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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 24, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> hello, everyone. it is friday and this is "outnumbered." i i'm kayleigh mcenany and molly
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line, fox news contributor, leslie marshall and professor of medicine at langone medical center dr. marc siegel. thousands of new yorkers descending on the bronx. the former president trump historic campaign event. first time a republican presidential candidate had been there in 40 years. were >> usa, and we want donald trump in the deep blue sea heath thomas the performers that he would save them in new york city. >> i'm here tonight to declare that we are going and we are going to turn it around it very, very quickly. we are going to bring safety back to our streets and we are going to bring success back to our schools and we are going to bring prosperity back to every
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neighborhood in every barrel of the greatest city in our land our subways are safe for ceiling tiles are falling down and they look worse than a third world country the mediums of our hallways are crumbling and we have mobs of undocumented fighting police officers, the middle finger giving them the middle finger but we are not going to let this continue. we are not going to abandon our hope and our pride this city has given us so much and now it is time that we are going to give it back. together we are going to make new york city great again. >> the crowd clearly dared to support president trump but they were also fed up with president biden here's what they told jesse watter primetime. >> the support of donald trump, to put america first. >> i like trump because he keeps he really has no filter
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needs for the people of. >> he speaks money, and this is what the country needs. we need money not inflation we need money. >> everything was under control. we had low inflation, we had gas under $1.80, jai lucas joe biden address those issues? >> he hasn't. >> he has an address and he wants to make them work. >> what a contrast, but new york's democratic governor was quick to mark the thousands of voters who turned out, comparing the whole thing was to present. >> i will tell you it will make a difference, and that is for donald trump to be the ringleader and invite all his class to a place that the bronx, new york will never ever support donald trump for president. we know him better than anyone and that means that we understand what he is all about, it is just for himself. so this state will go behind joe biden for president as a house in the past. >> kayleigh: she compares the
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rally growers to clowns, this is a few weeks after she said this watch. >> right now, we have young black children growing up in the bronx who don't even know what the word computers. they don't know these things. >> kayleigh: she showed she regretted that nick spoke about a week later she calls them clients. >> emily: that's exactly what first popped into my mind when i heard her statement that you know i am a new yorker and a new york resident but certainly the governor does not speak for me when she talks about and scoffs at trump holding a rally here because the difference between the democratic party and trump is that he does not take certain groups for granted. he doesn't take any voter for granted he is actively courting here especially the black and hispanic groups that the democratic party have taken for granted for so long and they are hungry for a change. and i pause in a schism looks like it goes much further
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because they are all hungry for a change because we are measurable under this administration and get contracts that with them ignoring these groups and putting them in a box or for example, when he continues to tell of victimhood mentality. this strategy in their position is so far in the past it is so integrated and yet right now when they are looking them in the face and think you are not black if you don't vote for me, not at all. they are american, everyone is an american and everyone both individually and they are appearing to that by saying i see your let's make it all better and work on policies not your skin color. >> you exactly right i was watching the video this weekend they said when you attack a candidate for his policies make sure not to attempt his voters. but democrats have a very bad history of attacking voters. let's take a walk down the main ring. >> a basket of deplorable's. >> voting and the craziness that the call. >> that people who backed
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donald trump that think that trump is a smart one. and yet a leader's. >> the migrant republicans representing extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. >> why? cannot to meet next before i cannot stand name-calling i think it's in unprofessional, i think that we as people especially as americans they should be better than that but it happens on both sides. donald trump has said terrible things about liberals, -- >> no about friday. he doesn't attack biden voters. >> i disagree. and if not donald trump than any of the republican party. >> examples i was here he attacks photos but had never seen examples. i would love -- send us the clips leslie. >> i was thinking to clips, but let's look at what really matters which is numbers that's what politics is and that is
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what it comes down to. now this. in the state of new york you have almost a double-digit lead by joe biden and that's gonna be hard to close the gap i don't think new york is senegal red blue for donald trump, where we look at the bronx valley i am not surprised, not everybody there, which is an overwhelming african american latino district, then everyone is from the bronx of people outside who are big fans of donald trump that there in new york and they live in new york and they come out to see him there former president they be president again. but numbers flies when you look at the republican party, they have become more multiracial, they have to come more as a working-class party, and not democrats have become more of the super educated suburban photo party and leaping seen the strengths change some not really surprised to see that when this last thing. in 2016 laughed at me when i said, i am nervous about the scraps, if those crowds come out to vote, ellery stephon wynn. and i was right. i love saying i was right. but i was right. in this crowd, this doesn't
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worry me. >> to practice to that, first of all if you want numbers let's put up, they go, trump is going on the swing states. and in fact when you have a get together he's winning 48 to 44% in the swing states overall. when it comes to the crowd that you and i weighed about leslie, dr. siegel cnn i'm sure it was very difficult but they had to admit there was a large crowd and furthermore they had to admit that the crowd was largely from the bronx watch this. >> closer because i can look on of a response that you get? >> certainly a bigger crowd that democrats would like to see particularly in the bluest counties in the entire country, one of the things that was interesting to me is that the trump campaign they want to micro target to get people from the community to come to this rally, i wasn't sure what to expect at these rallies especially across the country and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles to see trump and are not necessarily part of the community however one of the things t that i found
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is that there were a lot of people here that were actually from the bronx. >> kayleigh: i'm more interested in listening to the ymca instead of the reporter but a bunch of them are from the bronx and there are many here. >> paul: of course he also is from queens and i was in the white house and we talked about both of us being street fighters and this is him being a street fighter and this is him going as the underdog. i think this place is the american spirit, not to the issue of politics here but where america has always been a country will become from behind and we go against the arts d.j. is coming up on june 6th, 80 years from the time when we landed the beaches of normandy, overwhelming odds against the united states we took back france here, trump a saying i don't care whether or not i'm ahead or behind in new york i am for america here and that's what he stranded to. >> that's what reagan did in 1980, molly aoc tweeted this, this was the initial tweet, the park as can be a mini mess
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tonight for the truck rally, she cultivated it with god is that celebrating the bad weather for donald trump. it was an incredible man that i cannot stop talking to about because he loves them so much and i did too, reverend ruben who will be with me this evening had this to say about aoc at the rally. what's this. >> i want to say, i want to say thank you to aoc. this morning, she intended to become a prophet. and she said even god does not want donald trump in the bronx. because he is going to rain. prophet aoc, you have been called a false prophet.
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>> the weather was beautiful. they turn out nice weather, i have to say with aoc, they both seem a little bit nervous. if you are name-calling not only doesn't look a little petty but it also looks like you might be a little scared they may have good reason to be scared i covered a historically amazing political race in massachusetts when scott brown in 2010 joseph's little pickup truck across the blue state of massachusetts and little-known republican senator played to those photos and those and to try to end every thought and that he didn't went out to be a senator. this is not necessarily a semiplagued by donald trump he makes mark moves and has contained -- he's the one who know something that others don't. we are seeing the numbers in the last election they are in the bronx 27% of registered voters taking off. there is an enthusiasm problem my problem there. >> it's a great point. they carried 84.84% of the bronx, some interesting point.
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border patrol is so overwhelmed the california that migrants are calling glyphs and leaving before they can even be processed. a live report live report coming up next. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door
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>> border patrol agents are struggling to keep up with the search of migrants coming into the country's busiest scepter. a undocumented immigrants are wandering the streets aimlessly some eating ordering rides before being processed. we are live with more bill? >> yes emily boyd a patrol out here in san diego sector has been stretched really thin and we will show you what happens as a result of that. take a look at this right here, if you are driving around this is what you will see in some of the local roads here.
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undocumented immigrants wanted to run aimlessly on this road after they've crossed looking for border patrol but there is no border patrol around agents are busy elsewhere processing other groups who have crossed elsewhere so these migrants wander around in this group in particular we don't know if they were ever apprehended or not we will show you why border patrol is so busy take a look at this video, other side of town they were processing this group with more than a hundred that came in from all around the planet this group had folks from china and india and pakistan and zimbabwe and cameroon and georgia and many others we talk to one guy from the middle east who said he wants to go to new york city and he is not here for a silent take a listen. >> where you from? >> pakistan. >> how did you hear? >> across the border. >> i know you cross the border how did you hear? >> i came from brazil. >> what did you come to the u.s.? >> for jobs. for work. >> you want to work?
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>> you know -- >> no >> take a look at this wild video from new mexico from a texas dps helicopter show eight border patrol agents responding to cartel smugglers trying to bring in undocumented immigrants over the border while using a ladder, i took a what happens with the writer and you receive the agents are being pelted by the smugglers with rocks and bottles and dirt as they are trying to make these apprehensions. ultimately they are able to get that letter off the wall but that's what our agents are having to do with at the board are daily in and day out back on here life you touched on it a minute ago we saw something remarkable out here they were groups of migrants sitting around for hours waiting for border patrol while some colombians we have been talking to got fed up with waiting and they literally called a lift driver and a pulled up right in front of us and they got into the car and they took off. no border patrol anywhere there now presumed that away they will
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send it back to you. >> thank you so much. molly i shouldn't be laughing but it is so shockingly hilarious what is next? pizza delivery? >> and the honesty, some of the migrants tell their stories they are not trying to -- they are not trying to claim asylum i am just what are they here trying to work telling them the truth of his particular situation i have to say it's springtime and it's warming up and we are watching what's happening at the southern border some of the measures they've taken on the some of the border have been effective that's why we sing a big increase in california because they shifted their focus. these transnational criminal organizations are seeing an increase in the northern border and they're saying earlier this month may 14th another record breaking milestones important history and they continue to encounter an unprecedented number of undocumented immigrants with well over apprehensions in the month of april surpassing it in 2021
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and 22 combined. so that's something to keep and i am. >> to her point, the statistics in the footage of the cartel operators helping border agents with bottles and bricks, that flies in the face of the narrative by the left and it's peaceful and simply a humanitarian issue right now is so much more what will they accept reality do you think? >> at several points the first is the most important trauma on the way into the country illegally is number one. i thumbs it where the border hospitals, and people are getting hurt. they may be drowning or they may even have violent encounters the cartel is using the situation north and south to try and get more more fentanyl and and i continue to see this as a public health emergency, we are seeing more diseases come in and measles and a resurgence in tuberculosis and resistant tuberculosis all because of this, this made by the way why trump is actually campaigning in new york because he knows this can be another hundred thousand
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migrants in here. >> you know it's interesting emily and you and i talk about 212f and that is the authority that gives president biden the authority to suspend all entries of undocumented immigrants, the headline i read your yesterday on the show, from nbc about president biden contemplating about using executive authority, i want to read you a line that he directed top aides to develop plans to end -- code section 212f, this is the authority trump use, and binding is years behind the game he has the authority he won't do it. >> just 50 years in office is still not enough time to understand the authority you have including the seven additional ones that's biko johnson hand delivered to him. leslie having the images of these undocumented immigrants wandering aimlessly and subjected to the heat and virus is that in any way okay for a compassionate approach that is
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started by the left. nothing about this benefits both migrants whatsoever. >> leslie: no absolutely that's the reason why we don't have a pandemic right now that's one of the reasons the -- >> that has nothing to do with that -- >> immigration is an issue politically for democrats especially for states that border states of arizona and i've said that is a stay i would feel would be number one of flipping back to read from blue from the last election, but this is a big issue, for 30 years congress has neglected to change our antiquated asylum laws. it is ridiculous that people have to come here to claim asylum that could be changed and i could be changed by congress i'm not blaming democrats or republicans and bring them both for that this is certainly an issue and i would agree with you as far as a health crisis. in a health crisis for them i am not trying to be snarky here, but as someone who lives in l.a. -- call a lift for a goober i have to wait forever for how did they get when out there in
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the middle of nowhere and they said that they ordered a lift. >> at title 42 -- >> they also put in place to protect agents. >> okay so much more to come including this, president biden snapping at the press during a news conference yesterday because they "never keep the deal" that story coming up next. is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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sides, the prosecution and express her counsel and hunters lido team is try to hash everything out before the jury selection starts. the judge who famously tore apart hunter biden's plea deal in this very courthouse behind me, last july says that she wants to move to things quickly because it is fairly straightforward. let's bring things up today, hunter biden was charged by a special counsel last fall with lying on a federal firearms f form. in 2018 beat when he said he was not addicted to drugs, he owned that gun for about 11 days back in 2018 it was disposed up in a trash can and the prosecution said that they are able to bring a portions of his book what he says that he was addicted to drugs and the defense cannot bring up the fact that he was not charged by the delaware police back in 2018 something they cannot bring up. this is that same judge that she was highly critical of what critics called that sweetheart
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deal because we heard a little bit emily about kevin morris this is the hollywood entertainment lawyer a close friend of hunter biden who apparently spent millions of dollars on his legal fees and actually paying back his taxes they are reporting that many that is drying up somewhat so it is not clear on how much they will be able to help hunter biden out in the future and he is also facing multiple tax charges in california but that trial was just pitch back from june 20th to september 5th if that happens at all, i say if because plea deals always possible as you know even with this gun case gluing in just a week. if there are no plea deals, it is a big risk for hunter biden going to trial potentially facing two convictions at the same time they are running for reelection not to mention president biden and the first lady will be coming to wilmington, delaware, right here for a long weekend. so we can expect probably that
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trial will be discussed with mother and father and simply coming up. >> emily: thank you so much. meanwhile, president biden held a news conference yesterday alongside the president of kenya. where he balked at reporters for asking a second question watch this. >> to questions if i may. >> no just one. >> i will answer your question. >> you never keep the deal >> that he fumbled to the questions or to the press secretary came to the rescue and abruptly ended the event. >> three years ago i was -- do i asked the next question is will? final way you asked about -- we are cognitive occupied around the world. but we are in the neighborhood.
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>> mr. president could you tell me about kay unger when it comes to the humanitarian crisis. my crisis in? thank you. >> what was my question >> this concludes the press conference thank you everyone. >> joe biden struggle yesterday pouring gas on calls for him to back out of the 2024 race. nate silver putting a referee saying "he is still struggling in august he needs to consider tapping aside" it should not be taboo to talk about. kaylee the writing is on the wall and that was clearly an excellent point. >> yes. press regulars push press out of the room so you have that during the trump era but attack of the press secretary having to shell and the event is over and she's nervous in my opinion of what her boss could say next. the key these events tightly
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controlled because i don't think he can handle it much longer to his point is very interesting i don't see how it is tenable for fighting to succeed if he has a disastrous first debate for you have to ask yourself what is the mechanism of which he would be removed at the convention is very difficult to technically the democratic democrats are bound and there is a little-known provision in this over at nbc if you put this all together little-known provision in the dnc's platform that you can remove a candidate under certain conditions and they use to head up the dnc talk thought about doing this with hillary so there are these narrow ways that it can be done read the article but it would be very challenging. >> leslie at the end of the day what do the voters want? which of the people want? because what we are seeing is a distinction between establishment but the voices are growing louder for him to step aside and to say i don't think he has the mental capacity at this moment to handle the office
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anymore. >> leslie: i have seen doctors on television and on podcast and on both sides saying that there is age decline for both buyer and trump, sounds of also dementia for both of them, but the voters don't care. i say that if you told him about the agent would bother them but visited two guys figure to choose between. so the people who are diehard trump supporter so republicans -- or whoever are diehard fighting supporters are critical for joe biden and the sliver that it comes down to in the handful of half a a dozen states and those undecided or independent voters within those states that sliver age for these two gentlemen is not top ten for that as a voter. whether it is 35 seconds of silence with donald trump or him stumbling over venezuela of drinking that obama is the president or the things that you've seen the joe biden, although it makes people uncomfortable we see that in the polls, it is not going to flip
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either one of them into or out of the white house i agree with what you said joe biden it is the candidate that second a change. >> i totally disagree that donald trump has the same mental problems he has sharp as a whip. the fourth one is a quickly, a typical cognitive reserve. we are thinking as we see this this is the president of the united states not so much grandfather what about the 4:00 a.m. phone call remember that 4:00 a.m. phone call, do you know what to do to get that emergency call that we queue up at 4:00 a.m.? do we have confidence that joe biden will answer that and even though he's the president he may say call amal lyft, bute president is always under tremendous pressure needs to to perform up to a level way, way higher than anyone's grandfather. >> respectfully there is no comparison between joe biden existing state and trump is not even in the conversation at the moment at the point of post momentum gathering do you see it will be a point of no return?
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>> molly: i just covered him going to new hampshire he spoke for less than 12 minutes in a very quiet then you talking to a group of veterans he put in the new hampshire egg marches while he spoke for less than 20 minutes of very subdued crowd there as well and then you contrast that with the president when he is able to get out and go to the campaign rallies, the big personalities or bombastic reaction also chose the riskier venues that he's willing to go to to stand in the bronx and do what he did give a date. so there is a contract that is going on there we are seeing player on television at these events and it is never good for this particular president to see headlines about stumbling not just before a press conference but also physically as well and we seen a couple of those headlines. >> that is right they are not going away. a supreme court justice samuel is facing calls for recusal after two flat controversies. that story coming up next. .
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>> supreme court justice samuel alito is facing growing cost to recuse himself after a second flat controversy. i don't know if i would even call it that. "the new york times" published a photo that appealed to have been flag flying outside his beach home, this is also known as the plain truth like it is a historic flag that has roots dating back to george washington and the revolutionary war, the democrats claimed that mep supports donald trump. they are live in washington with more. >> that's right, another flag another reason to sideline justice alito saint democrats reviewed his controversial because it was carried by someone on january 6th, but take a look it's also flying outside of speaker's personal office right now we just shock this video and we are told he has been years since before he even became speaker.
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in that pine tree flag does have boots and our founding it was used by george washington during the revolutionary war, designed by his secretary colonel joseph ricci has been flown over state capitals the official flag of massachusetts, but democrats are blasting him for. >> i think what he did was really the wrong thing to do. and it casts some doubt on impartiality. >> he is not paying attention to his responsibility to the court and to the american people. he cannot play fast and loose with these political symbols without jeopardizing his own integrity. >> vista get it after an american flag was flown upside down by his wife in response to attacks from neighbors according to justice alito, republicans are now rallying to his defense. >> i just think democrats are determined to harass members of the supreme court.
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i don't see them criticizing others, so obviously they don't like justice alito or the decision he makes. >> check this out clearly, they put the pinetree and up outside of his office saying i stand with george washington and "the new york times" and democrats in congress certainly have not stopped, trying to get him to recuse himself in 2020 election interference cases. >> thank you. you know, dr. siegel i want to know what i'm missing, "wall street journal" writes this, they failed to let readers know that the flag is a longtime symbol of independence designed by george washington, has been honored and commemorated in front of over state capitals as you've heard currently the flag of massachusetts displayed outside of the speaker's office this is a big point, dozens of historic flags went to the
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capitol on january 6 as were copies of the constitution and pictures of the american eagle are they all now symbols of insurrection i guess we have to get rid of the constitution and the american flag and the american eagle. >> kay >> it should be important for us to discuss this on memorial day weekend by the way you are allowed to believe in god and still be an american, what if the democrats talking about completely entered form. you have to be an atheist i believe? you can't have a flag, that's what our country is founded on you can have separation and church and state and how you govern but you are allowed as a supreme court justice to believe in god and appear to have an especially using a flag that is the very foundation of what our country is based on. >> this is more about faith than anything else that seems to be the issue with "the new york times" that's christian mind to government. >> of course if there is a hook they will exploit that and this is a manufacturer controversy of course timing plays a huge part in this because this because all of a sudden they're resurrecting the flag from two years ago,
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remember it was clarence thomas just a moment ago with his wife a moment ago now -- this is nonsense to me. however my heart goes out to port justice who is the subject of this, and the senator speaking up, they have a lot going on in their own stay in their own constituents they should occupy their time rather than subscribing to what this is which is something out of nothing. >> kudos to dr. siegel who keep saying inspiring things here on the cusp of memorial day weekend. the inner sense we can get ready for a proliferation of the spine's tree flags because here we go. that will be the next thing outside houses and people will be making whatever statement they think they're making that's the thing about looking at the flags outside the house whether he knew they were there a didn't what the statement is and who's making it about who or what and what could clear of the sump would be more rules for supreme court justices but they don't exist there isn't some mechanism if you slow the wrong flap your out it just doesn't
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work that late. and i think that is the ultimate point. >> less rate there needs to be one consistent standard and they are asking him to recuse himself off of the case about january 6th, he has not said anything about january 6th they're trying to infer through simple his belief but if we have a clear standard let's walk down memory rain this is national review has he donald trump gotten away with not turning over his tax returns. that was one of several remarkably industry comments that they made about the canada trump in a cnn interview on july of 2016 not that supreme court has granted review of cases that presents the question of whether or not he can discuss his taxes and shouldn't he recuse himself in those cases? if you have a consistent standard you need to apply it equally. >> i agree with the consistent standard for the fight the fight for the original recusal was the american flag upside down. i have heard republicans talk about not flying a flag other
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than the american flag i have heard republicans and conservatives get on football players who will not pledge allegiance to the flag. if a democrat were to fly a flag upside down, whether it was in a more left-leaning member of the supreme court or whether it was a member of our elected body living outside my house, people would go crazy about that. so for me to buffet my father's me the double standard, it does bother me that anybody, i don't know if you are left to right leaning because she shouldn't be leaning on the supreme court the reason lady has blindfold is because you're supposed to be blind but it's not supposed to look that way. >> it was his wife who flew it upside down momentarily after a dispute with i was the first flag but one thing is true in my mind and it's this, they are attacking a justice because he's constitutional loving and they don't want them to vote on the side of the rule of law, that's
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>> we have a big treat for you as we head into this memorial day weekend, the queen of country music, dolly parton will be here to
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talk about the new experience at dollywood, her recent album "rock star" the new family album she's working on, her program to put books into the hands of hundreds of millions of kids, a new cookbook and a message to the troops which of course is what memorial day is all about. this is going to be a very especially experience for you, join sandra at me at the top of the hour for "america reports," i am john roberts we will see you then. >> by that inflation has come for your fast food favorites, take a look at these prices. it's almost $5 for mcdonald's fries, $12 for a pigment, $8 for a suppliant blt and turn four should partly be read out. if you think travel to the grocery store may be a better solution, think again. a new fox poll map showing that 84% of voters think gas prices are problem if you this article it might be best to walk and if you get there be prepared for
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sticker shock prices are so high that a poll says that 62% of americans consider groceries a problem for their family. according to the media if you don't feel good about the economy that is your fall. take this headline saying "the worst best economy effort. why president biden is getting a credit for the boom one msnbc host's picking classes for americans because they did not realize how well they are actually doing. >> consumers have been sounding off about price petite for a while now, a new report shows that people are still struggling to cover day-to-day expenses even as inflation has slowed. we need a economic explainer people are confused and very exhausted but they are also doing quite well. >> molly i don't need an explainer, i made prices to go down and i need the value of the dog article up and i don't see that happening under joe biden's watch.
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>> people are identifying with this because they wanted a place with a bat burger and fries and a bottle of water and it was $25 and you had that moment we say oh, my gosh, i can't believe that this is what i'm experiencing and then when you add that onto the gas prices for grocery bills it's that one might think that you notice in your day at lunch when you fill up the pump, it's happening all day long and it's really impacting people so this is one more thing. >> ten bucks for burrito leslie at chipotle? >> i ordered aaa before i got on the plane to come here from the kitchen i did not pay that r the dash i want to sump with the other day i got a 6-inch veggie it was not $8, some may be we may not be ordering foot-long's but look, the person who sets the price for the food that we are eating whether at the grocery store specifically at that fats would place is, is not joe biden, it's not donald trump. you have to blame the
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corporations that own them they set the prices, example target is dropping prices because they have the power to do that. >> as a reflection of the current state of economy because they have to do because costs absorb somewhere in the supply chain yes, it is under biden's administration. >> the heritage foundation said that the inflation will stop on the spending steps. when you spend $7 trillion this is what you get, inflation it is basic economic it's all "outnumbered" if possible, and he will find it lovely to think about it in november. >> at the end of the day as he is appealing and say look lower income voters we will help you, or the ones who are disproportionately affected because the cheap things are no cheap. >> i have a personal story that attest to your point. i just drove across the united states with my son so he could to the country and everywhere i went on the interstate, truckers were complaining to me that prices were growing up, mcdonald's and i think it's all going up i found an amazing little place in albuquerque with the best food
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i've ever had for $5 and then you hit california and gas prices go to $6.50, my son said let's go a different way. it is out of control both prices across the country in four areas and gas prices. >> my first thought was how lucky you were and how fortunate you want to go on a road trip when they seem so unattainable so many people in joe biden releasing a million barrels given us an extra hour isn't can he do anything but buy them a couple about to tell what he wants? >> yes. >> we were lucky to vote. >> yes. >> thank you for that at the end of the day we are all hungry for fast food. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. t that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works.
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>> ohio senator j.d. vance, both vp contenders and reverend diaz sr. lifelong democrat he endorsed trump on stage there'll be be another 60 year democrat who changes support for trump at the rally last night we will have him as well. thanks to everyone now here is "america reports." ♪ working nine till five what a way to making a living ♪ ♪ barely getting by ♪ ♪ it's all taking endo giving ♪ >> john: one


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