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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 24, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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he's here. and jeffrey looked at me and went oh! >> todd: that is awesome. the more important question after all of this how is treit. >> is he awesome. the is best baby and he's not my first. >> todd: this is going to be on tape. truss cittristen is the other one. just called on national tv for being tough. have great memorial day weekend and thank you for joining us. be safe out there. enjoy your friends and family, and coming up all next three hours flow ride do. bye-bye, everybody. >> lawrence: buckle up it's #:00
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a.m. on the east coast. friday may 24th. this is "fox & friends." starting with this. >> here in the bronx. [cheers and applause] >> we are going to turn new york city around. [chanting we want trump] >> we are going to throw out bidenomics. they are replace it with maganomics like your hats. >> lawrence: uptown trump. >> they say you are different. why? >> i did criminal justice reform at a level that nobody thought was possible. opportunity zones with tim scott. the best economic development package ever. >> will: plus a new video released of scottie scheffler's arrest. it's not the body cam footage. the detective that never arrested him never turned it on and the charges still haven't been dropped. >> carley: plus, it is such an exciting day because we are kicking off all all-american concert series with one of our
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favorites from last year flo rida is in the house. "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ heard you like the wild ones ♪ party, rock don't stop ♪ >> lawrence: it's officially that time of the year. the surgeon concert series where we get on the stage, redance, we eat good food, barbecue. and. >> carley: we do, will. we do. what part of that didn't you like, the dancing or the eating? >> will: i got the eating down. i'm not sure about dancing. >> carley: okay, we will see. you have three hours to contemplate that move to see what you do in the 8:00 hour when flo rida performs
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all-american concert series. that everybody comes to set up the stage and prepare the lighting and the sound. they come in the middle of the night. when i came in this morning and i was preparing for the show, i was preparing flo rida music because i could hear it from my office. apple bottom jeans read about the gas prices. >> will: came in at 4:00 a.m. going already. it was sound check. i can't imagine. i don't know who lives in midtown. i don't know if anybody lives in midtown. >> carley: i was thinking about that too, there are hotels around here. that's going to be an interesting wake-up call. >> lawrence: this is one of our favorite concerts because flo is a true performer there are people that sing some people that just dance. not many that sing and dance and get the crowd involved. >> carley: he did it for three hours. this is the third time he has performed on our summer concert series last year and the year before when todd split his pants. he performed for all three
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hours. usually have performers this is what they are supposed to do. they perform when the cameras are on and they take a break. he treated the summer concert series like it was a 60,000 person venue. the backup dancers are here as well. they were so cute. i wonder if they are the same ones. >> will: lawrence mentioned a kick-off. a big summer of names coming up every friday on "fox & friends" there was another big performance. this time it was yesterday. but, again, it was donald trump. this time it was in the bronx. and, again, it was lawrence jones there to talk with donald trump. let's listen in really quick and we can here hear what he had to say in the bronx. >> what a crowd. [cheers] [chanting we love trump] >> who said we are not going to win new york. we are going to win new york. on day one we are going to throw out bidenomics and replace it with maganomics. i will give you low beings thats. low inflation, low interest
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rates. rising wages. growing incomes and fair trade for the american worker. and we will make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby, drill. [cheers] >> drill, baby, drill. >> i have come tonight to talk about solving problems, the simple fact is joe biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. [boos] >> he is not getting the job done for new york. and is he not getting the job done for america. we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving america. [boos] >> -- the middle finger. we are not going to let this continue. we are not going to abandon our hope and our pride. very simply joe biden puts illegal aliens first. i put america first. i put america first. >> mr. president, i want to join
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you in having the bronx great again. [cheers and applause] these democrats, these black puerto ricans with the kinky hair and the broken english, please accept my endorsement for you as president. >> lawrence: it was truly incredible. i have gone to a lot of trump events. we don't see color. when you are like the only black person like a couple within the crowd, you recognize when you started seeing all these other -- and these people were from the bronx. i have been begging republicans, i mean, i have been on fox 10 years, since i was 20. i have been begging for years go black america. go hispanic america. see about the issues. bring your message there. he is the only politician that's done it.
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ever since i have been covering this for 10 years. >> carley: he talked about the issues. he started his speech by saying we are going to turn new york city around, bring safety back to the streets, success back to schools and prosperity back to homes. and we're going to bring taxpayers back to new york. because so many businesses have left which means people are losing their jobs as a result. and he also said if a new yorker can't save this country, no one can. what i really liked about his speech yesterday as well is that he showed so much pride in new york. and he really came to the bronx as a resident of new york city. so, even though he is a billionaire, a former president, a venture a guess a lot of those new yorkers said is he one of us. >> will: there will be different things people say will this rally you were there first hand you can give us correct testimony. it's hard to judge a crowd side especially when you in a crowd. do you have any idea how many people were there.
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>> lawrence: i'm so glad you asked me the question. i don't know. i don't know how many. i just know that the crowd was different. it was different from -- i will tell you this. this is one fact i do know. there were more people waiting outside of the event to get in than the people that were actually there. they just couldn't screen them quick enough. >> will: but to your point you said i know the kind of people. >> lawrence: i know the kind of people. >> will: give me a sense of who was in the crowd. it was a visual representation of the bronx. you got your afro latinas, african people and black folks and someone who supported donald trump. someone goes to these rallies all the time whereby are you from? from the bronx. >> i'm still a democrat i'm is supporting trump because i'm upset with joe biden. i know other networks will scrutinize the numbers. that's why i don't want to play their game how many people were
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theres it t. was different and motivating. no other republicans i have ever seen with the facial expressions, the different people of different background, supporting him. i have never seen that ever. >> carley: one of the greatest things you guys do is talk to crump after the rally, right? >> lawrence: as soon as he got off the stage, i talked with the president. we had this conversation candidly, why are you even showing up? why? your consultants say don't show up because it's not worth it. you decided to come. why? lawnks lawrence mr. president you are pulling something off here. i have been begging republicans come to the community. more people here today look more like me than you. why did you come here today? >> well, because i have been done very well with the vote i love the people. they are incredible and energetic. they are going to save new york. we win new york the election is over. we take over the country. >> lawrence: you think you are going to win. >> i think we have a chance to win new york.
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it hasn't been done in many, many decades. >> lawrence: why are you unlike any other republican. i'm saying you see black support going up with you. hispanics, young people. like i said the people look more like me than you and they say you are different, why? >> because i did things in office that nobody else has done. criminal justice reform. i did criminal justice reform at a level that nobody thought was possible to get. and did i that largely for the black and hispanic community. they are the ones that wanted it. opportunity zones with tim scott. and he was so much in favor of it. probably maybe the best economic ever for african-americans, asian americans. we did a lot of things people couldn't believe were able to get done. >> nikki haley said today that she is going to vote for you. it looks like a republican party is coming together. >> yeah. i think it is coming together. i think it's come together for a
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long time. you have to understand we did the nomination process the fastest in history. you know, if somebody else were running, they would still be running for another month in order to get the nomination. we did it two months ago. the party is together. i appreciate what she said. the party is together. and i think we're going to have a tremendous -- >> lawrence: we saw it early in the diners. >> that's right. >> lawrence: they wanted trump because of the trump economy. the border being secured. is this going to be a record election? you say that there has to be undisputed win. >> i won't forget you at the diner. when somebody else would blurt out nikki is doing well or ron is doing well and you would say that's not what i'm seeing out here and then you would go and it was all trump. >> carley: he liked diner segments. >> lawrence: it was undisputed when it come to the diners. i think the interesting thing from the trump campaign pepper and susie who has been running the campaign and chris is how are they going to get these people to the ballot box now.
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i think this was great way to motivate the people, to tell the democrats we do have people. it is reflective of the polls where you see this growing number of males, black males, hispanics, young people, you saw that at the rally last night. now they have to come up with plan now that they have shown the world that this can happen to get those people to the polls. >> will: whether or not it shows up at the blot box, what this represents is a narrative buster. you are racist if you support donald trump, nobody that is a minority supports donald trump or the headlines are running with this week that new york hates donald trump. you know, as is always the case. you will find your story, your antidote to support whatever it is your headline. you need to have an accurate desire to see the world as it is. the world as it is in front of your face. that is at least in part some of the truth when it comes to donald trump. >> carley: yeah, that's so true.
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you saw maga hats in the crowd and a lot of very vocal trump supporters. but there were also disaffected democrats in that crowd as well. >> lawrence: a lot of them. based on the fact it was in the south bronx, which voted for president biden last election cycle by 87%. that crowd didn't look like that is going to happen again because people are sick and tired of how things are going. so he went to a sailing community and said something needs to change, i'm going to change it for you. it was believable he does love this area. he is tied to this community as well which i think spoke to a lot of people yesterday. >> lawrence: look, we're going to be talking about this all show, different parts of the interview with the former president. aoc's comments did not go so well in the bronx, first of all, there was a lot of people that i spoke with she is not even from the bronx. she is from west chester. how dare she come after us. they also feel like they tried
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to intimidate them and they are from the bronx. if you are from the bronx. you understand don't try continue to tim date people from the bronx. >> carley: she said a lot of people in the crowd weren't from the bronx. she was worried about their safety because she was suggesting that bad people from other areas were come in. >> lawrence: i would say the only people that were bad were the counter protesters which was a small group of people that got dealt with from the people that are actually from the bronx couldn't make it inside the rally. there was a standoff between those two. it was handled peacefully. words were said. but, again, there is an effort right now to demonize the people just for saying they want to explore different options on the campaign trail. they should be entitled to do that without all the pushback. >> carley: we will have more from the trump rally all morning long. we also have a fox news alert to get to here. the bodies of three hostages have been recovered by the idf during operation in northern gaza. >> will: alex hogan is live in the london bureau with the details. >> hi, carley, will and lawrence.
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all some hostages held on hope for more than half a year hoping their loved one could be out there and eventually come whom. home. the idf identifying these three individuals were killed on october 7th and their bodies were taken onto the gaza strip. three bodies were uncovered overnight. they underwent identification process and their families were notified today. 42-year-old was from tel aviv. he was a father of two. 30-year-old a mexico cran french tourist and he was at the music festival with his girlfriend shawnee luke whose body was found just week. and 59-year-old michel. missen balm. he was an israeli dual citizen and father as well as a grandfather. israel's president today posting on x saying in part it is our duty to bring everyone back still alive and those we must bring for burial in israel. the israeli military says it found these bodies increase
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ground operations. idf is ramping up in the south and at the same time to provide humanitarian relief throughout the strip. the first aid shipments arrived through the u.s.' new floating pier. it was yesterday when news came out that three u.s. service members were injured on a u.s. navy cargo ship. two of those injuries were minor injuries. a u.s. defense official says that one service member is in critical condition in a hospital in israel thesey noncombat related injuries. back to you. >> carley: president biden announced the building of the pier during the state of the union address, three soldiers have been injured as a result of building it. alex, thank you so much. >> will: thanks, alex. turn now to your headlines. start with a fox news alert. two people are shot after a fight breaks out during a high school graduation in oakland, california. witnesses described the terrifying scene that unfolded in the parking lot.
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>> we just heard two bangs. and i saw people running. i was parked up there and i saw my husband. fireworks. saw people running. the vendors leaving. the first thing that came to my mind was [bleep] >> both victims are in stable condition and two others have been detained in connection with the shooting. it's unclear what started the fight. on to another alert. rapper sean kingston was arrested during his concert in california on fraud and theft charges he was taken in hours after the house he was renting in florida was raided by a swat team where his mom was arrested on similar charges. sean kingston swing dead tech company thousands of dollars deal television system and speaker system. we are aware of some of the allegations we look forward to addressing these in court and are confident of a successful resolution for sean and his mother.
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beautiful girls? >> lawrence: well done. >> will: look at me. >> will: beautiful girls. the only song i know. wild home security footage out of england shows the moment abmw loses control at high speeds flipping a few times before crashing into homes earlier this week. then shockingly the two people inside just casually get out and limp away. stunned people in the neighborhood. yorkshire police are still looking for the pair involved. and hunter biden will be in a delaware courtroom today for a pre-trial conference in his federal gun case. the trial is expected to start june 3rd and last less than two weeks hunterring facing 25 years in prison for allegedly lying when he purchased a gun and for possession of a weapon while using a controlled substance. there's no indication that a plea deal is on the table. today's court date happening after the first son attended the white house state dinner last
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night. and former president obama appeared at president biden's news conference thursday with kenya's president where biden scolded one reporter for asking two questions. >> if i may. >> one. one question. i will answer your question. >> could you tell me what the african-american union is doing kenya is doing crisis in the conflict, thank you. >> what was my question? [laughter] [shouting question] >> whoa. >> will: president biden is heading back to delaware later today. and that was one of many moments yesterday for joe biden. >> carley: my goodness. a moment where -- they didn't even say two questions. first question he asked the said question, he goes only one question. and my goodness, that display happening on the same day as the
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trump rallier with went for two hours. >> lawrence: are we going to continue to pretend like the current president doesn't get the questions and that they are not in advance and he has prepared responses for? is that normal? have we had a president where that's okay? i know that people that cover -- that a part of white house corps will shop questions just so they can be prepared. but to have the exact question and have the answer written down, if trump did that back in the last administration, they would be -- their hair would be on fire. why is it okay for this to operate this way? >> will: are we going to pretend like the current president is running the country on a day-to-day basis? >> lawrence: that was good, will. >> will: the kenyan president went across the street and met with barack obama international affairs very day he talked to the former 39 of the united states. yes we are going to continue to pretend. i will tell you i had a debate this week on the will cain. i had david pacman the joe biden
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not the same guy at the state of the union and debate as he is during the day-to-day basis. what gets him up for the big moments? it's absurd to them the idea that he is not just plucky at 81 for the big moments he gets up. so we're going to pretend like joe biden is a full mental cognitive ability and we're supposed to pretend that he is going to be, you know, with no aids of any kind including prepared questions or any kind of aid when it comes to the big moment? >> carley: interesting. because president obama is helping him out at that big campaign fundraiser. the star studded one with george clooney and julia roberts. they will be doing a q&a together. all the people going to that fundraiser are democrats. they are going to vote for biden but, you know comparisons are going to be made. man, look at one and then look at the other. >> lawrence: american people aren't dumb though. >> carley: on to a fox weather
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alert. as the official start of summer begins, late may snow. look at that plan kelted western montana overnight causing hundreds of outages. some areas getting 3 to 8 inches of snow while mountain peeks got up to 16 inches. is that normal? >> lawrence: i don't think so. that extreme weather comes as americans hope for clear skies heading into the long holiday weekend. >> will: meteorologist adam klotz is the man with the answers is he here with the forecast. i lived there for a while western montana. you do get a late snow. kind of weird. clearly they weren't prepared there was a power outage. >> adam: later in the season you see snow in most of the rockies one of the big weather stories as we continue into this weekend is going to be a severe weather. such a problem the last couple of weeks. still seeing it out there this morning. iowa has been hit and hit and hit. these are all severe warn thunderstorms and some places tornadoes. every one of these severe worn storm. this one was observed tornadoes
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a few minutes ago. someone saw that on the ground at this point it is no longer. there is still some rotation there. this could land again and we could still be seeing tornadoes. guys, unfortunately, severe weather is going to be a problem friday, saturday and sunday. so folks in the heartland here on memorial day weekend need need to be paying attention. >> carley: wouldn't be summer concert sear without the mechanic will he more brothers bringing the barbecue. here they are. >> carley, lawrence and will, i hope you all are hungry. the mclemore boys are back in new york for 15 weeks of some amazing food. >> gathering grill best seller guys. what we do is gathering and grilling. guys, we have got master built. we have wonder bread. we have lanes barbecue and 44 farms. we're going to show y'all a little bit of what we are cooking up and, hey, the secret is you all know year one with flo we went big. year two we went a little
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bigger. year 3 y'all come look at this. >> wow! >> we have got 30 tomahawk steaks that we are serving up the entire stage. we have all the barbecue for the vips for the all-american summer concert series. we could not be more excited about the next 15 weeks, guys. >> carley: we know flo rida likes his tomahawk steaks, too. he was eating one on stage. more "fox & friends" after this ♪ ♪ choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours
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>> carley: we are learning brand new details about the arrest of the world's number one ranked golfer scottie scheffler, louisville police released this video what was taken away pga taken away in handcuffs. chanley is here with the latest. >> good morning, carley. the new video shows the moments right before scottie scheffler's arrest last week, take look. this is scheffler's vehicle pulling up to the golf club after going around traffic from a fatal bus accident. you can see louisville police detective brian gillis in yellow
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running up and striking the vehicle before it stops. now, scheffler faces multiple charges including three misdemeanors and felony second degree assault of a police officer which carries up to 10 years in prison. in a report, detective gillis claims he was injured after he stopped the vehicle the first time but that scheffler, quote, demanded to be let in and proceeded forward against my directions. i was dragged, knocked down by the driver. but we don't see that on the video that's been released and there isn't any video from the officer's body cam because, get this, he never turned it on as the department policy requires. >> we understand the seriousness of the failure to capture this interaction, which is why our officer has received corrective action for this policy violation. >> scheffler's attorneys though are confident their client will come out on top. >> scottie scheffler didn't do anything wrong. we're not interested in settling the case. we will either try it or it will be dismissed. this was a chaotic situation and
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a miscommunication and he didn't do anything wrong. >> all of this hang as scheffler competes in the pga tour at colonial golf course, in fact, he shot unusually poor in the first round yesterday landing in 79th place but he is expected in court for his arraignment june 3rd, carley? >> carley: got a lot going on chanley, thank you so much. so much news to get to starting with former president donald trump saying he will detain evan gershkovich russian president in 2 # hours. here is what he told lawrence yesterday at the big rally in bronx. >> have a relationship because they know we don't play games. i will get him out very fast. hopefully he will be home before that if not i will have him out within 24 hours. >> lawrence: you are not a negotiator. >> i'm not going to pay anything for it. you can't pay. anybody can pay. but you can't pay. once you pay, you're going to have to pay for everybody. you will have a rash of kidnappings and things like that, no. he will come out. president putin respects me and is he going to come out.
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is he going to come out within 24 hours. >> carley: gershkovich was arrested on spying charges in march of 2023 while working in russia. a trial date has not yet been set. happening today, the virginia father who was detained in turks and caicos for having spare ammunition in his travel bag may learn his fate at his sentencing hearing today. here's what he told fox news digital. >> it's scary and, you know, uncertain. kind of in a lull right now. but, it's just a roller coaster. i mean, you just have a mix of emotions. >> he faces a minimum of 12 years in prison and he is just one of five americans facing similar charges on that island. and those are your headlines. >> will: like another american every month since they put this law into place. >> carley: cannot be good for tourism. >> will: awful for turks and
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caicos. soft on crime district attorneys facing backlash at the ballot box as cities like san francisco, portland and los angeles grow tired of the woke agenda. just this week far left d.a. mike smith in oregon was ousted by one of his deputies promising return to sanity. todd spitzer joins us now. todd or mr. district attorney thank you for joining us this morning. something is happening. >> great to see you. >> will: great to see you as well. something is happening on the west coast. take a look at some of those d.a.s facing pushback. you got oregon mike smith voted out this week. san francisco d.a. chesa boudin voted out. george gascon faced two recalls and now he has a re-election. alameda county d.a. pamela price facing really this year. does this represent a real push back from the people, from the voters over experiencing life under the policies of these
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d.a.s? >> first of all, it's a push back from the left against their own. which is photographic. the left is losing the left. they are losing the middle. and they obviously never had the conservatives. our cities aren't safe. our borders aren't safe. our college campuses aren't safe. the economy is in the toilet, and the president now and the white house are scared to death. this isn't a west coast issue. you know, glen krasner in philadelphia, george gascon in los angeles only got 25% of the vote in his primary. pamela price in oakland is being the recall against her is being led by the naacp. their own base is sick and tired of how they have jeopardized and made our own inner cities unsafe. people who need the police are actually the culprit the victims
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of this own progressive policy. >> will: i don't know that it matters but it satisfies my own curiosity. do you think this is the left looking at election -- potential election losses and now distancing themselves from the politicians that, you know, putting into place unpopular policies. or is it things like this just here is an example l.a., violent crime up 30,000, up 6% from 2023. property crime up almost 24% from 2020. or is it a real like oh my god, you know, these policies aren't working? what is motivating the change on the left? >> >> the policies aren't working. this was a horrible american experiment led by george soros funding these campaigns and these candidates. and it has it disastrous results for cities. chesa 'boudin recalled in san francisco. london breed the mayor of san francisco is running on a more
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conservative platform. i never thought i would see that in my lifetime. so, these -- these progressive d.a.s have ruined america. george gascon in los angeles, i have labeled him america's worst prosecutor. this is over for inner cities. i believe the white house thinks that this could ca cost the elections for the president. look, they have lost their base. they have lost the middle. and they lost conservatives. what is the president supposed to run on when the borders are porous, our cities are in disarray and our campuses have righrioting as we speak. ucla yesterday had another encampment. these progressives are not in control. >> will: i appreciate you getting up early 3:30 on the west coast. plenty of time for a workout. get it in. thank you for being with us this morning. donald trump on a mission to win
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over minority voters across the country. he told lawrence his record does the heavy lifting. >> i did criminal justice reform at a level that nobody thought was possible. it's probably, maybe the best economic development package ever for african-americans. ♪ but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis.
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♪ >> lawrence: so former president trump is on auto mission to flip blue areas around the country, including the bronx. i had the opportunity to speak with him at his campaign event and ask him how he plans to win over minority voters. watch. >> i did criminal justice reform at a level that nobody thought was possible to get. and did i that largely for the black and hispanic community. they are the ones that wanted it. it's probably, maybe the best economic development package ever for african-americans, for hispanic americans, asian americans. we did a lot of things that people couldn't believe we were able to get done. >> lawrence: here to discuss is president and ceo of job
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creators network alfredo ortiz. when you look at this big event yesterday and you look at the state of the economy, when i talk with folks yesterday and we got a wall right here of the biden inflation. you can see exactly how it's impacting the country. when i talk with people, the number one issue they say they are voting for trump or changing their vote is the economy. >> yeah, lawrence, that's absolutely right. look, i mean, donald trump is a known commodity, right, with the hispanic community, with the black community, the asian community. just pretty much like he said. the economy was fantastic for all basically americans. and now they have the contrast, which is biden, and it's not too good for all of those, and so it's not a surprise that he had the rally that he did. but, you actually, at the top of the hour, asked a very good question, which is how he had r. they going do convert, how he is he going to convert that
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enthusiasm into votes. the hispanic vote coalition comes. in we want to make sure we have the right message and the right messengers to deliver the message to persuade them to actually vote on election day. >> lawrence: let's dig into that alfredo. i want to explore that when you look at the key groups. let's go to black voters and the comparisons to 2020. in 2020. you have 79%. now you have 72%. all right. this is joe biden. and then when you got hispanic voters back in 2020, 5 #%. and now it's 55%. so, when you are going out there, how do you make that pitch to the voting public? i mean, it was great yesterday, because you saw the show of force. you see the interest. you got the people that are saying that never gonna vote for the president, the former president, i'm sorry. how do you get those people to the polls though? >> well, you know, it's really interesting. if you think about our elections overall, we still have electoral college that votes our presidents in. and so from that perspective, if
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you look, for example, at four swing states. if you look at arizona, nevada, wisconsin, and georgia, and look at four particular counties within that maricopa and arizona, clark county in nevada. milwaukee county, wisconsin, and then gwinnett county in georgia, right? we really only have to get and trump really only has to win over the hispanic population there. and that's 43 electoral votes right there. and so from that perspective, if he pulls that off, he becomes our next president. so, focusing on the right message and the messenger. getting them to the polls, persuading them not to just sit at home discontented but to make a difference that they can be empowered to make that difference themselves by going to the polling booths and actually making that vote for donald trump. >> lawrence: alfredo i hope the republican consultants are listening. they abandoned the community for years. >> they did. >> donald trump only one to go into the community. let's hope they are listening this morning. thanks so much for joining the
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program. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it, brother. all right, carley, looks like you have headlines for us. >> hundreds of harvard university students walking out of their graduation ceremony yesterday following weeks of pro-palestinian protests. groups of graduates chanted "let them walk" in reference to 13 students who did not get their diplomas because of their actions during those demonstrations. and activists flying the palestinian flag during a mock graduation nearby to honor those students who were punished. did you see this? pete pete that activists dressing up in monkey suits as you of whole fields. blocked cars while calling for the chains to stop selling cocoa nut milk really that's made in thailand. peta claims the company is not aware of monkeys are used -- the monkeys are are used to pick up the cocoa nuts.
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whole foods is looking into the issue. they are looking into the issues of the monkeys picking up the cocoa nuts. that sounds fun to me if you are a monkey. i don't know. >> will: peta is that's not right. you should not be using monkeys to pick up your cocoa nuts. >> carley: one in nine kids in america are diagnosed with adhd and one psychologist says lifestyle could play a bigger role in symptoms than parents realize. and it's a huge morning on "fox & friends." flo rida kicks off the all-american summer concert series today. is he coming up. >> will: can dogs not have jobs too? police dogs? >> carley: dogs, stop digging up the bones ♪ low, low, low, low, low ♪ baggy sweatpants and the reeboks ♪ ♪
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♪ >> will: we're back with a big story that will change the face of college sports. the ncaa and the five biggest conferences reaching nearly $2.8 billion in settlement, it paves the way for student athletes to get paid by schools. the organization has released a joint statement saying this agreement, quote: is an important step in the continuing reform of college sports. it will provide benefit to
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student athletes and provide clarity in college athletics across all divisions in years to many do. some of the most famous athletes in college sports making millions in mih. caitlin clark, brawny james. the judge still has to sign off on the agreement but this do direct payments from schools to athletes, essentially taking away, carley, the farce of amateurism 7.1 million kids one in nine american children have been diagnosed with adhd. that is a million more than in 2016. here with more is a clinical psychologist dr. kevin gilliland to explain what is going on with the children in this country. dr. gilliland, good morning to you before we get into this increase in increase in adhd diagnoses. can you describe what it is? it's a common thing we hear
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about all the time. what are the symptoms that lead to a diagnosis? >> yeah. great question. and it is one of the most common we see in adolescence. tease it apart from normal developmental milestones. it's a difficulty concentrating. in more than just one environment. can't just be home. can't just be school. it's either school, home, places of worship, and what it is is literally an inability to complete a task to follow through with it, to struggle to actually mentally fatigue. and so -- and we see the onset of it typically in that early add low dessense, 10, 11, 12, 13 years of age. to the degree that it impairs their ability to function in those environments. >> carley: okay. here's the big question. what is causing this increase in cases? >> well, that's a good question. we have been on a slow trend up. but i think the most significant
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thing from the substitute is seeing the impact that our environment and behaviors have on our psychological health. and really another way to look at it is oh, wow, our adolescence struggle with the same things we do as adults. and our environment has a significant impact. we have seen this trend. and what changed for them was their world got turned upside down. and all the things that are really good for them got stripped away. >> carley: something impacting a lot of families, a lot of kids out there. and more and more as we continue on. very interesting topic. dr. gill land, thank you so much for joining us this morning good to be with you guys, more from lawrence's interview with donald trump ahead and more with flo rida from "fox & friends." ♪
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>> will: it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. friday, may 24th. this is "fox & friends." we will start with this. >> we are going to throw out bidenomics they are going to replace it with maganomics like your hats. maganomics. i will give you low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates. drill, baby, drill. [cheers and applause


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