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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 25, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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♪ ♪ it is the 8:00 a.m. eric fox and friends weekend. starting with the struggle with thestruggle with pride as a top poster says it might be time to drop out. joe rogan suggested democrat suggests the democratparty is l. so voters, look the other way.
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pete: american tourist make an emotional return home after beat helping turks and caicos for having spare ammunition in his luggage. other americans are still being held for the same reason. skype has bill maher for at the probably jen see? according to them they're too confident. the third hour of fox and friends we can start right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. we are listening to beer never broke my heart by bill combs americans vacation town. you've got some theme parks there and some really good weather today. we end up in more orlando than the mental put it that way. rachel: serio series of foot ta. listen to lou combs. [laughter] because his matting as i was cap a bit so that's what it is.
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will: i love luca combs. pete: he is really good. i country music. [laughter] have you seen that meme that's donald trump and welcome to the club? it's all their mugshots. will: it is really good. here's something else good news for donald trump. it comes from what comes as a surprising source. that is 5:30 eight nay silver because nay silver's never been accused of being a partisan to the right when it comes to his polling. when he says something like hey, the polling is so bad virgil bite and he might not be the candidate in august, it makes illicit. here's nay silver. cook's democrats mi are better f replacing joe biden on the ticket. if you were really as concerned about defeating donald trump as democrats claim they are than you should be doing everything in your power to maximize the chance that you pick.
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rachel: i did not know who nay silver it was until i saw this ppole come out. apparently he's somebody that is pretty incredible. i think a lot of republicans have been wondering when this moment was going to come. they are looking at the polls. but you have someone like bill maher saying democrats are trying to paper over the situation. not wanting to talk about alger biden's flaws, his mental decline because they are afraid it might draw attention to it. he said all that is going to do is hurt your own credibility. here he is. >> i am nervous about saying anything against biden because i feel -- no one has so much power you have more, some that idea because i don't know about the epic works are you afraid might influence people who are on the fence? >> i think you lose all credibility. might mine von is i don't pull a
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punch but my bondage are not going to lay everything i say but you know i'm saying what i really think is true. pete: i think there are layers to he social lose all it all credibility. he's pointing to the effect of that is the view is basically a megaphone for the establishment democrat party. i don't if he did on purpose or for just figured it out as he was talking to peers by losing your credibility is not in jeopardy because your audience expects you. will: i think he is being real. i think he is, you know, he is living out loud on television. what i mean by that is not thinking ahead of time as i was going to say it and he starts to say it in a way and realizes happily into a sentence that does not apply to everybody. not everybody has a bond with their audience. the promise we have made is to tell you the truth. he recognizes in the moment that's not the promises made by the view. that doesn't mean he is always right for that's an important
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distinction to make. it doesn't mean you're always right. here's me being real about bill maher and he has total trump derangement syndrome has certain things that are personal to donald trump for it very quickly back to nay silver. he went on to say biden's poll numbers continue in this direction and he performs poorly in the june debate that is going to have to force it democrats off of biden by august. rachel: joe rogan said democrats are holding back criticism, listen. >> we are at this crazy part of the fort where the president is clearly gone and everybody's like no, he is amazing. all of these people because they do not want the other guy to win are just lying to everyone and ruining their credibility. no one is admitting. like okay, i am willing to vote democrat, show me one that says something that makes sense that i can trust that is not dying.
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[laughter] shall meet one younger show me one that is eight reasonable centrists that makes sense and everyone knows was going on but no one on one side is willing to say it because if you say it is going to empower trump who is hitler. it's like holy. this is not good. will: talk about dependence whether it is bill maher or joe rogan or joy whether trying to tell the truth for those incredible press conference with joe biden in the kenyan president the president was clearly not in control the situation. it was awkward. it was very clear -- make it was obvious what was happening he's just not up for the job he could not even handle this press conference. and yet everyone a in that room, the press is like the emperor's new clothes. they athey're all pretending ths normal.
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i remember it just watching it going what a shame. shame on all of you because if anyone knows it's the people in the white house press corps that should be saying we have been to press conferences for this many administrations this is not normal but they won't admit it because they are afraid just like some these liberal pendants for any kind of admission joe biden is not up for the task when we all know there's not one company right here on wall street that would hire joe biden to leave the company as a ceo and yet they are trying to sell us this guy is ready for the four years. >> the reason is exactly as explained they are afraid any negativity helps trump in their mind number one public enemy is trump. see five people are not buying it that's we saw the reaction you saw when he went to the bronx. that crowd had to go that's just a circus and those were actors. it is so much desperation on their part.
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pete: we talk about how scary things are with that when you stronger borrow sometimes things can get really scary outside our borders are somewhere else pennsylvania man has made an emotional return home to his family have been detained and turks and caicos over loose ammo found in his bag. he got a suspended sentence of 52 weeks with the fate of four other americans that are charged in this parade that is still up in the air. basically had ammunition that was loose apparently did not know it's for their treating him like he was trying to do something nefarious. >> he's name is brian hansen pennsylvania here's what he had to say about the entire experience and turks and caicos. >> every emotion that you can imagine as a father, as a husband to be united finally after 101 days. i felt the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulder shouldersjust in the matter of s my wife -- it's been a complete 180 looking at 12 years to know
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my biggest concern is coaching the kids baseball games tomorrow that such a relief. surviving spoke with senator mark wayne and just in the last hour here's what he had to say about that. >> unless they change this law i would still be very concerned about any american traveling over there and being axially caught up in this. the mind you the young lady from florida as a gram but she simply taken a bag out of her closet. she had no idea ammunition have been in there. she packed and went on a mother's day trip that her daughter had given her. she was leaving the country now she is facing 12 years there is 29 millimeters round bowl as it slid down the side of the bag. she had no idea at the turks and caicos government had to literally take the bag apart to try to find it. these are very accidental cases the customs act would apply one 100% if they would apply what too. >> editor is involved now.
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one of the originally five americans is from oklahoma. he is trying to little background he was laid out in the interview. turks and caicos has a justified concern about the illegal immigrants coming to turks and caicos like places like haiti. they got incredibly concerned when haiti collapsed in the past couple of months. that brought a lot of crime to turks and caicos we have a new law no gun still ammunition what's over there cracking down. this is an example of spirit of law and letter of law do you apply it in a way of wisdom and judgment. clearly this is a case or five americans have been snared. i do not know how they got the tsa. pete: that is the interesting thing here. i have done this. i flew home from texas. spent a week at home, exact same back i did not use it told him it was there. it was a range bag and emptied
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out to use as a carryover i flew out of a small airport in chattanooga. when i did had a 22 showed that in the light of the bag had gone through three airports concert tsa three times since i last used it on the range. it happens. i got caught with two block mags the same reason the lightbulb came on help people learn from them. you do bear responsibility of got to know you're not bringing something to the airport like that. your intent versus the effective. steve at the effect for turks and caicos is not good you have a u.s. senator saying hey, not cool for americans to go right onto the figure this out. that is got to hurt. this is an island completely depend on tourist progress largely tours in from america. there is another store that kind of illustrates this at the same time going on that's his story
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of scottie scheffler america's number one golfer he is arrested there is the body can footage came out late this week is not as it was told to us. it looks really innocent in that moment you like yes obey an officer's instructions we always should. in this moment it's like it's a pretty minor sin for a guy trying get to the most important event here in the city today are we really applying this is wisdom and judgment? >> 's local municipalities how we train officers i have the most respect for police officers. also i am an american. i get defensive when i'm feeling and being treated unfairly. as part of our civic duty to not to reconciles part of municipalities even in turks and caicos to take a law and implement in a way that applies at least encompass some common sense. rachel: you can see the situation in haiti is destabilizing.
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ultimately the entire western hemisphere. we'd a story earlier about it is something that has to be dealt with. there americans trapped there. their kids in orphanages that need to get out that are trapped there. there are people dying and it's having an impact on the entire region. pete: will turn now to some headlines but a mother of a fort campbell soldier's demanding answers after daughter's body found in the tennessee apartment last weekend. the vic vic victims of mom's" id for it justice, there is something strange about my daughter's death. the army, for their pa part so y are still investigating the homicide alongside clarksville police. 25000-dollar reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest. that is tough. the port of baltimore channel is set to fully reopen soon it could happen as early as june 8. the entire span of the key bridge collapsed two months ago after being hit by a massive cargo ship.
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engineers say most of the wreckage from the bridge ended up underwater this week limited access channel allowed the cargo ship to be removed. check out this wild video of east texas. a pet kangaroo broke free from its home people in the neighborhood who could not believe their eyes called police for help. let's listen. >> i am right here there is a kangaroo that come up the road. quiccontestant will like it migt belong that question. >> know it come off the road werburn a way to breakfast i lok i'm like that is a kangaroo. [laughter] cards i love she goes it looks like it doesn't belong there. no man, no it doesn't pi request you large and kangaroo is a pet in texas? >> the owner of the kangaroo said he escaped out of an open gate he is now back with his owners i do not know those ear headlines. listen, there's a lot of exotic animals in texas.
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moser heard game for hunting. you do not hunt kangaroo i do not know what the deal is behind that because the cap second pet kangaroo be fun if you be boxing it all the time the box they are mean. you step on their tail and kick you. rachel: do not think it kangaroo it makes for a good pet. super we talked about bill maher a little earlier. something else to say but the state of america the next generation. this is in the free press the headline reads biltmore, american kids are way too confident. he says america is a countries children's court low in math and science but off the charts and self-esteem. it is no wonder it by the time to get to college to have to listen to any opinion they do not agree with is considered an act of violence for this is what happens when no one ever loses and everyone gets a prize. you can run the wrong way on the field and score five goals for the other team you're still a winner even though you are actually a big loser. [laughter] i actually disagree. i disagree.
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it is not confidence. everyone knows the truth even the kid that scores for the other team and is called the winner print that kid knows so he does not have real confidence he has fake confidence is insecurity that manifest enjoyed entitlement same thing with your intellect if you are insecure you cannot hear opinions you disagree with. if you are confident you can listen i promise you you can stand strong in your conviction. pete: is a confidence crisis of malaysian kids age and that yout experience any type of conversation with people there on the phone the sit next to each other and talk to each other without having uncomfortable conversations or moments you cannot build confidence. rachel: you have to go little further back. how do you get confidence where does confidence come from? it doesn't come from conversation. confidence comes from doing things and achieving things and working hard and putting time in there is a result that comes from that. or maybe you failed a bunch of times you kept trying and then
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you got it right. that is where confidence comes from. you've heard a helicopter. in our snowplow parents a lot of parents are just trying to do so much for the kids and make it easy a lot of it is the parents. you think about like college admission. how many parents are doing the essay for their kid or -- and they want the ability to say my kid got into whatever. they are willing to do the work to get them in there. or again whether it's sports or whatnot. i think there is just too much emphasis on the outcome and not the process which is where the confidence is built. >> is exactly right. processes after words about in the intellect site in the process of not what you believe and why you believe it you can hear anything. rachel: that also starts at the dinner table. if you cannot learn to have a discussion within your own
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family and have those discussions learn to agree, disagree and look at other people's point of view if you cannot do that at your dinner table there's no way you're going to build it in a classroom at nyu. so here we go. an officer or exodus of police in liberal california getting out of the forest amid rising anti- cop sentiment. seafort one officer on his decision to lead. pete: here is a look at brian kilmeade was coming up but when nation regrets hope you enjoyed "one nation" this week in hell and hellare going to brian kilmt nine p.m. eastern time or peta later that night were going to look back at memorial day but what it means to people like mike's early special operator for over 20 years as documentary that salutes those who served and lost their lives in the line of duty. an foundation is extraordinary what he does for troops is immeasurable. he talks about that including two special former soldiers. now were also going to look bak at the cohost quiz with these
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two guys. without their names i would not even know who they are. we'll find out how much they know about each other if you watch "one nation" for a fact i will leave and let you stare at them. , keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most. discover, preserve, and share the stories of your family's heroes. save on ancestry subscriptions for a limited time. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add any base. shop now at
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what about police officers are leaving liberal citizen drugs to escape soft on crime policies and anti- cop sentiment. our next guest is a former california officer who moved to town to idaho in 2020 over port morale and fear for family safety. he's speaking out on the difference a in respect for law enforcement between red and blue states. seth joins us now. good morning, seth. i understand you're in california, you are police officer george and floyd, some riots explained to me how quickly that changed when it turned into. lex good morning. so it was a slower chain should be given to be honest it started with the legalization of a lot of these drugs i remember working at that time. imagine a time when methamphetamine, heroin are illegal you can take people to jail for it and that shifted. and now we want you to write them a ticket and let them go. that rate there is the beginning of the downside in california.
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honestly killed the morale in the police department. decided to do a job to protect the community now you're being told hey we don't actually want you to do that. that is too scary. we just want you to be out there. that kills the joy for so many people. people get into this line of work to protect the communities they live in. so losing that ability absently killed all the morale and. pete: we have a stat or graph that shows 6003 to police officer's left california. that is down 8.49% since 2020. you look at that and 8.9% but that's thousands of officers leaving california. you ended up leaving. you went to idaho. tell me what it's like to be in a red state you feel like is may be out pro police but supported the idea of policing and law and order. >> i will cite idaho is very
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pro- police very pro- veteran. there are 22000 veterans and pry the same amount of corn and responders in a pan tilt timing little skinny piece of north in idaho. idaho has a population of less than 2 million. to have this kind of numbers i would argue it's the largest concentration of veterans and first responders anywhere in the u.s. and for good reason for this community does a fantastic job of supporting those people. i moved here in switched careers and got into real estate t i co- own a real estate team and we specialize in helping conservative families move here. our team is comprised of all former first responders and veterans two. the things i see in this community the support and love that these people get their art numerous community activities. did a free ice skating event last year we had hundreds of family show up to the ice-skating events.
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we've got the patriot floor is a weekly free coffee in downtown with so many of these activities and great sponsors locally our team is one of them. we have got north idaho archery, life of public health idaho arms, all these people come together to provide for that community and help them feel loved. that i think helps them feel loved. pete: the keyword is keeping until people latch onto that seed that maybe that's missing in places like california that is overpopulated and like you said maybe stop supporting their police officers correctly put idaho is one of two states have not been to i get told the hunting there's pretty good i'm going to come up and see you guys pretty soon. seth, thanks for serving your community thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. give us a holler if you come up you can find us at york north idaho or youtube channel residing in north idaho but would love to help you out
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with that. pete: sounds good i appreciate you. all right, conservatives celebrities and blacklisted from their politics. parents breaking up with disney and chris pratt hailing mother-in-law maria shriver. all of that on rachael's pop-culture round featured the one and only joe concha
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my family is sacred to me. it truly is all that matters. i was on a work trip
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when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i had the factor 5, which showed i had the genetic mutation, because i was aware of that gene, that saved my life. i would not have been able to meet my new granddaughter. i truly believe i'm here because of 23andme.
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time for their further pop-culd up this time we have got joe concha because we love them the latest and greatest of the hollywood drama. restarting up at this actor witr robert david said hollywood is
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filled with a secret conservatives who could not express their politics under the threat of being canceled. watch. ♪ where's the clip. [laughter] i guess we don't have the clip anyway he said there's a lot of them and they are afraid to come out of the closet. >> is completely totally just get this out of a by the way robert is a credible diehard one for role the very key. but in these situations i think of tim allen. he was the voice of buzz light year you have kids you know the toy story franchise they do a buzz light year film a prequel and tim allen is not casted as the voice it is like taking morgan freeman at a shawshank redemption that is the voice they did that because he is a conservative. >> blacklisting in hollywood is real. i think it's find their quotas for anything a how you cannot gt an oscar how about a quota for the most marginalized persecuted group in hollywood which would be conservatives. >> out of accents.
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rachel: another issue conservatives are facing is the house of a mouse separ support f parents are breaking up with dizzy over woke remakes and a lot of explicit content. >> gas. thirty-five i don't trust dizzy nor do you? what you shouldn't a menu bar and look at it this wa what useo be a homerun. dizzy it would make any film is going to make hundreds of millions or even a billion dollars but last year they made a bunch of woke politically correct at movies, they lost a billion dollars. just make the films, make them good too. >> door by checking off boxes because exactly here's an op-ed that i was talking to about it says parents today have to warn their children what disease new content. light cautions by excepting candy from a stranger. the packaging is pretty but you cannot trust what is in or who gave it to you that is why my husband cut off our disney subscription that is a factor. the other thing that got me jazzed up was when, remember it
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bit the property booths along the hair salon it dizzy? the fairy godmother greeting the little girls to go get their hair done was transgender with a beard. >> it so hard as a parent. my kids love dizzy. they love the mind train i will still take them there but it's not like i'm supporting what they are doing. >> it's not making it hard for us. dallas cowboys cheerleader she's visiting troops gave her a better perspective about what it means to be free. her so she had to say washington and uniform is about the equipment they use a better perspective about what it means to be free. >> dallas cowboys is a big fan. but the cowboys cheerleaders, they are iconic for they are as american as it gets, mayor.
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mckenzie's perspective you're the chiller is precisely right. military base i lived on in spain. like a piece of america coming and so it yes it dallas cowboys good for you. [applause] cindy crawford at one point strickler asked chris at pratt has a very famous mother-in-law. maria shriver she's showing him how to avoid raising spoiled rotten kids. here's what chris pratt said he think i maria shriver calm his mother-in-law, holds kids accountable. when maria walks in the room you stand up, she is big on manners. she was big on accountability she is deeply rooted in her faith, catholic faith. she is a kennedy after all.
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those are things i definitely want implement and the ring of our children. we took the hardest to raise kids but if you're rich and famous you have these baby's extra work to make sure they turn it do not turn to spoiled brats. >> you have nine shut i have two were in the same camp they want so that my daughter won the stanley cup recently which is like $40 for thing the holds water. i make sure she does jobs are on the house for my son want something, do jobs for earn, earn what you get a budget would have a brats and we are a brat free home rachel. rachel: amen to that good i maria shriver and chris at pratt for getting good advice and is very famous mother-in-law. thank you joe. >> happy memorial day weekend. c5 youtube. >> have been working. steve i know i working as vibrant critics having a meltdown after trump's historic nyc rally. check it out. >> donald trump to be the ringleader at the place like a
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ball bronx. he should be apologizing to the hispanic american congressman carlos gimenez is all smiles about this critics. he is next.
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>> for donald trump to be the ringleader and invite all of his clown so place like the bronx, new york will never ever support donald trump. >> instead of holding a rally, he should be issuing an apology to the people of the bronx for that long and lasting damage he has done. >> or some latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants it. that's a very stupid attitude to have. will: critics of donald trump art melting down over his massive rally in south bronx will shaming residents there for supporting the former president. here with reaction public and congressman carlos gimenez. you heard it there. hogle dismissed them as clowns. they said people who attended the rally or stupid. it's always an attack, an attack on the voters. >> yes. we cannot win the argument they start calling people names. it's not going to work just like sweet new deplorable hispanics
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aharvard trump and the polls say more and more hispanics are moving to the former president rightly so. we hold the same values as everyone else's. we want to live in a secure community. we want prices to be low where people of faith, we are also family oriented. the democrat party is none of that. the gig is up for the democrats. so when the gig is up the gig is up. so they resort to calling his name said. will: there is something also went to ask you this congressman us in this dismissed as i saw somebody say they were all white i don't know were not supposed to believe our eyes we see right in the south bronx. i take what you said and i take it seriously about the policies and the issues that affect people no matter what their race or ethnicity. that being said there is an attachment to an individual here. trump himself has appealed to these minority voters in a way the republicans have not done so
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in the past at least of the presidential level. why is that? what you think is the appeal of donald trump? >> because he just tells the truth. he is not the normal politician he tells it like it is. every once in a while he may insult somebody and that is the way it is. people just like the honesty of donald trump. they also like his policies. look, when he was a president hispanics and african-americans have the highest employment rates in history. we are doing better than any other time in history. we remember that too it's a combination of factors as to why more and more latinos, hispanics are with trump and more and more african americans are with trump two. >> let help me too understand cuban officials i think under the imprint the permission of dhs and then tsa toured a florida airport behind the
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scenes apparently according to some even into secure areas to i don't know understand american security issues? here's what tsa said by allowing cuban officials to commit a tour and airport they said tsa host government officials and members of the aviation committee at u.s. airports to foster a strong global aviation posture per u.s. and cuban authorities jointly manage the a airspace in cuba ad the u.s. enjoy the safety and security of travelers using our airports. is that rationale at up for why we would allow cuban officials into secure areas of american airports? >> absolutely not. it's actually asinine. it is insane for the reason is cuba is on our list of a state sponsor of terrorism. so here you are you've got officials from a state sponsor of terrorism you are showing them how we protect our passengers from terrorism. how does that make any sense? it doesn't make any sense that is why we are going to investigate this incident have it in my back yard and miami
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international airport. we are going to be asking why they did this? we are going to bring up legislation to prohibit in the future so no agent of a state sponsor of terrorism of access to our most sensitive areas that protect our passengers. that is what we are going to do. look, don't make any sense it doesn't make any sense. but that is part for the course for the biting ministration. will: does not pass the commonsense test which we know is increasingly uncommon. congressman carlos gimenez thank you for being with us. >> it is my pleasure. will: rachel over to you. rachel: turning now to your headlines starting with this. for the first time in 155 years a christian town at the jersey shore will be forced to open its privately owned beach on sunday mornings. ocean group of cap folks off the sand until noon on sunday. so people can focus on attending
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church. the state is forcing the town to abandon that tradition and threatening a 25000-dollar a day fine for failure to comply. ocean grove is over its outward displays of faith including this cross -shaped pier. the state has nothing else to worry about a guess. and volunteers placing 27000 americans in a veterans park in milwaukee. to honor those who died while serving the nation. each light planted during a shimmering servant represents one wisconsin resident who died defending our freedom dating back to the civil war. flights will stay up until next thursday. mosier headlines. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for "fox weather" forecaster. >> love seeing all those flags out there. dutiful start across eastern seaboard. two out of three good days. will lot of the map will show
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were talking about temperature wise things are looking really good across the east. temperature across parts of the north fargo 44 degrees. as to the south of you in fargo. now it's very cold but not the case down across the south it's baking hot across a lot of mixing of the air mass starting to creep up a little bit closer to us. in fact a sout the south texas s watching heat indices around 117 incredibly hot. we have storms this morning across parts of the tennessee valley. and then later on this evening. say around dinnertime through around 10:00 p.m. major tornado threat across parts of oklahoma and kansas. eventually very heavy rain especially to kansas is a flooding threat. watch the could be large instructed tornadoes tomorrow. that threat was a little further to the east. parts of the ohio valley. this is the biggest term for today is to oklahoma say towards coal soot towards wichita especially in that area you see the darker colors were going to be watching. real quick look ahead toward the
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day on monday cut much of the central plains you deserve a break you're going to get it. for your day on monday the rain comes back there at bistate wednesday and maybe a little bit more severe weather but look at this on monday. eastern seaboard, that is your problem for a lot of rain and some strong storms as well. alright rachel sent back to you. rachel: thank you rick. we have summer fever here fox and friends. ship weight is here with his favorite gear to embrace the warm weather. the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets.
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>> it is more of a weakens the weekend theunofficial start of . pete: back with a big top gear to help enjoy the outdoors all season long is a diy expert from baseball player chip away at big kirk's great to be back we got food flying off iraq attack fill up your plates of gutter servicemen chowing down let's start here with one of my favorite products this is the world's most supportable boats. it is inflatable look at this big and round it's much more stable than a typical kayak or canoe. you can zoom around up to 5 miles per hour per they've got all kinds of different models from a fishing model without the trailer here in the middle. you can head to catch them together go down the river even
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trailers for your dog. go but up,. >> quickset''s high tech red neck that's. [laughter] that is my mantra. [laughter] we've got pond i need one of those. got you covered. we've got innovation and decking. you've all seen concrete support habit foundation blocks these are almost 50 pounds, super hard to deal with. this is called board decking. this is a recycled pad that makes it really easy to create a foundation for your deck. what is cool about this innovation holds 84 by four post as you can see but to buy mixer up to two by eight. what's great about that as it does not absorb water not concrete as it would not deteriorate your deck the process is great for a raise index. you can build a cabin, you can build a doghouse or giving away a whole deck on the instagram page check out this at fort decking. they aren't lights and they are easy to pick up it's good. great stuff. next up we love the idea of leaving our doors open when the weather's great, right?
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having your hands are fully going and have a screen door into that third hand to open the door this is called a magnetic hands-free screen door from doctor brand. look at this company and it comes right back together, magnetizes but really great for your rv. great for doors, gripper double doors that make them for garage doors really great you can find out more. >> kids are constantly routing the screen doors. it is kid prove it. >> or dog because i'm a big outdoors guy i found offered this year. i is on x hunt. >> cracks off a road version this is a gps application. you downloaded and maps out all the different off-road trails i took my family up to the grand canyon at the north rim where it's really remote. >> we have to talk progress would have done if we did not have onyx offered latent map out the national park trails they map out the lands all that but they send out trail up masters to make sure they give you the info like what heights of clearance you need on your
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vehicle do not get stuck out there. >> is a still handheld or in your vehicle? which is an app on your phone. it works with car plate you can download off-line map so even you will be out of self cell service hopefully. this works for google maps will not work. >> i said to be nosy as me. >> all of this this weekend 30% off of it. >> can we take this we are from arizona. >> alright everybody likes free tools but right now this is the time to get it this is the high high-performance battery 18-volt one plus system 109 and a box or two batteries a charger and a carry bag but it comes with a free tool up over 100-dollar value can pick from up to eight different tools like these cool shears are pretty cool. also the standard one plus 18-volt batteries nine and a box again a couple batters in a charge of those nine different tools to choose from to get your mutual findings at home depot aand a real >> this is anything that's like
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a small shrub feel how light it is. perfect you cannot do this on your own without having to have a battery-powered tool for it? >> clearly you don't do a lot of lawn work. visit thank you so much. one more time. forget quiet quitting millennial's are quiet vacationing but will tell you how they are doing it, next. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme,
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i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. ♪ owe jee it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, another move to expand the mag a baa coalition. maga coalition. trump is set to address the libertarian party commission today in an appeal to their


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