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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 25, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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but that gets you a trip and a dog. . i think there's only one way.ude >> a lot of money. j with themwith. >> yes, you can. no perso tn and a pilot. $2,000 for my dog is going to cost you a lot of money, but you're good for it. not true. fox news sunday this weekend, we've got byron donalds, jared moskowitople on f th talz, peoph sides of the aisle to talk to the. >> all right day.. are these much more. yes it is joe. and so something a little bit e honomore serious and dogs on e airplane. listen i had the honor of interviewing the the statenee marine corps detachment last week. these are older that are marines. they go back and they do the color guard guard and the 2 salute for military burials. what's the big we can show this. sunday and see the full interview. >> it was really amazing. all right. we only havege jeanine: we o se. can you do a great story, charles? charles byrd, 99-year-old world war ii veteran, just graduated with his great granddaughter. we99-year-old worl ♪ ♪
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♪ man. them. ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] will: good morning and welcome to "fox & friends." a dog-themed national anthem to bring you into this saturday. will cain, rachel campos duffy and joey jones in for pete hegseth. joey: good morning. will: this would be a morning, i have the admit, where i sacrifice many hours of sleep to talk trash to hegseth -- [laughter] about midnight last night, it's minnesota versus texas. it's minnesota versus dallas. and my man last night at mid might with a 3-pointer to win the game as time expires -- rachel: did you stay up to watch that? will: i did. rachel: oh, my god. you must be so tired. will: apologies in advance, america. [laughter] rachel: the kids were adorable too, but i should do a picture with my skippy. will: oh, yeah, that's what america wants, to go from a
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golden retriever to a chihuahua. rachel: it's not a chihuahua. ray my dog is so darn cute -- will i'll so cute that when you come over -- we come over the your house, you have to say, careful, he bites. [laughter] rachel: that's true. joey: we have a frenchie, and those dogs with an abomination. god gave us in this, and we turned it into in this, that's what i have. he's awesome. but he smells bad and and he gets into everything. he hasn't learned a thing a day in his life are. he's just what he is. rachel: keep sending the photos in, especially animal photos. baby photos, or we like that too. will: if i had to talk trash on pete, he surely would have on me for dancing yesterday. florida, when he kicked off the
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all-american summer concert series yesterday, this was a 3-hour debate. what am i going to do? i knew, gotta dance. saw rachel last year up. there dancing, i saw todd piro split his pants, so i just leaned in. how do you think -- rachel: well, i'm going to tell you with, it's hard because he has the best backup dancers ever, they are amazing. and look at everyone just going off there, oh, my you know. you did pretty good. will: i gotta give it to todd piro. he goes all the way. joey: he he loves it. look at the crowd, everybody loves it. rachel: he knows how to put on a show, florida does. joey: i think it was perfect -- will: 2022. rachel: me humiliating my kids. that was super fun ifful. will: i said it yesterday, i'll
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say it again this morning, what's your morning show doing, scowling into the camera,? rachel: we don't care how old we are. [laughter] will: this was fun to be had in the bronx, of course, the other night as donald trump gave a huge rally in the deeply traditionally blue area of the bronx, new york. and because he gathered such a huge crowd, democrats don't really know how to deal with that, it blows up a lot of narratives. and so this is a little bit of the reaction to donald trump in the bronx. >> i tell you with, it won't make a difference at all, jake, and that is for donald trump to be the ringleader and invite all his clowns to the place like the bronx. new york will never, ever support donald trump. >> instead of holding a rally, he should be issuing an apology to the people of the bronx for the long and haas aring damage he has done not only to the bronx, but to our country. >> there are the some illegal immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want the shut the door behind them and who think being
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anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more american. pass as whatever. and that's a very stupid attitude to have. will: manage you know, just a quick -- man, you know, just a quick point. you can criticize politicians and you can criticize ideas. do they ever get tired of criticizing people? rachel: voters. will: voters. deplorable, clowns, stupid. it's their response anytime they encounter disagreement. rachel: yeah. well, listen, this is a big moment. first of all, i went down to the bronx the day before. so i am so glad i did that because what i realized when i was taking the pulse of the people on the streets, and full disclose or your, i did a few, you know, interviews of people that we knew were sort of already on trump's side, and then i went down to the corner and interviewed dozens of people, and almost 1000% except for one person said they were
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excited he was coming, they were hopeful about his visit, they wanted him to come and they were going down to go see him. there was a love fest the day before about him coming. and so i, i came on the is set the next day, and, you know, just before, you know, the morning before he actually had the rally, and i said i'm going to tell you what, if they start saying that these are, you know, they bussed people in or if there's these counter-protests which we know they were going to bus people in and, you know, they have these rent-a-protest, george soros funded, they're probably going to direct them from the universities and bring them over to the south bronx, those were not from the bronx. people from the bronx were excited and honored that he was there. but you're absolutely righter will. it's like this idea that somehow, you know, if they don't like the narrative, then they say you're not black or you're not latino if or you're -- joey: stupid. rachel: -- stupid, exactly. joey: that's such an insightful term there, it's right on par
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with when she's on "the view," i guess. you're talking about the governor of the state of new york, and she can't come up with something better? it was almost like she wanted to call it a circus, and she stopped shy. she pauses and says he brings his clowns. what's funny is this was not about winning new york or to even the bronx. it's about walking into a room in any state or city here full of donors and saying you're safe to bet on me. you're so safe to bet on me, to support my campaign, that i can go to the bluest district in the country and get 10,000 people to slow up. the juxtaposition for of that would be for joe biden to show up in marjorie taylor greene's district, where i live. it's a +24, 74% of the people that vote, vote for republicans. if joe biden showed up in dalton to, georgia, where i'm from and where trump had a rally, nobody would show up. they're not excited. even the people that are liberal and democrats from decades ago,
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they're not excited about joe biden. there'sing nothing about him that would say let's go out and listen to this gliofor an hour. the -- guy for an hour. the fact that donald trump can go anywhere in this country, get a crowd can, talk for an hour and we not have to interpret his words for him for the next monthing show is like joe biden, that's what they're afraid of. this is more about the people in detroit, milwaukee, minneapolis and states that trump was very competitive with and won in 2016 and could be back in play in 2024 than it was new york. if. rachel: you know what, joey? if i i think based on the information i gathered the day before from talking to people about trump and biden, if joe biden had showed up to the bronx, he would be booed. [laughter] people are angry at him. that's the difference. will: well, last night i guest hosted for jesse watters, and madeleine was at this event in the bronx, and she had some very strong words. listen to madeleine brain.
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>> i'm really disturbed, number one, but these -- by these comments that these paid, okay, elected officials off a of our tax dollar are making towards a whole entire demographic of american citizens. the energy that was in that talk of people of all races, all a creeds, all rewill bigses -- religions altogether on one accord, none of those rich people in suits would ever step foot in there. donald trump did, and we had his ear. he showed us that he cared. i've been around a long time, a whole bunch of 24/7s, okay in and i voted democrat loyally, and he was done nothing. they fumbled the black vote. they fumbled the minority vote. they fumbled the democratic vote and it's in more. it's over. will: she was really good. rachel: she was amazing. she was amazing at theally as a
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well. she really was on fire. i'll. will: as you mentioned, you were there earlier in the week, and soming -- copping -- coming up about 7:30 a.m., we're going to get there. rachel: there was so much great footage. joey: scrolling on social media yesterday, and i saw this video, it was this lady with a crying baby. she had hamasing orange and the baby -- it was like a3-year-old on the plane, and this was video from when she and her kid were kicked off an airplane not because the kid wasn't wearing hamasing, but because the kid was crying because he had to wear a mask. the flight attendant got on the intercom and told everyone, so sorry, we have a noncompliant customer that's causing this delay -- [laughter] and the caption at the bottom of the video was never forget what they did to us, how they treated us. and a lot of people may say, well, the pandemic's over, but the idea that the government can come in and control our lyes, this a's not over -- lives.
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nearly half of the governors in the country are urging for a change for the global health organization before another pandemic hits that can make us have shots or wear a mask or social distance, all the a things the that we find out now probably weren't that effective. will: yeah. they're looking to push back on the idea that we're going to turn everything over to the w.h.o., and they wrote -- it's a letter from republican governors, to joe biden -- if adopted -- they're pushing back on what the biden administration would like to do, turn power over to the w.h.o -- these new guidelines would elevate the w.h.o. to a global authority in public health under the proposed amendments and treat the w.h.o.'s director general would supposedly gain unilateral power to declare a public health emergency. in extending beyond pandemics to include a range of perceived emergencies. rachel: this is so serious, will. i mean, the fact -- we should never even think about giving, you know, our own sovereignty,
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our own, you know, rights over to the w.h.o. to determine what we should do in the case of a pandemic. but especially after what we know the w.h.o. has done. what a dumb idea. i mean, the w.h.o. was behind a lot of the bad policies, they were -- i mean, remember when the w.h.o. dud their investigation into china -- did their investigation into china where they sent peter daszak, and it was a fake investigation, they were taking tours of museums and said, oh, nothing to see here, no gain of function here, no leaks if from the lab a here. i mean, it was just ridiculous when we already knew that, you know, a lot of scientists had been disappeared. this is an organization that ising being controlled by bad people like bill gates, like the chinese government request, and the thought that we would even think about doing this is insane. i think it's one of the most underreported stories, and i'm really glad to see that these governors have written this letter and are on it.
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but, boy, i'm surprised that only half that have. only half want america to be america and run by americans? unbelievable. joey: yeah. we have these two debates hard announced now, and we don't know if rfk jr. will be a part of them unless that's changed since i paid anticipation, but president trump and president biden sparring in a debate, and of all the a issues that could be brought up -- and i don't have any faith it will -- this is the, issue that i want to hear about because i know what trump will do to defend our country or secure the border, but i do want to know where he's come from since february, march 2020 to today. rachel: yeah. joey: obviously, for obvious reasons he's not going to just throw that into a stump speech because for a lot of americans, that is over. that would be the one question i would want to hear. rachel: yeah. will and i both talk about the lack of accountability and that nobody has been prosecuted or held accountable for with what happened during covid. it means we're probably going to see something like this again.
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will: to your point, joey, i'll say this: i am forgiving for mistakes that were made in the spring of 2020. joey: sure. will: that is a fog of war where we all were, like, what is going on? but what's important is what policesons did you learn. joey: that's exactly what i'm saying. will: when they try to apply it again. rachel: in washington no one learns lessons unless they're held accountable. joey: and no one is generally held accountable. rachel: or sued. [laughter] joey: we're going to turn to your headlines. an emotional return home from a pennsylvania father after being released from custody in turks and caicos. brian with hager was detained over three months ago a for having ammunition in his luggage. hugging his family tight after a judge us suspended his 52-week sentence after he pleaded guiltying and paid a $6500 fine. >> after 101 days, it is -- can i foal like the weight of the world -- i feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off
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my shoulders. you think you're on this beautiful island, but there's nothing beautiful about it when you don't have your family. just in a matter of 12 hours, my life has been a complete 18000 looking at 12 years to now, my biggest concern is coaching my kids' baseball games. joey: glad he's found some freedom. all right, the fate of four other americans charged for the same crime is still unclear. that includes an oklahoma man, ryan tyler watson, who was detained after having four rounds of hunting ammo in a a duffel bag. oklahoma senator markwayne mullen joins us next hour, and he's going to discuss his push to secure their release. all right, secretary of defense lloyd austin is back to his normal duties this morning after undergoing a non-surgical medical procedure last night at walter reed. austin notified the white house this time and transferred power to his deputy before treatment for a bladder issue. in thiss months after the pentagon chief took days to to inform the white house after being hospitalized and diagnosed
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with prostate cancer. and it took even longer for the public to find out. now to the wild start of a big race weekend at charlotte motor speedway. fans witnessing several crashes in the nascar trunk series race of. driver brian sanchez getting the second truck series win of his browning career but not before if a pit if crew mishap when another driver's gas man got dragged behind a car. that's always scary to see. >> and there was ab an incident where a crew member went down. we'll follow up there. >> yeah. >> fuel man was trying to get the can out of the back there. will: that's worse than happened to the cop that arrested scottly scheffler. [laughter] joey: all right. and the countdown is on to the coca-cola 60000 tomorrow, the longest race -- 600. it kicks off at 6 p.m. eastern on fox. that's a good one. those are your headlines. so i know you guys are nascar fans.
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do you have a favorite driver? you guys -- will: let me watch this. number 17? [laughter] joey: chris musher from texas? yeah, he won a race. will: he hasp won a race. joey: and, rachel, you love nascar or too, right? [laughter] rachel: i love being there. i love the crowd, but i don't have a favorite. joey: she's a kyle busch fan because with he drives for our friend richard a childress -- rachel: that is true. will: one of the cliches, i think people say when you walk into a bar with, you walk into a room, think they say when there's a bunch of crazy characters, it's the "star wars" bar scene. [laughter] and i think it's meant to imply a lot of weird characters, but it's also inherently diverse! look at all the different people in the "star wars" bar seen. -- scene. well, that's not diverse enough because "star wars" is being criticized for not if being diverse enough, and george lucas at the cannes film fest value said this: they would say it's all a white mentioner i'd say it's not.
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most of the people are aliens, and the idea is you're supposed to accept people for what they are whether they're big and furry or whether they're green and whateverful the idea is all people are equal. who do you think the hero are in these stories? what do you think princess leia was? she's the head of the rebellion, she's the one that's taken this young kid who doesn't know everything and this boisterous, i know everything guy who can't do anything and trying to save the rebellion with these clowns. [laughter] joey: i just love that he called mark hamil's character a clown -- will: has mark hamill said star with us was not diverse? joey: yes. he was at the white house a couple weeks ago. listen, you're going to take a movie from the '70s -- rachel: that was, i mean, you just saw a is the shot right there. joey: yeah. rachel: by the way, who with cares? you know what i can't stand? seeing period pieces these days that that clearly have people of ethnicities that we know were
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probably not there the at the time, and i just think the everyone's trying so hard, and they're not if being, like, true to the story. they're so focused on all of that, that it just -- i just, i can't stand it. i just, and i don't know how hollywood's going to continue, because i think they have these quotas now, and you can't get an oscar unless you meet these certain quotas. it's just the opposite of art to me. will: you know, careful, will. you do a lo of plugging, but -- lot of plug, i just had a neurotic on, he's really poppe popular on youtube, and we talked about for that 45 minutes. rachel: really? will: the way entertainment has gone downhill? the quality of tv coming out, there's a lot of reasons, but this is one of the main ones. rachel: did he say that? will: oh, yeah. he said they don't say who's the plot -- what's the plot, who is the best director, it's creativity by a boardroom.
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that that's not the way jokes or fiction is written. you don't do it with 12 people sitting around. a. rachel: so fascinating. joey: my friend alan culver is part owner of happy madison. they moved their production company to netflix because they don't want the see a trail ther or a focus group, they want us to make the movie they want to make, and that's been a while since he told me that -- will: netflix just came out with tires with shane gillis, or really good and not politically correct. [laughter] rachel: even illegal immigrants are concerned about the open border? >> who come into this country, they don't know whether okay, i'm good. how are they not good? killers, psychos, what else, no background check. rachel: that is fascinating -- [laughter] joey: that is interesting. rachel: next on deck with that.
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♪ will: for the second time in a month, illegal immigrants found their way onto a u.s. military base. a 17-year-old mexican national jumped the fence of laughlin air force base in texas in an attempt to escape border patrol agents. an hour later he was arrested. this is after two jordanians were here illegally and breached marine corps base with quantico on may3rd.
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so what's going on? is this the start of a new trend? retired the acting i.c.e. director tom homan is here. tom, the to me, i hear two jordanian illegal immigrants on a restricted air force base, and i mean, red flags are flying everywhere. >> well, look, you've got to remember that christopher wray, director of the fbi, says he sees more red flags than ever before especially concerning the southwest border which he called a national security threat. look, two the your dane kwan illegal aliens entered a military installation after being it would they couldn't. so they ignored law enforcement. they're in an empty box truck, they're claiming they work for amazon, which amazon said they never heard of them, now the department of homeland security isn't is telling the american people anything. i understand they claimed asylum, there are regulations that you can't release information on asylee applicant to protect them from the
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country, i get that. but the secretary of homeland security has the authority to override that regulation and tell the american people -- screw the privacy regulation, are these people a national security threat? why are you not identifying and telling the american people more? with everything i just mentioned about them entering the military base in a box truck, ignoring law enforcement, threats, red flags at a record level, the american people have a right to know if there's a terrorist threat in the united states. will: we have a right to be concerned, we have a righting to, you know, our own, you know, i don't want to use the word fear. fear is peddled off often. but we have a right -- this is, here's the numbers of people on the terror watch list. this is what we know, right, tom? this is the number of people that have crossed illegally. i think we have the graphic we can show the audience because it skyrocketed. we can dig can inside those numbers, tom, and and i'm not sure there's overlap, but put side by side the number of chinese nationals and how that's skyrocketed over the last couple of months, this is all -- again, i don't want to lean too hard, but it's terrorizing.
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>> look, i'm afraid. i've done this for over three decades. look, the record am of people on the terrorist watch list that have crossed the border, the millions of people they've illegally released into the united states that aren't properly vetted. you think that 30,000 chinese are vetted? no. we only vet them with information available totous, nc irk c and iii. so unless they were arrested previously or encount kerred on the battlefield, there is no record of these people. so all these people are saying they're vetted? we don't have information to vet them against, so that's a stone cold lie. and i tell you this, people need to be concerned because i'm concerned. there's too many red flags, there's the too many known suspected terrorists entering this country, and the number of -- the thousands of people from special interest alien countries, syria, turkey, afghanistan, korea. we need to be concerned with this stuff. this is the biggest national security vulnerability in the history of this nation, and this
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administration isn't doing anything about it. will: you just mentioned it, tom, look, if you don't share my concerns or a man who used to work there in tom to homan, how about the words of an illegal immigrant from turkey? listen to this. >> who come into this country? if they don't know whether okay i'm good. but how if they're not good, how they're killer, to psycho, what else? no security check. no background check. >> reporter: no security check, no background check, you're worrying about who's crossing the border? >> yes, yes, yes. of course, people are not normal. will: great job there from bill melugin, but that's a guy crossing illegally going, i don't know about the rest of these guys. >> look, he gets it, you get it, i get it, most americans get it. and the sad thing is this administration gets it. joe biden understands what's going on at that border. alejandro mayorkas is a smart guy. he knows what's going on. and the insulting thing the is -- is that they're doing nothing about it. this shouldn't be a partisan
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issue, republican, democrat or independent issue. this should be an issue for every american especially those elected to congress whose number one responsibility is protecting the safety and security of this country. we all should be on the same page on this, and it's the insulting to a guy who spent more than three decades doing the job that we have a president and a secretary of homeland security that aren't doing anything about it. they haven't done a sickle thing to slow the flow. -- single thing. will: tom homan, thank you so much for get getting up early to help us understand what is obviously concerning to everyone including other illegal immigrants. thanks, tom. >> thank you. will: fruit loops is facing calls to remove artificial food dye can. our next guest blew the whistle on big food and said there is a rainbow of risks with these dyes. kali means is here. has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away.
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[coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story.
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( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. rachel: well, the risks of the of rainbow?
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fruit loops is looking to keep artificially brightened colors in the u.s. after a facing new regulations on the use of artificial food dyes. despite the popular kids' cereal not having certain dyes in canada or even in europe. while the parent company of pop tarts and rice krispy treats is working to replace artificial additives in some of its products with natural a alternatives. here to discuss is co-author of "good energy," kali means. so great to have you on. what is it about these good dyes? what do they do to your body? >> yes, particularly bht which is a preservative link linked to cancer, and the food dyes are linked to adhd in kids. kelloggs is putting these ingredients in the american version and right across the border in canada and europe they take the creed ingredients out. -- ingredients out. rachel: ray why aren't we clamoring for the same kinds of healthy goods that canada and europe are?
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>> i think parents are, but we don't have a free market in this country when it comes to the food, we have a rigged market. we actually have an advocacy group thats has 100,000 signatures on a petition, and we asked kelloggs about this on behalf of participants, and they said they've done focus groups, and kids prefer these ingredients -- [laughter] well, sure. rachel: you're right, the food industry has a lobby, and we as parents don't necessarily have that. but it's not just the dyes, you know? we've been talking about microthat'sics -- plastics. you were giving me some stats on that. heir coming into our body, and we don't even know it. sphwhrbt a credit card worth of blast pick a week. and i think -- rachel: how do they get into our foods? >> well, they're just everywhere. they're everywhere. rachel: we're just ingesting them. >> they're everywhere, it's a huge problem. and what happens is there's much greater oversight around the world on this and, again, i don't think this is a
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conservative-liberal issue. we shouldn't be ingesting plastics or chemicals. the fda itself, these companies are able to pay the advisers directly. there's no conflict of interest rules, i helped pay for the studies saying bht, artificial colorings, you actually have the research itself paid for by food companies in the united states. rachel: right. and we've seen that stuff happening all the time here in the united states, that connection between government and the studies and who pays for the studies and what the outcome is. by the way, we do have a statement from kellogg on the personal food dye ban, and they said when faced with any regulatory changes that do apply to us, federal or state, kelloggs would with, of course, make the requires changed to insure compliance. look, if you slap the ban on us, we'll comply? >> we're dwat kerring voices of parents. i'm not a big fan of bans. i think parents are waking up. we're gathering these petitions, and i hope they're going to do the right thing, and we're going to focus on company by company. rachel: a sign is your book, you
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have a book called "good energy. kansas it's off the charts. it's the number one sold book, i think, in the world right now what's the premise of your book? why are people clamoring for it? >> my sister was rising up the ranks of medicine, stanford medical school, head and neck surgeon, my co-author, and she realized 123 years into surgery the -- 12 years into surgery that the incentive every member of health care makes when patients are sick. and that's what's happening particularly for kids, off the charts. i was a lobbyist for these industries, and we with put those pieces together. we unpacked the devil's bargain between the food and pharma industries, and there's a bottoms-up revolution happening, and we can change this and feel better today. and that's going to change the policy tomorrow. rachel: the idea is that food can heal us if we're eating food that's not full of chemicals and microblast if ins and so forth. >> 95% of health care costs are tied to preventable conditions that are essentially foodborne.
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nine out of ten of leading causes of american death. we are being lied to that these are siloed conditions. the center of health care policy should be root cause meta bolick habits, and we can incentivize that, and this is a bottoms-up road map for that. rachel: the message is spot on, and it is the sleeper issue of this political campaign that we're facing right now. and i think people agent ought to pay attention. if you're running for office, this is a good issue for you to run on. cahley means, always great having you on. >> thank you. rachel: ray you got it. we're going to turn to some heartbreaking news. a missouri lawmaker says his daughter and her husband were killed in haiti while working as missionaries. jack brewer, our friend, he's been helping with rescues of those the stuck in that country -- those stuck in that country. he's going to talk to us about the situation next.
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i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. i've seen her take her health into her own hands, for herself and for us. i'm really proud of my mom. a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the red. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55.
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rachel: heartbreaking muse out of haiti. american missionaries davy lloyd and his wife natalie, daughter of missouri state representative ben baker, brutally murdered by gangs near the nation's capital along with their group's haitian director. joey: are representative baker expressing his grief on social media writing, quote, my heart is broken in the a thousand pieces. i've never felt this kind of pain. will: jack brewer's been rescuing people trapped in haiti for months, and he joins us now.
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jack, you have so much experience, you have so much you've done, actually, in hay haiti -- in haiti. i've got to tell you, before we came on here, i said to joey this seems like, honestly, the scariest and most dangerous place on earth. a breakdown of civilization. >> you are 100% accurate. it's unimaginable, the things that i've seen in haiti, the things that the folks that we've helped rescue have been through. and the stories that i hear about every day. they're inhuman. i mean, to think that people get burnt alive. i mean, my heart goes out to this senator and his whole family because i know what he's going through. the missionaries there are targeted, and these people don't just kill you, they do it brutally. and so it's so sad to think that a this country is9 90 minutes from our border, man, and we can't even have missionaries, people that are going out
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serving the lord to go to that country and be protected. we must do something about this. i mean, it's getting so bad. rachel: jack, when i heard about this tragedy you can story and, boy with, is it tragic, i was actually kind of surprised that there were missionaries there. i'm surprised that there are still americans there. can you tell us anything about that? how many americans do we know are there? and are they there voluntarily or are there americans there that can't get out? >> there's both. the majority of the americans there, some of them have family many haiti, many of them have orphanages in different, you know, organizations there on the ground. we rescued at least over 200 americans ourselves and about 350 more from if different countries. so, i mean, people are still there. we get calls all the time still to move and transport people. the vast majority are out, but
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there are still some there, and you have to remember some areas have been safe through this crisis now are being with taken over by gangs, and people are being targeted. joey: yeah. >> and so the condition's always changing on the ground. joey: jack, i went to ask you with about how americans, how biden administration's responding. we saw, and i imagine you saw the possess conference with the president of kenya -- press conference, and president biden was asked or, actually, it might have been the president of kenya, but they were asked this is more than 1,000 miles are from your border, and it's in america's backyard. why i is it that america isn't the one leading the charge there? and president biden's answer was interesting to me. he said that he felt -- essentially, what he said, to paraphrase, he felt that american military or national guard or any type of involvement there would basically make our enemies mad and saying we're trying to expand into another region of the world. i kind of find that laughable considering when his predecessor, president obamaing s had to eat crow about isis
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which was doing similar tactics, he eventually sent troops because it became our responsibility. do you think america has taken the right stance here? >> i don't. i can tell you about two weeks ago america went into haiti and started putting up barracks to prepare for these kenyans and others, and that was the most peaceful that haiti has been. when the united states of america starts landing their planes on the soil in haiti, these gangs get staired. they -- scared. they shut down. they realize what's happening. so for us to take our -- turn our back, remember, we are the ones getting the surge of migrants at our border. we are the one take on this issue. this issue hits us each and every day. we have family, haitian-americans live here in the united states, not in ken da. so we've got -- kenya. we've got to do something. the way joe biden has done this is cowardly, to be honest with you. will: jack, thanks for being with us this morning. sad story. we appreciate your perspective. joey: thanks, jack. >> god bless you. rachel: by the way, jack brewer
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foundation is still doing work. he has charities down there, and he has done a lot of work to rescue americans as well. such a great guy. will: let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reich reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. will: it is fleet if week gown only. it feels like it's been going on for a while. tell me your name and where you're serving. >> my name is tyler, i'm out of utah. rick: and you're on a submarine? >> yes, sir. rick: i cannot imagine if being on a submarine. can you stand straight? >> for the most part. real quick. rick: yeah. i can imagine if. all right. let's take a look at the weather maps. it is a nice day. we've got a nice weekend, finally, across parts of the northeast. at least the weekend. monday, memorial day, not going to be the case. here's your temps this morning, really warm down across the south. still without power in the houston area, and the heat continues to be on. storms across the tennessee
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valley, nothing that's going to cause major problems, but out across the four corners states, that's snow and this is indicative of the similar pattern we've been dealing with for week after week, and today we have another very significant tornado threat shaping up across parts of tornado alley. where you see that darker red, that's a our biggest chance for tornadoes, but anywhere in that entire area, you can see it. some of these starting 6, 7, 8:00 tonight, could be large, long lasting and violent. you're going to want to watch this one again very carefully. all right, guys, to the you inside. will: thank you, rick are. rec ric you bet. rachel: thanks, rick are. honoring our heros. it's the fourth year that usa a a has placed the poppy wall in honor of d.c.'s national mall. our next guest explains the true meaning of memorial day. ♪
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joey: welcome back. a new survey reveals less than half of u.s. adults understand the true meaning of memorial day. our next guest is trying to change that with u or s a aa's poppy wall of honor featuring over 60000,000 pop poppies honoring those who gave their lives -- 600,000. retired army major general senior vice president john
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richardson. first of all, thank you so much for joining us. thank you for serving us in this way. tell us about this wall and what it means. >> sure. and thanks for having us morning. so i'm standing here at the usaa poppy wall of honor here on the national mall. and behind me you'll see over 600,000 poppies, each one representing an american who gave their life for country. and we're here really for three main if purposes, to educate, to inspire and to give the american public a place where they can come and remember and honor those who gave their lives to this country which is what memorial day is really all about. joey: you know, you guys have had this wall on display for four years, since 2019. what has been the reception of people that visit e? what's their reaction? is it something that you're more inspiredded seeing it in person? tell us about it. >> sure. it's an inspirational, temporary
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installation, and i'll just give you an example if yesterday. we had a gold star mother who came here and had the opportunity to reflect on the loss of her, her son and the pride and sorrow that you can just see in her expression. and hen people rallying around her and comforting her and thanking her and her gold star family for that ultimate sacrifice. and then a world war ii veteran that came here yesterday. this year we have a special panel dedicated to the 80th anniversary of d day -- joey: oh, wow. >> -- and we had a d-day veteran here who teared up and cried as he thought about the 2,500 americans who he hit the beach with who didn't come back. and that's what this wall is about, to provide that central location here on the national mall for people to remember and honor those who gave their life for the country.
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joey: thank you for your service. thanks for doing this. i absolutely agree with you that people need to understand the meaning of memorial day, not just a day at the lake, and what a better way to do it. john richardson, thank you very much. >> thank you. joey: all righting. coming up, senator markwayne mullin joins us. don't move, he's got it. ♪ ♪ oh, but ain't that america for you and me in. ♪ antithat america -- antithat america, something the see, baby. ♪ antithat america -- ain't that america, home of the free, yeah -- ♪ little pink houses for you and me ♪
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rachel: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" if weekend


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