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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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3.5 million americans are going to fly this memorial day weekend. that would be the most since 2005. it would also be a nearly 5% increase for memorial day weekend last year and even bigger jump compared to pre-pandemic levels. may be part of the reason for that the travel booking app hopper says airfare is down 10% from last year of course this weekend kicks off what the airlines are predicting will be the busiest summer ever for air travel. and that is to spite the fact the biggest playmaker in the u.s. the second biggest in the world is still struggling after the string of safety incidents this year. this morning but when put out third annual safety reports and end it says submissions from its employees raising concerns about safety and quality increased sixfold. yes, that's 500% in the first or go months of 2024 compared with the same period last year.
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here is what flyers at reagan airport tell us about their concerns getting on a boeing jet. >> is that something you would think about may be more then you used to? >> yes. i specifically booked these flights. >> why? >> to avoid boeing. >> obviously it is something that is a problem to some degree but there still trust in the system. >> this week the head of the faa says boeing has a long road ahead to get where it needs to be from a safety standpoint but as you saw there, john, and you see in the numbers, it's not deterring people from getting on planes, they are flying this memorial day weekend. john? >> john: they sure are and driving too. thank you, grady. have a good memorial day. center? ♪ two stores down they are having a ball ♪ ♪ two doors down ♪
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♪ >> sandra: now i'm truly feeling we are just hours away from the unofficial kickoff to summer memorial day weekend 2024. i do not know how we got to this weekend so fast, john, but it's here. hello and welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york. >> john: this year has been screaming five. i'm john roberts in washington this is "america reports" a lot of big news happening in the world right now but we also know as grady trimble said we know families are thinking about the upcoming holiday weekend in time to honor the sacrifices of our troops. >> sandra: absolutely and when families turn to all things summer with camp schedules, barbecues, and finding time to squeeze in a little fun and vacation time. may be even go to a theme park like the one owned by the one and only legend. >> we love dolly parton =!-exclamation-point >> she is just so talented.
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>> she is having. >> dolly for president. >> american phenomenal talent. >> no one doesn't like dolly. >> sandra: dolly parton is a music icon whose career spans decades with accolades in movies and philanthropy from the hills of east tennessee to hollywood and beyond. and joining us right now is the one and only dolly parton. dolly, thank you for joining us today it's great to see you. >> well, it's good to see you, happy memorial day to everybody great i think i paid all those people to sail those nice things about me. to go down to dollywood. >> sandra: always a great sense of humor. always so fun. that's what dollywood is about. tell us about the experience that someone will have when they attend your theme park with all these new attractions? what's it like? >> we have everything you could ever imagine. and hoping to enjoy at a park anywhere in this whole wide world. we are the number one park around these parts for sure. but there is food, there is fun, there are shows and music, of course this week we are
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opening my new museum. it's a motown media experience. a lot of it is digital but it's really up-to-date version of a museum and people are really enjoying that now. we have opened a couple new shows as well. my niece heidi has a new show all about music and showing all of my family but we are really enjoying this whole experience. the dolly experience they are calling the new museum so that's what a big part of this weekend is all about. >> john: i'm sure a lot of folks will be there. i mentioned this a moment ago 32 years ago i did my very first interview with you and you set up a time "you have to go to dollywood" and my family and i finally did here is a photograph of us. we had just gotten off the wild eagle. if we look a low freaked because that ride is pretty intense. i think i still left half my brain on a lightning rod. i wanted to ask you about this because we spent some time in
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pigeon forge as well will. when you grew up there that was a tiny little town, but it has turned into the myrtle beach of the smoky mountains. >> it really is amazing. of course you are right i did grow up around these parts come in pigeon forge was kind of a wild place with fun things but now all over this whole county everybody loves everything up here so dollywood of course is the number one place to be, i would say that because i believe it, but there are all kinds of wonderful things in this whole area for tourists to enjoy. that was too a long time we've grown a lot since then so you have to come back and bring your kids and see what all we really have done since you were here. that many years ago. >> sandra: you know, dolly, you are so many things to so many different people. you are obviously a super music legend, you are a movie star, you are a business woman, and i have always followed your next move because you are always thinking ahead.
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and i am wowed by the impact dollywood has on the community there. you are the biggest employer there. your economic impact is almost $2 billion. you employ a lot of people, i mean, you offer 100% of tuition fees, books, seasonal part-time, full-time employees, you are a savvy businesswoman. i mean, we love that about you. so what is your next move? what is dolly planning next? >> well, of course, to answer a little bit of what you were just saying i have a lot of wonderful people that i work around and with that make me look awfully good. a lot of people do a whole lot of work and i get to claim credit for so much of it but right now i can claim credit for putting my own life story on broadway as a musical. that's what i'm doing it's called hello, i'm dolly, it's an original musical. of course we will play the big hits in it, tell the story about those, i've written a lot of regional music as well so that will hopefully come out at the end of 2025 so i am knee-deep in
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that writing the songs for that so that will be my next biggie i think. >> john: i wanted to talk to about a recent album called "rock star" we will take the cover and put it up take a look at this picture of dolly on the cover of "rock star" we never mentioned a woman's age but dolly, you look amazing. >> thank you. >> john: what i thought was really remarkable about this is on this album 17 songs you did collaborations with paul mccartney, ringo starr, kid rock, stevie nicks, pink, brandi carlisle, steve perry, debbie liz oh, john fogerty, pat benatar, peter frampton, joan jett, ron halbert from judas priest, duran duran, lynyrd skynyrd from three bird and the list goes on. you did this album after you were inducted to the rock & roll hall of fame in 2022. at that time you said i have not
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earned this honor so this album was done in answer to that. that's incredible. >> you know i probably never would've done that album had i not been put in the rock & roll hall of fame but you know me, i like to earn my living, earn my keep so to speak. i am very proud of the album. i thought it was wonderful all those great people are willing to work with me on it. it's kind of fun but when you look at people like paul mccartney and mick jagger and all those people some of them in their 80s now and i was 77 when the album came out. i am nowhere close to stopping. i thought it was funny i named it "rock star" because i thought it was funny. >> sandra: you know, dolly, i mentioned so many obviously also know you as an actress. one of the first movies that comes to soma to people's minds is 9-5. we grabbed a little clip. >> you know they will find the poison when the day do the the body. >> we need to get rid of the poison will get rid of the body. >> no. there are extenuating
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circumstances it was an accident. >> and accident? she was taken about doing it last night. >> we were all thinking about doing it last night. >> but you didn't do it on purpose. >> maybe unconsciously i did. it's no use. i'm going to go to the pen. >> sandra: 1980 i believe that was. when you watch that and hear that what is it mean to you? that time in your life in that movie? >> it brings back a lot of memories. that was the first movie i was ever in. that truly has made an impact all over this world especially with, you know, women's rights in the workplace and all of that. working with lily and jane is great. i'm still good friends with both of them. we help each other with our charities and things now and then, but to think that was that many years ago is just amazing but i still love that movie. every time i go traveling around i go to a motel room and there are either still magnolias or 9 to 5 on the tv so somethings live forever and i believe that's one of them. >> john: dolly you set a moment ago you like to stay busy
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and "earn your keep" we have another album coming out this is called "smoky mountain dna, family, faith, and fables" it will have some of your family members, you were 1 of 12 kids. and your family perry we don't hear much about this but they are very talented folks. >> not just brothers and sisters, a lot of my brothers and sisters i have trico sisters performing in the show but i have a lot of nieces and nephews, a lot of cousins. this whole thing we are putting out is really a history back through my mutual coal heritage all the way back through the 1700s to the u.k. all the people how we got to the smoky mountains and all the people that we were influenced by in our own family. so we have a lot of songs in this album and we are doing a documentary, a docuseries on the history and our family. so that is something i'm excited about having out there. >> sandra: really, really neat
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record to have so many of your family members included. john was asking you about the collaboration on "rock star" so many names we know and love, is there anyone dolly parton sits down at night and you think well, i haven't worked with this person or i haven't collaborated with this person? i know a lot of people ask about taylor swift these days because she is out on the stage a lot. >> boy is she ever come i really admire her. how she handled herself, who could outdo taylor swift? she is the hottest thing ever. i think it's great because she is the kind of artist that you could take the kids, take your parents, take your kids, everyone knows they will be really entertained, but i don't know taylor normally have the time to sit and write but i think we would enjoy it, i really admire her as an artist come as a singer. and especially of the song songwriter. >> john: looking back on that album i don't know how you arranged the logistics of getting together with more than 20 people, that was inaudible. i want to ask you about another
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project this is imagination library. so far you have distributed some 200 million books all around the world. at the same time here in america kids have their noses stuck in their smartphones or on their ipads and they are playing video games and they are not reading. is that concerning? >> well, they have ipads and smartphones and all of that but i think there is always going to be a place for books. these are for the little, little children that have not really become technically savvy at. so i think there is nothing like a real book. to get little kids in their hands to kind of teach them to love the word and love the pictures. to know what it is like to read so i'm very proud of the imagination library. when we give them from the time they are born we give them a book once a month with their name on it to get someone to read it with them or inspiring them to read it. they will grow into whatever they grow into but we like to feel like we are giving them a
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good start. >> sandra: we also mentioned you have a cookbook "good lookin' cookin'" i mention you're so many things to somata people in the world it makes me wonder what your message is these days with so much uncertainty out there in the country and in the world people lean on you for your optimism. you often have a very bright lock and a very positive message. what would that be today for y you? >> i think it will get too caught up in all the bad things going on in this world and their failings to look around to see there is still a whole lot of good. some of the good people can do is try to find all the good and all the things that they can do to help lift people up instead of tearing them down. of course there are some things you can't do anything about, but love people through it and find the most peace you can within your own little area and to do
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as much good as you can. sometimes that can reach all around but i would say don't get too consumed on all of that. have some kind of faith-based. i have found out for me by keeping my face and having something to believe in greater than myself and greater than all of the craziness going on around me that is how i get through it. i try to let that light shine through me to other people. i just think we have to pay more attention to the good. >> john: dolly, going back to our visit at dollywood at the beginning of this april, we went and saw the "from the heart" musical on the theater they are a musical documentary and timeline about your life when you were growing up and you really wanted to be on the radio and you got on the radio at the age of ten. but now when you look back at it over the course of your life and of the amazing success that you have enjoyed and the way you have touched some new people, do you ever pinch yourself and say
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oh, my gosh, how did i get here? >> well, i have been going so fast i think i've met myself coming back. that's kind of what we are experiencing here with the dolly experience. when i was walking through the whole experience yesterday just seeing the museum and all the things they have done here, it was like a mind warp and a time warp. going back like how in the world did i ever do all that? but i've lived a long time and i've been at it since i was very, very young. i have had a lot of help getting to where i am at but then it was a very emotional journey for me. yesterday when i had seen it all put together and how the people will view it but i got very emotional seeing all the things about my family, my parents being gone, that they were so present they are and i was seeing them up close and personal. and seeing kenny rogers one of my dearest friends ever and singing together there are so up close and personal, it really was emotional.
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but getting back to what your original question was i don't know how i did it, i just believed it was meant to be and when a is meant to be you will have a lot of help along the way that you might not even know or understand how it is happening, but that's what i say going back to my favorite t faith-based iny spiritual life. >> sandra: as we head into this memorial day weekend what is your message to the troops as this is a day we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice giving our all and service to this country? >> i think we all should remember memorial day for what it really is and that is to thank all of our troops that have given launch for our freedoms and i see all the stuff going on now in this crazy world and i think well, you know, it would be so easy to lose it all. today, this weekend, memorial day i mean, i would just really like to thank all of our troops that are still out there trying to make some sense of this world, trying to protect us. so i just want to say thank you
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again and thank you for having me on the show today. just so i can say that if nothing else. >> john: dollywood -- dolly, [laughs] i saw that roller coaster in my head. i haven't unscramble it yet. it's been a real pleasure having you on. we were hoping we could make this happen and finally did. god bless you and your family and those close to you and we hope you have more success in the future. >> sandra: it's an honor thank you for joining us. >> well thank you for having me and you come on down to dollywood. as we used to say it's homespun fun. and a digital to now. >> sandra: you are amazing thank you, dolly thank you for joining us. >> john: hope to see you again soon. >> hope to see you. >> sandra: day, week, year made so amazing to have her on the program, john. >> john: again we spent time in nashville because my older daughter moved down there and she is everywhere we went to the country music hall of fame and she is all over the country music hall of fame. all over the country music museum then we went to dollywood
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and of course that is her namesake as well. to have a chance it's been 32 years since i sat down with her to revisit that was a lot of a lot of fun. >> sandra: incredible at so many things and i really revere her as a businesswoman. she is so savvy. when she decides to do something, she goes full on. she does it right and she is so good to all of her employees there. so charitable and she is an incredible all-around artist, woman, and businesswoman. >> john: shows you what you can do when you have a mind-set everything is possible. >> sandra: absolutely. >> john: now this. ♪ and i will always love you ♪ speak of this program is brought to you by ever north health services. wonder made possible. ♪ at evernorth, we're helping to unlock barriers.
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- was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa!
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what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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>> this thing over your military bases getting penetrated by foreign nationals is happening more and more. this is something we seek two or three times a week where we are stopping these folks at the gate but they are in no way, shape, or form authorized to be on our base. it's really hard for us to tell the underlying motive for these types of cases. >> sandra: mysterious shooting spark a new national security at concerns about our military solutions not far from the home base of some of our most elite troops in north carolina. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin's life of the pedagogy is the latest details on this for us. jennifer, what is the latest on this investigation? >> welcome sander this did not happen on fort liberty or on a u.s. military base, it was actually near the home of a residence of an elite special forces army soldier. the biggest mystery right now is why the fbi has not yet opened a counterintelligence investigation. the shooting occurred may 3rd at 8:15 p.m. in carthage,
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north carolina. following a call about a suspected trespasser near an elite special forces soldier's property north of fort liberty, formally fort bragg come near a military training based used by our most elite special operations units. two chesley and men speaking broken english were found near the army colonel's home. 35-year-old rum sound are was allegedly taking photos of the property when confronted near a power line in a wooded area and altercation ensued and he was shot several times at close range and died. a second man, jon kyl tov was in a vehicle 250 miles from the incident. he was questioned by authorities using an fbi provided russian translator and release. the moore county sheriff's office is leaving the investigation. the sheriff said the chet sheehan had personal investigation but had cell phones with russian language contact. there were not wearing any
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uniforms were utilities won, the power company that ronnie fields had reportedly employed them. a foreign registered subcontractor whose ceo and founder is from moldova in eastern europe was hired by brite speed which is installing fast speed internet in rural areas like carthage. operation soldiers around the country have experienced strange interactions in recent years that they say involves suspicious surveillance of them and their families. and he believed the u.s. military bases have been an increasing target of foreign probes with a recent uptick in unusual incidents. the shooting incident in carthage could have been a case of mistaken identity. his family has launched a petition which has already received more than 11,000 signatures suggesting he was shot in the back end in the face adding "romps on left russia not realizing the
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greatest injustice against him would be done in a free country where, in theory, he should have received protection. 18 months ago moore county north carolina experienced another mysterious unsolved shooting attack that targeted two electrical substations damaged to the power station up to 40,000 customers then without power in north carolina nearly two weeks in an area heavily populated by u.s. special operations families. the fbi has offered a $100,000 award for information on that attack and does not believe the two incidents are linked. the fbi tells fox news the bureau has not opened a counterintelligence investigation into the most recent may 3rd shooting and that "the local investigation has not uncovered evidence of a federal crime was quote sander? >> sandra: jennifer griffin live on the pentagon thank you. >> madame secretary, gas prices, they are somewhat on the rise, what is the administration doing to lower those prices and should
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we be worried about the conflict in the middle east contribute in? speak we should end people may not be aware of course oil is where you get your gas from and traded on a global market but the bottom line is the president is really focused, he is obsessed with a-determiner. >> john: at least in the last. american say gas prices are still too high despite the buy demonstration saying the president's "obsessed with the issue" their solution? releasing more from our emergency reserves. peter doocy is live at the white house with the latest and this is a rhetorical question, as the white house just doing this to score portable points? >> john, it's being called the "vital dumb egg bite in political petroleum reserve" by energy risk north dakota doug burgum but this, by strategically releasing this reserve in between memorial day and july 4th we are ensuring sufficient supply flows to the tri-state northeast at a time hardworking americans needed the
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most. at this moment this is what biden-world is competing with. >> we will make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby, drill. [cheers and applause] drill, baby, drill. >> karine jean-pierre is saying with memorial day weekend at the start of the summer driving season around the country the biden-harris administration is taking action to lower gas prices with the sale of 1 million barrels of gasoline from the northeast gasoline supply reserve. and this is not a new pattern. white house officials long enjoyed taking credit for gas prices falling but they have long look elsewhere to place blame for gas crisis my prices rising. >> you said the president was responsible for gas prices coming down. is the president responsible for gas prices going up? >> so, it's a lot more nuanced than that, right? peter, you know this. they have been global challenges that we have all dealt with.
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when i say all i mean other countries. >> that clip is two years old. administration officials are a kind of stuck because they are hoping to appeal to young people who favor green sources of energy, but they cannot alienate people who drive cars and have to buy gas a lot. john? >> john: polls, peter, when they are good they are happy to tote them and when they are bad they say we don't pay attention to polls. good to see you have a good memorial day. our best to your family. >> thanks, john. >> john: now this. >> on day one we will throw out bidenomics and replace it with maganomics, like your hats. >> sandra: taking his message to the south bronx against inflation and the economy to a cheering crowd. >> john: we have larry kudlow to give his take on trump's
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>> john: it was a sea of red in the deep blue south bronx as president trump held a rally there as he looks to win over minority voters. trump slammed president biden on his record and vowed to combat inflation, crime, and the migrant crisis. the cover of today's "new york post" calling it his "uptown funk visit" larry kudlow to weigh on on trump's valley but let's go to bryan llenas our national correspondent live in new york city with more. to have a better sense of how to people attended? >> yes so the nypd officially does not to give estimates they say but law enforcement sources said a rally drew 8-10000 people. the trump campaign said it was him as many as 25,000 but the bottom line is it was a diverse crowd of thousands of supporters in the middle of the bronx which president biden won with 84% of the vote in 2020.
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the trump campaign making it clear they are not afraid to go after young, brown, and black voters with the former president argues are disproportionately being harmed by inflation and the migrant crisis. >> real earnings traffic and americans are down. 51st six stomach to 5.6% african americans are getting slaughtered. hispanic americans are getting slaughtered. these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact and of the biggest negative impact is against our black population and our hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything they can lose. >> new yorkers from the bronx and brooklyn told fox they are fed up. >> you take everything from the blocks around everywhere, the hispanics come all the people they don't have a lot. you are taking it and giving it to illegal aliens which is totally wrong. >> the border crisis is a big deal because we are seeing a lot of it affect new york city.
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you know, it hurts everyone down to health care systems and it's really poisoning us. so we just need to figure out how to get the city back. >> kathy hochul downplaying the rally and attacking trump supporter's. >> i tell you it won't make a difference at all, jake, that's for donald trump to be the ringleader of an invite all of its clowns to a place like the bronx. new york will never ever support donald trump for president. >> there were a couple hundred protcounterprotesters who attend the rally. >> john: bryan llenas for us thank you. >> sandra: invite all of his clowns, care larry kudlow is here the post from fox business. >> that's a nasty thing to say because there were about 10,000 people there, right? they were people of all colors, okay? the use was not a traditional trump crowd in the midwest or the south.
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you had new yorkers, okay? you had blacks, hispanics, asians and whites. this is different and whatever hogle thinks she wants to say and whatever insult she wants to throw back, the reality is this was a shot across the bow of joe biden who was losing minority votes. trump is putting together, center, this is important, you saw it last night, trump is putting together a coalition of working folks of all colors. working folks. middle-class, lower income working folks. and of the reason they are coming there is because as he said last night he has a business track record. he talked at some length about his work in the construction and real estate business. the guy practically remade the skyline of new york and they remember that without inflation and with $2 a gallon gasoline they could afford things they
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can no longer afford and the biden economy. is an affordability crisis. hochul and the democrats are in denial about this. polls are not, polls show very clearly that among black men in particular, among all hispanics, trump has a chance to take nearly half of the hispanic vote come november. all right? >> sandra: if there is a democrat here they'll be laughing at you saying that is not the case. >> look at the polls. >> sandra: the polls reflect exactly what you are saying. >> you can't make the stuff up. there is actual evidence and incidentally a lot of smarts democrats like the obama -crat, they keep warning biden to be where trump is coming. >> sandra: here's your headline trump brings his agenda of the park potomac economic renewal to the south bronx like reagan did in 1980. >> just like reagan did.
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by the way reagan spoke in the south bronx what was it, two blocks from cortona park. here's the other thing. trump gave very optimistic speech here and he said look, here are the problems and he laid it out. inflation, border, crime, so forth. he laid it out. but he said we have solutions. we have solutions. we will deregulate small businesses. minority owned businesses get clobbered by biden's red tape. we will drill, baby drill, get gasoline prices down -- >> sandra: they are buying it. >> we will stop the immigration which is taking jobs away from the very people that came to the rally. >> sandra: that some of what they talked about come here are some attendees slamming the current economic policies of this of administration. >> he understands what the country needs. he has the heart to do it. joe biden, you know speak 19
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they've been saying they do nothing but talk. >> the cost of living has spiraled out of control. i don't see biden doing anything about it. >> sandra: you called affordability crisis i say no matter where you are in the political spectrum you see your quality of life and the power of your earnings going away. you are not only not able to maintain your lifestyle, you're definitely not able to get ahead in some cases people feel like they are falling behind. fox news poll and when asked who do you trust on the economy, 55% give to trump, 42% to two by my five seconds, larry. >> trump did not say to these people of color you are victims of racism. that's what biden says to the graduating class of morehouse college and it was disgraceful. trump said "stay with me and we will solve these problems" do you know how wonderful that is. that is pure trumpian optimism,
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pure reagan optimism. >> sandra: i didn't even get to the veepstakes with you. >> i will take my medium rare. >> sandra: will see you. >> you steaks not stakes said. medium rare. >> john: i like ribeye steaks. move over groceries and gas, house urging fast food prices are impacting americans with some items more than doubling since president biden took office. brian brenberg up on that next.
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missouri state representative ben baker. according to missions in haiti, an organization from the mic operated by devi's parents, the lights were ambushed by a "gang of three trucks full of guys" while leaving church with their children yesterday. the couple was reportedly shot and killed later. evangelist franklin graham posted on x asking his followers to pray for the baker family. >> sandra: fast food prices across the country surging under president biden more than groceries and gas? joining us fast food lover brian brenberg cohost of "big money show" you love your big macs. prices are going up. >> big mac is by starting with eating out those prices have gone up 21% since 2019, you need a snack you need something to keep you going you are paying higher prices. but now let's look at some of these prices based on the foods you like so hit here is your 21%
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right there. let's talk about subway sandwiches. i fashion he was a subway so much kind of person. >> sandra: you said that earlier i haven't had one in like years. >> you have the vegetal good for you. they are up from $5.50 to eight i was in for a $0.09 in 2024. >> sandra: that sounds like a lot. >> it is a lot. >> sandra: for 6 inches? >> that's for a foot long. >> okay. >> still. chipotle -- >> sandra: it's up a lot. >> go to chipotle and look at this. can you believe in 2019 you get a aaa chicken burrito for $6.50? paying set $10.70 now. the only nice thing about that as you can split the mentor gone save for later but you can put this one this is the granddaddy of them all. big mac mail this for me is a treat. >> sandra: whoa exmac mike! 12 plus dollars for a big mac? >> sandra: it's worse with a big mac mail this with the fries on the drink but still. you think about taking the
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family out you want to treat them right, get them the special deal. you are paying $12 per meal. >> sandra: four of those meals and $50. >> that's what it was to eat out at a nice restaurant for a couple. >> sandra: that's interesting. >> that's why people are upset about this economy and they say it's not working. they see this stuff. >> sandra: they feel it every day. great to have you. john? >> john: the united nations sparking out -- president despite his career spent crashing down on his own people. the permanent representative of israel to the u.n. will join us next to react. at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors.
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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>> the united nations sparking outrage among some after announcing an upcoming tribute to the man known as the butcher of tehran. iran's president ebrahim raisi died in a helicopter crash earlier this week. he had presided over the recent massive revenge attack against israel. they are the permanent representative of israel to the united nations and joins me now to react. mr ambassador good of you to stay with us. i wanted to read out the announcement from the president of the general assembly who said quote i have the honour to
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inform you that a plenary meeting of the general assembly to pay tribute to the memory of the late president of the islamic republic of iran, his excellency will be held on thursday the 30th of may in the general assembly hall. what do you think of that? >> i think it's disgusting. i was shocked. it's not only about convening the general assembly to pay tribute to a mass murderer. it's also the fact that the un has already lowered its flag to commemorate the death of this murderer and also the security council. in charge of safety and security of our world, they stood for a moment of silence and again to respect mass murderer who is responsible for murdering not only thousands of his own people but thousands of israelis and also americans.
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it's crazy the un that was founded in the wake of the holocaust and world war ii, to prevent atrocities and defend human rights is now paying tribute and giving so much respect to a dictator which was also a mass murderer. >> you mentioned that moment of silence at united nations security council. we had that on the screen but i want to put it up again. robert wood the deputy us investor to united nations. they say that biden administration had an opportunity to take a stand for more clarity and against terrorism on the world stage earlier this week. it blew the chance and instead joined members of the united nations in honouring ebrahim raisi former president of iran a.k.a. the butcher of tehran. >> i wasn't there and i consider
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ambassador wood my friend and i know that his heart is in the right place so i don't know maybe the russians and the chinese would act surprised, everyone and suddenly stood up but i'm not his spokesperson. i'm sure you can ask him this question. but i think the most important thing is to understand that the un has lost all of it's credibility. it's no longer an organization that truly defends human rights and i think that unless it will go through fundamental changes the american administration should really maybe consider seriously to defund the un. i'm not sure that your viewers are aware of the fact that they are paying $90 billion almost $20 billion every year and instead of strengthening your values the values of america and
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the free world you are weakening your values because today the un is being used by dictators and rogue states to whitewash their crimes. iran was elected recently to chair the human rights social forum. you can't make these things up. >> we've got to jump but i think president trump president bush made exactly the point that you just made. thank you for joining us and we appreciate it and we'll be right back. >> thank you for having meusin after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action.
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