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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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man, hunter, bass reeves. >> have a look.ry m hunteryou that you had nothing o with this killing, that your >> ydid it? >> yes, sir. >> you had a cartridge in the magazine? i couldn't throw it up to the barrel. so then i reached for my knifeie . either my knife or my hande an struck the triggerk the tr. the gun went off. it's an honor to sit in this t chair. have's all the time we have. i hope we take time, proper time to honor the men and women who gavee t the ultimate sacria for this country. >> may god bless them. gutfeld is up next.
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oh, you're so sweet. yes. oh, yeah, right. oh, couldn't have said it. hav better. so it's friday, so you know what that means. look, white. >> i am. let's welcome tonight's. he still has an adamx 12 lunchbox. fox news contributor, ex-cop paul morea contribu. he's both a comedian and aan a judge. so you can laugh at his sentences. actor and comedian bits all get . she's like a serial killer because she ritualistically kills people for gratification. okayrcause sh.
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here comes bestselling author anic in. and for that tsa patty him downo is an all day job hereelling a bestselling author, comedian and former nba. all right. >> before we get to some news stories, let's do this. >> boy you can like i legs left handed you tanzim. it's leftovers where i reads let the jokes did use this weekit's and as always it's my first time reading them so they tie joe mackey to the bottom of an iranian helicopter. oh, yeah. too soon, guys fans of iranian n helicopters yesterday. there was record turnout for former president trump's rally in. >> the bronx. yeah. residents, residents in suche a good mood, they only stripped
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half of donald's limo for partpe part. meanwhile, in reference to trump's rally, new york governo tllr kathy cale trump supporters clowns. clown >> but then she asked who does their makeup? meanwhile, as trump was in thew bronx, what was joe doing? >> he was also having a rally, which is what they call it, when a group of first responders tried to revive his non beating heart. thank you. thank you for cheeringr our first responders to cnn's primetime. ratings have hit a 33 year low . but to boost those numbers, they've hired a new anchor to fill their 8 p.m. slot.
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>> while one pundit suggests the kansas city chiefs should replace harrison bunker with a female kicker or banned him from professional sports foreverrts fore by havinm play women's soccer, today is national day to go outy to and love your brother just don't marry them. today is also aviation maintenance day or as they call it at boeing. >> what ththey ce is that day. happy birthday to dylan who turns 83 today. >> you when reached for comment he said he they will never,
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ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. >> new research published this week reportslished human are ful of microplastics. good >> the good news? now your are dishwasher safe. you're always wondered. yeah. of arding to a bombshell study ,up to half of all ucla ucl medical students fail. basic stemcal stud tests of medl competence. >> the good news of medi every y you have from now on comes with a free hidden sponge. that's in rome. a team of researchers uncovereds the long lost location of plato's tomb. >> and inside, they found a picture of his old girlfriend. . find in the news
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about something really old and go look for a picture of pelosi joke written. >> hmm. hmm. hmm. find something fi somethi. the news about a fat animal. find a picture of chris christie joke written. more and more businessesth are accepting payment in the form of facial recognition. >> that is, unless your face breaks the scanner. >> and finally, tomato prices might rise due to heat in mexico. >> great. now, what arf exe supposed to to at kilmeade? >> would you hate tomatoes? now to the news. the bronx came alive showing love for 45. donald trump held a gorgeous had
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massive rally last night in new york city, drawing thousands of ardent supportersmassive toe bronx, nearly all of whom survived the subway trip. susubwaye. it's a >> it's a multiethnic borough that's home to the a world famous zoo. >> and the guy who inventedgu the chalk body outline. trump hopes to turn the heavily democrat are a republican rede fi for the first time in decades and is counting on his growing support among black and latino t voters to do so. meanwhile, biden is also courtingto blacks and latinos. n he just hired two more round the clock night nursesos. >> but i wonder what's trump doing? great. was he sort of like a hot guy? >> i was doing great. >> i was sort of like a hot guy. i always has a pistol. i think i was hotter than i amha now and i became president. okay. ow i don't know. i said to somebody, was
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i hotter before or hotter now? >> i don't know which is true. >> it's another area. trump leads biden bodyds temperature. and i bet a lot of people, if they could ask him, ask themou a question, how do you do it? >> how do you get up in the morning and put your pants on? t ho get thecould i ask you a qt how do you do it?io i say, do what? how do you get up in the morning and put your pants put o but you put the pants on. i'll explain it to you someday. how do you do? do how do you get up? how do you do it? how do y you do it? >> it's classic trump sticking to skills where he crushes biden and putting on pants and getting up unassisted. but trump also discussed serious issues food prices.s. >> i wonder, does he bacon any
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more? i don't need bacon anymore. it's too expensive. e. wtruymore? it's kind of like four times i said. what's what's with bacon from on one? we're going to throw out biden-nomics. biden econom ito replacewill with maggot nomics like you have. no, it brings out bacon. he's even tried to speak to thee view from awful.d thes but these are wise words from a president who could still eat his breakfas t without a straw. >> which leads us to make america great again. >> make america great again. thank you. thank you. thank you very. thank you very much. that's what i like. those teeth. want to find out where you are. i got to get my teeth like
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that. so clearly, there's a lot . support for 45 in the bronx. the only time democrats go there is to set it on fire. but there hard working men and women, many of who werm black or hispanic, they're tired of being perpetual victims, which is also why they don't root for the met ts. >> these bronx voters aren't exactly the maga country, whites supremacists, the media would have you believe. and they'ruprema untry the 1 million timese better than the spoiled college snot currently littering campus with their brand new tents and old marxist. but for new york's democrat governor, kathy hochul, these bronx voters are just a bunch of clowns. >> yeah, well, i'll tell you,s. it won't make a difference at all, jake. and that is donald trump to be the ringleader of an invite. all his clowns to a place like the bronx, new york, will never ever support donald trump for president. >> well, it's another example>>e
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of how trump goes after those in charge and the demsr go after the voters. and she calls people clowns with that face of hers. >> she she looks like she just face with ronald mcdonald. >> hi, paul.and pa so what did you make of this? m you know, you were in the police force.fore you get the numbers before we do. what? tell us about the size of this event. >> and was it a smart move? definitely a smart a smart move. the estimate by the p.d. is 8ar to 10,000. they usually pretty accurate. but the problem heree prcurate >> somebody needs to say to hochul, listen, her governor, the bronx, it's in new york. yes. all right. because she's insulted now a couple of times in over the last month. and remember something, zeldin h so only lost by about 3% for governor. mm-hmm. so the moral th this story is zeldin takes the bronx. yeah, becaus alle they're to
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remember this. >> and, you know, they can't believe usually when a guy that looks like trump comes to the bronx , be fair.lking to >> i mean what people say. so the landlords here don't have to go. he's got to raise the rent. right. we've all been there. but that's the conundrumwe'v with donald trump, despite being a billionaire als trump dy >> they hear authenticity. this is a guy that's sound. firsou he went home with anybody in that crowd. well, first of all, if he went home with, anybody in that crowd. album break would open a case on. yeah. a case on them goes home and hah in the kitchen with anybody in that crowd, they're going to get exactly the the guy w who was at that lectern. >> and that's authenticity work >> you know what it is, too? he actually than ik appla thank you. they're applauding the opinion about to make that he if you listen to him, he speaks to real things, not ideas. so he talks about jobs, crime, the border, where joe flounders in ideas white supremacy,ea threat to democracy, the soul
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of, america. >> these are things that you cannot touch. but you talk about jobthese s oo food. >> you this is why there's no way he i mean, i can't say w that, but this is why he's ahead. what do you makes of this? >> but it's funny that the people that tell you about the soul of the democrache peopy and tell you about freedom and all of that, also tell you, don't talk to my voter you s. >> yeah, because we own them. and that's the whole thing with the democrats and they belw that they own voters because they'll tell you that vote is ours bey wil. >> and here's a guy who is like, i'm going to talk to all the voters. i'm going to go into a districhr that's bluer than cookie monster's and i'm going to talk to these becausee be you know what? why not? because if i wine wh, eventuall, i have to rule. i mean, i'm going to be a president for everyone. ats do but democrats don't see ity. that way. even when murphy won jersey by two points, they consider it a mandate. yeahif they wi. and they're like, you know what? screw the 49%. you don't know what you're talking about. 51jey tsi'm going to talk to th% and the other 49% deal with it.g >> and this guy's like, oh, you know what? i'm going to go and i'm going to reach out. what do i have to lose? do you think the cookie monste
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t whatveraying? is it getting any? >> is that what you're saying? i could says not since sully came along, it was bigger. er >> and bluer and more relevant. do you think he's beinndg a discriminated against because he livesyo in a garbage can? you know, that's the green one. oh, that's green . oh, that's green . what. and that's what is big bird. have. s knll, big bird's a hearse and dangling device of some sort. yes. on tv. yeah. yeah. i know, i forgot. >> yeah. we're doing a show catch. >> what did you make of the rally? what are your thoughts? >>ke y mak kathy hochul was proy surprised so many people showed up. probably like, how did they fin surprised d about it when none of them have computers? i just everything she said. i mean, she trump's his time in new york. he just it's not as ifd
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it's exactly his decision to be spending so much time here lately. >> yeah, lik muc heree and it just it ne is biden going to win new york probably. i would be shocked if he doesn't. oft that doesn'trk proi would s a waste of time. i don't know if she noticed she was talking about thise. on c.s. this is national news. everybody is talking about ierye talking about the people that wanted to come see this because it is something that i mean, men who would have expected something like this to happen? >> so it's notg s to as if it wu a waste just because biden's probably going to wi n new york and just to call the the voters clowns, to call thes e people clowns whenl yo all you know about them is they wanted to go see trump speak like abo a really you thought se could not do herself with the after computer comment, but shet somehow managed to sound just stupid and yeah yeah it is true that that the gift of trump is that he exploits the free media. >> they ha gift ofd to cover it. >> and then there's got to be people at home watching that and going like, oh, wow. so it's like he may have had
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10,000 people at the rally. how many more people were watching? thanks0 peoplet the ra to cnn a. >> so and to be clear before we get into all this brother's day was, yeah, not february. >> no, it was it's so it wasn't like brother brother's yeah it was a brother biological like you like your sibling. it was greg to marcia. i got all hype and i was like,as i had an extra day lik that youc my dreams away. things got so. all righmy dret. are i think the point that we're missing here in paul made a strong point is that they don't care about people a point theme for and they don't learn from their own mistakes because a certain young lady decided c to call my deplorables and.of te it it the whole reaction in the country changed not justst by tg ones you're talking about, by people like, wow, you're talking about my neighbors. like re like well you you're talkingn about people i know like that. and they don't care because they think they just he it in the
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bag. they don't have to do anything because trump anhaved trump, chn he's changed. and i got to give himg credit because thiats truth in o that when he was running in 68, he wouldn't have been like this. he'd h have been attacking him and fighting with everyone. he was everyone's friends. and they even told the guy with gold fronts like, hey, man, how did you get those teeth like that? i was like, there'u geteets guy who was like, figured it out. like, i'm not wasting any more energy fighting with them.m my route to the white house is through the american and he's doing it is driving them crazy because he didn't spend his whole time about how come he didn't spend his whole time throwing shots at biden. these are like, this is we're going to do this is how bad it is. and i'm excited to be for you to wans anfor yot me to do t and people are getting behind that and it's driving them crazy. and it's not only that, but yeahrazy, it's -- it's one thing to say that dems won't go to red cities. it's another thing that when you see aoc hold somethingsometn in her district and it's empty. soheir he's out drawing even thm in their own dish. you know what he did? he just half of america intoe.
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the bronx. yeah right. i don't live in the bronx. you know, i'm a mac fan, so, you know, but the bottom line is, you know, people across the country all of a sudden are identifying with the bronx in cities that, you know, have nothing to do with red state. and >> it's a brilliant move. yeah. real quick, to your point. to your poinntt, you talked how about how they deal in feelings and they personally attack those who are not against them. that's why when they say deplorable, when they say or clowns, it, we know who they're talking about.when tru yeah. when trump says a policy is stupid, he's not talking about individuals is, he's tala about the law. that's the difference. that's why there's carrie's way. they don't have to figuredat'srt yet. >> they personally attack the american voter. yeah, but this electioamericn, the only thing the only thing joe biden has in the bag are his. thank you. wrote thank you. you wrote that joke. ainsley earhart. up next.
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meme because memes are based on obvious truths. asednright it's like, here, i'm going to show you my favorite meme. do you have my favorite mememe? >> here we go. so so that all of that is real. all of that is real. and the thing is, you like. >> the problem with biden is he's his own meme. >> what do you what do you think this is hopeless for their campaign? i just like the ad that they tookhopeless out for it and the qualifications that you have to live in delawarehe quali. i like working in dark spaces, like working below ground. i have to be vaccinated. i'm like, how about you should wear a mask because the guy has pants. and you might knowguy just crapr stumble across coke that may
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wind up in your face. yeah, i mean, it was in i my meme is also real. yeah, i picked one that was also a visual on and off go. to have it loaded up and ready to go. >> colors a special caring touch visiting angels castle visiting angels and their mattress classic. yeah. it makes me think that youhi tried to pull this on trump. the trump supporters would just laugh because they would sayin the same thing if you if you were trying to make fun of trump are about anything, wek oh, yeah, we already know. >> yeah, i actuallnoy every time i start a conversation, only way i know can have a real conversation with somebodythe rt about a political party. >> whatever it is ist is can you tell me three bad things m about the candidate that you're voting for and trump people canl do it all the time. >> yeah, it never shuts up. he talks timts too much. he gets himself in trouble. yeah i didn't it when you ask a bide askn, they struggle to tl
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you three bad things and it's like you don't have three. it's like we can't have a conversation w a at that.en yeah, yeah, yeah.t they can't even admit his brain is dead. hicat speaking. >> do you think joe even knowshk what a meme is? >> no. he thinks you need to move to delaware to make one. to i mean, how is this job not remote? >> yeah, yeah, yeah, i don't. i'm honestly asking, can anybody think of a reason? >> unless it's good they're going to do it outybody. you got to think, like, cut it on a construction paper. is there a reason ton do it that way? >> i don't know. i ha d a but mine's not a video. it's okay, but we can put it up or. no, i have it on paper too. >> yeah, that one i have i mostly like is i just. i like reba. i like show on the on the cwe mo back in the day. >> yeah. yeah. single momm whworks who works h. yeah, she loves her kids and that stuff. but what's the message of thet'i
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meme? >> i know that that's like ridiculous to ask, but the memde you put it up there is joe biden got his arm around elton john. >> that's not the message of the meme. oh, you definitely shouldn't move to delawared the . >> all right. harris is it possible for the left meme it possible that why cat and i didn't get movie quality means we just got the yeah we got photos yeah this guy got a guest he got a cool one. did you ask why? n want hey wanted. yeah. and i really like this one. it's a good one. hey, joe boxers or briefs? japan's. but here's the here's the thing. they they just it's frustrating it's you you just don't get it. your internet base is your little group. your the progressive means
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s you' you guys are good. they're all voting. they don't care. they're voting for you. so makir you. making more means fom instead of going outle and talking to the real american people who don't sit on twitter all day. t you know what i mean? was poor cat was struggling like, what is it, mememe, quick? what do you. and i don't know. and somebody lied to us and told ut t us.s they >> they were just pictures. but we'll deal with that later. paul sir, titus makes a point that there's probably other that this you would>> y think i mean, obviously it goes to the fact that they have to hide him, which is my meme so yeah get it up i'm going to read it the way i have it. >> i got to look up to do this . hey, millennials vote for big joe because he's like you. he lives the basement too. couple >> and i like this because it punches in a couple directions. first of all, this is why
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right there, he's losing the young vote becaused wi he's around with memes and things, you know, pajama boys who are putting stuff out in the of night and it's not hitting. let's take the people in the south bronx. do you think they care about biden's meme factory some place located in delaware they could care less. >> secondly. hmm think what he does all day. if you look at the whitek house schedule and you can looak at it online, there's likeik one thing. yeah. president gets on a plane. e 1 ent getspresident somewhere. d president comes off. what does he do all day? if you had an honesto all da, tk about what it would say. >> hmm. president gets up, wanders mmages in the kitchen, president rummages through the refrigeratorthrougor, the pt returns to his easy chair, president passes out. >> i mean, literally. whereas if you look at pastr presidentsan and you see they're for donald trump, for instance, the guy is under indictmentdictment. yeah, he's running, right? he's getting he's going up, he's doing rallies. so i liks e this because i realy think it captures why right nowh he's behind he's losing young people but he's not talking to people mean yous we don't ca
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>> tell us about the border tell us about the economy which is what young people really want to hear about. >> and i mean, the thing is, the reason why means work for the right or conservatives are trump is because economy is tangible crimome is tangible. trans activism is it's like if you see a guy in a dress, you know, it's a guy in a dress. the left it's can't mean with f because they're too busy telling you it's not a guy in a dres thes which makes the meme phony. up next, we can't help but laugh when a leftist group but laugh when a leftist group firersv s staff. rsv is out there for those 60 years and older. 60 years and older. protecting rsv with a rex v. a rex is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rex v does not protect everyone rex v does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune he, and y have aarexvy lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site. fatigue,
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mostlycally tr be.differ >> i beg to differ. they went after everybodyybody and all the all the people thaa yere in charge of that got laidh off yesterdasty. >> i don't like dancing , ipeople's employment but i'll make this exception. >> these are people that remembee this r they were trying to get fox off the air. they were trying off get twitter shut down and now they aree gone. >> what say you? yeah, yeah. >> one of the people that gotd fired. i spent a lot of time on her twitter. yeah f ti. >> keep going back. she really hates you. >> really it they really they are the official stalkers for the whole media watchdog thing. i watched a video where she she she makes several videos makingh fun of this show and she says ma have, like,ig big celebrities on just random conservatives. and then she namesties o me andi
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like, if you're a media watchdog, you can easily google me and seeyour i i'm a libertar but like you think you're a fact checker, but also likbertad i walking around like i'm a big. so yeah, obviously wke i'm ae dv have big like also we have like three writers, like we admit that. so it just seems like for the for the, the attitude of like i'm i am you know this this i'm speaking truth to power. i'm fact checking it's like but there's a lot of things you aren't googling yourself. >> yeah, well, they're lazy and they're tires and. yeah, and we have one of our biggest celebrities. what are you talking about?g yeah, what? oh, and, like, i don't mean it. you know, tip my own hatt. in myself, but i'm going to tip it. i and they've done their best work. i mean, they said i beat my children for fun. i bully. gutfeld nice to then i don't know how they got that. >> but -- but i but i think we have we're looking at this the wrong way all the time. >> and energy they took
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complaining about us and actually watching becauselit for you to say to bring on ayou' celebrity guests like kat means you're an idiot becausre ae helt build this show and she's part of the she's the roots of it. so forots of you be like not evt to know who's on the show. that's what makes me laugh about thems what laugh, is thaty to take everything into context and try to ruin us. what we need to doo do i is, ise need to, like, call them three of them and vitamin for an interview and say, one of. you is going to get a job so weh can use their skills towardseir other people, and all you have to do is bury each other a. >> you have 30 seconds, each go. one of you will get the job. yeah, that's a pretty good one. yeah. yeah. naked with undertones. do it. e we we all make those decisions. oh, i know the guy who does. knoyou, so we need to offer onr them. come on and work for the team. maybe they can heleteamp fix aln problems so we can get those. >> we do give in a few weeks when they rutop n of top ramen. yep. and they'll be like they got go to either get a job at gutfeld or move back home. wait, i'm alread mey living at home, right? >> and you know what moms is going to say listen. m no i'm not losing another step
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husband because of you. take the job of gutfel anotherde ball. the argument could be made that the reason why they're laying off everybody, it has.>> the re la nothing to k suing them. >> it's that they're irrelevant elcause new generation in the media, whether it's the "new york times" or "the washington post" or i don't know, cnn, msnbc, they're doing this already and. they've become the let's try to get everybody, everybody or canceled. so. mm. whatever it was, media mattersar were no longer needed. >> so why do i get the feeling n that the inbox for that meme job we were talking about last block is getting floodedx fo right now with pajama boy in his basement, loves memes the can do the job. and by the way, i have anim impeccable pedigree at mediapecb matters. you know what media matters really means? media matters when it's in evidenceans it', and i actuallk that it is musk. i think that what they're doing here, they're cutting losses. they did a review, they went backwards. they looked at the people who werey licke people the most madm the most vulnerable. >> yeah. and at the same we got
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pe excise these people because this is going to look terrible. and discovery, we're going to have to sayt rrible w we firw the people that did the worst. do i know? no, i don't. but i do knot riw that right non if you look online and i did when i saw this topiawc, it's flooded with these people all saying i'm available they all want that job. >> yeah. and no one would hire somebody who's all they do is their timer on google trying to cancel people. timeogley you want somebody like that on your staff? >> do you have any sympathy, these poor souls? >> vince no. and the thing is, you know, if u you just do your job well and stop worrying about what other people are doing at their you what odds are you'll the wind up keeping your job? so rather than worryir about, you know, getting cat canceled or, you know, tyra's and everybody just do your job well and people will either gravitate towards you or they won't. >> but their job description don't bu try to do that, which is try to gete
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people fired. yeah, but in the end, that always backfires. >> yeah, but. and you're seeing it in and acrossd. the industries look at disney. >> disney is getting killed and sure enough, elodisney i sna carano filed a lawsuit there. yeah you know you're seeingr lo at cnn what we just reportwe their lowest number in 34 and years. i didn't realize they were even inound 33 years age aro. >> yeah. so it's -- it's happening across the industries and look,e i think everyone feels there's an adjustment. the pendulum is swingingjustmena back and we're eventually going to adjust to where we were. soeventuo adju, you know, you h your party for four years. party's over. yeah. all right. but this. you know what? this party is never over. well, maybe in 15 minutes, and then i pity you coming up. it's never stale when weck and open your mail p. anks t weo love being outside. the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now, thanks to our new sun set a retractable awning we can selectfrull sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds.
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everything is okay. 2 minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship s deliver the foodupply boxes ant them know that christians are helping provide them with month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods, to strengthen and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming. this box. thank you. and made the cut of israel. >> always bless you. let's extend our prayerss togetherof our and support and e our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. >> they need right now to feel your love and your healing s. call the number on your screen. scan the qr code, or go online to ifc israel dot org. >> now. yeah, you're watching mailing it in. >> here's a thoughtful question for miss mama.
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>> i don't think that's her real name. >> when you look back at your life experiences, is there, someone you would like to compliment and for what tyrus? >> well, there was the one legged biker lady, claire. she taught me about the birds bee. >> so once again, claire, what is she really one legged? >> yeah. why would i make that up? i don't know. it didn't hurt when we stopop her from explaining everything from cat.t t >> when you look back, is therea someone you'd likeck to compliment? >> and for what? well, you know how they say. well, maybe how the you wantveds to be loved is the way you love others. i love compliments you l. >> yeah. no, i. everybody that in my life alrea that i love already knows how i feel. i comment othew i feel likr
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people incessantly. so i think i've got it covered. okay. i don't know what that meant. ir wait.i i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'd like to thank greg gutfeldse for just helping us get whereee we need to go. thank you, sir. thank you sodek yo much. okay, everyone, clap, by the way. well, i had a wager. very, very good.e en that i was the point of thistire bloc k. >> by the way, eight years for that poll. let him go.en you >> let him soak it in.t yo when you look back at your life ,you know everybody now. you know what i mean? when i think back, i thinkwe hav of so many people i should have said. >> obviously, i think of my father. you know, he's no longer with us. ifther n with , if and if i go outside my family context and what always occurs to me as a teacher. >> you know, i think almost all ofl us realized how muchce influence teachers really have on your lif have and that makes it so upsetting that we've given it all of it to the knuckleheadhas who have t now. that's true. so if i if i look back and i think the people that really set me on whatever course i'm on, i come down to a couple
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of teacher s, probably don't even know i'm alive, but they had a big impact. yeahrobablt even, i think about >> so many teachers touched me.e there's what you try to write up. >> you know, there's people that i would like con, try to laygaie out any block too late. >> however, block i'm going to elbow your lead and pulls lead. growing up in the catholic church and kind of flipped the script and thanked the priest that didn't have anfc effect on me. for instance, on the one hand, i avoided a lot of trauma. a on the other hand, i grew up feeling very insecure. apparently, i wasn't good looking a kid, rebut i was. the change got blocked, carried too much more than what? hey, thinking of you, i blocked . >> i've lived a passionate life. i do think when you lookf lived
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i'm trying to think about me. there are so many i am going to go with professor who told me not to double major t and goo get a job. that was greatget a jo. e dumped >> yeah. then he dumped me. >> i'm kidding. up next, a game show with a freudian slip. >> if you'll be in the new york area and, like, tickets to see gutfeld, go to fox slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> been there, done that. mr. rabbit. >> i'm having fun. don't put me down i'll double with allegro allergies won't hold me back. allegro starts working two times faster than claritin and unlike zyrtec or won't make me drowsy, nothing beats allegro. it's the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief relief.
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and support you need to live your bold best life. go time to be bold talk today. >> good is side but it means that we can do whatever we want . you guys. yeah, but you're watching. it's friday before a holidaye weekend. >> nobody's watching. so check out this clipliday we w right in the . why, no break?
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this is about. yeah. that said, can i sayhees, yo, the irony of this, vince didhe posit was this is the best. s >> this was the best. even better was he says right in the . and then it's thishe the best learned. and if you don't have the tv and you're not at the tv, like,u wait a minute, am i watching? yeah, i you got to look around the house of like, how did that get on again. it's not it can't even right in the because it would have been too t right yeah yeah i would just like to congratulate this man. >> yeah. if he could have just ast some other guy who got the wheel of the answer right and whee l of fortune. >> yeah. yeah. but because he did this, he is a legendt id yes. yeah. i don't even know how much money he would have wod.reg: ho
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tyrus, how much money would he want? this is. this is ho w you win in life. >> apparently, the money he was going to win was going to leadam him to that later in the evening. yeaho that. jump the gun. yeah. yeah. counted the proverbial chicken chicken before it had. ha. right, all right so it's actually it's he wasn't even close because you know what? right? five letters. yeah. i mean, but i can see how your brain would go there. yeah, his brain was already there. gutfeld timeready ther he was ly thinking, if i win this money tonight, there's no way my wifao can say no t. that's exactly what he was thinking. face in thking.e back. got it right. if you go face in the bookac that works i have faith in the buyer and no, you watch those movie i just me okay. >> what i love here is that ifn you if his reactioaften after he says it and they say jack says no, he actually looks like, oh, what do you mean no? >> because he had to do he ha something. >> you understand it. his wife's in the audience goind tomethinlife ig, yeah.
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and he's like, what i thought everybody knew that it wasn't me. yeah, he's not going. i'm not. i'm not perverte d. i was just, you know, the deal. that's it. this kind of make you think that there's an idea for a show wher>>e on it? yes, yes. no, just move on.>> we >>xtsh, the puzzles. >> yeah, there's a better. e. ll se g >> we'll. yeah. a wheel of misfortune meal. a wheel of perversioeen every night at 3 a.m. on fox news. yes. yeah. was it that mad libs and we'll have it. yeah. as well. badly. plenty of means for you also you guys with. yeah. how was pat sajak all that what did he was he he gave a groaning no as he just a checked out at this point. yeah yeah he's kind of on ths is last i would think he would live for this moment yes yeah it's dathese moy i mean must break up the routine, you know. but yeah he didn't kill. yeah. because that's nots not thrs fiy who went on the wheel of fortune. i think he's going to get money
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and extra from his wife, so.t a >> yeah, yeah. unless he thought it was a request. yeah , it's like. >> no.he the best thing about wheel of fortune is when people miss u the way they miss. >> could you get a little window into their lives ita wi integht? >> say, yeah. why is get must have an interesting home life. well, the be fair south wheele. of fortune is the greatest of greatest anyway. yeah, yeah. oh once one brave white person, it was forever held. it was funny. yeah. i didn't say the word. sham the rest of you, shame on you. all right, we got to move on. we'll be right back with funny allergies. don't have to be scary. allergy great. flonase center miss his daily for non-drowsy long lasting for non-drowsy long lasting reliefadache a in a scent free e mist. mist. >> flonase all good also trybox our allergy headache and nighttime pills. >> ship station saves us so much tim's readye makes it realy and seamless an order everything you need slap the on to the box and it's ready to go. our cost for shipping like
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they're sitting on a goldmine and you have nn,o hey, guys,e. n you're sitting on a goldmined .l >> do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. >> i find out if you're sittingo on a gold mineve call. coventry direct today at 879 eight 6200 or visit coventry direct comm. >> sunday my dad spent two combat pilot tours in the vietnam war, so i've come back to retrace his most important steps. vietnam footsteps of my father with harris faulkner. sunday on the fox news channel. >> we are out of town thanksto to bone marrow bits. august kat timpf times studio audience buzzes at night with dreamy trac e gallaghersgh act. i'm greg gutfeld. i love youerxt., america. i'm kayleigh mcenany


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