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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. "the five" which starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> charles: so as the bide
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>> it is friday. i am here with shannon bream and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. ♪ ♪ it is the democrats' worst nightmare. donald trump rocking the deep blue bronx for the rockets rally. the lines were spending blocks to get in. the former president firing up over 10,000 supporters who chanted four more years. trump on message, the later focus on the joe biden disaster. demolishing c.u.p.s fillers, piece by piece, and his pitch to minority voters. minority voters. >> what a crowd. this is something. [chanting "we love trump"] who said we are not going to win new york? we are going to win new york.
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on day one we are going to throw out bidenomics and going to replace it with maga nomics. low interest rates, rising wages, low incomes, fair trade for the american worker, and we will make energy affordable again. by saying drill, baby, drill. drill, baby, drill. i have come tonight to talk about solving problems. the simple fact is joe biden is not getting the jo he's not getting the job done for new york. and he's not getting the job done for america. we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving america the middle finger. very simply, joe biden puts illegal aliens first. i put america first. >> judge jeanine: democrats fuming at the sight of their base flocking to the rally. it must be soul-crushing for them to see trump assembling a diverse working-class coalition.
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and hacks like new york democrat governor kathy hochul had nothing nice to say, except nasty smears like this. >> well, i'll tell you it won't make a difference at all, jake. and that is for donald trump to be the ringleader and put all his clowns to a place like the bronx. new york will never ever support donald trump for president. >> judge jeanine: but if you want to talk about clowns, kathy, the left-wing media is full of them. listen to how they reacted to the rally. >> he's not going to win new york. he's not going to win the bronx. but that audience is not the bronx. the audience is everyone else in the state that he could possibly win. and what he tries to do -- there is no downside for him to do this, by the way -- what he is trying to do is just signal to other people, just signal to people in swing states who are white, who don't want to be thought of as voting for a racist, to soften the ground there. maybe he's not such a racist. >> judge jeanine: but the people
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of the bronx are making up their own minds about trump. >> we have been voting down the same party for years now, and nothing has changed. things have gotten out of control. we are dealing with housing situations. we are dealing with homelessness and mentally ill, crime. >> the cost of living has spiraled out of control. i don't see biden doing anything about it, and also there is an influx at the border that needs to be dealt with, and i think that trump is the man to do it. >> i'm seeing the change go for the worse. the bidenomics, the democratic party, the democrat all my life, and donald trump. >> judge jeanine: so donald trump dares to go into the big blue bronx. biden wouldn't do that in a deep republican area, would he? >> greg: i don't expect him to. he basically threw a bash in their backyard. and hochul calling them clowns is rich. looks like she played 7 minutes in heaven with the crown.
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a battle between reality and ideas. the reason trump resonates and why there is excitement is he talks about real things. so it is like jobs, it's crime, the border, prices, and then he talks about bacon. he goes off on bacon. i can't buy bacon. that is a thing. joe right now and the democratic party are floundering in ideas. white supremacy, threats to democracy, the soul of america. these are things that you cannot touch. these are concepts. but when you talk about your family, that is real. when you talk about your kids, that is real. what joe is pushing is a denial of what's real by calling everything an idea. so gender isn't real, it's an idea. crime isn't real, it's a perception. inflation isn't real, it's a concept. i think the mistake that the democrats have made probably in the last ten years or so is that they left the world of the real for the world of the abstract.
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they took the lead from the campuses and abandoned the cul-de-sac. think about how you think about your friends, whether they are democrats or republicans. friends, family, relatives, coworkers, but to the dems it became -- everybody became a vessel of power. oppressor versus oppressed. gender becomes a fluid concept. the border is not a tangible thing. right now you are seeing people kind of reacting and going, what is biden talking about? none of these things resonate in my life. meanwhile, this guy is actually talking about the stuff we see every day. immigrants outside of hotels. you know, driving up sixth avenue. guys passed out. those are things that you can touch, although i don't advise it. >> judge jeanine: you know, shannon, when you listen to donald trump here, he was very authentic. he was himself. there were no sweeping generalizations. there was no
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hyperbole. he was just real. greg is right about that. do you think he hit the message the way he wanted to? >> shannon: i think he feels there is an opportunity. republicans feel there is an opportunity to say there is a shift. they want to put the democrats, the progressive stuff and what is happening on campus, they are now the ultra-elite, ivy league educated folks. we are now the working-class party, that is the argument they want to try to be able to make. so i think he was willing to go here and let the optics do some of the talking. where president biden goes to very controlled environments, they are much smaller things. and as you said, i'm not sure he is going to go to alabama and try to do an event down there. but president trump seems willing to go into here. he knows not everybody in the bronx loves him. he is a new yorker, he knows that. but remember, even if these aren't all bronx people, the ones there, there was a teacher or folks talking to us, that i am in the bronx, i teach here, and when i look around and see the resources being spent on people who are here illegally, that we have compassion for, but
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it means resources are away from our communities, and i'm struggling economically, that's a real problem for me. so it is worth listening to those voices, whatever party you are coming from. >> judge jeanine: kevin, why are the democrats so afraid? why does kathy hochul have to have her moment -- her deplorables moment -- and call the republicans clowns? >> kevin: this democrat is just a little afraid sitting next to you. [laughter] for one. listen, i love to see donald trump campaigning in new york, in new jersey. ronald reagan last flipped new york back in the '80s, so please spend all of your time and resources there. i think shannon makes an excellent point, too. we have seen throughout history changing demographics, the south was a democratic stronghold for decades. lbj flipped that, richard nixon flipped that, back to the republican column. democrats flipped georgia and arizona for the first time in generations with president biden. so you see these kind of changing demographics, changing coalitions, and we will see how
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that plays out in the next six months. >> judge jeanine: you think, joey, that the president is going to continue to go into democrat areas? >> johnny: i mean, as long as he has to be here, probably. >> greg: that's true. >> johnny: they flipped georgia with a lot of drop boxes and funny things. but i don't know if they flipped the hearts and minds of georgians. i'll tell you now, i live in marjorie taylor greene's district, and biden -- which would be comparable to new york city -- biden would not show up there and if he did, he wouldn't have a crowd. this is not about winning new york. this is about signaling to the rest of the country, especially those that have big checks to write, hey, you are safe to bet on me because i can go to the place that i should have nobody show up and get a roaring crowd. this is about georgia. he might not win fulton but can you bring in 5,000 more votes in the other two count ies that touch georgia. this is about the people in milwaukee, detroit, minneapolis, states trump was competitive in in 2016 that might come back in 2024. you watch that and you see where that lady goes.
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we've been democrats forever and nothing has changed. that's only half true. things have changed. the policies that democrats have enacted in big cities and urban areas to control rent and to control education and to do things to try to even the playing field and bring in equity have only hurt people and held people down. so what has changed is the opportunity for those people to keep up with the rest of the country who have seen prosperity since 2008. so doesn't matter if he wins new york? no, what matters is everyone sat at home and watched that and said, wow. in texas, the bigger belt buckle you wear, the more there better be behind it. you want a rodeo. that's like walking in with a big belt buckle. that is signaling to the country, i can do this in new york. >> judge jeanine: yep. >> greg: what's with the dark shirt? >> johnny: i don't -- it's blue. what's wrong with that? >> judge jeanine: and matches the tie. >> greg: i don't know, you look like -- >> johnny: what's with the school uniform? >> greg: it's friday. it is free dress day, joey. you look like you sell
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winnebago's. >> judge jeanine: up next, do the democrats really think this guy is ready to debate? joe biden holds a blunder-filled news conference for the ages. kevin. ♪ ♪ e ages. kevin. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age.
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vice president, president kamala harris, much the nation's first presidential advisory council on the african diaspora. >> mr. president, two questions -- >> no, no, one. [laughter] >> mr. president, could you tell me what the african union is doing as well as what the eu is doing when it comes to the humanitarian crisis in the congo? thank you. >> what was my question? [laughter] >> shannon: biden's struggles with memory are getting harder for the democrats to ignore. fivethirtyeight founder nate silver has some tough advice now for the president. >> democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the ticket. if you are really as concerned about defeating donald trump as democrats claim they are, then you should be doing everything you can in your power to maximize the chance that you win. >> shannon: but if the president
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does not step aside, james carville is hoping he can at least stand up to the far left to help solve some of his polling problems. >> one question i would love for the biden white house to answer, why are they so afraid of the left? they [bleep] him up on immigration policy. they can't even win in deep blue areas. they come into conflict with loosely aligned voters we have to have. they have very little connection to black america at all. yet, proportionally, punch way above their weight. and i just, somebody understand it. >> shannon: kevin, you just said we can ask. >> kevin: that was during the break. >> shannon: just rip the band-aid off and let you start because james carville, he has been around forever in politics, and one of his things i have
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referred to before, he said recently when he looked at the president's poll numbers, it was like seeing your grandmother naked. it was scary and he couldn't forget it. >> kevin: he is certainly a thoughtful guy. listen, 2024 isn't going to be a turnout election. it's not necessarily a persuasion election. every american knows where they stand on donald trump and joe biden, right? it is a balancing act for the president to fulfill some of the promises to the base and make sure we are turning those folks out. the vice president is crisscrossing the country, college tours, talking specifically about abortion, student debt, to get those folks out. and then it is also holding those moderate supporters that have been with the president for a long time, going back to his time in the senate. and again, we will see how that coalition hopefully stays together in the next six months. >> shannon: judge, the democrats are saying a lot of things out loud that they were whispering a year ago. now there is this open talk, got to be prepared for the possibility he leaves the ticket. what happens if he does? does the vice president become the nominee? do they go for gavin newsom? where do they go?
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>> judge jeanine: if they don't go for the vice president, they are going to have a lot of problems on their hands. she is considered african american, asian, and that whole segment. you know, it was carville who already said there was very little connection to the black americans in this country, joe biden. the last thing he can do is say, we are going to bring in gavin newsom or someone else. but i think the issue is even bigger than all of this, the mechanics of what will happen. nate silver is right. if he doesn't get better by the end of the summer, the guy shouldn't be running. you and i both know he is not going to get better, he's only going to get older, and three-quarters of the country thinks the guy is too old to be effective. my concern is this is our president. why do politics play into this issue at all? if we really believe in our country, if we really believe in america and what it stands for and that we are all unified as americans, how do we let a man
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like that, who can't speak, who's got to have preselected reporters, and then has to conspicuously read from printed notes, how can we let him engage with foreign leaders? how can we let this guy decide what are the issues that this country should be upfront about and pushing forward? this is not a man who is capable of being the commander in chief. i don't think this guy should have the nuclear codes. i don't think he's got his wits about him. and everybody is worried about politics. we should worry about this country and forget about him. he is too old, too decrepit, he doesn't know what he is doing. he plagiarized from the time he first showed up. he hasn't had an original thought since the day he showed up. >> shannon: i think you had some caffeine during the break. she is fired up now, judge. do you think, though, a lot of this is baked in, just like president trump, some of the hyperbole on the legal trouble, people have already decided.
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with the president, they say, all right, we see how he is performing. he does say things the white house needs to correct and those kinds of things, but this is our guy. >> johnny: i'm not a pollster and i don't want to necessarily contradict you but you said this is a turnout election, not a persuasion election. i see it a little bit differently. i don't care if you hate guns and are pro-abortion. i don't care where you are on some of these topics that are far left and very divisive. if you are broke right now, if you feel unsafe right now, you might very well be sitting there saying, i voted for biden last time. there is no way i am voting for him this time. maybe i will vote for trump. maybe see what i get with trump and i'm okay. i don't like the hyperbole, i don't like the conjecture, but i sure like the economy, sure like a closed border. so i think there is a lot of opportunity for persuasion. i don't know that the bronx shows that, but when you see a president get up there and you dislike everything about him, but you almost have to feel sorry for him because the man can't get words out of his mouth. i don't know how people can
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support that and be energized by that. i think that is a huge problem. they are not going to replace him because replacing him would be acknowledging the failure down the ballot on policy that he has enacted because he has had a busy presidency. it's just not been a successful one. they are not going to replace him unless it is a medical issue. so i do worry. i worry for his health while he is commander in chief, and i worry that something -- when ukraine popped off, listen, we can survive these wars until we get a new president. >> shannon: well, and listen, that is why there's so much focus on the vp, who the trump pick is going to be in vice president harris because there are a lot of questions about whether they're going to step in the next four years. >> greg: what was the guy's name? nate silver? he said something that hadn't occurred to me until now. he was saying basically if you are positioning trump as the most evil person in the world,
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why wouldn't you -- oh, my god, we are fighting hitler, we cannot send grandpa monster unless -- this is where i come in, you got something else up your sleeve, who knows what that is. because why would they do that? why would they send this feeble creature to fight hitler. today, here's the thing, biden is incapable of things he could have done six months ago. now jump ahead to november. at this rate, he is going to make bernie look like aoc. this is the only what-if scenario that the media won't touch. they spend their time doing these doomsday scenarios: trump is going to end democracy and they don't have evidence for that. trump is going to shut down -- they don't have evidence for that, but they do these doomsday scenarios in "the atlantic" and they're also solemn. the dog not barking is the fact they are not covering the doomsday scenario of joe biden in six months, and it is the only one you can actually graph.
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just follow the downward slope. it's going down. and you think about that onslaught of news about trump's mental state from 2016 to 2020, and now 2024, he's absolutely killing it. and you're thinking, maybe that was a hoax, too. meanwhile, the dems are holding their candidate together with, you know, twine and staples and he is staining seat cushions instead of campaigning. they're keeping that under wraps the same way they elevated trump's so-called insanity. are you disgusted, shannon? >> shannon: oh, did you have something? >> greg: you know shannon doherty? >> shannon: i'm a blond, she's a brunette. a lot of good shannons out there. coming up, elon musk is at it again with another jaw-dropping prediction about future ai and your job.
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♪ ♪ future ai and your job. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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♪ ♪ >> johnny: i love it. all right, jobs. elon musk making another one of his bold predictions about the future and advancements in artificial intelligence. watch this. >> probably none of us will have. you want to do a job kind of like a hobby, you can do a job, but otherwise the ai and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want. >> johnny: yeah, musk wasn't on there, the billionaire giving a master class on how to shut down a liberal media reporter. >> from "business insider," taking into tesla, tesla has had a bumpy few months looking at flagging sales at home, stock
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market decline, layoffs. when you look back, are there any -- >> we can stop the question right now because i don't think "business insider" is a real publication. so let's go to the next question. >> all right, thank you. >> next question, number four. >> johnny: steve jobs one minute and donald trump the next. is artificial intelligence ready for prime time? after google's woke ai disaster, the tech giant's new ai search prompt is putting glue in the pizza and eating rocks. i've got a 5-year-old, she is liable to do both. but shannon, on a more serious topic, what elon was saying, if a robot is doing your job and you don't mind your job, maybe you can dedicate your time to things you are passionate about. >> shannon: this reminded me, i was thinking about speaker pelosi -- and then-speaker pelosi, trying to push the affordable care act back, we have to do this so people are not tied to a job. so if they want to be artists or take pictures all day, they can
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do that. my question is if you're just doing hobbies, how are you paying the rent? if the robots are doing the jobs, i don't understand where the incomes are coming from. >> johnny: the guy that ran for democratic nominee -- >> kevin: andrew yang? >> johnny: it's got to be ubi. greg, a deeper question for you because i feel like you are really bringing it today. he seems to be a real estate mogul from what i can tell. once he started talking to me, he said he has invested in an ai that will take the bias out of the media we consume. and my rebuttal to him was that we all read the second amendment. the text are the facts, but we read it differently. so can ai settle those arguments? >> greg: that's an excellent question, joey. right now we are seeing ai reach basic super intelligence. i was listening to scott adams debate chatgpt over the 2020 election, potential illegalities. it was freaky.
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right? it came with its own biases. and then scott had to tease it out because he knew where it was getting information from. so it is garbage in, garbage out, that's the way it's going to be with ai. what was chilling to me was every time scott cut off chatgpt, i felt that it was rude. so chatgpt had a female voice and she was very bubbly and accommodating, and every time he interjected, i kind of thought, oh, i hope she doesn't take it personally. and i realized, my god, i was assigning consciousness to something that isn't real. i don't do that to my toaster. i don't do that to my fridge or my car. but i assign consciousness to something that apparently isn't conscious. but if you program ai to act like it is conscious, we are all going to be like this. so get this, jump forward ten years, maybe five years, you're going to have a mobile ai, thinking robot in your house that is programmed to understand
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your needs, your likes, dislikes, also your politics. so if you like fox news and nascar, your robot is going to be listening to country music too and understand your philosophies. this ai robot will be your friend, your therapist, your coworker. imagine if someone comes over and kicks your robot. you are going to be wrecked as though someone hit your dog or hit your child. you will have assigned it consciousness and you will think that it experiences pain, even though you have no proof that it does. but maybe you can program the ai into thinking it feels pain. this is where it gets freaky. you are going to give it and assign it as a living thing, and you are going to expand the definition of living things. so you are basically, in the theory of evolution or the concept of evolution, birthing the next hominid, and we are going to be the neanderthals. no one said in evolution it had to be made of flesh. >> johnny: i don't know where to
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take that. i'm going to let it sit. [laughter] >> shannon: i don't want a moody robot in my house. >> kevin: kicking that robot out of anger -- >> greg: you are going to have a liberal robot, i will have a conservative robot. >> johnny: kevin, we already have that. elon musk sits there and talks about free speech and wanting people to have conversations. but if i go on x, everything i see is programmed by the people i follow and the things i tweet. you and i probably won't see much of the same stuff. we talk about ai. >> kevin: as shannon knows, i just got married in february. my husband is a republican and worked at the rnc. i go onto his twitter to see what his worldview is on his phone, and he goes on mine. and i think that is a worthy experiment to see what the other side -- and i wish more people would do that, and then we start kicking each other's robots. or they are just going to go at
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it. >> shannon: rock 'em, sock 'em. >> kevin: interesting question, certainly. >> johnny: why do democrats want it so much? >> kevin: i don't know if we want it. i'm scared about the future of ai, not in the destroying humans "terminator" scenario, but this is going to take a lot of jobs and we are not prepared for that. i actually think fox does a good job shining a light on all aspects of ai. fox digital, a ton of ai coverage. this is going to transform everything. >> greg: let's say you have a robot doing your job. someone has to oversee that robot, and that will be you. >> kevin: i want my robot to be kind. >> johnny: someone get a little robot myself. but on the topic of ai itself, i can't imagine someone using an algorithm to decide a court case. sitting on the bench -- >> judge jeanine: that's why i will be forever employed, although i am not a judge
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anymore. you need judges. why are you laughing? >> greg: because i disagree completely. there are studies that show judge decisions are based on if they ate before hand. >> judge jeanine: what? do you think my sentence was determined by whether or not i had a milkshake? >> greg: you were hangry. you are hangry right now. >> judge jeanine: hang on! i want to say something about this. the billionaire told parents to limit the amount of time their kids spend on social media. no kidding, because they are being programmed by a dopamine maximizing ai. and that ai will be smarter than any human by the end of 2025. so if they are smarter than any of us, and i am not real good with this stuff, then they are going to get rid of me because they think they are smarter than i am, okay? but i am smarter than they are because i'm not buying one unless it wants to do my floor like that -- what's that thing i have that goes around the room? roomba. >> shannon: do you have an alexa?
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>> judge jeanine: actually not. >> johnny: everyone's alexas just went off at home. >> judge jeanine: i don't get it, i don't know what the benefit is. i like robots that can do jobs. i don't want them thinking for me. maybe joe biden needs ai. maybe that's where i come down on it. >> johnny: we will figure it out, i guess. coming up next, look out for sharks. jaws sighted at beaches on memorial day. ♪ ♪ out for sharks. jaws cited at beaches on memorial day. ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check.
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>> kevin: we are going to need a bigger boat. it is shark season, but should you really be freaking out about these top monsters or is the panic just a cheap ratings stunt by our own producers here at "the five"? experts are warning of an increase in shark activity along a popular memorial day weekend spot in cape cod, massachusetts. according to peta, more humans have died from attempting dangerous tiktok challenges this year than from shark attacks. the resident shark advisor here, greg, what are your thoughts? >> greg: all right, this segment could have originally aired in 2011 or 2012 or 2013 and we wouldn't even know because they use the same damn "jaws" clip. the producer goes, what's the best "jaws" clip? you know the one -- oh, that's great. it's friday, memorial day weekend, just slap it together, we got to get out. i'm going to get home, we are going to the hamptons, blah, blah. so they throw this crappy segment together, and it is based on increasing shark attacks -- no, it's an increase in people at the beach!
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the sharks haven't changed! oh, it's nice weather, let's head over here. it's the damn people going to the beach! you idiots! can we stop! stop! this stupid thing! >> kevin: we have heard from our shark truther here on the panel. shannon, coming from florida, what do you think? >> shannon: born and raised in florida. my brother pete, this is for you. in high school, he had a shark attack him and try to bite his leg off. he managed to make it to shore and all was sewn back together. this is a real thing. >> greg: once i got the flu. >> shannon: what can i say? >> kevin: anecdotal stories. >> shannon: next time you get bit by an undersea monster, let me know. going to the beach on memorial day, wearing my swimsuit in public. >> kevin: joey, what do you think of shark attacks? >> johnny: "jaws" isn't even a top-five shark movie. multiple "sharknado" movies, jason statham movies, "the meg"
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is really good, and the movie where samuel l. jackson makes the big speech and the shark comes up, i did not -- >> greg: amazing film. don't give away the ending. >> judge jeanine: there is no ending. >> johnny: shark attacks and ice cream. the bell curve is the exact same, directly correlated, just have to figure out where it is. don't eat ice cream and you will not get attacked by sharks. >> kevin: judge? thoughts on sharks? >> judge jeanine: if roy scheider is out there, i will go out there just to check out. i know he's dead. you are disgusting. >> kevin: up next, remembering passwords can be the bane of your existence, but google lets you share your password, a relief for dads who are bugged by netflix and wi-fi logins. shannon, what are you sharing? >> shannon: can't remember
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anything, and then when you go into passwords, they will tell you yours is no longer good and you have to update them. and then when you go to change the password, they say, no, you can't use that one because that is your current password. then why did you let me login with the password? i hate passwords, and i make them really simple because i cannot remember anything. >> kevin: your trainer has replaced your phone, so clearly he has access. >> judge jeanine: i was working out with my trainer. came to work, he put his picture on my phone. >> greg: that's your trainer? >> judge jeanine: and -- >> greg: what is he training you in? what is he training you in? >> judge jeanine: shut up, greg. >> kevin: the judge is -- >> judge jeanine: the point i want to make. all of you out there. the older you get, do not give your kids your passwords because what they are going to do is there going to say you are incompetent, take your password, and empty your bank accounts, okay? >> shannon: conservatorships. >> kevin: greg, yes or no, sharing passwords?
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>> greg: i do this for fun on the weekends. i go downtown and share my password with strangers. i will just go up to a stranger and say, unicorns. if you can find out what that is, you can have it. >> kevin: yes or no, real quick? >> johnny: yeah, share them, i don't care. >> kevin: there you have it. "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ them, i don't care. >> kevin: there you have it. "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: "fan mail friday." that was kind of a letdown as a song. all right, first question. this is kind of interesting, i like this: when you have to give yourself a pep talk, what do you say? let's go to the queen of pep, shannon. you are all pep and no talk. >> shannon: it is all music. i play "eye of the tiger" and you got this! >> greg: do you do that? >> shannon: i do. >> greg: jjj? >> johnny: i don't know if i have to give myself a pep talk. i just look at someone who was a complete idiot ahead of me and think, you know what, if they did it, i know i can. >> greg: that's amazing. that's
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a good one. kevin? >> kevin: i cheat a little bit. as an only child, i call my mom for a pep talk. >> shannon: i like that. >> greg: what about you, judge? >> judge jeanine: i do it with music. i fire myself up with music. is it katy perry who did "roar?" that's what i put on. katy perry. or kenny loggins, "this is it." like, this is it, jeanine, you are done. >> shannon: judge and i are going to have a music dance party. >> greg: a pep talk? i hire somebody else. >> shannon: oh, no, you don't. >> kevin: give them your password. >> greg: then all of a sudden i forget my problems. that is the secret to the world. >> shannon: ♪ we are the world ♪ >> greg: what movie did you watch that stayed with you long after leaving the theater? kevin? >> kevin: this is like a pressure thing right here.
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i mean, so i loved "oppenheimer" most recently. that was intense and stayed with me a while because it was so well done. >> greg: you know what -- >> kevin: it wasn't long. >> greg: it was two movies in one. >> shannon: judge, are you okay over there? >> judge jeanine: i'm trying to think what it was. >> greg: "jaws?" >> judge jeanine: roy scheider was in it. >> greg: "52 pickup," look it up. >> johnny: a movie called "sucker punch," have you seen it? at the end, you realize she got the lobotomy at the beginning of the movie. all of this fighting and everything, all a fever dream. >> greg: i hate movies that turn out to be dreams. speaking of dreams, shannon. >> shannon: to be serious, when i left "saving private ryan," i could not speak and i really felt like i wish --
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i wish it was part of high school curriculums that everyone could watch and appreciate. but i also have a nacho libre poster in my office. >> greg: judge, return to find a movie? >> shannon: she is googling roy scheider. >> judge jeanine: come to me later. >> greg: it's the end of the segment, judge. you can tweet it out. i'm going to go with "deliverance." i always think about "deliverance." >> shannon: you do? >> greg: i find myself in my quiet moments thinking of how much i want to go canoeing. >> judge jeanine: so sick. you are a sick man. >> greg: joe biden does remind me of the banjo player, let's be honest. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ o player, let's be honest. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age.
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harris faulkner. >> sunday on the fox news to onel. >> before we get to one more thing, a programming note. join us on monday for our memorial day special. we're kicking off the summer season with a fun filled show. want tyou don't want to miss ite >> okay, greg, hit it. sho all right. t, we got a great show. >> i know you're probably driving, but, you know, turn it on. and whati advio watch ? you know what? i advise you to watch this show while driving. [l, it's very safe.e augu paul mauro, vince august tipst entire. . >> watch it. w hey, let's do this.or greg's workout tips, you know, before you go for a run or anything. >> always stretch those calves. yeah. and here you go. that's blue body dialed in in se four words. you stretching it out, doing a little stepper so big.un got it. got his trunk up a and hisnde legs out. look at that. helps with the balance bakeeps our joints healthy.or no, he's running in theth
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new york marathoon nexn next we. >> that makes me feel bad. t like, how do they traihen him>>d to do that? >> oh, you train out there? yeahgethat bot., that bothers m. anyway, it's my turn now. barbie is honoring some femaledu sports icons ahead of the olympicsst. and just so you know,at barbie continues to inspire young women to know that there are many options in life, includin beig being a mom and in addition to being a mom. so we've got tennis champion venus williams is one of the new trailblazing women athletenn dolls. alexa marino from mexicoow, jia world medalists in gymnastics and an australian soccer star. >> so that's it with barbie. that's it. that's i t. >> hey, listen, she hadjudg a doggie, the one there. so i want to tell you about th air because you're going to love this. first airline cater to dogs officially took off with a solde out maiden flight, new york to l.a. pampered pooches on board get treats. >> they get noise canceling earmuffs, beverage of their choice. anothecancelinr r surprise, $6,,
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though, but that gets you a trip. and a dog. i think there's only one way of my dog person: person fly win >> yeah, just the dog you can. no person and a pilot. c an i$2,000 for my dog is goingyo to cost you a lot of money, but you're good for it. not true. fox news sunday this weekend, we've got byron donald ofs, jared moskowitz, people from both sides of the aisle talk to the day. >> all right. are these much more? yes, it is, joe. and so somethinggs a. a little w more serious than dogs on an airplane. listen, i had the honor the stateng the the staten. island marine corps detachment laste ol week. these are older veterans that are marines. they go back andk they do the color guard and the 21 gun salute for military burials. l what's the big we can show this sunday and see the full interview. it was really amazin reallg. >> all right. we only have 10 seconds. can you do a great story, charles? charles byrd, 99-year-old world war ii veteran, just graduated with his great granddaughte war iir. >> we go. that's it for us. everyone, have a great night


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