. she heard home from work that night and as soon as she arrived she found that pretty snake and she would take it and had been revived. but instead of saying thank you, ma'am,, the snake gave her a vicious bite! >> jesse: this morning supporters waited in line in the rain to hear the former
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president. of burro that voted 90 percent for biden in 2020. which today became a bit more red after four years you can feel the buyer's remorse. johnny was there as our witness. >> why are you here today? >> to support donald trump. >> i am here for trump. >> to support donald trump. to put america first. >> what do you like about donald trump? >> everything. he is from queens and he speaks their language. >> i like trump because he kept it real and he doesn't have a filter. he is for the people. >> he speaks money and this is what the country needs. we need money, not inflation. we need money. >> everything was under control. we had low inflation, gas under $1.80. >> what issues are people in the bronx facing? >> economic stress. we are facing an illegal invasion. >> and the rocks now its crime.
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>> prices. >> we care about the housing and the crime. >> how is joe biden addressed those issues? >> he hasn't it. >> he hasn't addressed them. he wants to make them worse. >> nothing. he's been talking a lot. >> the biden has massive incarceration. >> what has joe biden done for the minority community? >> he said nothing except he went black. >> he incarcerated us. >> not a thing. >> absolutely nothing. >> joe biden says if you support them you ain't black. are you black? >> joe guess what i am absolutely black. >> i support trump. >> i don't know what he would say that he isn't even black. >> i guess i'm not black because i'm not voting for him. >> the bronx is more black then him. trump is as black as i am you heard? >> jesse: love was in the air, donald trump addressing the economy, border, foreign policy and of course joe biden.
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>> our subways are squalor and unsafe in the ceiling tiles are falling down and they look worse than a third world country. the medians of our highways are crumbling and the sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles and trash. biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. the crooked joe biden shuffles out the door i would rapidly rebuild the greatest economy the history of the world. we had the greatest economy and history. and brooklyn, american students, james madison high school recently told they had to stay at home from school so they had classrooms that could be turned into housing for thousands... thousands of migrants. very simply, joe biden puts illegal aliens first and i put america first. i put america first. >> jesse: not everybody was happy trump was on their turf. reverend al sharpton, happy de i thursday by the way, was ready for a street fight. >> donald trump is a street
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fighter and you cannot come to the ring with him with gloves looking for a referee to stop every three minutes. this is a street fight. you come in with a broken bottle and a cam. it's going to be that kind of battle. >> jesse: fighting dirty. democrats don't know any other way. forget about winning hearts and minds and throw you in jail and throat -- call you racist. here's joe biden's new ad, watch >> of course i hate these people. >> donald trump this brick -- disrespecting black folks is nothing new. he called for the execution of five innocent black and brown teenagers. >> it's more than anger, it's hatred. >> that's wide trump stood with violent white supremacist and warned of a blood battle if he lost the next election if he is president again vowed to be a dictator who wants revenge on his enemies. now who do you think that is? >> jesse: donald trump has been running his mouth his whole life nonstop and they can't find a single thing he said that his racist. they have to go back to the eighties defined central park
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five. here is trump in the eighties by the way. >> black america wanted to be trump before black america had even heard the name joe biden. politics has always been personal. personalities persuasive but nothing persuades like results. traditional democratic constituencies, young black hispanic voters are not better off than they were four years ago. and are coming around to a man who represents a movement they were told not to trust. but every bone in their body tells them that they can't trust the party bosses. sick of their corny commands and broken promises, people in the bronx and all over america are beginning to think for themselves. independently. outside of the system that's traps and scolding them for opening their mouths and eyes. aoc can't even grasp anything other than left right or.
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watch her get humiliated with trump getting more crowds in her borough than she does. >> new york city is blue, brooklyn is blue, queens is blue, the bronx is blue and he has nowhere to go so he has decided to come to the south bronx. he is broken has to pay these legal funds and bussing people and in order to get him to his legal thesis and kind of his business right now. >> jesse: trump doesn't have to be in court for a week. he doesn't have to be in the bronx, he wants to. trump is not going to the bronx because he's broke, he's going to the bronx because the bronc's broke thanks to biden and aoc. johnny has been there since 2:0e bus pull up. >> where you from? >> the bronx. >> i'm from the bronx in new york. >> i am from the bronx. >> bronx new york. this is home right here. >> aoc's if you're not a democrat you don't belong here in the bronx. what do you say?
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>> i don't -- i disagree with that. >> i don't think she should be here in the bronx. >> i don't know any democrats in the bronx. >> look to the tremendous support for donald trump. >> she needs to stay out of the bronx because look at all the people here. >> i am a democrat and i belong here. >> and who are you voting for? >> donald trump. >> what has aoc done for the bronx? she's done nothing for the bronx >> nothing has got any better. >> nothing. >> absolutely nothing. >> i will want to see the people that struggle and she doesn't even know what struggle is. >> jesse: all these people want is to be heard and when you realize that you understand how easy a politician's job is. even easier than mine. you listen to the voters and you deliver the goods, that's it. you don't ignore them and deliver for yourself. ai wood do a better job in washington than democrats. the bronx has never felt more abandoned. >> we have so many americans
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feeling so bad in this country because we have people in this country that believe they have the right to strip us of our humanity. strip us of everything that we own, strip us of our rights and raise her children the way we want to raise her children. we have to stand up against them. >> it's not just supporting trump, at supporting your rights and this country tonight. at supporting our children and all the people at home that come out and say you support donald trump, we get you and we understand you. well you might lose your job but vote for them anyway. if you continue to support the democratic party put your anti- black you are a damn fool. >> jesse: the forgotten man and women of this country, the norm ease and the blue-collar democrats who have been slighted decades are joining together as part of the growing movement from the ground up. the movement reaches from the heartland to the street corner. it's everywhere and the bronx is just the beginning. trump's campaigning on biden's side of the field now. look for more rallies in swing
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state blue cities like philly, mill walkie, detroit in atlantic, las vegas we are fundamentally altering the american political coalition and returning power to the people. some would say we are saving democracy. john garland is a lifelong bronx resident and former democrat and he joins me now. what was it like out there today? >> it was exciting. the entire atmosphere was electrifying. there were people from all over the bronx, black, white, hispanic. there was asians, there was jews there were, like, it was just a smorgasbord of basically patriots. >> jesse: and why was everybody there today? was it that they're sick of joe biden? they love trump? the economy? how would they describe it?
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>> i would describe it as people came out here to show that they were fed up. they were fed up with systemic racism, they were fed up with being systemically excluded and it's not just minorities. it's about the american people. you know? we make up a hole, you know, like, a hole spectrum of different people. you know? >> jesse: was there something that donald trump said tonight that really hit home for everybody and you? >> there wasn't anything that was in particular that moved me, the hole thing as a hole. it was the sum of its parts. we've had, i mean, there were people who were expressing
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themselves in a way and that they were fed out. people from the bronx were fed up and people from new york were fed up. and we wanted to have something different. we want to change. and donald trump as promised to bring change and he has proven that he can do that. you know, this isn't somebody who's just stepping into the political arena as he was in 2016. now he is experience. he has, you know, he has went through what he said to go through. the man's skin is as thick as steel. we are here for him because he is here for us. >> jesse: so you are saying you're looking for hope and change. and donald trump is that guy? >> yes. >> jesse: all right. mr garland thank you so much for joining jesse watters prime time. sounds like there's a party going on in the background and go enjoy yourself.
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>> there is still people that are still coming in. there is people that nobody's really leaving. people are just congregating and sharing ideas and everybody was glad to be here. it was a great event. >> jesse: sounds like a beautiful thing. will have a nice early memorial day weekend and stay out of trouble. or may be make some trouble for me because i can't be there. [ laughter ] >> no problem. thank you. >> jesse: thank you so much. have a great night. >> you as well. >> jesse: let's go to alexis mcadams who was standing by in the bronx. >> we've seen quite the crowd here in the bronx and a lot of people here weren't expecting to see when we got here on the ground with the crowds continuing to grow and people from all over the bronx, specifically in the south bronx were former president donald trump is doing everything he can
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to tear in the deep blue neighborhoods as bright red as he can. is that going to happen? we've been talking with voters out here so i will bring him and now. this is andre. you said you always voted democrat but this year is going to change. why is that? >> because i've seen the biden economics, the democratic party, i've been a democrat all my life and donald trump who has the right answers is speaking on legal immigration, all the money coming out of the country and believes in jobs, the economy. and at 60 years old i realize now we have to support donald trump. >> one of the things you said earlier his are you surprised that's only people from black communities and hispanic communities in the bronx with donald trump? you said you weren't surprised yourself at this point this is what the best kept as you need to take for your family is voting for him. >> absolutely. people have their reasons for being out here but i'm not a peer pressure type of guy. when you're out here like this i
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feel like it's coming to my mind. i wouldn't say that. >> all right. it's been years, 100 years since a republican president candidate was able to win the bronx. >> absolutely. he's winning this time. trust me he will. i have a lot of friends and i've been here all my life. like i said, my son is here and he's going to win the bronx. absolutely. >> is there anything that the democratic president joe biden can do at this point it when you're vote back in the bronx? >> it's over with. i just changed my whole voter registration and it's over with. you can't change my mind. i am not easily dissuade like that. this is what it is. >> thank you for talking to us. it's a different viewpoint but the bronx showing up for donald trump and people across the fans >> jesse: thank you so much
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alexis. you can feel that changes in the air. up next... significant presence in american politics. in 1977 jimmy carter drove through the south bronx and called it the worst slum in america. he vowed to reshape the new york city neighborhood and restore it to its former glory but never did. three years later the bronx remained the same and carter's presidential campaign turned out to be nothing but a bunch of broken promises. democrats use the people of the bronx as ponds and they resented it. so when ronald reagan visited that same bronx neighborhood in 1980, he was not met with a warm welcome. >> reporters were told that reagan was on his way to making an appearance at charlotte street in the south bronx. he arrived at the very same decile and ruined block at that that president carter had visited with promises to rebuild three years ago.
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[ simultaneous talking ] >> right now in congress. >> what are you going to do for us? i'm -- >> i'm trying to tell you. >> can you? [ simultaneous talking ] >> i am trying to tell you what i know now there is no program or promise that a president can't make. the federal government can come in and waive their wand into this. >> jesse: reagan gained their respect that day. he didn't treat the people in the bronx as faceless votes. he spoke to them as people. reagan went on to win almost every state in the 1980 presidential election, including new york and he is the last republican to do it. for now. reagan to find all odds the day he stepped foot in the bronx and submitted his legacy as one of the best presidents in american history. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> mr gorbachev chair -- tear down this wall. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: actor dennis quaid plays ronald reagan in the latest film reagan. group sale tickets are available and he joins us now. dennis, how significant looking back was that reagan visit to the bronx? >> i think very significant. i watch that during my research for reagan and i also remember it because i live through all of that era. and reagan was the first president that i voted for. and he, you know, he went there and took that still go there and he could wound up with an egg on his face. >> jesse: do you see any
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similarities between 1980 and today? >> i think the slogan is still are you better off than you were 40 years ago? [ laughter ] >> jesse: well done. >> it's perfect in fact and i really admire trump for going in to the neighborhood and, you know, people relate with that. they really do. if anything all of these events that have begun -- becomes conspiring against him had actually made him more human to people. >> jesse: what is it about reagan and obviously trump has the same personal touch as well. it is the ability to relate to the everyday man and everyday woman in america. >> yeah. reagan just had that going in. always kind of a man of the people in a great communicator as well. >> jesse: do you see any similarities today with donald trump?
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>> i think, you know, donald trump has been talking about cleaning house which kind of made a clean sweep and doesn't mean being a dictator. it means we start doing what the american people have asked us to do. >> jesse: dennis quaid, thank you so much for joining jesse watters prime time. reagan is the name of the film. tell us how we can see it and where we can see it. >> tickets are going on sale now. this is the introduction of the announcement of that right here on jesse watters that tickets are on sale for groups for 50 are more. so get your church group, get your school group, at your pronoun scout group. to get out to watch this. it's a great movie to remind us how american used to be and what america can be.
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it's a presentation of reagan and was a great human being and i'm proud of the movie. we are going to have to off air may be talk about these russian cryogenic treatments you've been getting down there with the cold water. [ laughter ] >> jesse: okay. we will do a plunge. all right. we will discuss it. thank you very much dennis. take care of yourself. >> you as well. >> jesse: all right. how patriotic our young americans? >> a country would rather -- rather limited -- live in. what have they given to you that america hasn't? >> constitutes. it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. ♪
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>> jesse: 2024 is all about the swing states and right now trump has them locked down. the former president is up in arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina and pennsylvania. just tied in wisconsin. it is so bad for democrats the polling wizard is looking at a plan b. >> democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the ticket. if he were really as concerned about defeating donald trump as democrats claim they are you should do everything in your power to maximize a chance that you win. >> jesse: the number crunchers say if biden doesn't get it together it is trump 2024. >> to be losing by this margin that is unsustainable at this point for an income bit. >> jesse: the top issues in swing states the economy and immigration. the trump trial isn't even moving the needle.
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voters care more about groceries than closing the border. democrats can't campaign on any of that because they caused it and don't offer solutions. the only political weapon they have left they think january 6th. a new report exposed biden's campaign scheme, paying top republicans especially vps as extremists. that's why when they melted down when nikki haley who they thought was on their side said she was voting for trump. >> it is mind-boggling that somebody who actually claims to know anything about policy would to say what you just said. this is how people spread disinformation and lies and get away with it. where you just let [ bleep ] keep going. >> it shows a lack of character and cowardice on her report. >> she does the thing when she's pulling in a fish and officials like this trying to get on the flip-flop. flip-flop.
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>> we need strengths and experts to explain this because what year reporting doesn't make a lick of sense. >> jesse: with nikki on trump's side the republican party is fully united. democrats are trying to drive a wedge when asking every republican the same question. >> those will be the first questions i ask every single time. do you accept the last election? why are you endorsing someone who refuses to accept the last election? where using someone that is indicted for overturning the last election. of the can answer the questions i'm not going to move on to tax policy or anything like that. [ laughter ] >> jesse: let's not talk about policy at all. it's a gotcha question used to make republicans look radical but they are not just asking about the past, they want to lock you in with an answer for the future.
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>> in 2024 will you certify the election results? you accept the results regardless of who wins the election? >> i think that is a ridiculous question. >> it's a yes are no questions. >> it's not. you're asking will you promise no matter what twin agree an election is legitimate regardless of what happens? that would be an absurd thing to claim. we have an entire election law system and elections get overturned and voter fraud gets proven and that happens all the time. the media engages in this weird game post donald trump that you insist no voter fraud has ever existed. >> my question for you again, free and fair election, will you receptive -- accept the results regardless what happens? >> if the democrats win i will accept the result but i will not ignore fraud. >> jesse: how can you say the election was fair if it hasn't happened yet? there's a lot that can go wrong. you don't leave a review on a restaurant six months before you eat there. you need to enjoy the food and digested before you make your
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mind up. that's like saying, hey, jesse i loved your new book, thanks for reading it, i haven't read it i just know it's going to be good. get it together by the way. there's nothing legal or radical about disputing an election, democrats have been doing it for years. >> by the way you never ask hillary clinton this or stacy abrams or al gore this. every one of them said the republicans who won were illegitimate. >> jesse: all of a sudden it's a republican problem and anybody who talks to the press is going to get the gotcha question. >> will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter what happens senator? >> no matter what happens? if it's unfair election for each side. >> senator, no matter who wins. >> i think you're asking the wrong person. the democrats have in the one that opposed every republican victory since 2000. >> will you commit to the election results in this election cycle no matter who wins? simply yes are no.
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>> expected trait -- president trump to win the next election. and not going to answer your hypothetical question. >> will you commit to resent -- accepting the results of the next election? >> i have to accept the results of 2024 and i think donald trump will be in victory and if it's a free and fair election i think every republican will enthusiastically accept the results. >> jesse: the founder of american majority and american greatness senior fellow. such a senior fellow your -- you are. how would you answer the question? will you accept the results of this next election? yes are no? >> there are so many different aspects to that. first off the irony of it. if it was a crime to question election results every democrat would be in prison since they haven't accepted a republican winning the white house since 2000. hillary is still eight years later not accepting 2016 and they want us to answer a
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hypothetical about an election that hasn't taken place. how my supposed to accept something that hasn't yet happened that is completely absurd. let's talk about 2024 jesse, let's talk of the fact they want to sea noncitizens voting in battleground states like arizona like in 2020 when there were over almost 12,000 people that cannot prove their citizenship and get a federal ballot that voted on margin that exceeded biden's victory in that state. now they have imported 12 million new illegals. 143 democrats today in the house voted in support of noncitizens voting in dc. so i ask what do you think the plans are for the national elections? on top of that i might have questions about a president using taxpayer dollars to turn that government into an extension of his campaign and illegally use taxpayer dollars to brought -- bribe students to vote for him. or we can talk about the illegal drop boxes in wisconsin. these are a few things in my response back to them would be
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until democrats stop attempting to break and manipulate elections and reject all of those previous things, and commit to free and fair elections i would say to them as politely as possible and to the corporate propaganda's you can get bent. i'm not endorsing your cheating. >> jesse: trump said just moments ago in the south bronx that it's going to be so big they can't rig. here is a little taste, i don't know if you saw this. very prominent lifelong democrat in the bronx endorsing donald. >> mr president, i want to join you in having the bronx great again. [ cheering and applause ] please, i said, in this democrat , these... with the hair and the broken
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english. please accept my endorsement for u.s. president. >> jesse: that is ruben diaz senior, a lot of juice up in the neck at the woods. did you see this rally ned to? this had everything. this had this snake, someone think -- fainting, are random commitments address for young americans that are looking to achieve success. he was loose and it was crazy. >> i think they are regretting keeping him in the manhattan courtroom. he winds up in the bronx with 30,000 people and ends about a billion dollars every week this trial goes on. i agree with you jesse, there needs to be as soon army of gop ballots in these battleground states and i want to ask democrats when donald trump wins in 2024 will you accepted load -- the legitimacy of his win? >> i think we should turn the tables and ask them that.
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that's a great idea. i don't know what they even see coming because we just heard from an african-american gentleman that said he is going to win the bronx and he has changes voter registration and all of his friends and family are voting for donald trump. it's crazy. ned ryan thank you so much. senior fellow. where that proud. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: happy normies thursday with dr ben carson. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness,
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lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. >> dei is something we must have. >> jesse: happy dei thursday. all great nations our meritocracy is, countries and companies get stronger when the most skilled people rise to the top. diversity is a key part of america's success in many of our country smartest and hardest working individuals came from diverse backgrounds. george washington carver was born a slave and went to to becoming a groundbreaking inventor and botanist. catherine johnson played a critical role in american space travel and dr charles r. drew
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recognize -- revolutionized the blood transfusion. saving countless lives. they left an imprint on the fabric of our nation but the problem is that the left stop devaluing hard work and technical skills and is now made dei the number 1 priority. dei might make people feel good about themselves but emphasizing skin color over skill hurts us. republicans grilled biden officials about federal dei policies, congresswoman janice crockett twisted their concerns to an attack on diversity as a hole. watch. >> you engaged and exchanged earlier with my colleagues and i don't know if you recall but it was hitting me a little differently as a black woman sitting here. because it almost seemed as if you either get diversity or you get qualifications. it did not seem as if my colleague understood that someone could be diverse and qualified.
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>> jesse: that's not what any of this is about. you can't point to a minority in claim they've got the job because of dei. asian men and women earn more than their white counterparts in the united states and it's been that way for years. not because of mandates and quotas but because they have the skills to succeed and deliver results. but there are times when unqualified people are hired simply because of their race. we are now seeing the real-life consequences of prioritizing diversity over the skills and results. ucla used to have a reputation of one of the country's top medical schools but after the new dean of admissions took office in 2020 she allegedly changed their priorities to focus on underrepresented minority groups. it's been a few years since these changes took root and we are now seeing the consequences. nearly half of the schools med students are failing basic medical exams.
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the washington free beacon reporting faculty members with first-hand knowledge of the admissions process say it's prioritized diversity over merit, resulting in progressively less qualified classes that are now struggling to succeed. with one admissions officials saying all of the normal criteria for getting into medical school only implied with people of certain races. for other people those criteria are completely disregarded. a generation of doctors who don't know medicine, some careers can't have a margin of error. he wanted doctor to the be the best. you don't want to go infer her narita surgery and walk out with a vasectomy. heaven forbid. these bad results in the name of dei start at the top and they trickled down. kamala harris was brought to the white house because of this and she still can't cut it. >> netanyahu said today of going
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into gaza and people like the world food program are misinformed when they say they are expanding in gaza. >> correct on that. >> i will tell you the president has been very clear that more age needs to get the gaza and we have concerns and have been doing work. >> pickles and peppers on the side. >> jesse: pickles and peppers on the side. joining me now dr ben carson. i am nervous about going in for an operation these days with the dei situation in the medical industry. i can't afford someone just dropping a pair of scissors into my abdomen. what is going on with dei? it could be deadly. >> it's crazy because our
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country didn't go from obscurity to the pinnacle of the world because of dei and government programs. it went there because of the meritocracy. you look at lewis latimer, the right hand of thomas edison, he came up with the fulfillment that made it work for two or three days and he died graft the telephone for bill. he died graft that not only the telephone but he invented the electric lamp. you look at elijah mccoy who invented the automatic lubrication system from locomotive engines and it so many great inventions people would say is that a mccoy? is that a real mccoy? both of those were black guys and they didn't get there because of dei. they got there because of merit. and we have to recognize that our system has changed in our society has changed. when i was a kid, you know, they had a lot of people that in belief like people could do
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certain things and it was a widespread belief. but how many believe that now? in the same lifetime we now have black admirals and generals and ceos of fortune 500 companies and had fun foundations and universities presidents of the united states. people had opportunity to see that people are people and that their system of meritocracy works better in terms of producing excellent results and as a surgeon, you know, it was kind of funny in the beginning. there were people that were skeptical of me because i was black and you didn't see very many black neurosurgeons in those days but not very many years into that the only person they wanted was me. and that was because the results were good and that's what we have to look at if we want to continue to provide excellence for all of our people. >> jesse: you're exactly right. it has to be results driven. i don't know if you saw what happened in the south bronx
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today. it was very moving. people from all races gathered there and thousands of them to listen to donald trump. here's a look at a taste and you can react. watch. >> from the very first day that we take back the white house, i believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. we are going to restore peace and strength and we are going to keep letter -- radical islamic terrorists out of our country. protecting our great seniors and i will never let anyone touch you are medicare or your social security. under the democrat program they will be gone. we are going to restore free speech in america and we are going to fight for your right to school choice, something you will want that i will not allow schools to impose covid vaccine mandates or masks. we are going to get far left
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marxists out of our children's classrooms and we are going to keep men out of women's sports. >> jesse: keeping men out of women's sports, getting rid of crt, supporting free speech. the crowd went wild dr carson. >> it is so refreshing to see that jesse because trump believes in wayne. we are not enemies. and he believes what our fathers believed, the common good. that something you saw this entire time. not what's good for this group or this group but what's good for all of us and to see somebody who is going to be the next president bringing that brat -- back is impressive. we have a lot of rehabilitating to do but i think we are on the way and i'm glad to see a crowd like that react the way they did. >> jesse: i sure am as well. dr carson you can operate on me any time thank you very much. [ laughter ] johnny hits the streets.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> almost memorial day weekend how patriotic or young americans we found out. >> do you consider yourself a patriotically. >> no. >> not really. >> americas a lot of room for improvement. >> not really. >> americas the most free prosperous country and a history of human civilization how can you not be proud to be american. >> i don't know but free country. >> what countries are freer than america? >> ireland. >> how so. >> they excepted those refugees openly. >> have you been to the south border we are allowing everybody in. [ laughter ] >> i love america. >> i'm not proud of it that
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much. >> i'm a black trans person in america and there were laws actively going on to make it so i can't exist. >> what's the lot? >> i don't know. >> it's hard to be protestant thing that does a lot of bad. >> what if they given to you that america hasn't? >> prostitutes and we'd. >> china. >> i do you feel that china giving us covid-19. >> it can't member the country's name? >> it comes from china. >> ireland's nice. >> had you know it's better? >> i'm done with this. >> free palestine. >> do you believe in god? >> no, not personally. >> god is a loose term we created. >> hard to say somebody actually
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turn water into wine. >> if there is no god what is there. >> the scientific creation of the universe there's forces. >> may the force with you. >> living life happily i believe in that. >> i believe in karma what happens after that? >> nothing you just die that's it. >> you want children? >> of minimum-wage $20 an hour $25 an hour. >> the world's a pretty dark place. >> i can bring someone so sweet into it. >> would you name them paisley a new tell. >> what you value in life? >> number 1 is family value tattoos. >> if you like all of the people
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they may think i'm a party girl or whatever i know i've never had a boyfriend either have turned a litigation. >> how many? >> to give you a number 500 or 600 even more than that. >> how many today. >> today 2. >> a slow day. >> need to get back to my seed. >> joe biden or donald trump? >> i don't like either of them. >> i don't want to vote for somebody was a war criminal. >> all trump? >> why. >> i think americans resonate as he doesn't take himself too seriously. >> you think biden can bend down like that i don't know jesse watters primetime what you want to tell them? >> i don't know get vaccinated. >> i think you're sometimes funny a mistake.
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>> i'll be at the nixon library over memorial day you weaken will do some q&a sign some books get it together is still available anywhere books are sold let's get some text. ron from missouri tonight was donald j trump's best speech ever and that is a high bar. >> it was good. >> chris from paris, texas i heard trump talk about his father and uncle surprise neither were eaten by cannibals or uncle boozy day from geneva's rocky said i can change you can change we all can change the bronx is a perfect example of that gary from mayer arizona the bronx is getting it together a special night glad we were there thanks much a dvr the show shaun's next and remember them waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> welcome to a special editio


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