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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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thrifty treasures. >> antiques and more costs three grand and only to fly away. it weighs £100. a giant inflatable duck and came from the is bathtub. >> that's ice i god. >> that's in frankenmuth. frankenmuth, michigan. the judge the oc fashion goes to the dogs, literally. check out these adorable pooches rocking the red carpet at the pet gala at the american kennel club. museum of the dog week. this week, museum of the dog. each canine, don couture, similar to what celebrities wore at the met gala. the furry fashionista outfits will be housed at the museum of the dog for the month of june. >> very cute. fashion is really gone to the dogs. >> i love that story this morning on news and yeah, yeah that is great. u all right. that's it for us. everyone had a great night. re. fox news alert. >> president donald
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trump speaking live to a ox news thed in the south bronx. let's listen in. americans safe again. we south will make america great again. thank you, bronx. thank you, new york. we love you. n thanewk you.d bless >> god bless everybody. god bless you. god blesd bless s ♪s. >> well, that was about anf hour and a half of donald trump speaking live in the south bronx. sp hasn't carriedrepubl the state of new york in oveicr 40 years. and tonight, fresh off his visit to the southars. brono donald trump's lookingnx to changmp ie that. >> thank you, everybody. a what a crowd. this is something that, you know, we wanted to keep iteh small because so new. this is like a love fest. love fest. a love fest. we love you. l thanovefese you.k you, joe. >> here's the nativehe new yorker feeling right at
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ehome. >> well, i was sort of like a hot guy. s ho i was hot as a pistol. i think i was hotter than i amnn now. and i became president. the costs have gone up i b so m. bacon has gone. i don't need bacon anymore. is to expensive. >> when he's finished with his speech, he cano expens never fid the stairs. he can never find the stairs. and when he does, it's not a pretty picture either. thank goodness for secret service. they come up and they guide him off. thank yo savd him up all cozym p and a comforter of silk and laid him by thn e firesidefe with some honey and some milk. >>h some she heard home from woe that night, and soon as she arrived, shem work found the pr snake she'd taken in had beeann revived. but instead of saying thankt you, ma'aminstea, the snake gave her a vicious bite. >> this morning, supporters waited in line in the rain!
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to hear the former president, a burrow that voted 90% for 202 biden in 2020, which today became a bit more red. years after four years, you could feel the buyer's remorse. canfeel thejohnny was there asa witness. >> why are you here today? to support donald trump. i am herrump.e for trump to supt donald trump, to putrump america first. >> what do you like about donald trump? everything.irst. rythin he's from queens and he speaks our language. g. ques i like trump because het real. >> you don't got no filter. filt the people. >> he speaks money. and this is what. the country needs. we need money, not inflation. we need mone cou.y. y. >> everything was under control. we had low inflation. we had gas under a buck 80. what issues are people in the bronx facing economic stress and facing an illegal invasionin in the bronx right now? it's definitel illy crime.
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>> prices is extreme. we care about the housing. >> we care about the crime. how has joe biden addressee.dbie those issues? he hasn't. he hasn't addressed them. he wantsesse to make them worse.o make >> nothing. he's just been talking a lot. the biden name in thm worse.. e bronx sounds like mass incarceration. what is joe biden done for the minority community? he's done nothing but sat has y you ain't black. incarcerated us. not a thing. id nothi not. i really could not tell you what he's done. joe biden says if you don't suppor t him, you ain't black.them y are you black? >> hey, joe, guess what? oh, i'm absolutely black and i support trump. >> i don't know why he would say that. you don't even like. i guess i saidd i black becausea i'm not voting for him. trump isck becau more black than trump is black as i am. you hear d. >> love was in the air. donald trump speaking for overs anlove hour, addressing the economy, the border, foreign policy add, and of cour, joe biden. >> our subways, our squalid
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and unsafe. the ceiling tiles are falling down>> and they look worse than a third world country. the median ts of our highways or are crumbling. our sidewalks are littered with garbagee bottles and trash. biden is not getting the job done for the bronxand tras. the minute crooked joe biden shuffles out the door, i will rapidln shufy rebuild the greaty economy, the history of the world. we had the greatest economyates in history. in brooklyn, american students at james madison high school were recently told they had to stay at home from schooold to their classrooms could be turned into housing for thousands of right thousands of migrants. >> very simply, joe biden putsid illegal aliensen first. >> i put america first. i put america first. >> not everybody was happy that trump was on their turf. reverend al sharpton, happy thursday, by the way, was ready, for a street fight. tree
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>> donald trump is a fighter. you did not come intghter ano tg with him with gloves, looking for a referee to stolop every 3 minutes. no, this is a street fight. this i. a brokeh bottle and it has came becausend it's going to be that kind of ballot. >> fighting dirty democrat bas don't know any other way. forget about winning hearts and minds. way.'d rathe r throw you in jail and call you racist. throd watchbiden's new a . >> of course, i hate these people. donald trump disrespecting black folk is nothing new. he was sued for refusing to rent his apartmendisrespes ik families and call for the execution of five innocent black anr thd brown teenagers. and it's more than anger. it's hatred. it's why trump stood with violents white stood supremacists, warned of a bloodbath if he loses the next election. holent whsupremacand if he's pri vowed to be a dictator who wants revengpreside on hishn enemies. >> now, who do you think that is? donaldemies. you trump has beeng his mouth his whole life nonstop, and the wy can't find a single thing. he said that's racist. they have to go back to the eightiesha
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to find central park five. here's trump in the 80s, by the way. black america wanted to beatp bo trump before black america had even heard the name joe biden. politics has always been personal. personalities persuasive, but nothing persuades like results. traditional democrat constituencies young, black, hispanicnothinults voters are no off than they were four years ago and are coming around to a man who representsand to a move. they were told not to trust, but every bone in their body tells them that they can't trust the party bosses. >> sick of their corny commands and broken promises. x >> people in the bronx and all over america are beginning to think for themselves independently, outsideto think e system that's trapped and scolded them for opening their mouths and eyes. aoc's brain can't even grasp anything other than left. >> right. watch her stammer and lie
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humiliated. >> trump gets bigger crowds in her burrow than she does. new york city is blue. brooklyn's brutes blue. brooklyn is blue. queens is blue. the bronyn ix is blue. and he's got nowhere to go. and so he's decided to come to the south bronx . en he's broke. he needs to pay these legal t fund s and busing people in t in order to to get those donations so that he can funnel them to his legal fees is kind of his business right now. >> trump doesn't have to be in court for a week. to be inbronx,e to the bronx. he wants to trump is not going to the bronx because hx he's broke. he's going to the bronx because beng. 'sx is broke thanks to biden nomics and aoc, johnny's been there sincen ther two hasn't seen a single busn' pull up. p. >> where are you from? the bronx, actually. i'm originally fro>> wherem then and from new york. i'm from the bronx, right here , new york.x new this is home right here. aoc says if you're not , you don't belongg here here in the bronx. what do you say? i disagree with that. i don' ronx
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t think she should be here in the bronx. i actually don't know any in the bronx.ngthat. look, aoc, look at this.y a tremendous supportdemo for mr. donald j. >> trump. you need to chart and she need to stay out the bronx caseo o. look at all the people. everybody save for trump. i am a democra t and i belong here. >> and we voted for donald j. dl trump. what is aoc done ford the bronx ? she's done nothing for the bronx. nothing. nothing's changed. nothing's gotten any better. >> nothing. >>. will nothing now come to the bronx. allow her. come among us. th just evenstrugglewae e peop though we're struggling. >> all these people want is to be heard jesse: want i. you >> and when you realize that you understand how easy a politician's jobize thatnders. easier than mine. s> you listen to the voter and you deliver the goods. that's it. you don't ignore the that's itm and deliver for yourself. hey, i would do a better jobdemr in washington than democrats. the bronx has never feltatbronxa more abandoned. >> we have so many americans doing so bad in this
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country because we have people in this country who believe that they have thee we hav i riu strip us of our humanity, strip own, everything that we strip us of our rights to raise our children the way you want to raises ise he our children.. we have to stand up against them. it's not about jus stand ut sups trump or supporting your rights or supporting this country. and it's like supporting our children. all th nowople at home scared to come out and say you support donald trump? t an. ll you we understand you might lose your job, you might vote for mmw him if you continue to supportay the democratic party, which is anti-black, you're a fool. >> the forgottenu ar men and won of this country, the normies and blue collar democrattry,s who've been slighted for decades, are all joining des of a growinghe movement from the ground up. >> the movement reaches fromd to the heartland to the street corner to everywhere and the bron. everywhx is just the begi. trump's campaigning on biden's side of the fiel d now look for more rallies in swing state blue cities like phill mory. mil
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milwaukee. detroit. atlanta. las vegas. w detroit inatlanticwe're fundg the american political coalitionwer to and returning power to the people. some would say we're saving democracy. >> jon garland is a lifelong bronx resident and former democrat, and he joins me now. oins me john garland, what was e out there today? oh, it was exciting. i itt waswas the entire atmosphe was electrifying. there were people from all over the bronx, black, white, hispanic. there was asians. there was jewshispanic. there were like it was justit ws a smorgasbord of of basically patriots. and why was everybody there today? >> js it they're sick of joe biden. the love trump. the economy. how would you describe i
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t? escrib i would describe ie t as people came out here to show that they were fed up. they're fed up with systemic racism. the fed up with beinh g systemically excluded. it's n and it's not just minorities. it's just it's about the americanot people, you know, and we make up a whole dies,ke you know, like we're a whole spectrum of different people. >> you know, was there something that donaldonal trump said tonight that really hit home forid everybody? >> and, you know, well, there wasn't anything that was in particula>> ther that moved . the whole thing as a whole, it was it was the sum of its parts. so we had i mean, there wereean, people who were expressinge exps
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themselves in a way like they were fed up, people from the bronx fed up people from new york is fed up. and we want to we want something different. fe.t change. fferent. and donald trump has promised to bring chang e, and he's proven that he can do that. you know, this isn't somebody s who's just stepping intoom who'solitical arena as he wa in 2016. like now he's experienced. >> he has he you know, he's went through what he's what he's had to go through to make skin as thick as steel . so we're we're here for hime fo because he's here for us. so you're saying you're looking fo: sor hope and change and dond trump's that guy don't mean change. , he's nice. all right, mr. garland, thanks so much for joining jesse watters fronts. sounds like there's still a party going on in tisounds. yoursel go enjoy yourself. all right. oh, yeah.
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yeah. there's still people that's still coming there's people that nobody's really leaving. pspeople are just congregatingi and sharing ideangs and everyboy was glad to be here. it was. it was a great thing. as greatwell, sounds like a beal thing. go have a nice early memoriaal day weekend and stay out of trouble. or maybe make some trouble forme me because i can't be ther bece no problem. thank you. thank you so much. no prob you. have a great night. >> you too. let's go now to alexis macadamsm ,who's standins g by iny in the bronx. hey, jesse, what we've seen like the crowd out hered right in the bronx, and it's something a lot of people hereri weren't expecting to see, but we saw it here on the ground as those crowds justwhen where continue to grow. people from all over the bronx, weecifically in the south bronx ,as former president donald trump says, he's going to do everything he can to turn this deepreldump is dhe blue neighbod
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as bright red as he can. so is that goingod to happens at we'll be talking with some of those voters out here. i'm going to bring him in right now. just t here s bring to andre draytono gaddy, so you said you've always voted democrat,vote but ? year it's going to change. why is that? because i've seen the trend, wolf, look worse with the biden-nomics, with the democratic party. i've been a democrat all my lifeeconomic. and donald trump, he just has the right answer. swerg on illegal immigration, all the money pouring out of the countrygratio people losing their jobs, the economy is failing. bsy.and 60 years old. i realize now that we have the support of donald trump to make things better. one of the things you said earlier, which is that was interesting when i said, are you surprised that so many people from the black community, for that matter only, how here in the bronx supported donald trump, you said you were surprised at yourself, but you he bes said at this point you feel like this is what the best step is you need to take for your familt aneedy. for h it's like, oh, absolutely, absolutely. i mean, people have different reasonims for being out here,s o but i'm not like a peer pressure typbeing oue of guy.ik and for me to be out here like
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this, i feel like a partfe of changinel likg my mind. anybody can because i don't just stand in. i'm a hot dog, you know?i time's up. all right. so it's beenwoul years, right? a i mean, 100 years sincers a republican president for presidential candidate was able to win the bronx. absolutely. but he's going to wis able to ws time. trust me, he will have a lot of friends. i've been here all m.e will.y l. i know what's in the air, soere to speak. i know the talalk. and like i said here, my son is here and i'll lose them in the bronx. absolutely. is there anything joe bidenu're votnt could do at this point to win your vote? back with some of your friends folks back in the bronx? no, it's over with.hang i just changed my whole voter registration to republicaned. h. it's over you can't change my mind. i'm not easily swayed liken't that. you know, i did my research and this is what it is. all right. well it >> thank, thanks for talking to, too. some of what we're hearing on the ground, the different differewpoint that the bronx dd show up for donald trump. the people watch it across trumthe fansy. >> i saw those crowds. yes. thanks so much, alexis. you can definitely feel change h
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is in the air. >> up next, we're a significant presence in american politics. in 1977, jimmy carter drovejimm through the south bronx and called it the worst slum in america. he vowedcall to reshape the new york city neighborhood and restore it to its formerbu glory, but never did.di three years later, the remained the same, and carter's presidential campaign turned ourter'st to be nothing but a bf of broken promises. democrats use the people of the bronx as pawns, and they resente le it. n rona >> so when ronald reaganld visited that same bronx neighborhoodame in 1980, he waw not met with a warm welcome. >> surprise reporters were told that reagan was on his way to make an appearance at charlotte street in the south bronppearancrlottex as hed at the very same desolate ruin block that president carter hadc visited with promises to rebuild. >> three years agoarha, right n
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right now, right now us congress is trying to do. i'm trying to tell you hav?e i.u i am trying to tell you that i know now there is no program or promise that owa president cn make that the federal government can come in. federal d and do wan this. >> reagan gained their respect that day. this he didn't treat the people in the bronx as faceless votes. he spokee bronx to them as peo. >> reagan went on to win almost every state in the 1980 198 presidential election, includin0g new york, and he's the last republican to do it. for nodo iw reagan defied all os the day he stepped foot in the bronx and cemented his legacytei as one of the best presidents in american.
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three. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> wants to do. >> actor dennis quaid plays ronald reagan in his latest film, reagan. group sale tickets are available and he joins us now. dennis tickets are, how signifi, looking back, was that reagan visit to the bronx? they very significant get away r that i watched that during my in my research for formember reagan. and i also remember it because i lived through all that that era. th was the first vot president that i voted for. anand he you know, he went ther. it took guts to go there., he actually. u >> he could have wound up with egg on his face. you nailed that. do you seeg any similarities0 d
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between 1980 and today? >> i think the slogan is still, are you better off than you were four years ago? >> well, well done. i it's perfect and you know it. and i really admired trump for going in and the neighbors and, you know, people relate to that and really do intendthey rea, ie anything, this all these events that, you knownt, begin conspiring against him have actually made him more human to people. >> what is im moret about reaga? and obviously trump has the same persona abol touch to t is that ability to relate to the everyday man or everyday woman in america. >> yeah. and bring it just. just had that going in you know big who's obvious kindys kin ofn of the people. >> a great communicator as well. pea grea any similaritiesh dona today with donald trump? trum, donaldyou knowld
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trump has been talking about cleaning house, whic>> i you know, kind of making a clean sweep to start over. >> and that doesn't mean being a dictator. that just means that we we amarted doing what the american people have asked us to do. >> dennis quaiere have askd, tho much for joining jesse watters, primetim muce. >> reagan is the name of the film. tell us how we can seef the fils where we can see it. >> yes, tickets are going on sale now. thist. is the introductionnow. that the announcement of that right here on jesse watters, that tickets are on sale in groups right now fort tick 50 or more. so you're get your church group, you know your school group. get your voice now. excuse me pronoun scout group due to go to their inboxes. yes. i love you. and it's a really good movie that does remind us of how america used to be and whatn america can be. and it's you know, it's a warts
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and all kind of presentation of reagan. it was a great human being. and i' m proud of the movie. good. and jesse, i got to add, we're going to have to off air maybe talk about these russian cryogenic treatments. >> you may be getting down there with that cold water. okayth . we'll do a plunge. all right. we'll discuss this. >> thank you very much. that is, take care of yourself m ,you tube buddy. >> all right. r youn well, how patriotic are young americans? gname a country you'd rather live in. amsterdam, red light district. he what have they given to you?eria that america has it? and wielding ? it's as i was saying in the navy, the tougheste, or yo job m navy is a navy wife. and if you made the deployment t and you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse at home, the spouse at home, you understand
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>> >> 2024 is all about thet swing states and right now trump has them locked down.formr the former presidents up in arizona, georgi ia michigan, nevada, north carolina and pennsylvania just tied in wisconsin. so bad for the democrats favorite polling wizard nate silver looking for a plan b democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the tickeht be t if he were y as concerned about defeating donald trump as democrats claim they are, then you should be doing everything in your powe ats clair to maximize the chance that you win. >> the number crunchers say ifsf biden doesn't get it together, it's trump 2024 to be losing by this margin. >> that is unsustainable at this point for an incumbent. the to nablp issues in swing states, the economy and immigratio in. the trump trial isn't even moving the needle. voters care more abouteedl the t
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of groceries and closing the border, but democrats can't campaign about on any of t because they caused it and don't offer solutions. the only political weapon they have left, they thinkeapo.y >> january 6. a new report exposed biden's campaign scheme paint top republicans especially potentiacal vp's as maga extremists. >> that's why when they melted down with nikki haley, who they t on their side, said she's voting for trump. >> it is mind boggling that somebody who actually t claims to know anything about policy would saynythin whw just said. this is how people spread disinformation and lies and gety away with it, where you just let it w keep going. it shows a lack of character. it shows cowardice [ on her par. >> and i'm deeply disappointed in her. she kind of does that thing when you're pulling a fish and the fishes like this trying to gets th somebody to flip floe like a flip flop in a funny way, yet
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flip flop, flip flop, flip flop. >> we need shrinks and cults experts to explain this, because with what you're reporting, it doesn't make a lick of sense. >> with nikk reportii on trump i the republican party is fully united. democrats are trying to drivedrv a wedge by asking every republican the same question. >> those are going the sam to be the first questions i ask every single time. >> do you accept the las questiont election? do you? why? why are you endorsing someone who refuses to accept the last election. why are you endorsing someone who's been indicteo refuse accdg to overturn the last election? if they can't answer those question thes? g i'm not going to move on to tax policy and environmental policy or anything like that.hing >> yeah, let's not tal likk about policy at all. it's a gotcha question. but to make republicans look radical, but they're not just asking about the pas nott. n wi >>th they want to lock you in on an answer for the future. >> in 20 24, will you certify
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the election results? do you plan to object or will you accept the results regardless of whesultso wins the election? >> so, caitlyn, i got to say, i think that's actually a ridiculous question.a ye >> it's a yes or no question. q no, it's not. so you're askingue, will you promise, no matter what to agree an election as illegitimatno mate, regardlea of what happens? and that would be an absurd thing to claimte?. e elec we have an entire election law system that people challenge elections, elections get overturned, voter fraud gets proven. that happens all the timnd vote. and the media engages in this weird game posgages int donald trump that you insist no voter fraud has ever existed. >> my questionusist n for you a, free and fair election, will you accept the results you regardless of who wins? >> look, if the democrats win, i will accept the result, but i'm not going to ignore fraud. >>i ac so how can you say jes the election was fair if it hasn't happened yese: sat? there's a lot that can go wrong. you don't leavt go wrong.e a r restaurant six months before you eat there. >>n you need to enjoy the foodd and digest it before you make your mind up
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. that's like saying, hey, jesse,j i loved your new book. thanks for readingesse it. oh, i didn't read it yet. i just know it's going to beood. good. get it together, by the way. there' ts nothing illegal or radical about disputing an election. >>. have been doing it for years. >> either wademocraty, you nevek hillary clinton this. you never asked stacey abrams this. you never asr clintok al gore. all due respect, every one of them, with all due, said the republicans,heicans wh who won e illegitimate. >> but all of a sudden it's a republican problemillegiti and y who talks to the press is going to get the gotcha questiono ta. >> will you accept the election results of 2024? no matter what happens, senator, no matter happens? >> no, it's an unfair election. i think it's going to be that which side, senator, no matter what. i think you're asking the wrong person. the democrats are the ones >> i that have opposed every republican victory since 2000. >> will you accept to commit to the election results in this election cycle, no matte el who wins? >> just simply yes or no. i expect cycle n
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i expect president trump to win the next election, unless i'm not going to ask presi you answerg your hypothetical question. >> will you commit to accepting hys of this year'spting election? >> look, dana, i totally plathen to accept the results of 2024. i think that donald trump will a be the victory and if it's a free and fair election, danald,i i think every republican will enthusiastically accept the resultnk ican wils. resu >> ned ryan's the founder of american majority >>e founde seniortnesslt fellow. such a senior fellow. you ar se. swer >> how would you answer the question of ned ryan? do you will you accept the results of this next election? >> yes or no? there are so many different dife aspects to that, jesse. first of all, the irony, i have to say the irony rst of of it, if it was a crime to question election results, every democrat would be in prison. since they haven't except the republican winning the white house since 2000. i'm just sitting here. white si eight yearsht later not accepting 2016, and they want us to answert us
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a hypothetical about an election that hasn't taken place. o how i supposed suppose to accept something that hasn't yet happened? at hasn'that's completely absur. but yeah, let's talk about 2024, jesse. les talk about the fact that they want to see non-citizens voting in battleground states like a, like in 2020 when there are over almost 12,000 alm people that could not prove their citizenship. they got a federalose that ballt that voted a margin that exceeded biden' thas victoy in that state. >> now they've impo 12 million new illegals, 143 democrats todartlion newy in the house voted in support of non-citizens voting in d.c.. so i ask, what do you think their plans are fortional the national elections? on top of that, i might elecf that about as about president using taxpayer dollars to turn his turnt gover the government into an extension of his campaign and illegally usinnmg taxpayer dollars to bribe students to vote for him. or we coulayer dold about the ia drop boxes trying to come back in wisconsin. these are just a few things. my response back to them, jesse, would be unti
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l democrats stop attempting to rig and manipulate elections and reject all of those s and commitng to free and fair elections, i would say to them, as as possible and to the corporate propagandists, you cantely as get bent. >> i'm not endorsing you're cheating. i. so trump saii'd just moments ag in the south bronx that it's goin south bg to be so big they can't rig. here's just a little taste. herea if you saw this,. there's a very prominent lifelong democrat in the bronx endorsing donald. >> mr. president, i want i wan to join you in having the bronx . >> great again, please. i said this democrat, this black puerto rican, with a in her honor, broken english.
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i said my endorsement forease a you as a blackcc you. >> so that's ruben diaz. seniors got a lot of juice up in that neck of the woods. did you see this rally, ne thed this had everything. this had the snake, this hadryt. someone fainting. this had a random commencement address for you young americans that are looking to achieve success. >> he was loose. it was crazy. yep. ye is crazy.p. i think i think the regret in keeping him in that manhattan courtroom, he ends uep in the bronx with 25, 30,000he people. he's earning bronx a about $1,000,000,000 in earned media for every week this trial goes on. y wehibut i agree with you, jes. there needs to be a tsunami of gop ballots in thesef go battleground states. and then i want to ask democrats, when donaldps inen dl trump wins in 2024, will you accept the legitimacp winsy of s win? >> i think we should just turnic the tables and ask themhem th
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that great idea. >> well, i don't know what theay even see coming, because we just heard from an african american gentleman that sai becaused he's going ton the bronx and he's changed his voter registration and all d his friends and family are voting for. >> it would be amazing. dit's crazy. thank >> ned ryan, thank you so much,h senior fellow. they wer e that proud. >> thank you. happy dea thursday with dr. ben carson for psoriasis, then. sorry. think arthritis? it was really holding me back. standing up, even walking wasidg standing up, even walking wasidg toug my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going i was afraid things were going to get worset being i was always hiding. and that's just not may not being there for my family. being there for my family. >> that hurt i had to do something. i had to do something. i started centex >> i'm feeling good. watch my cosmetics, helps people with psoriatimuoint swecs
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five miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the sport mat and, wireless remote all now we'll be doing this on a weekly basis. >> cpi is something we must have met b d by thursday. all great nations are meritocracy. is, co >> countries and companies get stronger when the most skilled people risundanies gee . >> diversity is a key part of america's success. of our country's smartestsm and hardest working individuals cameartest from diverse backgro. george washington carver was born a and went on to becomelae a groundbreaking inventor and botanist. t. katherine johnson played a critical role in america n playedn space travel. and dr. charles r drewace revolutionized the bloodutioni
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transfusion, saving countless lives. ze blood they've all left an indeli imprint on the fabric of our nation. ntn ebut the problem is that the left stopped valuing hard work and technical skills and has now made dti their number i priority. p d i might make people feel good about themselves, goo but emphasizing skin color over skill hurtout thems us. >> while republicans grilled. biden officials about federal dti policies. >> congresswoman jasmine crockett, rememberjanice her, td their concerns into an attack on diversity as a whole. >> watch you engage in anhanged exchange earlier with one of my colleagues, and i don't know if you recallearlier , but it was e a little differently as a black woman sitting here, because it almost seemed as if you either get diversity or you get qualifications. itu either g did not seem as if my colleague understood that someone can be diverse
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and qualified. >> that's not what any of this. is about. you can't point to a minorit ye of and they got the job because of dti, asian men and women m earn more than their white counterparts in the united states. or than theirit's been that way fo, and not because of mandates and quotas, but because they have the skills to succeed and deliver results. skills td but there are times wn unqualified people are hired simply becausewhen of their rac. we're now seeing the real life consequences of prioritizinges o diversity over skillsf and resultprity overs. s. ucla used to have a reputation as one of the country's top medical schools. r a new dean of admissions took office in 2020, she allegedly changed their priorities to focus on underrepresented minority groups. it's been a few years since these changes took roo a fet, r and now we're seeing the consequences. nearly halood wef of the schoold students are failing basic medical exams.
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>> the washington free beacon reporting faculty members with firsthand knowledge of the admissions processmember says prioritize diversity over merit resulting in progressively less qualified classes that aree now struggling to succeed. with what admissions officials saying all the normal criteria for getting into medical schoo l only apply to people of certain races for other people, thosee p criteria are completely disregardeled. a generation of doctors who don't know medicinration oea some careers can't have a margin of error. you wantn' mn of doctor to be t. >> you don't want to go in for a hernia surgery and walk out with a vasectomy. heaven forbid these bad results in the name of dei start atine the top and they trickle dowofn kamala was brought intos the white house because she shatters and shebr t still can't cut it. netanyahu said today
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that there's been flooding into gazay of and that people like cy mccain at the world food program are misinformed whene they say that there is famine in gaza. correcext? on th well, i will telatl you that>> w the presidenilt i've been very m clear that more aid needs to get into gazaore and that wee have concerns and have been obviously doing workn. but they are not doing enough to allow aid and then take a look and focus on the side because in depth is on the side. >> joining o me now, dr. ben carson. >> ben, i'm nervous about going in for an operation these daysan with the dea situation as it is in the medical industry. i can't afford the someone justt dropping a pair of scissors into my abdome pain. what is going on with dea?. it could be deadly. well, it's crazy, jesse.
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and you know, our country didn't go from obscurity to the pinnacle of the world becauso fe of dea and government programs that went there becauseritocr of meritocracy. you look at lewis latimeacr, he the right hand man of thomas edison. he came upright hand o with the that made the light bulb work for more than two or three days. he diagramtwthree days and the r bell. he diagram that not only thetele telephone, but he invented the electric lamp. phyou look at elijah mccoy, who invented the automatic inven system for locomotive engines, and he had i so many great inventions, people would always say, is that a mccoy? invenis that the real mccoy? both of those were black guys. and they didn't get there because of. they got there becauseuse of of merit. and we have to recognize that our system has changed.ou our society has changed. when i was a kidsoci, you know, there were a lot of people who didn't believe that black people could do certain things c .ou
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and it was a widespread belief. dn thinbut how many believe thw in the same lifetime, we now have black admirals blsunenerals and ceo of fortune 500 companies and heads of foundations and university presidents, and fue had a president of the united states. you know, people have had an opportunithey to that people are people and that a system of meritocracy works much better in terms of producing excellent resultthtocracrks. and, you know, as a surgeon, you know, it was kind of funny in the beginning. there were some people who may be skeptical of mether because i was a black. and then you didn't see veryyo many black neurosurgeonse days in those days, but not verymany many years into that. the only person they wanted was me. and thatme. was because the results were good. and that's what we have to lookw at if we want to continue to provide excellence fo tr all of our people. >> you're exactly right. esse: yon. f yosults drive i don't know if you saw what happened in the south bronx todappened iy.
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it was very moving. people from all races, all creeds and colors gathering there, thousands of them,o dona to listen to donald trump. here's just a little taste. and yold u can react. >> watch from the very first day day that we came in at the white house. i believwe take we are going toe the greatest years in this country. we're going to reach down to pieces saying we're going to keep radical islamicr terrorists out of our country. >> we're-- isl going to protect our great seniors. and i will never let you touchie your medicare or your social security under social the democr program. they will be gone. we are goingam t speerestore free speech in america. we are going to fighn amt for your right to school choice, something you all want.l no and i will not allow schools ims to impose vaccine mandates or mask. we are going to get far left.
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marcus marxism out of my children's classrooms. >> we're going to keep men and women sorts, keeping men out of women's sports, getting ridtn of crt, supporting free speech. i mean, the crowd went wild. dr. carson. >> it's so refreshing to seet that just because trump believesiso refr and waned enemies and he believes in what our founders believed then the common good. that was a phrase you saw all the time. it's not what'e good.s good foh group of this group, but what's for all of us. and to see somebody who's going to be our next president bringing that back is vers goine thy refreshing. we have a lot of rehabilitatinga ckto do, but i think we're on the way. and i'm glad to see a crowd like that reacn them gladt the that they did. >> i sure am, too. dr. carson, you can operate >> jas well.y time. thank you veryan much. >> johnny hits the streets
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inflammatory statement. america can't get enough of the five at five only on fox news channel. >> it's almost memorial day weekend. how patriotic are young americans, johnny? find out. d do you consider yourself to be a patriot? noo patr, not really. >> america has a lot of improvement that needs to happen. not really. we did it, joe. >> america is the most free, powerful and prosperous countryv in the history of human civilization. you're not proud to be an american? i don't knowiln n about. free country. what other countries are freer than america? ireland how is it more freeeer h than america? they fully accepted these am like openly. >> have you been to the southern border? we're allowing everyonopenly.e o i love america. i'm not super proua.d to be undr like a super strong empire,
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like capitalism. i'm like a black trans person in america. and there's like, actively law s trying to make it so i can'te exist. >> what's the law? actively gwho? kno >> i don't know. they just don't have anything beyond that. hard to be proud of something that's done a lot of bad name, a country you'd rather live in andoes amsterdam, red lightt district. >> what have they given to you that america hasn'het? >> and weed. china. how do you feel about china getting us covered? they didn't give us covid. where did it come from?vi i can'd-19t. >> the country's name. i really can't. it comes from china. here, ireland' >> is. have you been to ireland? i've never been. w it's br? know it's bette >> i'm done with this trip. >> do you believe in god? at the moment, no. no, not personally. i'm not sure about god. no. god is a loose term that we created. >> yeah, i do believe in god. the really easy to say that, like someone turned water into wine. er
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>> if there is no god, what is there? >> maybe this is corny, but hope the scientific creation of the universe and energy right was a force. >> may the force be with you. what do you believe in? living life? happily. i believing life beliee in anytg that makes me happy. i believe in karma. what happens after i belie? death? nothing. you just die. >> that's it. >> do you want children? i won't be able to raise a child with, like what? minimum wage? $20 or hou $25 an hour. >> this world is also a really dark place where i don't know if i would want to bring something so innocent and sweet into it. an bringi want two kids and the, like, adopt more. what would you name? paisley and nutella. >> what a beautiful name as my mommy's name. what you value in life.y va >> number one is probably family. i value my tattooslue, my and happiness. >> now, mr. numb states,
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you too. i feel like a lot of people that maybe might look at the way that i dress. they might think that i'm like a party girl o a gr whateverir. but no, i've never had a boyfriend either. d eithert, guys.any? >> how many guys would you say you've turned down? to give you a number. look. hundred. 600, maybe even more than nine. how many guys have you turned ? wn today >> today? two. it's a slow day. do you want to get back in that and not rest? >> no. i have to ge nt back to myeed t. joe biden or donald trump? i don't vote. i don'>>r dot any of that. >> i really like either of them not voting. i don't want to vote for someone who's a war criminal. donald trump.hy >> why donald trump? he doesn't take himself too seriously. and i think a lot of americans resonate with that>> i think a. you think biden can bend down like at you're going to be on fox news, jesse wattersno time? do you want to tell jesse? i don't know. get get vaccinated oncw get vaek i think you're sometimes funny, so i'm not gonna say say.
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>> i'll be at the nixon librarye memorial day weekend. we'll do some q&a, sun some books, get it together qn so. >> still available anywhere books are sold. stu some tex it togett. >> ron from warrington, missouri, was donald trump'sch best speech ever. >> and that' s a high bar. >> it was good. chris from paris i heard trump talk about his father and uncle. surprises,d to, learn that neither of them were eaten by cannibals or uncl by e buzzy >> dave from geneva, ohio as rocky said, if i can change,n you can change. >> we all can change. changthe bronx is a perfect exe of that. >> gary from mayor arizona the bronx is getting it m together the. ial nigh that was a special night. glad we were there. wthank you so much to have you on the show. >> sean's next and always remember i'm watters and and thi is my world. >> welcome to this special


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