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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 25, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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joe biden could be facinwe'll sg a massive rebuke with black voters this election cycle. we'vh thke all seen the new yor times battleground poll where donaldl trump is getting over a 20% of the black vote would be the largest number we've seen since 1964. >> historic. and then also the irony, of cours thee, is that joe bidea is the one who has a history hiymaking incredibly raciall and racist statements like saying he didn't want his kids to grostatemdidn'tw in a racialr saying that obama was the first mainstream jungl american, wasca bright, articulate and clean. so i think that says a little bitt says more joe bidd the democrats than it does charlamagne thmocrats a god. lisa marie booth, caitlin mcgee white, thank you both. enjo youy your take care. well, that's it for us tonight. that'smeeigh mcenany, in for laura ingraham. be sure to catch me on outnumbered weekdays at 12 p.m.. we've got a bi mg week next week on the legal front. thank you for watching the special edition of thel front.w. jesse watters primetime takes it from here. >> big wide shot.
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hello, everyone. it's friday and i'm judge jeanine pirro along with kevin walling, johnny, joey jones wit, shannon bream and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city,ew yr and this is the vibek . it's the democrats worst nightmare. >> donald trump rocking the deep blue bronx, a raucous rally. the lines were spanning blocks to get in. the former president firing up over 10,000 supporters who chanted for more trump on message. d on the joeisaster, biden disaster, demolishing sleepy failures piece by piece in his pitch to minority voters. . >> what a this is somethinis ig who said we're not going to win
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new york. >> we're going to win new york on da we arey one. we're going to throw out biden-nomics. they're going to replace ibiden maggot. i make like your hat. i will give you low taxes, lower inflation, low interest rates, rising wages, growing incomes and fair trade for the american worker. and we will make energy affordable again by saying drill, baby, drill, drill, baby, drill. i have come tonight to talk about solving problems. the simple facout is joe biden s not getting the job done for the bronx. >> he's getting the job done for new york and he's not getting the job done for america. we have mobs of migrantsur polic fighting our police officers and giving america the middlee g finger. >> very simplyer, joe puts illegal aliens first. >> jt a america first. >> democrats fuming at the side. ,their base flocking to the
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rally. it must be soul crushingt forrs them to see trump assembling a diverse working class coalition and hacks liked hacks new york democrat governor kathy hochu new yorl hd nothing nice to say except nasty smears like this.'ll te but i'll tell you, it won'llt make a difference at all, jake. and that is for donald trump to be the ringleader of ao and invite all his clowns to a , w yorkke the bronx new york will never, ever support donald trump for>> jud president. but if you want to talk want, kathy, the left wing media is full of them. >> hen to how they reacted to the rally. >> he's not going to win win new york. he's not going to win the bronx . but that the audience is not the bronx. audience is everyone else in states that he could possibly winuld poss and what ho to do and there's no downside for him to do this. by the waythe way , what he's tg to do is just signal to other people, signal to people in swing states who are white, who don't want to be wan thought
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of as voting for a racist to soften the ground and say, well, maybe no t a racist, nine: bu but people at the bronx are makinghe up their own minds about trump. we've been voting downtrump. same party for years now and nothing has changed things have gotten out of control. we're dealing with housing situationsntrol. are, dealingly with homelessness, the mentally ill crime, the cost of living has spiraled out of control. hidon't see biden doing anythingng about and also there's an influxne at the border that needseds to e dealt with. >> and i think that trump is the man to do it. i've seen the change eein go for the worse with the thife, andcs, with the democratic party. i've been a democrat all my life, and donald trump just have the right answer. >> so donald dares to go into the big blue bronx. biden would do that in a deep republican area. woody. >> i don't expect him to yet. basically threw a bashn thei in backyard and hochul calling them clowns as ricbackyardh.
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she looks like she played 7 minutes in heaven with bozo the clowlike plaavenn. >> a lot of make up there, lady. this is a bad this is a battle between reality and ideas. so the reason why i think trump resonates and why there's excitement excitem is that he ts about real things, not ideas. so it's like jobs, crime, the border and prices. and then he talks about bacon. he goes off on bacon. i can't buy bacon. that's a thingn.. e ri >> and joe right now and the democratic party deg ideas,erin you know, white supremacy, threats to democracy the soulot of america. >> these are things that you cannot touch. these are. >> but when you talk about your family, that is real. famik about your kids, that is real. of what joe is pushing is it denial of what's real? >> by calling everything b an idiot. so gender isn't real. it's an idea. crim, e isn't real.eption it's a perception. inflation isn't real.inflat. it's a concept. i think the mistake that the democrats have made probablyr
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the last ten years or so is that they left the world of the real for the world of the abstract. they took they took the lead from the campuses and they abandoned the cul de sac. >> so like when you thinkin about your you think about how you think abouk about your frie, whether they're democrats or republicans, their friends, their familyns their relatives,h their coworkers. >> but to the dems, it became de vessel. -- everyone became a vessel of power, you know, oppressoeve. versus oppressed gender becomes a fluid concept. the border is the border is not a tangible thing. kind of right now. you're seeing people kind of react and go like, what ing n biden about? none of these things resonate in my lifeat. g about meanwhile, this guy's actually talking about the stuff we see every dayf we. immigrants outside of hotels, you know, driving up sixthys pae avenue, guys passed out. it's like those are things that youthose things touch, alth i don't advise it. >> yea h. >> you know, shannon, when you listen to donald trump herea
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,he was very authentic.ti he was himselfc. there were no sweeping generalizations that were no, you know, there. was no hyperbole. he was just real. i meanhe wasal, greg is right at that. i mean, and do you think that he hit the messag thie they he wanted to? >> i think he feels like there's an opportunity. republican i s see an opportunityit to say there's been a shift. they want to pointy to ss a to,f example, the progressive stuff and what's happening on campus, sayingand what they're now the a elite, ivy league educated folks. wa're no leaguew the working cls party. that's the argument they want to try to be able to make. so i think he want to tro make s willing to go here and let the optics do are of the talking where president biden goes to very controlled environments there much smaller things. yosaid, i'd, i'm not sure that he's going to go to alabama and try to do an event down there. but president trump seems willing to go into here. he knows that everybody in the bronx love everyboonx loves he's a new yow he knows how this works. but remember, even if these aren'tt rememben't all bronx pet are there, listen to the ones who do say they're from ther pe there was a teacher that one of our folks talked to yesterday who said, i'm frole
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the bronx. i teach here. and when i look around and see the resources are being spent on peoplresourceent on pe who ae illegally that we have compassion for, but it haves are away from and our communities. and i'm struggling economically. that's a rea i'mruggling econom. so it's worth listening to those voices. whatever party you're coming fromtening t . hy kevin, why are the democrats so afraid? i mean, why does kathy hochul t have to have her moment of her deplorable--s moment and call the republicans clowns? i mean, you know, it's a >> well, i mean, this democrat is just a little afraid sitting next to yoneaughter]u for one. >> but i'd say, listen, i'd trup love to see donald trump campaigning in new york, new jersey.y, ronald reagan c last flipped new york back in the eighties. so please spend all ofi thin your time and resources there. >> i think shannon makes an excellent point, too, becauseogh we've seen throughout history changing demographics. right? the south waic the s s a democratic stronghold for decades. nixo lbj flipped that.fl richard nixon flipped that back to the republican columnippe. you know, democrats flipped georgia and arizona foizona for the first time in generations
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with with president biden. so you see thesewith of changing demographics, changing coalitions. and we'll secoalitions.e that pt in the next six months. >> do you think, joey, that the president is goingnine: yothat e to go into democrat areas? well, i mean, as long as he hacs to be here probably. >> and, you know, they flippedr. they flipped georgia with a lot of drop boxes and funny things . but i don't know if they flipped the hearts . d minds of georgians i'll tell you now live in marjorie taylor greene is district and biden which would be comparabl-- which e to new yorkt show city and biden wouldn't show up there. >> and if he did, he wouldn't he. about wi ue di this is not about winning new york. thist signaling to thest of th rest of the country, and especially those that have on mchecksthose to. ride hey, you're safe to bet on me because i can go to the place that i should have. nobodythe i show up and get a roaring crowd. this is about cobb county fulto and gwinnett county, georgia. you might not win. fultonn ning in 5, but can you in 5000 more votes in the othei two counties that touch rural georgia? this is about the people in milwaukee and detroit i states that trump was competitivine in in 20 and 2016k
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that might can come back inat ld 2024. and, you know, you watch that and you see where where that lady goes. thing ha we've been democrats forever and nothing's changed. that's only half true. e poli things have changed. the policies that democrats have enactedci , big citiess to in urban areas to control rent and to control contr education do things to try to eventh hee playing field brind and brig in equity have only hurt them. it's only held people down. and so wha what has changed is o opportunity for those people to keep up with the rest of the country who've seen prosperity since 2008. and so does it matter ifno he wins new york? no. what matters is everyone, what at home and watch that and said, wow, you know, in texas, the bigger belt bucklee wear, the more the better be behind it. you should have won a rodeo. that's. walking in with a big to th belt buckle. that's what that is signaling to the country. i can do this in new york.eanin >> yeah. >> g? don't -e dark shirt come on, it's blue. d matc >> what's wrong? it matches the tie. i know. i don't knowe tide.g: i donnow,e
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i look like it's like a square, too. what's with the school uniform? it's fridaol uniform?y. it's bright, it's free. it's red state. joey. looks like you sell winnebago. i fly by a car. you after that tangent, i buy a car again. johnny next, the democratst, the really think this guy is readybe to. debate joe biden holds a blunder filled new s conference for the ages. >> kevin and america 2.0 oh. carney is gotta. it's carney. i saw that. that's what i said. carney carney got a juicy carney is houlahan is carney. >> i did it and you scrawls all that golden card. >> golden corral. yes, sir. so pretty words today. .com a look at thppe sunshine and the book in hotels com app to find
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find your life for a better us. >> should i stay or should i? young president.biden >> by not assuring folkss on what voters say is his biggeson what his mental acuityl the commander in chief. to be fair, his way through
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a news conference alongside the president of kenya two years ago, our nation'sk first black vice president, president kamala harris, vi nation's first presidential advisory council on african diaspora engagement. thank you, mr. president. [lo questions, if i may, on one. mr. president, could you telterl me what the african uniondoin is doing, as well as kenya's doing when ig wht comes to thec? humanitarian crisis in the congo? thank you. what was my question? well, you have to. well, my struggles with memoryrh are getting harder for the democrats to ignore. democrat538 founder nate silvers some tough advice now foremocra the president. >> democrats might be better off replacints be bettg joe bidn on the ticket if he were really as concerned about defeatingcrat donald trump as democrats claim they are, then you should
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be doings cl in your power to maximize the chance that youn in. >> but if the president does not step aside, james carvilleon e is that he could at least stand up to the far left to help solvolvee some his,g prb he thinks, polling problems. >>le one question i'd love foril the biden white house answer. te why are they so afraid of the [e left? >> i mean, they give up]p them on immigration policupy. they can't even win in deep blue areas. and then they come into conflictareas. with loosely alii voters that we have to have.loos they have very little connection to black america at all. yet in the proportionatelyunch punch way abov we that whiteay. it and i just don't let somebody understand it. all right kevin, you said you hoped we could just fast forward for this country: just that was doing the break we can't you know get a grip
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band-aid rband-a and let you ste because this and james carville, he's been around forever in politicr politicsne i and one of his things i've referred to it before, he said recently was whe n he looked at the president's poll numbers, it was like seeing li naked.dmotherrs, it >> it was scary and yous ce couldn't forget it. well, he's certainly a colorful guy. listenrtaithoughtful guy, you kg to be a turnout election. it's not going to ben. a persuasion election. every american knows where they stand on donalder and joe biden. right. so it's a balancing act for the presiden a balanct fort, fup the promises to the base and make sure that we're turninroe andg folks out.scross vice president is crisscrossing the country, college toursin, talking specifically about abortion, student student debt to those folks out.also >> and then it's also holding those moderate supporters that have been h with thehis ti president for a long time, going back to his time in the senate. so and againme, see how that coalition hopefully stays together in these next six months. >> welstays l, the democratsut lou are saying a lot of things out loud that they were whispering, we're hearing in . like a year ago. but now there's this open talk more and more about. gos open t gott to be prepared r the possibility he leaves
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the ticket. what happens if he does, though? doesappens if he does? vice pree the nominee? do they go for gavin newsom? where do they goe? ? >> well, if they don't go for the vice president, i they're going to have a lot of problems on their hands. i mean, shtheinds.e is african american, asian, and that whole segmentamerican, you know, it was carville already said there's very little connectio saidn to the black americans in this country, joe biden. the lasts in thing he could do is say, you know, we're going to we're going to brin goingg gn newsom or someone else. but i think that i think the issuk the is even bigger thf all this, the mechanics of what will happen, nate silver w happ. you know, if he doesn't get better by the end of the summer, i meand of the, guy shot be running. well, you and i both know that he's not going to get betterr, he'. e coun he's only going to get older. and three quarters of the country thinks the guytr is too. old to be effective. my concern is. this is our president. why do play into this issue at all if we really believe our country, if we really
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believe in america and what it stands and that we'rel un all unified as americans, how can we let a manif like that who can't speak, who's got to have pre-selected reporters and then has to have convictione loosely reads from printed notes? how can we let him engagnotes, e with foreign leaders? how can we let this guy, you know, decideet thi what areb the issues that this country should be upfront about? and, you know, pushing forward?s >> this is not a man i who is capable of being the commanderul in chief. i don't think this guy should have the nuclear codesdar codes i don't think he's got his wits about him. and everybody's worriehim. d about politics. we should worry about this country and forget about himt t he's too all these too decrepit. he doesn't know what he's doing. dohe from the time he first showed up, he hasn't had an h original thought since the dayse he showed up. >> i think there's some caffeine during the break. we'reine dure going to be feeli, fired up. but you're fired up now,lo judge okay. so sure do think, though,th
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that a lot of this is baked in, just likisine with trump, some l the hyperbole and the legal trouble and all this. people hav troublepeoplee decidy know what i'm getting with that candidate, with th e, he they say, all right, we see how he's performing. he does say things that the whitings e house needs to correct and those kinds of things. >> but this is our guy. you know, i'm noy.t pollster and i don't want to necessarily contradict you, but yocontradiua said this is a turnout election, not a persuasion election. i see it a little bit differentlsi e t an i don't care if you hate guns and you're pro-abortion. i don't cared you know, wheree you are on some of these topics that are far left and very divisive . yo if you're broke right now, if you feel unsafe right not now,w you might very well be sitting there saying, you know what, i voted for biden last time. there'bide s way i'm voting for himll vote this time. maybe i will vote for trump. maybe i'llump.i ge what i get wp trump and i'm okay with that. i don't like the hyperbolei', t don't like the conjecture, but i sure like the economy. suree a closed border.ere is a and so i think there is a lotr of opportunity for persuasion. pe i don't know that the bronx shows that. but when you see a president get up there and you you youbu dislike everything about him, but you almostmost hav to feel y
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for him because the man can't get words out of his mout hh. b i don't know how people can support that and be energized by that. r i thin huge i mean,replac they're not going to replace him because replacing him would be acknowledgingg hi the failure down the ballot and policy that he's enacted becausy e. us he has he has had a busy a presidency. it's just not been a successfule one. so they're not going to replace him unless it is a medical issu hi a medice. and so i do worry i worry forr his health while he's commandehr chief. and i worry that that's something, you know, in ukraine popped off as like, listen, i just hope we can survive these warsli until we get a>> different president, whoever it may be. >> well, and listen, that's wh y so much focus on the vp's who the trump pick is going to be. trump pito be inand vice presid because there are a lot of questions about whether they're the ones who are actually goinglot of qether th e next four years, whatever. >> shannon >> wants that guy's? name. >> what was that guy's name? nate silver. okay. so he said something that i hadn't that hadn't occurre methind me until now. >> he was saying, basically, if your position being trump evil
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as the most evil persopen in thl world, why would you put biden up there? >> wouldn't you go like, oh my god, we're fighting hitler. we can't send grandpa munster,gn unless thidps where i come in. p >> you got something else up your sleeve. d they >> who knows what that is? tha because why would they do that? why would they send thist? sendh feeble, feeble creature to fight hitler? >> now, here's the thing. >> biden is incapable of things he could have done six months ago. yeah. now jump ahead to november. >> so at this rate, he's goingo to make brezhnev look like aocme . and this is the only what if scenario the media won't touch they spend their time doing these doomsday scenarios? >> you know, trump is goingd thy to end democracy and they don't have evidence for that. >> or trump going to shut downut media. they don't have evidence of that. but they do these doomsday the"n scenarios in the atlantic and they're all so solemn. but the dog no t is the fact that they're not covering that doomsday scenario of joe
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biden in six months. >> and it's the only one you could actually graphe onlyu >> you just follow the downward . oh it's going down. >> it's going down. and you think about that onslaught of news about trump's mental state from 2016 to 2020 and now in 2024, a he's absolutely killing it. >> and you're thinking maybeo. that was a hoax, too. >> meanwhile, you know, th arems are holding their together with, you know, twine and staples and staining seat cushions instead of campaigning. >> so maybe it's the set o sameg . maybe they're keep but they're keeping that under wrapsg that the same way they elevated trump's so-called insanity. are you disgusted, shannon? >> oh, you found asleep. oh, did you have read? >> she's at the trump trial. moving on now. >> those are not through. you know, shannen doherty, bru're rightshannen . i'm i'm a blond brunet. lot of good. shannon'una lot ofs there. all right. coming up.
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months looking at flagging sales at home stock market decline layoffs. >> when you look back,>> are there anything we can stop? the question now? because i don't think business insider is a real publicatiot t >> okay, so let's move on to the next question. all right. thank you, sir. our next question beforek all r. the yeah, is steve jobs. >> one minute, donald trump the next. all right. thebut is artificial intelligene ready for primetime afte readyre air disaster? the tech giant'se i disa new seh prompt is facing criticism for telling folks to put gluehe in their pizza and eat rocks . >> i got a five year old.ea she'r-old,s liable to do both. but she did it on aa mo more serious topic, i think, wht what elon was saying is if a robot is doing your jobou can and you don't really like your job anyway, you can dedicate your time to things you are passionatededicameings >> hmm. well, this reminded me i was thinking about when speaker pelosi, when they were tryin abg to get, which was then speaker pelosi was trying to get the affordable care act passed. and shth
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e said we got to do this. so people aren't tied to jobs. they have health care. so if they want to be artists ore take pictures all day, tha they can do that. well, my question is, if my qustsust doing hobbiet. how are you paying the rent ifte the robots are doing the jobs, i don't understand, the income? is coming from. >> it's got to be a hobby. who' fos guy that ran for nom the democratic nominee? andrew young. andrew yanin- >> keving out with him. it's got to be that. greg, at a deeper question forep you, becauseer queel lik i feele you really are bringing it today. >> so i was on a flight this morning with this. tate i went to penn. it seems to be a real estate mogul from what i coul d tell. me, and once he started talking to me, he said that he's invested in an a.isaid he . thal take the bias out of the media. we can consumef th. w and my rebuttal to him was that we all read the second amendment, the are the facts,dir but we read it differently. so can i deno that can ask settled those arguments. that is an excellent question joe right now we're watching i reached basit noc super intelligence. >> i was listening to scott adamsic supeg to scos chatgpt o0
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election, potential illegalitiesection, . >> it was freaky, right? because it came it cameit c with itsam own and then scott had to, like, tease it out becausee kn knew we he was getting the information from. so it's garbage in, garbage out. that's the waye in it's going te with a.i.. but was what was chilling to me waing tos time scott cut off cht i felt it was rude, so i chatgpt had a female she was very bubbly and accommodating and everyd, id time, he interjected. i kind of like thought, oh, . tope lik >> i hope she doesn't take itly personally. and i realized, oh my go.d, i was assigning consciousness to something that isn't realg t >> i don't have to do that to my toaster. i don't do that to my fridge or my car. but i assigned consciousness someomething that apparently is in conscious. >> but if you program a.i.nscio. to act, it's conscious. we're all going to be like this. going to bs. >> you jump forward ten years, maybe five years. you can have a mobil
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e a.i., a thinking robot in yourg house that's programed to understand your needs, y your likes, dislikes. >> also your i >> so if you like fox news and nascar, you're robots going to be listening to country music, too. >> and it's going to understand your philosoph untr comy. >> so this a.i. robot will be your your therapist, your coworker. imagine if someone thera comes and kicks your robot, you're going to react as thougeh somebody hit your dog or hit your child. you will have assigned itciousn consciousness and you will think that it experiencesef even though you have no proof that it does. >> but maybehat it you could program the ai into thinking it feels pain. so you can. and this is where it gets freaky. you you going to give it an assignment as a living thingf li and you get to expand the definition of living things. so you basicallyvings so the theoryr th of evolution or the concept of evolution, birthing next homonym and we're going to be the neanderthals. no one said in evolutionnd
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that it had to be made of flesh . >> i don't know where to take that. i'm going to let it sit. yeah , i'm terrible. so i kind of want a robot in my house. you're talking about, like, kicking that robot out of anger. >> you're going to have a liberal robot. i'm going to have a conservative robot. we're not going to get alongli with them. well, we already. kevin, we alreadbera i will >> jy have. and we have these. you know, elon musk sits here and says that and he talks free speech and wanting people to have conversations. but if i go on xd conv, everything i see is program by the people i follow and the things i tweet. >> sthingso, you know, i probaba won't see much of thmee same stuff. i mean, where does this go? i mean, we talk about how divided our country is. >> it seems like there's the path to complete division. one of the best things. sot ai.evin: as as knows, i jusd in february. my husband is a republican, worked at the rnc, so i go on to his twitter to see what the world view is onne, an his phone and he goes on mine. and i think that's likdlieke a worthy experiment to see what the other side. - an doish more people
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that and step up other the zones. >> and then we start taking kicking ea guys, right? you're going to have to get your points. exactly. that's going to go at it from it him. >>t is interesting question. certainly within one want the democrats want it so mucestn that's it. >> i don't know if w: e want in. like yeah i'm scared about the future not that in the like destroying humans terminator scenariohumans " but this is gog to take a lot of jobs right and we're not prepared that iox doe actually think fox does a good job shining a light on all aspects of as i as a news outlef right? you go on fox digital, there's a ton of ai coverageox dal , but thisgoin is going to transform everything. >> but if you have a okay, let's sansformything.y you haven doing your job, somebody has to oversee that robot and that will be you. >> mm we hope for shannon bream yeah, because i want my robot to be kind to someone who's a little bit robot myself. >> i don't just hate it, but on the on the topic of myself, i can't imagine someone using an algorithm to decide a court case sitting on the bench, whyi
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sitting there listening to it. >> i will be forever employed. wellreve , i'm not a judge anymore,or but you need judges. why you left? because i disagree completely. there are studies that show that judge decisions>> gre based on if they ache beforehand, you have to worry that whether within my sentence was determined by whether or not reg: i had a meal. >> you were hangry. you're hangry right now. you hungry for something about this? the billionaire told parentst oi limit the amount of time their kids spend on social media. no kidding s. >> because they're being programed by a dopamine maximizingy a dopa a.i. and that i would be smarter than any human ann by the end of 2025, that they're smarter than an ying to of. and i'm not real good with this stuff. then they're going to get rid of m ge because they thinkr than they're smarter than i. but i'm smarte, okayr. ss they are because i'm not buying one unless it wants to d it o my like that.
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what's that thing i have that goes around the roo arounmn about roomba? >> okay. do you have alexa or. absolutely. i watch everyone's alexa just went off at home. >>s alexisi don't want an alexa. >> i don't get it. i don't know what the benefit is. i like robots that can do jobs. i don't want theo i don'm thinkr me. >> i don't want that. maybn needi thinkeeds a that's where i come down on it. >> i don't know. well, we'll figure it ouy:ll fi i guess. >> coming up next. look out forp sharknexts. ed >> jaws sited at beaches ahead of memorial day. here we go againache. >> i had a plan. it's a great day to be alive. i know the sun still shining when i listen.ic pla >> hard timeyss in the labor. >> hard timeyss in the labor. we know you care. >> but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones, make the call. because we care to home instead. to us, it's personal ashley's memorial day mattress sale is going on now.
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i've come back to retrace his most steps and new seasons of exclusive content. >> you can only see fox nation. these are new stories of the secret history of world war two from wars. >> how really did you think that you would survive? >> honoring those who put their lives on the line this is their top in school one or 2 seconds. that sometimes can be the difference between life and death and gave their all for freedom. we're able to get through because we put our country first. >> we're all americans, number one. fox nation would like to thank active military and veterans this memorial day. sign up and get your first year free. >> thank you for your service and we hope you enjoy your free year of fox nation. suzanne said welcome back. >> time for the fastest first "h out memorial day weekendably is here, folks, and you're probably hitting the beach. >> and you know what that meanew
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s . you're going to need a bigger boat. we are going to need a biggershr boat. it is shark season. but should you reallk season bu be freaking out about these champ monsters or is the panic justisnic just a ratings stunt n producers here at the five? >> experts are warningstunne ofn increase in shark activity along a popular memorial day k actiweekend spot in cape cod, massachusetts. >> but according to peta, more humans have die in d fromous tikt attempting dangerous tiktok challenges this year than shark attacks. >> go to the resident shark advisor here, greg, for tho your thoughts right off the bat. all right. this segmentug have originally aired in 2011 or 2012 or >> we wouldn't even know because they used the same jaws clip. >> hey, a producer goes, what's the best? you joe the one where it's roy scheider, and he'll go, oh, that'skn, that. memori oh, it's friday, memorial day weekend. just slap it together. we gotal jus to get out. g i'm going to get home. we're going to the hamptons. blah, blah. oio they throw this segmentthis
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together, and it's based cra one increase in shark attacks. >> no, it's an increase in people at the beach in . ! the sharks haven't changed their diet. they go, oh, it's nice weather . >> let's head over here. hey, stay. people go to the you idiot.ts >> can't we stop? >> stop this stupid thing. all right. e >> heard from our shark truther here on the panel. >> shannon, what do you think? coming from florida, born and raised in florida, my brother pete. this is for you. well, we were in high school. he was surfingmy and had a shark attack him, tried to bite his leg off. he managed h a to bite make it l >> it was all sewn back together. so this is a real thing. oha real t wow. >> so once i got the flu. well, what can i say? >> oh, we got anecdotal stories. next time you get bittenex by undersea monster, let me know. oh, what i find much scariert about goinbit by ag the beach. >> memorial day is wearing my swimsuit in public. swimthat's why i wear turtlenec. joey, what do you think of the shark attacks? th. u even a top five shark movie?
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oh, yeah. multiple sharknado shark. yeah. you've got the jason statham movies. the men movig. t they're really good.heel and remember that movie where gimuel jackson in the beginnin g is gets like he's giving a bigve speech and he's so heated. >> and then the shark just comes up. meet him real quick. you're like, man, i didn't know. yeah. amazin g amazing filg fitzy. >> yeah. so don't give away the ending. all right? so as far as this ending,ending that's it. >> and cream.cks. >> all right. e exactlated,e is th that we're directly correlated. >> we just have to figure out what it is. so jhave t. don't eat ice cream? >> you won't get attacked by shark. there you go, judge. oh, there's thoughts on sharks s . you know, if roy scheider is out there, i'll go out there just w to check out.k he's passed away. i knowout.. >> i know he did. you're disgusting. all right. all right. emembe >> up next, remembering passwords can be the bane of your existence, but havre ba fear. new google feature lets you share passwords with your yots members. it comes as a huge reliefur to dads who are constantly being bugged. netflix and wi fi log ins.
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shout out to my folks foretflix always askin ag shannon, what ae you sharing with sheldon? >> remembee yor? into p and then when you go in thereas to share the passwords and then it will tell you they're no whe longer good and you have to update that. >> that's the most fresh. and then when you gou in tobecs change the password, it's like, oh, no, you can't use that one because that's your current password. and i' ihen why m. i hate >> then why did you log in with that password? i hate passwords and i make them really simple because i can't remember any judge. >> you were alread becausey sayg your trainer has replaced his image on your phon trae. so clearly he has access. i was working out with my trainer. i came: i wasof my trainer, c ty back. >> your traine pr? >> j look at my weight.ud i want to say. what is a tree? hey, hey, hey, boyining yo, you. i'm just the judges in here jeai that all of us. >> i want to be blessenei d. all of you out there. the older you get, do notg to give your kids your passwords because of what they're going to do is they're going to sa e goinyake yo you're incompetent. take your password and empty
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your bank accountsur passwor. >> okay. conservatorships are great. yes. >> kgreg, yeu what i do, i look this for fun. >> on the weekends, i goth for y share my password with strangers and i just go. a >> but they don't know. i go. i'll just go up to a stranger. go. rl unicornr, and i go, if you ct find out what that is, you can have parentheses. >> okay, yeah. joey yes or no? real quick. yeah, real quick. yeah >> joh sure. >> kev >> i'm out of here. all right, there you have it. female friday is up nextin. i thank you for that. $1,000,000 on the line. >> you know what's going to happen right now? this hgtv. >> check your local listings. this is not a dryer sheet. earth freeze is a new type
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you get back in shape. >> absolutely free. that's impact of 215 215 fan mail friday. >>a letdowns kindof as a song.te >> all right. first question. this is kind of interesting. his:s when you have to give yourself a pep talk, what do you say let's go to, the queen of pep shannon. you're all pep. i know. talk to alou arel music. >> i play eye of the tiger by survivor. and i'm like, bri, you got this do you actually do that? i do that. i believe you. yeah. d you go it's the truth. >> even though i know j, you know,with j i don't know. i've had to give myself a pep talk in a while, but when i di to givd was like when i was in the oldao school and i just look at someone that was a complete
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idiot aheampleme and d of, and i'dd it be like, you know, what if they did it? i know i can do it. i likean that, that's amazing.>v >> going to do it. that's a good one. that's a good one. at a little bit as an only child. i call my mom for a pep talkcal >> i like that. so she's generally pretty good. whawhat, you just. yeah, i do it with music. muf up with music. that is it. katy perry did roar. yeah. yeahty perry, that's what i puty perry. >> that's a guitar or. >> kenny loggins. this is it. you know, like this, "thiss is . >> janine, you make it. are you? you're done judging. they're going to hav e a music party. we have a dance party. you know what i do to a pep talk wheparty. a pepn i'm.ou >> i go and help somebody else. oh, that's what i do. and then i really help then something to give them your password. >> so, yeah, give my passworal i fodo th and i forget my problems. >> and that's the secret to the world. if you have to help someone, pay it forward. yeah, that'shannon: ar right wht movie did you watch that stayed with youthat sta long after leag the theater?
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kevin god, this is like a a pressure thing right her e? i mean, i. so i loved oppenheimermost recently, right? i mean, that was so intense th sestayed with me for a whil just because it was so well gre done. >> so that was, you knowg: what? >> it was long it stay with me. it was two movies in one. mm.>> jud >> oh, t you okay of there? yeah. trying to figure out what it was. ithi a movie? >> i go to the news. who is it? jaws. did it have a shark? >> it? yeah. roy scheider was in it. itreg: three best movies. 52. pick up. look it up. hmm. >> thank you, joey. there's this movie calledd sucker punch. >> have you ever seen it? yeah. was it a girl? yeah. "sah at the end i mean, in the end,of you realize she got the lobotomy at the beginning of theth movie to ruin it for everybody. >> and it's, like, not, like, all itall fighting and everyth >> it was all just a feverfe dream. ohve, i was so. >> i hate movies that turn out to be dreams. annon. >> and speaking of dreams, shannon. okay, to be serious, whend
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left saving private ryan, i could not speak and i really evlt like i wish everyd i real h it was part of high schooler curriculum that everybody could watch it and appreciate it . >> but i also have a nacho libre poster. oi'm very similar plots. yes. judge, are you trying to findedt a movioe that you like? >> i know i. what, she's googling? roisin, i don' se is goot. it's not roy shot cider. it's. you got to come me later.g: it' >> the end of the segment. yeah. judge we'll have to come to you on tuesday. you can twee.t, you can tweet it out, tweeted out. >> i'm i'm going to go with deliver. >> i mean, i always think about delivering. do? >> you do?>> g yes. i find myself in my quietre quie about how much myse i want to go canoeing it it>> jd >>l so you are a sick man and joe biden does. >> remind me of the banjo player. let's be honest. okay. one more things up next.
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i thought water would help with this dry spot. that's lawn disease. her peopand it'but scott's heals will cure its lawn disease. >> been going so like other people have it and it's on pick up a bag of the new scott store builder healthy plus lawn food today you long faded oh carney you've gotta it's carney i saw that. that's what i said gardening outta gardening. >> carney got a juicy carney inside the harness. >> carney i did it and you scrawls all that golden car, golden corral. >> well, my hair has gotten so much thicker. >> ever since taking this, i used to have a probiotic green juice that replaced it all with this arm. a colostrum got to take it. first thing i noticed was the energy and recovery that had it to work out. you want to try, right? >> so who are you?e freakii'm an inner child in it? what you really need in life inr is some frickin talk. cwhat we're starting to going
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harris faulkner sunday on the fox news channel. before >> w before we get to one more thing, a programming note. join us on monday fo r our daya special. we're kicking off the summer season with a fun filledfilledu. you don't want to miss it.ll okay, greg, hi rt itight right tonight. we got a great show. i know you're probably driving, you on. know, turn itiving. and what? you know what? i advise you to watch this show while drivingg. ver. . row, it's very safe. paul monroe, vince august, this entire us. >> watch it. hey, let's do this. greg's. workout tips, you know, before you go for a run orhing anything. oh, we stretch those cabs. . ah and here you go. that's blue body dialed in. in four words. you stretc h it it out doing a little step aerobics. got it. gogot his trunk up and his legs out a look bit that helps with the balance and keeps our joints healthynning in.
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you know, he's running in the new york marathon next week that. >> makes me feel bad. like how did they train him to do that? torturate train out there? yeah, that bothers me. sporays my turn now. barbie is honoring some female sports icons ahead of the olympics. and just so you know bar, there barbie continues to inspire young women to know that there n are many options in life, including being a mom and in to being a mom. so we've got tennis championmp venuion vef ths williams is onee new trailblazing women athlete dolls, alexa marino from mexico, world medalists in gymnastic and an australian soccer star. starhat's it with barbie that's it, that's it. >>dge yon, listen, she had a dog, the one there. so i want to tell you about barker, because you're going lot to this first airline cater to dogs, officially took off with a sold ouutt flight get new york to l.a. pampered pooches on board get treats. >> they get noise, canceling earmuffs, beverage of their choice.
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>> another surprise, $6,000, though,llars but that gets you a trip and a dog. . i think there's only one way.ude >> a lot of money. j with themwith. >> yes, you can. no perso tn and a pilot. $2,000 for my dog is going to cost you a lot of money, but you're good for it. not true. fox news sunday this weekend, we've got byron donalds, jared moskowitople on f th talz, peoph sides of the aisle to talk to the. >> all right day.. are these much more. yes it is joe. and so something a little bit e honomore serious and dogs on e airplane. listen i had the honor of interviewing the the statenee marine corps detachment last week. these are older that are marines. they go back and they do the color guard guard and the 2 salute for military burials. what's the big we can show this. sunday and see the full interview. >> it was really amazing. all right. we only havege jeanine: we o se. can you do a great story, charles? charles byrd, 99-year-old world war ii veteran, just graduated with his great granddaughter. we99-year-old worl ♪ ♪


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