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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. >> gary: [speaking quickly] >> trace: good evening trace gallagher and it's 11:00 pm on
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the east coast and 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news fox news at night. >> i'm here to night to declare we will turn new york city around and going to turn it around very, very quickly. [chanting] >> trace: breaking tonight, former president trump speaking to thousands of voters in the bronx part of a deep blue state spoke to nearly two hours of a large and enthusiastic crowd and in other words a start contrast to what happened earlier at the white house. >> to questions on i may. >> know one. what was my question? >> trace: more anti-semitism hearings where university presidents have some very low
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grades. >> is a true jewish student was spat on? >> all of these are allegations being investigated. >> when will they be finalized? this is why you have earned an f. >> trace: a full report on the hearing and moments but we begin where we began in the bronx where donald trump's massive campaign rally and more on what happened. good evening alexis. >> reporter: good evening in a pit -- a pretty big crowd of people when the former president took to the stage people are still trying to get through security so don't know exactly how many people there just yet but can tell you a trump rally in the deep blue area of the bronx is not something when you heard the news but big crowds that showed up with him on the stage for a long time about the border, crime and inflation in
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spoke to people who said they vote democrat forever and how that will change. >> donald trump is here and will when the bronx and it is people like me that thought a certain way this crowd i can see it and i know. >> reporter: thousands in attendance and still trying to get how many people but folks all over the city coming into the country saying they were wanting to catch a glimpse of the former president say he's making a play for new york city trying to turn parts of new york's city red. ed has been decades since republican presidential candidate campaigned here in the bronx back in 1980 where ronald reagan visited when democratic president jimmy carter hopes history won't repeat itself because that's when they flipped new york state read. >> i to criminal justice reform at a level with the black and
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hispanic community for the ones who wanted. >> reporter: talk to the former president and they set up there at that rally talking about all the potential topics that will be on fox and friends tomorrow morning. there were counter protesters and no issues out here on the ground. >> trace: alexis mike adams life for us and let's bring in institute fellow in arizona congressional can -- candidate. welcome to you both i had to laugh -- i had to laugh when aoc was baffled by the big crowd in the bronx and she had this to say. >> i will not be surprised if he will bus and a lot of his pals from long island and jersey and wherever and i hope they pay a nice hefty congestion tax and i hope they contribute to the
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revenues of new york city and fund are public schools through their tourism to the bronx. >> trace: she is right but it is big crowd but they didn't bus anyone in. when you're doing well in new york, as a republican, you're doing well. >> aoc sounds a bit to range their. you said it the contrast between the biden event you feel bad for the guy and it's sad and humiliating at this point and you can't convincingly try to do the job and i blame jill biden for propping him up but the contrast between that and the lively energetic event trump had with 30,000 people in the drunk -- the bronx feels like he's getting younger and funny despite all the stuff democrats are throwing at us and it's a massive success. peace and security under trump and chaos under biden. >> trace: trump is saying he will win new york but then you
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start looking at these numbers and you look at the new york times poll that new york state voter as biden has a big lead but he won the state by 23 points four years ago. your thoughts? >> remember he doesn't have to win over these voters who showed up today and he doesn't have to win over new york state all he has to do to get some of those voters not to show up for joe biden and will make a world of a difference and in the bronx today, this is trump at his best because we understands a working-class voter no one in the democratic party seems to understand anymore but very few in the gop understand that these are voters that want to be heard and want to be won over and they don't want to be expected to show up at the polls and right in their party candidate because they're told to do so trump all waited -- trump already understood that and capitalizing on it now.
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>> trace: here's a bit of the awkward joe biden news conference at the kenyan president. >> asked the next question as well? >> let me ask nancy from kenya, she is here. >> trace: it just looks bad in feel the whole room going. >> it's pathetic as joe biden is weak and president trump is strong and that's the contrast in the choice we have a november and i think the democrats know they can't beat him at the ballot box whether throwing all these lawsuits and fixed charges and it's not gonna work. >> trace: here's the washington times headline as biden suffers through press conference as mr biden 81 the oldest president in history struggle to hear or quit paying attention while the selected reporters were talking with two
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of the four journalists to repeat themselves and it looked like he was reading off the script and it was unbelievable like this whole thing was scripted. >> all of his events are now and he can't go anywhere without his notecards which eunice pronounces or his teleprompter and there's a reason why joe biden's campaign is not out there on the campaign trail asking voters to reelect as there asking them to not elect trump always against trump and not for biden specifically as it is a impossible message to sell as he's not fit to serve and everyone is starting to realize this. >> trace: a very good point. thank you bulls for being here. republicans and democrats alike have a long list of tough questions for leaders of three universities today about their failure to protect jewish students from the rash of anti-semitic protests on campus. jeff paul is live tonight.
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>> good evening trace and there was leadership from ucla workers testifying about their handling of campus protests and anti-semitism but it was this exchange between the president of northwestern university and new york republican congress woman when things got really got heated. >> isn't it true that jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> i want to question the premise of your question. >> reporter: i'm asking the questions and you are answering. i'm asking the question and you are required to answer. isn't true jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> there are allegations that a jewish student was assaulted and we are investigating those allegations. >> trace: northwestern became one of the first universities to publicly announce they made a deal of protesters allowing students to review the school's investment involving israel as
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well as palestinian scholarships funded and say rewarded campus agitators and the harassment of jewish students there has only gotten worse. >> reporter: isn't it true that northwestern earned an f. for your failure to respond to combat anti-semitism and call for resignation? >> i have great respect for the adl. >> reporter: i'm not asking that but is it a fact that you earned an f.? >> i have great respect for the adl and sad they gave northwestern an f. >> reporter: but it is true. >> trace: not just republicans who were set with universities as democratic congress woman save recent images at ucla were appalling and told university chancellor that it was all preventable. >> you should be ashamed for letting a peaceful protest gathering to hijacked by an angry mob and you should be ashamed for allowing such
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violence to take place on your campus. >> trace: went on to reject that premise and said they try to get police there as soon as possible. >> trace: thank you jeff and let's bring in the founder of the movement and great to have you on the show. one more sound but if we can from the chancellor of ucla who said this. >> i am fully aware that many of the jewish students have had to confront rhetoric and images on campus to any reasonable person would find repugnant. >> trace: but the school did nothing for days and days and daze while these horrific chants were being cast across ucla. >> right and it's not just chance but we're talking about actual physical violent assault against jewish students. one student was hit in the head with a megaphone and the same thing happened to a jewish man who was hit in in the head at a
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pro-israel rally with a megaphone a sickly murdered. jewish students at ucla being physically repent -- prevented from going to classes and i am so appalled by the prize that this is free-speech but this is physical action and violence in going to northwestern, i think the american people should be reminded that northwestern has a campus of journalism in qatar which is the second largest state sponsor of terrorism. northwestern students are being indoctrinated by qatar and being sent back to america event positions in the media to spread their hatred and radicalization. >> trace: broke you go right into my next question because this is a northwestern professor as on october 9th he posted this on x. quoting white
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supremacy and settler colonialism cannot kill maintenance deal for decades of the genocidal violence and expect patients in piece especially when peaceful protests met with economic, a spiritual and literal death. we wonder why campuses are breeding grounds for this types of behavior. >> it is orwellian doublespeak as anything they say that ill han omar says, the opposite is true that they are feigning this outrage at these protesters they call it nonviolent we're arrested but the opposite is true and what they is so scary and disturbing is how members of the u.s. government are supporting pro- terror protesters and the issue is systemic within our government right now and you don't have to be jewish to be disgusted and alarmed at what is happening as this is a national security threat of the highest order and
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i will just end with this if you don't mind that while i'm so encouraged at the congressional investigations and the project has contributed and given information to the committee, what is the next step? why are they not cutting off title vi funding to the schools? >> trace: a great point and thank you for being here. as the really military pushes into rafah, u.s. trying to get humanitarian aid into gaza but pushing up against a series of logistical problems and some very bad people. senior national correspondent is live in dc with new information. good evening. >> reporter: the fight to get aid into gaza ongoing as officials say they've helped to transfer more than a million pounds of humanitarian aid into gaza by way of the over the short pair and however, approximately a hundred foot causeway surprising --
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comprising of modular sets linked together also has its limitations because getting aid from the pier to the people can be a harrowing undertaking with several trucks alluded this week as they try to make their way to a warehouse things have gotten so bad that the un suspended food distribution and rafah earlier this week citing a lack of security adding it had not received any medical supplies for 10 days because of closures and disruptions. >> aid is flowing and it's not flowing at the rate any of us would be happy with because we always want more but we are actually seeing good cooperation between the u.s., idf, un and other humanitarian organizations to ensure it goes from there to innocent people in need. >> quick look at the numbers two thirds of the aid distributed by do you went further into gaza and a thousand u.s. soldiers and sailors involved in the
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operation and in the meantime is really operation pushes further into rafah set to be expanding operations roughly halfway between israel southwestern border in the mediterranean coast and, of course, that's all happening despite ongoing international pressure to halt the offensive. >> trace: kevin wife for us in dc and thank you. let's bring in israel's consul general to the southwest and former marine special operations officer. thank you both for being here the u.s. appear in gaza it is built and apparently quite the disaster. quoting from the new york times, u.s. military faces reality in gaza as a project struggles predicting a stream of humanitarian aid arriving in gaza but little relief has reached the besieged strip officials acknowledge this week as several trucks alluded as they made their way to a warehouse the un world food program said the complexity of
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the operating project in a war zone continuing to slow distribution and to you on this, they knew all along come moss would come in and take all of this food and put on the black market. >> you said it. an absolute disaster and has all the hallmarks of the biden administration as no plan going in with unnecessarily put servicemembers at risk and cost hundreds of millions of dollars and at the end help our enemies and her allies. a ridiculous proposition continuing to send in aid and admitting most of it will flow to hamas and help our enemies fight against. >> trace: ascended in to where it could get to the people who need this. and what you make of the german government vowing to arrest the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the quote here by the israeli spokesperson,
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stating hamas are the new nazis say the genocide against the jews many in the world need to check their moral compass and be on the right side of history and now seven months later, germany is like arrest him. >> absurdity between elected leader and elected prime minister and a terrace we have seen it's like putting on trial george w. bush and bin laden in the same court and pretty much absurd especially coming from germany as they have a historic relationship during the nazi time and now the relationship with them so from them it's insulting but let's understand what the palestinian state means and it means to basically create a new terrorist state. disengage from gaza and get a
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terrorist state so we tried this route already? >> trace: a very good point that norway, ireland and spain say they will recognize a palestinian state deepening israel's isolation and they are rewarding terror? >> there giving the terrorists exactly what they asked for when they conducted the attacks on october 7th and point out two of these nations if you look at history were neutral in the fight against fascism against hitler and many of them supported hitler and here we are on the wrong side of history that is so clearly between good and evil in choosing the wrong side. >> trace: just because we think this is instructive, the eu that recognize a palestinian state sweden, poland, slovakia, anmore and you look at the list of countries that do not recognize a palestinian state, the list is long.
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what you think about this? it seems like it's shifting a little bit away from israel. >> maybe it does in the moment but understand the palestinian state right now be a huge reward to a terrorist organization they will come to europe itself but god for bid can also come to america so if we don't win against a terrorist organization, they will fight it in a different place.
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>> we have brand-new video tonight from the rest of the world's number one golfer scotty shepler outside the pga championship in louisville, kentucky, last week. correspondent and attorney live tracking the latest developments on this. good evening. >> hey, we are learning the officer who arrested the golf star didn't have his body camera turned on during the incident. the officer was disciplined so while we will not be seeing body cam, the authorities released two videos today. one moment taking place before scottie scheffler was arrested. you can see the officer in the yellow jacket. he runs up on scheffler's vehicle and possibly strikes the vehicle with something just before it comes to a stop. the officer is then seen speaking with a driver for several minutes until other
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officers approach and you can see scheffler being led away. also new, the dash cam video showing scheffler in handcuffs before he was booked on multiple charges including second-degree felony assault of a police officer. in a police report released today, the officer claims that if his body cam had been on, it would have shown him stopping scheffler but the golf pro demanded to be led in and proceeded for against my directions. i was dragon knocked down by the driver. but we do not see that in the new video. today, scheffler's attorneys came out swinging. >> scottie scheffler didn't do anything wrong. we are not interested in settling the case. we will be either trying it or dismissed. >> scheffler will be in court for his arraignment on june 3rd. >> i watched the video and i'm wondering if you watched it and you clearly have a legal eye on this. is there anything on the video
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that would lead you to believe that this charges are warranted? >> i scanned the video back and forth, but the video alone sure doesn't look like it. but it's also unclear if the pull cam video shows the entire encounter. it looks to only show the second time the officer stops scheffler. because of the angle of the video, we cannot see the moment the officer says he first stopped scheffler and allegedly dragged or knocked down by the vehicle. so the video possibly shows after the officer gets off the ground and runs toward the car and stops it a second time. and for in fact that's true it explains by prosecutors have been dropped or lowered the chacharges adhered even without body cam, they may have statements from the witnesses to corroborate officer's version of the fact with the body cam video or even hospital records because he went to the hospital with injuries. >> you're exactly right.
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>> thank you mr speaker, i moved to suspend the rules to withdraw assembly bill 246 '01 that will end protections for illegal immigrant pedophiles. >> stop. >> trace: there you have it peer california state assembly republican getting his microphone cut off color that what enke protection of illegal immigrants that were convicted child sex offenders we are joined by and back to you first as you try to end these protections for pedophiles and cut your mike, what are they afraid you might have said? >> they did not want the public to see what they were doing and at that moment, to rollback the sanctuary state policies of the state of california as do pedophiles they do not want
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those words said on the floor because they wanted to appear to be procedural nothing and they were successful by cutting my mic and the elevated issue and now i'm on fox news talking about it so over recorded vote, every person can see where every elected official was on this issue. >> trace: it's amazing to me julie as cut them off saying the motion to end protections is not debatable. >> motion to end protections is not debatable first of all, i want to thank him for his courage and for continuing to speak up for sanity and common sense in our state legislature because the only one who seems to be able to do that i it is not shocking to me and they would rather spend their time putting together a bill to keep secrets from parents about transitioning their children in
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school. >> trace: it is amazing as it was telling friends that happen to be democrats and we're not naming names but they did not believe the story was real because no one's covering it and here we are now make it make sense and i think this is why in some cases democrats are losing credibility because they are cutting off the ability to have conversation that is really important and necessary and ashamed to say that today. >> trace: washington free beacon says how racial preferences outlawed in california have persisted in within three years of her hiring, she is the head of emissions drop from six to 18th place in the rankings for medical research and in some of the cohort admitted more than 5d standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine and pediatrics i soon to be doctors and they don't know what they are doing.
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>> it is scary as i think what you're seeing here is how the left has no respect for the rule of law this policy is illegal and outlawed but they are doing anyway and the use proxies in place of race but they know what they're trying to do i have college admission professors tell me they know how to get around the laws. >> trace: i want to go onto this as a color farm near globe writes the following, sex ed curriculum transparency bill blocked in the senate as the committee essentially would've required school districts to publish sexual education and hiv prevention materials on their website before being presented to students and what you think about that? the parents having to be able to look at what their kids are about to be taught. >> i think parents entrust their children to the public schools and they should be able to trust the public schools to share with them the information being shown
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to their children especially when it involves sex it's absolutely absurd to me we have to keep these things a secret from parents but parents you have a legal right to review these materials so they can't keep them from you. >> i'm a new parent and if i was not given the information, i would be irate as it's every parent's right to know what's being taught so is just common sense. >> trace: that's exactly right and speaking of, common sense is up next. pictures of illegal immigrants getting into a rideshare because they got tired of waiting for border patrol plus what we're learning about the nationals who try to breach quantico and spain gets a magnificent view of stellar events plus tax since wins so strong at shattering windows with people inside.
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today's best viral videos up next and later let us know in the nightcap we will read the best responses. does trump have a chance to winn deep blue new york? will be back. but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪ ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve!
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i was able to lose weight gradually and keep it off. i wish i'd started sooner. don't wait, go straight to [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: more evidence tonight reporting on the southern border that security threats increasing as immigration crisis continues. let's get back alive to senior national correspondent. >> reporter: türkish illegal immigrant could not believe how easy it was to cross the border without any interference from law enforcement and as you will see here in a moment, sounding the alarm to americans to be very worried about that migrant said he paid 10 grand to a cartel to be transported to the california border and then expressed his concerns about the
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millions of people entering the u.s. without so much as a background check. >> impact on american people is completely true who comes to this country if they are killers or psychopathic's. no security check and no background check. >> and you're worried about who's crossing the border? >> yes people are not looking normal. >> trace: who know so they are and what's more encountered dozens of military age demand from china and other groups of special interest men from countries like türkiye and pakistan, around in bangladesh and that's a notification in a designation made by the department of homeland security and one last note here. one of the jordanian nationals at the marine base illegally cross a border last month in san diego and release on notice to
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appear in the other jordanian here on a student visa trace. >> trace: kevin life for us and thank you. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: the commonsense apartment gets worried about how easy it is to cross the southern border especially when illegal immigrants tell us how easy it is as a türkish migrant who spent 24 days making his way to america told bill he was almost alarm to how simple it was to walk into the u.s. and even concerned about his own safety asking how the u.s. knows what all these people are here for and it is a good question you would expect to come from the binding administration and not a türkish immigrant. today the white house press secretary admitted the executive actions led to the open border and said it's not the president's job to close it.
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commonsense things even when the answer is nonsensical, at least it's an answer because for this administration, the border had that must not be spoken about vibe. it has been two days since two nationals tried to crash the gate at quantico marine base and we still not know their intent and administration say the information can't be released because of privacy concerns. privacy? common since thanks maybe we just asked the türkish migrant and appears to have a better grasp of what's going on. let's bring in new and i can't believe we literally are 20 days out and we don't have any information about these two jordanian nationals. tell us what is happening. >> exactly and one thing we discovered as the folks that
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work at the base at quantico did not hear about this until about two weeks after that incident on may 3rd so not only not known to the public and came out in a very small local paper which then we started chipping away at but it took a lot of questioning of ice to find out these individuals came here illegally that they were a genie in nationals and one came across the southern border release just a day after he crossed last month and told on the own recognizance come back and report. security checks cannot be done within a day and border patrol agents tell me this. >> trace: it just feels like they are hiding something from us and thus the whole point here. now talking to the -- türkish immigrant, here's one more. >> did you have to pay a cartel? >> yes, 10,000.
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impact on american people is completely true they don't know who's coming into this country how if they are not good or killer or psychos and no security checks. >> trace: when the illegal immigrants worried about coming here, i'm worried about being here. >> that's in the district that i will be representing and this is a crisis point as during the administration, 300 documented terror watches suspects coming across the southern border many of them but last year alone a hundred and 50,000 got away and during the biden administration, more than 2 million got away and those are only ones you can verify so we're talking about people on the terror watchlist getting into this country and they're showing up at military bases in box trucks now again it has been weeks and no indication
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of why were they there and what was in the box truck? what were their identities? apparently it's privacy were worried about. >> trace: i want to put this graphic up telling about the gata ways and here's a suspected terrorist the border encounters under former president trump, and under biden over 2521 percent rise and quick answers. >> we know some of the individuals that have crossed illegally on the terror watch lists slip through the cracks of federal authorities and release one was a terrorist who came across march 2023 and ice figured out a year later when he already made it to minnesota that he he was in the country in one example of many in the last couple of years. >> trace: it really is i want to put this video up as he's taking a picture of some of these illegal immigrants that cross and got tired of waiting
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so they jumped into a rideshare and off they go. border patrol so overstretch in the illegal immigrants have been waiting for hours to be picked up and some colombians got sick of waiting and got picked up and drove away. >> i talked to border patrol agents in san diego sector completely overwhelmed now the number 1 illegal crossing sector in the country because governor gavin newsom has rolled out a red carpet saying come on in and will give you all these welfare benefits and a sanctuary state and we are in a sanctuary country as long as joe biden continues to dictate our border policies. >> trace: and makes it worse now and because texas is closed off its border so now all of these people coming where you hope to represent. >> absolutely so i tell people don't flee to california because the contagion will spread. if we don't stay and fight and
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secure our border and end the sanctuary state and support border patrol it's like squeezing a balloon. illegal immigrants coming from texas all the way across san diego and that's where they're coming today and will continue to flow. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, could trump take home a victory in new york? polls are getting closer and, of course, a stranger things can happen. reagan did it back in 80. we will read your responses in 'the nightcap'. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> trace: we are back with 'the nightcap'. tonight's topic is reagan repeat as tonight donald trump headlined a rally in the deep bronx and ronald reagan did and on wednesday trump repeatedly said he will win new york and he has some numbers. says trump currently trailing by nine but biden beat him by 23 in 2020 and do you think can come close and when new york? >> nope. anything is possible in the last few years have showed us and
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it's a big gap to feel from 2020 >> it's tough but they mocked him in 2016 for going to michigan and said you have no chance and he won michigan and the reality is when he goes to the bronx, communicating to all americans that he cares and willing to go for a fight for areas that have not been given the representation and with the issues in the bronx, democrats a failed them on every count. >> i think you should focus on my home state arizona spent some time in the grand canyon. >> i think he has a shot depending on who he ends up against because we're not sure if it will be biden or somebody else the chances lobo still a chance. >> i think maybe because people are not buying what biden is selling anymore and i think people are really struggling under his policies. >> i think it's possible for him to close the gap some more but
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ultimately i don't think he'll take it. >> trace: do you think it's probable? 71 percent. instagram 76 percent. democrats opposed new yorkers to the limits and changes coming in november the people that voted for him have moved to florida. i think it will be close. >> dawn says absolutely as a people have had enough of biden and left loonies killing our country. i would say probably not but a very fun 'the nightcap' to pitch this out there and thank you all for joining and thank you for watching america's late news, the great kevin cork in tomorrow night and i will see you back here after the holiday. have a great holiday weekend.
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