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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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an american couple both the missionaries in haiti shot and killed thursday and attack by armed gangs. davie and natalie lloyd were celebrate their second wedding anniversary next month. both are now dead along with their haitian mission director. hello welcome to fox news like i am molly light and for arthel neville. seec4 i rich ed sit in for eric shawn is on assignment for the three missionaries were ambushed as they left a local church of the capitol port-au-prince. haiti's been spiraling deeper into violence and chaos since february. criminal gangs took over. the country waits for you and back to peacekeeping force to try to restore law and order. madison is telling the story life for us. >> hello, rich we spoke to natalie's father this morning missouri state representative ben baker. he said their families hearts are broken. he also says and natalie and davey or dedicated missionaries and had a passion for helping the people of haiti.
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>> and natalie loved it. if you look at her pictures and her interactions with the kids, they loved her. and that she just beamed with joy doing what she was doing. yes, we had many conversations about all the violence and the situation in haiti and how dangerous it was. but it never really faced her. >> representative at baker set right now they are focusing on getting natalie and davies embodies a safely home but he said they are still trying to learn all the details of what led up to their death. missions in haiti, the name of the nonprofit they volunteer with revealed some details on their facebook page. part of it revealed just hours before the shooting quote natalie and the kids were coming out of youth at the church. there ambushed by a gang of three trucks full of guys. davie was taken to the house, tied up and beat it.
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the group said the gang left. about two hours later they announced the three of them had been killed. they did not mention any children being injured. this comes as gangs still control 80% of the capitol according to the un. earlier this week before the incident president biden pledged $300 million to a multinational force to get things under control in haiti that includes 1000 police from kenya as her representative baker he said despite the violence in haiti, natalie and davey did not want to leave the kids at the missionary. he said their work and haiti was a perfect example of selflessness. back to you. madison scarpino live for us this afternoon. thank you. molly: pennsylvania dad detained returns home to his family. bryan hagerich was arrested in every after they found stray bullets in his luggage for his release yesterday after pleading guilty.
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for more americans face charges for bringing ml into the islands there near the bahamas. christina coleman is live with the legs on this. >> hi molly, those pics are so touching the pictures we just aired the pennsylvania dad former pro baseball player bryan hagerich spent more than 100 days in turks and caicos as he waited to learn if he would have to spend years in jail there but he was arrested after security it discovered he had loose ammunition in his luggage. he said it was from a hunting trip he forgot it was there. but yesterday, adjudged and noted this in sentence him to one year suspended $86700 fine. allowing him to return home. he reunited with his children and pittsburgh last night. take a look. [applause] >> every emotion you can imagine. as a father, as a husband, and to be reunited finally after 101 days i felt the weight of the
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world has been lifted off my shoulders. >> is one of the five americans who were arrested and detained for having straight ammunition and their luggage that's february. a crime with a mandatory minimum 12 year prison sentence on the islands. all the tourists say they did not intend to have stray bullets and their luggage noting it was a mistake. again some saying they were left from previous hunting trips for u.s. bipartisan congressional delegation traveled to turks last monday asking for the release of the americans. bryan hagerich is grateful for their work. >> never in a thousand years did i expect that type of support it's been such a huge part in bringing me home. and hopefully the others are soon to follow. >> pennsylvania senator jon fadiman was part of the congressional delegation that visited turks. after his sentence was suspended, fetterman released a statement saying turks officials made the right move they
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recognized brian and the other detained americans are not gun runners. there are people who made a mistake br when grateful to jude recognized the right thing to do was to send him home. fetterman also said he is hopeful the other cases will be expedited the other detained americans will be released and reunited with their families soon. molly: a cautionary tale there for sure happy's made it back. back to christina coleman, thank you. rich: former president trump may face a tough room when he speaks is that libertarian party's national convention here in d.c. tonight. independent candidate rfk junior made his pitch there yesterday. alexis mcadams is live in washington with more. [cheering] >> as you know from being either just yesterday that this is a pretty allowed crowd is not afraid to speak their minds. the question is late laid itselr present donald trump gets up on that stage it is he going to have a warm welcome or met. trumps team tells me is not going to be bothered by that is
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here to try to gain as many votes as possible by the voters we talked at the convention said it's going be a tough sell, watch. as i think you could see people maybe change their minds if he was willing to make the compromises that i do not think he is willing to make it. i think that is the problem. most of us are very, very skeptical and very, very unconvinced. i feel like very few of them will be up for grabs. >> will have to see if he can get some of those votes. people here went less in government control say they're antiwar. tonight they want to hear donald trump stance on the israel hamas war. they would also like to see him at eight libertarian to his cabinet on the presumptive republican nominee will take that stage just about 24 hours after independent robert f kennedy jr. was a guest speaker here. rfk junior attacked biden and trump how they handled the covered pandemic. >> i invited them to debate in front of you in front of members
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of his party but he declined. at some point i hope he has the courage to stand up there so we can all talk about these issues and to make sure these assaults on our constitution never ever happen again. >> tonight will be historic no matter what happens up on that stage people are happy to see trump or not because libertarian party said they're trying to get a major party candidate on that stage for 50 years tonight's the night. another thing to point out props are being handed out throughout the week including our robert chicken this was hanged up by rfk's team debate bobby rfk once a chance to talk with trump. that is not happen just yet. rich: alexis mcadams at the party here in d.c. thank you. >> president biden delivering the commencement speech at west point this morning he did not mention former president trump by name but did make a subtle reference to his predecessor
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2020 west point address all of this is a biden's poll numbers the sag trump elites and some key swing states we have kevin live at the white house with more on all this. >> molly, great to see of the president among other things today is the address the cadets at the isaacs military academy at west point set america is really at her very best too. not by the example of her power. but indeed by the power of her example which is to say be a force for good in the world in that world will follow your lead prude president also telling the cadets during his give or take 20 minute speech, that absolutely nothing is guaranteed about democracy here in america. every generation has an obligation to defend it or tech to preserve it and to choose it. >> you are about to become full-time members of the most honorable and the most consequential fighting force in the history of the world.
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of the world. >> indeed that is the truth. however the presidential remarks comes at a time when he is really struggling in the polls at least according to the fox news swing state survey. show him trailing former president donald trump across-the-board rate arizona, georgia, michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania to say nothing of nevada. the biden campaign are not worked up about it. they argued look, it is june. certain about economics they're concerned about their health care. voters are concerned about childcare, but housing, rent, mortgage affordability donald trump is only in this campaign because he wants revenge and retribution. >> the meantime back here at the white house note sighting of the commander-in-chief that is because he boarded marine one after his remarks at west point and made his way over to his beach house in delaware.
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another weekend in delaware away from 1600 pennsylvania for the president rig then again a lot of americans are traveling this weekend. molly, you would be t too if you weren't working back i. >> i am traveling but i love working for a love working and traveling but thank you for holding down there at the white house. we appreciate you are there. >> my pleasure. rich: british and his guide are missing and presumed dead after an icy ridge collapsed in a part of mount everest known as the death zone. part of a 15 person group who reached the summit before g gabe weight tuesday. drag the two climbers down the side of the world's tallest mountain breed a company that organized the expedition said after an exhaustive search crews were unable to locate them. molly: the story got to hear to believe migrants illegally crossing our southern border. ordering a rideshare car that comes and picks them up. the details and reaction from arizona congresswoman debbie les is coming up next.
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maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? molly: alec baldwin is one step closer and the rest movie
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shooting bird baldwin faces one count of involuntary manslaughter for the 2021 death of cinematographer. cb ca cotton is live in the new york city newsroom with an update on this. >> baldwin's defense attorneys filed a motion for dismissal appeared part arguing the grandy indictment against the actor was a quote sham. during a may 17 hearing defense lawyer made a series of accusations including a claim that prosecutors capped grand jurors from hearing evidence that might be helpful to the actor's case. but, the prosecution pushed back in the grand jury was shown and made aware it had access to evidence supplied by the defense for the judge ultimately upheld the indictment noting prosecutors in new mexico are not required to present exculpatory evidence. alden pleaded not guilty to the involuntary manslaughter charge for it he was indicted by a grand jury earlier this year
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after prosecutors previously drop the charge cinematographer halyna hutchins at died back october 2021 after a gun baldwin was holding discharge on the western film sets. fox news contributor attorney paul morrow said the slated date trial date of july 19 now mate look more solidified he would not be surprised never make such a trial. >> trials were expensive. they are labor-intensive. special prosecutors in this case i do not know how they are being paid and from what part of money. they are resource intensive has an incentive to avoid trial. was sentenced to the maximum of a year end half in prison on involuntary manslaughter conviction for hutchins death. molly: great points, is a beautiful young mother lost her
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life all eyes on july. cb cotton thank you. rich: the latest hot hotspot for illegal border crossing southern california's are not waiting for border patrol fox team spotted a group of colombian migrants who got tired of waiting till the order date rideshare car and took off. it is not clear if they knew they crossed illegally let's bring arizona congresswoman debbie lesko member of the house of border security caucus. congresswoman thank you for joining us this afternoon. what do you make of a rideshare at the border? >> just when you think it cannot get worse, it gets worse. they know, that legal snow biden is not going to enforce the immigration laws. and so they feel comfortable doing whatever they want. this is a dangerous. it is preventable.
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we just need a new president so that we can secure the border. rich: do you think it demonstrates a border patrol is so overwhelmed they cannot get to these areas and that people can actually cross the border, order a rideshare, wait for the car in the middle of may beat nowhere, i don't know and then get enemy off. >> it actually does. i went down in to the arizona border last month. the border patrol officers said they are so busy processing illegal immigrants, there were only in this huge section only to border patrol officers actually watching the border. asthe shortage of boards patrol officers the morale is gotten low they are processing people
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doing a chi it childcare biden s flying people into the country it's a sad state of affairs. we have done everything we could, republicans in the u.s. house to try to stop this. but biden won't stop at any coe today. rich: border patrol agents in texas have told us the same thing they're spending way too much time processing people they cannot even handle those. going to take this back to arizona. the arizona legislature's advanced a proposal. a measure to allow citizens potentially there to vote on a law that would allow local police officers there to basically enforce the border. if they believe people cross illegally that they could detain them. are you in support of arizona citizens being able to vote on that? and if so do you think it is something they should vote for?
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>> i absolutely support border security ballot measure. it already passed the arizona state senate. it is being assumed it will pass the arizona state house. they had to go directly to the ballot because the democrat governor hobson keeps vetoing a border security bills. i think the voters in arizona will pass this measure. you know, we have to take it upon ourselves as a state to defend themselves against this invasion. when you have jordanians that are going to military bases in chinese going to military bases in california, this is a dangerous set of circumstances it is a humanitarian crisis it. it is a costly crisis. it is also dangerous for the united states in our state. and so i hope that voters in the
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arizona will passes ballot measure maybe we can get some kind of sanity back into her border security here in arizona. click something on the state level that is been tried before texas passed a similar lots caught up in the court system because it is not u.s. federal lots of providence of the government to defend border policies to promote border policies not state government. with this survive a challenge? do you think texas law is going to be allowed to stand? >> i hope so but i was in the arizona state legislature it will we passed sb 1070. that is when the obama administration was not enforcing immigration lot now it is much worse there's and millions more crossing the border now. we have a new u.s. supreme court. back then part of that bill was gutted by that supreme court. but we have a more conservative supreme court now. i am hopeful they will stand up for states rights and states at
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being able to defend themselves. rich: back here in d.c. there's a couple dozen democrats who have formed a house in border security task force a number of democrats running in congress who are members of congress running for reelection have openly criticized president biden on his handling of the border. has that lead to any type of conversation with republicans and democrats on the house side on how to address this? >> well, you think it would. we have diego who is currently a democratiat democrat congressmag for the u.s. senate. he sure has changed his tune. i served with him in the state legislature and now in congress. he is part of the progressive caucus. he always voted against border security. now all of the sudden he is. it's just a show, quite frankly what some of these democrats are doing.
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they want to win elections and they know this is important to the american people. rich: very quickly at the senate over on the other side of the capitol again it did not pass the bipartisan senate proposal on immigration. it is a proposal that would have tightened up asylum laws that would have been easier for people to be deported something the negotiator though the republican senator james lankford called the most conservative bill in the past four decades. a number of republicans have said it needs to be done at the administration level congress has to get involved here. there's plenty of provisions that republicans have been talking about. why not take the win and supported? >> it got less votes this time then it did last time and james lankford who is the republican that worked on it voted against at this time. it's worse than status quo. i think maybe he is seeing that now because it puts into law that it is perfectly okay for
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4999 illegal immigrants across. that should not be in law we need to enforce our current laws and yes, president biden can then enforce immigration laws it now. president trump did it, but biden can do it without legislation. now if we could get together on some a reasonable legislation that would actually secure the border like what we passed in the house hr to and i would talk. if it's going to be worse than the status quo we cannot vote for that ride that is why the senate rejected it. >> arizona congresswoman debbie lesko thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you. i'm dangerous eats threatening memorial day weekend that forecast is coming up next.
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musicians playing. there are artists sitting out there, artwork for sale lots of tours coming to enjoy the city. they are here for a hot one. this weekend people could expect appeals of the hottest temperatures the city has seen this season. we are expecting to hit 92 degrees which is 5 degrees above the average temperature for today. given the humidity feel like we'weare in the low one hundred. people in texas can feel the brunt of the heatwave san antonio, austin currently under heat advisory. down to the border at laredo, texas currently under excessive heat warning. they are expecting the heat index to be near 120 degrees on memorial day. a couple who travel in from austin, texas one hotspot to another. >> we were on the swamp to her that this human as is going to get i guess. >> will be outside all day today. we're here to have fun i don't mind the heat speak works well this is not the peak of summer you still want to keep heat safety in mind.
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remember it limit time outside, stay hydrated, don't leave kids or pets in cars and note the signs of heat illness for more updates on the weather in your area especially if you are in the hot spots make sure to download the f "fox weather" app in new orleans i am randy campbell back to you. >> absolutely braving the steamy weather we are grateful to you thank you. >> i was complaining about 90 and humid here. i will stop doing that now. for more on the heat and other severe weather threats this weekend let's go to fox news adam klotz. >> it is that hot steamy weather that ultimately fuel some of the big storms. that's going to be a big issue the next couple of days there are plenty of spots were seen plenty of storm some showers and rainy weather across the southeast but that's not the big highlight of the weekend as far severe weather goes b with thats going to be happening here in the next couple of days son lingering a little bit into it monday per the real focus today is going to beat right in the heartland. this is for out a scale of five
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of we don't get up that high. it's including major cities like oklahoma city stretching up to wichita. ultimately will take a while to get going. most of the day completely clear by the time to get to 7:00 p.m. local time are starting to see these little storms start to fire up. these will be a big long-lasting thunderstorms 90 mounir wins. hill, certainly decent risk this could turn into tornadoes as well. isolated tornadoes across the region big severe weather to the east and trait hazards for sunday and monday. maybe the hazards a little lower than a couple of days. for today this is our tornado at risk. you get in the dark maroon color. talk about a fairly high at risk also for out a vibrant turn of the certainly going to be an issue across oklahoma, really central oklahoma and stretching north into portions of kansas. on top of all of this, that brings a whole lot of rain for this a ton of moisture, a ton of
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humidity in the atmosphere that gives us a risk of flooding. very active weather in the next couple of days folks in the planes they need to state weather aware. >> adam klotz thanks very much. molly: memorial day weekend is the unofficial start of summer usually kicks off the season of backyard barbecues. but the inflation maybe take a little bit of a bite out of some of those cookout budgets new government numbers show the prices for summer staples the burgers, the buns, the beer, all higher than last year. meanwhile a new fox poll shows that most americans say at high prices are affecting their summer travel plans joining us and now economist peter a former u.s. international trade international tradecommission ct business professor at the university of maryland. sir, thank you for joining us giving us some of your time on this mem memorial day weekend. we appreciate it. i want to kick off with these remarkable numbers tsa just put out. they have a new record for the
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most travel of travelers that ty screened it yesterday. some folks are getting out there and traveling but what do you make of that when you look at inflation numbers in the high grocery prices and we see people getting out and about this memorial day. >> people are not as well off as they once were. they've been piling up credit card debts. that is basically how they are getting this done but how much longer this can go on remains to be seen. don't think we're headed for recession but this is putting a damper on people's budgets and then borrowing to get through. you will have to stock up for a barbecue. molly: speaking of barbecues atop a barbecue prices have a list of summer staples are all costing more beer is up 3% beef and veal i'm not a big veal person but up 7% those veal lovers. cart maintenance, repair up 7.6% that's a big one. those can be surprise costs, sporting events up 15.4% that means maybe some of us will choose to watch that game at
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home. your thoughts on what this means for folks who are addressing a budget. they are not going to travel that would have the barbecue, the cookout, hang out with the neighbors to get the kids in the backyard piglets my feeling is give up one things you can afford to be the same and everything else. for example if you're going to go on a three week vacation and mamaybe make it too. that way you can still afford all the burgers and so forth with her kids a month or something like this. the keeper member and on. the impact it has on families daily necessities are big challenges there as well. we got grocery prices a problem for your family the grocery prices are a problem. utility costs, healthcare costs these are big numbers. it is all the basic stuff for the basic stuff to get to the
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day. >> right, to fix your car cost 30% more your very kind by comparing this to a year ago but we go back to 2019 before joe biden spent all of this money, we are talking the average inflation is sp been about 20%. a lot of necessities for example once you get your homeowners insurance bill, your car insurance bill or you have to fix your car. yesterday unfortunate my car was a blasted in a parking lot. it was severely damaged by its 12 years old they will probably total it. if that happens i will get a check for $5000 and have to go out and buy a new car. i was pricing them today, gee whiz they have gone up so much. this is what happens to ordinary people they get hit with a big expensive. there are things you cannot escape you need a car to take your kids to school he got to ensure it and so forth. the president talks about wanting to fight inflation. wait until your air conditioner goes in order to have a biden friendly environmentally sound air conditioner and air conditioner used to cost $7000
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and now cost 12 the price of building a new home is up 30,000 dollars of dilatory costs. these things really b burned thr think you've got to have it. how you get along and louisiana without air conditioning these days? >> as we are talking about some of these are the surprise costs the sudden thing that they could purchase, the new car and interest rates are so much higher than they were as well you're facing additional cost, additional money for the normal things about a year ago. and now if you get hit by that cost the borrowing that may potentially happen is higher. mention combined with the credit card debt people are carrying. >> addition to credit card that people are getting a lot of pay for offers those are out of the statistics for truckle trouble tracking that is the reality is if you look at the credit card debt people are no worse off than before the pandemic but we did not have independent operators making loans or you pay in four installments and so
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forth. my feeling is we are headed for a credit train wreck pearl are not going to have a financial crisis we are going to have appeared with people just don't have enough money they're finally going to trim their sales. people are really going to hurt on the other end are people who do those live events because people are not going to pay ticketmaster prices anymore. for a concert or what have you. molly: the ball games, what is that mean for those big events for the folks trying to sell the ball game tickets and get people out to the ballgame? the standard americana thanks it. >> are going to have to charge less for concert when that happens. i have nothing against taylor i enjoyed watching her at the kansas city chiefs games on tv. >> it is the resale market on her that's bonkers. >> exactly. but for many people they're going to have to curtail their lifestyles when they run out of credit. frankly joe biden says wait until november. that is about the time all this is going too.
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people is going to be a big factor a big force someone paddling joe biden door to door come october's election year they're looking at these numbers in particular peter, thank you so much we really appreciate they have a lot of gratitude for you joining us this memorial day. >> have eight memorial day and lesser member our vets. >> thank you. c4 memorial day is a time to thank those who served it can also be difficult for vets struggling with her mental health. we will speak about an expert about how to be mindful and helpful. that is coming next. your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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this is the tempur-pedic breeze mattress, and it's designed to help you feel cool. so, no more sweating all night no kicking off the covers or blasting the air conditioning. because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology— that pulls heat away from your body. so, the mattress feels up to 10° cooler all night long. during the tempur-pedic memorial day sale, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience deep, undisturbed rest. learn more at
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rich: wrapper was reportedly arrested and answered and she barely po posted video on her instagram live showing her talking with police about her allegedly carrying quote drugs.
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the video and the grammy winner and said she wants a lawyer. his tour in europe she posted on x police found marijuana in her bags and she said belonged to her security. noted marijuana is legal in amsterdam. molly: details on that meanwhile alcohol dominance at america's drug of choice may have gone up in smoke a new study finds marijuana, it now tops of boos for the first time ever. researchers and university in pittsburgh said not only are more people using a weed that ever they are smoking it daily or nearly every day. high frequency drinkers declining. now outnumbered by the folks that she was marijuana. rich: memorial day weekend means honoring our veterans. unfortunately many of them are suffering from mental health issues and that is why michael carmichael founded the organization check a vet he joins us live from bristol motor speedway in tennessee where his
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group has partnered with nascar. michael, thank you for joining us this afternoon. tell us what this partnership does and tell us a little bit about your organization. cooks rich i do not want to be voted off the island where exit charlotte motor spirit for the coca-cola 600 but let me straighten that out. they have 30 million fans and nationwide and at 30% of those are veterans and service members. it is not a stretch to think the other 70% are the people who are at the race. this is our targeted demographic because it vete veterans who ard over, white, mail and rural areas is the group that account for about 80% of the veteran suicide. so it nascar, speedway motorsports, thank you, thank you, thank you. rich: in this ability to reach more veterans, reach your target audience tell us what they can expect when they reach out to you guys. >> so, what we are doing is built to prevent veteran suicide by putting you to work.
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this is actually a nonprofit mission that everybody can do every day. we cannot cure childhood cancer as americans. but you can save a veterans life by being involved meaningfully and routinely. pull these people into your circle so it's not so much the service we offer wheat r raise h awareness to veteran suicide. do you believe the number of the truck behind me are you kidding me right now? left to raise awareness to veteran suicide if people aren't talking about it than it ain't a problem. the next thing we need to do is get americans involved in veterans lives and we do this through producing a series of public service announcements. the last thing nationally were trying to provide the resources that will help the veterans and also the veterans themselves. rich: you talk is about teen room tell us what that is what is that concept about?
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>> it's where it is at. all of the experts have agreed for more than 10 years going to take community-based. too. support group model to really put the brakes on veteran suicide. so, we came up with this idea kind of in the model of alcoholics anonymous but it is custom made just for veterans and it's not just about suicide. there will be suicide covered in every single meeting. but it's about getting our men and women back on a team. we lose our identity. we lose our sense of purpose as we get out but the most important thing we lose is the camaraderie. team room is going to bring those men and women back together. it was developed by a team of thd's i am so humbled by that because rich, my degree is in high school. so what an amazing opportunity.
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i guess i am tom sawyer got everybody paint the fence. >> quickly let's prep the veterans crisis line 988 press one or text 838255. make sure we get that up there. and michael a veteran thank you for joining us this memorial day. we will be right back too. >> go to check a
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molly: posted a pandemic times americans are ready to set sail. this is expected to be a banner year for the crews industry. i have more of what cruise lines are offering to get more customers to come on board. sunshine the band has been warming up the crowd and swimming pools filling up very nicely bread thank you very much after the dog days of covid bookings a last year hit 31 and a half million of us expected to hit close to 35 million but the attraction is value for money. a growing number of younger customers who like smaller personalized cruises. in other words there is
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something for everyone. >> to try and duplicate the experience you're having on our ship on a land-based vacation is going to cost you at least 30 or 40% more you would not have the same ability to customize it that you do on a cruise ship. so when we talk about it is supportable is not just price it is the value you get out of it. >> only on millennial's and jen's he take cap cruising data shows 27% of passengers in the last two years have never been on a cruise before. there are other trends as well like themed cruises everything from kis kissing cruises to wwe. there's a whole christmas cruise and yes, next february there is a clothing optional cruise to the caribbean. bring lots of sunscreen buried in miami, ashley webster fox news. rich: barked the unofficial start of some of the national weather service has issued its most aggressive atlantic hurricane forecast ever. we may see up to 25 total named
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storms and several could be a cat three or stronger. let's go back to meteorologist adam potts with this. >> june 1 is the official start of hurricane season. you mentioned the really aggressive a possible amount of storms this is a number of named storms 1725 that's way above hurricanes eight -- 13 bit again away above the average. we get major one those are cap three way above. a little tropical activity is because of the upcoming hurricane season. the water temperature big storms run off of warm temperatures. currently where the yellow line we are way above on ocean temperatures there is a ton of heat out in the ocean turn into
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hurricanes as a mart which through the season incredibly warm there obviously warm as we move through the summer season. portions of the caribbean it's a little cooler to the north is a summer rolls on the temperatures will continue to climb. it will be juiced and ready to go. adam thank you. molly: murder trial of karen reed continues atf agent testified flirting text messages he exchanged with read weeks before her boyfriend jon o'keefe was killed in january of 2020 a friend of reeds is with her also took the witness stand was grilled about eight google search she made how is the
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evidence stacking up. criminal defense attorney mercedes will dig into this case in the next hour that is at 4:0. >> we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern, molly always a pleasure hang with you today. molly: great to be with you of thethejournal editorial report p next. it's beautifullife today. the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think.
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