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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> will: it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. friday, may 24th. this is "fox & friends." we will start with this. >> we are going to throw out bidenomics they are going to replace it with maganomics like your hats. maganomics. i will give you low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates. drill, baby, drill. [cheers and applause]
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>> will: new york state of mind. maganomics like you're hot. trump visits supporters in the deep blue bronx. is it a democratic strong hold still? well, lawrence asked him. >> a lot of time people take things for granted. >> voting down the same party something needs to change. >> trump is coming from the heart. >> carley: meanwhile biden was wining and dining butter poached lobster after holding a very rare press conference. [shouting questions] >> whoa! >> lawrence: i mean, scripted questions to -- unbelievable. i can canning off the all-american summer concert series with one of our favorites from last year, flo rida is in the house. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends.
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♪ ♪ ♪ they're watching ♪ i know that ♪ i'm watching ♪ i'm rolling ♪ you know i know how >> carley: good morning. look at that stage. that is the all-american summer concert series set up with the american flag in the background, fox square is clear right now. but, oh boy, you better believe it will not be in about an hour and 45 minutes time. it will be rocking out there. there's some people already dancing that we could see but you can't see from that shot. people having a good time out there, guys. >> will: yeah, they were. >> carley: that man flo rida is going to be performing. >> lawrence: if i know the people like two years before they are just waiting for this moment. everybody forgets it. who cares if you can dance or not. you just go out there. >> carley: a way to start the summer. >> will: this will be my second concert in a week to go to with
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lawrence. you went in the midweek. what did you go see? >> lawrence: our last night it's a young band that i found during the summer. they were great. and then last friday, we went to see morgan wahlen. >> will: we did. >> lawrence: you went there together. >> kilmeade was there i just got into country. >> will: you were muscling through it. i'm not saying you don't like it. you were getting every fourth word by the third verse of the song. i'm catching on tried to sing along. which i give you credit for. >> lawrence: here's the deal. what i learned about morgan wallen there are only certain songs that i like of his. it's when he is doing the traditional country i can get with that when he starts trying to be hip hop. it's like one of those things stay in your lane. >> will: the minute that beat hit a little hip hop that's when you stood up.
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>> lawrence: that is not true. >> will: country. >> lawrence: that is true. for example, the only songs i really knew like the one he did with. >> will: here we go. >> lawrence: eric church man at a bar. that's like one of the only ones i knew. did i get that right? thank you. let's go. >> will: big performance in new york yesterday. it wasn't in manhattan or brooklyn. it was in the bronx. it was donald trump. here he was in the bronx. >> on day one we're going to throw out bidenomics. we're going to replace it with maganomics like your hats. maganomics. [cheers] and i will give you lower taxes. we're going to cut it still lower. remember, when i cut taxes, i gave you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country, bigger than the reagan tax cuts. and do you know what? the following year we reported massive increases in revenue.
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so with lower taxes we actually took in more money because it gave incentives for people to work. lots of reasons. but i will give you low taxes, low inflation, low interest rates. rising wages. growing incomes and fair trade for the american worker and we will make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby drill. [cheers] >> drill, baby, drill. >> lawrence: it was a big moment, yesterday. when you are looking at the former president -- i mean, you can't deny this. have you ever seen a trump rally like that it took courage and will to go there. the political elite, the political consultants say don't even waste your time. this is a democratic strong hold. 80% of them are going to vote for joe biden anyway. donald trump went and this is what you saw. people that love the country. they don't classify themselves as republican though, will. they say they are open to trump. and yesterday i tried to ask him why is that?
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why are you different? and i think it's just the simplicity of it, of the issues. >> carley: so you weren't just there as a viewer to watch the rally. you were also there to talk to him. before we get to that want to ask you a little bit about this rally because you were there. this is a district that hasn't voted republican in 100 years since the flapper times. 1924. and then you see this crowd of people. what did it feel like to be there. describe the people who were there and what stood out the most to you? >> probably the most energized i have been in a while at a rally. and the reason why because it was comforting to see the stuff that i had been hearing across the country in the barbershop and i talked with some of the brothers when i'm going to the airport. oh, man, i see the support. the polling suggests that there is some support. but, when you go there, and you see this -- i cannot put this plainly enough, the faces that
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you see, a lot of them were from the bronx. they tell you i'm right down the street right here. oh, yeah. why did you decide to attend? oh, i like donald trump because of this. oh, did you vote for him? yeah, i voted for him last time this time things are different. it was this authentic presence, will. >> will: yeah, you know, i'm sitting here thinking about you and what you said in our first hour and then what you just said to me right now. in our first hour, and i'm not suggesting you contradicted yourself. i'm thinking there is a conversation to build here. in our first hour you have always encouraged republicans to go to these neighborhoods. yet, in this hour you are also telling us the connection with this crowd isn't to republicans, it's to donald trump. and i think about that a lot. i think about why. and the answer, to me is people could say oh, donald trump, you know, he has some swagger. donald trump because he is -- i don't think it's any of that stuff. i think it could be a part. let me correct myself. i just think that donald trump
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is authentic to who he is. he is himself. he always wears the suit. he doesn't dress for the occasion. he always talks like donald trump. he doesn't fake accents. he always gives the same message. he doesn't tailor it to a new crowd. you ain't black if you don't vote for me or they are going to put y'all back in chains. he tells us who he is on all occasion. i think authenticity connects. >> lawrence: i think it's that, and i also think it's the will to go -- i think what yesterday proved is voters aren't gonna come to you. i don't think it's too much for you to go to every single group of voters whether it is the coal miner or the truckers. politicians have to go to them. and i think what he proved yesterday is i saw some interest. i'm going to go there to try to cultivate that relationship. now, to your point about what is different as well, i think black folks, hispanic folks, at their core are conservatives, like family values, lower taxes.
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they want less crime. but i do think there is sometime the impression of republicans is that they're not about to everyday people. that they are, you know, just the country club. i think what donald trump has shown is that he's reaching the forgotten men of all different communities. at love black and hispanic folks feel forgotten just like the people in middle america. so i asked the president okay, maybe got this interest. do you feel like you are going to be age to change new york? this is what he had to say. >> when you see all these people here of all different background, do you think the republican party can win here? you take over the city council the mayor's office, the governor's office? >> i don't know about other races. i think we can win new york as a presidential candidate because we have a special energy. >> lawrence: how do you take this energy on the road. >> it's on the road for me.
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we have the largest crowds we have ever had. we won the first time and got millions more votes the second time. in 2016 we won. we beat hillary in 2020 we got millions more votes. we did better in 2020, nobody likes talking about that. that's by their count. we got millions of more votes. i will say this as good as 2016 and 2020 were, it's nothing compared to what is happening now. and you see that. >> lawrence: so, interesting. i just caught this in the interview with him. to the conversation that we're having. i asked him what about the other offices? county other republicans win? he says i have a special connection. >> will: right. >> lawrence: remember, before donald trump even declared he was going to run for president he was the cultural icon especially in black american. when i could go to highland park we didn't have enough money. i found a donald trump tie in the thrift shop for two bucks i had hit gold. it wasn't because of his politics it was because he was making money. everyone wants to make it out. it was all about the aspiration.
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i think that's what donald trump brought to the bronx yesterday the aspiration. >> carley: you are spot on. everybody talks about the economy. they talk about the all right issues. they talk about the crime. but you guys are hitting on something that i think is underdiscussed. it is donald trump as a person. and he -- it wasn't just what he said at the rally yesterday. it was also how he said it. he is an entertainer. you know, the whole -- these people are standing outside for hours to see donald trump. they also want a show. that's what he brought. and this speech yesterday was different than other ones. first of all, he went for two hours. and he talked about all that he did. >> lawrence: that wasn't planned by the way. >> carley: about how he built this ice skating rink in central park and the golf course and in the bronx. he told those stories about how is he a builder and he cares about the community. and he did funny things, too. like should i go off teleprompter well, joe biden isn't even good on teleprompter.
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so, he brought that element of humor to it as well, which people look forward to seeing. >> will: here's the reason this story is important because will new york still vote for joe biden? probably. you know, i mean that's what it does to your point of how long it's been. will an overwhelming majority of the black vote still vote for joe biden? less so. down 90% to 70%. the reason is to understand people out there in america as you point out that are often forgotten. >> lawrence: that's right. >> will: when people connects with certain societies. not all about the upper west side or midtown or florida or california. the ones that get attention. it's about the people who need attention. alexis mcadams was there as well. the purpose is to understand americans. listen to what alexis mcadams got out of people in the bronx. >> it's been 100 years since the bronx voted for a republican presidential candidate. is that going to change this year? >> it absolutely will. you know, a lot of times people take things for granted. people thought that hillary was
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going to clinch the presidency coronation. and that didn't happen, so there is always room for surprises. >> it's time for a change in leadership. we have been voting down the same party for years now. and nothing has changed. things have gotten out of control. we're dealing with housing situations, we're dealing with homelessness and mentally ill. crime. there is a lot happening here. inflation. >> i have always been raised a certain way. for me to come to think republican and donald trump and say it's time to right a wrong for him. it's time to right that wrong they are doing to him. that's coming from the new york. >> lawrence: "new york post" editorial puts it this way. trump will win if he does more speeches like the one in the bronx. last thing i will say about this because i know there are -- i have been dealing with this and saying this for 10 years to go to the community. and i know that there is some naysayers and they are going to look at, you know, the voting and saying he didn't win the black vote. he may not have win the
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hispanic. to the point of alexis' report, you don't get to abandon the community for 50 years and think there is going to be automatic shift. that's not going to' ha. i'm not suggesting that i'm not suggesting that donald trump is going to win the black vote. i do think he can get 30% of the black vote. if he gets 30% of the black vote, it's game over for the democrats. i think these silos that have once existed, they are being destroyed just by the effort. the effort of going to cities you matter. he is not promising anything special to black america. he is saying i know you can, i know you have been forgotten. i know they don't care about you. i do. >> carley: i care about your problems. >> lawrence: i got your back. >> carley: also not forgetting about the black community or doing anything about it. when addressing the black community like president biden did at more house cleaning it's victimhood all day long. victimhood, identity politics. when donald trump spoke to the people in the bronx yesterday, he said i don't care whether your skin tone. i don't care what color you are,
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nobody deserves streets like this. nobody deserves subway systems like this. i care about your problems and i want to fix them. >> will: i'm going to leave it here but if you are a human being or a comawnt at large and trying to gauge someone's interest or connection to you, what would resonate more? someone who takes your vote for granted to the extent that if you do not vote for them, says you not truly of that community. if you don't vote for me you are not black. pan ders doesn't deliver on promises or scares you about the other side. somebody who says i may not get 20% or 30% of your vote but i'm here. >> lawrence: not only scares you but says you can't. on the highest day of achievement you can't do this. >> carley: it was the tale of two campaigns with just months, with just months to -- thank you so much. with just months to election day. >> will: former president trump looking relax dollars in the bronx during that rally in deep blue new york while president biden struggled to questions
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preselected reporters. >> lawrence: peter doocy you were live at the white house you were in the room what happened? >> peter: when you look at this first as you compare the two campaigns as trump's path to 270, he doesn't need more republicans in new york. he has plenty upstate and siena college says he is within single digits there. if he is gonna get closer though they need to start flipping people in the places like the bronx. is he trying to do that with a very specific economic pitch. >> i'm here tonight to declare that we are going to turn new york city around and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly. we're going to bring safety back to our streets. we're going to bring success back to our schools. we're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. >> peter: trump does see an opportunity in the bronx where black students were recently insulted by the democratic governor kathy hochul who said
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they don't even know what the word computer means. as for president biden, is he trying to use the trappings of the office of the president to like the ability to host a state visit to come across to voters as a statesman. he is trying really hard to keep his answers short. >> if i may. >> no, one. >> does the. >> one question. i will answer your question. >> could you tell me what the african-american union is doing as well as kenya is doing when it comes to humanitarian crisis in the congo. thank you. >> what was my question? [laughter] [shouting questions] >> whoa! >> peter: and you could tell with his responses there that the biden strategy was to try to have some discipline and only answer part of whatever the clearest part of a question to him was. from there he went on to a state
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dinner. we know that both hunter biden and merrick garland were in attendance. we would not expect that they had -- that they spoke, even though they have plenty to talk about. and later on today we just expect to see the president go off to wilmington for the long weekend. back to you. >> will: thank you, peter. >> carley: thank you, peter. >> will: christopher hitchens once said if an eightist wakes up every day and says global god it's not news. if the pope woke up one day i'm not sure about the god that would be headlines. i'm not sure if joe biden is going to make it to the end of this race. what if nate silver who is not exactly, i don't think, has always been a biased interpreter of polls in the news has said something recently about hey, i'm not so sure joe biden is going to make it to the race. listen to this from the podcast risky business. >> democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the ticket. if he were really as concerned about defeating donald trump as
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democrats claim they are, then you should be doing everything in your power to maximize the chance that you win. >> lawrence: i think the democrats are starting to prepare for the thief. there is a change in the -- from defeat.he is saying tho stay. there is a recalculation of working on the down ticket races trying to say "the washington post" have talked about, "new york times" talking about it. we got to save t down ballot. new talking point is people aren't upset with the democrats. they are upset with joe biden. that's the calculus right now. when you go out on the hills off rally. voting base as they say joe biden's coalition has now started to trickle into donald trump's camp. trouble. >> carley: a lot of the folks who work for the biden campaign living in swing states and working in swing states say that they think their saving grace could actually save them is appealing to nikki haley
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candidates. what did donald trump do yesterday? he said that nikki haley -- this is big news. he said that i think nikki haley is going to be part of the team. what that means yet we don't know. but that is him consolidating the republican party that may really impact the general election going forward. all right, we now have some headlines to get to. starting with. this philadelphia police are searching for the man who shot three by standers, including an 8-year-old girl. after his scooter was hit by a car yesterday. you could see the driver slamming into the scooter and then speeding away. the man who was struck gets up. the driver who hit the scooter turned himself. in thankfully all three shooting victimization are in stable condition. wild home security footage out of england shows the moment a bmw loses control at high speed flipping a few times before crashing into homes earlier this week. then shockingly the two people inside just casually get out and
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limp away, stunned people in the neighborhood gathered around the wreck. west yorkshire police are still looking for the pair involved. nascar's kyle larson is planning to compete in the indy 500 before heading to north carolina to the charlotte motor speedway for the coca-cola 600 on sunday. he will be the fifth driver to attempt competing in both races on the same day. be sure to tune in to the big nascar race on fox this sunday. and now let's go over to meteorologist adam klotz. adam, how is the weather looking for the big race this memorial day weekend? >> the race there actually could turn out to be pretty good. unfortunately for a lot of other folks across the country we continue to see these big rounds of thunderstorms line up every time in the middle of the country. we're seeing it again this morning. it's going to happen the next couple of days. here's what it looks like outside right now. iowa, pretty much the entire stated north to south is under some sort of severe warnings. winds up to 60 miles per hour.
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that is a tornado warning right now as we are seeing a little bit of rotation. the set-up is there for today. a large area across the midwest and the plains has a risk of severe weather. it's a little bit greater risk of severe weather on saturday and greater risk of severe weather on sunday. st. louis as well. here's what it looks like for your memorial weekend. here today those are the rainy spots. a little bit of rain up along the mid new england ultimately, though, if you live in the west coast as we run through the weekend, it looks to be like the best weather here on this memorial day weekend. those are your weather headlines. for now, back over to you guys. >> carley: all right, adam, thank you so much. check in with mclemore boys. >> yeah, baby. >> carley: father and son duo. i got it right this time. i got the familiar millio connection. you are holding a big piece of meat. >> carley we love you no matter what you call us. lawrence and will, this is what it is all about right here. let develops, baby. [cheers] >> that's why we live on the greatest country on this planet.
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tomahawk steaks going on right here. that's how we do it. >> so every concert we are cooking on the master built gravity series grill. every single friday. so thank you to master built for supplying the greatest grill. and, guys, we have got 30 of these coming out for y'all in the 8:00 hour for everybody here. let's go. [cheers] >> who is excited? >> carley: feeding everybody. >> will: you guys get fired up about meat. >> we do. >> carley: a new cookbook out as well pick it up if you haven't already. >> will: general jack keane iswa so stick around. so stick around. ♪ a so stick around. ♪ a - the industry's largest capacity, fastest all-in-one washer and dryer. shop lowe's now for memorial day deals. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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dual citizen a father and grandfather. israel says there are still more than 100 hostages being held in gaza. >> we will not stop fighting for their freedom. every comfort in the world would do the same. >> as the idf scales up southern offensive, there's a growing push to provide more humanitarian relief throughout the strip. this week the first aid shipments arrived through the u.s.' new floating pier and it was yesterday when this news came out that three u.s. service members have been injured while working on a boat, a navy cargo ship near that pier and two of
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those injuries are minor injuries but a u.s. defense official says that one u.s. service member is in critical condition currently being hospitalized in israel and this was a noncombat related injury. will, back to you. >> will: here to react now-thank you for that, alex, by the way. fox news senior analyst and four star general jack keane. general, great to have you on the program this morning. you heard the news there, you are aware u.s. service members hurt on this humanitarian pier set up in gaza tell me your reaction to what is goings on there in this story out of gaza. >> first of all, it's a significant capability that we are providing to assist with the humanitarian aid program. the trucks obviously are the best way to get humanitarian aid into gaza. centcom came up with this idea. they are commanding general kurilla used to airborne corps as i did. this is the seventh
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bree gameday that has this capability. we can go any place in the world where there is no ports established at all and deploy forces and support for our forces dollars. using this system. and that's what they have set up for this humanitarian aid. you know, in the instruments of war are as dangerous in peace time as they are when they are not being used directly in combat. and our troops routinely unfortunately do get injured and some get killed, even though they are not directly in combat. that's what is happening here. but, fortunately, hopefully the soldiers critically injured will recover his wounds. the good news is obviously the people in gaza are getting already 500 metric tons of supplies from this capability and hopefully it will continue. >> will: instruments of war. let's continue on that topic. move it over to ukraine. first, russia is talking about direct strikes on british
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military targets. >> this is a statement in response to strikes using british weapons against the territory of our country we may strike any british military objects and weaponry in ukraine and beyond. that comes, general, at the same time as there is a debates now at the white house about allowing ukraine to use american weapons to strike into russia. i'm going to put a map up, general, you can talk us through. this this isn't going to be the exact map that shows the sanctuary areas that russian troops are hiding in russia. can you give us some, if not visual, some audible understanding of what's happening in eastern ukraine and in russia where russian troops attacking in ukraine are then retreating into russia. >> yeah. well, what's happening, the united states has restricted ukraine from using our long-range weapon systems to fire into russia. so what are they? those are the himars, and two
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types of atacms missiles, also to include our air defense systems which could clearly take out russian aircraft that are attacking ukraine from -- attacking ukraine from russia. and obviously they would be firing at them from ukraine. all of these weapon systems are operated by ukrainians. it is completely unprecedented, will, to deny a country that has been invaded by another country from attacking that country directly. and that is the prohibition this administration has forced on ukraine. and it is really hurting ukraine. our audience understand when you looked at that map up there, the eastern part of ukraine, in russia, 300 kill meters into that eastern part across the border, which would be western russia, in the green on the map there, right up next to the border, is a sanctuary because russia knows full well organic weapons from ukraine cannot
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reach them, nor can the u.s. weapons because ukrainians can't fire them. we can reach 300 kill meters into russia's border there and what russia has is multiple bases, multiple capabilities all tucked up near the ukrainian border that obviously is now a sanctuary and is contributing to the offensive success that ukraine has had. we have got to stop this nonsense. get a policy change and let ukraine use the weapons we gave them. >> will: i'm kind of over my time. i have to follow up. do you think any concern then that russia would fulfill that promise they are saying hey you used british weapons to attack russia. we will attack british installations. do you find any credibility in that because you would assume it would applied to the u.s. as well. >> well, russia has threatened the use of tactical nuclear weapons and made other attacks like this. there is no evidence to support it.
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russia would know -- if they attack british territory. that is an attack ton nato. >> will: right. >> do they really want something like that? i doubt it, seriously. a lot of rhetoric has been going on for two years by the russians. and none of that actually has come to pass. and this, i think, is another threat. and that's the reality they would face if they executed it. >> will: all right. general jack keane, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> yeah. you guys have great weekend. >> will: all right. take care. historic event for donald trump in the bronx. kellyanne reacts to the turnout and what it means for his chances to flip deep blue newd! york. ♪ and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don't wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue!
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♪ ♪ beats like the drum ♪ seems like a motown melody. >> carley: that is your special fleet week shot of the morning joining us here on fox square a group of navy sailors among the thousands of military men and women here in new york for the annual tradition. >> will: awesome tradition. they came on a good day because they get to see flo rida performing in our next hour. we hope they have a great time, of course we thank them for their service. >> lawrence: look at those military uniforms. that's what i'm talking about. showing them off. i hope that helps with recruitment. from our celebration on fox square to huge turnout in the bronx yesterday performing president trump, he told me he thinks he can win in deep blue new york. watch. >> what a introduced this is
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something. [chanting we love trump] >> mr. president, i have been begging republicans come to the black community come to the hispanic community. more people here today look more like me than you. why did you come here today. >> i have done very well with the vote. i love the people. they're incredible and energetic they are entrepreneurial and going to save new york. >> lawrence: new york editorial board say rallies like that are the key to his victory. our advice to trump do this more. you don't need to win the bronx in 2024 keep up the themes that brought you there. and you will win all the swing states you need to. >> lawrence: to to react kellyanne conway. known you for a long time. you know the polls and the data. a lot of consultants would tell donald trump and they have in the past, as you know, don't go there. it's not worth your time. not worth the effort. what do you say? >> and most politicians take
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that advice from their consultants. i call the consultants staph infection. soundbites that don't fit 2024. when you are president of the united states. you are president to all americans. why do you wait until you get to the tofl feel that wait a minute for president trump it is has always been a matter of speaking to constituencies even if he doesn't end up with 50% of their vote. here's a few young people, african-americans, hispanic americans political independence. women. he doesn't need to win 50% of any of them to still be the president. it's about mitigating the deficits of traditional conventional republicans as the presidential nominee on the republican side and he a limbating some of the stereotypes that are reinforced by the way by a lot of rich white liberals. rich white liberals in the media, in the democratic party in tech in business are the ones telling african-americans and hispanic americans that don't
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republicans don't like you trump is not for you. they are pushing back in large numbers, showing up, standing up, putting up and speaking up. trump in 2016 went to detroit with dr. ben carson and others what have you got to lose you? have been playing it their way. we have democratic control of all of these cities what have you to lose doing something different. he has been delivering for these communities. i think that the democratic party has taken them for granted. i would add to my list union households as well. doesn't need 50% than to just do better than republicans usually do. donald trump will keep this up. last point. you want to get is you bar ban women, waste down on abortion. guess what? women in the suburbs are very concerned as we all are what is going on in our cities. he may not not win the cities mathematically. what he promised to do in these cities reform wise and policy wise will emanate out into the suburbs. >> carley: we want to ask you about a deep dive women's health
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magazine did on the life of karine jean-pierre and they title is she has one of america's most stressful jobs from her volunteer firefighter past and love of truthfully fries. >> will: never had a picture of myself stretching. i need a stretching class. >> carley: excerpt from the article. this talks about how they view her as the white house press secretary. her voice is quiet, firm and focused. gone is the relaxed smiling woman from the office. she owns the podium, emphasizing and illustrating her points with her hands and leaning her arms against the dunnigan lectern named for the first black white house ethel payne. her relaxed demeanor and firm grasp quiet strength and ownership. what do you think of that. >> i read the article twice.
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shallow puff piece. and guess what? she -- i would be relaxed, too, if ai was just reading from notes somebody else wrote. binder. b never had to answer a question when do i either have some conversation that's political i can't answer it or i don't tell the truth. she has said from that podium not under oath that joe biden has done more than any other president to push back on to control immigration at the border. she has just said things that aren't true and nobody fact-checks her i don't think she very good asset for president biden. he needs somebody who is going to fill in all these gaps. they had to correct -- they had to fact-check the president's speech at morehouse college nine fact checks and from a teleprompter. look, i think joe biden needs a break. he needs more rest. 40% of vacation doesn't seem to be enough. i feel that we're going to find out in a couple years that whoever was running the teleprompter for joe biden, for kamala harris, writing karine jean-pierre's brief in that binder was a trump molecule.
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mole.think treated daily by thes in face to face. always confrontational and combative. i can't remember -- i remember many profiles of sarah huckabee sanders and me and some others, and i assure you that they weren't interested in what kind of fries we eat and how we stretch before we exercise. there wasn't one negative piece of information in this article in women's health. i learned nothing except that the fix is in. when you work for obama or biden you are fine. you work for trump you are crucified. look at the rallies. the people don't really care. >> will: she was outside. look like going for a run. ains. >> carley: big runner. >> will: why she was stretching her shoulders before she runs? >> carley: i was thinking yesterday during the trump rally whoever runs donald trump's teleprompter deserves a raise. he will go completely offer script. come back to the teleprompter.
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>> i can know the manuel make him a household name zac. he has donald trump's cadence. sometimes he just sits there take care. >> carley: kudos to him. don't go anywhere. flo rida performs live on "fox & friends" moments away. ♪ ♪ plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )
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are you with them? learn more at today. >> will: we're learning brand new details about the arrest of the world's number one ranked golfer scottie scheffler, louisiana please shows what happened outside pga championship. authorities say this is scheffler's vehicle pulling up to the golf club after going around traffic from a fatal bus accident. you can see detective brian gillis in yellow running up and then striking the vehicle before it stops. scheffler faces multiple charges, including three misdemeanor and felony second degree assault of a police officer charges which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. now, in a report, detective gillis claims he was injured after he stopped the vehicle the first time. but the scheffler demanded to be led in and proceeded forward against my directions. i was dragged,/knocked down by the driver. we don't see that on the video.
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so far that has been released. isn't any video of course from the officer's body cam. he doesn't turn it on. now as department policy requires that you turn it on. >> we understand the seriousness of the failure to capture this interaction, which is why our officer has received corrective action for this policy violation. >> scheffler's attorneys though are confident their client will come out on top. >> scottie scheffler didn't do anything wrong. we're not interested in settling the case. we will either try it or it will be dismissed. this was a chaotic situation and a miscommunication and he didn't do anything wrong. >> will: scheffler is expected in court for his arraignment june 3rd. that's pretty interesting expected in court for arraignment. the charges are not been dropped. they seem like they are going full bore ahead on prosecuting scottie scheffler. >> carley: that's what a lot of people thought the press conference was going to be about. the police would come out and say we understand this was
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mistake. is he being charged with a felony, facing 10 years and this is the video that was released yesterday. it is so hard to see what's going on, and then the body camera wasn't turned on. so it looks like we will never really get to see what transpired here. >> lawrence: listen, i have an obvious bias here. i train cop law enforcement canines, do at love training with them. but you owe this man an apology. what was suggested in the statement that he was drug and all that, it doesn't appear like that happened. and there is no ambiguity when it comes to that i understand pressure is high when someone has died. so we have to take that into full context. >> carley: there was a fatal. >> you don't get to make up a story on a citizen. >> >> will: we don't know. >> lawrence: the point of the video your camera is not on. the vehicle is stopped. so, unless -- and by the way now
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that the department has already taken action, they must have seen everything. >> carley: is he going to be fighting those charges. don't go anywhere, flo rida is kicking off the all-american summer concert series in justoo minutes. stick with us.l. mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. believe it or not baby...
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