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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  May 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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he could become the only driver in history to win a fifth tomorrow. trio of spider monkeys driving at the san diego zoo rescued an illegal smuggling scheme was bus that the us-mexico border. monkeys are spending their days exploring every inch of their enclosure testing out climbing skills and checking out the camera. they've even made friends. awfully nice they are rescued. >> awfully nice and i'm from indiana so i bent to the indianapolis 500, i did know about turtle racing, i feel like i chose the wrong about to go to because that's cool. >> robotic will flock to the zoo to watch the turtle racist. >> this is like the bucket list item i think folks want to do. >> see you tomorrow. that's how fox reports this saturday may 25. i am jon scott. thanks for watching. ♪
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>> jason chaffetz and doctor marcus siegel and welcome to the "big weekend show". big story tonight. as a biden's message to west point graduate, fight for democracy biden made the plea during the commencement address. fox news correspondent of the white house night. >> good evening from the white house where earlier today we had a chance to watch president biden address united states military academy at west point and wrap up remarks in short order, his remarks lasting around 20 minutes. during his address to the cadets, the president spoke about russian invasion of ukraine and u.s. service members providing support for the ukrainians and set it was determined not to send soldiers into the country but that the u.s. would continue standing against a man i've known for years, a group parent, a reference to russian president vladimir putin.
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mr. biden challenged graduates to fight to preserve democracy both here at home and abroad. >> from the very beginning nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in america. every generation has an obligation to protect it, preserve it and choose it. now is your time. >> he is struggling according to the fox news surveys which show him trailing former president donald trump across the board. daughter, michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania to say nothing in the back which is listed here but the biden campaign insists this is nothing to worry about right now. >> we don't put it in full, there will be polls up and down the election cycle so we are focused on doing the work of art is communicating the voters exactly how dangerous donald trump is to democracy.
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>> the biden hearing harris campaign in the months leading up the first debate, the campaign promises and unhinged rhetoric. will make sure voters who will decide this election i reminded chaos and harm trump because as president has worked the current commander-in-chief, no expectation of seeing him of the white house over the weekend. he took helicopter marine one from west point over to his beach house and delaware. like a lot of americans spending this holiday weekend at home. >> thank you so much. before we get started and get going, i want to play one more lip from this commencement address. >> america's strongest when we leave not only by example of power but the power of our example.
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you can crop that. [applause] >> let's kill part the stat statement. what are your thoughts when you hear him say that? the mark first thought is he had to ask the audience to clap month sat. the applause was pretty minimal so it didn't sound like it was a receptive audience. he said the line over and over and it's not his original line, he lifted that from bill clinton when he was introduced in 2008 so as usual joe biden is lifting other people's words. follow when it comes from a man who is leading the world very well. >> you have to wonder how many people are actually watching this address. we are talking about a care but he repeated a story he told the naval academy graduates in 2022
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about being appointed to the naval academy to play football that's been debunked. >> i was appointed by iran when i was 29 years old to the naval academy, one of ten. i wanted to play football and i was supposed to go down, a classmate of mine was one of ten to be chosen from. he came to pick me up and i found out two days earlier they had a quarterback and a halfback and i sent are not going there. [laughter] i went to delaware. [laughter] not a joke. >> brilliant, mr. president. you had an appointment to go to west point and you decided not to, one of the best institutions
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there is so you made that decision. he was a wide receiver in high school and decides to go to west point because roger, one of the most decorated quarterback in the history of the nfl and college football, he won the heisman trophy, joe biden and his brilliance said i wouldn't want to be wide receiver for trophy winner so he decides not to do that and he talks about this running back, he graduated four years before joe biden even had a chance to go there so he makes this stuff up, the second time he's gone to this story and it's not true. >> jason knows his football because he was a kicker for byu back in the day. what we have? mimic not a football player but i do know a little bit about football. >> you look fantastic. back to the topic at hand i guess.
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doctor siegel, we heard the campaign, the chief campaign manager talked about their light of attack and what the plan is for the debate so we are looking at they will go after trump, political violence and abortion vance and social security and medicare, what you think? >> political violence, will blame trump for that? a lot of wishy-washy list, and maybe indirectly leading to political violence. one minute he's pro-israel in the next is pro- palestinian not coming out against the attacks on college campuses defin definitively. as far as abortion vance, he will blame trump but trump is not set is for national abortion vance so he doesn't have a line of attack because trump the site down to the states and the supreme court ruled. the third part is to give us because obamacare is costing a
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fortune, medicare and social security are going bankrupt by 2035 and no one is doing anything. those are not strong plans of attack not to mention, i almost forgot to say 100,000 illegal guns put on obamacare hunter biden. >> also it is hard not to look at this through the lens of the polls kevin choate when you look at the battleground states and how troubling it is for the biden camp. a poster tweeted this, if biden is still growing in august, he needs to consider setting aside, it's not a great situation either way but you have to do due diligence on the question. it's an important election obviously shouldn't be taboo to talk about. we are talking about democrats here, they don't like to talk about it. >> you hear them on the podcast, they are panicking feeling dark
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about their prospects and see the plan the democrats to strike donald trump tying him up these legal cases backfired. if anything donald trump has become stronger through these legal cases and he seen as someone who has sent it could happen to me, it could happen to him. it's a bonanza for him. one thing i will say for republicans, the polls are still pretty close and joe biden should be doing a lot worse considering his performance. >> the problem republicans have is democrats are far superior in their organization getting out the vote. far superior, not even close but in terms of policy, cognitive capability, the ability to debate, to get out and give a speech, we saw trump do this amazing event in bronx, tens of thousands of people show up.
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could joe biden do that anywhere in this country? >> these numbers we are seeing are showing up this way and so tight battleground states while donald trump is stuck in new york. he's not even out there in the way he would be under a normal campaign. >> i agree completely and when biden goes to west point, he doesn't help himself because he's telling the military ca cadets, offender 4:00 a.m. and you see people coming along with flashlights on their head, they look like there running, they know military knowledge they are supposed to do. under the bush doctrine, he said you are for us or against us. let's root out terrorism and the countries that supported and that's what's happening right now, biden saying anything about that, is he saying anything effective when iran attacks israel? no. >> you would think joe biden is going to spend the weekend in delaware, he should be out memorial day campaigning but
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doesn't have the energy to do it. >> great discussion. coming up on this thing hour of the "big weekend show". >> you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable's. first it was hillary clinton and now it's kathy hochul with her own deplorable's moment plus you heard of quiet quitting from another's quiet vacationing. also ahead, it's not a money maras, cate blanchett is out of touch about the working class. >> i'm white, privileged, middle class and one could be accused of having a white savior complex. ♪
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it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". former president trump making a move on third party first tonight at the libertarian national convention. national correspondent alexis mcadams live in washington d.c. where the reception for trump will likely be mixed.
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>> that's right, libertarian first tell me at the convention they are not afraid to speak their mind they will let donald trump what they thought about his time in office. trump teams how many he can handle it, he's not right, they will take the stage and talk about his first term accomplishments. last night vivek ramaswamy from president out here trying to get voters on the same page saying there are similarities between trump and libertarians but was met with some blue. >> i'm a libertarian, i will vote for the libertarian candidate i plan on nominating them today and burning in the general election. there's nothing trump could say think it's a my boat. >> i'm here to see what he does. i am excited, is are we to be his normal route of freedom loving people. we are freedom loving people and we don't know that trump will
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have the welcome reception he's used to having we left trump for certain reasons. >> the voters say that might throw out some blue but there might be cheers as well. this is what happened when vivek ramaswamy got on stage. >> on to know donald trump over the last several years the last several months. you will hear from him tomorrow night and the question is, do you want to influence the next administration or don't you? that is the question for this room to ask. >> the republican presidential nominee equal take the stage at about an hour, 24 hours after independent robert f kennedy junior at this to say about trump's response to the covid pandemic. >> he close down 3.3 million businesses no due process or compensation in violation of the fifth amendment. the lockdowns, mask mandate, travel restrictions president
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trump presided over the greatest restriction on individual liberties this country has ever known. >> where do things stand right now? poll that came out this week in a five way race trump received 40% biden at 37 and rfk at 17%. we can tell you the room is filling up with people from libertarian party and people wanting to come up to hear trump speak. his name message tonight is warming is joe biden, who was the about something that might slip these people to vote with republicans. >> appreciate it. after trump rally, new york's democratic government decided to get inspiration from hillary clinton. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call basket of deplorable's. [laughter]
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racist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamic ohmic, you name it. unfortunately, there are people like that. he has lifted them up. >> kathy hochul took a page out of the old hillary clinton playbook and insulted trumps reporters who attended the ra rally. >> i will tell you it won't make a difference about us for donald trump to be the ringleader in his comes to a place like frostburg he wants to spend his time doing made a fake rallies. be my guest because when you do that, joe biden is out there on the other side. >> new yorkers are ticked. >> look at the crowd. what she says, you're talking to
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people who want to listen in the democratic approach is wrong. it's not be condescending and call them clowns and insult them, that's wild to hear from you politicians. >> these are new yorkers that showed up. i've never seen politicians attack their own constituents in their own state, and never goes well. >> they are completely humiliated. donald trump has gone into their territory and being wildly popular. it is fantastic to watch democrat politician after democrat politician in new york outraged. haughtiness, arrogance of kathy hochul is exactly what hillary clinton and he would think the democrats would have learned by now. >> it permeates, the democrats i don't think they've understood trump supporters, i don't think they understand or appreciate or
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they take their own constituency for granted. that's how i see it. >> i also wonder how governor hochul would do in the bronx herself and they are busy measuring crowd size when they should be thinking this. what is donald trump trying to do? he's a street fighter, he has courage. no place is off-limits for him. that's the american spirit, that's what americans are about and people will resonate with that. >> over at the view, a hard time with this, i'd like to get your reaction to this. >> there are no immigrants who forget they came as immigrants and want to shut the door behind him and being anti-immigrant somehow will make them pass as more american or whatever and baddest stupid attitude to have.
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>> okay so the democrat party has long attacked on being the champions of diversity until diversity of opinion enters the room and that's phyllis been you go even further and you have someone who comes in who represents ethnic diversity, they comment with a diverse opinion. those are the people who receive the harshest treatment because there has been an attempt for way too long to classify latinos into a political model of. if you are talking to voters out there because when you talk to latino voters regardless of when immigration status started in the family line, they are listening and they are voters first that's what i've been told by my own family members of the voters i talked to doctor on the campaign trail so to hear that, it's an insult.
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>> i still think democrats fundamentally don't understand you are right. those who preach the most diversity is the least diverse. coming up, he part of quiet adding, now there's quiet vacationing. workaround and shocking number of people doing it. coming up next. ♪ >> i am brian kilmeade. 9:00 eastern time repeating later in the night, who will look back at memorial day and what it means to people like makes a really special operator for over 20 years that salutes those who served and lost their lives in the line ofuty and the foundation is extraordinary and what he does for troops lok
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the cohost quiz with these two guys. without their names, i wouldn't even know who they are we will find out how much they know about each other if you want one nation. i'll just leave you them. >> the people you know and voices you trust. exclusive available now. >> i've come back to retrace his important steps.
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". our father is back with his family tonight in pennsylvania after spending months detained carrying am up in his luggage. fox news correspondent christina coleman has the update tonight. >> they spent 100 days as he waited to learn if he had to spend years in jail rest after security discovered he had loose ammunition and his luggage
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illegally carrying ammunition is a crime mandatory 12 year minimum sentence. he says he simply forgot he had him you mission in his luggage from a previous hunting trip. yesterday a judge noted his explanation and sentenced him to one year suspended at $6700 allowing for his release and return home. look at his emotional reunion with his children. >> every emotion you can ima imagine. father, a husband you not of doctor 101 days. i feel like the weight of the world is off my shoulders. >> what about five americans arrested and detained for having straight ammunition and luggage since february. touristic they didn't intend on bringing the ammunition. bipartisan congressional delegation traveled automatic to secure the release of americans that he says he's grateful for the help. >> never in a thousand years that i expect that the court and it's a huge part bringing me
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home and hopefully others seem to follow the mcdonald betterment visit with the delegation and says he's hopeful the other cases will be expedited and the other detained americans will be released in reunited with their families. >> memorial day is the this weekend, good set a record with nearly 44 million people expected fly or drive through the holiday but vacationing the summer necessarily won't be that much. a survey shows nearly half of people won't take time off because they can't afford to pay for vacations but some of those taking time off will do it without letting the boss no. >> we have with the data from dna testing which calls into question information gathered from years of carbon dating.
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>> sitting by the pool getting tanned. i'm so jealous. >> a trend gaining popularity among millennial's taking vacation without using their vacation days. according to a new poll, more than a third of them are taking what's called quiet vacations. does that sound attractive? >> they are doing it because they can get away with it with today's technology, you get a laptop and ipad and phone, you can fake your way through, i'm working hard there and they can't tell. the funniest zoom call was a guy but a seatbelt who kept looking left and right like he was pretending to be at work but he was driving and it was hilarious but they can get away with it because people aren't going to the office. >> wouldn't you rather relax and be on holiday. >> it doesn't sound like they
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are relaxed when they do go because they are worried about missing stuff at work, letting down coworkers anduttinghe loan on himself it's hard so i'm curious how they resist the urge to post about their quiet vacation because not quiet if they share, how to they resist? >> i have things to say, christina coleman's excellent report, did you notice people get shoes checked, baggage checked and everything, how does this guy get through with ammo? i can't even get through with the toothbrush but the other thing about people staying quiet vacations, 12% of americans are working fully remotely, 5 billion americans working at least partly remotely so you can check on them. they go on vacation and you don't even know. >> coming up, california
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craziness. why new cars me police speed in the golden state and that's not all. how california look like amsterdam. that's next. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show". if you thought smell of marijuana cities is back, it's about to get a lot worse. just ask the guys from dazed and confused. ♪ >> how is it going with you?
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>> you got a joint tax. >> no, not on me. >> it would be a lot cooler if you did. [laughter] >> california is one step closer to legalizing pot cafés like they haven't amsterdam and in colorado. the bill was passed by the state assembly this week biden administration pushes for pot decriminalization. also in california among the golden state get a lot more annoying for drivers. >> what you doing?
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>> the proposal being considered that would require all new cars to automatically people at drivers who go 10 miles an hour over the speed limit. i was in l.a. and equipment leave self driving cars and this beeping is going on everywhere. >> this will go over well. [laughter] no wonder they want to smoke more pot. they will honk at you for going and miles over the speed limit. this will not go well. they are not going to tackle homelessness, 70 plus billing dollars in debt, they are worried about getting her car to honk at you because your 10 miles over the speed limit. >> what you think about? jason is right, the homeless problem from no housing from of the problem self driving cars and marijuana, how will this fit in? what will drivers do? >> classic democrat city idea which is not the big problems and police law-abiding people
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going a few miles over the speed limit to make sure traffic flows probably what do you do? caused friction so there will be road rage. crazy. >> i want to ask about the pop fitness, i've been studying colorado not like to have but that's been in place for a long time. ers are filling up what is going on? >> colorado in 2012 voted to legalize recreational marijuana and a lot of hard lessons learned in colorado other states have been paying attention to because we did have quite a few ers and doctors saying we are filling up, kids out there especially children's hospitals getting a hold of their par parents. when it comes to consumption cafés, california things about, colorado has so many of them. i know this from online research, i found out these consumption monitors you can't smoke so you can save and bring your own rig where they will
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provide one for you, i don't know what it is but you can get one in a couple of coffee and an edible or a brownie or some something. >> it may be like a hookah device. here's my right, i've been talking about this, the amount of thc, back in the 70s and 80s, 1.5% and now it's 30 to 50%, psychosis and anxiety and now it's becoming more and more available but still black black-market. >> amazing how pervasive it is and has become. my mom, who suffered through cancer and relied on this, it's a totally different situation than getting a massive population, dummies laced with this. i don't think it is necessarily great for society. >> more people not knowing where they are going or what they are doing what they are supposed to be studying. all loan money maras, cate
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blanchett self designated last declaration drawing extreme backlash next. ♪ rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate.
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". alec baldwin system closer to a summer trial now that judge denied his efforts to get the charge against him dropped in the deadly rust movie set shooting. he claims he never told the trigger. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> i didn't pull the trigger. >> you didn't pull the trigger? >> i would never pull the trigger at someone, i would never. >> cb cotton had the update from new york. >> the judge has ruled this case was properly presented to a grand jury increasing the likelihood alec baldwin will stand trial this summer. his defense lawyers filed a motion to get the case dismissed arguing the prosecution had not sufficiently stone evidence to grant jurors that could have supported his case but during
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tent hearing, special prosecutor carrie morrissey defendant are handling of the grand jury sank jurors were alerted to the existence of witnesses and evidence from the defense but she said jurors never asked to examine the items closer and ultimately the judge upheld the criminal indictment writing in her ruling that the law does not require prosecutors to present exculpatory evidence or require grant jurors to even consider it after being alerted to addict existence. he faces one count of involuntary manslaughter to which he pleaded not guilty. three years ago during a rehearsal on the set, a gun he was holding fired, killing halyna hutchins the defense filed two motions to dismiss the indictment that the judge has yet to consider. if convicted, he could face a maximum sentence of 18 months in
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prison. >> thank you so much. now to this, inflation has everyone thinking like jerry mcguire. ♪ >> show me the money! >> stockpile cash for the future, a new trend on tik tok called the 100 envelope challenge. starting with 100 envelopes one to 100, but just deposit the dollar amount that corresponds with the envelope number everyday. the first day you put 1 dollar away and they 75 at $75 and by the end you have $5000 cash set aside. >> you stuff the dollar amount based on the number and once the markets are completed, he would save $5050.
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>> this is for the people who think they don't think about ready to save or are not saving money no matter what they do. >> look at this cash i stornoway instead of spending on unnecessary items daily. >> what i love is i simply erased this and i will start over because i'm going to empty this out and do it all over again. >> is cate blanchett trying to be one of these super savers? the actors want to do think so. she says she's part of the middle class. >> i'm white, privileged, middle class and i think one can be accused of having a white savior complex. >> hurt estimated net worth is $95 million. one of the things i thought, she's not from here and when we say middle class, she means something else, that could be understood from a different audience. trying to get the benefit of the
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doubt because that did not sound good. >> it sounds that no matter what language you listen to it in. she is australian but her accent is upper-class english. any australian listening would say she's putting on race, she's been snooty so for her to say i middle-class, it's like a humble bragg. >> you heard her, we talk about hollywood out of touch but she's worth 95 million. >> exactly what miranda said. i am disturbed about tik tok itself. this week alone they set take your mouth and bring figure notes. they said put petito's on your heads, videos showing that. don't you think people are smart enough to save money without this envelope i get? >> you can save $5000. after 100 days you do this, 5000
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$50. we need to get envelopes after the show? >> december will be off. [laughter] each day you got -- month one is not so bad but december will be rough. she's a good actress but middle-class, i guess you are in the neighborhood with nicole kidman and sandra bullock, that's in the middle but no semblance of reality, she lives in lala land literally. [laughter] >> it's got to be frustrating when people see an actress, so many people inspect, she's good but then to hear them say something out of touch, we know they are wealthy but people at home are experiencing, i saw a stack today, one in three americans are going into debt to have a vacation the summer. that is the reality people are dealing with when they are trying to pay for groceries with their credit card and gas and
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everyday and then they hear an actress say that and she's like doing a humble bragg, it adds insult to injury so many are feeling. >> we are all sick of hollywood lecturing to us and it feeds into this election because hollywood is on the side of the democrat every time he goes to l.a., he gets fantastic receptions the opposite is donald trump goes to the bronx and talks about it doesn't matter whether you're black or white or black or brown, we are all americans and all in it together. >> everyone will have to stick around because we can flops are next and don't forget to follow the "big weekend show" on x, facebook and instagram at big weekend show. ♪
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welcome back to the "big weekend show", time now for big weekend flops, our pics for the biggest veils of the week. i'll go first. court filings revealed the department of justice authorized the use of deadly force when fbi agent swarmed former president trump marlboro resident in
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august of 2022. this is one of the most egregious abuses of power because i used to be progress, i got to issue subpoenas and times they had classified information so classified even the chairman of the oversight committee could not see this and the fbi didn't go guns a blazing into hillary clinton's for her offer people who didn't have a classified access to these materials, they didn't do any of that they did it with donald trump, donald trump alone at called the local media so they could capture it on video and egregious abuse of power by the federal bureau of investigation. >> hunter biden won't get to hide contents of his laptop from hell anymore after a judge ruled evidence taken from his hard drive can be used at his upcoming trial on weapons charges in delaware a little over a week. we've seen for three and a half
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years denial about the laptop and unfortunately now that the prosecution has said laptop is going to be used as an exhibit in the trial and now that the judge said she will accept laptop is legitimate evidence, all the laptop deniers have nowhere to hide and that includes 51 intelligence officials including five former cia directors who lied to the american people before the 2020 election when they said laptop was russian disinformation, it was nothing of the sort. >> very powerful. former eight two anthony fauci accused of getting rid of e-mails about the government using virus research at the wuhan institute of virology. you can't make this up. public records request. >> doctor david, in an e-mail, i
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learned how to make e-mails disappear after i am but for the search starts. i think we are all a fuss i deleted most of those earlier e-mails after sending them the gmail. it is not consistent with nih retention policies? >> it is not. >> is a couple of things i spoke to him about this today committee and he says this goes way beyond the issue but the idea of suppressing government information and getting rid of it is disturbing to the american public and it says it in the e-mail saying they were covering for tony the market and those two people should be in jail and they need to prosecute him for the federal records act violations and suppressing the
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information and dispose t, they have to do that. >> i've got to talk about that. first there was jenkins and now cool kids sweatpants genes and i'm one of the cool kids and m my -- there i am, it looks like genes, those are sweats and a picture of genes on it, the most comfortable thing of ever one of my life, my daughter who is a gen z and fashion major in college was appalled. she does not like them but i don't care because i get to wear them and they are fabulous so get yourself swept jean things, they are wonderful. >> they are comfortable to wear though. >> that doesn't for us, we will see you back here 7:00 p.m. eastern for the "big weekend show". life, liberty and levin starts right now. ♪ ♪


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