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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. julia manchester, thank you. that will do it for us. let's go right to "the five." ♪ >> ♪ ♪yone
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>> i'm dana perino with janinejn bureau, harold ford, jesserold watters and greg gutfeld it's n 5:00 iewn new york city and this is the 5. presumptive gop nominee going where no republican is gone since donald -- ronald reagan. donald trump holding a rally inw a district biden 1 by 83% in 2020. trump will try to spread the maga message to voters in any effort ttoo win over the traditional democratic voting block as the biting coalition crumbles. the formere president expectedr hammer issues like rising crime and inflation in the border. democrats are fuming that trump even dares talk to their traditional voters. >> the bronx knows better we see this going on this is essentially a go find me for legal funding.
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and attempted to trick some ofol our folks they are i think the bronx knows >> 's priority isn't the people of the bronx i'm confident they won't by the snake oil he's selling. 's presidency is a catastrophe o for the bronx you should apologize to the people of the bronx for the damage he's done.a >> it's a long shot he would ever win new york looking at the numbers and 2022 there are a lot more republicans and dissatisfied democrats in the state of new york then we would> like to admi dt. >> democratic lawmakers be at the same park protesting trump's visit but there were many residents who think the formerl president will be received with open arms.ceiv >> you see democrats coming out and they are saying trump is not welcome here. who are you?nk >> i think he should come to the neighborhood. >> trump is for the little man.c >> not all democrats vote
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democrat i'm 1 of those s democrats that hasn'int voted democrat since the age of ronald reaganrona. >> people not interested inat chpolitics an hour watching a sm trial they see these things happen they wonder what's going on. >> jesse it's my favorite story has all sorts of things i wantut to talk about and i will ask yoq questions about instead.ue can you imagine president biden going to missouri or alabama or arkansas and showing that kind of confidence saying i'm here to talk to voters.a >> i don't think it's a good idea for him to go there it would get a little hairy but ifh he has the courage go for it i don't think it will turn out neu voters but this will.o aoc there'evs no evidence he's bussing anybody in. johnny's been been there sincetr 2:00 it's bs. he's not using it to raise money either. if you are raising money would you go to the bronx and get e-mail addresses and get them up for a ten dollars donation .hat's not happening
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and the other guy calling it a catastrophe's presidency for the bronx why it because it wasm lawyer ran to lower crime and lower migrants i don't even knon what the guys talking about. so it does seem like to try tod say trumthp is a racist and they have to go all the bet to the 1980s to say he's a racist.e i remember in the eighties tru blacks loved trump's.90 in thes nineties they loved him, the 2 thousands. blacks wanted to be trumptr everybody wanted to be trump the matter what color you are that changed when he ran for president. i don't think black americans even knew who joe biden was until barack obama tapped himp. for vp. the way the electoral system is in the country because time isoy money. a lot of the times you raze money in your own strongholds and you campaign and the battlegrounds you leave year old other opponents peace alone. that's off the table now because trump smells weakness so he's diving in to joe biden space.
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and voters are saying wait as arminute they want you to lavish attention on dems and other bronx isbr like a where you've been all my life come over here and he is coming and he's going to come strong. r i think if you relook replicate this maybe not in new york but if you go into the deep blue precincts in elidel feel d or milwaukee or atlanta you do it in detroit if you could even just get in the battleground, 3-4% omaf the black hispanic voe more in those cities it could make a huge difference in november. >> and harold it's not just newo yorker want to get your take on itth but there's a pole showing trump up in new hampshire over d biden. biden was there with 1 of the weakest campaign events i've seen in a while. >> 2 things it's very smart forr candidates to go and meet people where they live and understand
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their needs and challenges andda aspirations and dreams and hopes the only way you do that is not box out and not alienate or eliminate going to places. i'm old enough to remember when california was a reliably republican state and when new york elected republican governors. massachusetts elected republicans 1 thing is for certain you don't get the vote of people if you don't go and t ask them and you don'tan understand people if you don't go in and see how they live and where they live and understand wht y as theisy might have needs that are different in other communities across the country. a second of all i think it's fair to go after president trump for things he said in the past he should just answer. i think there's things he's dond and said that i find offputtinga but he's also answered lot ofha thoste questions and i think voters have an opportunity to few him in a light which is fair at least to him but you can't
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expect to get any votes if youas don't go into these places that point i mean black voters should not be thought of reflexively i democratic voters we have voted democrats in the past because the democratic party we believed ustood out for us in times of need in times of grief political grief specifically stood up foro us in terms of education andt other things but you listen tono what those people said residentn of the bronx. they welcome the president coming because he will hear whaf they have to say and if you have a betterof set of answers and te guy you were running against we will grade you on how you plan to d to a future that includes . >> i talked to a lifelong new yorker who talked about from blows new york and wanted to be a better city and they will hear that. >> they will hear that and the thing about the democrats saying things like they plan to counter
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the enemy trump and the whole idea that aoc is saying trump is now... you should be embarrassed of the truth is trump is a new yorker t he's proved that i walked down the street from 30 years ago and if it was a copper a sunday witw hardhat they loved him theyed always loved him and it wasn't until he ran for president were all of a sudden people who loved him decided that they hated him. i'm not so sure they hated himne though i think they were told to hate him because he wasas republican. you get people like aoc and you realize she is representative of a dictatorial approach to politics in america that is i where ths e left is now they dot want to see him in their arear they don'tar want people to vote for him they don't even want you to listen to him and that is
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what is so sick about all ofis this and aoc is acting like this i grew up here she didn't grow there she was born in the price per grew up in westcheste county 1of of the most affluent ones ishn the country she went h hackley ane d boston she cantlay lame to the bronx oe anywhere else where does donald trump gowh? he goes where people are afraid to go he's going to harlem is b going to a bodega he talks to construction workers and people want to hear from him because they are not happy with what the democrats are selling. they are not happy having to pay for food not happy that illegals are getting better rates and more products and more benefits than they are they are not happy with the fact of that they have to pay more for gas and $11,000 more a year to live because of democrat inflation. >> 1 thing biden does repeatedly is talk about the extremists and
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cutting ofabf those voters ine president trump has taken a different tactic to saidy i know they might not like me but i'ma. going to talk to them so he's expanding the circle. >> he runs to the challenge and not to the basement. k i don't think biden is capable of doing anything outside his comfort zone especially when that comfort zone is a room with round-the-clock nurses and no-c losharp objects it is amazing to see aoc feel offended that trump would campaign in the bronx and speak to thousands of voters. how dare he because her candidate can't do that so notbu fair but it's not trump's faultt that biden is imploding like an iranian helicopter remember aocr loc described he.r what it he s a glass of water could be elected there as long as it's a registered democrat she didn't have tavo be any good. she is now less popular than a glass of water from flintm michigan nobody likes her.
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trump draws crowds she repels them you brought it up yesterda. aoc killed the amazon job steeln that cost the city thousands of jobs in her district in taxpaying citizens it's a story of socialism you know of this opportunity cost of electing a marxist because they neverr experience what could have beent because they destroyed the opportunity i don't think the media is ready to admit how bad biden has gotten and how goodha trump has gotten in the same timeframe. it's like watching a video ofat the house being built at next t tolerated speed and right next to it it's the same tape and a reverse.te at this rate biden is going to be gone and trump will be sunning himself on mount rushmore you've joe scarborough going wait, biden can still breathe the machine is still beeping. >> will carry it live we have 49 minutes left to go alexis mcadams is there and there's aer
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lot of energy and flage s coming up, you don't love biden economics you don't say something you are not smartrt e enough to know how good they'vew gotten. >> ♪ ♪ how good you've got it. >> greg: yeah! ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■ ■if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, then
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- [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. (inspirational music)
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- [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. ♪ ♪ >> greg: bidenomics continues to b >> biden economics vampire dray gaining our bank accounts more than when jesse binges on 2 bay as hugfeh the economic explain
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her. >> we need an economic explainni her as people are confused aswe they arell also doing quite well as i want to start with prices being an issue for everyone as inflation is too high in the u.s. and other countries as the economy is doing well but we get shots from outside the united states i seen that happen and we see that happening with wars as we keep her fingers crossed wean don't get another. >> that was exciting gre she nes to go to school a few things americans are doing well.ll hop on over to a local fast fool joint where joe has supersized of the cost of fries, big macs and even your trusted foot-long. all of which have gone up since biden stepped into office. harold this is arrogant andro gainsulting it's like a comic wo
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bombs on stage and blames the audience they are blaming theeya people. too fastink he's been food restaurant. org she doesn't mind because of her organic blueberries are always $12 a pound or whatever they art i don't know because i eatnk b nothing but junk.e. >> i don't necessarily disagree with her and also don't fully agree as win politicians is reset on the show many times when you're telling somebodyey a they are safe and healthy and economically secure they don't feel it it's a hard translating that into them supporting yould when you say they should betr feeling well. the truth ofut the matter linco. c is up from last year at around 7% compared to 4% with 2r economies with wealthier and households doing better they don't have that kind of anxiety and concerns lower and moderates income households have that's a dilemma the federal governmenth faces as they think about what i they're going to do or when they
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are going to do it if they do a cut it'll something some peopleg are clamoring foesr and data suggest they shouldn't becausebe inflation could goca back up but i'll start where you started. everyday americans are feeling strained cat and the there's nou amount of numbers or data that will tell us somebody can't just struggling to afford their insurance which also but you trying to buy gas or food that you're doing better don't worry about the high prices you will be fine. do that loseo elections. >> you know what this man's meals? crime and immigration. everybody plays down these issues and play them downsu because ofes the immune from everything because the prices don't matter to her. as yet the building manda security as you are ordering whatever you want it's this elitist point of view.
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schema giv e good skin for eating nothing but junk. >> i think the junk does it to me. >> after the try that is where they convincing the crime isple great filling people they are convincing of the people who arl rich and wealthy which is exactly your point as the truth is they are delusional as 70% of americans have a view of the economy 6 4% as how they are running the economy's you can talk until the cows come home and that's not going to change. anything with credit card debt say talked about beings ha over-the-top $1.79 in 2019 a big mac went to $12.69.
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this is what people are eating and inflation is more than $12,000 a year just live theu same way you live last year this isn't about all you are stupid you aren't feeling it this isit. reality and people as it's inwo their own bubblerl as they are g going to the bronx and talkingta to peopllke and they have a gret crowd tonight in spite of how far -- how hard democrats are telling people. >> jesse like a good foot-long and the assumption was there. t by thehe way it's not a sandwicd it's aog hot dog. i going to dial back to a smaller weenie? >> going to go for six-inch ii don't makeca it gutfeld money bo i don' say this i didn't take en 1 but he made up for it by
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reading the wall street journal no harold ford junior but i have a basic grasp of this if joe schmoe makes 10% more one-yearh' that's great way to go joe as wrench insurance gasoline groceries or up 30-15 percent aa stephanie can survive that so why doesn't stephanie just filled this pain i thought democrats were compassionate and here's why. they can't acknowledge their policies cause this. they can't acknowledge they ca trillions and spending opening the borders which increases consumption their telling of 1 osier and announce that you are injured denials answera pr
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projection and giving it to unions the trying to cut hours and the liberal elites as he's gotta get from point a to pointe b in a certain amount of time as along the way he made a fastant food restaurant and people believe what they want to eatan but they can't pretend they don't have a huge problem theg other thing as the white house s is all corporate greed how come there's only corporate comegreed when democrats are in office as it doesn't pass the smell
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you sign a moral value to the things you by who eats fast food not people i know as of the matters people who got laid off. >> ahead of dearer republicans vote for republicans a tbs meltdown over nikki haley backing trump. meltdown over niy endorsing trump. so, what are you thinking?
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homequote explorer lets you easily compare coverage options so you don't end up overpaying. good, because we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high end stuff. sorry, that's our ghost. he's more annoying than anything. oh, a decal that says "kitchen." good, i forgot where i was for a second. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ chasing you of the's side of whiskeys ♪ >> trump hasn't been perfect onc these policies andle made that clear many times biden's been a catastrophe. so i will be voting for trump. >> the liberal media foaming ato the mouth and fury that a a
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republican dares votes for a republican. she revealed she will be checking off donald trump's name and the ballot box this november triggering us to nami of liberal tears that she didn't follow miss cheney. >> need cult experts to explaine this because it doesn't make a lick of sense. lie >> shocked she would just lie about the facts as badly as she o >> this is her personal ambitioa it's notbo about the country ifc also peaked nikki haley.d of >> she does that thing when you pull a fish in the fish is trying to get something. >> it's flipping flop that they expect nikki haley would nottr endorse donald trumpum at all? and endorse joe biden?ne:
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>> there is a difference between endorsing someone and saying at, the end of this beach in answer to a question that you will vote for them i see an endorsement is something where you show up with the candidate you have an event specifically around that idea and to me that's an endorsement. this was mora i will vote for trump. she really asked to come out ann say more for that then to endorse them but having said that i am so sick and tired of these people on the left saying we are part of occult. get yourself occult expert to analys ce american people from afar becausee i am tired of hearing about all of us being in occult. i think nikki said something accurate that biden is 1 of the worst president in history as i leads toto the withdrawal in afghanistan and that policy is
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her forte but i'd like to see heacr do a real political t.endorsement. >> you think we see that with those 2 on stage?ha >> it takes t 2 to tangle in orr to have that event you need to h have trumpav saying i want to appear a few at this event it could happen we don't know. >> i think it'has natural that happens me think about remember when hillary and obama read eace other's throats that whole summer and what did hillary do'f i'm for obama and campaigned even if she tried to undermine them. would be goounded if, a the med consider why somebody would wano to have this position disagree with trump think that biden is k disaster. trump might be russian relit biden's national suicide friend of mines wife said she doesn'tce like trump but if biden winsto b they will never be able to finance their house of peopleme are making practical decisions they imagine the trump team would say we will take those
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voters they have to cobble these things together to make their coalition right asth the left seems to thank you should say okay you might not like trump that means you should go over invites -- vote for ghaly think is a disaster it's unrealistic it won't happe un in looking ato the reportinokg it was just posd they've been to a lot of rallies at the bronx and alexis mcadams never seeing something like this. something is happening out thert and pulling all these pieces together as you are starting to see how a new coalition could be farming while biden starts to fall apart. >> we do see things falling into >> just like your hair..'s >> it's a practical adult decision that's what she did divorced from an emotional dead-end of never trump and a trumadult decision is you don'te
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to like somebody to know and. appreciate their value. who would you rather have an incompetent but likable agent or an arrogant shirk who wins. like it or not trump's americas agent not the world's agent it'y the basic definition in my mind of populism he's your agent not there's yos. or was harris so flip-flop her when she worked for a racist by her own definition joe biden was a racist. this is why the elites in both parties profited off the backslapping geopolitics found trump so unseemly in the first place they didn't want their cocktail party ruined by some unseemly roa d asking how much the cocktail weenies are or are you paying your fair share the never trump's can't divorce themselves from a personal impact that trump made on their egos. whether it's romney or cheney or kissinger.
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there's a lot of ego andt resentment build into a sunk cost once you marry yourself to so much emotion over so much time and you put so much effortf into thifos you can't reverse te stance. it hurts too much and they can't change their mind and when they see somebody do that it burnsat them up that's what you are seeings wh with these implosion. >> you happens in political histories people tear eachh other's faces off for a year before the election then they break bread and they come >> i think herin saying yesterd, that she supporting trump bureau are in the trump campaign and serious about the numbers in thr campaigns you want what she sad yesterday and you want to use it as well it's smart sense mron trump locked up the nominationsi since march 6tnch she got 18% ie arizon va 14% in florida and 17%
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in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. so her saying at the end of the day going to have to vote for f him becausore i don't want to ve for biden is good for trump. democrats are the same they will y i might have reservations about biden but i can't stand trump january 6 for abortion or, whatever they have a number of reasons they feel that way as well and finally for those whoo care about debt i think it'sre interesting to see the campaigns talk about the economy headline stuff is interesting it'ses predictable but whenti you reali dig intog the numbers and lookt some of the things happening it's a whole new movement of republicans raising up saying wt want unions we want higher tariffs we want or government spending they used to be thingst democrats used to say these are facts within what's happening in the republican narrative mr trump when he was in office for 4 years there i don't haveha
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numbers ansd some to between 23 is a cumulative $7 trillion in debt once we get in to this this is what the debates are about both of these candidates need ta answer these toughnd rate in yoq face questionsue they hope theye ask him these if you t don't think he is alrey to go there don't know politics it's meeting people where they earned answer this question. >> take that aoc. >> harold ford junior coming at you. >> they told me i shouldn't goye to rural areas in tennessee because it would be welcomed when i ran it silly. up, >> and whatever happened womenr lifting upha women's sports. the view launching a racial attack on kaitlyn clark.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine >> the haters are going to hate. lunatics are launchingli ridiculous racial attacks on kaitlyn clark she is the college court sensation turned w nbasp star making women starts a bit -- sports a big deal she'st wh boosting league readings and ticket sales when the left isn't busy shoving dudes into theirhe locker room they call her fans racist. the views sonny claimed she is only popular because she is white. >> i do think there is a thing called pretty privilege there it a thing called a white privilege and nothing called color privilege and we have to acknowledge that in part of it
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is about race because if youhink think about the brittany greiner or why did she have to go to play in russia thankfully basketball legends like lebron jame>>s and charles barkley are dunking on her detractors. >> kaitlyn clark is reason why o lot of great things are going to happen for the wnba rooting for her because i've been in that seed before i filled that role and i hope she kills. >> lebron you are 100% right on the girls hating on kaitlyn n clclark being petty we are sof the most insecure y'all shouldlh thank the girl getting thatbi money she's bringing tlio the w nba. >> greg it's so sad that women are dunking on women who haven h
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the number 1 as far as i know the number 1 scorer in college the brittany didn't have even though they are both in the wnba r all these years of losing money in the wnba this woman you're looking at their on the screen is making a huge difference for sports and the wba. >> first she claims killing a clark and jamal hills had the same thing that it was due to white privilege have me explain why nobody can stand that joy behar and then she mentions pretty privilege which in order for that to be true sonny holsten said the women of the wnba are dogs.oing she saying she's did welle because she's pretty she just called all the wnba women dogs and if you're going to pro play the privilege game is bring up brittany greiner what's herht privilege black lesbian let's play the game she was able to get back to the united states because of her privilege whatit
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woke at diedd was take the worst sit on the planet which is in the and elevated as a form of political agency so you have these 2 who can't be happy with somebody else's success but can express envyje as unfairness bat on race or privilege it's p indulging their humarin insecurities why don't i have that adulation is it because she's white know the real problem is so that question that you have to ask why people are doing better than you this racial prism has done more to dissuade young people frome seeking success said for drugs now called rather than focus on the better you they apply equityui. they apply equity to others itmo who achieve more ironically useh of thees same people as they wo extend a hand down to women who have less than success than they are why are they doing something they are pathetic as it's not
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that she holds the number 1 spof in terms of college sports in basketball as she is an entertainer she's got swag something that a lot of basque ballplayers don't have. >> she's got the it factor is p the 5 is a popular show we doev free million aer night everybody loves us and security when theyu outside alone it's insane. harold ford junior, he tries out for the voice all of a sudden people discover what a beautiful soulful crooner harold ford junior is an all of a sudden this show skyrockets to popularity because we areat sitting next to harold ford evei wins watching him on the voiceti and on the 5 it's great you don't sit around and say man so jealous because harold is so handsomerold he so talented it should have been me he doesn't deserve. now you're happy to be along for the ride that's what these othe women should be happy to be ay
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part otof something special. >> in the truth is they are not nice suspect these women should than average male basque ballplayers decide he wants tob be in the w nba and transitions how long before they say you go. >> and if in 1 second if kaitlya clark agreed to come on their show they would make it because why would help the readings and brittany greiner. america gave up a convicted murderer, drug dealing gunrunner noted to get her back and we left a u.s. marine in moscow ats the same time so that'se. privilege of their talk about pretty privilege they think then keeper in the view for stunning legal insights like i don't lik to be mean girl i don't and i dn don't like it when they do it they do it all the time but now that they are doing it with race its disgusting.
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>> i say it all the time the preoccupation with race it lessens the arguments where race is actually a factor. kaitlyn clerk accomplish something in college basketball that no woman is accomplishedac before. she broke alcoore.l the scoring oke records and 4 years. the people who have those records did in 4 years to putofr the records out of reach for a long time mean all records canas be broken but what she did was truly amazing introducing soas many young kid is to the game yo have ain group of kids will grow up knowing the wnba like they n know that nbbaa and what charlen barclays said was the w nba like the salaries will go up till start being treated because forc the last couple of years women's ncaa basque ball tournament then didn't't give any consideration for thoswoe young women to be ae to practice for the green room.
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the men had everything and the women didn't have anythingone someone put a light on that and it changed fewer from far 5 or 6 or 7 years old you want to go to college you will have a very different experience in college basketball because of heetbar there's a great saying and all the sports ball don't lie she can play anybody who doesn't think she can play didn't watch her.a she will have a bit of a roughbc transition because this is prose college players going to the pros they have their issues but she lit it up with 22 points thh other day she caisn play she's going to be good men and women sports and everybody should be happy for that. j >> and you knoudw it we love yoa kaitlyn. >> she's a superstar . >> it's because she's white.e >> and prettshy and good. the fastest is up next ye symptos keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome bac >> speed demons had mon'a rides about the snitch on you could requirn e new cars to be -- beep when they exceed by 10 miles per hour what you think we is this
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something you're thinking about? >> it's wonderful somebodye -- y 30 yearsea in law enforcement is a wonderful thing but for me personally i hope it beepse inside a outside.ou >>t? prime time? >> these to regulate puttings a seatbelts in and that was a good thing and we've gone way too fae as thing going to smack in mya face when i argue with you on an road trip. way out of hand, nanny >> i want my freedom because i speed a lot. >> i hate all >> to greg what you think? >> i love th e sound of a good thbeep is not going to work on s but it's i not going to matter n 20 years when all the cars herself driving and you say nost but oncear the car start offerit it as an option you're going to buy with the has no option then the insurance companies will the lower the rate because you will
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see josé for self driving cars and then there will be really special rates for people who use self driving car and ford hypher 50 years from now it will go can you believe humans actually drove themselves in at 43,000de deaths a yeaatr they lit 43,0000 people die so they could drive around. >> you think in 20 years we love the dominance of driverless cars >> i'm sticking with my human driven vehicle? b >> no robot booxx on wheels. >> of democrats are in charge 1 of a choice they will tell you. >> besides the world is ending in 10 years with global warming. good to be around the table. >> i love my friends.. 1 more thing is next. the best moments happen outside. where laughter dances with the wind, and stories are told beneath the stars.
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>> so now for one more thing. i don't usually do this, but i want to play something from america's newsroom. we spoke to this family this morning. kasey and bradley kissinger joined america's newsroom along with their newly adopted son. his name is luke. luke was in 25 foster homes in the last four years. he's 11 years old. >> they have now adopted him. here's what he said. >> i really just wanted to get my mind around that. i would actually be here forever. >> i ever thought that forever was a thing anymore. so he's going to play football this year, has been able to be on a team, is a great family project. zero is a nonprofit that help them. >> we wish him all the best. and greg, oh, what a show we have tonight. >> michelle tafoya. >> andrew grew a cat. two big tires could be. and let's do this. greg's duck crossing. do you ever drive in some country road and all of a sudden the little ducks come across? we have to stop, or else you run over them like jesse does. well, you know what? check out this little duck crossing here.
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it was from duck blog to the thrifty treasures. >> antiques and more costs three grand and only to fly away. it weighs £100. a giant inflatable duck and came from the is bathtub. >> that's ice i god. >> that's in frankenmuth. frankenmuth, michigan. the judge the oc fashion goes to the dogs, literally. check out these adorable pooches rocking the red carpet at the pet gala at the american kennel club. museum of the dog week. this week, museum of the dog. each canine, don couture, similar to what celebrities wore at the met gala. the furry fashionista outfits will be housed at the museum of the dog for the month of june. >> very cute. fashion is really gone to the dogs. >> i love that story this morning on news and yeah, yeah that is great. u all right. that's it for us. everyone had a great night. re.
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fox news alert. >> president donald


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