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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 24, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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on the east coast and fox news at night. >> i'm here tonight to declare that we are going to turno new york city around and wdee ae going to turn it around very, very quickly. >> breaking tonight from her president trump speaking to thousands of supporters in the bronx here the heart of deep blue new york city in deep blue new york state. trump spoke for two hours to very large, enthusiastic crowdst appeared in other words, star contrast to what happened at th. white house. > t two questions if i make. >> no, one. >> what was my question? >> i'm sorry i didn't catch her question. >> trace: also breaking anti-semitism hearings on capitol hill where the president got low grades.
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>> isn't it true a jewish student was spat on? >> all of these are allegations being investigated.alles >> so when are the investigations going to be finalized? >> i won't be able to tell you.n >> this is why you earn a capital f. >> trace: a full report on the report in moments but we begin wherg ane we began the bronx and massive campaign really come alexis mcadams live with more de on what happened, alexis, good evening here >> hey, trey's spirit a big crowd of people still waiting to get in with thw former president took the stage in the bronx. people still trying to getying through security but we don't have exactly how many people there just yet but we can telle you a trump rally in the deep t blue area of the bronxhe is not something people expected tong hear when they turned on theig news. big crowd showed up he readwe trump on the stage a long time focusing on the border crime ann inflation. some people to talflatk to, tra,
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said they will be a democrat forever, that will change, watch. >> donald trump is here.d wi he is going to win the bronx. that's what i'm telling you. people thought certain way and this crowd, the people out here, they can see. >> thousands were in attendance still trying to gettend how many people, but it was folks all over the p city in the country coming in and saying t they want to catch ahe glimpse f the former president who says he's making a play for new york city trying to turn parts of new york read. o it began earlier today, but decades since republican presidential candidate campaigned in the this was back in 1980 when ronald reagan visited the neighborhood up here that is when ronald reagan was running against jimmy carter. trump hopes history will repeat itself because that is when reagan flipped the state red and seeding the presidency. >> a level that nobody knows it
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is possible i did that largely the black and hispanich community. >> and set down and talk to ther former president and they stood at that rally. i'm talking about the different topics on "fox & friends"ther tomorrow morning. 100, 150 people i am nothing too major and no major issues, trace. >> trace: alexa mcadams onizon the ground. an arizona congressional candidate blake masters. welcome to you i had toe laugh when alexandria locascio cortez was baffled by the big crowd in the bronx. and she had this to say, watch. >> i mean come i will not be surprised if he's going to bust in a lot of his pals from long island and new jersey and wherever. i hope they pay a nice, hefty, congestion tax. i hope they contribute to there
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revenues of new york city and found our public schools througb their tourism to the brown spirits but when she was right big crowd but they didn't buzzed anybody in that the whole thingn if you are republican doing well and new york you are doing well. because that is right and aoc sounds a little bit the range.r. maybe she is used to biden's anemic crowds. you set it to come with a contrast between the biden event. you have to feel bad for the guy. he is the president and he can't even convincingly tried to do the job anymore.i bl i actually blame jill biden for propping him up bup but the cont between that and the lively my energetic event president trumph ad, 30,000 people in the bronx. gave a great speech, he's getting younger, finally, despite the stuff the democrats are throwing at him from a i massive success appeared to me a perfect representation of the contrast between the presidencies. the trump chaos or biden. >> trace: trump said he will
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win new york and you look at these numbers and you look atan "the new york times" siena poll in new york state voterr as preference biden 47, trump 38. biden has a big lead but won by 23 points four years ago.yo your thoughts. >> remember, trace, he doesn't have to win over the voters whot showed up today and doesn't even have to win over new york state. he has to get th e voters to not show up for joe biden, ande iou will make a world of differencee for him and the general election. is real in the bronx today, this is trump at his t best.s he knows the working class voter that nobody in the democratic party seems to understand anymore. very few in the g.o.p. seem to e are votersat t that want to be heard and want to be won over.on they do not want to expect to show up at the polls and rightpt in the party candidate just because they were told to do so. p has always understood that- tr and capitalizing on that now. >> trace: he has come indeed
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and you were touching on this blake, awkward joe biden news conference, watch. >> next question? >> let me -- let me ask -- nancy? >> trace: it just looks bad. you can feel the whole room w going, what is going on? >> that is right.g. it is pathetic, it really is. joe biden is weak and donald trump is strong.he that is the choice we have in november. they know they can't beat trump at the ballot box which is why they are throwing lawsuits andla fake charges awst him. it will not work. people see right through it. >> trace: here isin "the washington times" andgt length biden stumbles through press conference with president of kenya. biden 81, the oldest president either struggled to hear or t equip hating attention while selective reporters were talking, forcing to a four
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journalist to ask questions to repeat it looked like he was reading off of a script. it was unbelievable like this ke twhole thing was scripted. >>ript he outcome all of his ofe are now. he can't go anywhere without his notecards or his teleprompter. and you knowteca, there is a re' joe biden's campaign is not oust there on the campaign trail asking voters to reelecteele joe biden. they are asking them to not elect donald trump. the campaign has always been against trump but not for biden'p s specifically. this is because an impossible message to sell. he is not fit to serve another four years.t people are starting to realize is. arting>> trace: it is a very god client, lakemaster's, kaylee mcghee white.he democrats alike have are long lt of tough questions for leaders of three universities today about their failure to protect jewish students from the rash of anti-semitic protestra oshn camt
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jeff paul is live with that story, good evening. >> good evening, trace, there was leadership red curvesla testifying about their handling of campus protest and anti-semitism. but it was this exchange between the president and northwestern university michael she'll and new york republican congresswoman elisa's deponent when things got he did >> isn't it true jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> soak my want to question the premise of your question.ter: no, no i'm asking the questions and you are answering. >> it was not a capitulation. >> i'm asking a question you are required to answer. isn't it true jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> they are allocations a jewish student were assaulted. we are investigating those allegations. the firststern became to announce they made a deale with protesters that allowed students to review thosenvol
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students investments with israel as well as fund palestinian related scholarships.ho they rewarded campus agitators and harassment of jewish students as only gotten worse. >> isn't it true 8f to respond to anti-semitism and they callie for your resignation, isn't that correct? i have great respect for adl. >> i'm not asking respect for adl but you earned 8f machen they called for your resignation? i have great respect for adl. i'm sad they gave northwestern -- >> but it is true, you got at ju capital f. >> not just up andst sat but hi ilhan omar said the recent images at ucla were appalling and told the university chancellor gene block it was all preventable. >> you should be ashamed for letting a peaceful protest gathering get hijacked by anij angry you should be ashamed for
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allowing such violence to take d fo your campus. >> trace: block went on to : reject that premise and saidnd they tried to get the policee there as soon as possible, trace. >> trace: we will talk: thu moe about that, jeff paul.f hatred movement, l'affaire ceoeo brooke goldstein, good to haveon you on the show. one more sound bite from the chancellor ucla jean block who said this. >> i'm fully aware that many of her jewish student am s have hao confront rhetorintc and images campus that any reasonable person would find repugnant. >> trace: would find repugnant, but the school did nothing for days and days and days while these horrific chancs or be across the usa. >> not just chants but actual, physical, violent assaultsa against jewish studentuls here t one student was hit in the head with a megaphone. hea the same thing happen to awi jewish mansh paul kessler in the
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head at a pro-israel rally with a megaphone. basically murdered. jude tell mike jewish students at ucla are being physically prevented from going to classes. i't m so appalled by the cry ths is free speech. this is not free speech. this is physical action and violence. going also to northwestern. i think the american people ern, should be reminded thatld northwestern has a campus of tha journalism in qatar. qatar is the second largest state sponsor of terrorism. northwestern students are being d by qatar in journalism. they are being sent back to america and given positions in the media to spread their hatred and radicalization .n. >> trace: broke, you go to my next question because this is what happen.nort this is northwestern per professor steven thrasher ooctober 9th posted this on x
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quoting white supremacy and settler colonialism cannot killc maim, steeled the genocidaadlcia violence and expect patience ane peace, especially when peaceful protest met with economic spiritual, literal death. we wonder why campuses areca mpbreeding ground for this typef behavior. >> it is orwellian doublespeak. everything that they say, everything that ilhan omar says, the opposite is true. they are feigning this outrage of protesters they call nonviolent were arrested. cabut the opposite is true. lewhatnt is so scary and disturg is how members of the u.s. government, okay, or supporting pro-hamas, pro-terror protesters. the issue is systemic. it is within our i government right now. you don't have to be jewish to be disgusted and to be alarmed at what is thisng is a national securityit threat of the highest order.t or
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i will end with this, trace, if you don't mind. i'm so encouraged the congressional investigations and th ae l'affaire president has contributed and given information to the committee, but what is the next step? why is the government not cutting off title vi funding to the schools? >> trace: a very good point,he brooke goldstein, as the israeli military continues its push into rough, the u.s. trying to get humanitarian aid into gaza but pushing up against series of logistical problems and some very bad people.le the senior national correspondent kevin corke live in d.c. with new information on this, kevin, good evening. >> the fight to get aid into gaza is ongoing and u.s. forces to transfer more thay thn 1 million pounds of humanitarian aid into gaza by way of over the short pier of that we talked about. however approximately 1800-foot causeway with modular floating
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sections linked together also has its limitations because getting aid from the pier to the people can be a hero when undertaking, with several this i week trying to make theire way toth a storage warehouse. things, in fact got so bad the u.n. suspendedad t distributiono rafah citing lack of securityof adding it had not received any medical supplies for ten daysof because of closures and disruptions. >> aid is flowing but it is notw flowing the right aniny of us would be happy with because we always want more. but we are actually seeing good cooperation between the u.s. anh idf, the u.n. and other humanitarian organizations to ensure aid goes from that. to innocent people. >> trace: quick look in the numbers so far 1.2 million pounds moving to the pier to beach transfer point,th two-thirds of aid distributed by the u.n. further into gaza. a thousand u.s. soldiers ands in
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sailors in that military continues to push further into they are expanding operations roughly halfway between israel's southwestern border and atisra e coast. of course, trace, despitesp ongoing pressure tito hold that defense, trace. >> trace: kevin corke in d.c., let's bring in the general to the specific southwest. former marine corps special operations garrett exner. m thank you for coming on. so the u.s. and god is not the mic also torn move you to military aid is a disaster, quoting from "the new york times" or u.s. faces reality and gaza as aid project struggles.a thpre stream of humanitarian aid the floating pier but little has reached th e strip. several trucks looted as they made their way to a warehouse. the u.n. world food programme said
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gplplexity of the operatin the. project in a war zone is continuing to slow distribution. they knew all along hamas would come in ansd take all of this food and put it on the black market. >> trace, you said it, an absolute disaster. has all the hallmarks of the biden administration. there is no plan going in and unnecessarily puts service members at risk. it will cost hundreds of indian itf dollars in will help our enemies and hurt our allies. a ridiculous proposition that we will continue to give aid and most will go to hamas and help our enemy fight against our a .lly >> trace: that is exactly,as send it in where it can actualld get to the people who need it. e what do you make of the german government vowing to arrest the prime minister benjamin netanyahuer b?en the quote here is by the israely spokesperson, "i am old enough to remember german leader days
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after october 7th and stating hamas our new. many in the world need to check their compass and be on thethei right side of history. now seven months later, germany is like arrest benjamin then hot neera tanden who. >> the democratic leader of benjamin netanyahu and the terrorists, it is like putting on trial george w. bush here and it is pretty much absurd. especially when it's comin espym germany.hey germany is historic relationship with us. a and now, we have a good relationship. so today from ten minutes insulting. but let's understand what does it mean? and it means to basically create in you terrorist state.t
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gaza, we get a terrorist state. so we try this route already. so why try again? >> trace: it is a good point. the associated press as norway, ireland, spain will recognize a palestiniathn state deepening israel's isolation.a they are rewarding terror. do they not know this? what do you think? >> that is exactly what they ars doing, giving the terrorists what they ask for when they conduct attacks on october 7th.n but i would point out to nations if we look at history were neutral in the i fight against hitler. and one of them supportedy hitler. here they are on the wrongof sie of history again and a conflict so clearly between good and evil and choosing the wrong side yet again. >> trace: just because westru think this is instructive, the youth that recognizes palestinian state if we can put on the screen, sweden -- and nod you look at the countries that do not recognize the palestinian state.
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the list is long. what do you think about this? it seems like it is shifting a little bit away from israel. >> maybe it does at the moment, but we need to understand the palestinian states right now it's going to be a huge reward to the terrorist organization. the ripple effect not onlyto in israel, but come to europe itself. and god forbid, it can also come to america. so the terrorist organization, they will land on your doorstep. if they want to increase security in the region, they must help us to win again hamas and the terrorist state. and strength a number of other states. so definitely, we need to make sure we win again hamas and not the terrorist organization and strengthening the relationship within the region among the arab states with israel. >> trace: great to have you
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on, we appreciate your time. coming up, we have brand-new video showing what happened moments before scottie scheffler, the number one golfer and the road was arrested. we will break down the video and talk about the latest charges and if they are warranted. later in the nightcap, we showed you earlier, donald trump held a rally in the deep blue bronx pure just like ronald reagan in 1980 who went on to win the state. trump keeps saying he will win new york and now he's got numbers showing it is possible. one poll has biden up by 9% after he win the state by 23 and 2020. do you think trump might win new york? why, why not rush mark let us know instagram at trace gallagher and we will reae nightcap. nightcap. we w back. right
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her uncle's unhappy.
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i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> trace: we have brand-new video from the arrest of the world's number one goal forid commercial scottie schefflere n outside of the pga championship in louisville, kentucky, last week. an attorney's live tracking the latest developments on this. a good evening. >>th hey, trace, the officer who arrested the golf star did not d have hisid body cam turned on during the incident. a major department violation but the officer was disciplined up you are in a while we will not see body cam, the authorities did release two videos today. one taking place moments before scottie scheffler was arrested. take a look at this bold cam video from across the street. you can see the officer and jac yellow jacket. he appears to run up onve hischeffler's vehicle and possiy strike the vehicle just before it comes to a stop. that officet has been seen speaking with a
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officer for several minutes until other officers approached. you can see scheffler being led away. also new, this dashcam video v showing scheffler in handcuffs before hschee was booked on mule charges, including second-degree felony assault of a police in a police report released today, the officer claims that if his body cam had been on commit would have shown him stopping scheffler, but that the golfer wanted to be led in and proceeded my directions. i was dragged and knocked down by the driver. the but we don't see that in this new video here today, out scheffler's attorneys came out swinging. >> scottie scheffler didn't do anything wrong. we are not interested in settling the case. wil we will either try it or it wilm be dismissed. will be in course, trace, for his arraignment w june 3rdat.eo >> trace: i watch the video, and i'm wondering if you watch it, you clearlcleay h have a lee
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on this but is there anything on the video to lead you to believe the charges are warranted? >> i scanned that video back and forth and that video alone from it sure doesn't look like it.he it is unclear if this video shows the entire encounter but only chose the second time the officer stops scheffler. because of the angled video, wei can't see the moment appear at the officer says he first stopped scheffler and allegedly dragged and knocked down by his vehicle.he so v this veh video shows gets e ground must upset a second time. if, in fact that is true, prosecutors have not dropped or lower the charges yet as some speculated because even without body cam, theys ad may have statements from witnesses to th incident who can cooperate the version of the body cam video or hospital records because he went to the hospital with injuries. spoon exactly right, thank you
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very much for that. we appreciate it. >> thank you, mr. speaker ike suspend the rules to withdraw assembly bill 26041 and illegal. >> stop, stop! >> trace: there you have at california student simile member bill is a a republican getting his microphone cut off reading a bill that would end california's protection of the illegal immigrants who areon also convicted child sex offenders here they are. we are now joined by bill, former senate candidate and christina, attorney at julie hamill. back to you, bill. you tried to end my protectionsn for and they cut your microphono microphone. what arecu they exactly afraid that you might have said you? >> they did not want the public to see what they were doing. in that moment, i was forcing a vote to roll back sentry state policies in the state of california as to. they did not want those words
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set on the floor up because they want to appear to be procedural nothing here they were notd successful by cutting my mic,an they elevated the issues. i went on to fox news talking about it. so a recorded bow and every person couldvote see every eleco official was on this issue. >> it is amazing to me julie hamill, they cut them off thankt the motion to end protections ia not debatable. tawhat do you think about that question marks because the motion to end protections is not debatable. first of all, i want to thanknt mr. bill for his courage and for continuing to speak up for sanity and common sense in our legislature because he seems to be thelatu only one able to do o it is not shocking to me after watching our legislature operate over the last few years that they would do this. instead they would rather putim together a bill to keep secrets from parents about transitioning their kids from school.
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>> trace: it is amazing, i christina, i was tellingn friends, not naming names here, they did not believe me or the story was real because nobody is covering it. >> well, here we are now. here we are. make it make sense, trace. this is why some cases, democrats are losing credibility because they are cutting off the ability to have thatcu conversation. that is very important. is necessary and we seen today. >> trace: it was pure "washington free beacon" how racial preferences supposedly outlawed in california persisted ucla goes on within three years f of jennifer lou cereal's hiri. head of admissions spirit dropped six to 18 place newest like u.s. news for medical research isen some oarf the coht she admitted more than 50% of students failed standardized test on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine mpt mike this is doctors, bill, and theyy
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don't know what they are doing. >> i>>t is scary, doctors, pilos receive this everywhere. what you see is the leftyo has o respect for rule of this policy is illegal and outlawed, but they are doing ite anyway and use proxies in placel of race.acbu but they know -- i've actually hatryid college admission profes tell madmie they know how to get around the laws. >> trace: thei want to go onto this while on the california legislature's, n california gloe writes the following, sex ed curriculum julie hamill, transparency will be blocked in the senate. appropriation committees essentially spa 996 requires school districts to publish education and hiv prevention materials on the website beforeo being presented to students.rese what do you think about that? y the parents have to be abloue to look at what their kids aret about to be taught to. >> think parents in trust their children to the public schools, and they should be able to trust the public schools to share with them the information that is
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being shown to their children, especially when it involves sex. it is absolutely absurd we have to keep these things secret from but i want parents to know you have legal right under education code to these material so they cannot keep them from you. >> i am a new parent and if i was not given the information ii would be irate. it is a right for parents to know what their kids are being taught day today. it is common sense. >> trace: it is common sense, exactly right and common sense g coming up next, julie, bill, thank you all appear at the picture southern border of the illegal immigrants getting into lift rideshare because i o got tired of waiting for border patrol. are learning about one of the jordanian nationals who tried to breach quantico. in spain gets magnificent view of a s stellar event, plus texas residents face winds so strong, shattering windows with people inside appear the day's viral
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videos are next your later in the nightcap, les bet us know instagram@tracegallagher and does trump have ta chance to wn deep blue new york? coming back. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: there is more evidence tonight from bill melugin reporting on the southern border that homeland security threats are increasing as immigration crisis continuesa let's get back to kevin corke. >> trace, turkish illegal immigrant could not believe how easy it was to cross the u.s.-mexico border without any interference from law enforcement. as you will see here it ann a moment, he is sounding the alarm to americans to be versouny word about that. the migrant telling bill melugin he paid around $10,000 to a cartel to be transported to thed california border. then he expressed his concerns about thforne millions of peopll
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here in the u.s. without so much as a background check. >> who comes -- [indistinct] no background check. >> no security check, noou background check and your word who is crossing the border? >> yes. >> trace: who knows who they are. what's more, bill encountered dozens of military aged men from china and another group of special interest men fromin countries likete turkey, pakistd iran, bangladesh. by the way, that is a notification and designation made by the department of homeland security. one last note here come thehe trace, one of the two jordanian nationals involved in the breach marine corps base at quantico illegally cross the border last month in san diego and was
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released on an mta. that is a notice to appear appear the other jordanian was here on overstayed he said, trace.. >> trace: kevin corke live in d.c. thank heaven, thank you. >> common sense department gets worried about how easy it is to cross the southern border, especially when illegal immigrants start telling us how easy it is to cross the southern border. a turkish migran at spent 24 das making his way to america told bill melugin haye was almost alm and how simple it was to walk into the u.s. he was even concerned about his own safety asking how th e u.s.know knows what all of these peoplelh are here for. it is a good question. a question you would expect to come from the biden administration, not a turkish ad immigrant. today, the white house presse ho secretary admitted joe biden's executive action led to the open border here then said, "it is not the president's job to closo
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it."n common sense should be nonsensical. this administration the border has always had kind of athat baltimore of viable, that which must not be spoken about.t it has been 20 days since two jordanian nationals both here illegally tried to crash the t gate quantico marine base.anti we still don't know their intent, what was in their vehicle and who are they? the administration said the information cannot be released because of privacy concerns. privacy?s common sense said as the turkisa migrant. has a better grasp of what is going on here. >> let's bring in california chairman and "new york post" reporter jenny.we i can't believe we literally are 20 days out and still don't have any information about these twos jordanian nationals. tell us what is happening. >> right, exactly. one thing we also discovered is t thewoe folks that work a
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base arkt quantico didn't hear about this until about two weeks tafter that incident on may 3rd. so, it was not only not known to the public and came out in a ivery small, local paper, which then we started chipping away at and your reporters as well, but, you know, it took a lot of questioning of i.c.e. to find out these individuals came here y here at that they were jordanian nationals.n one came across the southern border and was released a day after herele crossed, by the wao just a day after he crossed last month. told on your own recognizance to come back and report. you know, security checks can't be done in a day.wi border patrol agents tell me this. and that information. >> trace: and it just feels, janet, they are hiding something from us here that is all point here. talking to the turkish immigrant. here is one more sample of that. >> did you have to go to the cartel?>> yes.
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>> how much? 10,000.n >> who comes to this country, they don't know. [indistinct] no security check or background check. >> trace: when illegal immigrants are right about coming here, i'm worried about being here.abou >> that is in a district that will be representing. it is a crisis point. during the biden administration, we have alreada cry had 300 documented terror watch suspectt coming across the southern border guard many of them san diego sector. but guess what, last year alone 850,000 got a ways. during the biden administration more than 2 million got a ways. and not only the ones we can actually verify so we are'r talking terror watch suspects getting into the country and what are they doing? a showing up military bases in box trucks hear it again, it has been weeks and we have no idea
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whatsoever why they were therere and what was in the box truck and what are their identities? apparently it is privacy we are worried about. >> trace: it is kind of crazy. i want to put this video up talking about the gotaways, w aysuspected terrorist, the bordr encounters 14 under former president trump pier 36700 president bi 2521% rise, ginny, quick answers and i want to get carl, too. >> we know some of the individuals that have crossed illegally on the terror watch list flip through the cracks of federal authorities and released in one of those l shabbat terrorist who came across march 2023. i.c.e. figure data year laterto made it to minnesota and the country had to nab him. one example of many, honestly in the last couple of years. >> trace: it really is and i want to put this up because thia is bill melugin putting up illegal immigrants, got tired of
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waiting for border patrol so they jump in a lift and off thee go. a border patrol over stretches boillegal immigrants have been waiting for hours for bp to pict them up and climb bms got andawy cold lyft, drove away. >> i talked to border patrol agents and the sector and completely overwhelmed. it is now the number one illegal crossing sector in n the countr. why, governor gavin newsom holdout red carpetn ne sagging,n and with all they use welfare ae and sanctuary country as long al joe biden continues to dictate our border policies. >> trace: it makes idert worse, carl, give me five seconds on this, it makes it worse because texas closed off its border so now all of these people are coming where you hope ese to represent across a combo. >> exactly and don't flee california because the contagion willause spread. if we don't stay by and secure
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the border and cut off theen welfare benefits and support border patrol in california, it is like squeezinrderg aezin balloon. illegal immigrants will come from texas all the way of crossing vehicle. that is wherei they are coming to take andco continue to flow. >> trace: thank you both. coming up mccann trump takep, c home a victory in new york? the polls are getting much closer and stranger things have happened, reagan did it in '80, let bat us know x,gh instagram@tracegallagher, and ws will read the responses and theh nightcap. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> trace: we are back with thera cenight cat crew, tonight's topc reagan repeat, tonight donald trump headlined a rally the deep blue bronx andand ronald reagan have stomach held a rally in 1980. he won the donald trump has had on theor campaign trail he will win new york and have some numbers that make it possible. sienna poll said trump is trailing by 9% but biden beat him by 23% 2020.yo do you think trump can come close and win new york, christina pascucci? >> notes in one word appeared in anything is possible, but ive
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think it was 61-382020 and that is a big gap to fill. >> it will be tough but they mocked him in 2016 for going to michigan. they said, no chanceai whatsoevr and he won michigan.alit the reality when it goes to the bronx, he is communicating too all of the americans he caresath and is willing to fight for areas that have not been given good representation. e noif you look out the bronx, y don't make the democrats have failed. >> i think he should focus on my state of arizona and spendingmei some time in the grand canyon. >> trace: focus where it is important, kevin corke. >> i think he has a shot depending on who but we are noet sure if biden or somebody else.t the chance is low but still a chance. >> trace: julie hamill. >> i think may be because people are not buying what biden is selling anymore. i think people are struggling under his policies and they are desperate. >> trace: channel he pain. t'>> i think it is possible to
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close the gap but ultimately iel don't think he will take it. >> trace: the polls say is it probable? 71%, instagram 76%. michael, push new yorkers tohang their limit. the people who voted for him have movede th to florida. no ifs, and's or buds. i think too many hard lefter's. >> don said absolutely people have had enough of biden and the left loonies killing our our country. yes, people are fed up with the democratic party. i would say, probably not, but it is a very fun nightcap to pitch this thing out there. thank you all for joining the nightcap. thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night" here at great kevin corke in tomorrow night. i will see you after the holiday. have a great holiday.
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>> todd: breaking news this morning. a high school graduation


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