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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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n me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. we are out of time! thank you to all and our studio audience, "fox news @ night" with jamie trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfeld, i love you america. -- dreamy -- >> trace: evening everybody, i'm kevin corke, 8:00 pm out, 11 in washington and this is
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america's late news, "fox news @ night". started college just as george floyd was mortared and there was a reckoning on race. >> it doesn't matter whether you are black or brown or white or whatever color you are, it does not matter, we are all americans. >> a black man who loves his country, even if it does not love him back. >> this is like a lovefest. we love you. >> kevin: breaking tonight, a stark comparison of the campaigns this week. one clearly focused on division, race in fear, the other unity, love and patriotism, but the question tonight is which is resonating more with voters. meantime the liberal media and democrats not too happy with the former president entering deep blue turf. >> you described that rally as fraught -- fraud. >> bussing people in in
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order to get those donations so he can fondle them to his legal fees is kind of his business right now. >> in a place he can never win, the bronx, he's not fond of black and latino people. >> he wants to spend his time doing made up fake rallies, be my guest. >> kevin: correspondent jeff paul with more reaction to mr trump's speech and how the 2024 campaign is heating up. >> reporter: good evening kevin. the campaign certainly heating up and in some cases as you saw people are quite simply showing up. that was the scene in the bronx is former president donald trump stopped by the new york borough appealing to many black and hispanic voters in the crowd. he said people are losing their jobs, their housing, and immigration is at the forefront, and they would be better off under him then biden. well some bronx residents agreed. >> the cost of living has spiraled out of control. i don't see biden doing anything about it and also there's an influx at the border that needs
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to be dealt with and i think that trump is the man to do it. >> kevin: >> reporter: meanwhile the biden campaign was busy today releasing two new campaign ads attacking trump. one featuring the voice of actor robert de niro where he says " from midnight tweets to drinking bleach to tier gassing citizens to the staging a photo ops, we knew trump was out of control when he was president, then he lost the 2020 election and snapped." >> one donald trump was president he told america to inject bleach during one of the worst pandemics of our lifetime. he has continued to double down on his extreme rhetoric, embracing political violence, and we are going to highlight that. >> reporter: however just one day after former republican presidential candidate nikki haley said she would vote for her former rival, donald trump was asked if there's any room for her on his team. >> is there room for her on your team or better yet your ticket? >> well i think she's going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, i appreciated what she said. we had a nasty campaign, it was
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pretty nasty, but she's a very capable person and i'm sure she's going to be on our team in some form, absolutely. >> reporter: haley displayed calling trump unhinged said she would vote for him but some are paying attention to the fact that so far she hasn't said she would endorse him. stay tuned. >> kevin: stay tuned indeed, thank you, we will see you in a few my friend. we want to continue the conversation that with fox news contributor steve hilton and media research can to being writer stephanie hamel. i want to begin with you stephanie and i want to have you listen to this soundbite. this is actually christian homes at cnn talking about that rally we all had a chance to see and listen to. i'm going to get your reaction after this. >> turnout is much larger than the biden campaign would like. donald trump is making a play for minority voters, particularly black men and latino men. that is something that we know donald trump sees opportunity with but there is some movement there and they really believe
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they can siphon off these minority voters from democratic groups. >> trying to siphon off groups from the democrats. is that how you saw this rally? >> that is not how i saw it. i saw him speaking to potential voters and speaking to people who are really concerned about the economy. some of the videos that i saw were some people who were explaining that they voted for joe biden but they were considering a different candidate this time around because they think it will make their life better. as you were talking about, there's been a difference between campaign messaging this week and the contrast could not be more stark. we have joe biden who is going around painting a picture of doom and gloom and attacking donald trump instead of talking about a vision for america or how his policies major life better. so yeah, for joe biden campaigning message, it's not working for him and it's actually been quite disastrous. the several speeches he's had,
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the last one the white house had to do nine corrections on a speech, that was on teleprompter. you can't make this stuff up. >> kevin: steve, you have to sort of acknowledge what stephanie said there, there does seem to be a different -- difference in tonality. what was your take away? >> exactly. if you look at biden, what have they got? he's a disaster personally, his policies are a disaster. so all they've got are the pathetic personal insults, lies, eight and a vision and you contrast that with donald trump and you're seeing it more and more on the campaign trail in his rallies and the way he operates these days, it is positive, it is upbeat. i mean he is now a candidate of hope and change. remember that? that was obama. now it's trump that represents that and that is what these democrat elitists, these divisive politicians, they can't take it, they can't believe it and that is why they seem so
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patronizing and out of touch when they talk about it. cathy hochul had her deplorable's moment when she talked about the clowns that showed up in her state to support donald trump when you could not get a handful of people to show up to support biden in new york. >> kevin: hochul also about that quip with waxen computers. mind-boggling. this is a swing state, 15 seconds he gets, love to get your thoughts before we wrap up the segment. stephanie, listen, it's trump across the board there. what do you think? >> yeah, these numbers are incredible for the trump campaign. and again, the biden campaign is really having a hard time explaining why this is that. instead of talking about policies and how they will improve your life, they are now attacking trump supporters, not just trump. and so again i think it's a bad strategy to go after people who
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could potentially vote for you. it makes no sense. >> kevin: steve, too early to make too much of the polling per se but given where we are, if you are trump and his supporters, you have to like it. >> yeah, i mean it's going in the direction and the momentum is with him and it's getting stronger. 's leaves are more consistent and you are seeing the demographic change. something really big is happening. i mean we haven't seen this for probably since the late 1960s with nixon and the -- and all of that. you got the emergence of this multiracial working-class coalition, black voters moving to trump, latino voters in enormous numbers, a massive turnaround, it's a huge moment in american politics. >> kevin: huge indeed. steve hilton, stephanie hamill, thank you, appreciate the time on a friday night. we will see you soon. meantime supreme court justice facing more political pushback tonight after the new york times published a photo of a second controversial flag flying outside of one of his
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homes. the appeal to the heavens plug is thought of as a patriotic manner -- banner but it's allegedly been co-opted by right-wing nationalists in recent years. more on the new flat controversy tonight. >> it's all part of a nearly -- the flag and the justices -- home is also... sorry, don't have the right script. >> kevin: we will get back to you when we have a chance but we want to get perspective on this, apologies there, we want to get perspective tonight from washington times legal affairs reporter and attorney. good friend of mine. as his judicial watch president. let me just sort of unpack what we were going to talk about which is this idea alex that,
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you know, sometimes these things are co-opted. sometimes the left will sort of just say they are co-opted and then you are sort of on the defensive. is that what you are seeing play out in this circumstance? the justice, he's got a life, he's got a wife, a home, he may have more than one home, is this much ado about nothing? >> well we did not hear the same people complaining when justice ginsburg called trump a fakir and then did not recuse from any of the cases that involved trump. so yes, it seems a little bit one-sided. the timing i also think is suspect. we have two january 6 cases, one involving trumps immunity before the court with opinions expected by the end of june, and then also the obstruction case involving hundreds of january 6th defendants and whether that charge will go forward or not. it could be a reed that the left thinks that they are going to lose these cases and that is why we are seeing this now, this push, this call to get samuel
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alito off those decisions. i also have to note that -- so this is like the end of the term, we are just a few weeks away from the opinions coming out and it seems to be what we see each term. right now this is samuel alito, last year it was justice thomas and issues over as -- ethics there. before that we had the league of the dobbs opinion. it seems par for the course. >> kevin: tom, your thoughts? >> the left thinks the american flag is controversial so it's no surprise that a revolutionary war flag created by george washington's folks would be seen as controversial by the left. i don't even understand what they mean in that because he has an old revolutionary war flag he has to. use himself in many cases. i mean that's just alice in wonderland thinking. and it's naked intimidation and it's dangerous because this isn't just about recusing the justices from cases, this is about illegal protests outside their home which is a violation
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of federal law, to try and intimidate. and on top of that we've had previous protests that led to potentially an assassination of cavanaugh. there was an attempted murder attempt on cavanaugh and his family. so this attack on the court is not only anti-constitutional, it's potentially dangerous. >> kevin: i want to share something from fox about hunter biden's defense team questioning who actually filled out the key gun form. obviously this is a major case we are following. hunter biden's defense attorney seemed to telegraph a key element of his defense strategy in a delaware federal court friday about who exactly filled out the key federal gun form in question in the case. it was revealed in court friday a gun store employee, gordon cleveland, helped biden fill out the physical form that day. is that dog going to hunt? >> well i think when you are a
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defense, you need to look at what you can call into question. i think it was also that he held onto the form for 11 days. there were some questions there. it will be interesting to see what the judge allows to come in, what isn't allowed. so far i think it's a trump appointee overseeing the case and the decisions have been very fair. what you expect, going so far as to say the incident when he was in the navy and was discharged, that can't be let in, although we are talking about him using drugs, which is relevant in the case. she says it goes too far and has to be centered around the time of the form. i think that's fair, that's protecting a defendants six amendment right. when i was looking at the coverage i thought how different this is from what we are seeing in new york and the hush money trial. >> kevin: stormy daniels and all that. tom. >> hunter biden will be able to put on a defense and he will be treated fairly by court. it's very unusual in these political cases that we've seen previously because they've involved trump and people around
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trump. very different standards. hunter biden ironically is going to get a fair trial up in delaware. of course the real scandal is that it would never have happened unless the corruption that the justice department was caught up and in terms of trying to cover-up this and other hunter criminality was called out by whistleblowers, pressure from judicial watchers in congress, and the court in this case, the judge up in delaware saw this plea deal as being a racket and shut it down. >> kevin: i'm glad we've talked about that. plea deal, possibly? no? >> i don't know, may be. one of the other things if you recall, he has the tax case too and that has been pushed to september. one of the things i'm looking at his is it going to go into words the election, will it be pushed back, does that have any impact on what voters think of biden? >> kevin: your thoughts, plea deal? >> no, and if i were hunter i would be asking why did the fbi and justice department think so
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little of this case that they waited as long as they did to pursue it. and he would have a fair point. >> kevin: there is so much happening out legally around not just the presidential candidate from the republicans but also the umbrella of the democratic candidate as well. it's an interesting time i think for everybody. thank you both. congressional lawmakers considering sending an invitation to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to address a joint meeting of congress. as you can well imagine, most republicans are all for it but there's actually quite a bit of division amongst democrats. senior congressional correspondent has that tonight from capitol hill. >> fractures over the middle east tearing at the democratic party. democrats accuse republicans of trying to exploit those divides and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> i would love to see a netanyahu come over here and address congress. that would be interesting to here what he has to say. >> reporter: but house progressive object to netanyahu
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speaking to congress. >> one of the most disturbing things i think congress can do is have netanyahu come. >> what concerns you about that? >> it's unconscionable. somebody who is currently... his crimes are about to be prosecuted by the icc. why in the world would we invite him to address us? >> reporter: netanyahu addressed a joint meeting of congress in march of 2015 but views about israel and the makeup of house democrats shifted since then. >> i think that our central goal should be to establish a lasting peace and a permanent cease-fire and i don't think that we should be rewarding individuals who are not focused -- as focused or committed to that aim as the u.s. administration. >> reporter: illinois democrat red schneider is jewish in one of the most ardent supporters of israel in congress.
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>> i think everyone should come and hear the prime minister if they can. we have too many people in congress who close their minds on a whole number of issues. >> reporter: some democrats would prefer to here from someone else altogether. >> it would have been more appropriate for the speaker to allow president -- the president of canada. >> reporter: insisting there's no chasm over the middle east. >> it's nothing but puppies and rainbows on the house democratic caucus side. >> reporter: and appearance on capitol hill by netanyahu serves as a flashpoint. it could threaten to cleave the democratic party even more ahead of the election. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. >> kevin: thank you chad. let's talk about the increasing political impact here in the u.s. of israel's war against hamas with former army special forces green beret who trained
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with the idf, derek anderson joining us tonight. i really appreciate your time here tonight, there is so much i want to get to but i want to begin by playing a sound to get your reaction. this is the house speaker mike johnson and congressman jim himes talking about this invitation for netanyahu to. your reaction on the other side. >> we will soon be hosting try minister netanyahu at their capital for a joint session of congress. this will be a timely and i think strong of support to the israeli government. >> i think it's a terrible idea. why is the prime minister who presumably should be focused on freeing the hostages in prosecuting this war, hopefully in a more humanitarian fashion, why will he take two days to come serve the speakers naked political interest? >> kevin: talk about a contrast. what say you? >> yeah, that's an understatement, kevin. i mean let's be honest here, i support this. i think netanyahu should come
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not only address the house but i think you should try to get a meeting with the president. the president, joe biden. right now we've seen president biden equivocate back and forth on his support for israel. one moment he gets in front of the camera and says i'm all in support of israel 100% but then we see the actions that happened this past week and we see president biden and his a un ambassador it said in condolences to the president of iran, the butcher of tehran. this is absolutely ridiculous, especially if you consider the timing. right now we are the week before memorial day weekend, they should be the time we should be celebrating and honoring our service members that paid the ultimate sacrifice and president biden, un ambassador, instead offering condolences to the same organization, same country that was involved in iraq when they were manufacturing and sending over efp's that cost the lives and limbs of so many of our service members. so again, i absolutely think we should be bringing netanyahu to the house and i think you should absolutely be meeting with president biden with questions. >> kevin: i have to admit in
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my conversations over on capitol hill, they have a lot of lawmakers who are quite surprised, and i think that's putting it mildly, by the white house's reaction to this and the way they feel like netanyahu has been treated by the president of the united states and this administration. i want to share with this, a statement from israel's prime minister's office and foreign ministry. a joint statement talking about the international court of justice "south africa's accusations against israel at the international court of justice in the hague regarding genocide are false, outrageous and disgusting. israel has not and will not carry out a military campaign in the rough area that creates living conditions that could lead to the distraction of the palestinian civilian population and -- in whole or in part. a strong statement there. is it enough to assuage some of the fears? >> what we are seeing with the icj is they are rewarding the bad behavior of hamas.
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i think that they continue to forget that it was only eight months ago that october 7th happened. that we had thousands of israelis that were killed, murdered, raped, all of the above. we had hundreds of hostages taken. in fact we still have roughly over 100 hostages that hamas is still keeping in gaza. we just saw this past week that the idf found some of those hostages unfortunately, but underneath of a un building. so the icj needs to think twice about their comments into israel and look, netanyahu and israel have the right to defend themselves. we have to stand with israel 100%. i was a green beret, i was in the army, i deployed to places like iraq and afghanistan and i can tell you 100% when we had our enemies against the ropes, we did not stop, we kept punching. we did the same thing americans in the united states special operations forces it in syria when we were trying to take out isis. we got them on the ropes and took them out and no isis is no
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longer the organization it used to be. >> kevin: derek anderson with us tonight, thank you so much. have a good weekend my friend, we will talk again soon. >> you too, thank you. coming up, if you are traveling this weekend, buckle up, experts are warning it will be one of the busiest starts to summer in two decades. that story is coming right up. and later on in the nightcap, partisan identification becoming more important in picking lifelong partners. a new poll is out and a surprising number of americans say they would care if a family member married a republican or a democrat. we wonder tonight, would you care if a family member you read somebody from the wrong side of the political spectrum? let us know on instagram and x @tracegallagher, we will read the best responses in the nightcap.ent [♪♪] steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪)
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[♪♪] >> kevin: welcome back. twenty-seven minutes after the hour now, close to 3 million people passing through airport checkpoints on friday in what tsa officials say is likely to be the busiest day of air travel this memorial day weekend. fortunately the weather has mostly cooperated throughout the u.s. although more than 6000, i said 6000, domestic flights have been delayed today, frankly continuing a trend that has forced passengers to, wait for it, pack your patience. this week our very own bill melugin has been covering a disturbing trend down of the southern border. illegal immigrants from dozens of countries pouring into california and in the process representing a potentially, somewhat argue, substantial threat to the homeland. jeff paul back with us. >> reporter: en are the days when tech six seas big numbers
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of migrants coming across the border. right now it's a san diego sector where most migrants are choosing to cross. as we learned this week in many cases they aren't from anywhere near the region. >> where are you from? >> pakistan. >> india. >> türkiye. >> india. >> türkiye. >> china. >> ecuador. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> all india? that matches last month u.s. customs and border protection recorded more than 30,000 -- 37,000 apprehensions in the san diego sector, up more than 10 percent compared to the month prior. migrants say that is often the safest and easiest areas to cross but it's who is crossing
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that is changing. border report -- border patrol report they have encountered people from 67 different countries just last week alone. >> where are you from? >> pakistan. >> how did you get here? >> just crossed the border. >> i know you cross the border, how did you get here? >> i came from brazil. >> from brazil, okay, why the u.s.? >> for the job. for work. >> you want to work? you know it's illegal to come here, cross the border like this, right? >> yeah. >> not a big deal? >> no. >> reporter: in new mexico, helicopters captured this chaotic scene. border patrol trying to stop smugglers from breaching a border fence when agents arrived they try to get the ladder they are using down and then they are pelted with rocks, bottles and even dirt. fox also obtained a letter today from house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan that's addressed to the dhs secretary. it's regarding the attempted
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breach of the marine corps base at the quantico by jordanian nationals. the congressman's demanding the journey didn't nationals immigration history, dates and times of entries into the u.s. and what information cpp officials had during the screening process. >> kevin: thank you. see you again in the nightcap. want to bring in former daily mail and washington bureau chief and u.s. political editor. i want to share this very quick sound back this is the governor of the state of new york cathy hochul talking about -- basically blaming the gop for more or less derailing a border bill that the democrats supported. listen to what she has to say. >> let's shut down the border right now. we have an influx of people that is unmanageable and unsustainable in the state of new york and other states as well. republicans no that if they do this, it will be a win for joe biden. just examine what that is all about. it happened again today.
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>> a number of democrats voted against it too. >> something that is good for our country. >> kevin: just glided past the difficult part, some democrats actually supported that too. your thoughts? >> first of all, what she said at the beginning sounds like it could have been trump -- part of a trump speech from eight years ago. why new york though? why does it bother her so much? that's because every american city right now is a border city. we've got hundreds of thousands of people given free lodging and food and medicine and education and a lot of people who have done this the right way, a lot of immigrants, people of color especially, are looking at this and saying wait a minute, where's mine? how come i did -- had to do this and it was so hard. this will be a major political issue in the cities. this is why trump went to the south bronx. he understands that when you are angry about something, you want to act. when you like something, you want to talk about it but anger and outrage or more acute
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motivators than peace, love and understanding. i think republicans want to motivate people of color who did these things the right way and came to the united states legally and say don't you hate those? >> kevin: and not just the people who come to the country the right way, but also the native americans, people who have been here for generations are saying wait a minute, my family has been struggling, i have relatives who are struggling and yet it seems like these cities like new york for example are doling out cash and housing and all sorts of benefits for people who don't have a legal right to even be here. meanwhile we are here in chicago going wait a minute what about us. i'm going to share this quickly, from the san diego union. the headline is, shifting migrant routes makes san diego the new hotspot for a legal border crossings, but migrants continue to come, particularly through remote areas of the border where my against -- migrants slip through gaps in the fence or find ways over or through the barrier. then they wait in the desert for
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border patrol to pick them up, process them and release them into san diego county. in april they came from all over the world with very few from mexico or central america. what a real change, especially when you think about what our perception was of illegal immigration not so long ago. >> and hundreds of them from iran by the way. this is scary stuff. remember it took fewer than 20 saudi's. so it's just going to be a matter of time before something really horrible happens. and i don't think it's just republicans who are scared of this. i think democrats mostly are scared of it. this is why you see chuck schumer right now play politics with this, resurrecting the border bill. i think by the end of the summer they will quiet this down and recognize that voters aren't going to just put their heads in the sand and look away. this is a big problem. this and basic economic issues. those will be the two big drivers. and the angrier people get, i
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think the more we will see donald trump arising, especially among constituencies that he normally does very well and. >> kevin: i think we are already seeing that especially in the polling as we take a closer look. my friend, thank you, see you in the nightcap a bit later. coming up, an historic agreement that will change college sports forever. really? we will tell you all about it( next. [♪♪] with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™.
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professional model for college sports. if it is approved by a judge the agreement would allow colleges and universities to pay athletes directly for playing sports, to revenue-sharing plans, and it also calls for paying damages to thousands of former and current athletes who say the now defunct ncaa rules prevented them from earning endorsement money. in a joint statement the ncaa and five conference reps wrote that this is an important step in the continuing reform of college sports that will provide benefits to student athletes and provide clarity in college athletics across all divisions. one of the winningest coaches in college football history had this to say on special report in march... >> i want the quality of life for student athletes to be the best it can be and i think they should have a seat at the table and i think it needs to be, you know, equal across-the-board so that a school that can afford more can't create an advantage for themselves just because they
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have more money to spend. >> reporter: ncaa leaders are also looking to congress to pass legislation that not only shielded from future antitrust lawsuits but also enable it to develop compensation rules to prevent athletes from becoming employees. and the results of this litigation could impact hundreds of schools across the country as early as fall 2025. >> kevin: thank you so much. we will have to see how your razorbacks react to all of that. let's get some insight tonight from the host of let's go podcast with tom brady and larry fitzgerald, fox news contributor and one of my heroes jim gray. i want to get your thoughts after i listen to just a little bit of paul, i got you and i know well. this is where he's talking about the significance of this particular rule. take a look. >> this is the most significant day in the history of the ncaa because the sham that the ncaa
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has always been is over. they have always fought on every mountain to defend the rights at this is really amateur athletics when we've all known that has not been the case for a long time. this is to prevail and preserve their own ability to continue to be in existence. >> kevin: i have to admit, i'm kind of excited about it, but maybe i'm looking at this the wrong way. what do you say there, jim? >> well it's been a bad system, like paul said, and it's been a bad system for the long time. the only reason they got to this point is because they were forced to reform, forced by the court system because they would not do it themselves. the whole thing has really been, as he said, just a sham. now finally it has come crumbling down and it's come crumbling down so much that they are paying out $2.7 billion in a settlement. it was either that are go out of business so they'd rather stay
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in business and try and circulate once again as a some sort of an entity, but now everybody is on the hook here and it's retroactive and thousands upon thousands of athletes are finally going to get paid. they've been exploited for a long time and they were exploited without representation so i think the next thing you will see his representation, agents, and you will see a union. >> kevin: i kind of want to call ed o'bannon and get his thoughts on this. can you imagine what he's thinking right now? i want to share this, florida softball coach who says my greatest fear of all this is what we are asking for. what is that going to do to all those ports on every campus? what's it going to do to some of the programs that were relying on their conference in the ncaa for money? what is that going to do? are they dropping programs, are they dropping sports? unintended consequences, jim, what might happen? >> well i think one of the intended consequences had been
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unintended and unspoken in the past. these are not student athletes. now they are athlete students, okay, they are not there for the education, they are there for the participation in athletics. so now it has just come out and really what we will see is the minor leagues that professional football, professional basketball, and that's a great concern. what happens to the other sports that were funded? this doesn't mean the money is going away. it's great -- gotten greater, networks are paying more. and this and il, a system put into place short time ago and with that now these players are getting paid. but now it's going to be everybody so we will have a free-for-all. if i thought they had, you know, renegades before, just wait until this takes off. >> kevin: 15 seconds left, is this the rich getting richer circumstance or is this a leveling of the playing field? >> it depends how you define rich. money can come from anywhere now so we will see what happens. i mean you can have boosters from any place that has
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tremendous amount of funds and now they can spend them and now they don't have to spend them in the shadows. there is so much that we have to wait and see. great for the athletes, great for the student-athletes now that they are going to get paid and no longer exploited but i think we've opened a pandora's box that none of us know what will happen. >> kevin: the great gym gray, have a great weekend. >> always good to be with you. [♪♪] >> kevin: 45 after now. first up into nights viral videos, earlier this week people in spain got a stellar view of this brightly glowing blue comment soaring across the sky. those who saw it firsthand claimant was incredible. they say the luminosity was so extreme it was almost like standing in broad daylight as the comet passed over. according to nasa, the blue-green hughes of meteors like that are caused by burning magnesium. who knew.
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meantime roughed winds and tornadoes tormenting texas residents, not even downtown houston was safe. even local shoppers going about their day, they were part of the action. take a look at the video. a storm pushing a powerful wind right into a shop, shattering windows. houston also saw significant power outages. crazy day down there in the lone star state. if you have a video you would like to show, share it with us @tracegallagher or @foxnewsnight on social media. coming up, how would you feel if a family member married a democrat or married a republican? let us no one x, instagram @tracegallagher. we will read the best responses next. [♪♪]
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[♪♪] >> kevin: welcome back everybody. we are with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic, party preference. partisan identification becoming more important in picking, you know, lifelong partners. there's a new pulled out showing 41% of americans say they would care if a family member married a republican. thirty-five% say they would care if they married a democrat. by the way both numbers up ten from 2014. would you care if a member of your family married somebody
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from the wrong side of the political spectrum? stephanie? stephanie hamill. not there. okay, derek anderson. >> look, kevin, i like mixing it up a bit. my family, they say don't bring religion and politics in their, i kind of like mixing it up to make the christmases and thanksgivings and family dinners kind of interesting. my family, we have people from all walks of life and all over the place but i have to give a shout out to my grandpa. he and i are always at the family dinners on the thanksgivings and we always give each other the side i and are like let's go ahead and just start it, let's start the fire and get this thing rolling. we are not afraid, we will let it roll. >> kevin: alex, what about you? >> i think it's great to have diverse opinions. i married someone that votes very differently than i do and our families have welcomed each other. we often celebrate our thanksgiving together and it's
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even more lively. >> kevin: david? >> i'm in a politically mixed marriage. i haven't had a first date since 1993, so it's working. but the best part is, we raise two wonderful kids and they've always heard both sides of everything at the dinner table. honestly, she helps keep me honest and i think i do the same for her. >> kevin: yeah, they side with mom. >> i have no problem with it. we can always agree to disagree. >> kevin: jeff? >> good peeps' good peeps. the only thing i don't like to be around his close minded people. be able to listen, you don't have to agree and not get in a fight, that's great to me. >> kevin: steve hilton, what about you? >> i agree with the idea of different views. when i was growing up most of my friends were on the left so i would be happy for this. but there is a limit. if it was one of these screaming gaza kind of people, i don't want that. >> kevin: okay, here's what our social media followers said. we ask, would you care. on x, 36% said yes, 45% said yes
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on instagram. basically not many people. let's take a look at some of our responses tonight. saying, no democrats in my house. patsy, love is forever, hopefully. saying, i did and it did not turn out well. katie, it's all about who makes them happy, not to their partner voted for. how nice. charlie says no catches make interesting conversation at the dinner table. charlie, you are crazy. dr, i've seen too many families collapse because of political misalignments and that's tragic. >> i always say don't ask, don't tell. i think all of you for helping me out tonight on the nightcap. and thank you for spending time with us on a friday night. i'm kevin corke info trace gallagher. meantime have a wonderful meantime have a wonderful holiday weekend. and stories are told beneath the stars. where connections grow and memories are born.
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