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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 25, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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rachel: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" if weekend
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starting with this, another move to expand the maga coalition. trump is set to address the libertarian party convention today in an appeal to their voters. this as his veep stakes sweep heats up. senator tom cotton is now reportedly on the short list. yeah joe and it's a question more americans are asking themself, is college worth it? a new study shows mixed feelings as a more americans are buckling up their tool belts. will: it's memorial day weekend and the unofficial kickoff to summer, so chip wade has the grills and the gear for the perfect barbecue. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ i just came the say hello ♪ ♪ hello, hello ♪
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will: if pete were here, he'd want to play guess the skyline, but it's not, it's water. much harder to do. rachel: i don't know where we're looking at right there. will: that's a river or inlet that you feel like is close to the coast. oh, look, i got one of the words. joey: that's pretty good. rachel: very good, will. are you good at this game, or joey? joey: not at all. rachel: me either. i think a lot of people at home guess along with will and pete, who seem to have an inshare, desire to do this at every single segment. [laughter] joey: are you guys keeping score? rachel: oh, yeah, everything's a competition. it's, like, a guy thing. will: we're all working, but any big memorial day plans? rachel: yeah. will: what are you doing? rachel: i've got family coming over, barbecuing -- will: what are you putting on the grill? rachel: that's sean's department. rachel: he likes are ribs, and
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the kids like chicken. will: has he got a good dry rub? rachel: literally, the first two times he made it, he has the mechanic he mothers on speed dial. [laughter] now he's per if effected it -- joey: those boys can cook. we'll learn more about that. my memorial day plans are to sit on this couch in the morning and then travel and hopefully fish my pond in the afternoon, so that's the plan. will: oh. yeah? if. joey: i was mowing around it, there's some catfish in there about a 2 foot long. i haven't fished it since i moved last year with, and so i think those catfish need to find their way to the are grill. will: oh -- rachel: good idea. will: you're going to clean them yourself? joey: well, yeah. will: put them up on a tree? it's true. rachel: do you have plans for memorial day? will: i'm going to be with you two later today. [laughter] rachel: all right. well, donald trump is making this race for who's going to get
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the vice presidency, he's turning it into a reality show, it seems like. the pageant has unexpectedly strong contenders, some say. he's a strong the contender. tom cotton, what do you guys make of that? joey: i mean, he's been a strong voice as of late. not necessarily just for trump, but for issues that people care about a, americans care about. for some reason, it seems like the state of arkansas does really well with the trump administration, so it's a very red state. you're not picking up votes if you choose him -- rachel: yeah. doesn't make sense to me. joey: the traditional sense is your vp either brings votes, money or both. i don't know what enkind of financial backing he has. but president trump doesn't do things the conventional way. this entire list doesn't really kind of hoe money or votes, it shows people that are strongly conservative and strongly popular right now. rachel: let's look at that list are. senator tom cotton, as we with just mentioned, north dakota governor doug burgum, florida senator marco rubio, tim scot
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and and j.d. vance -- tim scott. tom cotton was added to the list, and he kind of seems to fall into more of that neo-con side of things and doesn't can seem to be like what, you know, i think that was part of the problem with nikki haley, so i'm a little bit surprised at that choice. maybe he's floating it. who knows if that's really on trump's -- will: it's interesting that you bring up nikki haley because donald trump told news 12 reporter that she doesn't have a place on his team. watch. >> is there room for her on your team or better yet your ticket? >> well, i think she's going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, same thoughts. i appreciated what she said. you know we had hamasty campaign, it was pretty nasty, but she's a very capable person, and i'm sure she's going to be on our team in some form, absolutely. rachel: so that was after a, of course, there was speculation that nikki haley might be on the list and then he threw cold water on that and put out a tweet saying, heck no, she's not
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on the lust. he -- list. he made that very clear on that a tweet, but he is striking a more conciliatory tone, wouldn't you say, guys? joey: no, i think he's smart. it's my observation and maybe i have memory problems, but it's my observation he's more on message and more in tune right now than i think he was in 2015. in 20151 he was the great disrupter, and in 2024 he's painting himself as the savior with, the fixer. and you can't do it without a coalition. i think he, you know, there was a lot of turnover in the early years of his administration. i think he's much more savvy on what to expect from people both what they promised and what they don't tell you about. and i think this vp pick is probably less important than it's been in the last couple of administrations. he doesn't need someone to help him get over the finish line are, or he needs to make sure he picks someone that doesn't stop him from getting there. rachel: yeah. will: i think he's hinted at the fact that he might not name one until the convention -- rachel: what do you think can of
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the list, will? will well, i was going to share this -- share this, i saw kayly mcenaney last night, and she had polling on all of the potential vice presidential picks, and the only one that had a necessary positive on the polling results was tim scott. joey: yeah. will: everyone else was either a zero or a negative. now, that's going to change a lot because a lot of them would be suffering from a lack of name recognition, and you can lift name recognition over time, but the only one right now, and he was a big net positive over the other -- rachel: yeah, i think it was, like, +6 -- will: -- was senator tim scott of south carolina. joey: and another name floated, sarah huckabee sanders. listen, sometimes i go places and it's not very far, just a block away, but i've got to call an uber or lyft because with walking for me isn't easy. i couldn't imagine walking to the u.s. border, but if you do and get there, i guess you can just call a lyft or an uber.
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we had this x from if bill melugin. he say, unbelievable. border patrol is so overstretched that the illegal immigrants who cross here have been waiting for hours for border patrol to pick them up. some colombians got sick of waiting so they called a lyft and just called a lyft and got picked up and drove away. the driver's plates to give her the benefit of the doubt in case she didn't know they were illegal immigrants, though i find that a hard to believe because there are dozens sitting here. she may have just committed a federal crime if she did that knowingly. that's interesting. rachel: just the most unbelievable story. will: and bill said, now, these are official gotaways. rachel: of course. joey: yeah. rachel: and, by the way, this is bill melugin catching that. there's no other media doing the kind of work that fox is doing on the border. you just wonder how often this has happened. will: even worse, how often are there people that are threats to america? in we don't know these
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individuals. this is coming at the same time we hear stories about jordanian illegal immigrants infiltrating -- rachel: military base. joey: quantico. will: yeah. we had tom homan on a little bit earlier to talk about this growing threat. >> the department of homeland security isn't telling the american people anything. they're not identifying who these people are. now, i understand if they claimed asylum, there are regulations, 2308.6, you can't release information on an asylee applicant to protect them from the country. i get that. but the secretary of homeland security has the authority to override that regulation and tell the american people, skew the -- screw the private regulation. are these people a national security threat. threatsed red flags at a record level. the american people have a right to know if there's a terror the threat in the united states. if. will: there you go. it's, i mean, it's -- joey: and -- will: i don't want to, i've tried torque like, struggled this morning. i did that the interview is, don't lean into fear, but it's
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justified concern. it's justified concern that should lead to some rational fear. rachel: yeah, of course. of course. joey: you know, the brazen nature of it, i don't remember if it was your show or kaylee's, we get up and watch the reruns, but with i say this morning footage of these migrants crossing the border wall with this, like, makeshift ladder, and they're fiting a tug of wasr patrol agents who are trying to recover that ladder so they can't keep using it because you know they're going to go a mile that a way and do the same thing. there's not enough border patrol agents, there's not a big enough wall. it has to be a concerted effort with a lot of elements to it, and our president is doing none of them. rachel: we had michael pillsbury on last weekend and i asked him directly because president trump said there's a very strong possibility if that the chinese increase, which is about an 8,000% increase military-aged men coming over the cord border, donald trumps has alluded to perhaps they're sort of forming
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cells and, like, an army inside of our borders. we know that some of the terrorists are probably forming cells, but it's just, you know, military-aged men, chinese here. and i asked michael pillsbury if he thought that was a possibility, and he said, yes, absolutely. this is very -- finally, if you don't know who michael pillsbury is, one of the preeminent if experts on china in america right now. so this is very, very troubling. will: absolutely. rachel: to say the least. will: it's been a question that we've discussed openly here on "fox & friends" and you've probably discussed within your family, is the cost of college worth it. well, according to a new poll, 29% feel that it's not worth the cost of going to college. 47% feels it's worth it but only without taking out loans, and 22% worth it even with loans. and then you add that to the question of whether or not college degree's important to get a well paying job, all adults say 25% of all adults say extremely, you know, important
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in getting a job. 35%, somewhat. 40, not too important. not at all. rachel: then you get the gop -- this is another part of this poll -- gop, lean gop, and 17% of republicans say it's extreme extremely or very important,3 33%, somewhat, and 50% said not at all. democrats, 33% said very, 38 somewhat and 30% not ooh too or not at all. you know, i can see this playing out in my own family. i have three adult-aged children, two of them in college. one of them went to college for a semester and, you know, also a happened to go, you know, in the middle of all the covid craziness which made school so unbearable. he was already a little ambivalent about whether that's what he wanted to do, and he ended up dropping out. he wanted to be in the film industry, and he's doing
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something else and doing the quite well, actually. he's making a living and doing a good job. so maybe, you know, a degree wasn't worth it for him. but we still have a society that in some ways gives a leg up the people with a degree. i'll tell you what, who's really suffering now or e hope we'll see more suffering with these the ivy leagues with these $90,000 price tags. i think people are saying that is not a good payoff for that kind of education. jeep jee i'm pretty passionate about this. my dad was a block mason, and he had four workers that worked for him over the years, tiger in and eugene, or and emmanuel and acl. they had an interesting sort of -- emmanuel was from if mexico, he came here illegally. his brother, acl, was younger -- i'm sorry, emmanuel came here legally, or actually was born here, that's what it was, and his younger brother was illegally here from mexico. his dad heft mexico, came to the states, got remarried and that
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had a son here, and he left the son in mexico. well, eventually the american brother brought his mexican brother over. the reason why i say that is the one who was american had a 2-year degree at our community college, spoke perfect english, he was an american. he worked manual labor jobs so that his brother would have a translator and they could work together. and and the reason i point that out is i think the immigration issue is a big part of this issue about college. we have an entire generation of americans who are told that working in the skills and trades is beneath you. you need to go to college, you need to get a white collar job. and then you had the fracking boom in texas, and guys with just a welding machine on the back of their truck overnight become millionaires. there are opportunities in this country that we have told americans aren't worth it to them, and we create a need in jobs for immigrants to come here, especially illegal immigrants. the reason why i think these two issues dovetail together is as young many americans, i'm not giving up on gen-z. as young americans see the enterprise opportunity of using
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that are -- their hands to make a living, i think it's going the change the need for immigration in a lot of ways. so i think the next president better understand it. nobody does more than mike rowe. if i president tomorrow, he would be my secretary of education. not to belittle college, you need an education regardless of what that a looks like. you need to learn are. you need to have a hunger for learning. but not to belittle college, but to bring dignity back to the trades and blue collar jobs that are necessary for day-to-day life and take intelligence and skill and time. apprenticeship is the ultimate way to learn an education. you're learning with your hands and your mind. and i just tell you, man, i'm very passionate about this because we don't have enough people that know how to do masonry correctly, plumbing correctly, electrical work. so many of the trades we've lost because those that were masters of it didn't have an apprentice to teach for a decade or two. rachel: right. no, no question about that. mike rowe for education secretary, that that's -- i was thinking pete hegseth. [laughter] either one will be an upgrade.
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joey: well, it'd be nice to to get balancing a checkbook into high schools. rachel: that's very true. will: all right, we're going to turn to your headline, the judge in hunter biden's federal gun case is banning prosecutors from using some evidence in his criminal trial that's expected to begin june 3rd, that includes references to hunter's discharge from the navy and his child support case in arkansas. the first son's defense arguing, quote, characterizing or referencing unnecessary, salacious details are the exact type of prejudicial inflammatory evidence that has a tendency to make a conviction more likely because it provokes the the motional response in the jury. chiefs' kicker harrison butker is doubling down on the message he gave during his commencement speech at benedictine conference. he spoke at the courage under fire gala in nashville last night saying our love for jesus and, thus, our desire to speak out should never be outweighed by the longing of our fallen nature to be loved by the world.
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not people, but jesus christ i'm trying to please. rachel: wow. will: butker9 and the chiefs just got their official invite from the white house after becoming back the back super bowl champions. that's happening next friday. rachel: by the way, the last time he went to the white house after they won the super bowl, he wore a pro-life -- i'm trying to remember what was on the tie, but that was his quiet message to joe biden's most radical pro-abortion administration ever. so he's just very consistent, this guy. will: here's why i'm dragging this morning. little sleep. on to the nba a playoffs. luca! secured a game-winning 3-pointer to put the ma a vs up 22-00 -- 22-00 over pete hegseth's minnesota timber wolves in the nba's western conference finals. here's luca putting rudy gobert with on skates.
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watch. >> maneuvers for the lead, got it! [cheers and applause] got it! what a shot! will:women i'm just -- i'm just going to be a pro. my mavs are now up 2-0 toover pete's timberwolves. i already started talking trash live on the will cain show. i have no idea if he'll answer a. >> wow. will: this is going to be embarrassing for him and me. >> yo. will: ooh! you texted me that you're going to smoke us, blow us out, not one game -- >> i didn't say blow it out, i said something taunting -- [laughter] will: you're a good sport. you're a good sport. i need to rub it in today. and that was pete when they were down 00-is 1. now they're down 0-2. [laughter] so let's try. y'all want to call him on "fox & friends" this morning? we won't wake him up at 7 a.m. met him sleep in. rachel: no, no, no, it's not
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fun. will: he's not watching, he's not going to know this is coming. i'm such a nicer person -- let's give him another hour of sleep. rachel: if you're going to crank call, call him while he's in be- will: we've got to give ousts a little more -- rachel: just do it! will: it's called a tease. there's a lot of things going on here, rachel. [laughter] i'll do it, i'll call him on ai- rachel: now he's going to get a call from somebody else -- will: don't call him, america. don't text him. joey: don't give him a heads up. finally free. ap american tourist back home after being held in turks and caicos for having spare ammunition in his luggage. rachel: our next guest is trying to help others detained. senator markwayne mullin is next. stay with us.
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an island judge freeing him after he paid a $of a 6500 fine, but the fate of four other americans charged with the same crime separately, different incidences, is still unclear. each of them facing up to 12 years in prison. oklahoma senator markwayne mullen just returned from turks and caicos, and he joins us now. senator, thanks for being with us. one of those, i know, one of your citizens of oklahoma. so this is, it's weird how many instances of this have occurred in a short amount of time, and the way turks and caicos has thrown the book at all these americans. >> right. well, what happened, two years ago they had a high influx of haitians and jamaicans coming to the island, and they a started having gun violence and gangs shooting each other and, actually, one mesh got caught up in this. -- american. so they passed a law which actually amended their constitution which basically said they have a zero gun policy
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and a zero ammunition policy. the unintended consequences of that law when they started to enforce it in february was right here, brian's case, ryan's case, we have tyler's case and the other two that they had combined. now, i want you to get this, combined they had less than 20 bullets among themselves, among all 5, less than 20, and neithed any guns, it was just ammunition if had fell loose in their bags. and they have a 12 is- year minimum sentence. so we didn't know brian was even there. how i got in touch with brian was ryan watson, the guy from oklahoma, he started calling or his family started calling asking for help. brian had a already been there at that a time for about 45 days and just a wealth of knowledge. he really walked us lu this process. the problem is the state department was zero help. i mean, zero help up until a few days before we decided to take a codel there did the state department really actually engage in this. the assistant secretary got
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involved. but in and mind you, to reset this too, they didn't is have to be charged through the national law. a thing called the customs act which handles issues just like this when you take illegal contraband into a country that a may be legal in yours. for instance, it's legal to have a satellite phone and two-way radio here in the united states. a lot of countries don't allow i that. so if you try to take it into another country, rather than being charged national law, you can be charged by the immigration law, and you just get a fine and get sent back home. that's what they could have done, but they chose not to. will: by the way, i think it's important what you brought up first. i actually just went to turks and day can cose for spring break this year, and i heard anecdotally, they were worried about the fall of haiti and how it's fallen into chaos because they've had haitians with ill intentions wash up on their shores with boats. so there is a concern that led to this from their side of it. but what you're hoping for is rational judgment, not just
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strict application of the law. so you're pointing out how they could have been charkhed which now wu -- charged. are you getting that? do you get sort of, like, yeah, this wasn't the spirit of the law, so let's be, let's have good judgment here? >> you know, i was hoping the conversation would go that way, but it didn't. and this is my fear. unless they change this law, i would till be very concerned about any american traveling over there and being accidentally caught up in this. mind you, the going laid lady from florida who's a grandmother, she had simply if taken a a bag out of her closet. she had no idea ammunition had even been in there, and she packed it and went on a mother's day trip that her daughter had given her, and and she was leaving the country, and now she's facing 12 years because there was two .9 mm bullets that had slid down the side of the bag, and she had no idea. the turks and caicos government, they had to literally take the bag apart to try to find it. and you have tyler's case, he
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got a off of a cruise ship, grabbed a day bag trying to get back on the ship, and he also had two two bullets in his bag. these are very accidental cases. the customs act would apply if 1000% if they would just simply allow it to apply, but they won't. so it concerns me about moving forward. super glad brian is back. we talked to him a couple times yesterday. man, that a guy is the nicest dude on the face of the earth. and just salt of the earth individual that i hope you guys have him on the she. he can kind of explain what happened and why he was there. will: well, i'm sure hay aappreciate what you're attempting to do, how you're offering help. we do as well. turks and caicos, they can't want this. they need the tourism from america -- >> yeah. will: this is not good pub if listy -- >> and that's what we were trying to tell them. will: go ahead. >> 62%of your economy is tourism, and 90% comes from the united states. 70% of your imports come from the unite, we want to keep the relationship, and he was saying
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we've got to look out for our islanders. totally understand that. we've got to look out for our constituents, so if we can't have a common ground, then we have to start issuing a do not travel from the united states. will: will right. >> this judgment does move if us forward, but they need to look and see what caused this because since february they've arrested one american every three weeks. will: i've got to leave it there, senator. thank you so much for vin jumping on. senator markwayne mullen. >> thank you, sir. will: former president trump making a historic visit to the deep blue bronx this week, and we sent rachel there to get the pulse of the people. >> that's amazing. i think it's epic. >> the best thing ever. rachel: how will he be reffed -- received here? >> open arms. if bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments.
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♪ ♪ will: former president donald trump make a historic visit to the south bronx this week. joey: and thousands gathered to the see the former president speak in his first event open to the general prick. rachel: i -- general public. rachel: e i went to talk to locals about how they felt ahead of the president's visit to their a neighborhood. take a look. ♪ if. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i think that's amazing. >> i think it's epic. >> it's the best thing ever. rachel: alexandria ocasio-cortez, she says that it's embarrassing that he's coming to the south bronx. what do you say to that? >> i say what's so embarrassing about it? i mean, this is our everyday life over here. >> him coming here going to bring light to the hood. >> he's showing his face. he's trying to make a change for the people of new york and for the south bronx. is. [speaking spanish] rachel: she says i think it's great that he's coming here, we need that a kind of support.
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we need protection. women here don't feel safe walking, going to work. is life in the bronx better under donald trump or joe biden? >> it was better under donald trump. >> trump is for the little man. he's not for, you know, the millionaires and what not. he's a self-made man. >> he helped out the community more than joe biden. >> while trump was in office here, it was good. now it's a mess. rachel: should joe biden come? [bleep] [laughter] sleepy joe, sleep are by joe. sleepy joe gotta wake up -- [speaking spanish] rachel: do you want president biden to also come? [speaking spanish] >> rachel: yes, all of them should come so they can -- so they can see. >> i've been here 30 years, and i've never seen it like this. >> i think we need a lot of help in this neighborhood. i think it's a lot of of poverty. >> everybody needs help. people need housing. instead of giving migrants and everybody that's coming from if other cups help, we here, we americans. give us some help.
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[speaking spanish] rachel: they're giving all the money to the immigrants. [speaking spanish] rachel: it's not, i'm not against that -- >> no. [speaking spanish] rachel: the problem is they're cutting our stuff. >> a lot of people want to make a change. you gotta go out there and vote. rachel: you think that him, donald trump, coming to the south bronx might motivate for people to vote for him? >> i'm a supporter. i think, yes. >> we need to put our support behind trump. everybody wants trump to win. trump was the best thing that happened to new york. he defended us ugh covid. rachel: could donald trump actually win the bronx? >> i don't know, but i'm doing a lot of praying. [laughter] ♪ rachel: so how many interviews have you conducted while people are getting their haircut? with. will: not enough. [laughter] i think that's a great, a great place. i mean, look, we know in black culture the barbershop is the place you break it down. that's where we get the world's problems solved, and i think it's a great mace to get the
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pulse of if people. rachel: it was fantastic. you hear all these politicians saying this was a fake rally and that these interviews were fake. not fake! those are people that i found on, you know, walking up and down the street, random. asked them if if i could talk to them. will: curiosity, you know, i lived here, my boys went to school in harlem, i spent a lot of time in the bronx, but i'm curious, a lot of dominican? rachel: a lot of pert if rican, yes. here's what was interesting to me is they were excited for him to come. i watched the rally the next day, and i got -- he really spoke to them. you know, he was talking about the subway and the tiles falling off mt. subway. donald trump doesn't ride the subway. if he's ever ridden the subway. he's a rich guy. he's an elite but he's not an elitist. he cares about the city, and he wants the people in the bronx to be as proud and happy about new york as people on the upper east side, and that's the message he
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did deliver. i think it was resonating. andall these naysayers, all these people calling it aer cuts and calling these people fake or clowns, i'm sorry, democrats are nervous right now. very nervous. joey: you know, i doubt the people you spoke to are watching fox news every day. i hope they are and i hope they start to, but did any of them recognize you -- rachel: no. joey: did you feel like they'd been a part of this conservative moment for a while? rachel: no, absolutely not. now, there were -- see the man right there on the right? that's reverend rubin. i interviewed him, him and his wife. those were interviews that i had preplannedded. but all the other interviewses you saw were people i found on the street, and you could see on the internet people were -- the democrats are getting nervous at a clip that i did. i went to the south bronx, so glad i went because they were trying to scare donald trump and saying you're not welcome, they were trying to say that this was fake. [laughter] and that's a sign of a campaign if that's very nervous.
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will: great job, rachel. always good to get the pulse right there on the streets, this time in the bronx. all right, stroke rates are going up in young americans, so what's causing the trend? rachel: plus, marijuana now passing daily alcohol consumption. oh, this makes me mad. we're going to break down the risks. joey: dr. siegel is here, and he's going to talk about all that next. ♪ you don't have to worry about it, baby. ♪ you can wake me up in the dead of the night. ♪ wreck my plans, baby, that's all right ♪ but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life.
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joey: we're back with new, frightening statistics. stroke cases in americans under the age of 45 are up 15 president since 2011 while cases in those under 50 are up by a third in the past 20 years. finish now strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the u.s. amid a spike in cancer cases among our younger e population. here with reaction is fox news contributor dr. marc siegel. doctor, thank you for joining us this morning. >> great to see you, joey with. jest jees yes, sir. tell us about this. is strokes on the rise? is there something that's happening, something in our food? >> absolutely, it's on the rise. it's disturbing. over the last 15 years both cdc and american heart association are showing 5 a 15 percent
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increase, up to about 120,000 cases a year of people under 50, really disturbing. and it's the because people weigh too much now, there's more diabetes and blood pressure's going up. blood pressure really tells you if you have a high blood pressure, tells you a risk of a stroke and cholesterol going up. those are all of the reasons. and people who were sed. en tear during the pandemic, they gained a lot of weight, their blood pressure went upper, higher risk of stroke. joey: i've always a thought of strokes as something that just kind of happened out of the blue. to me, i've never known them to be something that there were a lot of precursors for, but you're saying these risk factors, blood pressure and cholesterol, are key indicators and i need to make a change because that's a risk. >> right. and blood pressure correlates with harte disease which causes blood clots which causes stroke, bleeds in the brain. we can prevent all of this. we've got to get cholesterol under control also. internists like me looking for high cholesterol in those over
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50, we've got to start looking for it in those under 50. and diet changes. too much processed food. get people to have a mediterranean diet, more olive oil, more nuts, more berries, more fish. all good for keeping blood pressure down and decreasing stroke risk. joey: i love it. regular food that we're meant to eat, not just processed food. >> yes, absolutely. joey: you know, on the topic of living healthy, there's this new study that shows daily marijuana use is surpassing alcohol use, what this new study found, 17.7 million people using marijuana as opposed to 14.7 with alcohol. i probably have a more liberal take on this. i don't drink, i can consider alcohol to be a destructive thing both physically, but also the situations it puts you in. is it at all safer to be using marijuana instead? >> no! actually, it's worse. and, by the way with, you said to me before we came on, this is underreported. have you been down the streets lately in new york? you can't go one block without
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smelling pot, and it's 40% of those who use marijuana are using it daily. alcohol, way less than that. listen to this, 269% increase over 15 years of people smoking pot daily. joey: it's gotten more legal in the last finish. >> yeah. that's your point, you're worried about that. why am a i worried about that? because the thc content is soaring, the active chemical is up 30-50%, that's soaring. it leads to psychosis, anxiety and depression, behavioral problems. you can't take a test if you're stoned on this much thc. joey: it's interesting because what you're saying is the legalization of marijuana and the supposed control has led to kind of this super engineering of marijuana. they're not smoking the same marijuana they were smoking 15 years ago. >> yeah, that's a a, and here's b, the gray market has risen right behind the legal market, so you may be able to get it in a cannabis shop, but behind the scenes down the street
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somebody's selling it still. way more illegal along with legal. joey: dr. marc siegel, thank you so much. i've got some assignments here on healthy living, and i appreciate it, brother. >> great to see you, joey. joey: great to see you, doc. let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: such a nice start to the weekend across the east coast. a lot of people are going to get at least two good days out of the weekend, maybe not the third. show you what we're talking about. temperature wise, waking up good. houston, you're 80 degrees right now, and we have enkid -- i incredible heat that a has been building, heat indices today up to around 117 where you see that a pink. a lot of other areas up to around 115. we broke all-time records yesterday for high temperatureses across parts of mexico. this heat has been baking areas just to the south of it and forwards the mexico, so some of that air a mass moving farther north. there you go, got some storms
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this morning across the tennessee valley but major storm threat across parts of the central plains where you see that pink especially, large are, violent tornadoes. you've got to watch that the very carefully throughout much of the evening, tonight and into the overnight hours, maybe a flooding threat across parts of kansas as a well. joey, back to you inside. joey: thanks, rick are. keep those folks in our prayers. hopefully, it doesn't turn out so bad. it's memorial day weekend, and the unofficial kickoff to summer. chip wade has the grills and gear for the perfect barbecue. you see him there with some marines. we're out there next. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are
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which fostered my love for acting. the feeding america network of food banks helps millions of people put food on the table. when people are fed, futures are nourished. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. visit rachel: well, it's memorial day weekend, that means it's the unofficial kickoff to summer. will: joining us now with some of the top grills and gear you need to enjoy the outdoors all a season long, diy expert chip wade. >> i'm so excited, the weather's beautiful, it's time to grill. rachel: yeah, it sure is. >> yeah, yeah, you're welcome. i've got a great lineup from reck tech this morning. -- rec tech. these are wood-fired grills, all pellet grills. this is actually a griddle so you can do everything, pancakes, everything, love it. rachel: love it.
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look at this, will. >> oh, the horns? the flagship is big with enough to feed an army, literally, and we will today. some great food here and, of course, we have got the bull's eye. this gets up to 1,000 degrees, the hottest pellet grill on the market. all of these made with high quality stainless steel, this weekend 15 off, check 'em out at rec next up, a grill brush that was designed by fire fighters using the power of steam. what's great about this is it leveragings something different than the metal bristles. we don't want that in our food. we have a pad here. open up the grill and show 'em how it cleans. it's just water. rachel: i have one of those. it works, i love it. >> absolutely. and if this actually is made from the same material that firefighters, so it's the really resilient. but it also, you can throw it in the dishwasher, clean it. this weekend, 50% off. there you go. that's yours. happy memorialing day.
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[laughter] joey: it worked, will! >> this is the 2-peat prep and serve marinating tray. what's awesome about this, it's the 2-piece, deep enough to keep your raw meats, and we always are finding something different. the lid detaches -- rachel: oh, that's perfect. >> won't stain, won't absorb odors, and you have something to take it straight to the table. you can get this on amazon. rachel: love it. >> next up, the 5-piece high quality wicker outdoor living seat. if you've got a docker a pomp, you name it, but spin around,3 60 degrees -- rachel: oh, i love the swivel! anything that swivels. >> this is high quality waterproof fabric that's also not going to deteriorate. very, very durable, not going to fade. right now we've got the 5-piece, so the two ottomans, the two swivel chairs and the side table all on sale, an extra 10% off on top of the weekend sale. check it out at chief that can.
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this is the 5-piece set. last up, now pick this up, you're going to think not bad, right? very light. this is from just float. this is awesome. this is a 6 foot by 15 foot high quality float. you can see mac is very stablen on this bad boy. this is a 3-piece system, kind of a new technology. this makes it super buoyant, very durable. you can put over 11,000 pounds on this bad boy. -- 11,000. that's the whole family plus the dog -- rachel: my dog loves that. >> perfect, right and the social security so stable. adult or child, fantastic. these are more refined color, a little bit more chature, it looks nice out on the water. these are made rat right in north carolina which is great. you can buy these at just float and as a well as a on wayfair. go check it out. rachel: i have this at the lake too, and the kids love it. will: or go to all there.
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>> thank you guys so much. float life. you know, i got the meat if memory this morning. [laughter] next up though we're going to have some great food -- rachel: yeah. he's coming back with more stuff, so make sure you stay with us. will: all right. has bill maher figured out the problem with again z? according to him, they're too confident. well, or you'll give you our take on that next. ♪ ♪ when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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♪ ♪ it is the 8:00 a.m. eric fox and friends weekend. starting with the struggle with thestruggle with pride as a top poster says it might be time to drop out. joe rogan suggested democrat suggests the democratparty is l. so voters, look the other way.


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