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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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that saved my life. ♪ owe jee it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, another move to expand the mag a baa coalition. maga coalition. trump is set to address the libertarian party commission today in an appeal to their voters as veep stakes is heating
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up. senator tom cotton now reportedly on the short list. rachel: and forget quiet quit, that's so yesterday. millennials are now quiet vacationing. [laughter] how they're getting away with it. will: and you saw it yesterday. enter tomahawk, give me a good feeling that i never, ever, ever, ever had before. make some noise for my brothers, the mclemore boys! [laughter] will: well, after that shout-out from florida, they're back. top recipes for your memorial day weekend cookout. the final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ if. ♪ she said any way you wait, that's the way you need it. ♪ any way you want it, oh. ♪ i said, any way you want it, that's the way you need it -- ♪ any way you want it ♪ will: all right, there's american flags, appropriate for memorial day weekend.
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welcome in to the sunday edition of "fox & friends" -- saturday edition of "fox & friends" weekend concern. [laughter] rachel: he's already starting. joey: 3-day weekend's got you all messedded up. will: i'm excited because with, everybody just be quiet with about this, all right? we're going to the call pete. joey's sitting in for peteed today, we're excited to the have joey. he's probably sleeping in. we're going to do it at the end of the segmentment, call pete, talk a little trash. only goes four hours' sleep last night, mavs beat the wolves, let's rub it in. rah. rachel: i love this. i love crank calling anyone. [laughter] well, donald trump is looking to actually bring the party together. you saw him yesterday or this past week reaching out to hispanics, reaching out to black voters. well, libertarians are another group that he's trying to bring into the fold, and he's going to the libertarian convex to address them.
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convention. here's "the new york times" saying trump's vp, by the way, the vp pageant has an up expectedly strong contender, tom cotton. i did not expect to see that name -- will: well, it's a new name that's been added to a list we've heard that includes colludes doug burgum, florida senator might be yore ohio senator j. j.d. vance and south carolina senator tim scott. we have, we've seen those names, seen a few ores as well -- others as well. rachel: yeah. will: i think the current polling, kayleigh mcenany showed it last night, the only one that has a real big, positive effect for trump is tim scott. i do think it's early, and i think some of these people's name recognition goes up, you'll see changes, but tom9 cotton, a new name on the list, and we'll see. rachel: you know the name not only there that i was expecting to see was vivek ramaswamy. and i know you and i have talked about this before, will, but i think that vivek, actually, you
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talk about tim scott's polling showed him helping trump by, like, 6 points or something like that. i think vivek could really help with young voters. he's articulate, he sort of bridges that gap between donald trump and, you know, in his 70s and these millennial voters, and we're seeing young people starting to move in that a direction but not on that list. joey: i think the problem with vivek is he also has a certain kind of unafeel -- awe unappeal, the people that aren't necessarily in favor say he came as cross air a gant in the debates and -- air a gant -- rachel: arrogant doesn't seem to disqualify of donald trump. [laughter] joey: yeah, but if you have two the people that are arrogant, are you appealing to that set of conservative voters. and on that topic we talked about him talking to the libertarian patient party on the same day we hear tom cotton is a possible very p, that shows you theth of his appeal. but another part of the country or the right that he needs to appeal to or at least bring back
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into the fold are those that have held out in supporting nikki haley. and this is what he actually had to say to news 12 reporter tara rosenbloom on that idea. >> reporter: is there room for her on your team or, better yet, your ticket? >> well, i think she's going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, same thoughts. i appreciated what she said. you know we had a nasty campaign, it was pretty nasty, but she's a very capable person, and i'm sure she's going telephone on our -- to be on our team in some forge absolutely. will: going to be on our team in some form. rachel: what a do you think? so nikki haley representing that knee cocon wing of the party -- neo-con. is he extending an olive branch? he went from she's definitely not on the vp list, but i like her on the team and now you're seeing tom cotton, do you feel donald trump needs to appeal to that wing of the party, the sort of super conservative in that regard -- i wouldn't say
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conservative, sort of old establishment? if. will: you and i have had this conversation on numerous occasions and you know i've always kind of teased you about, well, just the way you believe it isn't the way everybody believes it. i tease you about this, but you and i share beliefs on this. i appreciate the i wouldn't even call it dovish, i certainly wouldn't call it isolationist, i would call it more america first prism through which you see foreign involvement. rachel: yeah. i'm a peacen irk k these days, go ahead and say it. [laughter] will: with i think it's a positive movement for america p. rachel: yeah. will: but i don't think the way that i think represents all of america finish. rachel: sure. i'm talking about the party. will: even that. even all of the republican party. i still think there is the a large contingent of the republican party that is very hawkish. and it wouldn't surprise me if donald trump understands that and says, you know with, someone like nikki haley or tom cotton speaks to a part of the republican party that i don't necessarily speak to as well right now. joey: see is, i think that whole
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clip was trump being the master communicator. up until this point the last word was from nikki haley basically saying i'm going to vote for him but i'm not endorsing him unless he calls me and asks me too. rather hand that, he goes to an interview and say, hey, there's a place for if her on the team, we agree on a lot of the same things. the debate was a little bit nasty, but we've moved on and, you know, she's going to come around. you tonight have to pick up the phone and call her. now you're putting it on her to say, he can say, hey, i don't have a problem with her, you know? basically saying i'm still the boss. you're going to have to come to me if you want whatever reach from a trump administration. and so i think that's his way of responding to that without having to call her up. rachel: well, there had been a couple weeks ago her name had been floated as vp, and he poured cold water on that. he put out a tweet and said, not. i wonder if internally they saw some polling maybe not necessarily this hawkish, neo-con, military wing of the, you know, sort of military entanglement wing of the party,
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but maybe it's women. maybe hay saw some internal polling. but there are some saying that -- or maybe he's just at a point where he's like -- will: bring everybody. rachel: let's bring with everybody together. look, i'm in the if bronx, and they love me in the bronx, everybody come on in perform i think the campaign is definitely can, this week was important. you see democrats nervous and and you see him sort of on the upswing in that regard. will: joey, you did this story a little bit earlier, a shift in law enforcement. when i say shift, i mean a geographic shift. it's an example of police officers leaving what they seem to think are hostile environments not just politically, but culturally as well to more friendly environments. we point to california and in this case the california state highway patrol officer saying he's finding it much better in idaho, and that is reflective of a wider trend. look at this, 63000 -- 6300 total offers in california -- scree scree that's human.
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that's house leaving california. i'm not sure if this is state patrol, i'm not sure, but the idea is thousands of police officers leaving california because they don't feel like -- not that they're not supported, it's not that they have hurt feeling, it's if i get in a life or death situation and i save my own life, am i going to prison? if i risk my life to arrest someone, are they going to jail at all? making that decision, we talk about how important it is to have an all-volunteer military force. nobody makes you be a cop, and we're seeing the numbers on how that can be a megathing or how the result of not -- negative thing or how the result of not supporting them can lower the numbers. the retired california patrol officer explaining it himself. >> it started with the legalization of a lot of these drugs. and i remember, i was work during that time so, you know, imagine a time when methamphetamine, heroin are illegal and you can take people to jail for it, and then that shifted and now it's, hey, we want you to write them a ticket and let them go. that right there was the beginning of the down slide in
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california and, honestly, just killed the morale in the police department. you sign up to do a job to protect the community, and now you're being told, hey, we don't actually want you to do that. idaho is very pro-police. i would argue that it's the largest concentration of veterans and first responders anywhere in the u.s. and for good reason. this community if does a fantastic job of supporting those people. rachel: a lot of californians moving to idaho. you see that same kind of open embrace for law enforcement from other states, people who feel disenfranchised or feel put down by california and other liberal states going to florida as well where they're actually, i remember ron desantis was offering a bonus if you came as well, like a bonus check. i don't know if it was, like, $5,000 the or something. hose are signs of a community that a says we love you, we want you here. and, of course, you're right, it's a volunteer force. why would you want to be a cop in l.a. or chicago where you're just not appreciated? will: you've heard of quiet
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quitting? millennials quitting jobs without announcing to their businesses -- bosses that they are off the job. [laughter] it's now quiet vacationing where they're taking off without announcing to initiation hey, i'm off -- rachel: they're remote. no one knows. you can just work from your laptop on the beach. joey: yeah. it shows you 38% have moved to their house, work if home, to maintain online status, 37% have taken time off without communicating it to their manager. 37% have scheduled a message to send outside regular hours the give the impression that they're working. so they're being deceptive here. i've got a close friend who works fromhome, and they somehow if track her ip address. if she wants to work from home anywhere but her home, then she has to notify them or they can see that. so the other side of it is companies are kind of catching on. rachel: yeah, they're catching on. by the way, it's not just millennials. do you guys remember during
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covid the chicago union was advocating for closing down the schools for more time, and parents were in an uproar. and one of the union, you know, members, one of the top leadership in the union members was, you know, sort of typing about and online talking about how we need to shut down the schools is and blah what, blah, blah. well, they found out that she was actually doing that from, like, puerto rico. [laughter] then she accidentally posted photos of herself by the pool in puerto rico. joey: we have members of congress doing that kind of thing too. rachel: well, yeah. will: job done, does it matter where you are? rachel: the worse was the union member saying we shouldn't have school -- will: get the job done, come on. rachel: listen, i'm okay with it. maybe we could go remote. will: i've been working on it for years here, rachel. [laughter] rachel: i know. will: turning now to some additional headlines, american missionaries -- this is a sad story -- davy lloyd and his wife
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natalie daughter of missouri representative ben baker are dead after they were ambushed and shot near haiti's capital thursday. their group's mission director was also killed. representative baker expressing his grief on social media writing, quote: my heart is broken in a thousands the pieces, i've never felt this kind of pain. a judge has denied alec baldwin's motion to dismiss his involuntary manslaughter case for the shooting of the rust cinematographer concluding that the jury was not prejudiced against the actor. baldwin insists he did not pull the trigger of the prop gun and has no idea how the live bullet got onto the set. his trial in new mexico is scheduled for july 10th. and the tsa revealing it screened 2.95 million passengers yesterday in the midst of the memorial day weekend travel rush. that's the most ever recorded in a single day. the holiday kicks off the summer travel. industry experts predict this will be a record 271 million
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passengers this year, and that would be a 6% increase over last year. ready? let's do this. on to the nbaplays. nba playoffs. a game-winning 3 as the clock is ticking down, enjoy on your -- that's kyrie hitting one. he hit it over 7-footer rudy gobert, watch him put if rudy on skates. >> gobert is out there. maneuver for the lead, got it! [cheers and applause] if got it! what a shot! will: my dallas mavericks are now up over pete's minnesota timber wolves mt. series is. -- in the series. so i decided i'm going to live this every moment because you never know how it go. after the game one victory, i gave a call on the will cain show. i have no idea if he'll answer. >> wow. [background sounds] will: this is going to be
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embarrassing for him and me. >> yes. >> yo. [laughter] will: you texted metathat you're going to, did you say smoke us or blow us out? >> i didn't want say blow it out, i said something taunting. [laughter] will: you're a good sport and, you're a good sport p. i need to rub it in today. he was a good sport. he answered the phone. you're right, rachel, he's walking back -- rachel: totally backtracking on that. let's see if he's up. let's see if he sleeps in when he's not at work. will: i told him not to cuss. it's cryptic. he doesn't know why i just texted him that, but let's just see -- rachel: you shouldn't have -- you ruin crank calling. oh, my god -- [laughter] if. joey: i love it. rachel: such a boy scout. he just ruined it. he gave him a heads up. >> yo. will: you're on tv -- [laughter] pete: no, i'm not. rachel: yeah, you are. will: did you sleep in this
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morning? pete: i did. i'm in my bed right now. will: you're in bed right now, you every done "fox & friends" if in bed? pete: this is a first. will: you're down 2-0, man. what happened? pete: collapse. [laughter] i mean, just -- you got two, like i said on your show, the will cain show, great podcast, check it out every day -- joey: good friend -- pete: two superstars and they close. will: it's gotta hurt. you've not to -- pete: hurts a lot. will: -- you were up 18 points -- pete: hurts a lot. will: then luca happened. pete: then kyrie happened. we had our own thing ising on reid. he's got to do it himself. will: he's doing some serious sports or breakdown. i didn't know if you'd answer a, you've done it twice, and here you are on "fox & friends" taking your medicine with the wolves down 2-00.
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pete: i love you all. joey, thanks for being in for me. rachel, i miss you. will, we're kind of friends. [laughter] rachel: i'm going to see, i'm going to see if pete -- i mean, if will tax off his bff bracelet. [laughter] will: i want you to stay in bed, enjoy your cup of coffee just like all the people that e-mail their photos during the national anthem -- can. rachel: you should send your "fox & friends" picture n and we'll air it tomorrow and pretend like you're here, pete. pete: that's a solid maybe, but i will stay in bed. [laughter] rachel: find the cat. you know we like cat photos. pete: we got a new horse. maybe i'll send that -- will: a new horse, wow. joey: he's doing that. rachel: make sure the flag's in the background. that shouldn't be hard -- pete: all right, guys. will: there he goes. he's a good man. joey: no, he was. yeah, you've got to answer text him so he doesn't answer the phone texting him for calling him in bed on his off day. all right, a show of good faith,
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a historic mass baptism in california is just the latest bold display of christianity. rachel: ken douglas on why we need this movement now more than ever. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort.
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every day millions of people ask, "what is scientology?" here's an idea, what if you just take a look? what if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself.
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rachel: californians are feeling more faithful and connected after a massive, record-shattering baptism that took place across the state of california in the baptize california movement. 12,000 people took the biblical plunge in the largest baptism in u.s. history last weekend. and and, of course, this comes after a number of college campuses have held their own massive worship events in recent months. so why are more stories like these making headlines? why aren't they making headlines? well, here to discuss is strategic adviser the faith in media coalition kim douglas. kim, it's so great to have you on this morning. it's really positive news for once, we love that a we're covering this. so 12,000 people were baptized, 6,000 in just one location, i believe in huntington beach. what's happening?
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>> listen, it is so good to be on with you guys here at "fox & friends," rachel, and thank you for having me. isn't it wonderful the start with some great news like this? rachel: amen. >> it's just, you know, when we see all of the negative news that's on and young people blocking each other and screaming at each other, it just seems like the coverage of young people coming together to go underwater and then come back up and feel like i want to go out and serve others, i want to go out and encourage others, i want to be the best person i can possibly be just doesn't seem to get the coverage that it deserves. rachel: no. i just recently saw some polling numbers of belief, you know, young people's belief in america can has a plummeted. i think it was only, like, 20 some percent of them even believe in god. so, again, back to this question, what is happening? because they're clearly not getting it from the culture. the culture couldn't be more anti-christian. many of their parents don't
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practice the religion, don't take them to church, but yet these young people are being drawn towards the faith and towards getting baptized and really fully committing themselves. what's happening? is the that they're maybe justing you know, not -- getting disillusioned by social media? full connections like, you know, the time they get on social media? what's happening? >> well, here's what's happening. statistics, and we at the coalition for faith many if media, have been doing a lot of polling, and gallup polls and studies show that that over 80% of gen-zers, rachel, are saying that hay feel loneliness. they feel isolated. they feel rudderless. and also we did some polling and found out that globally over 90% of the world has a faith in a higher power. i'm not saying one specific religion, but just in a higher power. and feeling like this loneliness is isolation are, being shut down with covid, all of that,
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people are looking for something that can give them community, that can give them something bigger than themselves. and that's why you're finding these large groups, 12,000 young people coming to a beach in california? if are you kidding in is. rachel: -- are you kidding? rachel: right. >> they're hungry for something. they're looking for community and faith. there's got to be something more than just us, that's all we've got. and i think the media isn't really covering it but, believe me, i believe they will. because now all of these positive shows, the chosen or the baxters or i can only imagine, movies like that, that are faith-related, the numbers are polling. heir coming in. -- they're coming in. people want more of this. and so it's up to us to start bringing it to them. because this is the answer. having a faith in a higher power is going to bring you a community. it's going to bring you a happier person. you're not going to feel so isolated or lonely. rachel: ray yeah.
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and i think, you know, young people are just sort of naturally counter-culture. i can't -- counter-cultural. i can't think of anything more counter-cultural in this environment than saying i want to become a christian, dedicate my life to jesus and his teachings. but i have the believe the low point that they have reached mentally, psychologically because of social media and the irony, you know? all this connectivity that leaves young people lonelier than ever and with no rudder and with no guy dance because so many -- guidance because so many adults have failed them in terms of patsing on the faith. i'm just so glad you're covering this, kim. i'm so glad that i belong to a news organization that sees this as a newsworthy, because it certainly is. and we're just going to keep praying that the holy spirit does its work and more young people can turn to such a meaningful, positive, eternal -- >> exactly. rachel: -- in this world. >> it makes our world a better
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mace. if you could take a pill that the you would want to, that you know would give you happiness and make you feel fulfilled, wouldn't you take that pill? we've got it for free. rachel: yeah, jesus christ. thank you so much, appreciate it. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: all right. president trump getting a warm welcome in the bronx this week. >> usa! usa! usa! [inaudible conversations] rachel: our next guest was there is and tells us about the movement, next. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. ♪ >> want to be able to have a decent job, we want to be able to afford our rents. who doesn't want that a? and donald trump talks toward that. >> he did more, donald trump did more and helped out the
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community more than joe biden. >> there are a lot of people in the community that do actually believe that donald trump is the the best candidate. >> everybody's going to go, everybody wants trump to win. trump was the best thing that the happened to new york. he defended us during covid. rachel: that's bronx community members who were showing up to support former president trump amid his historic rally as the first republican presidential candidate the actively campaign for the general election in new york city in decades. will: lou valentino is a new york city-based youtubeer, and he was at the rally, and as a i understand it, he was rachel's escort through the bronx. [laughter] rachel: our security guy, we have a security guy that travels with us, and lou suggested a place, i said i want to go and meet the people, go where we can just find randoms -- >> we're going straight to east tremendous -- tre america ont and talk to the people. speak of the rally, i thought it was a massive success. you know, the mainstream media's been having a field day trying
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to take pictures from earlier in the day. that's just not, you know, for me, i'm not even focused on that. i see what they're trying to do, but in my opinion, there was a lot of people from the bronx that were there and a lot of different faces, and i believe that a lot of different people's voices were heard as you can see. look at that beautiful, diverse crowd. it was definitely a good time. of. rachel: yeah. one of the interesting things was when you saw the videos there. lou was able to get the background of some of these people, so one of the guys that we talked to was work you know -- was, you know, he owned a little corner store. yeah, someone was shot just down the street. of course this guy's going to support something else. >> yeah. he was on the video, he was taking up with trump. he's a young muslim that loves trump, and there's a lot of that going on, right? like i said, i see so many different comments, so many people making these decisions. like, i saw aoc saying, oh, there's going to be a bunch of long island, statenen island, all these -- all his friends are
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going to come, and i hope they pay this congestion bill and i hope they pay these follows. if you talk to new yorkers every day, they're tired of tolls, they hear this congestion thing is happening and to hear a new york city if politician come out and say i hope you have the pay this toll, so then trump comes out and, you know, he comes out and says within the for the week, i will terminate this upcoming congestion bill -- [laughter] so, you know, that's just -- this is the where populism comes to live, not die, when these types of conversations happen,, this is what everyday new yorkers or are facing. i'm not trying to bash any of the new york city politicians, but i'm saying there's a certain way you talk. kathy hochul, just look at the crowd can, right? so when she says clowns -- rachel: yeah. >> -- you're talking to me, you're talking to a whole bunch of people that just want to listen. there's people that already made up hair mind, but there were people in that crowd that just want to listen. rachel: yes. will: on that, lou, i want to go
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right to what i think is real about this. i saw some popular commentators, right before we came in i said do you know sleepy hallow and the two rappers, i saw somebody say has anybody ever heard of these rappers? the implication is that the support is not real, and it's almost an extension of the to you ain't black. in other words, anybody that would attend a donald trump rally or any person, they're not really from the bronx. >> yeah. will: you know what i'm saying? if what i'm hearing is, no, we were in the bronx. >> yeah, we were in the bronx, and once again i just think that liberal or democratic approach is just wrong. of it's wrong because, you know, in my if opinion, what i would have loved to have heard from the politicians that represent me and my, and my state or city, district, i'd like the hear, hey, i love my new yorkers, i don't like trump, i hate his guts, but new yorkers have all the a right in the world to go listen to who they want to and make their own decision. how about that? let's not be is condescending and calling people clowns.
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that doesn't make any sense to me, and that's just something wild to hear from your politicians. i mean, it feels to me that when it comes to trump, man, people lose their stuff, they lose their cool. and then, you know, it's unfortunate that they couldn't just send love and, you know, whatever. but -- rachel: you know what was interesting to me, when i heard him at the rally, his message, that speech could have been given in 2015 when he was campaigning the first time. >> yeah. lei. rachel: there's something very authentic about somebody who doesn't pander just because the audience is more questioners. i think people pick up on that -- more diverse. >> you know, i saw something, like i said, i've been looking at the articles. obviously, you know, been covering a lot of this stuff for the last two years on my youtube channel and, on you, i was looking at the articles to see how they would flip this and, boy, oh, boy, they did exactly what i thought they were going to do. like i said, this isn't even about trump, this is about a bringing attention to how many young black men, hispanic young
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men and women have died from fentanyl, from overdose. i've had a family member who almost overdosed and, you know, had to be resuscitated, had to literally come back to live. -- to life. loved ones are going through a lot of these things, so when trump comes to the bronx and talks about things like that, he talks about, you know, like, that was an optimistic way of looking at life, speaking about success, speaking to the young people. there's, like, a revolution going on. i don't know how you guys feel about tiktok, maybe fox is not a big fan -- [laughter] but there's a lot of young people that come out and they're complaining about the system. they feel like their future has been that taken away from them. they feel like politicians have made these decisions that are no good, so once again this is where with populism comes to live not die because of that simple fact that everybody, especially the young folks, 25, 27 or younger coming out of high school, they just feel like their future is done, right? they feel like the way you see
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reports coming out of. nation coming in hot, but when you see reports it's better to rent than to own a house -- joey: that's tough. >> do a -- that's not a good thing. you see war overseas in ukraine, israel, it's making young people rebel. i think if trump can capture that audience, boy, oh, boy -- joey: we saw -- rachel: they're nervous. joey: lieu valentino, thank you for joining us. catch him on youtube. rachel: he's got a great youtube channel, check it out. lou valuen valentino. >> thanks for having me. joey: a landmark ncaa settlement could ring in a a boon of revenue sharing. will: we'll ask a legend dare college basketball coach coming up.
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with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don't have to miss your daughter's big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. will: the ncaa and the country's largest conferences agreeing to pay a landmark $2.8 billion payout, but the biggest takeaway with, it calls for a revenue-sharing system that would allow schools to share up to $20 million a year with their athletes. so could it be the end of college sports as we know it? joining us now is former college basketball coach and hostup dan dockedge. i almost feel like we're late, it's already over. like, what you and i knew, everybody watching knew of college sports, what, three, four years ago, even two years ago, that part is over. >> well, it is over.
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when nil came this in guys were making millions of dollars, it's over. but what this really means is amateurism is done, will. i mean, look, you're going to have athletes, which you already have, but you're going to have more athletes driving around big money deal. there is no amateur athlete. everybody that you see on it's playing college sports is going to be a professional. that's what this means. and if that's the way we want it, then great. it's not the way it was set up. maybe it's the evolution of things. but as college sport ands exists today, there is no amateurs. even in the olympics, those olympians are being paid. will: right. >> so it should no longer be amateur athletes in any area in any way, shape or form. none. will: i like how you said that because, dan, in truth, i don't know what's right or or wrong. i think people should be paid for their labor, i believe in capitalism, but what we have to say is we don't know how this unfolds over time. if we're going to inject all
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this money into it, my guess, khan, is the big -- dan, the big schools will further separate themselves. they'll just become so -- the gap between them and pepperdine, it just becomes -- it already is gigantic, but it becomes even more oceanic. >> well, not only that, but the gap between non-campus athletes becomes far different. now, maybe it already is, you know? i mean, are we going to have women's softballsome if my wife with, as you know, a legendary women's softball coach, is that that going to have to go away because you can't play the players? i don't know. but i do know this, i don't understand one thing in this, will. we're going back to 2016 to reimburse athletes. look, not one athlete, let's take college basketball. the nca a a makes all their money, they make a ton, everybody does, off the ncaa college basketball tournaments' tv deal. that deal was signed in 2010. if not one athlete, whether it's from 2016 to today, had anything
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to do with that money. so why they getting it? you can tell me, hey, look, dan, it's the lay boor of the players on -- labor of the players on their back. in college the name on the front is far more important than the name on the back. people tune in to watch duke, north carolina in basketball. alabama, florida in football. sure, the players should get more than a scholarship, or but nobody in the world can tell me that if you put a guy -- let's take tyler hansboro back when he was at north carolina. there were jerseys because he was on north carolina. there wasn't a single fort wayne jersey with his name on it. so the name on the front in college athletics has to be protected, the sport has to be protected whether it's football, basketball, softball, whatever. and i'm not sure this does that. i'm not sure what goes away, and i'm not sure if this is good for the sport. in fact, i would argue it's crap
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for the institution. will: you make a really good point about a softball because if the revenue starts going even more -- the revenue generated by football, for example, goes further into football and not spread out, what happens to the non-revenue-generating program in honestly, every program but for football and, to some education tent, basketballful we have no idea how this a change that -- shakes out. dan dakich, check him out on always a great to see you, that dan. >> thank you. will: all right. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: you better get out here quick because it's melling good for the -- smelling good for the food that's coming up. enjoy today and tomorrow because rain moves in by tuesday. we're going to have more storms. we've had such a rough stretch of weather across the plains and, unfortunately, more ofs it is coming. it's really hot across much of south texas, breaking records here. heat indices pushing 117, so
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that's a big problem. this morning big storm moving into northwest georgia, cutting across the chattanooga area. later on in the day storms will begin to fire again across parts of the central plains. that pink area or from oklahoma city up towards wichita, over towards kith, a very significant threat for tornadoes this late afternoon into the darker early evening hours. so you're going to want to watch, this'll probably happen once it is dark outside, you're not going to be able to see those storms coming your way. tomorrow the storms firing across parts of the ohio river valley, you're going to want to watch that. take a look at areas up towards wichita, over around the greensburg area and joplin as a well. quick look ahead towards monday, memorial day, the plains finally getting a much deserved break, but now the storms move into the northeast. will, back to you inside. will thanks, rec are. so it is the unofficial kickoff to summer,9 and the mclemore boys are here with their top
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memorial day cookout toes -- rest concern recipes. ♪ ♪ we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. ♪ make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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♪ oh, sometimes, i get a good
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feeling, yeah. >> about what? does tomahawk give me a good feeling that i never, ever, ever had before. "fox & friends", give me a good feeling, yeah. ♪ make some noise for my brothers, the mclemore boys! will: florida giving the mclemore boys his seal of approval, yesterday's summer concert series. rachel: that is the most amazing endorsement -- [laughter] and now they're back with some great recipes for the memorial day cookout at your house. joey: you already know who they are. listen, john and john ii, have you ever handed someone a piece of meat and it inspired them so much they wrote a song about it on the spot? >> the answer is, fortunately, yes. that's the third time we have cooked a steak for florida and his team. so thank y'all very much and
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thank you to 44 farms for supplying steaks to the entire band -- will: we had 30 steak the for the entire crew up there. a. rachel: the last time they came was mother's day, they sent me, they gave me after we cooked it here, they put me a thing like this full of tomahawk steaks, and they covered it and put a big heart on it. not only did i go home with this 44 farms amaiding tomahawk and re-- amazing tomahawk a, but i took the bones and made bone broth, and it was amazing. rhode island rick i thought you were going if to say skippy had the bones. >> and everybody's been asking, 44, they ship to your front door can. will: all right. show us how to do this for everyone watching for memorial day. >> we do. so the reason that we have such a success here when it comes to 15 concert series is here is master built is the grill that we do all of you are smoking and our barbecuing and our grill requesting on. we turn this wheel to 225
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degrees. this is the 80000 that's got the griddling on it here, and behind you right here, check this out, that's where we're actually smoking, so we slow smoke the tomahawk steak at 225 degrees with char charcoal. the internal temperature of that a steak to 110 degrees. we season it with lane's spg, thank you, lane's, for supplying us with some amazing seasonings. and then you take the steak off, let it rest for about 15 minutes, turn that, the masterbuilt up to 7 -- where's to 7? 700 degrees -- joey: serious, ladies and gentlemen. georgia's finest. [laughter] >> the technique is a reverse sere, so it allows us to control the internal temperature of the steak, let it rest and then sere it off to hock in the juices. -- lock in the juices. that is actually a 3-bone ribeye roast that a we've spoke intoed
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all the way through to 130. gather and grill is officially a bestseller, so all these recipes are in gather and grill, you can get them on -- rachel: what a great father's day gift. >> memorial day. and, will, thank you for the podcast last week. rachel, thank you for your podcast -- >> we couldn't do what we do without our men and women in our military. rick: the outside of that -- [inaudible conversations] joey: oh, my goodness. rachel: we want to thank the mclemore boys, our military families. rick: slice me some of that. >> slice me some of that. [laughter] we hope everybody has a great weekend and thank you again, 44 farms, 44 farms and masterbuilt. and we're winning to show you exactly what florida was eating on the show.
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rachel: look at that. i actually know the ranchers from 44 farm. they're the real deal. all right. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ ♪ or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor
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♪ baby with, tonight, the dj got us falling in love again ♪ joey: you're waving meat. [laughter] if. will: it's fleet week in new york, we want to thank all these guys prosecute coast guard, the marines, the navy. appreciate everyone watching. rachel: we asked them if they were having fun on neat week and they said, uh, yeah. [laughter] all right. gather and grill, guys. >> thank you, guys. love y'all. [cheers anapplause] ♪ david:ox


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