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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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that's your new single? >> it's like a whole other level. i appreciate you so much for partying with us. "fox & friends", baby. >> thank you for coming back. how has the year been for you? check back in? >> oh man, i can hardly hear right now. >> all the years you've done. >> they always say save the best for last, you know? we look forward to coming back, man. we move up the energy of our family out here. you aren't friends, you're we have our armed forces here, baby. >> thank you so much. have a great weekend, everybody. [cheers and applause] >> bill: nothing says summer like that, does it?
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summer travel season officially underway. tens of millions of americans hitting the road for the memorial day weekend. got off to a rocky start yesterday. 6,000 flights delayed on the east coast. mine was one of them for seven hours. first let's go to the bronx last night. >> i'm here tonight to declare that we are going to turn new york city around and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly. [cheers and applause] >> bill: quite the political event. new yorkers showing up and showing off for the former president. bronx rally expected to draw 3500. campaign says more than like 25,000. whatever the number, it was a moment to behold in this campaign. dana has the day off. we wish her and peter the best memorial weekend. i'm bill hemmer in new york with my old pal smitty.
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>> sandra:. new yorkers coming out in full force for president trump. his message on the economy, inflation, immigration all seemed to be resonating. >> bill: it's been 40 years. 1984 since a republican won the empire state. trump team believes it can siphon off support from joe biden among minority voters especially. >> the sample fact is joe biden isn't getting the job done for the bronx. he is not getting the job done for new york and he is not getting the job done for america. >> sandra: more from our new york city newsroom. quite a morning with the cover of the "new york post" uptown funk, bryan. >> only as the "new york post" can do with those headlines. quite a scene indeed. former president trump speaking directly to black and hispanic
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voters at a rally in the bronx where 80% voted for biden in 2020. he blamed inflation on biden and telling minority voters he would make new york city affordable again. trump also hit on the migrant crisis. new yo new york state comptroller says it will cost tens of billions to take care of migrants in this city alone. >> the millions of people coming into our country, the biggest negative impact is against our black population and our hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything they can lose. >> build that wall. >> the trump campaign had a voter registration table set up. some democratic voters say they switched their party affiliation to republican, including andre.
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>> absolutely. because donald trump already showed me that he understands our problems, he understands what the country needs, he has the heart to do it, and joe biden and the bidenomics or whatever they've been saying all these years, they do nothing but talk. >> new york's democratic governor hochul said yesterday trump was wasting his time in blue new york calling the rally fake but not before attacking his supporters. >> i will tell you what won't make a difference at all, for donald trump to be the ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the bronx. new york will never, ever support donald trump for president. >> just a couple hundred counter protestors showed up to the rally yesterday. the trump campaign thinks just showing up will make a difference as a 19-year-old black bronx native was quoted saying biden didn't come to the bronx, trump is here. sandra. >> sandra: bryan, thank you.
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>> bill: the state of play in the state of new york, empire state. the results from 3 1/2 years ago, joe biden in new york easily beating donald trump by 22 points. all across the state. a lot of those votes come from the five areas around new york city. the choice for president from two weeks ago, the latest poll we found. biden now single digits, 9-point advantage in the poll over donald trump at 47% to 38%. this is what you've got politically statewide. you have roughly 12 million voters here. overwhelmingly democratic and then the independents and republicans split it even with the rest of them. and don't lose sight of this. there was a statewide race with kathy hochul you just heard from taken on by republican congressman lee zeldin. he got within six points statewide. just about a year and a half
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ago. it might be a data point. not apples to apples. for republicans that looks better than this did back in 2020 and we'll see whether or not the result of november is closest to this or closer to what zeldin did with hochul in november of 2022. we shall see. >> sandra: all good info to take in. while all this is happening at the white house president biden failing to squash voter concerns about his age and mental acuity. he asked reporters to repeat questions at times. trailing off during answers and misspeaking repeatedly. peter doocy was watching it all with us. he is live from the white house with more on what we saw. we were covering it live during "america's newsroom" yesterday, peter. >> and sandra, i regret to inform you that the days of the long free wheeling biden press conference appear to be over, at least for now because it turns out when the white house says
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two pre-selected questioners, they mean two pre-selected questioners. >> thank you, mr. president. two questions if i may on -- >> president biden: no, one question. i will answer your question. you guys never keep the deal but that's okay. >> that was one of the last opportunities for live q and a before next month's debate with donald trump, who revealed something new about the format. >> they thought i was going to reject it. they said we would like to set up tables so you sit down. i don't want to sit dune for a debate. let's go. at some point. we're not sitting down. we'll be standing up for the debate. >> the questions were apparently easy enough for the white house to forecast. president biden was able to read big chunks of his answers from printed notes. >> mr. president, could you tell me what the african union is doing as well as kenya is doing when it comes to the humanitarian crisis in the congo? thank you.
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>> and the two reporters from the u.s. side wound up asking about haiti. white house officials want to try to keep president on message, on singular topics like that. but it will get a lot harder the closer they get to a debate and the cycle and we don't expect to hear much from president biden about news of the day before the first week of june when he goes to france. sandra. >> sandra: quite a few awkward moments that took away from the substance of the presser, peter. even at some points the president saying that hey, you guys changed your game or the plan. really interesting as we were covering it. peter, thank you very much. >> bill: it was interesting. he is james freeman. fox news contributor, "wall street journal." how are you doing? good morning to you. i don't know if this is one of these events where you point to several months ago and say that
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was the time when i thought it was possible. here is some of the reaction we got from the folks living in the bronx. >> you said you have always voted democrat. this year it will change. why is that? >> because i've seen the change go for the worse with the bidenomics, with the democratic party. i've been a democrat all my life and donald trump just has the right answers. 60 years old i realize now that we have to support donald trump and make things better. >> bill: we'll see where that goes. what were your impressions and what do you think? is it a reset or not? >> it could be. you were talking about 40 years ago. last time republican won new york in the presidential race. i think you are seeing some parallels here. we talked about there was a lot of talk about reagan democrats. former democrats, middle income people who were fed up with inflation, fed up with america getting pushed around around the world. they went to reagan, gets elected in 1980 and 84 the
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historic landslide. what you are seeing here is the modern version of reagan democrats. people didn't necessarily grow up voting republican. cops, construction workers, nurses, people who make this city run. and i think it's maybe shocking to some people that you see this kind of support for trump in a democratic strange hold but the polling has been saying this for a while. you look across demographics, the same issues are bothering everybody. the lawlessness at the border, the strain on city services that are coming from illegal migration, the inflation obviously. i never liked the make am great again slogan. i think america has always been great or stopped being great. make america affordable again is something everybody can get behind. this might be something. i agree, you look back. >> bill: he gave a great line there. the same problems are bothering
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everybody. >> yeah. it's consistent across polls. what is the most important issue for you this election? immigration, inflation, economy. and it doesn't matter how you slice the demographics. this is what's on people's minds. >> sandra: it's the policies taking away from quality of life for everyone regardless of party. and it is showing up in the black support for former president donald trump. when you look at the fox news voter analysis in 2020 for president it was at 8%, whoa, how that has grown. he is polling with the african-american voter support 23% now. that has grown a lot, james. >> he is basically redefining the republican party to be a more diverse party. more of a middle income party. democrats basically becoming more white, more rich you might say in terms of where votes are
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happening now. but i think this in the bronx, surprising to some people. i think it is causing kind of a reckoning for people in our industry. you can't ignore it. you have to acknowledge something is happening here and i think for republicans, they've thought for years that they could compete better for the black vote. maybe it was just a question of finding the right messenger. you look at polling on individual issues very conservatives. traditionally blacks have voted democrat and we're seeing over those now it will be the third election. you are seeing a change. >> bill: i want to squeeze this in. hispanics also is up about 7%. african-americans up significantly. nate silver slices and dices numbers. i think what america goes away for the memorial day weekend it will be a point of conversation if you want to talk politics.
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>> democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the ticket. if you were really as concerned about defeating donald trump as democrats claim they are, you should be doing everything in your power to maximize the chance to you win. >> bill: let's make it clear, right? this is joe biden's call. >> the first debate is before the democratic convention. this is an exit ramp if it is a disastrous night for joe biden. if democrats want to reassess. >> thank you, james. enjoy the weekend. james freeman. we got a mysterious shooting we're looking into not far from the home base of some of our morey let fighting forces and raising safety concerns about our military installations across the country. >> sandra: stunning video from texas dps showing border patrol agents in new mexico trying to stop smugglers and illegal immigrants from scaling the border wall. rocks, bottles, dirt thrown at them while making apprehensions.
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>> bill: what's a funeral without calls for more death, right? iranians renewing their familiar chants against america and israel as they mourn their dead president.
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m m . . on a relationship.
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>> bill: 18 past the hour now. fox news confirming one of the two jordanians who tried to breach quantico crossed illegally. the man crossing last month around the san diego sector. was released on a notice to appear which in most of these cases might take years before you get a court appearance. there is no initial indication that he was potentially dangerous or sources saying the other jordanian overstayed a
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student visa, not uncommon at all in today's america. both are now in ice custody awaiting deportation proceedings. >> sandra: concerns about safety of our service members extend well beyond quantico. fort liberty in north carolina is a base used by our mostly let special operations unit. a deadly shooting near a training facility used by those units is getting a lot of attention. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon and has this for us. jennifer. >> sandra, the biggest mystery is why the f.b.i. has not opened a counter intelligence investigation given some of the facts of this recent shooting. the shooting occurred may three at 8:15 p.m. in carthage, north carolina following a call about a suspected trespasser near an elite special forces soldier's property north of fort liberty. two check yen men were found
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near the colonels home. one was taking photos of the property. when confronted near a power line in a wooded area an altercation ensued and the man was shot several times at close range. a second man was in a second 260 yards from the incident. questioned by authorities using an f.b.i.-provided russian translator and then released. the moore county sheriff's office is leading the investigation. sheriff said the two people had no personal identification but had camera equipment and cell phones with russian language contacts. they were not wearing any uniforms. the power company that sheriff lonnie fields said reportedly employed them. special operations soldiers around the country have experienced strange interactions in recent years that they say involve suspicious surveillance of them appeared their families. the shooting incident in carthage that left one person dead could have been a case of mistaken identity.
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his family has launched a petition called justice for him which has already received more than 11,000 signatures. 18 months ago moore county experienced another unsolved shooting attack that targeted two electrical substations. damage to the power station left up to 40,000 customers without power in north carolina for nearly two weeks. in an area heavily populated by u.s. special operations families. f.b.i. tells fox news the bureau has not opened a counter intelligence investigation into the most recent may three incident and that, quote, the local investigation has not uncovered evidence of a federal crime. sandra. >> sandra: jennifer griffin live on that for us from the pentagon. >> bill: u.s. military here in town. admiral is the commander of u.s. fleet forces here for fleet week. great to see you. you were my host for the journey
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to the north pole. >> are you thawed out? >> bill: thank you for that and i'll get to that in a moment. on jennifer's reporting. jordanians, chechens. >> military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. two or three times a week where we stop the folks at the gate. >> bill: a week? >> at least. this is just navy alone. we're seeing folks try to come in. the cover story is -- i'm a student, i'm here an enthusiast, want to see the ships. that type of thing. we turn them around. we get ncis involved and bio met tricks when possible. >> bill: do they have passports? >> a lot of times they have passports and papers, yes. but they are in no way, shape or form authorized to be on our base and hard to tell the underlying motive for these type of cases. >> bill: it is stunning.
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it has to be a concern. >> russian, chinese, comes from all these different nations. we're seeing an uptick in it. >> bill: there has been reporting on this over the last six months. you get two or three drones flying over military bases in america per week. >> that's no question happening. >> bill: how do you overcome that? >> we are improving our capabilities to detect that and defend against that, to make sure our folks are trained to actually counter that. i do this under my authorities from u.s. northern command as the component commander for that and great reporting on it. in general we believe it's mostly folks with drones that are buying commercially from amazon or whatever the case may be but it is hard to differentiate between that and a nation state trying to do espionage. >> bill: you have to do a lot to work to figure out the answer. yemen, the navy has been in the red sea for far too long. a low-grade war. this is a battle that could
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continue, i believe, for years if the houthi rebels are willing to do it. >> it's hard to disagree with that and trying to interdict a way they get their arms. we're trying to cut off those supply chains so that they cannot proliferate that and continue to keep that area of the world under threat. otherwise we will be just there knocking down, you know, unmanned uavs and ballistic missiles. >> their stuff is cheap. your stuff costs a lot of money. >> we're upside down a bit and working solutions for that too, bill. >> bill: great to see you in new york and see the navy whites all over town. you have several big ships in new york harbor and have thousands of tourists come on board those ships this weekend. some of them may not be american citizens, let's say. is there a program in place for you to prevent those who show up at u.s. naval bases who may board a ship this weekend
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allegedly as a tourist? >> absolutely. we train the commanding officers and crews and set up for this. this is the case. we know this is the case. we strict protocols where they can take pictures and photographs. we love folks to come. we want you to be there. but we want you to follow the rules. when you don't do that we ask you to leave and sometimes we have to get ncis, f.b.i. can be involved with this as an interagency effort along with our intelligence community and so we are on the lookout for folks what they are trying to do on board if they are trying to collect on our ships. or just learn about the navy. >> bill: is this your gift from previous years when it comes -- is it ramped up? >> it is something we've become more aware of and become more brazen in that people will get in line to come tour the ship and they won't follow the rules. >> bill: good luck with that. keep an eye on them. on fox nation we have our
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journey to the north pole, the arctic circle. this gentleman right here was my tour guide for a firsthand look on the threats unfolding there talking about russia, increasing presence from china. what do you think america needs to understand about this final frontier? >> they need to understand the importance of the arctic and need to understand it is a place that we have to have continued presence, great partnerships with our allies, and then the capabilities to operate up there. you have seen what it is like and what it takes to operate up there. we can't cede that area to russia. >> happy birthday to your dad. >> bill: appreciate that. 85 this week. this now at 26 past the hour. >> being an american means being asked to tolerate offensive and hateful speech protected by our constitution. there are limits. >> we made a choice. that choice was to engage our students through dialogue as a first option instead of police
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action. >> sandra: university leaders defending their negotiations with anti-semitic protestors. how that went over with lawmakers. plus democrats once again pouncing on supreme court justice samuel alito over a report he threw flags at his home that were questionable. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal,
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>> bill: breaking news from the hague. the international criminal court last week put out an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu. that was not met well by many governments, including our own and that in israel. now the top u.n. court moments ago is ordering israel to halt its military operations in the southern gaza city of rafah. israel insisting it has the right to defend itself from hamas militants. unlikely to comply with the ruling. the order by the what is considered the international court of justice to be official ratchets up all the
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international pressure now on a situation that is designed to increasingly isolate israel to rein in the war on hamas in gaza. this decision marks now the third time this year the 15-judge panel has issued orders seeking to rein in what's happening there in gaza. the orders are legally binding but the court has no police force to enforce them. that's happening right now from the hague. get more to you when we get a moment here coming up shortly. 9:33 and sandra. >> sandra: thank you, bill. more on that in a minute. plus this. coming after all of this after thousands of iranians gather in tehran to mourn president raisi chanting death to america and israel in the streets there. take a listen.
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>> sandra: let's bring in managing director michael allen. quite a scene and sight there. what was your reaction when you saw that? >> well, the funeral looked like the legion of doom, a gathering of super villains including the genocidal terrorist organizations hamas and hezbollah. this just sort of points to the fundamental unreformable nature of the iranian regime, their character is to repress their own people and implacable opposition to the united states. what it means for us over time, we need to redouble our efforts to prevent them from destabilizing the middle east through their terrorist proxies and we need to remember that an objective of numerous american presidents has been to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon. we need to redouble the sanction efforts to try to pressure them to get them off track.
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>> sandra: there is a very strong message they're sending to the globe there. we know hamas and hezbollah leaders were present. in fact, they were leading a lot of the chanting in the streets there, michael. people carrying the coffins on shoulders as you saw in that scene chanting death to america, death to israel. there was a massive crowd present for this estimated in the tens of thousands that participating in tehran. what's the message, do you believe, that they are sending to others all over the globe? >> i think what they are sending is that they are in a death struggle against israel and the united states. that they intend to push us out of that region. i think for the united states, we need to be more witting that iran is now in a true axis with russia, china, north korea and others to undermine western influence, including in the
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middle east. we have a policy interest in making sure that the middle east is stable over time. so for now i think we need to support israel in their efforts to degrade hezbollah and hamas and then over the longer term, insure that this region becomes less of death rivalry among american allies and enemies. >> sandra: want to get in netanyahu's reaction death to america and israel chants. he joined hannity last night. >> they burn israeli and american flags. death to israel. death to america. they don't hate america because of israel. they hate israel because of america because we're part of this common civilization of ours with our common values. they understand that our war is your war, our victory will be
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your victory. >> this reminds mow of the hostility has had. they took all of our hostages in 1979 and 1980. we have to remain steadfast with israel, standing against these genocidal terrorist organizations and the iranian regime. they can't get a nuclear weapon and they need to be brought down a peg so that the united states over time can foster more peace in the middle east so we can move on to other regions of the world where u.s. leadership is absolutely critical. >> sandra: appreciate you coming on michael allen. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> bill: you have this, the president of northwestern university striking a defiant tone. he is now defending his decision to negotiate with anti-isly protestors who set up tents on his campus. >> we found and we were fortunate to have students who were willing to negotiate and were willing to give up their
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demands. we said no. we said absolutely not. we said nothing that singles out israel. and then we said let's think about what will make the university stronger? what will be important for your community? and then we came to this agreement over time hearing what their needs are. >> bill: you going to buy that? elise stefanik was not. the university received an f from the anti-defamation league on anti-semitism. watch that and watch this from last night. might be a bit of a shocker. >> i think democrats -- given -- [inaudible]. >> dana: calling it like it was. strong turnout for former president donald trump in the bronx yesterday. rattleling democrats. trump calling out president biden for not campaigning in the
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borough. police releasing video of scottie scheffler's arrest. what they are now saying about those charges? >> scottie scheffler did not do anything wrong. it was a chaotic situation and miscommunication and he didn't do anything wrong. 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> bill: now police in louisville, kentucky releasing new video, brand-new angle now that shows the arrest of golfer scottie scheffler a week ago today outside the pga tournament. 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning. police were dealing with a fatal accident when they say scheffler drove up and then refused to stop. they say his vehicle dragged an officer to the ground prompting police to arrest him. they are reviewing the officer who arrested scheffler violated policy because his body camera was not turned on. >> defective gillis did have an encounter, as we know, with mr. scottie scheffler. detective gillis should have turned on his body-worn camera but did not. his failure to do so is a violation of lmpd policy on uniforms and equipment. >> bill: police chief and mayor talking that way.
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the officer has received corrective action, in quotes. i will tell you i watched the lawyers during the court date on tuesday. they were going at it and it gives me the impression that this story may not be over soon actually. >> dana: i've watched all those videos closely. you know, you like to think there was nothing -- he didn't mean any bad behavior towards the police. the wrong place, the wrong time, early in the morning. we'll see. >> bill: a lot of tension, rain, darkness, all that stuff probably didn't help. okay. >> dana: now this. supreme court justice daniel alito facing a new wave of criticism in response to a "new york times" report claiming now a second controversial flag associated with january 6th was seen flying outside one of his homes. all right, griff jenkins is live from washington on what we need to go. >> another flag viewed as controversial by the left carried january 6th rioters
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spotted at the alito's vacation home. 1775 pine tree designed by george washington's secretary the appeal to heaven flag seen by many as a symbol of independence and flown overstate capitols and actually the official maritime flag of massachusetts but because of its presence on january 6th senate democrats are blasting it. >> i think what he did was really the wrong thing to do and it casts some doubt on impartiality. >> justice alito is not paying attention to his responsibility to the court and to the american people. he can't play fast and loose with these political symbols without jeopardizing his own integrity. >> it was flown upside down and flown by his wives in response to attacks from neighbors. republicans are rallying to his defense. senator cotton flying the pine tree outside his office saying i stand with george washington and
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alito over pearl clutching libs. they are calling him to recuse himself from all cases in the january 6th election interference. scene >> sandra: thank you so much, noah, great to have you here. you asked the question in your latest national review headline. are the symbols of american patriotism all right wing? your point. >> of course they're not but the left seems so eager whenever these symbols appear in the hands of republican voters or presumed republican voters to concede them to the right. the tea party protests, the betsy ross flag in the wake of the 2020 up heave always and now the appeal to heaven flag which is commissioned by george washington, pre-dates the country, has a quote on it that harkens back to john locke. no one besides the times this
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week suggested that this was a symbol of insurrection or criminality. all of a sudden it is accepted wisdom. only because the remedy to the supposed justice's sins here is always recusal. always to denude the power of the conservatives on the court to erode the separations of powers. the sequence of events began with the upside down flag. his wife's decision in a fit of pique and misjudgment. a misuse of the flag and shouldn't be flown. >> pique against neighbors that they have been having some sort of words, let's say. >> no one has called that story in question or suggested it is wrong. it was a misjudgment at best. that led to durbin saying the justice should recuse himself with no evidence that his jurisprudence is affected by his wife's judgment. that's a bizarre expansion of
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the standards we have for recusal. that landed with a thud. they follow up with that turkey with this attack on the justice who is flying an inoctoberous symbol of american patriotism. to make it look like a trend to justify the original report which didn't have the effect that they wanted it to have. you could barely call it reporting. it is advocacy. >> bill: if you look from kimberly straws el. a flagging campaign against justice alito the ethics attack having failed they turn to flag etiquette. you are here to make the case and the show is here, the 5-four, 6-three ruling should be called into question. >> in is a transparent effort to prepare the beaches ahead of an attempt by democratic party and
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left broadly to delegitimize the court and particularly the conservative justices on it. elsewhere in the times this week we have an attack in the opinion side by "new york times" editorial board member wakeman who accused justice thomas of observing extreme closeness with his own wife. the standard now is you are to maintain -- extreme closeness. an arm's length relationship with your own spouse. never has it appeared in a confirmation hearing. no standard applied to justices. they fabricate it and it becomes accepted wisdom across the progressive left. it is so transparent. >> sandra: great to have you. >> bill: great weekend. it is the summer season. travel season. it will be a doozy, too. get ready. also former president trump taking the bronx by storm. his message went after economic and border security policies. what the voters are telling us from the south bronx next. >> the bronx, great thing is we
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don't only have diversity of people from many different countries, we have a diversity of ideas and opinions and people are ready for something new. >> he will win the bronx. they may not think so but he is going to win the bronx. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪ ) (vo) red hot deal days are here at verizon. get our biggest deals of the season. only until may 29th. get a bundle of your choice on us. from any of our top brands so you'll get a free phone, and a smartwatch and a tablet. yup, all three on us. plus, check out tons more great deals.
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♪ ♪ i was born in the usa, i was born in the usa ♪ >> bill: right there, america, red, white and blue. 81 degrees if clear water. pretty good in new york. usually memorial day is 50/50 good to bad weather. >> sandra: it is looking good. >> bill: aaa saying 44 million will hit the road over the weekend. air travel expected to be up by more than 4%. travel by train and car ticking up as well. lee is here. good morning to you.
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good morning, sir. travel times expected to be up to 90% longer than normal because people are out there. i think this number is pretty good, 44 million americans kind of tells me they feel good. maybe even about the economy. what do you see? >> it is freedom friday, as you just said. it is time to hit the road and that's what americans are doing. it is good to see. people are feeling like they can spend money, go out and travel. these are all good signs as far as i'm concerned. i wouldn't want to be hitting the road today at rush hour or monday when everyone is returning home. as long as you go an off peak times you can have a great weekend and good to see. >> sandra: so your top travel tips for those who are hitting the roads, the skies or the rails. >> yeah, travel at off-peak times. leave early or late. consider going on saturday
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instead of today. if you haven't already left today wait until late tonight or go tomorrow. if you can come back on tuesday or wednesday you will save yourself a lot of traffic and hassles either at the airport or on the road. >> bill: i think a lot of people are booking on thursdays now. a hangover of covid. >> yeah, get out as much as you can. we were stuck inside for a while. get out, enjoy the weather. it's beautiful. >> bill: lee, i was traveling home from ohio yesterday and i was -- it took me seven hours. i was two hours on the plane on the tarmac in cincinnati, i was one hour on the tarmac at laguardia. i was willing to hold babies but not this time. the thing here, though, is that the weather is bad and when you get a storm rippling through, you really have to be patient.
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>> yeah, you always have to be patient when you travel. we can't control the weather, right? just remember if you are at the airport, on a plane, the people who work at the airports, airline employees, you know, they are only going to help you if you are polite and nice. most people are generally complaining or yelling at them. a little patience goes a long way and there is forreason to get mad about things you can't control. you are traveling at the busiest time of year and you have to go in with the mindset of expecting delays and hassles and being okay with it. wear your patience pants. >> sandra: pack your beach read, right? have that book that takes you away from your work or your everyday stuff. it helps, right, hemmer? >> lee, great to have you on and great words of wisdom. >> have a great weekend. >> bill: if you aren't nice to them they won't be nice to you. >> common sense.


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