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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] before we go a quick programming note the third episode of outlaws and the lawman is available now exclusively on fox nation and this episode follows legendary man hunter reeves you will not want to miss that. that's unfortunately the time we have left tonight remember you can catch is weekdays on the fox news channel every day have her lunch with us we've got a big week coming up we will see you tomorrow but now greg gutfeld's next have a good night. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]
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[ cheering and applause ] >> sean: thank you for the well-deserved applause happy first day everybody joe biden had a press conference with the president of kenya he said it was a great meeting and great to catch up with obama. the most trusted news anchors and network was ranked and guess who is number 2 at fox? me. 51% said they trusted me a lot or as some the other 49% say i'd never trust a guy that handsome
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the hollywood reporter has me ranked number 2 at most trusted meaning they have never seen this show who new jokes about poop would land better than i iranian helicopter they ranked jesse watters tenth first time he's ever been a 10 oddly his hair piece scored lower. kilometre ranked eighth as most trusted nearly beating out in iranian helicopter also beat out steve doocy who ranked ninth doing wonders for the chemistry at fox and friends if i were kilometre i'd get a some of the onset for the next cooking segment. hulu launching a dating series called virgin island where singles never having sex change all that i liked it better as epstein's island.
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>> can't be 2 sunnis dead. >> or so we think. potato plants have a form of intelligence to interact with environment in specific ways except some potatoes to get fired from cnn. new jersey gym owner who defied covid-19 restrictions was cleared of all charges leading 1 new jersey man to ask what's a gym she had a chance to nail faucher instead it's a skirt that made her grouchy so what would you do if you had 1 of the architects of the covid-19 walked down sitting in front of you besides strangling him with a dirty and 95 max. what would you do if he had the answer to your questions under penalty of perjury first and want to know how he makes such delicious cookies operating out
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of a tree or maybe i'd ask about the pandemic lockdowns that didn't work the businesses shuttered the years of school learning lost. the masks that didn't work or vaccines that may or may not of. congress at a chance to nail these clans like stormy daniels they kept blowing it in the senior advisor to the institute of allergies and infectious diseases appeared before the house committee on oversight and accountability yesterday. he's accused of getting around freedom of information act requests by deleting e-mails and using a personal account that's a big no-no or at least it supposed to be as it's mostly serious not in ashley madison account. they are supposed to keep the government honest and transparent just like a freezer bag they store biden in overnight it supposed to inform
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americans about how taxes are spent because grading a biological super weapon should come with little transparency so when i can negotiate at the bunny ranch want to know exactly what my money is buying. but him and his underlings covered up communications like it was dana perino's crack habit what you didn't know? will to get around that they broke the law that's not my opinion either that's what he put in writing. they are dreadful and paranoia inducing all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns and if we did they would and put them in e-mails and if we found them we delete them. nothing like putting in a riding how you avoid putting stuff in riding. that e-mail is more smoking guns than in nra family picnic so that's a confession to a federal crime and they are bragging
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breaking the law as part of government culture like stealing office supplies or weapon icing the department of justice these are your saviours folks so congress had this crap -- clan dead to rights at a direct confession written by his own hand that an entire branch of the government has been violating federal law as a matter of force as they questioned as its how difficult it is free to be here yet an illustrious career as your dual board-certified is not easy to have dual board certification so can you tell us as how is it to get into medical school especially in the seventies and eighties? >> somebody's getting flirty. illustrious prestigious and dual
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board certification my god. i hope she keeps going i wonder was it easy to get med school? >> was it easy to get into medical school? >> for me ira applied to medical school the only science course. >> you know omega alpha omega is >> it's an honorary is easy to get into omega alpha alpha? >> is it more procedures to get in and the fourth you're her third year? >> i don't know. >> okay. >> we are asking about fraternities what is this the dating game as she gets 5 minutes to grill him and what
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did they ask next week. >> you know a kilt is like a scottish kilt? >> yes. >> you know what it to rue just is? >> it's a roman garb like roman soldiers where, sort of like a skirt i don't know that word. >> there's no reason you should. that's key i haven't seen that. he didn't realize it would be a spelling bee. as its congressional partook of the 19 not the year 20. and for some reason they start reading out the resume to remind him of how smart she is and she
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started ranting about skirts. >> i was the last person my medical class of the university of texas in 1982 the last person by the third year i was 12 at of 214 students in alpha omega alpha and the third year i think it's a lot. >> it's a skirt a kilt is a skirt i don't think william wallace was any less of a hero in scotland because you were a kilt roadway think romans soldiers were any less intelligent or strategic because they were skirt. >> me neither i guess. >> i see where it's going and has nothing to do if covid-19 as >> i'm having a hard time understanding like when i was a medical school in 1982 but why
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in 2021 and i can understand the embarrassment of having personal e-mail shared that you're doing work-related stuff on your personal e-mails coming in at any mail the doctor got her a job as cdc director by law being the claim she does where escort skirt i poured cold water on her and she was undeterred in thinking that. >> she's going to go off on casper jama isn't she? >> let me say am i the casper jama? -- the cats but jama, you know how many women sit on the subcommittee what it would take for any of these women to get elected to congress? i find their comments to be disgusting. you had an illustrious career and an amazing track to get to where you are trusted with 1 of the highest positions in government the combat public health crises and instead of
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doing your job you are too worried about avoiding this in challenging someone's position because they happen to wear a skirt. >> after millions are dead businesses and livelihoods destroyed what gets her panties in a twist is at the skirt you wear over it. now she's almost out of time they last something useful americans can be curious about. >> as they should apologize to the subcommittee to congress and to the nation and to that i yield. >> it's a misogynistic statement with the snarky joking stuff. >> is not a snarky joke it's an underlying behaviour that indicates how you approach women and how you think of women and it's disgusting. >> do you want to know what actually disgusts you that this
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is that you spend our time and our money. as for government to the fountain called them and their e-mails maybe after this you blow the lid up on who left that senate toilet seed up what a missed opportunity nevermind the cover up civil liberty violations and students you can't count to 10 if you spot them with 4 through 9 sure the bastards lie to us cover up their misdeeds while they suffer for dishonesty and incompetence but the real crime is making sexist jokes at work. we might never get the whole story about the covid-19 disaster and at this cretinism helping. it has nothing to do with gender you don't need a set of balls to keep your eye on the ball they had that on the ropes will at the questioning to dopes. >> let's welcome 10 nights guests. she's covered more athletes then pin acton former sideline
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reporter michele tafoya! fillets of fish and ass liberals, andrew gruel! she has written twice as many books as sylvia plath, fox news contributor and best-selling offer kat timpf. and i hope he doesn't get murdered because the police would run out of yellow tape. new york times best-selling author, comedian and former nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus! michelle sorry had to play that tape but i blew a gasket watching her choice of priorities. what do you make of this as a woman week. >> as a woman and i'm wearing pants by the way. you know what glad you played all of that because i didn't get to see all of that and now that i have i want to get her out of that committee and out of congress and out of government.
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what a freaking waste of time and energy and focus you said it all there that was embarrassing to focus and she even said must be embarrassing to read personal e-mails so why are you doing that not to say the many embarrassment i don't care though those are private e-mails you can say whatever you want i found another when he wrote. beverages always good and best delivered by a blond nymphomaniac that was in 1 of them. there's nothing to do if covid-19 discusses all you want but her responsibility is to use tax dollars and give freaking answers how she got into the skirts and the celts and all of that is absolutely beyond me. i am speechless. >> the fact she took time to manufacture this doing her resume and if it were something
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about sexism but this is about men and women who have died. it's also so shocking that a corrupt liar is also a pervert. and the blood -- of the blonde nymphomaniac thing here i care a lot less than that about the fact he is a major reason none of us were legally allowed to do this anywhere at all. g remember how bad it was when places were illegal i would have gladly been served a drink by a castrated bald ogre. then we can leave that apartment and go somewhere 1 of the lucky ones. being part of the business didn't die they noticed and of all the things to focus on yes the guy is a creep but usually people who were corrupt horrible people don't care about the destruction of people's livelihoods and care about
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whatever [ bleep ] they are peddling that's important. >> they had businesses during covid-19 likely affected this has to get under your skin given what kat said about all the [ bleep ] we went through and this is what she focused on. >> 2 years of the worst pandemic in the world and that 22nd video is what almost killed me. could you imagine being married to the lady you come home and liked you know what this jesus i don't. did you leave the cheese drawer open? >> i did to your room you went pooh-pooh on the rug this is absurd unbelievable thing is we've been lied to this entire time it's emblematic of of the way that in which the government will actually try and get this even though she's a woman. they're not going to do anything about this the real thing we need to take away from this is what they are lying to us about
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right now. we need to look into and pulled at gym from it because we are being lied to. >> what was said and painful was that was was being set up to see him smiling when she was doing that. >> take the names out of that. that is every kitchen table when your wife finds out you have a porn account. just across the board you know where this is going and she's taking the long [ bleep ] road because she can because you got caught and all you're doing is trying to find a way to get to a lesser crime. i've been there a million of times on this 1 on evidence they want to sit you down and talking about women and set you down and start laying out the tracks and at some point given his age cut out the middleman and sometimes talk about women and did on myself just get it out. the drive she took us on they had that history bro.
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just kill yourself and get it over with. >> it's like a guy burns his house down and the wife looks at the burned house and goes you have porn on your account. >> she was so proud she had him didn't take the time to get them because that would've been 30 seconds nice e-mails. let's get to how many people you hurt. >> it would've been a good side thing but she had to let everybody know how great she was wouldn't you say third or fourth year best time to graduate and it's like she knows i didn't graduate like i don't know. well i did it in 3 years. >> i did 5 because i left the chase football i'm sorry you were smart i'm not your attractive i'm not very attractive. people like you everybody hates me we know that's what this is it's a joke. >> sean: the after move on.
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trump get some love from a former governor
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(♪) hey folks, chris counahan for leaffilter—the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. am i right chris? that's right chris. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter has your gutters covered - keeping out debris, like this. and protecting you from getting up on this thing to clean out your gutters ever again. and our install process keeps your roof warranty in tact. exactly, chris. and you know how else leaffilter protects your home? how's that chris? i don't know, i'm asking you. oh. ah, by redirecting water away from your foundation. sure, and? with our lifetime transferable no clogs warranty. at leaffilter, we stand by our work for as long as you own your home. longer chris. whoa that's huge. how do folks get leaffilter? we'd be glad to come out for a free no-hassle inspection. to schedule your free inspection, call 833-leaffilter today or visit leaffilter. we're small enough to listen, (together) big enough to deliver.
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>> hell freezes over. >> she talked trash on the stump and now backs trump. at her first public speaking event since dropping out of the reishi announced her support for donald trump in the general election shocking everyone from donald trump to donald trump junior watch. >> as a voter i put my priorities on the president was going to have the backs of our allies and hold their enemies to account. would secure the border no more
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excuses president would support capitalism and freedom. a president who understands we need less dead not more dead trump is not been perfect on the policies by that is been a catastrophe as i will be voting for trump. >> sean: evan sena will 180 since joy behar tried to go past a salt lake that's a far cry like this. spigot 1 talks about ever talked of the economy was good under trump at what cost he put us $80 trillion in debt in 4 years. >> he was incredible he reckless with the national security.
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>> he mocked my husband's military service you mock the service of a combat veteran you don't deserve a driver's license let alone being president of the united states. >> in her defence she said those things she had her fingers crossed behind her back but we've seen this before remember when kemal harris called joe biden a bigot and in months he became as vice president and on call night nurse. it's like the old saying politics makes strange bedfellows in his case bedpan fellows and when you see her before politics makes people awful people and then they come around and be back to normal they have to say awful things about you and when they lose they become your best friend. >> they know they have to do it that's what is hilarious every time they make those speeches they knew they would endorse them because everybody made the pledges why would you stay those stupid things to have them held up in front of her to begin with
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and a delivery doing the endorsement as they kept stopping at their as it was remarkably different than before as i wouldn't call it rousing and nobody is going to trust her she's like a gas station burrito at that point. stop from taking bite i will tell you that. and tyrus so to be like her now? >> i always liked her and i find nothing wrong with policing around we should hold each other to a higher standard check each other on every dang thing that's the only way you get change complain about what democrats are doing but they aren't in the same hemisphere in terms of thought and that so i want somebody to challenge our president somebody to expect on her party if he does something wrong be the first 1 to call it out because that's the only way we get better as a party again she's not excited about it but it was a question it was like it was her speech to come out and
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endorse trump and endorsement standing next to each other and you say those things then you serially have to say he's cool his hair is neat don't like him the alternative is somebody drooling in a microphone but real quick last segment i got offended can't let it go. i'm half scottish rite it's not the black side it's the other side and the whole kilt thing i have the pedigree to wear a kilt anytime to work i'm just offended she was trying to say kilts somehow affected your medical practice. i bet i could get my medical license in 2030 years tops? >> isn't it a typical woman to always change the font? >> she had to do this. and what else was she going to
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do the like an anti- trump war hawk republican you can't do that liz cheney took that gig that's already been done. so sometimes politics is the reason people do things and oftentimes the person is a politician. not surprised by this at all but what could be a really surprising her is vice president >> it could be surprising you mentioned the harris joe thing remember when she went on with alan and it was like you called him that it was a debate. it was a debate. it was a debate. and the it's typical you gotta shred your opponent when competing with them and you have to do the 180 and when they're
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saying they're not under consideration but a very popular person with 20% of support the could use and i don't know. >> she's no doug. that's the thing that worries me about this a democrats want him pick doug that bothers me so if you like they're more worried about her as you've got a girlfriend for this and they got engaged excited. i'm tim scott baby what's with all the haley talk we've got scott who can be polite and nice to president trump? he's like mike pence but with out the white. >> sean: up next can charlemagne save the biting campaign
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7:31 pm
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7:32 pm
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>> our view on the view. >> they wanted to put words in his mouth but the whole mess went south this week they demanded radio host charlemagne and the god profess his loyalty for joe biden. >> and now is not the time to sit this 1 out. >> never said i was sitting it out. why do you need us to say this if we don't feel comfortable saying? >> if not we need you to say it but other folks need to hear it. >> as going in november voting in my best interest in going to vote way think and preserve democracy there we look at president biden pretty best office him. >> help him out? >> help them out by doing likely
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>> there are ways to help joe out you can carry his food make sure the stages free of deadly sandbags polishes walker's steen clean the oval office carpet, proofread his last will and testament find him a new corner, book is next autopsy. if you book for joe biden again somebody needs to clean up that mess. should he just do whenever a woman demand something and just lie? >> whoopi goldberg made a statement to him that other people need to hear it she was and talk about the audience in the crowd as going back the left thinks they control hollywood and if somebody is anti- trump you aren't getting movies or radio shows you come in here on this platform we support you were the ones who allow you to be on tv with you less than funny content so if you are not
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willing to be on the team guess what's going to happen that's how they threaten you guys for a long time the dynamic is changed democrats misjudged feelings they started to soon and every buddies tired of this [ bleep ] what he supposed to do is come on tv as a black man sitting in a big chair on the view and say what he supposed to say which is i'm tim biden i'll vote for biden or whatever and he didn't do that but he wasn't confident enough in his career in my opinion to say the cure. is the answer was i was voting for trump because if you came on this show they like you are you voting for because we are trump meet 10,000 and it's like i will vote best for my financial situation we are going to be like so you aren't voting for trump. that's a promise hollywood though they threatened him now watch the backlash all of a sudden his numbers going to fall
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>> he endorsed biden last time and i think he regretted it after it's gone to hell and to handbasket so he pedaled and said they were both trash. >> i don't think he wants to endorse anybody but in the way he did because he said i want to is going to preserve democracy and later on in the interview he said trump ain't going to take care democracy. >> he had to clean it up. >> maybe but i think he is endorsing trump. >> he's not but if he was a man of his word like he put god on the end of his nickname so i would assume it could be like a voting for biden because of how i feel but he won't do that because he knows the consequences because it's changed. 10 years ago when i first started brothers become it to me be like a levy on the show you want to come on, no now they are like tyrus keep it up keep fighting the entire thing is changed but they haven't realized that needs not coming
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into endorse biden because his fans are like what are you doing they are afraid though. >> i think there is a gender issue here when talking about people leaving that there is a lot of guys the problem is when you're in a situation here's a man it's like women want you to vote the way they do that's what i thank you saw there. >> why would you ask a question about what it's like to be a man in that situation? >> because you transcend gender? >> i know unfortunately first-hand the kind of reactions you get when you say you don't like either candidate for either party people say to me that out you do that snow we will be mad at you and it's no actually everybody is mad at me actually and what he said about they want to talk more about issues than people that i couldn't agree more with the rate about that a lot my new book.
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>> what's your book called? >> i used to like you until. >> and where can people find it? >> my website. the ideas like if you say 1 thing people disagree with you right off another person and then you get into a situation where we are working together and the more divided we are the people who are in power over us it's easier for them to control us when we are so divided. look at what happened with covid-19. >> andrew what say you. i felt like it's like being married to a liberal woman who's been around all her liberal friends and they are going you can't vote for trump you better not vote for trump and the guy goes i'm not i'm not but then he goes and does it. >> like a paintball cocktail party stuff tonight. and seriously. i also wonder who watches the view and i giggled to myself and was like nobody watches it then i get mad and it's like i wish everybody would watch this then they would understand how disgusting it is but here's what's going to happen in the next day or 2 is going to come out and endorse biden because he
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will get what beaten up and down emotionally and. >> people with sponsorships that might never get the big marble movie i show this thing is nobody tell me what to do as whippy actually mentioning third parties he threatened to beat them up if that went to a third party so that applies to me i'd like to have her beat me up and we can sell tickets to it. >> retail workers threat their jobs are no safe bet
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>> historian 5 words. >> 5 words 80% retail workers unsafe that's a clumsy statement recent studies show 80% of retail workers are scared going into work every day 70% of us that they couldn't respond to being understaffed in this era
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of high crime. is that a shame retail workers can't work remotely? >> in general just because you are scared every day doesn't mean that everything is not okay because i'm scared every day. it's like what i don't really know as you not to worry about this [ bleep ] is i can't do anything as that's got to be terrifying and also you sit there folding clothes it's not like he has a stake in the company right as that you feel like you're putting your life at risk there? >> if we see something going on in a store we can leave because we are a customer but the clerk has to stand there with a psychopath and then they show up the next day.
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>> and people don't leave. that's the problem right there we can actually step in and help out and a restaurant is just like retail we used to hire like somebody in high school he getting an entry-level job they greet the guests when coming in and their hostess get so much crap from guests now it's scary we put a job offers for hostess they need to be six-foot 7, 300 pounds and their name has to rhyme. that. >> i might know a guy let me i've got a jacket. >> you know what they will be big guy privilege. >> it's always been there. >> no job for me there will be security. >> there always has because my brother is that way because he's intimidated just being in a retail environment as my head is on a swivel i'm thinking who's coming in that door you see so much of it and maybe we see more
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of it on television than is actually happening but the concept that if you are in an apple store or any kind of store that somebody to come in with the garbage bag and fill it up and you are supposed to stand there and be okay? >> it's not just media exposure in new york it's like a 40% increase in retail crime it's absolutely nuts they ignored the effects on the person working there they focus on the perpetrator but never actually show this clerk is going to be stuck here at the scene of the crime tomorrow. >> or they are the person attacked. they are responding there is no be cares but the victim but more than that what it's doing is it's hyper speeding up a horrible practice that sardi happening to retail as it goes away. and now even when they work they don't work as 1 eye is always looking at the door or they
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decide they should get $45 an hour and put it up kind of on a hanger. so eventually retail is dying, malls are dying i would you risk going into a store when you can order and have it sent to your house. as it's there for a store as for the people who pay the other side is for looters. and that way which you do... >> if they break that law then you can really go after him. you can only steal their as nobody would steal on the looters side. heading rent to the other side than let's divided even more because that's the mentality people think it's okay. >> suppress against oppressor. well done i was listening even
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though it sounded like i wasn't okay i wasn't listening up next they jacked up the price of your fast food device
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oh, my leaffilter? i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything. leaffilter's technology protects your gutters for good! now my home is protected.
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call 833 leaffilter or visit people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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[ applause ] >> gary: check out this chart.
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since 2019, the price of items that have spiked dramatically and in some cases they doubled fries, of big macs and foot longs for rito's all costing way more than when biden took office and what of the parties you ask? i'm kidding, and no one cares about parties i andrew, you are in the restaurant business the media makes a moral decision about this type of food in a different class with a bunch of fat losers eat this food so we have our kale. >> this is great for society as everyone will be eating healthier now i it's worse than what this chart implies because not only has the prices going up so much but the quantities cut in half. >> trace: >> gary: at the end of the
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day, the only place you should be going out to eat is. >> my restaurants i and i'm working the door. >> gary: in a beautiful hostess i. a tyrus, they'll say this is great because i don't eat it and you shouldn't either. >> it's really messing up for those who sneak eat during a period of my life when i was eating away my sorrows, me when i'm ordering the food, let me get three we will call them happy meals. this guy wants a chocolate shake ... and two big macs and a diet coke. thanks and now i can't afford to feed my physical friends so have to deal with my [bleep] problems but i can't anymore at these prices. >> gary: you don't hear about
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this because no one in the media eats at these places. >> that's exactly right as someone wrote a column that it's the norms versus the elites in the normal people like to eat at your restaurant i'm sure but at mcdonald's and chipotle and they like to eat at those places but not only the inflation but again they are paying these entry-level workers so much more than they should have to so that's raising the prices well my son came home from the grocery store with just a box of serial and i won't mention the brand but say this box of the spirit was $8.64 and it was a small box so that's why i wore this jacket today that looks like one of the cap'n crunch berries. the people in the media they have their kale in their nice healthy food so they don't care and they do believe they should stop eating the stuff so check
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up the prices. you are pricing out a major chunk of our society being able to just go have lunch. >> gary: you are a frequenter of fast food. >> at five for medium fries is insane especially ordering fries is like putting coins in a slot machine is they'll either be so delicious or so gross that you will wish you were never born. >> gary: or superhot or super cold. >> there is nothing in between it is gambling. unless you order them with no salt so they have to make fresh ones and you add salt later. >> your invisible friend asked for extra salt. >> gary: that was fun. don't go away and we'll be right back. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. >> gary: [speaking quickly] >> trace: good evening trace gallagher an


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