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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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thank you so much for joining us on that. >> thank you. have a great morning. >> bill: before we go, before we go -- >> sandra: already that time? >> bill: apple music put out the best music of all time. here is what apple says. lauren hill. michael jackson two, beatles, prince and frank ocean checks in at five. rolling stones. get the debate ready. marvin gay, beach boys, joni mitchell, stevie wonder and then abby road by the beatles at number five. i believe spotify needs to be the arbitrator to settle this dispute. >> sandra: i'll ask dolly parton at 1:00 today. thanks for having me. >> bill: freedom friday. julie is in for harris, have a great weekend. >> julie: thank you so much.
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start off the hour with a fox news alert. former president donald trump diving right into the deep blue bronx bureau of new york city. in a neighborhood that isn't used to hosting republican presidential candidates. it is part of the former president's push to court black and latino voters. it seems to be paying offs he gains ground with both blocs that democrats have taken for granted for decades. he said biden didn't come to the bronx. minority voters are souring on biden's economy, border and foreign wars. trump getting cheers on the most pressing issues. >> what a crowd. [cheers and applause] this is something.
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[crowd chanting bring back trump] the minute biden shuffles out the door we'll get -- african-americans are getting slaughtered. hispanic americans are getting slaughtered. and these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact and the biggest negative impact is against our black population and our hispanic population. don't assume it doesn't matter just because you live in a blue city. you live in a blue city but it is going red very quickly. >> julie: biden's lead in deep blue new york has plummeted and now down to single digits. more of the historically liberal base splitting from their party and polling shows trump with 20% of the black vote. just to give you some perspective here in 2020, he
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only won 8%. that's a huge difference. national correspondent bryan llenas with more. >> this bronx rally last night was an effort by former president trump to reach black and hispanic voters not only in new york city but nationwide. polls show trump is doing best right now with voters who did not vote in 2020. many of whom are young and minority voters. the challenge for the trump campaign is to get these disengaged voters to the polls in november. one way is to meet them where they are like in the bronx in front of thousands yesterday trump hammered biden on inflation, immigration, and had this message on unity. >> it doesn't matter whether you are black or brown or white or whatever the hell color you are, it doesn't matter. we are all americans and we are going to pull together as americans. we all want better opportunity. i'm not just going to promise it, i will deliver it.
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>> the trump campaign had a voter registration table set up at the event where some democratic voters say they switched party affiliation to republican, including bronx resident marcello. a one-time democrat whose father immigrated to the united states from mexico. >> when he arrived into this country, he didn't receive hand-outs in the way we're seeing and all these accommodations to the migrants. he came in here and worked hard and i think we need to return back to those principles. >> new york's democratic governor hochul attacked trump and his supporters at the rally. >> i will tell you it won't make a difference at all, for donald trump to be the ringleader of invite all his clowns to a place like the bronx. new york will never, ever support donald trump for president and so go ahead, spend all the time you want in new york because we'll be with joe biden and joe biden is out there winning over the rest of the battleground states. >> a couple hundred counter
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protestors showed up at the rally last night. julie. >> julie: thank you so much. great to see you. loads of reaction to the massive rally. one editorial board trump will win if he does more speeches like it. another headline bronx rally looked different than the usual maga crowd. trump's chances of getting close to winning areas like the bronx are slim but efforts in places like new york, new jersey and philadelphia would go a long way in showing he is serious about courting non-traditional republican voters and could even force democrats to spend more resources shoring up the democratic pace. "new york post" cover calling it uptown funk. doug collins, former republican congressman for georgia and richard fowler, fox news contributor join me now. great to see you on a friday. richard,let me ask you donald trump made a direct appeal
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specifically to black and hispanic voters. that is obviously one of the bluest parts of the country, the bronx. he is right. biden did not go to the bronx. he probably feels like he doesn't need to. he boasted he could expand the electoral map. he got big cheers. what do you think this is going to do to the minority public that are watching from home that don't live in the bronx considering he is talking about things that affect the minority community? economy, border crisis, mass deportation and illegal immigrants. these are major issues for minorities. >> there is no question this is a very well-played move by former president. we're talking about it at 11:05 in the morning. it worked. with that being said it provides an opportunity for the biden campaign to tell their story in a very, very unique way. when you talk about the bronx, the bronx in new york city is a place where the biden story is the loudest, right? the bronx is the place in new
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york with the highest rate of diabetes. what we know the biden administration did is capped the rate of insulin to no more than $35 a month. so the biden campaign should be saying listen, trump might give you a rally, we gave you insulin at a cheaper cost. this is where the biden campaign needs to be a lot sharper in their message to the american people. minority voters specifically. here is what we've done over the past couple years. tomorrow when we win re-election here is what we will do to make your life and economy better. as bill clinton would often say don't stop thinking about tomorrow when he ran for re-election. >> julie: two years ago governor hochul told people to get out of town and saw her on cnn the clip we played before i came to you. she needs to look at the numbers. the numbers go from double digits to single digits. he is making some headway here. how does that change the democratic strategy and for biden in particular? he is losing minorities, that's a fact.
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>> it is a fact. what we have here and richard pointed out it was a good play by the president. this is a matter of inches. lee zeldin showed if you went to areas that traditional republicans weren't going to new york you get closer and closer. add more voters. sum total of the entire state, not just a certain area like the bronx or other. you had more minority voters, those who feel left out and disen franchiseed. you are adding more not only for the presidential ticket but down ticket as well. as far as the other battleground states right now donald trump can afford to go to the bronx and to do this while he is there and not spend a lot of time or effort to do it. he is ahead in most of the battleground states. again the biggest issue here is not necessarily looking at the bronx but also saying i thought it was interesting and i appreciate richard's
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perspective. if you are demographic to the diabetes voters in the bronx to sell your electoral package then you have problems. they are going to the grocery store and mcdonalds. >> julie: and filling up their gas tanks. we hear it from the president and democrats that the economy is just great. but the numbers tell a very different painful story. prices for americans are no joke here. since biden took office, food is costing you 20% more, gas 50% more. huge majorities of voters are saying prices of those necessities are a problem for their families and that makes this sound pretty tone deaf. watch. >> president biden: i think the nation is not in good shape. they're personally in good shape. the polling data has been wrong all along. we have the best economy in the world. since i've come to office the
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gdp is up. lowest unemployment rate for a long time. in a situation where we've forgiven an awful lot of debt from the folks -- college debt, billions of dollars of it. so people can start their lives again. >> julie: that's a sample of headlines on the issue here. biden not fooling voters on economy. americans aren't following the biden spin machine's lies about the economy. it's still the economy, stupid. this alarming warning from a polling guru. he said if biden is still struggling in the polls by august, he needs to consider stepping aside. it's not a great situation for democrats either way but you have to do due diligence on the question. it is an important election, obviously. shouldn't be taboo to talk about it. the democrats need to be frightened by that. when republicans are making a play at minorities is one thing
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but when you look at the economy and political playbook, you don't need to be stupid, you need to respect these voters and they mean what they say. they can't afford groceries and gas. what is the biden campaign going to do about that to convince them they'll make it better? >> i'm not real sure. earlier said they will try to make the message that the economy is better, unemployment is up. the problem you have here is the reality matches the republicans' talking points. reality is that immigration is an issue that is affecting not only the economy but public safety. the economy itself. 20% and 50% increases. you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. i think that's the problem they are getting in the way of trying to convince people of things they can't see. they can go to the polls and gas station and see the price. they can go to the grocery store and see the price. they go to the areas where they are spending money and
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understand their wages are not keeping up. this is what they have to overcome. i think it is interesting to say august is the time frame. you are less than five months out before early voting starts. they will have trow describe it any way they can. the reality is not matching the perception voters have. >> julie: listen to james carville getting frustrated with biden going too much to the left. >> one question i would love for the biden white house to answer. why are they so afraid of the left? i mean, immigration policy, they can't even win in deep blue areas and they come into conflict with loosely aligned voters we have to have. they have very little connection to black america at all. and yet proportionately punch
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way above their weight. somebody understand it. >> julie: that's a great point, richard. biden needs to be very careful not to cater to the left because the left is actually what's killing him. he needs to go back to maybe original biden and go down the middle. he campaigned as a moderate, remember, when he got elected and he has been catering to the left more and more and more throughout his presidency. i think it's backfired. >> i think it's important we focus on the facts here. when you look at the united states versus our global partners, what the president said in that interview is actually true. we are doing better than our global partners. for many american families, they are not feeling that. what they are feeling is higher than normal gas prices, higher than normal grocery store bills and i think the has to communicate that. the trump campaign he wants to impose $3 trillion -- 10% tariff
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on trade from china. the peterson institute said it will cost the american family almost $1700. that's a lot of money. that's more money than they are currently paying. money they don't have. that's the contrast of the biden campaign needs to make now more than ever. >> i think richard just forgot the biden administration decided they want to put tariffs on chinese products. >> not 3 trillion worth of trade. >> julie: we appreciate you both. have a great weekend and holiday. all right. first son hunter biden expected to be in court today for a pre-trial hearing in his gun case. we're watching outside the courthouse in delaware and live for his arrival. stay tuned to that. plus campus chaos under review for the third time in congress. >> is it okay for faculty meme pearls at northwestern university to scuffle with police officers? >> please tell me how many
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students have your university suspended? >> is calling for the death of jews, is that going to be against your code of conduct? >> julie: summer around the corner, is the end to this frenzy finally in sight. utah congressman owens is in "focus" next. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer?
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>> julie: campus chaos, more of it and more hate continues to plague universities across the country. hundreds of harvard students walking out during the commencement ceremony. they were protesting university's decision to bar 13 anti-israel students who refused to leave an encampment before students finally agreed to
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dismantle. meanwhile republicans are pushing to strip columbia university of its accreditation due to the anti-semitic turmoil there. florida senator marco rubio urging columbia's president to refund columbia students for the thousands of dollars of tuition and fees they paid while you allowed lawless, pro-hamas rioters to stop your institution from fulfilling its most basic obligation, providing a quality education. more republicans meantime sounding off yesterday at the third house hearing on college anti-semitism. >> isn't it true that jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> so i want to question the premise of your question. >> no, i'm asking the questions, you are answering. >> my answer is not a capitulation. >> i'm asking the question, you are required to answer. isn't it true that a jewish northwestern student was
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assaulted? >> there are allegations that a jewish student was assaulted. we're investigating those allegations. >> isn't is true that a jewish student was verbally harassed and stalked? >> there are allegations of that sort and we're investigating them. >> when will the investigations than finalized. you said there have been 0 suspensions, 0 expulsions. >> thus far with lots of investigations on their way. >> you think israel's government is genocidal? >> sir, i don't have an opinion on israel's in terms of that phrase. >> you don't stère an opinion whether israel's government is genocidal? >> no, sir. >> you will not say that the israely government is not genocidal. you can't say that? you can't be that surprised. >> would you have the same patience and strategy if these were kkk white supremacists
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trying to negotiate attacking and intimidating black people? >> i won't engage in hypotheticals like that. that has not happened. >> this is how you deal with hatred. >> republican congress burgess owens was there yesterday. that must have been quite frustrating to listen to these hypothetical questions. let's stick to the facts. it seems that if you don't agree with the facts, then you are going to stick to hype that calls, is that not the case? >> julie thank you so much. i think what's happening now and we didn't expect very much differently from these professors or these presidents. what we wanted to do is make sure we continue to educate the american people. this slow march of marxism is happening to college campuses way too long. at the end of the day when you think about going to a memorial day weekend, we are truly grooming traitors teaching our kids not to love our country, to put power and profit above our
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nation and what we're seeing now in a big way. >> julie: they're grooming anti-semites. what college campuses are doing. if i went to one of these college campuses or one of my kids went i would demand the refund frankly. they have learned nothing but hate and that's it. members of the liberal squad by the way are defending the anti-israel protests. here is tlaib blaming the police for how they broke up the encampments. watch this. >> it is sickening that police are entering college campuses across our country with their guns pointing at the students. targeting them with pepper spray and tasers. this week at the university of michigan, police violently destroyed the peaceful most beautiful encampment interfaith student encampment. >> julie: come on. beautiful? these protests are nothing but ugly, okay? and the rhetoric that comes out of them is quite frankly
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offensive but also dangerous. to to all the jews that want to walk out of campus and into the classrooms and graduate at commencement but violently interrapted by these haters. when they punish the students? some students couldn't graduate and why the protest occured. when will they get kicked out? what do you need to do to get expelled, wish for the death of jews isn't good enough? >> here is the thing. this is why it's so important and thankful the american people gave the republican party the majority. we are having these hearings. we have the ability to start defunding them as long as we can keep the majority and make sure they're held accountable. this is what dei has been about for decades. we see the results of hatred being taught in our college campuses and it is not only anti-semitism that you are seeing blatantly but black against whites, oppressor versus
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oppressed. the mindset of the marxists and building themselves behind the scenes. we need president trump and a senate controlled by republicans and we'll take care of this immediately as we get back into congress. >> harris: i would hope the college campuses are teaching history and you don't have to go so far back in history. october 7th was last year. they need to actually look back, reflect. you don't see jews out there praising what is happening now in the war with palestinians. it has to stop. it is disgusting. congressman, all the time we have but we do appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, julie. all the best. thank you so much. >> julie: house republicans are fighting for election integrity, a bill banning non-citizens from voting in local elections in our nation's capitol. plus republicans tearing into a schumer-backed border bill that ultimately failed again.
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>> that is schumer not being serious and the president of the united states could start doing his job now and close the border. this is a showboat. >> julie: the second time a border bill has failed in the senate just this year alone and this time it was even less democrats supporting it. jason chaffetz is in "focus" next. you don't want to miss this. country music legend dolly parton joins america reports for a special interview at 2:00 p.m. eastern here on fox nation. ♪
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>> one thing the american people don't have to wonder about is why washington democrats are
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suddenly champing at the bit to convince their constituents that they care about border security. >> what schumer has done has probably made it less likely the bill will ever get passed in the current form because he is playing politics. >> today is not a bill but a prop. today is a political messaging exercise and opportunity to be able to have a vote that is sitting out there so people can send fundraising emails out later tonight and say look, i tried to do something. >> julie: republicans are torching a border bill the senate failed yet again to pass the measure yesterday leading schumer forced another vote on it. it got even less support from democrats than it did on the first vote earlier this year. the final vote landed at 43-50 with six democrats voting no. back in february, it barely failed 49-50. a disappointed majority leader with reaction after the vote.
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watch. >> the contrast between democrats and republicans is clear today and will be even clearer in november. democrats want to fix the border and get something done. republicans want to give speeches, let the border fester, and do absolutely nothing to fix the problem. they think it is a smart political strategy but they are wrong. >> julie: jason chaffetz joins me now. okay, this bill was negotiated in a bipartisan nature by senators chris murphy, kyrsten sinema and james langford. sinema and langford voted against it and sinema denounced political theater on both sides of the aisle. who are they kidding? this is playing politics at its worst. we have a crisis on the border. we have a presidential election around the corner and we've got mass deportation that is a hot button issue on this presidential campaign. why doesn't the senate see that?
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>> they do see it. senator schumer knows better. it is a pure political stunt thinking the american people are stupid and not paying attention. the reason the border is broken is because joe biden and kamala harris broke it. democrats issued out of the white house 100 executive orders changing the trump policies. they didn't seem so keen on doing legislation. they did it through executive order. remember, the democrats had the house and senate and the presidency the first two years of the biden administration. so don't tell me and cry me a tear that we have to fix something that is broken. you broke it and you could fix it right now today by enforcing the current law and reversing all those executive orders that joe biden put into place. >> julie: to be fair, it has been broken for quite some time. it has gotten more broken under this administration. something needs to be done. title 42, all the action that was taken under former president trump has been lifted by this
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administration. you have a vice president supposed to come up with some sort of solution and tackle the reason for illegal immigration. i'll tell you what it is, open borders. i didn't even go there and i can tell you that much. >> every single metric is trending in the wrong direction. how many times do we see bill melugin on the border showing us pictures and graphics and videos? and remember, for years karine jean-pierre went to the podium and said the border is not broken. it's totally secure. you had secretary mayorkas testifying that they had operational control. oh, now it's suddenly broken? it's because the pictures and videos and the american people understand that when you pour ten, 15 million people into the country illegally there are consequences and they can see it for themselves in their own neighborhoods. >> julie: the press secretary refuses to call it a crisis. the house advanced a bill yesterday to repeal a law that
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allowed non-citizens to vote in local dc elections. it will upset a lot of legal voters out there. some democrats joined republicans. majority voted against it. the final tally 262-143. the d.c. law was passed in 2022 and survived a court challenge earlier this year. speaker johnson on this program yesterday warned of the national security threat of the law. let's watch that. >> that's a real problem because all you have to do is reside in the district of columbia for 30 days and you can participate in the election. that means russian spies, chinese officials, enemies of freedom could help decide who the mayor is in d.c. and who the council is. let's take the dhs numbers. if there is 10 million illegals in the country let's say one out of a 100 sign up to vote. you can change the outcome of a presidential election and
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congressional races for certain. >> julie: can you imagine if new york city was where the white house was? could you imagine the number of illegals that would be voting for biden simply because it's like a thank you letter? thank you so much for not only allowing me to come into your country for free but providing busing to major democratic cities and free hotels. thank you, and free drugs and the list goes on. >> yeah. look, new york city was pursuing that. they were doing that. california, minnesota, other places. i think voter integrity, the integrity of the election and the ballot. chain of custody is going to be a top tier issue in this year's election. let it sink in, julie. think about it. 143 democrats, 0 republicans, but 143 democrats on the floor of the house of representatives voted to give non-u.s. citizens the right to vote in our elections.
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unbelievable that the democrats would take that position so strongly. >> julie: i'm not surprised. they need to minority vote. you have to get it somehow. anyway, jason chaffetz. great to see you. have a wonderful weekend. >> thank you. >> julie: hunter biden will arrive at any minute now at federal court as he faces the pressure of his looming gun charge trial in wilmington, delaware. we're having all eyes on the ground there and take you live if we see any action. plus former president trump still says his new york criminal trial is patently unfair. >> it's a political witch hunt. nothing wrong. they should have done it seven years ago if they had to do it. they waited until the election. >> julie: trump coming off of two legal losses as the jury in miss trial is set to return for closing arguments. leo terrell in "focus" next. s n
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to be facing those gun charges and he now will have to face the music. we'll continue to watch this as hunter biden heads into court there in wilmington, delaware. david spunt is in delaware with more. so all eyes are obviously on hunter. i'm sure former president trump is loving this. he has a little distraction. what should we expect there? >> well this is going to be the
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last hearing before this trial begins with jury selection on june 3rd. hunter biden back in his hometown of wilmington, delaware today inside this federal court. we expect it to go at least a few hours, a couple of hours each side will argue different motions and different objects to the trial possibly evidence, what can be admitted before the jury in front of the judge. as i said this jury selection begins june 3rd and expect it to take a week and a half for this trial. the case involving the allegations made by special counsel david weiss that hunter lied on a federal firearms form in 2018 when he said he was not addicted to drugs. he checked no on that box and he signed that box. he owned the gun for about 11 days and eventually disposed of in front of a popular grocery chain here. last night hunter was down in washington, d.c. at the state dinner with his father and his
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family welcoming the kenyan president. hunter has two federal cases that he is facing. this gun case here in wilmington, delaware, also the tax case out in los angeles. that just got moved back from june 20th to september because hunter's attorney low well a couple of days ago in the courtroom and said no way i can prepare for two trials simultaneously with this one ending mid june and that beginning june 20th. right now the focus is this federal firearms trial. hunter's laptop will be brought up. pictures shown, videos shown from that laptop. also excerpts of his book will be shown. interesting to see, julie, how they pick the jury. he is well-known as being the president's son but especially in his hometown of wilmington, delaware. we can't rule out a potential plea deal even though one blew up in his face last year inside this very courthouse with the same judge. it is possible there could be
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some last-minute agreement between the special counsel and hunter biden to avoid the risk of going to trial. julie. >> julie: leo terrell will join us in a second. david spunt. thank you for putting it in perspective. leo, fox news contributor and attorney. let's first talk about whether or not they do take a plea deal. it is very interesting. we're in a different scenario right now. president biden certainly doesn't want his son to be the center of attention. they are probably loving the fact that trump has been doing that. they think it's a bad thing for his campaign, the trump campaign and a good thing for them. the last thing they want is for this to drag on closer to the election. do you see a plea deal coming? >> let me tell you right now, julie, thank you for that question. today is critical. why? pre-trial motions. what evidence is going to be allowed in the hunter biden case? let me be clear. this is a slam dunk case for conviction. the evidence of the laptop, the
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photos, his book, his wife testifying. if the hunter biden defense team hears bad news that this evidence is going in, to answer your question yes, you can expect a plea deal because they cannot win. the evidence is overwhelming. he was using drugs when he filled out that application. he lied. >> julie: then let's talk about the lies. those lies he originally did get away with it. he was actually not going to be tried on the gun charge originally and had a lot of people up in arms. anyone else who lies about using drugs when they are filling out an application to by a deadly weapon would end up going to jail. he never went to jail. never quite charged with anything that would serve as any real punishment and now he is going the trial which he might get out of with a plea deal. what kind of example and precedent does this set especially now that we are heading into a presidential election and you have the son of the president who so far has gotten off scot-free? >> kudos to this judge, julie.
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this is a judge who said no that the sweetheart plea deal. i think everyone in this country will look at the dual system of justice, what president trump is going through, ridiculous trial in new york, and whether or not the prosecution in the hunter biden case is going to use all the resources to go after hunter biden and get a conviction. i think it's important to see how strong the prosecution is and how vigorous they fight. david being there in that courthouse, the results of the evidence being admitted will determine if there will be a plea deal because hunter can't win. >> julie: let's move over to former president trump. jurors for his new york criminal trial are set to return on tuesday for closing arguments and this comes as trump lost two appellate court decisions yesterday. the appellate judges denied trump's request to move the trial out of manhattan. the court also refused to find judge merchan improperly decided not to recuse himself from the
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case. so this means he will still oversee the trial. there is one republican congressman who has called on the judge to dismiss the case. in a letter to merchan he says, and i quote. this prosecution suffers from numerous fatal flaws. a judgment in the bragg case for either side raises the prospects that state and local prosecutors can take federal law into their own hands. former f.b.i. director james comey giving his prediction for the trial. watch. >> i think there is an overwhelming chance of a conviction. significant but much smaller chance of a hung jury. 0 chance of an acquittal. they had a much stronger case than i imagined. >> julie: you know democrats are hemming and hawing and complaining about the fact that jury selection won't be fair in wilmington, delaware. same could be said here in new york city. do you believe that the judge
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should recuse himself? >> this case in the trump case let me think about that. yes. but he is not. he is conflicted, julie. a political operative in my opinion. his daughter works for the democrat party. disgraced trump hater james comey who looked the other way regarding hillary clinton's server has 0 credibility. even liberal pundits know this is a political attack on trump to deny him the chance to win the election. it is not going to work. if you know what the charges are, please tell me. we still don't know what the charges are. the worst that can happen to trump is a hung jury. he should get an acquittal. it will not factor in the election. you saw what happened in new york yesterday in the bronx. >> julie: you disagree with james comey? >> i 100% disagree with him. no evidence of a crime. the prosecution's case is based
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on a convicted felon and liar michael cohen. no evidence. if you know what the charges are, please tell me. one other point we don't know what the jury instructions look like in this case. a secretive operation in new york city against president trump. >> julie: that's a difficult argument to make for the defense -- for prosecution, rather. when you put somebody on the stand who is a known liar, it is hard to believe a known liar. hunter biden lied about taking drugs when he filled out on application, which is why we'll probably most likely doubt that he is not going to lie again. what's to say that about any potential future witnesses? does the michael cohen background of lies, is that enough for the defense to in fact get an acquittal in this case? >> i think -- let me answer that question simply. what's the prosecution evidence? michael cohen. forget stormy daniels. that has no relevance to the alleged charges.
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we still don't know. there is a jury instruction regarding michael cohen. if you disbelieve what a witness says on one matter you can disbelieve everything. this guy lied on the witness stand and he confessed to a new crime. let me tell you right now. you want to know somebody about the hunter biden case? no way will he get on that witness stand because everything will come out. vigorous cross examination will be a treasure chest of information for republicans and american public if hunter biden gets on the witness stand. he won't do it. >> julie: it hangs on michael cohen's credibility. he allegedly paid off stormy daniels and the middleman in all of that. you have to question former friendships. he was to loyal to the president, former president trump at the time and he has completely done a 180. i don't know, that's something that i think some people might look at as being suspect as well. i will move on to one other thing here. a former staffer for fulton
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county willis's office testifying before a georgia panel yesterday investigating willis for potentially misusing funds. she claimed she was fired for reporting her boss's were misspending federal grant money and she detailed her experience with the trump prosecutor. listen to this. >> i had an opportunity to speak with ms. willis again and because of the fact that the first time i spoke with her regarding these funds i was demoted, i decided to report her. and i think it was just because i was fearful of what type of retaliation even bringing it up would have. i am here to fight for my reputation and for the youth of fulton county but also for the truth. >> julie: willis as appealed adjudge's decision to toss some
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of the charges. the judge said those charges did not properly detailed this alleged crime. trump has criticized nathan wade, her ex-lover who stepped down to keep her on the case and wade responded to those attacks as well. >> there is something special about individuals who say things just for attention or just to get a reaction. my reaction is simply this, thank you. >> julie: what? i have no words. maybe you do. >> here is my words. that guy has no credibility. he was taken off the case, you know why? based on the evidence that he gave in court. he lied. the fani willis case -- she is in trouble because the appellate court has decided to take up whether or not he should remain on the case. and regarding those charges that were dismissed and she is filing
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an appeal, judge mcphee said she can go back and get an indictment if she can find charges sufficient enough. fani willis future on this trump case is in jeopardy. as a lawyer for 30 years when the appellate court takes up a case and a ruling, she is in trouble. that's what is going to happen. she is gloating about the fact she won her primary. i have news for her. i don't see a future for fani willis being the prosecutor in the trump/georgia case. >> julie: at what point does that get decided? >> i will tell you, the one thing i agree with nathan wade the disgraced lawyer is when he was asked will this case go before the prior to the election and he said no. that's the only thing i agree with. the georgia case will not take place until 2025, 2026 or never. >> julie: we'll have to wait and see. i think you might be right. leo terrell. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you, julie.
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>> julie: we have just learned that american tourist will not serve any prison time in turks and caicos. he was facing a maximum of 12 years behind bars. authorities found ammunition in his luggage while he was on his way home from a family vacation. he did receive a nearly $7 thousand fine and suspended sentence of 52 months. he won't need to serve if the fine is paid. he was the first of five americans charged in this case to learn his fate. four others are still waiting to receive their sentences. that is going to do it for us. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm julie banderas in for harris, wow, that went by fast. time flies when you are having fun, right, john? all right. "outnumbered" is after the break. have a wonderful and safe holiday, everybody. we'll see you monday.
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9:00 am
>> hello, everyone. it is friday and this is "outnumbered." i i'm kayleigh mcenany and molly


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