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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 24, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ when you go down, go down, down. ♪ ♪ >> one, two, three. ♪ ♪ [flo rida singing] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [flo rida singing] >> party people! ♪ ♪ [flo rida singing] ♪ ♪ >> party people, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
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♪ ♪ you spin my head right round, right round. when you go down, when you go down, down. one, two, one, two, three, jump. you spin my head right round, right round when you go down, when you go down, down. ♪ ♪ when you go down, when you go down, down. >> make some noise! yeah! sgls kickoff to the summer concert series, kickoff to memorial day weekend. kickoff of fleet week for the men in uniform and flo rida. >> lawrence: first time we've played entire song for the o audience, kicking it off strong. >> carley: we had the beach balls, nice day outside, going
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to be 84 in new york city. i love seeing the service members having a good time out on fox square. >> will: flo rida throughout the hour. coming up end of the hour, lawrence will dance with the backup dancers. >> carley: so are you, will. >> will: there are two backup dancers and you will be the third. >> lawrence: some people come f from, i come for the backup dancers, >> will: steve jobs used to say three is a magic number, three, don't get yourself in a rick perry situation, you get two in and i can't remember that third. >> lawrence: those eggs really got him. donald trump made a promise yesterday. he said he was going to the bronx, going after every single
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voter, people that care about the country. he kept his promise, went to the bronx yesterday and this is what he had to say. >> what a crowd. this is something. >> we love trump, we love trump, we love trump. >> who said we're not going to win new york. we're going to win new york. on day one, we will replace bidenomics and replace it with maga-nomices. low interest rates, rising wages, growing enemy income and fair trade for the american worker and make energy affordable again by saying, drill, baby, drill. drill, baby, drill. i ha come tonight to talk about solving problems. the simple fact is joe biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. he's not getting the job done for new york. he's not getting the job done for america. we have mobs of migrants
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fighting police officers and giving america the middle finger. we are not going to let this continue. we are not going to abandon our hope and pride. joe biden puts illegal aliens first. i put america first. i put america first. >> there president, i want to join you in having the bronx great again. [cheering] >> please, these democrats, these black puerto rican with kinky hair and broken english, i send my indorsement for you. >> will: lawrence, you were there and given us color
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throughout the morning on what was the crowd, what was different than the normal rally? >> lawrence: what was different, i say this to the former president, they look more like me than him. i know you want to say, look, we live in a color-blind society. >> will: we don't. >> lawrence: appreciate our differences and ask someone that is normally handful at a trump rally. it wasn't the look of the crowd. the people that were there are from the bronx. i interviewed them. i left hopeful. the reason why, i've been telling people, republicans, go to the black and hispanic community. you may be surprised. they are culturally conservative, they want change. they are not lazy, they want better for their children. just go talk to them and donald trump is the first presidential
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candidate, former president to go there in 50 plus years and have opportunity to talk with him and here is what he had to say. >> why do they like you better than any other republican in modern time? >> you would have to ask the other republicans. >> you see black support going up for you, hispanic and young people. they say you are different, why? >> i did thank yous in office nobody else has done. criminal justice reform. i did criminal justice reform at level nobody thought was possible to get, largely for black and hispanic community. they wanted it. opportunity zones with tim scott and he was in favor of it and it is probably maybe the best economic development package ever for african americans, for hispanic americans, asian americans. we did things that people couldn't believe we were able to
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get done. >> lawrence: nikki haley said she's going to vote for you. looks like the republican party is coming together. >> it is coming together, coming together for a long time. we did nomination process fastest in history. if somebody else was running, they would still be running. i appreciate what she said, the party is together and we'll have -- >> >> lawrence: we saw it early in the diners. they wanted trump because of trump economy, border being secured. is this going to be record election? you say there has to be undisputed win. >> i won't forget you were at the diner. nikki or ron is doing well, you would say that is not what i'm seeing and you would go and it was all trump. >> lawrence: i say this, the original speech was about 45 minutes, it ended up being two
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hours long. he was genuinely enjoying the moment with those folks in the bronx. >> >> carley: he covered a lot. he started by talking about all that he's done for the community in the bronx. he's a new yorker. i think is important because yeah, he is famous, he's a former president, before that, he was a billionaire and new york city icon. he went there as a new yorker. i like he showed his new york pride and ended his speech in a nonpolitical way, although he injected some politics in it with advice for young people. it was a ride, the ups and downs and he covered all the issues. i would be interested to see not just about race of the crowd or how many people are there, how many democrats are in that crowd. how many disaffected democrats are there whose mind he might
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have changed with that speech? >> will: disaffected democrats, race, socio economics, you said something, lawrence, we live in a color-blind society. i said we don't. >> lawrence: some people want to think that. >> will: what we want to reconcile, we want to live, aspire individually to look beyond and treat others beyond color of their skin. we can't be naive and think we don't see them. that is the point of this rally. will donald trump win the black vote? probably not. will he win new york? probably not. does it go from 90 to 70? that is different in an election. even making the effort and connecting with people in a community where if you judge things on a color consciousness, it is not worth your time or they don't like you.
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you know what, after color, we share a lot of the same concerns, a lot of the same issues in life and that is recognition of that reality. >> lawrence: it can't be lost on us and we had kellyanne, just wasn't speaking from personal experience, kellyanne conway when it comes to republican party politics and polling and consulting. c consultant advised donald trump not to go, it is not worth it. he talked about it on stage. i didn't know what i was going to get, this is bronx, i could have had a rally of hate or had people came to rally pretending to be trump supporters and then booed me. it was worth it. interesting point, he could have blamed them for their circumstance, look, they failed you. politicians you have voted for
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in the past have failed you. i'm not offering you free stuff, that is not my vision. i can change the circumstance when it comes to taxes in your community, you deserve to walk the street safe and this was bold. the bron, a lot of immigrants live there, they are not happy with the illegal immigrants coming across the border either. he said, i have to send them back, i have to. this is not pandoring, he said, i know issues that impact all americans, i'm bringing you an option, give voters an option and democrats are fearful this morning. >> carley: hispanic people that live in the bronx and across the country, they come from cuba and venezuela and see what is happening with trump trial and democrats plan was to tie down donald trump in court, turn him into a felon and talk about that on the campaign trail.
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rachel spoke to voters in the bronx and they brought up the trial saying we saw politicized justice system in our country and i don't like what i'm seeing. >> will: donald trump talked about that yesterday in the bronx. >> lawrence: you have a big trial, i don't want to get you in trouble, you have jurors, 12 people, and the american people. a lot of people are upset about what is happening, there are criminals running the street. >> you had highly decorated man, dias, talk about how horrible it is, it is a political witch hunt. they should have done it seven years ago if they had to do it, they did not. seven years later, should have never been done, look at alan dershowitz, andy mccarthy, jonathan turley, the great mark
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lein, said no crime, nothing done wrong. >> we have a judge that is conflictd and unfair to the american system, you than better than i do. >> lawrence: we've heard the president's view on the trial. take it in context the crowd he was talking to in the bronx. you have repeat offenders back on the streets scomb terrorizing that community and a judge that threatened the former president with 40 years on some legal maneuver they are trying to nonviolent offense, even if he did it, paying -- during all this nonsense, you are thr threatening 40 years in jail. that will not go well for voters in new york. >> carley: i agree. a lot of what donald trump talked about was a through line through his speech.
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he wants republican party to be the party of common sense. it is more feelings based with democrats than common sense and he wants to bring common sense back to politics. more news starting with this. former president donald trump telling lawrence, if elected he'll quickly secure release of detained wall street street journal reporter evan gershkovich. >> i will get him out very fast, i hope before that, if not, i will have him out within 44 hours. >> lawrence: you are not a nego negotiator? >> i will not pay, once you pay, you will pay for everybody, you will have a rash of kidnapping. he will come out. president putin respects me and he'll come out within 24 hours. >> carley: evan gershkovich was arrested in march of 2023, a
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trial dealt has not been set. body of three hostages recovered by idf during a operation in northern gaza. all men ages 30 to 59. one u.s. service member is in kri critical condition off the ghost of gaza, troops were working on the floating pier to deliver aid. exact details are not yet clear. to another alert. two people shot after fight breaks out during high school graduation in oakland, california. witnesses say it was terrifying. >> i heard -- i don't think those are fireworks, saw vendors leaving. >> carley: goodness both victims in stable condition and two have been detained in connection to
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the shooting. it is unclear what started the flight. wild video of deputy's close call with a tornado in iowa earlier this week. a tree fell on the sergeant's car as he was driving, this happened just after he got campers into a shelter. [video playing] >> carley: the officer rode out the rest of the tornado inside the vehicle. he had nowhere else to go. those are headlines. with that perfect segue, check in with meteorologist adam k klotz. >> adam: there could be more big weather that could cause videos like that popping up across the heartland, this running through po portions of iowa. winds up to 60 mile per hour.
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we have tornado -- as well, on d da davenport fairly quickly. this could happen, risk is here friday and continues on saturday kroosdz the heartland. cincinnati, st. louis, could see severe weather. back to you guys. >> carley: guess what, dolly parton joins "america reports" today, do not miss that. how cool. >> will: real cool. other music star on the air is going to be on "fox and friends," we're kicking off memorial day weekend with flo rida. ♪ ♪ put your hands up ♪ ♪ put your hands up ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ >> "fox and friends," let's go,
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put your hands up. put your hands up. put, put your hands up. put your hands up. put, put your hands up. ♪ ♪ hey, hey. ♪ ♪ right now. watching you watching me. ♪ ♪ put your hands up put your hands up put, put your hands up put your hands up ♪ ♪ one, two, one, two, three, four. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[flo rida singing] party people! ♪ ♪ go now. can't handle it right now. ♪ ♪
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>> carley: sources telling that the -- that incident as we learn both jordanian nationals involved in the attempting breach at quantico marine base were here illegally. this is a growing trend now. >> griff: good morning, cbp knows identity of those jordanians, won't release them citing privacy issues. april 8th jordanian number two crossed and was released with notice to appear at future immigration hearing. january 14th of last year, jordanian number one student visa was terminated making both illegally in the u.s. the pair says they were working for amazon. amazon says there is no information on them. ice has no information -- pose
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public safety or national security threat. question is house homeland security mark green opened an investigation have created environment right for exploitation by individuals aiming to undermine the united states at most critical points. lindsey graham sending a similar letter to mayorkas. yesterday another incident, american national jumped a fence into laughlin air force base. four others in the victim were detained by cbp. terrorists in dry run at the marine base? team biden need to fill in the nation, headline from "new york post" editorial board. it appears while cbp says they pose no threat, questions remain
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and a lot of people continuing to dig. lawrence. >> lawrence: wow, great report, griff. thank you. senate voting down chuck schumer bill for second time since february. majority leader pushing along series of votes for his party. backing biden headline of november election. senator ron johnson joins us now. i'm reading up on this, make sure i got this correct. people that helped write the bill, lankford and kyrsten sinema voted against the bill, as well? >> looks like everyone had a good time at trump rally in the bronx. you are right, the lead negotiators voted no. they said they realize this is a political ploy and charade. you don't have to go further than listen to what schumer said a day or two after the same bill
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failed in february. he said, we are playing chess, they are playing checkers and we got a ukraine bill. we end up in better shape on the border than three months ago. if you negotiate in good faith, if negotiate knowios fail, you do not rub your negotiating partners nose into how he did. if you secure the border, they did not get a bill, why say democrats are in better shape on the border than three months ago, all they were looking for was political cover, all they were looking for yesterday and kyrsten sinema and james lankford recognize this is political theater, not an attempt to secure the border. the bill failed, it codified open-border plsz, it was worse than passing nothing. >> lawrence: looks like this plan backfired, they wanted to blame donald trump for the border bill. they took to the american people
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and the american people were not buying it, they said you had 3-1/2 years to fix the border, but you broke it, did i get that right? >> that was false, i'm not aware of any senator donald trump lobbied to get rid of that bill. that bill killed itself. reduced authority a serious resident would have had to secure the border. it needed to be defeated. republicans would have been happy to improve or strengthen president biden authority, all we were looking for was enforcement mechanism to force him to use authority he has and used to open up the border. president trump used to close it, use that authority. we were not looking for an immigration bill, it was worse than doing nothing. >> lawrence: he doesn't need a bill. he could close the border if he wanted to.
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thank you. democrats wage war on big oil as gas prices rise. our next guest wants solutions, not more problem. let's check in with flo rida as he's performing for our all-american summer concert series. >> what's up, what's up? t tomahawk, i see you. >> do you see in the back who i see? >> oh, yeah, we see you, girl. >> what she got on? >> white shirt. >> we see you. >> i need everybody to point at her in the white shirt. don't try to hide. you know what we heard about you. ♪ ♪ >> i heard you were a wild one. >> what, what, what? >> ooh. >> if i took you on the long run -- >> party people! >> show it, "fox and friends."
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>> shut down over you. i heard you like a wild one, wild one. ♪ ♪ >> oh, yeah, baby. >> i heard you were a wild one. >> what, what, what. >> ooheart attack. ♪ ♪ >> if i took you home, it would be a home run. party people. >> show me. i want to -- ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> with who? with you and you and you. i heard you like the wild ones, wild ones. ♪ ♪
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low inflation, low interest rates, rising wages, growing engine and fair trade for the american worker. we will make energy affordable again by saying, drill, baby, drill. [cheering] >> drill, baby, drill. >> carley: president biden vowing to boost energy independence at yesterday's rally. and waging war on big oil, opening new investigation of oil companies while urging the doj to open another at a time when the middle east is in turmoil. american petroleum institute president and ceo mike summers joins us now. good morning to you. on the investigation front, senate democrats open an investigation into oil companies because donald trump had a meeting with executives and they seem to think something not above board happened at the meeting. donald trump said if i become
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president, i will reverse all policies, sounds like politics. >> president of united states should be meeting with executives in oil and gas industry and every industry, this is something president should do, be engaging with industry leaders, that is what president trump did, met with oil and gas industry, laid out american energy independence and asked for support. we want president biden to sit down with us. this president has not asked for a meeting with the oil and gas industry. which employs 11 million in the united states. we lead world in oil production. >> carley: summer driving season is about to start, earlier this week, president biden announced he is releasing one million barrels from the petroleum reserve. will that help with gas prices? >> one million barrels is about one third of whatern ms use on a daily basis, this will not have
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any impact on american oil and gas prices. what we need to be doing is producing more here in the united states, not depending on foreign nations. >> carley: what can donald trump do if he becomes president to increase american energy independence? >> couple of key things. we have vzero lease sales. we need more lease sales in gulf of mexico, be producing more onshore, on federal land and eliminate regulatory barrage that has occurred under president biden. >> carley: i was reading america is number one importer of liquified natural gas. president biden does not want the green people to know. >> the united states continue to produce more oil and gas under this administration. the united states is producing more oil and gas now than in history, despite biden policy,
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not because of biden policy. >> carley: are you going to stick around for summer concert series? steaks and flo rida. >> huge fan. >> carley: up over 30%, that story is next, first, flo rida is here performing live for all-american summer concert series. here he is. >> get real comfortable. ♪ ♪ >> as a matter of fact, where is my sharpie? where is my sharpie? ♪ >> uh-oh. ♪ ♪ >> make some noise. ♪ ♪ >> wow. >> gabby, do me a favor.
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you know who this is going to, can you give this to the lovely superstar right there. jada. oh, oh, oh. >> oh, my gosh. ♪ ♪ >> you know what kind of shoes these is, right? >> air force one. shout out to my brother nelly. give this to the other superstar, we got to show her some love. as a matter of fact, it is a celebration. we going to need some champagne. >> you got navy and marines in the building, celebration to be back home. >> as a matter of fact -- ♪ >> we got to bring some soldiers on stage. give me like a couple soldiers. >> navy and marine, split them up. please bring me soldiers on
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stage. get some of the white ones. >> this is a celebration, man. >> let me hear you say, we love usa. >> know wo, two, three. >> we love, usa! >> there you go. feels good. >> let's make room for our -- eases your pressure points in a way no other mattress can. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome to my house. play that music too loud. show me what you do now. we don't have to go out. ♪ ♪ everybody say, what, what. come on. welcome to my house. you heard me. ♪ ♪ we ain't got to go out. welcome to my house. ♪ ♪ >> you want to stay. >> you want to stay. ♪ ♪ >> pretend the time has changed. >> carley: it's a party on fox square. flo rida bringing our men and women in uniform on stage and we're heading out in a minute. >> will: what is your morning show doing this morning, scowling? >> lawrence: not champagne and food, having vets on stage dancing. >> carley: fast food prices are on the rise up 31%, if you can
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believe it, since 2020. >> lawrence: bring professor in, brian brenberg on fox business to break down the story. >> i will rain on your parade for a second. this is not good news. food away from home for memorial day, food away from home risen 20%, everything fast food and anything else you get away from home. i will start with carley. i'll bet you are subway eater, maybe blt. look at prices up from $5.50 to 8.49 today. you pay up for bacon. you are my chipotle guy. >> lawrence: with extra chicken. >> brian: i'm not giving extra chicken. for will, big mac guy. a big mac meal. i'm a big mac meal guy. $5.99 in 2019 and $12.19 today.
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for the meal. you probably super-size the fries. take family on the road, this is how you get by. americans say, give me a break, i have to afford to feed my family on the go. can't do that right now. >> carley: reality the situation. >> brian: now go have fun and have barbecue. >> will: flo rida wishes everyday was friday, today he's in luck kicking off the all-american summer concert series. >> lawrence: check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: he was our alarm clock this morning. >> carley: he was. >> bill: happy freedom friday to you, did last night's trump rally reset the race? it is fleet week, too many incidents at u.s. army bases. flags are flying and so is this debate drawing justices of the
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high court. america keeps smoking more pot, good doctors to slow our roll. see you in a few minutes on this freedom friday. it is friday, folks. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors,
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zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) flo
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>> lawrence: you heard that sound. time for our all american summer concert series. >> flo rida performing his new hit single. [cheers and applause] >> come on, everybody put your hands up. ♪ go to church in sunday, back to work on monday -- ♪ ♪
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>> everybody put your hands up. here we go. ♪ ♪ ♪ i wish every day was friday ♪ ♪ fox and friends ♪ ♪ no i'm not ashamed ♪ ♪ go to church on sunday, back to work on monday, tear it up on
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tuesday, wednesday nail it down. fall back on thursday. "fox & friends" on friday. shut it down on saturday when we hit the town ♪ ♪ i wish every day was friday ♪ ♪ fox and friends ♪ ♪ i wish every day was friday ♪ ♪ to friends, say fox and friends ♪ ♪ say fox and friends ♪ ♪ i wish every day was friday, say fox and friends, so fox and friends ♪ ♪ i wish every day was friday, say fox and friends, fox and friends ♪ ♪ i wish every day was friday ♪ [cheers and applause] >> that was amazing. >> look at you. >> thank you so much for coming.
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oh my goodness. that's your new single? >> it's like a whole other level. i appreciate you so much for partying with us. "fox & friends", baby. >> thank you for coming back. how has the year been for you? check back in? >> oh man, i can hardly hear right now. >> all the years you've done. >> they always say save the best for last, you know? we look forward to coming back, man. we move up the energy of our family out here. you aren't friends, you're we have our armed forces here, baby. >> thank you so much. have a great weekend, everybody. [cheers and applause] >> bill: nothing says summer like that, does


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