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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  May 25, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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♪ baby with, tonight, the dj got us falling in love again ♪ joey: you're waving meat. [laughter] if. will: it's fleet week in new york, we want to thank all these guys prosecute coast guard, the marines, the navy. appreciate everyone watching. rachel: we asked them if they were having fun on neat week and they said, uh, yeah. [laughter] all right. gather and grill, guys. >> thank you, guys. love y'all. [cheers anapplause] ♪ david: fox on top of a sizzling
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summer if kickoff, nearly 44 million americans hitting the roads and skies over this long weekend despite prices heating up. what president biden says he is doing to try and cool costs down that republicans say is trying to get his poll numbers up. plus, after battling for the deep i blue bronx with, former president donald trump is trying to bring more unlikely voters in. if a speech to libertarians tonight, will it help expand his base? and we are awaiting the world war ii memorial in washington where a tribute to the 40 to ,000 americans to who lost their lives during the second world war is about to get under way with. tunnel to towers ceo frank siller is here with his memorial day mission and his promise to keep the memories of our fallen heroes alive. good morning, everyone. i am david asman in for neil can cavuto, this is a special edition of "cavuto live." and you are looking live at the military, military academy at west point where president joe biden is getting ready to
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address the graduating cadets there. we're going to monitor his remarks for any breaking news and bring that to you live. and, but first to new orleans where the travel return on -- rush is on. fox weather's brandy campbell is there to tell us about a it. hey, brandy. >> reporter: hey, david. look, depending on where folks are headed for the memorial day weekend, it could be can just a little bit hot for you. i'm in no, sir, eve -- new orleans, i've got the famous jackson square behind me, we've seen the artists setting up, and there's a lot of tourists starting to really crowd this area. but they could experience on their vacation are the hottest temperatures. new orleans could feel the hottest temperatures they've felt this year year over this weekend. and it's not just here in new orleans, but even over in texas. san antonio, austin, they're under heat advisories with feels-like temperatures in the 1000s. down to the border -- 100s. laredo texas, their feels-like
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temperature near 1200 degrees. i met a couple who traveled in from austin, texas for the holiday. they said they'll be spending most of their time out in the sun. >> ab to go on a swamp tour, so that's probably about as a human as it'll get, i guess. [laughter] >> yeah. be outside all day today. >> i don't think i'll mind. i'm here to have fun, so i don't mind the heat. >> reporter: all right, there you have it, people embracing it. look, if folks hit the airport like they did yesterday, you were part of a record-breaking day for tsa. they said they actually screened 2.million people at checkpoints -- 2.99 million people, so folks are getting to the airportsed today, there could be some intriptions this afternoon. we are experiencing -- expecting, i should say, some severe storms that could cause a tornado outbreak in the plains. so you'll have to keep an eye on that if you do have a flight. david? david: brandy campbell, great to the to see you. thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> reporter: thanks. david: a record number of
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americans hitting the roads this holiday weekend despite the pain at the pump. and president biden is trying to cut those costs by july 4th by tapping our emergency reserves on gas prices. hillary vaughn has the details from capitol hill. hillary. >> reporter: well, david, the white house intentionally timed this release to occur between memorial day and july 4th so that americans get to enjoy lower gas prices while they enjoy their summer vacation. the white house saying, quote, the biden-harris administration is taking action to lower gas prices with the sale of 11 million barrels -- 1 million barrels of gasoline are to lower gas and energy costs including historic releases from the strategic petroleum reserve. high gas prices have been a problem for president biden. the price of gas is up almost 50% since he took office. while the decision to close the northeastern reserve is congress' doing, the president got to choose when to do it, and they chose to do it now, and
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coincidentally, months before election day. former president trump says he thinks biden's doing it to get a boost headed into november. >> biden is releasing one million barrel of oil from the northeast reserve in a bid to lower prices before the election because he's unable to drill properly. prices are now higher than they've been many in a long time. they're very high. and and so he's trying to stop that because high gasoline prices are not good for elections. >> reporter: depleting reserves only does so much. the strategic petroleum reserve has been drained down to 20-year lows by biden to drop prices in the past, but they popped back up again, so it's not a permanent solution to what is becoming a very political problem for the president. u.s. and oil and gas president tim sue wart says it's a mistake to get rid of the reserve. hurricane sandy and the pipeline cyber attack were difficult experiences that demonstrated a modest -- the need for a modest
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reserve for the northeast. it may potentially lower prices by a few cents a gallon for a day or two, but it's not to going to give president biden the boost he may be hoping for heading into november when gas prices are up over 50. david? david can david hillary vaughn, thank you very much. so will tapping the reserves bring real relief the drivers, or is it all about a revving up the votes? former energy secretary rick perry joins me now. great to see you again, secretary. glad you could be here. we've seen a variation of this before as hillary mentioned, right before the 2022 lengths we saw the reclose from the strategic oil reserves. this is gasoline. it did seem to have an effect even if it put our oil reserves in jeopardy. it did seem to bring prices down a little. will it have the same effect this time? >> probably have a little effect on it, but here's what we need to keep in mind. this is about, a million gallons is about 2.7 hours of national con sunlight. -- consumption.
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so this is truly a political ploy. what americans are wise to is that supply and demand actually works. administration's policy to strangle the fossil fuel industry in the united states, to placate their environmental activists that they need for their election is what this is all about. it's going to have a effect on the consuming public for a minute from period of time. they hope that's going to turn into some plus for them politically for an election. i don't think it will. i think americans understand the reason gas prices are high because the biden administration's policy and their war against american energy. david: well, they came into office -- actually, even before that he campaigned on the idea of killing off fossil fuels. and, of course, the first week he was in office a he killed the
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xl pipeline. he has -- production has been kind of steady, but it hasn't increased much. it's down the about 13 million barrels a day of u.s. production of oil. that's about the same as it was in novemberof 2019 just before the pandemic. so essentially, we've stayed flat. if you pull the pandemic out of the picture. should we be producing more and how much more do you think we should be producing? if. >> david, that's the real key, is that we have a demand that continues to go up not just in the unite, but internationally -- in the united states, but internationally. they put this pause, what they call it, on lng. again, a totally political act to placate those on the left. but we need to give incentives to the american fossil fuel industry out there, and they will respond. i can promise you we could have gas prices back to the way they were under president trump in his first administration and
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hopefully in his second administration if as well because they will give incentives to the american energy industry, and that's exactly what we need. clean burning american natural gas, for instance, a lot cleaner than the russian gas that's taken the place of american gas over in europe. europeans are switching back to coal-burning plants because they don't have any alternatives. this concept of strangling america's energy industry for political call purposes is an absolute fool's errand. david: well, you know, it's not just republicans versus democrats in this. you have democrats like john fetter match, the senator from pennsylvania -- fetterman, who has now come out pretty strongly in favor of continuing fracking. but, of course, you have democrats in new york who are continuing to ban fracking. how do you think this works out in the long run? it's not so much a dem versus republican issue as it is very liberal folks who are pushing
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the green energy programs against those who want to produce more here. >> well, i'm a big fan of the 10th amendment and let the states make the decisions on what they need to do on a host of different issues, energy policy certainly being one of them. if new york and california want to be fools and run their energy prices through the roof, that's their call. those people will pack up, or the citizens of those anticipates will pack up -- tates will pack if up and move to states that have free energy policies that are not overtaxed, overregulated, overlitigated and have skilled work forces. that's where people will move. and so if you want to see your state on its back struggling economically, put these types of restrictive fossil fuel policies into place. energy is connected to practically everything that you do whether it's transportation of goods, it is the truck driver can of the economy. these states that want to kill their economy, you know, if that's what they want, have at a
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it. david: meanwhile, we're spending at least a trillion dollars on these green energy programs, and it's really not enough to keep up with the energy demands. as you mentioned, i mean, the energy demands are growing. the administering wants more electric cars, wants more electric ovens as opposed to natural gas ovens. if nicker there's going to be more -- if anything, there's going to be more need for energy. we got this interesting report from the u.s. energy administration at the end of pill saying that wind generation declined at least in terms of producing energy in 2023 for the first time since the 1990s even though we have more windmills. so in other words, they're not putting out as much -- they're just not, renewables are great, but they're just not as a reliable as a fossil fuel ifses. ,. >> they're part of the mix. i don't get confused that they have a role to play. but even in my home state of texas, the end of last year we were 46% reliable upon renewable
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energy, and that's just too much. so you saw the legislature move here. we're starting to really build peaker plants, fossil fuel-driven, natural gas-driven in most cases to address this issue so that we'll have that energy in case there is a major event that occurs. and met me go back, speaking of -- let me go back. speaking of major events, this administration is playing with fire. when they sell down the strategic petroleum reserve and the gasoline supplies, if we were to have another sandy type event on the northeast coast or for that matter anywhere on the gulf coast, you could see a major national security event occur because this add administration if is more -- can administration is more interested in playing politics, trying to drive down some gasoline prices before an election. this, again, is the type of policies that that i hope most americans will realize really puts their lives in jeopardy.
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david: well, i remember the oil embargo of the late '70s and those long gasoline lines. we don't want that again. and as we've lost our energy independence, unfortunately, we're more reliant on the folks who could do some kind of embargo on us. governor, secretary, great to see you. thank you very much for being here. have a wonderful memorial day weekend. >> you too. a. david: appreciate it. thank you. god bless you. it's not just gas prices heating up, later on tips on how to keep the cost of your summer barbecue down. plus, the heat is on as both biden and trump are making big speeches today in kind of unusual places as poll remain tight in key battleground states. details coming next. ♪ ♪ get away to where the boat with leaves from. ♪ takes away your big problems.e ♪ your worries, you can drop 'em blu e ocean ♪ stop! save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate.
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a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. david: ladies and gentlemen, you are looking live at the u.s. military academy at west point where president biden is set to deliver the commencement address
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this morning. we'll check in with that when it happens. meanwhile, kevin corke is here with the details from the white house. hey, kevin. >> reporter: listen, i'm just going to say this, my friend, you sound like you got a little sports in your background with. you are looking live -- [laughter] i can see david doing a little play-by-play. [laughter] we do expect the president to make his remarks at west point momentarily. we'll take you up to beautiful west point in the shadow of mikey stadium, such a great place to visit if you have never had a chance to go there, i highly recommend it. as you know, this is part above a tradition -- of a tradition. hay always get out this and make remarks. last way, of course, the president made his way over to the beautiful air force academy in colorado springs, colorado. his remarks there were, frankly, overshadowed by his infamous fall. but today it's the long, great line of west point and academy steepedded in military lore and tradition. by the way, mr. biden's visit --
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which is one of fizz favorite -- his favorite places to visit -- this comes a amid if sagging poll numbers nationally especially in the latest swing state surveys where mr. biden is trailing former president donald trump. but the biden campaign says they're not worried. >> we don't put any stock into polls. there are going to be polls that are up and down all across this election cycle, and so we're focused on doing the work. part of that is communicating to voters exactly how dangerous donald trump is to democracy and the threat that he poses. >> reporter: the key is going to be for their cam pane to focus on what they can do for the american people, not what the other guy might do. and that's been the big criticism. some people have argued, david, that's why the the president is trailing in all the polling. however, as we take a look here live at the usma, cadets all at the ready, we obviously will monitor the president's remarks and share any newsworthy quips and clips.
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but i can tell you this, if history is any indication, he'll talk about service above self, he'll talk about how great the tradition is not just at west point, but broadly, this idea of protecting the american poemlant protecting the world from the evil of communism. and it suspect he'll also talk about climate change and maybe even the dangers of a. i'm sorry. i've seen a few of these speeches. i promise i'll share a it when i get it. david: by the way, first time i went to west point was with the father of lucas tomlinson, a wonderful experience. >> reporter: wow. david: lucas was just a little boy back then the. >> reporter: and he's with us now. david: good to see you, my friend. after campaigning in the bronx on thursday, donald trump is prepared to address the libertarian national convention in d.c. tonight a day after independent candidate robert f kennedy jr. spoke to the third party group. avenue lex sis mcadams is there to fill us n. hey, alexis.
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>> reporter: yeah, there's been a lot of saks here at the national convention in washington d.c. check it out behind me, the candidates here on the stage for the libertarian party are taking questions now from the audience. one thing we've been hearing, they've been hitting on all morning, is the covid pandemic and, obviously, or the government made some big mistake ifs. that's what people in the crowd are talking about. later tonight former president donald trump will be on this stage behind us. he's going to be talking about several topics, but not many everyone is amped up to see him, david, here at the convention. just last night when vivek ramaswamy mentioned trump's name, there were some boos. watch this. >> i have gotten to know. donald trump over the course of the last several years -- [background sounds] and the last several months. and you're going to hear from him tomorrow night. and the question is, do you want to influence the next administration if or don't you. that is the question for this room the ask. >> reporter: so as we know, right, ramaswamy is trump's hype man, one of hem, but it didn't seem to work with some of the
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people. some of the groups i've talked to say they are excited to hear what former president trump has to say. trump is set to address the outspoken crowd tonight. independent robert f. kennedy jr. pulled in a a pretty big crowd last night. he went after trump blasting his response to the covid pandemic. check this out. >> he closed down3.3 million businesses -- 3.3 million businesses with no due process, no just compensation in violation of the fifth amendment with the lockdowns, the mask mandates, the travel restrictions. president trump presided over the greatest restriction on individual liberties this country has ever known. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: is on thursday, trump campaigned in the deep blue bronx. we saw that a on the ground with large crowds showing up, a few thousand, something a presidential candidate hasn't done since ronald reagan back in 1980. the libertarian party says trump's visit tonight is also a historic since they've been trying to get a major party candidate on the stage for 50
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years. tonight is that night. trump says, hey a, if the libertarians join me and the republican party, this election will not even be close. we'll have to see if he can pull in some of these voters. according to a marquette law school poll that was just released, in a 5-way race, trump receives 40%, biden 37, kennedy, 17. we'll keep you posted on what happens later with that speech. back to you. a. david: david all right. thank you very much. as we just heard, donald trump is in d.c. today. he'll be back in new york on tuesday as his criminal trial resumes. will judge judge merchan take up his motion to dismiss or or let the jury take it from here? and now video showing migrants taking aim at border agents. what dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas just said is putting americans on edge. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor
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david: closing arguments in new york's criminal trial against donald trump expected on tuesday as judge juan merchan weighs trump's motion to dismiss the case altogether. former u.s. assistant the attorney andy mccarthy on what we can expect when the court is back in session. app aty, great to see you. thank you for being here. "wall street journal" editorial page which is not known as a fan of donald trump came out with an editorial today, it's headlined bragg hasn't proved his case. and it says at the end conviction or no, this is a case that should never have been brought. do you agree with that? >> i do. and, you know, look, they're often not fans of prosecutors and i don't want to say in general, but in a lot of cases, and i think this is one where with you have a politically ambitious prosecutor who brought a very weak, very politicized,
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selective prosecution against the main enemy of the opposition party. that's really what it is. david: did we ever learn,up app aty, exactly what -- andy, exactly what charge lifted an expired misdemeanor into 34 felonies? >> well, it sure sounds, david, like they're doing a, you know, some version of federal campaign law. i have to say some version because even though congress created the federal election commission and vested it and the justice department with exclusive authority to enforce the federal election laws in the united states, bragg -- who has no such authority, the district attorney in manhattan -- is really making up his own version of what campaign law is. and it appears from all of the argument as that they've made last week that that's with where they're headed. but i have to say you're asking a good question because the indictment, i think, or fails as an indictment because it doesn't put the defense on notice about what the charges are. bragg's been cagey throughout,
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and to this day we don't even have the jury charge that the judge is going to give next week the instructions to the jury about what they have to find in order to make a verdict in this case. david: well, related to all that, is the judge going to instruct the jury that that hush money which is -- they spent a lot of time dealing with -- is not a crime? >> i don't think so. i think he's -- the way the prosecutors have pitched this case, and merchan hasn't stopped them from doing that, if you paid hush money with the intention of affecting the election, then he's going to leave it open that you could find a campaign violation. i think that's totally wrong as a matter of law. i think categorically these nondisclosure agreements are legal and are not campaign contributions or expendtures. but that's what brad smith was going -- fred smith was going to
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testify about, the former fec commissioner, and merchan didn't allow him to testify -- david: instead you had michael cohen who's a convicted liar, he admitted to the being a thief, he was instructing the jury about election law. it was ridiculous. when you had the possibility of having an fec chairman come in and really describe the law, instead they took the word of a liar, and the judge let it happen. >> yeah. i think it's even more outray you than that, david, because not only did he do that, but the void in bragg's case is that he hasn't proved anything with respect to the election laws that trump was even thinking about them in 20161 and 2017 when all this activity took place. he's trying to fill that void by proving and reminding the jury again and again that cohen pled guilty to campaign finance violations. that is inadd a mis, evidence against -- admissible evidence against trump. it was improper for the judge to
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let that in, and laughably, his rationalization for letting it in was that it was relevant to cohen's credibility. the prosecutors didn't want to impeach their own witness, they wanted that that that information in to try to convince the jury that if cohen pled guilty to campaign finance violations, trump must be if guilty too which is exactly the reason that evidence isn't supposed to come in. david: so it really hits on a main point here, is it just fair flat out to say that this judge has been unfair to donald trump? >> oh, i believe that. look, i think he's been in the tank for the prosecution from the beginning. all of the pretrial rulings were in bragg's favor. he's made a few, you know, he's thrown a few bones to the defense here and there to, i think, try to protect himself from bias claims on the record. but you can't read this transcript. which i spent a lot of this week doing without seeing that he's letting in a lot of evidence that he knows is extremely
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prejudicial and shouldn't have any business being in this case, and he let it all in. david: well, and constantly overruling the objections of the defense while sustaining the objections of the prosecution. i mean, it's just happened time after time after time. finally, andy, if donald trump is found guilty, god knows exactly when the verdict will come in, but if he is found guilty, could he be put in jail? and could he be, in fact, elected president while he's in jail? >> i don't think he'll be put in jail, david, because it's a nonviolent crime. he's a first offender. in new york i think once he files a notice of appeal, he's out until the appeal is decided. and, you know, i think eugene debs, if i'm remembering this right, ran for president from prison, so t not unheard of in the united states to have people who are in custody who run for president -- [laughter] and, you know with, look, some of them at least we know where to find them, right in.
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david: well, that's true. we know where with he is. >> some of what we have -- david: the times we live in, andy. whoever thought? andy mccarthy, thanks for being here. >> thank you, david. david: hunter biden attending a court hearing friday ahead of his upcoming gun trial. what we're learning as jury selection is just over a week away. but first, new video showing migrants pelting border agents with rocks and bottles as the white house and congress. continue pointing fingers over the i crisis. all that's coming next. at's law. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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neil: including this measure to shut down the border once there are 4,000 crossings a day, speed up asylum adjudication and try to get it done in 1800 days rather than waiting for years, stuff that president biden could have done all along but didn't. doesn't that strike you as odd? >> neil, we took action a long time ago, and migration is a
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very -- neil: well, this was just announced in the last week. >> -- and we are seeing the results that take time to take hold. we will continue to take actions within the confines of our authorities. we need congress to act. david: homeland secretary alejandro mayorkas defending president biden's actions on the border to neil earlier this week as that border bill, the administration has been pushing, failed another test vote in the united states senate. and it comes as new video shows migrants throwing rocks and bottles at border agents in new mexico. national border patrol council vice president art del cueto on what he makes of all this. art, great to see you. you know, i look at those videos of what's going on at the border, i must say it kind of mirrors what law enforcement's going through all over this country right now where the respect for law enforcement has fallen to a new low. >> that's exactly it, and that's
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the problem. and why does it continue to happen? because there's lack of consequences for these individuals that are breaking the law. and then you have the secretary of homeland security saying, you know, they've been trying all along. look, what they've been doing is getting a square peg and trying to push it into a round hole this entire time. they created the mess. they spent a year and a half, two years denying that the mess if was there, and now they're sitting there going, well, a slow fix. no, you made the mess. you shouldn't have made it. david: but couldn't they get out of the mess we're many just by executive action? if do hay really need a bill to turn this around -- do they really need a bill to turn this around? >> look, all they need to do and, look, it's going to be hard to do the executive action, they have to negotiate with other cups now because they've ruined that already -- they've dvd but it's been done before. forgive me, art a, but we've seen it done before. >> i debt a -- i get that, i get that -- david: -- negotiated on his own with mexico when he got the remain in mexico policy. >> correct.
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the quicker fix though is even easier with. all they've got to do is start detaining people. i know i've heard or or the argument of, well, or where are you going to get the money? the minnesota they start detaining thing them, they'll stop coming. the reason they continue to come from all over the world is because if they realize all they've got to do is say asylum, and they a get released. once you put that threat up there and you have the consequence of you're not just going to get released, you're going to get detained, the numbers will stop. that's how president trump did it in the first mace. he first detained them. yes, he had executive alaska, yes, he worked with mexico, but before all that just by detaining them, the numbers went down. that's how it was done before, and that's how it can be done again. taiferred david by the way, if former president trump is elected in november, or he's talking about deporting millions of migrants. now, i know president obama deported a lot of migrants, i think it was well over a million migrants. but at the same time, that was before you had all these
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sanctuary cities who aren't cooperating with you and with i.c.e. and with other folks who actually deal with the bad people who deserve to be deported. how could that be done? >> well, you have to bring back the rule of law, you have to work with other law enforcement agencies. and i'm going to tell you there's a lot of law enforcement officers out there that are doing the job. they're putting their lives on the line, and they want to do it. unfortunately, you have, you know, members within their own departments of management, or members like governors and everything else that don't want to do the job, mayors that are saying, hey, this is a sanctuary city. you have to go across the board and say, look, enough is enough. we want the rule of law are. you've worked with other law enforcement officers and agencies throughout the country, and you can get it done. david: president biden is speaking live at west point. we just want to dip in and here a little -- hear a little bit of what he said. this is the president at west point. >> you got it, man. [applause] the most powerful empire in the
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world defeated by an army of ordinary people driven by the sacred cause of freedom. and, i might add, you're about to become full-time members of the most honorable and the most consequential fighting force in the history of the world. that's not hyperbole, of the world. that's the truth. ms. -- [applause] ever since the men and women of west point have stayed true to this mission. today 1,036 graduates in the class of 2024 will join the long, gray line are that has never failed us and never, ever will. ms. -- [applause] together you survived the beast barracks and countless hours of pt. you've completedded rigorous academics at america's first,
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toughest engineering school in the country. you met the highest standards of discipline and, of course, no one's perfect, even ulysses s. grant and dwight can eisenhower were written up from time to time. and i'm not kidding. but there are cadets here at west point. if that sounds familiar to you, maybe i can help you today. in keeping with the long, standing tradition as commander in chief, i absolve all a cadets on restriction for minor conduct offenses. [laughter] [applause] if you have any questions, the superintendent can clarify what minor means. [laughter] if of course, your time here
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wasn't all difficult. the class did plenty of celebrating. every time you beat navy -- [cheers and applause] now, look, lots of west point classes have some wins over navy, but not every class over four years' period beat withs navy 51 times. [applause] david: it's always fun to see a blanket pardon from the president of the united states which president biden just did for those cadets. we'll continue to the monitor what the president says, and i want to thank art del cueto. we wanted to spend a little bit of time listening to the president. we will come back if certain things he says warrant it. meanwhile, back home after trouble in paradise, one of those five americans detained in turks and caicos over possession of ammunition is back home,
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thank goodness, and reunited with his family. his story next. if -- >> as a husband, as a father to be reunited finally after 101 days it is -- i feel like there e world has been lifted off my shoulders. so what are all those for? uh, this lets me adjust the base, add more guitar, maybe some drums. -wow. so many choices. -yeah. like schwab. i can get full service wealth management, advice, invest on my own, and trade on thinkorswim. you know carl is the only front man you need. (phone rings) oh, i gotta take this, carl. it's schwab. schwab. (feedback rings) have a choice in how you invest with schwab. before you consider drastic weight loss measures with dangerous side effects, try golo. (kevin) my doctor prescribed a weight loss drug, but as soon as i stopped taking it, i gained all that weight back. (joann) i lost 210 pounds with gastric bypass surgery, only to gain it all back. with golo, i have completely transformed
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no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you
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>> you think you're on this beautiful island, but there's nothing beautiful about it when you don't have your family. just in the matter of 12 hours, my life has been a complete 180 looking at 12 years to now, my biggest concern is coaching my kids' baseball games tomorrow, and that is such a relief. david: one of those five americans arrested in turks and a caicos for bringing ammunition to to the island and who had been facing a 12-year prison sentence is back home, thank goodness, with his family. a judge i ruling friday he could be released and returned to the u.s. after paying a fine. gillian turn's at the state department with details. gillian. >> reporter: well, david k he
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could have faced 12 years behind bars or end even more, but now bryan is being charged $67000 to and set free by the -- 6700, a tremendous relief for his family. guy richen that woulder who represents bryan in congress tells us, quote, while i'm overjoyed to see him back, this terrifying situation should have never happened to him. senator john fetterman in turks and caicos last week thanks the state department for the outcome saying they recognize that bryan and the other detained americans are not gun runners, they're just people who made a mistake. bryan echoed that claim on fox news when he was first detained. >> you know, i'm a human. we're all humans. i made a very honest mistake. i had no intention, no knowledge that that ammunition was in my checked baggage and, you know, it's -- i don't with see where the punishment fits the crime here. >> reporter: bryan's just one
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of fiver five americans detained facing similar charges. the secretary of state says getting these folks home is a top priority. >> we've brought american home from all over the world, and it's our number one priority. i will apologize to no one for the efforts that our people make every day to help americans who are in jeopardy around the world. >> reporter: the next man has a sentencing hearing in turks and caicos on tuesday, bryan is now safely here on u.s. soil. david: coming up next, tunnel to towers' ceo frank siller on the special financial update can they are still providing families of fallen service members and first responders or this memorial day. frank's coming up.
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♪ david: so as we honor all those who protect our country this memorial day, the tunnel to towers foundation is giving mortgage-free homes or paying off mortgages for 36 more families of fall if opinion soldiers across 20 the states -- fallen soldiers. joining me now, tunnel to towers founder and ceo frank siller or who supported the foundation in honor of his brother's heroic sacrifice on 9/11. and i want to talk about that eventually. it goes way beyond. it goes to firemen, it goes to cops, goes to border patrol agents. you deal with a lot of folks. , but first of all, memorial day, a lot of people mistake it for just another holiday. it's a holy day more than a holiday, you know what i mean? this is like 9/11, and we should all take time and pause and pray a little for those who have sacrificed their lives for us. >> it is like 9/11 for the individual families that lost their loved one while serving our country, protectings us overseas, you know? if concern protecting us
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overseas so we could have these barbecues and these beautiful days with our families and we live, you know this as well z as a i do, the greatest can countr- david: my son just finished 20 years in the marines and got out, he won't let us -- he doesn't get on the phone at all on memorial day, it's too emotional. is it that way with a lot of folks you deal with? >> it is a sacred day, no question about a it. 36 mortgages we paid off for gold star widows for this weekend with. actually, 35 plus one smart home for a catastrophically injured service member. all a had families, all had young kids. some who waited many years for us to raise enough money to go back and help them. but we're doing over 200 a year. we're building -- right now owl goal is to build 60 smart homes next year decides paying off the mortgagings of 200. so -- mortgages. but we're very busy, but the need is out there.
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it's american people, your viewers that that most us altheo accomplish our mission, to take care of the greatest of all americans, those willing to die for you and for me and too often do. when they do, tunnel to towers foundation is going to be there the make sure their families are not forgotten. david: you must be overjoyed the way this organization has gown. -- grown. did you expect when you started it that it would grow into the huge i don't want to the call it business, but the huge enterprise that it is right now? >> well, it just shows to the need, you know? there's such a need out there for what we're doing do. people joined us on our mission pause they see, first of all, 99 5.1% of every dollar that's donated goes to these great families. they see who we're helping, police officers,fire fighters, first responders who die in the lain of duty or your gold star widow, you know, loved one dies in the line of duty that leaves young families behind. we're all about taking care of the kids. it's about these kids --
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david: by the way, that figure, what is it 95.1% goes directly to the people it's supposed to help, for those who don't know, that's extraordinarily unusual. usually the administrative expenses are, like, 10, 15, 20% in these foundations. how do you do it? how do you stay so slim. >> first of all, i'm not so sli- [laughter] especially they were just barbecuing down -- david: right, those tomahawks. >> yeah. so we have tens and tens of thousands of volunteers all across america. we have 130 golf outings put on s year. we have nearly 3,000 events that people raise the money and give us the check. we're not, we're not doing the work. so, you know, of course we're involved, don't get me wrong. i have a tremendous staff that a does a lot of work. so we're guessed -- blessed. we have fox who have helped us raise a lot of money. so we have so many people that have come together and joined us on this mission to do good, and
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you'd be surprised what you can do when it's pure and right. david: by the way, we don't have much time, but volunteers. what about people like contractors, for example, that might be able to help you out for free, doing it gratis, do you have people helping you out? >> yeahing go to, you see a volunteer section we have people all the time giving us, you know, home depot gives us so much, you know, general motors donate a lot of money. we have big corporations, american express just came onboard, you know, that most certainly help us. but it's the individual that we count on, the $11 is a a a month, most people can to that, and we bring -- fire department says many hands makes light work, and that's why we want to bring many people together. david: frank siller, the country thanks you. >> god bless all the men and women out there who serve ourou david: we'll be right back. lawn disease?
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