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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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g. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. >> president biden delivering the commencement to the address
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at military academy this morning and we are here in u.s. demanded hearing aid to gaza and support for israel, were also going to keep american soldiers out of the war in ukraine woman to fox news life, and emily i griffin. >> hi. griff: hi i am griff jenkins and is little battleground pulling which is binding mostly trailing behind former president trump we get things off with "fox news" senior national forest want to, kevin levin fun at the white house hey kevin good day to you and he was well printed in the present wrapping up at the academy at west point after roughly 20 minutes or so, just a couple of highlights, he managed to talk about the war in ukraine and he said that about the russian invasion of ukraine, the u.s. service members are providing support to the ukrainians. kevin: he said that he was determined not to send american soldier to the country but we would continue to stand against a man that he is known for
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years, and he referred to vladimir putin is a tyrant any challenge the graduates to fight to preserve democracy. how and abroad. biden: from the very beginning, nothing's guaranteed about our democracy in america every generation has an obligation to defendant to protect it and to preserve it and choose that. now it is your turn. kevin: his remarks come at a time as griff jenkins alluded to be struggling the polls lead to the latest spring hundred swing state surveys showing him trailing former president donald trump in arizona, georgia, michigan and wisconsin, pennsylvania to say nothing up nevada but is campaign operatives are sending a bit like - what me worry which is to save not at all. >> we don't put any thought into the polls and that will be polls that will be up and down all across this election cycle and so we are focused on doing the work part of that is communicating to the voters
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exactly how dangerous donald trump is to democracy and that he poses. kevin: in the meantime the white house is one mind the president left the audience with his likely to be used again for good reason and america is strongest when we leave not only by our example of our power but by the power of our example and indeed it is very hard to argue that, griff back to you. griff: kevin corke line to the white house and thank you. alicia: former president trump in the meantime will speak the middle convention this evening in washington dc and as the polls show, the president races deadlocked in alexis live from washington with the latest details hi alexis. reporter: hi and as you mentioned former president donald trump will beyoncé tear to libertarian in washington dc later tonight in these going to try if he can pull these people from the party over the gain support on republican side and is he going to be welcome to
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with cheers and sing around 8:0e we talked to said they are still interested in hearing is talking point specifically about covid-19 in the immigration and the economy and thus i, when the drums pretty much number one vivek ramaswamy on stage trying to garner up some supporting cheers but that did not happen and people were booing and listen watch this. >> i've gotten to know donald trump the course of the last several years in the last several months. and you will hear from him tomorrow night and the question is do you want to influence the next administration don't you is the question for this room, to ask. reporter: the crowd is outspoken in booing trump's name a few times with the presumptive republican presidential nominee is coming anyway and he said take the stage in about 24 hours after independent robert f kennedy jr. had this to say about trump's response to the covid-19 pandemic. >> he goes down three-point $3m
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businesses, with no due process, known just compensation and in violation of the fifth amendment. and with a lockdowns and a mandates and the travel restrictions, president trump decided of the greatest restriction on individual liberties, this country has ever known. reporter: so there's a truck campaign in the deep blue bronx and we saw those crowds on the ground and of the diverse crowd is something the republican presidential candidate has not done the bronx as reagan, back in 1980 as of the libertarian party said that tonight's visit by donald trump is also historic because they been trying to get a major party candidate on the stage, for 50 years that changes tonight and trump has said that if libertarians join him, this election won't even be close and according to a new market pulp in a five way race, trump receives 40 president biden at 37, kennedy at 70 and it's a way race so might in the tripartite 50/50, alicia acuna, we expect from present donald trump to be on the stage with will be
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speaking in mind even if we had people back here when there were some other candidates on the stage and they were yelling and booing is screaming is that we have to see what happens ton tonight. alicia: and alexis mcadams bringing her ability to speak over the crowded thank you so much washington. griff: to american missionaries, they were brutally murdered about haitian gangs on thursday while working for a nonprofit ministry, madison is live following the story he madison. reporter: hello graph and thinking in haiti ambush nelly boyd and her husband and local missions director, jude office on thursday night, the all work for missions in haiti is nonprofit, that helps hundreds of children and natalie's father is missouri state representative ben baker, he's obviously devastated and he said that his daughter and her husband, they were dedicated missionaries listen. >> the reason why we decided to stay even when haiti a
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progressively worse in the past few months is they knew that if they left, the kids would have nowhere to go and she didn't want to leave the kids. >> represent bigger so there's going trying to learn all the details on that up to his daughter step. the missions in haiti throughout this, just hours before the shooting, this evening, when they and the kids were coming out of the youth of the church, they were ambushed by again get three trucks full of guys and davey was a gun in the house and tied up and beat pretty thinking and then took our trucks and they loaded everything up that they wanted they left and this comes as gangs so control 80 percent of the capitol according to the un and one met was rescue number 100 americans from haiti so the violence there is unimaginable. >> the missionaries there targeting in these people do not just kill you, they do a brutally and we cannot even have you know missionaries people going out and serving the lord to go to the country and be
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protected. madison: representative acres of the stone the process trying to get davy and natalie lloyd bodies back home safely and he said that the situation haiti is making that very difficult. griff: thousand shares her with baker family and friends this time it madison scarpino thank you very much. alicia: a pennsylvania dad now reunited with his family, after spending months detained uncertain the islands moment is live with the latest on the story by christina sena hi yes, pennsylvania dad and former pro - pro baseball player brian spent more than one in base as he waited to wait it will spend years in jail there in caicos and he said he was discovered yet loose ammunition in his luggage he forgot it was there yesterday a judge noted that since sentence him to one year suspended and $6700 fine and allowing him to return home any
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reunited with his children in pittsburgh last night take a look. [applause] back. >> every emotion that you can imagine, and as a father and husband and to be reunited finally after 100 and mondays and it is what i feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of myself and shoulder. >> is 105 americans who were arrested and detained entrance were having to strain ammunition in the luggage since february anti-crime with a mandatory minimum of 12 year prison sentence on the island, and all of these tours that you're looking out there, they said that he did not intend to have straight mullahs and their luggage anointing it was a mistake to get some of them saying that they were left in previous hunting trips in the u.s. bipartisan congressional delegation traveled into turks last monday asking for the release of these americans and anchor said that he was grateful for their work. >> never in a thousand years, did i expect that type of support and played such a huge
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part of bringing me home and hopefully, the others soon to follow. >> pennsylvania senator john fetterman was part of that congressional that the visit the turks the sentence was suspended, he releases a missing the turks official made the right move and he said, and recognize that brian and the other detained americans are not gotten runners come they're just people who made a mistake i'm grateful that the judge recognize the right thing to do was to send brian help put an fetterman also said he's hopeful the other cases will be expedited and that the other detained americans be released in reunited with her family soon. alicia: continue to follow this much she's other detained americans and christina moment, thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: house to do chairman jim jordan demanding answers from dhs of a jordanian nationals to be to breach marine base was details including immigration status and time date of the
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jordanians entry into the united states and how they were processed by cdp in a dhs spokesman reacted congressional probe, saying this, the department will continue to responded to appropriately to congressional oversight and for more on this, former border patrol and she, ronnie scott for joining us now and he is a senior distinguished fellow from mortgage security the texas policy foundation and she, this story that i covered this week extensively, is alarming on many levels now and dhs sources tell me that they have found no derogatory information yet we know that one of the jordanians recently crossed last month in san diego sector made his way across the country ended up in a box truck with a jordanian student visa overstate, trying to get it to the base for it so much so that that vehicle denial barriers had to be erected to stop them. detained nice custody today and earlier today, tom moment from
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rice director of this to say about what concerns him and listen. >> and also you this, people need to be concerned because i am concerned come there too many red flags and too many - entering this country. griff: how concerned are you. >> will i am extremely concerned and graph i spent the last week here in el paso texas talking to hundreds of border patrol agents and to reach our ages and they are scared winds given we see stuff like this happen. not just at quantico but it is happening in several times a week. throughout the entire nation these are people that should not be here. in the ages know they understand the new reported on this before, the when dhs that the people have been vetted and did not find any derogatory information, that is primarily u.s. databases of criminals activity in the united states and jordan is not sharing with us in your criminal data what is going on without doing good deep dive interviews
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and some research for each individual coming into the united states, we simply have no idea what threats they pose this massive illegal immigration the biden administration prevents those interviews from taking place. anyone frontline patrol agents are like 12 so frustrated and scared primerica, that you wake up the rest of america because were looking at one of the quantico, when they see what happens every single day coming across the border and they know the capabilities that we have to actually secure the border and they know that we are not using them today and is extremely frustrating for them and at 100 year anniversary, we should be celebrating a secure border but we are not. griff: celebrating those agents who work so hard we were just looking at recent footages this week from california san diego sector front zero from there for this crossing from country all of the world is a 30020s about this week, there was a really
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telling soundbite in her colleague bill malaysian, talking to one of the migrants, and you said, the migrant himself in turkey said that he's concerned about a burger security listen here. >> who come to this country. [inaudible conversations]. is not good no guns like no. [inaudible conversations]. no background check. >> no security check of november and january about this crossing the border. >> yes yes yes. >> and of course people are not looking normal. >> what is essay, the migrant is sounding the alarm. >> so couple of things you've got to point out, that this is san diego sector, where the border patrol strategy began, back in 1994 and systematically secure the border prior to the trump administration and this was mostly here section of the border anywhere in the country, guess what you did not seen a shot, with bill a single border patrol agent in their having a nice conversation with illegal
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aliens the board across those illegal aliens in trouble with other human beings around the world and their afraid of them in the should be waking up america and there is nothing negative about a secure border we simply what i know who and what is coming into the country so that we can protect her children and your neighbors but we are not doing it and we are inviting all of this illegal activity because we continue to release everybody that crosses the border at least 85 percent of them. griff: this waypoint it should be a wake-up call i will say, the american people are well aware now, and they have seen the numbers and they have seen the videos and this is why it is one of the top issue going into this election year printed i just want to show you a tweet from president biden if he is trying to turn the political tables and he sets this, trump is my god remotely valleys do not care about securing the border or fixing america's broken immigration system and if they did they would've supported the tops border enforcement in history said they put partisan
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politics ahead of our national security your reaction. >> yes you need a backup a little bit and just reverse that because it is the biden administration the refuses to happen hr to an hr to was passed by the house earlier this year. and it really is a strong border security bill, that was built by a coalition border security experts. the senate bill that i don't care if they call it bipartisan, that same border security coalition of security professionals, told both sides of the aisle, bill is a disaster for the border. it has a couple of good provisions and about the bad provisions far outweigh the good and would literally walk in to law from the chaos that we have on our borders today predict just be honest looking hr to pass that, and that's what we will be good. griff: will continue to follow it in chief rodney scott thank you for your service to the border patrol as we honor the 100 years of them being on the
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frontlines trying to secure our nation, thank you and have a good weekend. >> thank you. alicia: in the press are fuming over potential upcoming benjamin netanyahu address to congress,re that i ms next. 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) (psst! psst!)
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>> see what negotiation between israel and hamas mediated by egypt and qatar are now expected to resort next week in hopes of reaching a deal to pre- israeli hostages in the gaza strip negotiations will also reportedly include active u.s. involvement. alicia: speaker mike johnson said is really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu will speak to a joint session of congress though the date has not been formalized senator schumer has not yet agreed to the joint invitation many to present help are fiercely opposed to the prospective benjamin netanyahu address and senior congressional correspondent, has more. >> structures over the middle east war, terror the democratic party. democrats accused republicans of trying to exploit those divides of the work that is really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. >> i would love to see benjamin netanyahu come over here and address congress and i would be interesting to hear what he has to say. >> house progressives object to him speaking to congress.
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>> is probably one of the most is everything set think that congress can do is to have benjamin netanyahu, i mean concerned you about that. >> was just unconscionable and somebody who is part parentallys crimes are about to be prosecuted by the icc why in the world would we invite him to address us. >> benjamin netanyahu address the congress in 2015 and the views about israel and the makeup house democrats, shifted since then. >> i think it that are central goal should be to establish a lasting peace in a permanent cease-fire and i don't think that we should be rewarding individuals who are not focused rest committed to that aim as u.s. administration is. >> israel is our. >> illinois different brad schneider is jewish and one of the most ardent supporters of israel in congress. >> i think everybody should come
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in here prime minister if they can but we have too many people in congress that will close their minds and the whole number of issues. >> some depressed will prefer to hear from somebody else altogether. >> it would been more appropriate for a speaker to allow president of kenya, to happen is speak to a joint session of congress. >> but they had house democrat insist that there is no chasm over the middle east. >> the divine is overstated and it is nothing but puppies and rainbows. the house democratic caucus side to make an appearance on capitol hill by benjamin netanyahu, serves as a flashpoint and it could threaten to leave democratic party even more ahead of the election and on capitol hill, chad, "fox news". alicia: and thanks to check for more on this weirdly by former u.s. investor, to iraq, james jeffrey and investor jeffrey
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thank you so much and i want to pick up lunch as reporting there can you explain the importance benjamin netanyahu, making an address to a joint session of congress. >> will thank you for having me on first of all it is very important particular now when benjamin netanyahu and all of israel are under assault by various international judicial institutions such as the icc in the international court of justice and these are unfair in america should support benjamin netanyahu. his role as a major factor in protecting the united states the rest of the region from iranian and islamic terrorist attacks, that is very very important but it is also important that this be a bipartisan effort to welcome benjamin netanyahu, under these conditions in israel does not just protect republican or democrats, it protects americans in this president biden needs to make clear his position on benjamin netanyahu coming. alicia: and we will wait for
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that date once it set a new mentioned this on friday, the international human international court of justice ordered israel to halt is offensive into rafah up the southern gaza city and this comes on top of the international criminal courts and had prosecute prosecuted calling for arrest warrants were hamas leaders and israeli leaders including benjamin netanyahu here is secretary of state antony blinken on wednesday, take a listen. >> let me say again, that the decision was totally wrongheaded in the equivalence that fight between hamas and israel and its leaders were shameful. and we commit to engaging a bipartisan basis and find an appropriate response. alicia: additional try to prevent another october 7, these moves by the icc of the international court of justice, how much would you say this actually matters tonight will first of all, as antony blinken said the international criminal course about innate really does
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not matter and it is a clown club under any circumstances and most major nations in europe and asia and the united states are the members of it or is israel and the whole case against israel presented in this arrest warrant was byway is not yet been approved. it's basically facetious in the international court of justice decision on friday is different is more limited calling for israel to restrain yourself in one area rafah up in the court it does have jurisdiction over the united states israel and every other member state in the un and so we have to take it more seriously and it is notable that the biden administration has not yet taken a position on it. alicia: so when we think about that, and then we add to the lens in hopes seem to be this increasing isolation of israel and you have three european country spain, norway and ireland that have not recognize
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palestine as a state and national security advisor big sullivan, was asked if whether or not the united states is concerned that there will be more nations to come and take a listen. >> president biden as i just had has been on the record supporting to say solution. he has been equally emphatic on the record that to say solution to be brought about through direct negotiations with the parties another unilateral recognition and that is a principal position that we have built on a consistent basis will communicate that to our partners around the world and we will see as it unfolds. alicia: do you think the statement was from other nations are watching at this time. >> i wish that it were stronger but once again, he took the position which is true, is a united states and that is been generally the case with broad support. support a two state solution on concurrent is really government is not but on the other hand, we did not believe that the palestinian should be given states within now and again, we'll have to see how the
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administration response to these latest developments but this is very tricky because is wrapped up in domestic politics as well but again, the existence of israel is in play in this battle not only with hamas in gaza but with hezbollah and hoodies and notably with around. alicia: and what is a reflection of some of our mystic politics hear from you have this hispanic second, the deputy prime minister he tweeted a statement in part this out palestine will be read from the river to the sea. your final thoughts. >> while this is not just empty what israel is doing right now in his self-defense. and we can argue think it is more or less for humanitarian deliveries is about his survival as a nation and its legitimacy but it is also about that decisions going to question, not just for israel with it and fighting for or against aggression, but with the united states is that the international criminal court of justice
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mandate against israel is something we could never met and the experiences i had in iraq and in syria and basically it calls for any threat to civilians and even if inadvertent or if it follows from the nature of the fighting and is something you cannot do this unacceptable nobody will except that in israel will not. alicia: former investor to wreck james jeffrey thank you so much for your time today tina thank you. griff: okay coming up about how you can support both our families this memorial day families this memorial day weekend. ♪ ♪ y with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. skin craving next level hydration? neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of 9x more hydration that's clinically proven to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life.
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>> to be in the national mall, many gathered to commemorate coming to decade this since the dedication of the world war ii memorial, the veterans and other dignitaries laid wreaths the freedom all and honor the more than 400,000 americans, lost during the second world war.
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griff: alicia acuna for more in the importance of this holidays we honor our fallen heroes joined now but republican senator from guests, roger marshall in the army special west alastair. and think you for being here, this is an important weekend coming obviously, the barbecue sand parties start but we have to remember, the significance of the sacrifice people like your husband and i am glad that you are honoring them and i want to get into the fact that joe lister's name will be on a memorial here but i want to start this important segment, your thoughts this holiday weekend. >> i is our entire family just feels extremely honored, to have the opportunity to be here, and the fact that with the dedication of the monument, these men's names being added to it means that their legacy will live on in our capitol and
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united states capitol and people will be able to see the rain to be able to look them up and read the history of who they are and so, that way and they understand what continued in with the price is paid in order for us to be free and enjoy memorial day weekend barbecue in a civil l lake. griff: there blood paper this privilege and freedoms and that we exercise what she's talking about explain this ball honoring the big red one what is happening here. >> will griff, fort riley kansas is known big red with the first division and over 13000 soldiers from the big red when it made the ultimate sacrifice and their dave's great just outside the white house on the first division monument, over the last ten years we have 631 more big red one soldiers including syria husband joseph who paid the
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ultimate sacrifice in writing this 631 hdl on the monument to honor them to say thank you for protecting us into giving us live in freedom. griff: and you can see sierra lister-herring on her swing there, the monument why are you doing this and why is this important. >> about from a veteran myself my dad serving my brother served in my son is serving this nation right now from a family of people who served in the military and is so important to the current active-duty soldiers out there fighting for freedom today to make sure that they know that they will always be honored and how important freedom asked we are safe and secure we have freedoms because of those in this case over 13000 a big red one soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice. griff: ten at ten know your husband and at the time, in 2003, when he was in remodeling of a and actually was there with lt. there for fox covering and is a very difficult time and
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today 21 years later when he with the country to know about him. >> he and his life of the party and he smiling always. but he believed in the mission and he believed that he was doing good for his country and it was not easy for him to leave us behind. but he knew what he needed to do and to help protect his you know is brothers in arms and everything. just know that joe was absolutely loving, unconditional, we do anything to make you laugh, could us ten at ten people were upset, genuine person. griff: senator when you hear stories like this, will go so you might. >> we just sort of oh ident of gratitude to people who paid the ultimate sacrifice is why think it is so important that we need to be careful going to work when we said the soldiers in the
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work. marshall: i stop and i think posit i think of the 13 soldiers from fort riley kansas who paid the ultimate sacrifice, that they have families and they have loved ones in their children and the parents, the brothers and sisters. and i just eternally grateful for the freedoms that i have that we get to enjoy that we still with star-spangled that are finishes with the question is this still the line of the free and the home of the brave the 631 soldiers were honoring tomorrow, really! , yes, we store the land of the free. the home of the brave c1 and the risk of upsetting the production through the last few seconds go to her wide camera if we can't in my god he will stand behind her mother, and micah was only three months old, when your husband was killed and he is alive today 23 years later when he taught micah and your father was a hero what do you tell micah about his father. >> i tell him everything we possibly can then go, you know
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the good memories and even the frustrating parts because he is his father through and through and even with the difference in the fit throwing's. but micah is the same way and he wants to make you smile and he wants to absolutely make people around him happy and with it takes. griff: the nation is a great debt of gratitude to your family and families just like yours and senator, more step hundred marshall thank you for bringing this to us and as such an thing for you to doing this memorial weekend. alicia: yes we do think you so much and in new mexico judge, rejecting alec baldwin's request to do this dismiss the criminal charge against the fatal shooting guesthouse hunches during filming arrested see be caught in his life of the a client while this news, anything alec baldwin is one step closer to standing trial this summer and out baldwin's defense attorney they filed a motion for dismissal arguing that the grand jury proceedings were fought
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during may 17th hearing, defense lawyer alex biro made a series of accusations including a claim that prosecutors kept granddaughters from hearing evidence helpful to the actors case the prosecution pushback saying that the grand jury was shown internet access to evidence supplied by the defense and the judge ultimately upheld the documents noting the prosecutors in new mexico are not required to present evidence involving has pleaded not guilty to the involuntary manslaughter charge that he was indicted by a grand jury earlier this year after prosecutors previously drop the charge pretty cinematographer halyna hutchins died back in october of 2021, after i got baldwin was holding discharge on the western film set in fox news. be dark paul morrow said by the slated trial date of july 19, now looks more solidified timothy would not be surprised if this case never makes it to
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trial. >> trials are expensive, the labor-intensive and they have special prosecutors in this case. i don't know how to being paid from what part of the money these things all are resource intensive and the government always has an incentive to settle a case to complete deal just to avoid trial. c.b.: the movies are read it was sentenced to a maximum a year and a half in prison on an involuntary manslaughter conviction for hutchins death. alicia: thank you. griff: how the gas and grocery prices are affecting americans travel plans as a summer season gets underway and that is next. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool.
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>> company republicans urging california governor gavin newsom tax increase, living on july 1st, the recent report
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said that prices are expected to rise, 47 cents per gallon pretty according to triple income of the national gases 360 a gallon while california's average is more than a dollar to have more and $5.13, per gallon. alicia: nearly 44 million americans will hit the highways and airways this memorial day weekend, making it the busiest summer travel kickoff and almost 20 years and for more on travel, joining us today is the point sky managing editor clint henderson is going to see you and so huge weekend right kicking off and so you have good news for us but also i want to get to fox news polls because it kind of mixes up the picture a bit and i want to tease somethings out so let's put this up version person fox news poll, asking the folks if they were planning to go on vacation this summer. yes, 42 percent and no 55 percent and then we asked them why, 73 percent said no money 15 percent said no time
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and so you have an expectation of record-breaking travel, then you also focusing on not going to do it and i cannot afford it what is happening out there. clint: so i think one of the things that you see as you know, that prices for everything going up and that includes hotel rooms especially flight prices have actually stabilized a bit so we are now back where we were pre- covid-19 so 2019 levels as far as domestic flights that everybody wants to go to asia everybody wants to go to europe so you see prices for flights jumped there and hotels have really skyrocketed on hotel companies are saying they would rather have lower occupancy and higher rates and so the price of hotels and air b&b says on up and up and up that's a bit at what see itself record-breaking demand and we have the return of business travelers. it is leader of business and that means record-breaking summer and in fact tsa screen most people that they have ever screen and airports yesterday. revenue record. alicia: okay and you have a lot
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of people who are taking road trips but it is also presenting another challenge, people here for you, with the folks rousted how much our gas prices are a problem for your family, 84 percent said gas prices were a problem when you break it down, 49 percent said that it is a major problem then we have some summer travel fact that we can put up and you have you know without of the 43.8 million memorial day travelers that increases 2023, 3.000000 are driving and so you have people hitting the road, but then you also have people say gas prices are a problem the folks want to do something with their summer right they want to feel like weekend getaway somehow. clint: absolutely, and i think what you saw during the pin to make this a people cooped up at home and what do i want to do with this is over within what they decided was i will travel and i don't care how much it cost so while prices are high, for the gas, and for lodging, people are still willing to pay the price to get out of the road
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and in fact you see probably aaa the second most popular road trip weekend since 2005, is remarkable findings considering how high prices are essentially for things like gas and food and people they don't care, they will travel and come back or high water. alicia: and we figure out a way to do an eye one more fact what you're driving times are expected to be up to 90 percent longer than normal huge road trip family so i'm used to being in the car with the kids for a long time and part of the fun and folks like you said are goig to figure it out but also, one quick question are we changing the way we also travel and are we going you know more local as opposed to taking off going on the more exotic vacation than we would trying to adjust our expectations. clint: this event about i'm the likely side people are traveling further and they are going to tokyo places like that of the more modest side the middle class i, people are going closer to home whether doing a road trip with might have flown
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before international parkway state park where they are so you see changing dynamics the really interesting thing mr. this and that people are extending their trips they are combining work and pleasure in the going for longer ago in the way to go hasd slightly. alicia: club busted on that and i'm on a work trip was also part vacation with my kids, who are out here so, yes, i am your i'm your average american and substance in clint it was going talk to you today and thank you. clint: watch the leisure trend and i'll see you later's fee to thank you goodbye. griff: is a great conversation alicia acuna, will going by the way with the threat of severe weather can put a damper on holiday plans, that's next.
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sue and the unofficial start to summer could include violent tornadoes from some parts the country has a dangerous weather pattern is forming and can take aim at that place today, then movies in some areas can see softball size dale isolated severe wind gust over 60 miles per hour. alicia: graph in new orleans, scorching temps expected this
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weekend is residents prepare for the heat index to exceed 100 and fox weathers brandy campbell is there the latest brandy. >> hey many people across the u.s. are going to have a memorial day weekend that's how to me and over 14 million people and in the south under heat alerts at this moment enemy no arlington you can see jackson square pretty honey and a lot of visitors are here in town and you can hear the musicians out of the sun but also the artist printed telework right now new orleans is about 88 degrees we d reach 92 degrees today. with his humidity new orleans is feeling that if you like about 102 degrees at the hottest part of the day it now new orleans nothing only city feeling the brunt of this over in texas, then antonio, austin currently under heat advisories and i can expect heat index temperatures in the low one hundreds, on memorial day and down to the border, the right of texas are currently under an excessive
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morning are expecting the heat index to be near 1120 degrees on memorial day. now while this is not the peak of summer, he still wanted keep yourself safe when you feel these hot temperatures and so here's a few things to remember especially if you are here think your time outside so take breaks, take sure you are staying hydrated, all of you kids or pets inside of these hot vehicles. and of the signs of as i make sure that you keep yourself safe during this time. alicia: brandy, new orleans is a special kind of hot as you know that i chew the are there plenty of times so we really appreciate you being out there for us doing this and thank you so much. griff: alicia acuna, we would had including the trump deep states and you may notice alicia acuna and i are wearing the poppy pin and we will tell you why it is honoring our heroes going all the way back to world war i and "fox news" liveis
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continues, t next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you spee2 former president donald trump said to speak at the convention in washington this evening following rfk junior speech at the convention on friday. welcome to fox news live i'm alicia acuna. >> i am griff jenkins. a deadlock between he and president biden.


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