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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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observe memorial day, look at the stories of three men who lost their lives fighting for our country. please join shannon bream for "fox news sunday." her guests this weekend two florida congressman, republican byron donalds and democrat jared moskowitz. remember, if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m. on' the east and 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair balanced and still unafraid. from a great holiday weekend. congratulations to the 2024 class for the u.s. naval academy. go get them guys and women. "the ingraham angle" starts after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: i'm kayleigh mcenany in for laura ingraham
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this is a special edition ever "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. what we saw last night should have solidified the message that democrats shouldn't just be scared. they should be terrified the bronx is supposed to be major democrat strong hold. biden got 84.4% of the vote. and, yet, thousands flocked to see one man, donald j. trump. [chanting we love trump] >> i believe that we can win new york state. we have levels of support that nobody has seen before. i mean, look at this. [cheers] >> our country is going to be very successful. >> he had the guts to come and show that he is not afraid. is he not afraid to come to a democratic area and he showed that he is here for us. >> we must work together as a team to win -- you are proud
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patriots. you love this city. you love this state. and you love our country. [cheers] >> you live in a blue city, but it's going red very, very quickly. [cheers] >> kayleigh: can you imagine biden getting a crowd like that anywhere? anywhere in the country? i couldn't. the city is changing. but democrats are desperately trying to claim otherwise. >> new york city's blue. brooklyn is blue. brooklyn is blue. queens is blue. the bronx is blue. and he has got nowhere to go. he is broke, busing people in order to get those donations so they can funnel them to his legal fees is kind of his business right now. >> so trump was busing people into the bronx, that's what aoc told us. well, she probably didn't expect to get fact checked from none other than cnn. >> clearly a bigger crowd than i think democrats would like to see given. for the entire country. a lot of these rallies across
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the country. and they are often people who travel hundreds of miles donald trump. not necessarily part of the community. however, one of the things that i found is that there were a lot of people here actually from the bronx. >> kayleigh: a little hard to hear her the ymca music was loud maybe we would rather hear that than the cnn reporter. she said no, there were bronx residents there. there were thousands. and, look, we are seeing this all across the country. we're seeing this in blue states, we're seeing this in swing states. ' in fact, trump isn't just -- trump isn't just winning the traditional swing states. new hampshire journal poll shows that the race is a stage tie. state carried by biden more than 7 points in 2020. speaking of new hampshire. virginia, several polls have shown a tight sometimes margin of error race despite biden carrying the states by double digits in 2020. trump is putting new states in
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play. but is he doing something far bigger than picking off a state here or there no, trump is remaking the republican party. is he creating a diverse, thriving political movement narrowing the map for joe biden. it's the rust belt or bust. that's what steve shepard of politico wrote. while polls broadly show biden continuing to fall behind former president donald trump in swing states across the country, listen to this. he writes: they consistently show the older, whiter states of michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, as the most competitive for biden. trump meanwhile has large part owing to young voters, listen to this. voters of color. in nevada, a state that a republican presidential candidate has not won in almost 20 years, trump leads by 5.3% on average. in arizona, trump has a healthy 4.1 percent advantage. these are fueled by voters of
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color joining the trump movement. sometimes even life-long democrats. >> you used to vote democrat. this year that's going to change. >> it is. i think that the cost of living has spiraled out of control. i don't see biden doing anything about it. and, also, there is an influx at the border that needs to be dealt with and i think that trump is the man to do it. >> anti-trump people in my neighborhood are coming to vote for donald trump because they believe in economic success. and they believe in lowering crime. >> last time around you voted for joe biden. this time around you're going to vote for donald trump. why? >> absolutely because donald trump already showed me that he understands our problems. he understands what the country needs. he has a heart to do it. >> this democrat. this black puerto rican, please accept my endorsement for you as president. thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> kayleigh: joining me now is two of the men you just saw reuben diaz senior former new york city council mechanic religion the south bronx. both long time democrats who are now supporting trump. you have a new fan, her name is my mother. she said she recognized your kind and gentle spirit. and she talked about you a lot last night when we were on the phone. i was just amazed by what she had to say. and i want to know, you know, lifelong democrat, elected official no less for decades. what was the moment that you said i can't do this anymore? >> well, you know, i have been for years already feeling the pain, feeling -- feeling the abandonment, which the democratic party -- there was no republican, no republican that
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decided to, you know, come to the bronx or pay attention to us. but donald trump has done it in such a way that i never remind you, i never imagined the thing that i'm seeing in the bronx street. when i walk the street, taxi driver, car, i mean, people, senior citizen, everybody is moving to trump. and i'm so excited. by the way, last week, i was watching this program, and laura ingraham asked me a question. and she ised me, the rally that's going to happen from 1 to 10 what number would you give. >> kayleigh: you said 12. >> 11. i said i'm giving 11. but i made a mistake. i made a mistake it was 15.
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>> that's pretty hot. you sent to our producers. >> 5, 23, 24. what happened yesterday? >> well, basically, i was going to make the change. i was already fed up. but, i don't play around. and when i make up my mind, i've done my research very well. very extensively. i'm well versed on what is going on. i don't need to just wait and procrastinate things of that nature. i saw the voting tables, i said let's just get this out of the way and move forward. >> kayleigh: they were registering people there yesterday. >> they were registering people but i was a registered democrat. and i just said how do i do this? how do i just change this and take the whole democratic thing out of the picture? i'm a republican right now. >> kayleigh: i love it? >> just walk me through it.
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it was real simple. that's what i did. and that's what i felt. i will never have any regrets. i understand. >> kayleigh: welcome to the party. welcome to the movement. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: look, there is this conspiracy theory and i want to play it for you reverend diaz. this is msnbc and here is their thoughts about what happened yesterday. >> bronx, hispanic and black majority might seem like an odd choice for a man who echoed hitler on immigration that. >> audience is not the bronx. what is he trying to do is just signal to other people. signal to people in swing states who are white who don't want to be thought of as voting for racist to soften, well, maybe is he not such racist. >> i mean, reverend, so this crowd wasn't the bronx? you represented the bronx. what did you see? >> those tactics, that the democrats use to scare us and to sometimes to make shame even the governor of the u.s. state said that we were clown.
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last week, she said that the young black guys in the -- in the room, they were stupid, practically. she said they don't even know what the word computer means. so that's what they do to us. and they -- and they -- someone like donald trump comes to new york and show respect and give us acknowledge what we really are and try to bring us up. that's what they do. we are learning, it is not working anymore. >> kayleigh: andre, as a new republican, what do you think when you hear the governor say people at the rally were clowns? >> it's very disrespectful. they try to use the race card to divide us,s to make us see it as a racial thing. the country trip is to so much in disarray that you have to think american. you are missing the whole point.
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we are american. and, you know, that was one of the tipping points for me when this illegal immigration thing came into play. they just forgetting we are american. i have never been out of the country day in my life. >> kayleigh: we are americans. that's such a beautiful sentiment. andre, so impressed with everything you have had to say. reverend diaz not only are we americans we are brothers and sisters in christ so thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: now that trump went to the south bronx we think it's time for him to continue the angle 50 state strategy no city or state left behind. we want him to head to other areas like chicago. joining me is p. red easily. chicago and lifelong chicago resident. p. ray welcome. i was listening to what you had to say earlier you said trump will be greeted like a king in chicago. tell me about the reception for trump? should he come? >> absolutely.
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we are going to show him lots of hospitality. he is the only person who has ever tried to save us from this liberal failure and chaos that's impacting every facet of our lives. and we're going to give him a hero's welcome and we cannot waited until he gets here. everybody is saying when trump comes, we're going to go outs to make sure that he knows we support him. i want to play for you remarks from our current president. listen. >> most of all, what does it mean as have you heard before to be a black man and love this country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure? >> kayleigh: that's pretty different. trump said here what happens we're are going to do. here is our fu vision for the future. empowering. that seemed dark and dim. >> this is why we call him jim crow joe. he has been in congress. he member in the executive branch. he has been a leader in the american government for over 50 years. so, if he is aware of the fact
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that citizens feel like the country hates them, why hasn't he implemented any initiative, any programs, any anything to change those sentiments, because it's him who feels that way. and we're going to get away from the last living dixie krat dixie robinette biden. i'm not surprised by anything he says. >> kayleigh: what is the single biggest issue. if trump wins 23% of the black vote which is what he has in the "new york times," cnn. that is more than any republican presidential candidate has gotten since the civil rights act of 1964. is it the economy? is it more than that? tell us? >> it's the illegals. the invasion is just too disrespectful. they are taking money that is supposed to go to rehabs and giving it to the illegals. they take the school buses from our american children and only made the illegals eligible for it because it was for unhoused people. we have now in the city of
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chicago that citizens are actually losing their housing because the illegals are coming with housing stipend that's more than what they are paying for rent. so landlords aren't renewing leases. they are taking the illegals out of the shelters to put them in the homes that they are taking the americans out of of to put the americans in the shelters. we cannot accept this. and so because he is saying that he is going to have the largest deportation program in american history, as soon as he takes his hand off the bible at the inauguration, we're going to be calling ice for them to come do their job. we want ice in chicago. and donald trump isn't is the only person who can bring them to us. >> kayleigh: p rae love the hat. border warning straight from the mouth of illegal immigrant. congresswoman anna paulina luna react next. ♪
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[crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, ♪♪ but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. >> kayleigh: starting to worry about biden's open border policies, the illegals. >> the american people is like complicated issue. who come into this country okay i'm good but how are they not good. is [inaudible] biden like no, no
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background check. >> no security check no. background check. you are worried about who is crossing the border? >> yes, yes. of course people well, you know things are bad when people crossing our border illegally are shocked by the lack of security. joining us now is florida congresswoman anna paulina luna. congressman lewanna, what do you think when you hear the migrants worried about the illegal immigrant who looks frightenin unfortunately, kayleigh, it's a lot worse than the american people are being told by this administration. just to put in perspective, kayleigh, in april of this year there was a known terrorist released into the u.s. country in texas, actually, that had been responsible and tied to a group that had killed nine soldiers in afghanistan. the fact is this is not the first time it has occurred. do i believe that this administration knows what they're doing and frankly it's almost like they want something to happen. >> it's crazy to think about.
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congresswoman lewanna, biden continues to blame you and congressional republicans for not passing the so-called bipartisan bill. but here whaps find curious. i was in the press shop and i know it's press secretary oftentimes you put out a headline of what you are thinking about doing as an administration. i like to see what they are thinking about. here's what we find. let's pull this up. these are the headlines, all the times they have floated to different outlets that they are considering executive action. there you have cnn politics, politico most recently, nbc, this is going back to february. so they continue to blame you while tell the press we might be taking beings hive action. how can both of these things be true? >> well, the fact is that it's a lie. in fact, congress actually passed very strong border security measure. and it's really sitting in the senate. the senate told us democrat senate controlled mind you, that they would actually pass border security unless there is mass amnesty. as you know, kayleigh, we can't
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afford to do that. currently there is over 22 million illegals in this country. the fact is, kayleigh, not only are they missing the point and that this administration has intentionally tried to create these illegals coming here debbie wasserman shultz don't allow to come here. the people that are coming here are not just hispanic. they are on the terrorist watch list and they want to hurt americans. the biden administration is cooking this to pander. it's going to backfire. that's exactly why you are seeing new voters from the democrat party coming over to the republican side for this election year. >> kayleigh: no doubt about it. well said, congresswoman, thank you. on day one we are going to degree out bidenomics. they are going to replace it with maganomics like your hats. maganomics. [cheers] >> kayleigh: maganomics has a ring to it as trump promises to make our economy great again. aoc is claiming on spectrum news, new york 1 that trump will actually make it worse. >> the former president met with
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oil executives last week saying, hey, you give me a billion dollars and i'll make sure that you get the policies that are favorable to raising gas prices and making sure these companies continue to price gouge. the idea down cashing in from the same folks bringing those prices up i think is a little bit suspect. >> kayleigh: she needs to be educated does she remember what gas prices were like under the trump administration? the record high they hit under biden. they were at $5. that was the high. joining us now is north dakota governor doug burgum. governor burgum. i want to put up a chart for you because apparently aoc needs to see this. this was gas pricing under trump vs. under biden. and what you see is a low with trump. it was around $2 and then with biden it hits a $5 record high. i think voters know this because they pay their gas bills. >> well, yes, they sure do.
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i just have to say what the clip you showed from aoc, i was in that room when president trump was having meeting with these business leaders that are job creators that are invest not guilty future of our america, and that what she said is just not true. these are the people that risk capital and create jobs and they have done everything to bring america back to be energy independent under president trump. without them, we would be in a world of hurt. but, under joe biden, with his policies, they are not only driving inflation, here we are heading into the memorial day weekend, gas prices are high. food prices are high. rent is high, electricity is high. that's another energy cost. interest rates are high. all of this are because of biden's policies. and under president trump, i mean, we had just exactly the opposite. so bixz failed and works for no one. maganomics lifts up everybody and that's why you are seeing working families who care about this country in blue states, rushing to support president trump. >> kayleigh: governor, my friends who are really credentialed conservatives and, you know, they exist in
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conservative thought. they believed in it their whole life. you are names they often bring forward as great vice presidential pick is that something you would be interested in. >> i think the thing we have got to get folks to pay attention to is getting trump elected. you see president trump i don't want to say he doesn't need a running mate but is he winning across every demographic and winning for the right reasons. henning to make sure the american dream comes true. joe biden is killing the american dream with his policies. further, joe biden is also not only raising the price of energy at home. with those policies is he funding both sides of two wars. is he funding iran and russia are funding their wars against us with what they're making on the energy displacement elsewhere. like a lot of other folks that are out campaigning for president trump, we're doing that because we have got to get him nut white house. that he was the thing that's most important right now. >> kayleigh: governor, here is something that voters, viewers, my not know about you i want to pull it up. an associated press headline, census north dakota's oil
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counties, cities see big growth. they cite mckenzie county. fastest growing county in the nation because the oil industry fuels population growth. so, tell us about this nexus. when trump says i will bring down inflation by drilling. make our country better by drilling. it seems like you are a microcosm for that in north dakota. >> absolutely. kayleigh. we just a few weeks ago north dakota was named we have the highest g.d.p. growth in any state in the nation right now. mckenzie county is a great example. our population is getting younger. our families are growing. and with that, prosperity, you know, all the things were clicking on in our state whether it's great schools or whether it's the things we are able to provide for families and safe communities. that's why and in is what the whole country could be doing what north dakota is. understand we would be doing even better if not joe biden. under joe biden production in knot is down. production in iran and russia and venezuela is up. joe biden's energy policies are empowering the dictators and the
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regimes that are literally fighting the wars against us. and, of course, through all of that, it helps china. because china is the most energy dependent company in the world. they import more energy than they don't talk about walking softly with a big stick energy and food policy. that's what we could be doing to negotiate with china. instead over there talking about climate agreements. and that's not the existential crisis for america. >> kayleigh: no, it's not. governor burgum, thank you very much. all right. a polling guru says biden needs to do one thing, just one thing to help democrats before the election. drop out. details, next. ♪
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>> kayleigh: hunter biden back in court today. fox news senior correspondent kevin corke here with all the details. kevin? >> hunter biden appearing in a court in his hometown of wilmington, delaware today. as you know he is on trial for a federal gun charge. and today his lawyers asked the court to block prosecutors from discussing certain evidence. and here's what happened. judge maryellen n noreika ruled special prosecutors cannot use some salacious evidence in the first son's criminal trial next month including references to his u.s. navy discharge, cocaine related, perhaps? and the child support case for his out-of-wedlock daughter in arkansas. fox news previously reported that prosecutors plan to use portions of his book and his laptop, including photos to convince a jury that the first son is guilty of making false statements on a federal form when he bought a revolver back in 2018 while actively using
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narcotics. judge noreika has to show hunter biden was addicted to drugs but not necessarily using drugs the day he bought that gun. for his part hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges. jury selection, kayleigh begins on june the 3rd. >> we will be watching it very carefully. for now back to you. >> kayleigh: they can use information from the laptop. i thought the laptop was russian disinformation. >> 51 people said it wasn't real. apparently it's real. >> kayleigh: seeing a lot of egg on at love faces in the media. kevin, thanks. president biden held a rare press conference with the president of kenya. it did not go well. >> you know, half a billion people, first question. michael willner. >> two questions if i may. >> no, one. >> does the united states. >> one question. i will answer your question. >> okay. okay, next. do i ask the next question as well? >> mr. president, could you tell me what the african-american union is doing when it comes to
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the humanitarian crisis in the congo? >> what was my question? >> county united states and kenya break the backs of this coordinated militia that has the grings of the nation? >> yes. >> [shouting questions] >> whoa. >> this concludes the press conference, thanks, everybody. >> no questions, no one. i wish i you could have pulled that one with jim acan you say that. biden struggles in the polls as well. bloomberg news morning consult survey found trump is leading biden. things are so bad nate silver is now urging to decide and if he doesn't then democrats should touch him. >> democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the ticket. if he were really as concerned about defeating donald trump as democrats came they are, then you should be doing everything
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in your power to maximize a chance that you win. >> kayleigh: joining me now is sean duffy co-host of fbn the bottom line and sean davis co-founder and ceo of the federalist. two seans. we will go with duffy and davis instead. duffy, let's start with you. i mean, you were in congress. did you ever have your press secretary shouting you down for fear of what you would say next? >> did i not have that happen to me. i think that you played the clip from nate silver i think what nate silver said out loud what all the democratic leadership is saying behind closed doors. they are concerned you but put out the polling joe biden is losing or tied in the all of the swing states there are no changes going to make the polling i had better. how do they turn this around? we are talking about this debate at the end of june, joe biden, donald trump, the question becomes with that kenyan interview why on earth would joe biden agree to a debate? he can't even do a press conference with the kenyan president let alone an hour and a half with donald trump. i think what is happening is joe
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biden thinks that he needs to solidify his base by having a good performance. it's risky but i think that's what he is trying to do. otherwise, it makes no sense. >> kayleigh: i think you are right. while joe biden is trying to solidify his base. have you donald trump reaching out to all these different constituencies. it's not just the bronx. is he going to be at the libertarian convention this weekend. listen to him. this is news 12 herrera rosenblum. she asked him about nikki haley. think about the suburban women, the independent voters. here is what he had to say if she can be in the next administration. >> is there room for her on your team or better yet your ticket? >> well, i think she is going to be on our team because we have a lot of same ideas, the same thoughts. i appreciated what she said. you know, we had a nasty campaign. it was pretty nasty. but she is a very capable person. i'm sure she is going to be on our team in some form, absolutely. >> kayleigh: sean davis, is he reaching out to a lot of people. >> he is. and i think he has to. and i think this is part of him building that multi racial
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coalition. nikki actually did a fabulous job in 2020. you know, he gets knocked from the left for only being the president for angry white people but if you looked at that rally in the bronx, he had black, brown, white, everything. i think what draws people to trump in ever and away from biden and the democrats is they remember what life was like in 2019. they remember how their bank accounts looked. they remember what the stock market looked like. and the big problem for joe biden isn't so much joe biden because his policies are no different than the democrat party's policies promised: whether joe biden or gavin newsom. and kamala harris. thingsing me the country worse off and making people poorer. >> sean, there was moment that i really caught on to last night. trump is staring down heinously unfair court case.
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novel legal theory not brought before for election. cloud shouted lock her up. look how trump handled it. [chanting lock her up] >> i hate the concept. i said we have to get on with our country. we have to win against russia. we have to win against china. >> kayleigh: he hates the concept. >> sean: there was chants all up in 2016 about lock her up. it's not about what the chants. were there it was what did donald trump do when he was elected nothing. it's bad for the country. i want to look forward and make this country great for the american people. i think he was right to pivot to issues that matter to every single american. donald trump is not bound by republican ideology or democrat ideology. he looks and says what policy is going to be best for the american people? sometimes he makes democrats -- republicans mad. we're not a party of tariffs. we're free traders. is he like you know what? free trade has to be fair. i'm going to put tariffs on china unless they get fair with
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us. and republicans, the hard cores got pretty angry. but the american people loved it. he was fighting for factories and jobs. and commerce in this country which, again, you do that as a president. you are going to get great results, black, brown, white, all across america. >> kayleigh: we are seeing. this sean davis, notion of v.p. second time trump said he would name the vice president during the quongs. i love that oncology conventional. exciting. harvard polled various vice presidential selections and how they would effect a trump ticket and the results were quite interesting. look at this. you have tim scott adding 6 points to the trump ticket. every other person either breaks even or detracts a little. what do you make of that? >> i think it's a little hard to tell now and a little hard to poll now because a lot of these people who are being polled they don't have great name i.d. they don't have great name recognition. and the truth is people don't know a whole lot about them. they are going to vote about who is at the top of the ticket. i will tell you for my part, i
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love sarah huckabee sanders, i think she would be a spectacular pick for him. great governor, female. understands washington. i think she would be great. i think looking at polls at this point on vps is probably a little too soon to figure out how people are going to react. >> kayleigh: we would be blessed to have someone like sarah huckabee sanders in that spotted. sean squared, thank you. a top medicals now graduating unprepared failing woke doctors. the details, next. ♪
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>> tonight, in biden's america. >> kayleigh: a shocking new report revealed nearly half of ucla medical students are failing basic tests of medical competency. that's reassuring. according to the washington free beacon whistleblowers at the school say the focus on dei is leaving students, grossly unprepared. they warn it could have life or death consequences. listen to this. one professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked. then bee rated the professor for putting her on the spot. meanwhile another student at the end of their clinical rotations didn't know basic lab tests and in some cases are unable to present patients. wow, the school denies there is trouble telling the angle,
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quote: students and faculty members are held to the highest standards of academic excellence and students are admitted based on merit and a process consistent with state and federal law. joining me now is dr. marc siegel, fox news medical contributor. dr. siegel, this is alarming, this is based on i think it was six sources. this isn't just one person talking in the beacon. it's a lot of people. >> the admissions people don't usually talk. >> the state of california has a law against admitting people on the basis of race to schools. this is even before the supreme court: medical school is extremely difficult. i can attest to that it's about empathy. it's about tremendous knowledge source. it's about learning to use your hands in a certain way. really really carefully, obviously. if you are going to operate inside someone's brain some day, you got to be the best. we used the analogy of landing a plane. this is so much more difficult than landing a plane. you, kayleigh, can personally attest to that did you ever
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think what's the color of the skin of the doctor that helped save your life? >> kayleigh: of course not. >> no. patients never think that patients never say get me a brain surgeon who is this or that. that's not how we decide. we have to have the elm patty for all. we learn that first day of medical school take care of everyone someone shunned be included or excluded based on race or agenda. there should be a broad amount of people involved, of course. we have reached that point already. it's a meritocracy. it's about having the skills and ability to learn the skills it's really difficult we need the best and brightest. >> kayleigh: regardless of race and ethnicity the best and brightest. this just happened at the libertarian convention. it happened to do with the r.f.k. he came under fire the "new york times" found information that he had previously talked about injury caused about a worm got into my brain ate a portion of
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it and died. live experts questioned that and tonight he made light of it, watch. >> there is always a reason why right now the rights are inconvenience that we can't afford. most recently it was the covid pandemic. maybe a brain worm ate that part of my memory. [laughter] >> kayleigh: smart to make light of it is that a real thing. >> it is a real thing but i don't know if it's smart to make light of it. he was in india in a place where this is endemic probably sister sar coffees. tape worm eggs. it hurts and kills a lot of people. it doesn't eat your brain. it causes inflammation that causes seizures. number one part of seizures in that part of the world. it may have had that. he may have been treated. it may be true. i don't think it ate part of his brain. although some people listening to him may think that the way he talks. he says his voice came from vaccine injury. he says a lot of stuff that may be incorrect medical
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information. it is entertaining but i think it's misinformation on that point i don't think anything ate his brain. >> carley: when he said you could have abortion up until the moment of birth and walk that back. >> that was a part of the brain where he says that right. he is getting more like biden now. >> kayleigh: yeah, his voice, of course is separate. that's a neurological condition. >> correct. >> kayleigh: we will leave that there dr. siegel, you are the best. >> you are the best. >> kayleigh: twice today on outnumbered. the worst members of the media. the tape you do not want to miss, next. ♪
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media went crazy. watch. the court is an absolute epic crisis, apparent opinion siding with the far-right activist. he's a lawless individual. a clear christian nationalist and now a dual insurrection flag flyer. >> he has an obligation to recuse himself because recusal is based on the appearance of bias. >> jesse: apparently they don't know this was a flag george washington had back in the 1700s based on john locke's treatise. >> i guess if you hate american history it's terrifying which we know a lot of the left does. i've not been a bull to sleep since a story broke so terrifying but we know it this is about. we know the supreme court is about to decide on january 6th related cases including presidential immunity and this obstruction charge that's been waged against hundreds of january 6 defendants and their trying to preempt it and taint that
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decision and also get in the heads and scare and put a little pressure on the conservative justices so it's about tainting the supreme court. >> ruth bader ginsburg can speak about trump's tax returns and yet serve on the case about his tax returns. >> it's for market will have democrats suddenly discovered they cared about ethics after donald trump was elected to the white house. these attacks have become so predicable because they happen the same time every year. rep before the supreme court is about to release it's decisions. member the whole over clarence tong last year. now we have the attacks on the go. they never go after the substance of the decisions the justices make. it's personal attacks that become dangerous when radical left-wing activists show up at the justices' houses and threaten our lives. >> that's up the iq level on mishara over to the view. sonny gave her theory as to why
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basketball star kaitlan collins is so popular. >> there's a thing called pretty privilege. there's a thing called white privilege. there's a thing called top privilege and we have to acknowledge that. so part of it is about race. i do think that she's more relatable to more people because she's white and attractive, and unfortunately there still is that stigma against the lgbtq2s+ communities. >> this thing called being an awesome basketball player. >> what is tall privilege. because she tried to wear heels being over 6-foot? i don't think that's a thing. as a young woman it's so disappointing to see that all of the attacks on caitlin clark are coming from other women. this is coming from the same people on the show the view who chirp all day long about how conservatives are allegedly going to erase progress or bring america back to the old days. what are they doing? dragging another young woman
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down because of her sex and success and skin colour. if that's not going backwards i don't what is. >> jesse: sticking with the view, they are upset with charlemagne the god. that's what he calls himself. >> charlemagne now is not the time in my opinion to sit this 1 out. >> i never said i was sitting it out. >> if we don't feel kumble saying. >> it's not that we need you to say it. i think other folks need to hear >> i'm going to vote in november and vote my best interest. when you look at someone like president biden feels like his base is pretty pissed off at him for number of reasons. >> help him out by doing what. >> this is literally the guy joe biden said you ain't black to if you vote with republicans but you got to endorse him right now >> why do democrats think they own black waters? as you voted out joe biden when on the breakfast club and told them you ain't black if you don't vote for me but we'll see.
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joe biden could be facing a massive rebuke with the black waters this election cycle. we've all seen the new york times battleground poll where donald trump is getting over 20% of the black vote, would be the largest number we've seen since 1964 and the irony of courses joe biden is the 1 who has a history of making incredibly racially charged racist statements like saying he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle or that obama was the first mainstream american who is bright articulate and clean so that says a little more about joe biden and the democrats then it does charlemagne the god. >> thank you both. enjoy your weekend. spee and take care. that's it for us. and kayleigh mcenany in for lower income. be sure to catch me on outnumbered weekdays 12:00 pm. a big week next week on the legal front. thank you for watching the special edition. jesse watters primetime takes it from her


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