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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 24, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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though, but that gets you a trip. and a dog. i think there's only one way of my dog person: person fly win >> yeah, just the dog you can. no person and a pilot. c an i$2,000 for my dog is goingyo to cost you a lot of money, but you're good for it. not true. fox news sunday this weekend, we've got byron donald ofs, jared moskowitz, people from both sides of the aisle talk to the day. >> all right. are these much more? yes, it is, joe. and so somethinggs a. a little w more serious than dogs on an airplane. listen, i had the honor the stateng the the staten. island marine corps detachment laste ol week. these are older veterans that are marines. they go back andk they do the color guard and the 21 gun salute for military burials. l what's the big we can show this sunday and see the full interview. it was really amazin reallg. >> all right. we only have 10 seconds. can you do a great story, charles? charles byrd, 99-year-old world war ii veteran, just graduated with his great granddaughte war iir. >> we go. that's it for us. everyone, have a great night.
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>> welcome to a specialtion edition of jesse watersth primetime, because the producers of prime time like to mess with me. i'm going to read the prompter ime like exactly as it's written. i'm charles williams kanwrittene in for jesse. well, it was a love fest lastthr night in the bronx, right hereee in the bronx. >> who would be who would think this is like a lov le fest? love fest to love fest. we love you. >> we're going to renovate new york subway system. so it no longer looks like it hasn't been cleaned since 1932. >> they're always going to whisper your accomplishments and shout your failureyour as and trump going, shout the wins for all of us. >> that's what i lik for e thoseto teeth. i want to find out where you. i got to get my teeth like that. it getlike that. doesn't matterr you're black or brown or white
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or whatever the hell color you are. it doesn't matter. we are all americans, and we're going to pull together as americans. >> breaking donald trump wants a grill and he's showered ree borough of brookly an with love. and they returned the favor. but none of itr. surprised the former president. >> you see black support going i up with new hispanic young people. like i said, the people like me and you and i say you're different. why? because i did things in office >> i did t offce reforne criminal justice reform or i did criminal justice at a level that nobody thought was possible to do. and i did that largely to the black and hispanic community. they're the ones who wantee thet . opportunity zones with tim scott, and hity zonee was so muh in favor of it. and it's probably maybe the bestrobabl economic developt package ever for african-americans, for hispanic americans, asian americans. we did a lot of things >> h peopl lote couldn't believe
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were able to get done. >> well, it did surprise the media, though, when when trump in the bronx,hi when they saw him potentially turn a de. >> blue new york red throughs pt a bigger crowd. and i think democrats would like to see, particularly givelt this is one county in the to wre country. >> a lot of the people i talked to were first time voters. >> so i had never been to ar ben trump event before. am some had voted for obama twice and voted for biden and are noae saying they are going to vote for former president trump. >>g to a bronx. i told primetime last nighte br that the rally was, quotonc e, a a smorgasbord of patriots do all racessb and colors. by the way, does this means me that trump will now winesn't the black vote? i don't know. does it meanme he cae con turn t from 90% democrat to 70%, which would be significant election swinging significant, but more significantly, it means someonew is paying attention to people who have been ignored, people who have beenhod, peopl
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and jealous. democrats are calling all ofcal. that a circus. >> i'll tell you, it won't makei a difference at all, jake.e and that is for donald trump to be the ringleader of ahis cl and invite all his clowns to a place like the bronxe , new york will never, ever support donald trump for president. supwe know him better than any and that means wthe understandat what he's all about is just for himself. so this state will go solidly behind joe biden for president, as it has in the for p past. so he wants to spend his time doing these made up fake ralli rallies and be telling their supporters, be my gues t. hem cl >> that's right.ow ignore them. call them clowns. guess that's the new versionor of if you don't vote for me, blacain'u ait black. democrats abandoned the forgotten men and women of the bronx, and nomocrats e w their name calling them for siding with the man who's doing what theem fory promised they wd do. and that is to actually listen from deplorables to now clowns.f one of those clowns la attendance last nightns was congressman byron donalds
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and joy reid sayht wass trump dk actually like byron. he's just keeping around so he cane by ound say he has black friends. >> that guy, the one black guy that republicans love to roll out as fake e proof that blackkp people the blacks are just maga. >> they're mag the a. >> it's a joke. so they're clowns. sothey're a and after last night in the bronx, it looks like trump has a lo thet lot of black friends. >> but those democrats, they're even accusing thoss of the sin they have perfected. >> i doubt if donald trump'sfore ever been to the bronx before. i doubt ift if he'll ever come back. this notion of hyping staged craft boyce tourismk bo and carnival barkingiste people need to be aware that itb is nothing but drive by politics. >> drive by politics is the of the game for democrats. that is, if they drive by at all. and trump was just in the bronx, by the way, a few weeksen
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tho where he was mingling with bodega workers as chants mr of four more years pierced through the air. thiserce is all real. none of this is fake. trump is building a campaign on positivity, even in his words, lov e for every for american black, white, republican and democraryt. >> and the only ones bringing negativity are democrats. 's beu >> it's because their districts and their voters are showering votey they love with more love than they could ever imagine. and instead of listening , they're just peddling them more lies. >> well, donald trump's presidency was a catastrophe>> n for the bronx. his gross mismanagement of the covid-19 global pandemic left a fatah toll of more than 7000 fatalities in the bronx, which is greater than the death count of 9/11 in pearl harbor combined harbor . so donald trump has brought preventable death and deep donal suffering to the people of the bronx. and as i noted insteadbron
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of holding a rally, he should be issuing an apology to thessug people, the bronx, for the longt and lasting damage that he has done, not only that o the bronx, but to our country. he's right. the bronx does deserve an >>y, but not from trump,. from democrats who have done nothinong but take their votes and give them back broken promises. year 2024 is the year all of this changes. the writing'f the evon the wall, and even now cnn is admitting it. >> i look, this is a very democratic precinct, right? but look at the march and trende line here. you , obama 96,6. clinton 92. biden won itinton 92, but by on9 points. >> there's only 16 only. why is that? why is that important? because look at that. that's s that bec 23 percentage points less than hillary clinton won by. >> this is a sign of thehat hispanic movement that we saw last cycle. ifwe las you look back at hispac voters at this point in the at, joe biden had a 25chador t point lead. look at where that lead is today. leaders it's just seven points. donald trump right now at 44%. ifrump that helped, would be tht
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best performance for a republican candidate among hispanic voterfor repus since gw bush back in 2004. >> yeah, 60 nine points down from 92. it's like, cover your eyes, democrats. w >> that way you won't see what's coming. i think the democrats ignore trump's outreach to minority voters at their peril. trump knows how to trigger people. he knows what speaks to people, what gets them out. now, i can't say that all of those people are fromi the bronx. i'm very suspicious that the majority of those people were be voters in the bronx. but he is doing something that is speaking to the hearts i and minds of minority voters. and i hope hop that democrats an you know, don't put our heads in the sand on the visit to thet bronx may just be the beginning of something special. biden is weae ingk. t na trump knows it. in fact, nate silver recently tht exactlilver rey a republican pollster, but nate silver recently said they recen may hao
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replace biden as early as august if trump keeps hammering these deep blue precincts with speeches likedeeply p the one he gave inn bronx. it's going to drive souls of the polls souls, and it might give us one of the greatest political comebacks in american histort y. madeline braimah is a brexit activist activist, and sheonx joins me now. she was also in the bronx last night for that rally with donald trump. tell us a little bit about it, madeline. what did you see? it about you and fwhat did you ? >> thank you so much for havingr me. i'm very disturbed. num ber number one, by these commens that these paid electedtech o officials off of our tax dollar are making towards a whole entire demographic of american citizens. they work for us. we don't work fo r them. they got it twisted. okay. was y out in the bronx, that was electric. there was something
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supernatural about that wholetht entire experience. the energy that waholes in that park of people of all races, all creeds, all religions, all together r on one accord. and we were happy and we worked excited. it was magical. you had to be there to understand and feel the energy. >> none of those rich people in suits would ever step foot in there. donald trump did. and we have his ear. >> he showed us that he cared. you know, madeleine, they've got away with saying that theye can feel confident because they've gotten away with saying those typetten a sayins of thinf a century. they've gotten away with accusincentur awag their os of racism. they've gotten away with making broken and unfulfilledsm. promis for half a century now. why this time? >> will it be different? it'll be different because they fumbled us 60, 70 years of being loyal to a partyin
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that has never returned anything our to our community. we have gotten nothing but welfare on top of welfare, crime, dilapidated housing, failing schools, oc safe injection sites, abortion clinics, liquor stores. >> what's the latest thingspot they put in there? those legal weed spots. thiss. is all they gives beca us because they think that these are the thingus s that will satisfy and pacify us. >> keep all that . >> make some major investmentanr in those communities and bring some serious jobin s. >> replace the guns, replacens the drugs with hammers and nails and drills and steel work and ironworke still wr. e s all right.g use those young men who are involved in the criminalmeor justice system to renovate and rebuild that dilapidated p housing and pay them good money. >>ay
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what what benefit so they can take care of their children. all right. and help lift them up out of poverty. all right. insteaoud of enabling the the the outright just decimationn. now might make some pathways that will that will help them avoid incarceration. write all this that they're talking. i've been around a long time, a whole bunch of 24/7 oc and i voted democrat loyally and theye have done nothing. they fumbled. they fumbled the black vote. they fumbled the minority vote. they fumbled the democratic vote. and it's no more. it's ovevor. >> preach beautiful. you almost started a sequel to the rally preach. right here on prime time. thank you so much, madeleine. let's bring in trump campaignw o press secretary now, karoline leavitt. caroline, great to seeli. you tonight. tell us a little bit about the abo strategyut donald trump has looked to go in to tim craddick strongholds, the bluest of the e
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blue, and here it is in the bronx. what's the strategy for the campaign whfo for donald trump? >> well, our strategy is to continue playing on offense. president trump continuesum to dominate joe biden in traditional battleground states such as pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. we are seeing that acros wiscos the board. poll after poll shows him winning. so we're going on offens we in these traditionally blue democrats states such as minnesota, such as virginia, new york, new jersey. these are states that are legitimately, nerkjersey. in pl. and president trump is leading g the charge by going into thesetm long time democrat communities, democrat run cities that have been run into the ground by corrupt and disgusting m democrat politicians who have made empty promises and delivereemptyivered nd nothh and destruction and crime and violence. and president trump's message of optimism, of hope, of makingo these cities and our country wealthy and safe and prosperous
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again is resonating with all americans of all backgrounds, regardlessnating w of their race religion or creed. and so while we play on offensin ,joe biden and the democrats are on defense, they are panicking. could see it on the facs of everyone on cnn last night and this morning. oe >> and they know that joe biden is in serious trouble right now. the other thing i woulis in ser carolyn, about going to these areas is you're going directly to the placegoss wherec poli democratic policies have been implemented. so all the results, the realal-d world effects of those policies are most acutethos, lee felt,boo in these neighborhoods like the bronx. so the questiood then is, carol, where do you go next? >> will there. well, i will let? president trump announce that we will be going to the too many democrat run cities, especiallyto in battlegroundcoun states across this country. and you're right, will the citizenstryo in these cities have felt a tangible difference in their lives fro tangiblms fr president trump's presidency to now, joe biden's disastrous and failindentident.g presidence and the message we hear from these residents every
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single time is that i'm sick and tired of being put last ahea putd of illegal people whoo not deserve to be here in the first place. president trumto bp will put americans first. he will provide them with hope and opportunitu will pey and jo. he will secure our southern border. he will demand law and order and oul secunr streets. >> sadly for america, you have>y plenty of cities to chooseu ca from. you can go to detroit. you can go to san franciscgoo. a sadly, you can go to anyo number, any dozens of states the across this country. caroline, we wish you the best of luck. thank you so much for being with us tonight of thant on primetime. >> good to see you all. all right. legal illegal aliens. caitlin clark and steven miller ahead on prime timalrkllere. t t >>, was that your grandfather leading armies to battle? leading armies to battle? was that your grea >> keeping armies alive, drafting the plans, takingoccasn the pictures. the pictures. >> was it your family member. who flew? >> who fixed? who fought? who fought? di,
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they can just call an uber or lyft her count and go wherever they wan. literally, this colombia on imm illegal immigrant grew tired of waiting for border patrol in californiig tiredg foa afters crossed, so he just ordered a lift to pick him up and take him awaysere t. that makes him a got away. m national correspondent bill milligan here with thaketil latest c will here in san diego sector. border patrol reports in the last week alone, they'vek alon arrested illegal immigrantsound from 67 countries around the world. and take a look at this vide to here, right here in hong. but this is what it's like if you're driving around on somes e of the streets. we shot this video showing migrants wandering around aimlesghho s alley looking for wande border patrol to turn themselves into after they've crossed illegallri bordery. en well, when we shot this, therest were no agents around. evey were busy elsewheres ther. so it's unclear if this group was ever even apprehended. we talked to a turkish man who crossed illegally and he says americans should be worried about how easy itie is to cross the border and the lack of security. take a listen.
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did you have to pay a cartel? yes. how much? around 10,000. 10,000? much?s. in fact, the american people is right. completely true. people iswho coming to this cod they don't know whether. okay, i'm good. but how? ho good, how theyt have to kill or cycle what else? and no guarantee of that, right like. like. noo backgcurity check, n background check. >> no security check. no background check. heckre worried about who'srok. crossing the border? >> yes. yes, they are. of course, me. because i'm like people. a i'm not normal. and then take a look at this wild footage out of santa teresa, new mexico, from a texas dps helicopter. what you're lookine mex g. our border patrol agents responding to the border wall out thereborder res as carm smugglers and illegal immigrants are trying to scale that walmie thatl using a ladde as the agents are trying to make apprehensionystes. you'll see guys on the ground throwing rocks and dirt at the agents through the wall. thr other guys up on the wall, throwing bottles down at theher agenguyst as they get into a tuh of war with those smugglers trying to get that ladde r down.e to that's what agents have to
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deal with day in and day out. and onl top of all of that, ice confirms to fox newsx that two jordanian nationals who were arrested earlier this month tryingt to to breach the marine base at quantico are in the u.s.. one of them was arrested crossing illegally here in sanng diego sector last month, then released int last moo us. the other was here on an f1 one student visa, which expired in january of 2023. ice says they have no reason to believe either have any nexus to national security thanerns. >> we'll send it back to you. crazy. thanks, bill. it's so crazy that the illegal immigrants are looking at the othekingr illegal immigrantsi and going, i don't know about him. he looks crazy. he's not normado abo l. s craz >> this is crazy. let's bring in america first, legal founder stephen miller, who's with us now. stephen, you know, if i don't know if it's immigrants kindthi of doing the thing where, hey, i made it through the doors, i want to shut it behindwhy i.m
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like everybody understands there's a need. even if you got here illegally to not continue illegal imm immigration or if they're looking around at the rest of the people crossinig y arg with them going, thisg is trouble. oh, it it's definitely the second one, because thesee r are individuals who have traveled with the cartele s, the smugglers, the coyotes. they see the criminals and thers terrorists and the national security threats that are crossintse nation g through tho that border. and even though those illegal aliens are lawbreakers, we don't want them herehns o. even they are horrified by who is coming across that borders. d look, dumb illusion reported t that in just the lashet 24 hours alone, over 3030 200 illegal 3 immigrants were freed into illey by joe biden. fil that's enough to fill a mid town skyscraper. . now, some of them are going to steal jobs. some of them are going to steal benefits. emilnefits.some of them are goil public services. but also among those are peoplue who are going to hurt, maim and possibly murder and citizens american citizens. how many times have we heard
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there was a case in florid e yoa11-yea recently, 11-year-old girl kidnapped and who was charged with ipped andd. t and illegal aliens set free and released by joe biden, an autistic youngee woman in maryland, beaten to death and and murderebeatend by an in alien who let that illegal alien in. .joe biden. lincoln riley, the man charged in her gruesome beating and murder and illegal aliens set free by joe biden. wagin he is waging war against this country by any definition. g is every one of these men fighting age men at that border could all be deported instantaneously. but he has made a choice, a willful choice, to set them free in our country. and then all of us suffer the c the consequences. stephen, i want to ask you, i t's keep oonsequenceskn the ol immigration here. i want to ask you about this bill that passedwat the house h of representatives to keep non-citizens from voting in washingto oentativen, d.c. in some democratic support to pas s the house. we'll see what happens. we know what will happen , but we'll see what happens in the senate. but perhaps the most notable
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thin happens.g, stephen, is hows democrats voted against this bill. in other words , to allowitizen non-citizens to vote in washington, d.cs e in.? you know, stephen, i know there are arguments, oh, non-citizens voting is not a problem. it doesn't happen. or all of a sudden they found some kind of new found d does religion of federalism. now, let local municipalities dictate their owfeden future. but i think there's some real insight into their true ins here in voting against the idea, hey, let's keep os keepn citizens from vot it's the vast majority of democrats voted to let vote illegal aliens vote in our nation's capital. and most importantly, they're entirelyins and most wo. and hakeem jeffries voted to let illegal alienhakeems votn our nation's capital. what does that mean? that means that they have the majority me the ma. that will be the uniform partyth position. they won't let any membersey wo. go to have free votes. they will all vote in unison uniformley wiln y to let illegal aliens. vote anywhere and everywhere. ifyndf they have a majorit in the house and they have a majority in the senate and they have the white house,
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they will get rid of theave thwt filibuster. remember, joe manchin has gone. he was the only one standing in the way. he's retiring. e on she's gone now. we'll get rid of that filibuster and they will make every illega eegall alien into l voting citizen. all right. steven, always wise. feel free to get a glassfree of water. tire i know you've been fighting that the entire interview, but it did not get in the wantiy of your wisdom. thanks so much for being with us tonight, steven. thank you. >> all right. a biden judge nominee and their troubling past e with trans child . witone that next hot water woud help with this dry spot that's help with this dry spot that's on iss >> plus, it will cure its longfo disease. been going around so othernstopa people have it and it's not [s star builder healthy plus lawn food today feed your long feed food today feed your long feed it i'm addinni to my wash now i'll be smelling fresh all day long it's still fresh all day long it's still fres
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we know that spins out of control. this is why i signed up for food star. >> all new wednesday at nine eight central on fox. >> well, well, what do we add back? come down or come back. risk. take rosen, make a lucky run. but that's how dunk. great shot. surprise, surprise. one, two, three. singing come over party chris. what if it was all back and a whole lot more? you ready? let's pull the top off this thing. let's talk about what no one else will. here we go. the anti racist left has about founda their new target. it's wnba star caitlin clark. ee >> clarke, of course, began her career with the indiana fever not long ago. with fevershe's this season's ht profile athlete, maybe eveshne . the highest profile wnba player in league history, at least
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according to ratings . t ev but not everyone is happy about it in women's sports. haiteryoneas not happy about women's sports elevating. here's the view's sunny hostins went on an unhinged rant against clarke and claim people only carean about her.ot well, not just because she's white, but because she's pretty talee's whitl and >> i do think that there is a thing called pretty privilege. there is a thing called white privilege. there is a thing called total privilege. but i do thinks a thin privil that she is moreo mo relatable to more people because she's white, because she's attractive, pretty well.d some look, i've never heard somebody say caitlin clark, anna kournikova and tall. she's >> she's a wnba player. she's six foot. she's actuallynb on the shortery end of players in the wnbaer. and then we get to race.e. jemele hill, formerly of espn, told the l.a. times,are black women are often erased from the picture. there's plenty of room to highlightased and celebrate caitlin clarke's popularity, while all just als whileo discug ways in which to not erase
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black women from a leaguehave b that they have built and continue to build. souiueo buil why can't we just b for caitlin clarke's success in popularit y? attent why so much attention on her race, the attention she's givein to women's basketball is helping elevate the sport el. every player but these hatemongers that reduce everything to race always the hatemon need to teare down in order to create their controversy. barstool founder dave portnoy,ot he's calling out all this chris, criticism for what they are. it's racist. he also pointed out, by the way, if this was all about caitlin clark being white, why isn'alkt sabrina ionescu andllic listole listam of cameron brick, a whole list of other white wnba players achievingd the success and popularity of caitlin clarke? it's because they're not celebratinty of can clark?auseg. she's white. they're celebrating her because she's the best women's college player in history. and she plays with swaggering t and she's revolutionizing the game in the same manner of steph curryn , a fortunatelythos for those who understand this
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and aren't obsessed with race und areng, there is people beginning to speak out. >> caitlin clark is the reasonss why a lot of great things is going to happen for a wnba. i'm rooting for caitlin because i've been in that seat befor be i've walked that road before. i hope they hope she killsrate lebron. >> you are 100% right on these girls hatingg on on caitlin cla. yo, petty girls being preparedin to go where the a girl group in the world you are. >> you should be taking that girl up again, y'all private charters all the money and build the he bring in to the wnba. >> here's another point, by the way. even if caitlin clarke's race did contribute to her popularity, why is that, quote unquote, problematiccontribu? s it was celebrated when tiger woods brought black popularityee to golf. so why is it problematic in reverse? blematicand here's the answer be there is a growing anti white racism that's becomet on more prevalent on the left. they're trying to sow racial division theameer so. d th
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there is none. and the impact goes far beyond the world of sports corporatiorn is in academia. well, they're racing to embrace anti white racism unde r the guise of diversity. a new investigation by the hasington free beacon revealed the extreme practices put into place by the new dean of admissions at ucla's medical school. her dti policies are allegedly pushing white students punishing white students and promoting unqualified candidates in the namealified of diversity. quote dean lucero demanded that a highly qualified whitemae male be knocked down several spots because, as she put it, wee knockeal spots have too manm already. she also told doctoranss th who voiced concerns they had no right to an opinion because they were no rightt people of c. this is what happens whens what you go in on ju you just end ustp being a racise . jeremy karl is the author of a f new book entitled the unprotecte ad class the rise of anti white racism and how it threatens to teandr america apart. and he joins me now.
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jeremy, great to have you on gr. show i want to talk about this on two levels. cultural and systemi 2c. om when i spend some time, you're pointing out what's going on with caitlin clarint w we're talking about a growing cultural tide of acceptabilitycu of racism when it applies to someone who is whit who'se. >> no, that's absolutely correct. well, thanks for having me on. i think this is one of the really interesting things ther h ,sort of two different things at play. one is this cultural aspect where you geplay. al aspect all of this hate directed toward people like caitlin clark, who, as you timele likd, i mean, she's just the best of all time, at least at the college level. she playt thes with incredibleh swagger and that's why she's brought attention. but then you alsat's she'so havs formal discrimination going on like you saw at ucla medicaol . and in fact, in situations like that, we're going to kill patients because we're bringing in unqualified doctors, because we can't have white doctorsbrini according to diversity bureaucrats. >> and jeremy,ied doctor go andl the audience that you and i had a long conversation this week. we did. we talked about this for a we na
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hour this week on the will cain show, which streams live on the fox news youtubti ae chal and facebook page. and you can subscribe at spotify or applnel anage. wee and so we spent an hour talking about this. but you laid out for me like real talking concrete ways now e there is racism baked into the systems of america, whether not be through government contractof ame thes or hiring pt all across the country? >> no, absolutely. and your previous guest, steven mille and yourr, hasefront actually been at the forefront with his groups america firstf. legal, in really challenging some of this stuff. i mean, it's been just hiding in plain sight where they're basically they have jobs where they're literallyn so like, no whites need apply or internships and you can't do that. actually, eveny or internshi leh but the culture has become sobe systemically anti-whitcomee that that, like people weren't even challenging it until very recentlyte no. t >> and the wave of the hand in t this conversation, jeremy, is always wellhi , oh, poor white guy. >> you had it so hard in history. hard inbut the point i think thu and i both come back to is are we supposed to be judging each other as individuals?
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like, if there is a victim of being judged by the superficial characteristics of your skin color, isn't that inherentlacteristin y the most? that's against the very spirit of america. even if we acknowledgehe verp to america didn't always live up to that spirit. >> that's the aspirational goal of americathat spiee that'aspir >> absolutely. it is, as thomas sowell said, qt the quest for cosmic justice. mici always leads to kindo kind of greater injustice. this notion that o of course,-t- because we had things that were less than perfect in america's pastpepast, that we somehow neet to to kind of put a big elephant on the scale to kind of wave things in the other direction. it's jus t not the way we want to do things. we want to aspire to treat everybod we wany, regardless of their race and as far away as we can and as honest way as we canthem and treat them as much as we can and individuals. and of course, that doesn' t mean we don't see color, but ite means as much as possible. we're trying to transcen d it as opposed to baking it into the cake, which is what our bureaucracoppose y wants to do. yes, exactly. wonderfullly said.y said.
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we aspire. we recognize we don't pretend color blindness. ld we recognize the world is reality, and we aspire to move beyond asp in order to seeuly as each other truly as individuals. you've laid it out really well.d in your new book, again, the unprotected class and stephen and i had a long conversation once again, go to the will cain show on youtube or spotifyagai or apple, and you can check out the argument that stephen is making the unprotectet d class. >> thank you so much, jeremy. >> thanks so much. it's a pleasure to be with you. all right, jeremy. karl all right. carle and now, raleigh gaines, she's on deck, like the pool, like the deck of a pool. she's on the deck. >> ooh. carnie, you've got. >> it's got to me. i saw that. that's what i said. god, me a setup. carnegie academy, kind of, but with more flavor. carnie can't sing it like this juicy carnie irony. >> ha! i did it. >> and you, smalls, if you're shopping for a home, is real commute tool lets you find homes close to work school, even grandma's
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go to parkinson .org or call one 804 pd info and 2022 judge sarah nette byrne recommended that a biological male who identifies as a female to be transferred to a female prisone . but he wasn't just any male prisoner. ju who pled guiltylly to assaulting both a little boy and a teenage girl. and now judge annette byrne is up for a federal judge position because, of coursr federae, her bad judg in the eyes of joe biden isden s good judgment, miss shelbyt wa
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said, i don't want to go to a male prison. i want to go to a female prisonn . and the board of prisons said, u what planet did you parachute in from? parachute prisond ofe with this kind of record, and you send him to a femalen. prison. and did you show that that o record date was trying to violate ms.. >> shelby's mr. mclaren's constitutional did c you recommended finding that under estelleghts. versus , once you admit that was your ruling, are you ashamed of ist? rles no one summed up the outright lunacy of this judicial nominee better s than senator ted cruz. democrats are so entrenched in their own agenddemocra, the they're willing to sacrifice the safety of individuals to pursue their ideals individ. this case demonstrates that you are willing to subjugate the rights of individuals you to satisfy your political ideology. so politi you took a six footpist
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two serial, serial child with male, and he said, you know, i'd like to be in a somen's prison and your answer was, that sounds great to me. senator kennedy is right. judge this is not a judge's order. this is s a political activist. the facts are biden nominated a judge who granted >> of aa fer biological male to a women'spist prison after all of that wasdemo known. but democrats don't like the trutcrats don'h which is wh. they tried to shut this hearing down. >> we ha a witness to literally witness badgering and now badgering of the chair.o some of us would like to get on with this hearing. with. t mada >> and two, can we get on with it? madam chair, so does every democrat senator want to cover up the facts>> so here?ator is any damage. so can we return, senator? we'll be returning to senator this question or wqueestion will adjourn over these days. cn
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you want to adjourn? go ahead. you can do that. i want to give him a 30simult more handsome or beautiful time. and we canan ] le and let's avoid that action. >> they turn this entire hearing into a farce. t hold it was never about upholding the rights of americans and the constitution . >> tas instead about why the value, not just t the importance, but the value impo ity in our judiciary. clearly, you each bring tremendous blows life as well as professional experience, which i think strengthensor the judiciary when more perspectives are consideredives are . >> what about just good judgment outcome? host about jus ambassador to tht independent women's forum and the author of a brand new book foru, swimming against the current. >> riley gaines joins us now. riley, great to see you tonight. >> you know, you often are with me or some other host talking about, you know, trans athletehh often in the world of sports. and you and i had a long a conversation recentlndy and we
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talked about this is enabled at the highest levels through elite academia and in this case, the justice system, the insanity here coming from a judge. >> you're right. well, this is not only happening in the courts. this is virtuallurts.y in every realm. so it seems in academia, in corporate america, in ourame, media, which is disheartening to say the least. clea-- butn let's be very clea. sarah byrne is a net political activist, using her position as an officer of the court to put people at off k in order to advance her progressive agenda. she haadvancr progres no businea crossing guard, let alone any kind of judge. and uardi applaud senator cruz. of course, senator kennedy, senator mike lee had some good questioning as well for stating that. so, matter of fact. but as you said, this judge, she's not a one off. we have seen federal judgesircuit in the fourth circuit. we have seen this in the 10th circuit, not eve then be able to define the word woman. heck, we have a sitting supreme court justic e who can't answer the word woman because or what a woman is because she
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claims a she's not a biologist. well, guess what?e well, i'm not a veterinariancla. but i know what a dog is. that's the stupidest thing i've aner hearddeste. and just very briefly, the scenario that senator cruz e was describing with the 6'2"e male entering into a woman's prison, a male convicted of awful crimes.l >> that's not uncommon. it's happening in indiana, new jersey, ohio, kansas,ia. new york, texas, california, of course. in califand right now in califo, now s are over 200 male inmate patiently waiting to be transferred into women's facilitiesinto and they're all women's institutions. they have installed dispensers . now, ask yourself, why wouldy they install a dispensers in all women's prison facilities? s. right. and, you know, there's just something uniquelyre's revealinh about, say, a scientist who doesn't understand basic biolognd y, the difference between a man and a woman and a judge who displays such
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horrific judgment. it's not just it's you're failing the basic tenets. of the job. it's you've lost your mindve to some new insanity. >> you're exactly right. seriously, if progressives,t. specifically president bidenmina and his administration in this case, if they cannot draw a line at a serial repeatand di chila distributor of childst, then there is no line. this is becoming more of a farce, a game of words there'. every single day that passes. and i believe it's about time these agenda driven judges are shown that they are not above the law. >>eyre swimming against the curl israeli's new book. you should check it oues: swngt at the risk of getting kicked off this program because i say it so many times wrongly and i sa off tand t down for an hour ths week on the will cain show, and i'm going to say it here wryly, the compliments are earned is incredibly thoughtful and wis e foro somebody who's only 24 years old. so check out both if you get the chance. thank you so muct botht theh. thanks, will. all right. i guess pete hegseth is next. tv
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your free inspection. calling three three leigh filter today or visit leigh filter icon no matter how old or young you are. i'm that grandfather that is going to make it happen. classic gen-x overachiever. you can still become america's next master chef. i'm a millennial. i'm not worried about the next gen z. we have nothing to lose. i feel like this dish is given me a hug. >> i don't usually cook with alcohol. i'm mostly drinking it. >> gen z. the big question is which generation is going to win it all "masterchef" generations. >> this wednesday on fox. this to drop what you're doing for the summer pop stars because we're serving on copa america and euro sky summer of stars kicks off on fox and fs1 sunday. >> my dad's been to combat pilot in the vietnam war, so i've come back to retrace his most important steps. >> vietnam footsteps of my
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father. harris faulkner sunday on the fox news channel. young americans are abandoning key values that have made our nation great for hundredst o of years faith, family, hund seem to bethe pa all things of the past. belief in god, having children and lovingn go our country are l things the current generation seems to despise. is turrentthe question is why? and is there hope for gen zn to get it together? the author of the new book the war on warriors and my "fox and friends" weekend co-host. with a much more celebratory introduction now can coho with,e hegseth. what's up? thank you. well, thank you. what's up? here's the question as we worryh about the future and we worry about gen z. do they grow undinp? those do they change? do those positions and opinions this gain some years? >> or is this a real fear for te the future of the country. >> it's a real bad number.a reay ye's really bad. yes, they will change. they will be mugged by reality.
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wille anthey need to rely on sog other than themselves, like faith. they'll realiz somee they're fallene th and fragile. and there's something more to life than justan the material world here. but that number of 26% belief in god will. >> i mean, it's so the boomers just laid down and didn't pass anything. athe and the millennialsl have been casual about thinking their kids will be like their boomers. casu thinking theibut they didng to pass it along. >> so here we are at one fourth of of of the young kids don'tbev believe in believe in god. yeah. three that has generational that has generational implications s genera for our nation. >> 26% believe in god.% be yeah, 32% for patriotism. that means you're casual about passin iotismg to your kids while all these institutions, as you know, will have been captured. thes whie are really dangerous numbers. i mean, the first thing we should do in a new administration is repentnuml and recognize as a nation, we've lost our way. >> i'm sorry. our y. you are.'s our >> i know you. o that's our only hope. well, real quick on that number, on the patriotispatriot
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pete, this is part of what you've discussed in the war ins. rriort you've i mean, if you have a nation i that doesn't believe in itself, how does it know how to fight for itselfto fight? >> that's exactly right. i mean, that's that's concerning for everybody. >> it's why i wrote the book, the war on warriors is because r i signed up to defend a nation i love with a bunch of other guys o that love that nation who were trained in that, steeped in that, and then encountere t steed a meritocracy that taught them to to fight for that. m to forand right now, not onlye not teaching kids that, but then inside noe our militarr our ranks are filled with the same divisive ideologies. >> so we're doing die and crt so that white soldiers are looking at black soldiersn e differently. and then we've got, you know, gender ism and you've go t electric tanks and climate worship and patriot extremisp in on top of that, a vaccine mandate that a lot of patriots said. nom not interestede mandat in. it's an unholy mix that not i only is infiltrating our ranksro ,will, but it's discouragings those 26% of patriots from f saying, i'd like my next vocation to be service in camouflage. and that's a real big problem
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when china is building a militaryn to e an to defeat us. so the book is warou i'm warriors. it comes outt in in about ten di >> you can preorder right nowth will thanks for the time >> talk about ofanks f the of ce everyone should get the war on ways you saw pete kind of look off cameraeveryone when he looked for china to my camera left it's over hereooke actually is a gigantic screen of the wolves and mavs right now because this is divided house on "fox and friends" which pete won't be on tomorrow morningdiv because the mavs are up one nothing and he couldn't face mnde go going intoe coul the weekend this is divided us wolves mavs minnesota texas wolves a wolves in six no way no way not to six. i'm not going to make a prediction because that's how smart i amt in p pr about sports but i'll be so confident in theo house. pete won't be there, but those four individuals will be there on fox and friendsll 6 a.m.rrow. tomorrow. also catch the will cain show acatce showt 12 every mondh thursday. fox, youtube, fox, facebook, spotify, apple. that's all for now.


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