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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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i'm a go getter. i never stop is such an inflammatory statement. america can't get enough of the fight. >> ad buys only on fox news channel. >> welcome back to this speciala edition of "hannity". before we go, a quick programming notenote. the third episode of outlaws and lawmen with sean hannity is available now. it's exclusively on fox nation. this follows legendary man hunter bass reeves. you will not want to miss that. i'll be checking it out. unfortunately, that's all the timethat's we have left tonight. remember, you can catch meay weekdays at noon on outnumberedx right here on the fox news channel. every day have our lunchnews che with us. we got a big week coming up,e wi guys. we'll see you tomorrow. w,tomorrow b greg gutfeldut is next. have a great nightg gutf.
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yes. thank you. the weank you for that well-deserved applause. happy thursday, everyone. today. joe biden held a press conference with president of kenya. biden said the event was great and it was even betterh the to h up with barack obama. a new poll from the hollywood reporter ranks the mosh tv news anchors by network. and guess who was number two at fox? hold your applause. 51% said they trusted me a lot or the other 49% said i never trust a guy that handsome. oh. but the hollywood reporter had me ranked at number two as mostm
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trusted, which clearly means the folks at the hollywoodber have never seen this show. >> who knew? poo knewth about would land better than an iranianoper helicopter? the same list ranked. it. jesse watters, 10th. it's the first r been time he's ever been a ten. >> oddly, his hairpiece scored lower. >> narrowly beating joy reid's . >> kilmeade ranked lowly eighth as most trusted. >> narrowly beating out anarly iranian helicopter. irania >> but he also beat out steve doocy, who ranked ninth. steve dogoing to do wonders for the chemistry at fox and friendriendss. tr >> ie f i were to kill me, i'd get a food taster on set for the next cooking segment.ooking >> anyway, hulu is launching a new dating series called island, where young attractive singles, who claim they've never had, will seek to change all that. l >> i like it better when they called it epstein's island. well, can't be too soon.
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he's dead. yeah, or so we. think. yeah. according to researchers, potato plants possess a form toigence of intelligence that allows them to interact with their environment in sophisticated ways. except for some potatoes who get fired from cnn. t >> i know a new jersey gym who defied government, imposed covid restrictions has been cleared. all charges prompting one new jersey man to ask, what's a gymm you people like? you're all terrible. all right. so she had a chance to nail ski fauci. instead, it's a skirt that made her grouchy. so what woulgrouchd you do if yf one of the architects of the covid-19 lockdown sitting a dirontitects o of you. besides strangling him with ad dirt95y and 95 mask, what would you ask him if if he hadould to answer your questions underns penalty of perjury? >> personally, i want to kno uw how fauci makes such delicious cookies while operating outt
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of tree. abo >> or maybe i'd asutk about thel pandemic lockdowns that didn't workockdow . the businesses shuttered, the years of school learning, lostyear the mask, it didn't wo, or the vaccines that may or may not have.ce t point is, congress had a chance to nail these clowns. and like storm y daniels, they kept blowing it. dr. david moran, senior adviser to the national institute of allergy and infectious acseaseso th, appeared before the house committee on oversight and accountability yesterdatabilityy. accus he is accused of getting around freedom of information act requestsgettin by deleting emails and using a personal account. that's a big n e-mo. osed t or at least it's supposed to be. after all, this is a federal agencyo a, not an ashley madisn account. >> the foyers it is supposed sup to keep the government honest and transparent, just like the freezepo keer bag they storn biden in overnight. >> it's supposed to inform americans about how our taxes so
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are being spent because biolting a biologicasenforl super weapon should come with a little transparency. >> it's like when i negotiate at the bunny ranch. i want to know exactly canotiaty money is buying. but fauci and his underlings covered up their communications like it was dana perino's crack habit. oh, goshgscations like. you didn't know. oh, well, to get around foya, they broke the law. that's in my that's not my opinion either. that's what moran's himselhat'f in writing. quote, the phobias are dreadful and paranoia dread. we're all smart enough to know to never have a smokinveg guns.p and if we did, we wouldn't putml them in emails. and if we found them, we delete them. well, nothing like putting in writing how you avoid putting stuff in writing. that email has more smoking guns than an nra family picnic . so that's a confession to a the editor bragging b that breaking the law is just
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part of government culturera , like stealing office supplies or weaponizing the doj. >>f but these are your saviors, folks. so are had this clown dead- clan to rights. they had a direct confession written by his own hand that an entire branch of the government has been violate o federal lawf forc as a matter of course. and what did they do about it? here's marionette miller-meeks republican representative from questioning moran's doctor moran. and i can understand how very difficult it is for you to be here. you've had an illustrious career. you went to and medical school at a very prestigious university. you're your dual boardboard- certified, which is not an easy thing to do, to havece board certification. so can you tell us just a very briefly, how difficult is it to get into medical school, especially in the seventies and eighties? >> wow. ohes, someone's getting flirty.. ha ha ha ha. illustrious.
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and then dual board certification. my gods , he's like doogie howser, but old and not. >> yes, that's. onde >> i hope she keeps going. e i wonder, was it easy to getased in med schoo school? was it easy to get in med school? is it easy t to get into medical school? >> it was never easy. and particularly for somebody like m e, i applied to medical school. the only science course i'edicad ever had was ninth grade general biology. >> and do you know what alpha omega alpha is? >> i believe that's an honorary . an honorary like fraternity or society for medical students. >> national medical honor society is. >> it easy to get into alpha, omega alpha? i don't believe it is. >> is it more prestigious to get in in the third year or t year?th i don't know. okay. so now we're askin>>g abo about fraternities. what is this, the dating game? what'sut thi next. >> hey, what's the strangest place you ever made? whoopee. s mind you. okay, she gets 5 minutes what she asksek
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next? >> do you know what a kilt is?. a kilt? yes, sir. i like a scottish kilt. yes, yes. okay yes. i >> and do you know what a taboo just is?>> it's >> so, again, it's a roman garb such as soldiers wear sort of like a skirt. t know i don't i don't think i know that word, but there's no real reason why you should, bruges. >> that's p t e r you to bruges. >> he realize it was going to be a spelling bee. >> where's a 12 year old indian kid when you need them? >> remember, this is a g. gressional hearin the government's response to covid 19,ts which happened in 2020, not the year 20. reaso then for some reason, millert th starts reading out her resume to remind him of how smart sherd is, after which she started ranting about skirts.
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>> well, i left home at 16 to put myself through medical school. i was the last person in my medical school class at the university of texas, in 1982.n the last person.19 l ast peby the third year, i was h out of 214 students. alpha omega, alpha in the thirdi year. i think merit is extraordinarily important. >> a true egis is a skirt. i >> a kilt is a skirt.skir i don't t think william wallacea was any less a hero in scotland because he wore a kilt o. nor do i think roman soldiers were any less fierce, intelligent or strategic because they wore a skirt. >> yeah. me neither. >>s. s but now i see where this is going, and it has nothing i to do with covid. >> it's sexism, which is in yet another ism that trumps everything else that matters. >> so having a hard timeaving a understanding why in 2021, i would have expected it when i was in medical school in 1982. but wh
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l school in y 2021? and i can understandd the embarrassment of having personal shared. but you were doing work related stuff on your personal emailst that you would have commented in an email. dr. fauci got rolling. rochelle walensky, her job th cdc by lobbying for her, too. ron klain well, she does wear a skire clait. i poured a little cold water on her, but he was undeterred erg that she is the cat's pajamas. >> oh, she's going to go off on cat's pajama hours. >> and she. so let me just say, am i the cat's pajama? >> do you know how many women sit on this subcommittee? e >> do you know what it take forw any of these women to get elected to congresomo ges? because i find your comments to be disgusting. >> you had an illustrious anan and an amazing track to get to where are.e truste you're trusted with one of the highest positions in government to combat public health crisis. and instead of doing your jo
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b, you're too busy worried about avoiding for years and challengin g someone's position because they happen to wear a skirt. >>r a so after millions are dead businesses and destroyed. what gets this lady's in a i twist is the skirt you wear over i skirtt. now she's almost out of time. surely she's going to askas something useful that americans might actually be curious about righefulcan bet? you should be ashamed of your character and embarrassed. i'm glad that you are. and you should in apologized apl to this subcommittee, to congress and to our nation. >> with that, i yield. may i apologize to you and the committee. it's a misogynistic statement. and, you know, it wagynistics ie same snarky, joking stuff. but let me say, i've beent observer. >> that's not a snarky joke. that is an underlying behaviorka that indicates how you approach women and how you think and k . >> and it's disgusting. no, you know what's disgusting, y? tumm
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that this is how you chose to spend our time and our mone y . i think i speak for all of us. thank god you're in government and can hold men accountablet ts for their cheesy emails. >> maybe after this you can blow the lid off on who let the toilet seat up in the senate bathroom. >> what a missed opportunityho never mind the cover up, l the deletions, the lives ruined, civil libertibertyy and students you can't get to 9 nnot be a spot them fought through nine. sure, these liedsu to us and covered up their misdeeds while we all suffered for their dishonesty and incompetence. but their real crime was making sexist jokes and were, well,we g probably never going to get the whole story about th nevere covid-19 disaster. and its creten isn't helping, and it has nothingt th do with gender. you don't need a set of to keep your eye on the ball. they had a kobe liar on the ropesl but lefttionin the questioning to dopes. >> let'sg work tonight's gas. she's covered more athletes than kinnock did .
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former nfl sideline reporter michelle tafoyreportera. he can filet-o-fish and pans. he has liberals. chef and restaurateur f andrew groh. she's written twice as books as sylvia plath, "new york times" best selling author boxes contributor got new tim and i hope he doesn't get murdered because the police would ruhopen of yellow tape.loa >> "new york times" best selling author gabpee harris. >> michelle oh i. i'm sorry i had to playw a all that tape, but i blew a gasketgask . watching her choice of priorities, what do you make this as a woman? as a woman. and i'm wearing pants by theyoun way. you know what? i'm glad you played all of that, because i didn't get to see all of that. and now that i o and have. i want to get her out of that h committee and out of congress and out of government. what a freaking waste of ande
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energy and focus. , you it all there. but that was embarrassing of to to focus. she even said it must bet embarrassing to read your personal emails . >> so. yeah. what are you doing? are you doing it? noat nott. ent i >> not to save him anydo embarrassment. i don't really care. although those are private though temails can say whatevere wants. i found another one. he wrote beveragesfound anothews good and best delivered by a blond nymphomaniac that was 1 also in one of his. now, i. you know, whatever. there's nothin g to do with covid. >> you can be disgusted by it all you want. covie be therex dollarth is to use our tax dollars to get frickin answers f and how she got under the grigg's skirts and the kilts. >> all that is just absolutely beyond me. i ami i'm speechless. >> kat and just the fact that she took timesh to manufacture this whole moment, doing her resumé tim anf it were something about sexism.
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>> but this is about men and women who died. >> yeah. yes, right. it's also so shocking that corrupt liar is also kind of a perv, you know, the blond, the blond nymphomaniac thing. he wants to be served drinks by a blond nymphomaniac is everywhere. i care a lot less about that than the fact that he's fact none of uswhy were legally allowed to go get drinks anywhere right at all. i do remember how bad that was when place anywher all bads wer i would have gladly been served a drink by a castrated, bald ogre if it meant i could leave my apartment and, go somewhere,o and i was one of the lucky ones. i didn't lose my joby i didn't lose my business. i didn't die. if you haven't noticedbeg pae b so, i mean, of all the thingscu to focus on, yes, the guy is aeu creep but usually people who are just corrupt, horrible, that don't care about the destruction of people's livelihoods and lives and care more aboute abt structio their p
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they're peddling. yeah, they're probably going pedd. a perv too ] yeah. andrew i mean, you had businesses during they werey ha probably likely affected thibus got to get under your skin. >> given what kat said about all this, we went through and this is what she focused on. >> yeah, i mean, two years of thee focused on worst pandemc world. and that 22nd video is what almost kille andd. >> yeah you know but couldom you imagine being married to this lady. >> you come home and it's like, do you knodw what? a-plus cheeses. . no, i don't. did you leave the cheese door open? i did. tell your room, mr. mike, you went on the rug.s i mean, this is absurd. it's unbelievable. but the thinisg is, we've been lied to this entire time. and this is really emblematic of thet' in which the governmenn is going to actually tryme and know ontlly try r i say rat the low t gop, even thoughugh sh she's a woman. g to yeah, but still, i mean, they're not going to do anything about this. we've been lie outhisd to and the realo take thing we need to take away from this is what are they lying to us about right no awhat thew
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you know, let's really look into it and pull that little oointo andt because we're being lied to. yeah. tyrus, what was even sadbeing l. and painful was that he was being set up, and you see him smiling and he was buttering up. i don't. i don't you could take all theha names out of that. that's pretty much everyur wif kitchen table. >> when your wife finds out you have a account, pretty muchfind a across the board whe you know where this is goingyo. and she's taking the long road[ because she can becausbleee you're caught and you're all you're doing is trying to find a way to get out and plea d to a lesser crime while she lays the stats out like i've been there a million times on this one, whenever they got so much evidence, they want to sitone they you do yes, i'm talking about women and they sit you down. they start laying out the tracks. at some point, given his ages a out the middleman and be like, yeah, i talked about women and.d sometimes i did myself just get it out because that's all that that long drive she took us on. i was like, yep, she has
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your history, bro. just don't it just kill yoursel f and get it over with. >> you know what it's like? it's like. it's like a guy burns house down and the wife said,wnd looks at the burne td, it goes. >> you have on your account? yeah. yeah. did you? but she just was so proudprou that she had them.didn yeah. she didn't take the time't to actually get them becauseo g0 that would have been in 30 seconds. nice emails,. now let'ce e-mailss to how many people you hurt. it would have been a good a side. what a>> it wo side good.e ha yeah, yeah, yeah. but she had to let everybody know how great she was lety knoe i would you say third or fourth year i was just on to graduatend and she knows i didn't graduate. >> so i'm like it's l, no i don't knowid either one, i don't know. well, how about i get it in three years? yeaht in. okay. five because i love to chasere t people back. i'm sorry. you're smart. i'm noott. you're attractive. i'm not very good looking. people like. know you. everyone hates me, and we go like this. what? this is. this is agaihat'
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...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? join march for babies. >> a mother of a movement. freezes over. she talk trash on the stump and now she backs trump. >> it's true. nikki endorses the man with the bridbacks tre orange tan at hert public speaking event since dropping out of the republican presidential race, nikki haley announced her support for donald trump in the genera of the supportl. shocking everyone from donald trump to donald trump. jr watch. as a voter i put my priorities on a president who'sn to havebk the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account who would secure the border. prd
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>> neno more excuses. a president who would support capitalism and freedom. >> a president who understands we need less debt, notneed l more debest. >> trump has not been perfect on these policies. biden has been a catastrophe. >> scatastroo i will voting forl >> hmm. i haven't seenbe a 180 like0 that since joy behar tried to walk past a sal t lick. >> now, nikki, support is better late than never, but it's a far cry from this. kt >> everybody talks about the economy they had under donald ee trump. it's good, right? but at what cost? he put us $8 trillion in debtn in four years. >> president trump was incredibly reckless with our national security. >> donald trump had a rally today in that rally. he mocked my husband's militaryh
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service. if you mock the service of ae combat veteran s, you don't deserve a driver's license, let alone being president of the united states. >> now, in her defense, when she said thosesh, she had bac her fingers crossed behind her back. >> but we've seen before,r right? remember when kamala harris called joe biden a bigot s ca and then in months became his vice president? ad on calld in month night nurs. >> it's like the old saying politics makes bedfellows. although in joe's case, bedpan fellow s. andrew, isn't this basically when you see her before politics just makesics ma people awfulke people then they have to come around and be back to normal, like they have to say awful things about you,en and then when they lose, they become your best friend and they knolosetheyw they havee this. >> that's what's hilarious about it, right? because she knew what every single time sh t us everye was making those speeches that ultimately she was going to endorse it. right. because everybodsldy madepl the pledge. so why would she say those stupid things only to have them heldedges why hav up in front y
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to begin with and her delivery when she was doing the endorsement? thei thought she was going to vomit. >> yeah. yeah. like she kept stopping like, o h ,yeah.t no, she. it was markedly differents beforefore. >> it wasn't. i wouldn't call it rousing. yeah. and the thing is, though we all know, right? nobody's going to trust her. she's like a gas station she' gast. this poin >> great on the outside, but it's going to give you irritable bowel syndrome. still doesn't stop me from bit taking a bite out of her little high risk. >> yes, sir. so do we like nikk i now?>> i a >> i always like nikki, and ilw find nothing wrong with policing our own. hol we should hold each other to a higher standard. to ahould check each other on every thing, because that'soy the only way you can get change. aru can complain about wha yout democrat is doing. they're not even in the same hemisphere in terms of thought and stuff a the soike that. so i want tough. i want someone to challenge our president. mee ouri want someone to expectr party. >> i don't want someone every time he does something wrong, ut be the first one to call him out, because that's only way we get better as a party. sowe gr as again, she's not excd about it. but it was a question. it wasn't like she's tha stiot
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her speech to come out and endorse. that's president trump. i kind of feel like an endorsemen andt. r an they're standing next to each other and she says those things. and then you really get to say, you he's yeah, he's cool.hi >> his hair's neat. s hai don't like him.m but he the alternative is somebody drooling at a microphone. but real quick, i wa buts a reay offended the last segment. i can't let it go away. i'm half scottish. offet go , okay. >> it's not the black side. it's the other side. s the blacand the whole kilt th. >> i can wear kilt to work any eime i want to because i hav the to do so. i'm off to do this because i'm just offended that she was trying to sak sthe wasto sayy td somehow affected your medical practice. and i could ber t that i could get my medical license in 2035 years tops. >> kat isn't a typical woman it to alwaytys their mind. >> well. oh, let's go back out. >> oh, she had to do this. yes, of course. of course.
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and what else was she going to do? be like an anti-trump war hawk ? i can't do that, liz cheney.yo i took that gig, right? oh , there's a lot that's already been done. ess okay.t's that' sometimes politics is the reason people do things. and oftentimes, if that person's a politician, that's what they're doing. yeah exactly.. i mean, this i'm not surprisedst by this at all a. >> but what could be really surprising, nikki, as. >> well, that could be surprising. and you mentioned the whol>> ite kamala joe thing. >> remember when she went on with fallon, he named you her vice and he's like, but you called him because she's it was. a debate, right? it wasn' it wump. it wasn't. >> and fallon laughed along with her and everything was hunky dory after that. so, i mean, this is typical. you got to shred your opponentd when you're competing with them. >> and then you got to dyoo the 180 and which is what she's done. >> but it does make this interesting. >> now, trump has come out
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and said she's not under en consideration but she's a very popular person. >> she's got 20, what, eight, 15 to 20% of support that he ne he could use. >> yes. so that will be real. i, i don't know who she's no doug burgum. >> well, come on, dakota. >> you know, that's the thing that worries me about this is that democrats want him to pick doug burgum that bothers me. i >> so if they i thinkke t they would be more worried about herrier, you know, totall. >> i don't him freaking scott. hello? he got a girlfriend for this day? >> yeah, he got engaged. yeah. yeah. was excited. >> we got the dump. tim scott in. scott. it's all this haley talks with. >> we got scott who's goingn to be polite and nice to presidente an trump. >> he's like mike pence with all the white. >> yes . . all right, up next, kid, charlemagne, save the biden.
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our view on the view the. they wanted to put words in his mouth, but instead the whole mess went south. >> this week the view hostouth i demanded that radio host charlemagne that god professes to joe biden let's to vote for someone else and immediately ceass loe to be black. >> watch charlemagne. now is not the time, in my opinion, to sit this one out. >> yeah, i didn't say that. i neve>>r said was sitting it out. why do y'all need us to say this? and we don't feel comfortably t no, no, it's not that. we need you to say it.t oh, but i think i think other folks need to hear the reality. >> i think both candidates are trash. so because i'm. because i'm what? i am going to vote in november and i's g in m to vote in my best interest and i'm going to vote who i think, you know, can vote pre democracy. you know, when you look at somebody like president biden, it feels like his base is prettyn pretty at him for for a number of reasons. >> help him out. well, no, look, i actually had. >> what?
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oh, there's so many wayse to help joe out. ou, makecure, raise food sure the state is free of deadly sandbagse, polishes walker steam, clean the oval office, carpetishes wa, proofred his last will and testament, find him a new corner book. his next autopsy. because if you vote for if yjoe bidet, someone's going to have to clean up this mess. tyrus shouldn't have donne what guy does when a woman demands something and just likesh, go going to vote for hit or no, i'll give him credit. >> but here's the problem. what we go by. i made a little subtle statement to him. other people need to hear it. she wasn'tpeople n talking abouc audience in the crowd. yeah, because that whole thing, they go back because who? the left thinks control hollywood? and if somebody is anti-trump, you're not getting movies you're not getting your little radio show. go away. so you're going to come in here on thiyocome is platform.this we support you. p we're the ones who allow you to be on tv with less than funny content. so if you're not willing to beh'
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on the team, guess what's going to happen? >> and that's what that is. that's all. they threaten you guys for a longeaten yodynami. but the dynamic has changed and the democrats misjudgedemoca the feelings. they started too soon. now everyone's tired of thato s so what he supposed to do is come on tv as a black manon being. he sit in the big chaisare on the view and say what he supposed to say, which i'm teamt ? biden? all biden. everyone should vote for bianr whatever.n't oe fo he didn't do that, but he wasn't confident enough in his career. in midenty to say i'm not becaue why? his answer was i'm voting forfo trump. that was the answer. because why would if you're going to sit if you camtm e on show and they're like, who are you voting for? right? because we're supposedly trump maga mea wtrumt 10,000 and someone says, i'm going to vote my i'm going to vote best. my financial situation. we're going to be like f , so you're not voting for trump? yeah, but shaman has votin moner he 1,000% is voting for trump because his taxes are going to be better. but this is problemod with hollywood. they threatened him. suddthat watchy threat the back >> watch. all of a sudden his numbers are going to matter.
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but see,rs going i he endorsed>n biden the last time and he really regretted it. >> and he took a lot after h it's gone to and they backpedal and say, welell they're both trash now. well, no, i think he doesn't want to endorse anybod>>y in a way he did because he said, i want going to preserveer democracy. and then he went on later in the interview to save democr trump ain't going to take care, ca urep. racyad to cleano well, maybe, maybe. but i didn't get the sense g trump.was endorsin >> and i don't know he's not. but even though if he was if he was a man of his words, like he's just really put on the endm of his nickname. so i would think for human beings talking to you could look him in the face and be like, i'm not voting for voti i feel.t of howe but he won't do that because he knows the consequence, because it's change now of tenis years ago when i first started here, eight years ago, when we start this partyt ecome it, brothers were you going to be like, hey, man, i love you on the show. you want to come on? nowant t on, n are. now they're like, tara is what it is. keep it up. keep fight the entir up keep e thing has changed.
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yeah, but they haven't realized that. and change is not going to comer out and endorse biden because his root base fans are like, what are you doing? it's crazyseause a. . i do think they're afraid, though. i think, kat, that there is nk a gender issue here when they're talking about people leaving parties in there. it's a lot of guys pe that th. n but the problem is whenever you're in a situation, here is a mann n he it's like women t to vote the way they do. and that's what i think you saw . i mean, i'm not saying, hey, w why would you ask me a question about what it's like to be a mahy wouuestiot what in in a b because you transcend gender thaecnd gendet i know. i know. unfortunately firsthand the kind of reactions you get when you say you don't like either candidate or you don't like either party where people sometimes will say to me, oh, you just do that so that no one will be mad at you. it's like, oh, no, no. at y everyone mad at me, actually. and i think what he said aboute should talk more. i want to talk more about issues than people thamo it i actually couldn't agree more with. and i write about that a lot in my new book, actually.
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what's your new book called you still like you and tell? where can people find it? the real kat timpf .com. but no, but it's because where d to like you until is it i did you say one thing that people disagree with then you write off that whole other person. yeah. and then we wind up in a thene we're notagree wioff anr working together and the more divided we are, the peoplae who are in power over us,r ier it's easier for them to controfa us when we are so divided. >> i mean, look what happened with covid. yeah. andrew, what say you? i felt like it's like lik being married to a liberal woman who's been around all ougn liberal friends and they're all going, you can't vote for goesp, you better not vote for trump. >> and the guy goes, oh, i'm not, i'm not. but then he goes and votes for trump. yeahot but thegoes, a does itll cocktail party. that was another painful clip to watch. >> like h tonight. >> yeah. seriously like and i alsotche wonder who watches the view and i kind of giggle to myself. vi, no one watches this,n but then i get mad at myself because i'm like, i wish everyone would watchd an this wd because then they would understand how disgusting it is. but here's what's going to happeho disgusti hn in the next day or two. he's going to come out and he's going to endorse2 is biden.
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yeah, because he's going to getn he's going to get beaten up and down, you know, emotionally verbally, possibly physically by the ladies of the view. >> and it's going to happen. >> people who have sponsorships. i love the fact that, you know what? momight not ever the big marvel movie because i chose this path, but i sleep great everviiy night. >> no one tells me what to do, what to think, and i still catch my talk. and that's a good time to getctl out. >> let's see what he wouldhe thr be actually, when he said mentioned third parties will be th to beat up if you voted third party. so if that applies to me, i'd partto her me up. u >> but we can sell tickets.i tr yes. yes. arm nd any v workers fret theirs are no safe bet. >> i try to put my arm aroundo any vet that i can. absolutely. refi hat new day usa. that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. i think of the veteranancial sts g there that he needs to refi his home. >> he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. >> it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, no o they have that deference and that respect and thaneeterae
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high crime. isn't it a shame that retail workers can't work remotely? >> yeah. yeahcan't wo. well, i mean, i feel like just i because you're well in general, just becausen because you're sd every day, that doesn't necessarily mean that everything's not okayoesn' because, like, i'm scared every day of wha.t? don't even really know. but here in the media, we don't have to worry about. there'yo worrys no it's, you kni because they can't do anything you can't do anything. and that's got to be terrifying . and also, you're sitting there, you're folding clothes. it's not like you havelding clse in the company. >> right. so you're putting your, if you will, that the last thing you want to do when you're working a job for a minimum wage is also feelyour like you're putting your life at risk for a minimum wage. risk. hinguee at >> like andrew, it's like if we see something going on in a store, we can leave because we're we're a customer. >> but the a c person that clerk has to stand there with the psychopath. yeah. and then they have to show up
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the next day. >> yeah, well, and also but people don't ave. leave. you know what they do? they film it. that's, that's the problem right there is, is that we can step in and help out but then we don't want to get prosecuted. and restaurant is just like retail. we used to hire the hostess would be like, you know, somebody in high school somegh level job the because they're the one who greets the guests when they come in. and ou t thr hostess get so much m from guests. now it is a little bit scary . now we're putting out job o offers for hostess. fferessthey have to be 6'7", £3, right? >> and their name has to rhyme with virus. a lot of kids i might know a guy i decided i got a jacket.k >> it's true. you know what? there's going to be big gunoy nw . >> ooh, it's always been there. go. don't drop me. >> i won't be security. you know, you're right. there always has been big guy privileg re alwaye. my brother's that way. he's intimidating, but i find just being in a retail environment, i'm like my head's on a swivel. i'm kind of thinking, who's coming in that door? you see so much of ie so t and. >> maybe we're seeing more ofe o
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it on television is actually ofg. thee but that concept that if conc storean apple store or if you're in any kind of any store that's that someone could start could come in with a garbage bag and just start filling it up and you're supposed to stang and fit upd te okay. it's not just the it's not just the media. ew there's like in new york,'s it's like a 40% increase in retail crime. incrs. ly nutely nut but they ignore the effects on the person working there.e they focus on the perp, but they never actually show this clerkrpetrato going to be e here at the scene of the crime tomorrow or even the clerksin that are attacked. yeah. the only time you see them is when they're responding. the thief running out the door because no one cares about the victim. but morebe car that what this is doing is it's already hyper speeding. the horrible practice that's going to happen to retail. it's going to go away because you can just order and have a ship to your house. now you get workers that even when they work, they don't really work becaus wore one eye is always looking at the door
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or they might miss something. the film o theyr decide $ that they're, you know, that they should get $45 an hour to fold a t-shirt and put it up kind of on a hange kinr, you know, i'm saying. so there's like eventually the retail the retail is dying ,front malls already dying pretty soon. why would you risk going into hostore when you can order and have a sent to your house? i have a great idea forther experiment for a store. >> one sidste that'sor forople o the people who pay and the other side is for looters. and that way and that way. >> see, what you do is you looters would follow the rules. yes. yes. but if they break that law, g then you can really go after. >> no, nm.o, you can only steal over there. you know the funny part, like congress, nobody, nobody steall on the looters side. yeah, exactly. heo th, obbed the other side but then they go like, we have to let them go. and they go, okay, well then let's divide the store. even's dre more. these. okay, they could go because that's the mentality. menty that it's okay. >> all right. just suppress versus oppressor. yes. in the.s againspressor. store.e >> there you go. okay. well, i was listening, even
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since 2019, the price of major o items at fast food joints like mcdonald's, subway and chipotle. that's how you pronounce it. michelle good have spiked dramatically. in some cases. they've actually doubled fries big macs, foot longs, burritos, all costing way more than whenfc biden took office. and what of hardee's, you ask? >> i'm kidding. no one cares o about andrew. you're in the restaurant business people. a ni take like the media makes a moral decision about typee of of food. it's a different class. they don't care a bunch of fat losers foo. fat lo >> this food why do we care? we got our kale. well, yeah, i mean, the immediate response be this s is great for society because everybody's going to be eating healthier now. they all canur kale. go to ruths chris and, you know, spend $100 for a steak. heale thant implrsg what this chart implies because not only has the price had the price has gone u hasp so much,t th but the quantities have been cut in half. so it's reallyties c like a5x. yeah, but yeah, look at the end of the day, the thesis here
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is that the only place you should be going out to eat is a t t my restaurants. >> there you go. oh, you go. and i'm working the door. as for tourists, yeah. we have a beautiful youngd i' hostesrking ths. ho high rise. it's like he's right there. they're going to just say, oh, this is greastt. >> i don't eat it. and you shouldn't eat it either. yeah, well i mean, there's to that point, but i mean, it's really messing up thosesinu of us who sneak eat or have an invisible friend eat with us . >> and god, during a period in my life where i was eating away my sorrow of mys was usual and then i had to when i'm ordering a photo, i get let me get three. we'll call them happy mealget ts of having a hold on. let me see what he wants. this guy. he wants chocolate shake and two big macs. >> what? oh, and a diet. and right now i can't affordan't to feed my invisible friend, sos i'm going to have to actually deal with my problem. >> so you can't eat awayo have your problems any more. >> now, these prices. to m, but, michelle, it's like it. >> you don't hear this becauseen
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nobody in the media eats at these. >> that' s exactly right. because you have the normal people. someone wrote a column this week. >> this is the normies versus the elites. and the normal people likesomeo, eat at at your restaurant, i'm sure, but also, you know, at mcdonald'rmal peos and chipoe and i call it chipotle and they like to at these places. but it's not only the inflationa but it's again, they're paying these entry level workers so they more than they shouldh more have to. so that's raising the price as well. my sony should home from the gro store the other day, he had just a box of cereal. grn brand, but he said this box of cereal was $8.64. >> and it was like a small box wrapped in berry crunch,. so anyway, that's why i wore this jacket today. it looks like one of those berries. yes, but the thingthis j looks so. so yeah. so the people in the media, you're right, they havbele ie their kale, they have their nice healthy food, so they don't care and they do believe that you should stop eating this stuff. so yeah, jack upo be, the price
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as much as you need to, you are pricing out a chunk of our society of being able to justk go have a luncof oh yeah. >> cat you you are a frequent ofu are a fast i love fast actually yes. $5 for a medium frie.s med at mcdonald's is insaniue becaue especially because ordering fries mcdonald's is like putting a coin in the slot machinecialle. >> you never either going to be so delicious or they're going to be so gross. you're going to wish you wer thw born. >> yes. we're wouldn't be super hot or super coldis. >> there's nothing in between. yeah, it's gamblin.g. >> it's gambling. it is gambling unless you order them with no salt. mak >> so then they have to make and fresh ones that you have to salt later protect. oh, well you salt that's a gooe hack. or your invisible friend asks for extra. yeah. all right, well, that fun. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. oh, carney is gotta. it's carney. i saw that. that's what i said. carney inside of carney calmly, but with more flavor. carney can't try saying it like this juicy carney ironies. >> carney. i did it.
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