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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  May 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> that is so cool but i didn't get close. now i leave. >> picked up in a black hawk, unbelievable experience. america is in great hands and fighting forces ready to go and they might be needed. recruiting is up this year and that doesn't for us. watch "fox & friends" tomorrow 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. eastern time, an important show. listen to radio show nine to noon. have a special and important memorial day weekend. fox news saturday night is now with jimmy failla. take it away, jimmy. ♪ >> i'm jimmy failla and this is
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fox news saturday night. coppin. ♪ >> welcome to fox news saturday night. i am aware look like a male stripper in this jacket. not chippendale but more like chips and dip, but you get it. a lot of singles in the pocket so let's make it rain. world-class comedian for can be seen tomorrow on my patio probably passed out. [laughter] the second is a little tricky, the guest wrote it herself. [laughter] podcast powerhouse she's about to win another yellow jacket because they have no shot. a fired up michelle. [applause] superstar is perfect for bipartisan show like this because not only on rfk's
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campaign but it looks like lindsey graham at 12 years old. hey girl. >> it's a big deal. before we get into the news of the week, i will help all of you know later on in tonight's show, i'm having a race, a car race with indianapolis 500 driver catherine lake who happens to be the only female at the brickyard tomorrow. michelle, you are broadcasting legend in the world of sports, you think former cabdriver take on driver? >> you wanted me to be honest. >> do you believe in miracles? you are telling them not to tune in for the race. you had plenty of women over the years, what is your take?
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>> you worked on rfk's campaign, you are an expert on guys with no chance of winning. can i pull the upset? >> you can as of last week. >> is a how i pull off the victory? this is the only big race this week, the presidential race rolled into the bronx or donald trump scheduled thursday rally making him the first republican candidate to do so ronald reagan in 1980 which was back when joe biden was 75-year-old senator. [laughter] not every resident was thrilled with the idea leaving the courtroom to voters including this woman in a mental hospital. >> he's doing it not to make up point but he's got court and demand practically has the legal version of an ankle race that around him and he can't leave
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the boroughs because he always has to be in court so it is truly an embarrassment to him. >> we are like were faring against him. anyway. that is alexandria cortez, choked on she studied for covid test. [laughter] one thing is clear, republicans are battling for minority voters. the white house made nine collections after biden's speech the naacp this week ranging everything from joe's claim he was vice president during the pandemic calling january 6 protests erection this. [laughter] >> when i was vice president, things were bad during the pandemic because they stormed the capitol hill patriot this explains the hand cream down at the capital. [laughter]
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>> it is unprecedented they can make up that many steps in that condition. who do you think is drinking part of this memorial day weekend? people on biden's communication team? >> the people on biden's team, definitely. >> you think they've moved on to something stronger? [laughter] >> i'm glad this first debate is a month away supremacist have time to put together a cocktail. [laughter] a couple of weeks to get them out there. >> from what we've been told, it's a drug-free debate, just him and his debate coach so we are ecstatic. what you think? mckay like the clip felt like i was watching a commercial. >> having a problem with erection us? [laughter] stopped by cnn and still doesn't know why. look at this.
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>> it is there something known about how he treated his art artists? >> was the talent agent? i didn't know this was duty -- who was this? [laughter] not a lot of people are laughing at seen in but those are watching thrilled to see don martin back. [laughter] i love this because cnn brought him on and he used it as an opportunity to push his male enhancement drugs but who is the joke on? not knowing he would do this or publicist for not knowing 23 be worse. >> this is the most professional journalism cnn has had in years. [laughter] >> that's like an award. >> getting ready. >> that something was so uncomfortable. i've never seen anything like it
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and it reminded me. >> i was watching -- he says -- i was hammered. lincoln always be closing. [laughter] >> not a fan of serving, who booked me on this gig? >> i was my question so they are doing live television and as our week. we have a cut and run policy meeting went something goes sideways, you know you have to leave the interview behind elected cnn laid out off? they part of epic. they fired jeffrey toobin for religious purposes. [laughter] it wouldn't stop salivating palm sunday.
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[laughter] good night, everybody. i kid. we close on big whimper american people. elvis presley's graceland will not be sold after the king's granddaughter one an injunction against the company that claimed it had the right to sell the property as collateral on a lump was taken up. to translate that into english, i was terms, she told the judge don't be cruel because the company with the couple in disguise. the judge realize we can't go on with suspicious minds so we nullified the deal leaving the company shook up and forcing them to spend the night in the hotel. i will stop. [applause] that was solid. >> i will stop before someone steps all over my blue suede shoes. it's a huge victory for the 70 memphis, it generates 150 million a year for the local economy which ranks third behind dice games and carjacking. [applause]
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went to the kids you hang out on the playground. [laughter] my mom, admitted to this error some of my mom taught kicked off ... graceland because she sat on his bed and set off an alarm because she was so complicated. did you harbor similar feelings for elvis? >> no. i had an aunt who loved elvis, my mom sorely disapproved of her younger sisters adoration of this. it's a true story. >> 3 pounds of bacon a day. amazing to think of us could lose weight if he could cut down 2 pounds of bacon a day and i love him so much but the king was brought down by a pill addiction.
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>> graceland for stealing '. [laughter] >> i look like i look let myself go. stay right here because we are seeing all the hits tonight. catherine like mixed pitstop and challenges me to a race. shannon frame going out the meter and summer driving season, trip or tripping. don't miss it. ♪
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[crowd cheering] it may not seem like it,
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♪♪ but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. woke bob put out a hit on the real mop. amsi networks makes news this week slapping a warning on the 1990 classic good fellows telling be worse quote this film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes inconsistent with today's standards of inclusion and tolerance may offend some beavers. social media was not having it telling amsi to go home and get
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your shine box and i agree. placing a warning on classic -- defeats the whole reason to watch want which is to escape the mayhem and if we pander this much, can we even call them good fellows? [laughter] seriously. the panel returns to help me whack the woke let's talk about this. nobody asked for this. good fellows oddly enough when you think about stereotypes is the super bowl of italian movies is not an italian alive who doesn't walk around quoting that movie so this was done on behalf of people who didn't ask anyone to get offended. it's like when they have the black family getting royalties. what are you doing? [laughter] so no one wanted this but in the effort of being productive because that's what we do on this show, clearly people lean on this predilection. [laughter] people tuning in like chris farley and a brother?
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anyway. i was wondering if we could put together warning labels for movies not because of equity and inclusion but you can take it there if you want to but they might trick you into believing or have they might take you down that might not be good for you. do you follow so far? an example i would give, movie cats watching this movie makes you want to curl up in the bathtub with the toaster. [laughter] >> he might slip you a mickey. [laughter] sleeping beauty, don't take ambien on an empty stomach buck so you are not going to reboot with bill cosby? >> absolutely not. >> old keller, it doesn't end well. [laughter] the other one -- >> there is reboot with christie noah.
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[laughter] >> remember brooke shields, creepy factor if you want to see her mom watching her daughter have sex on the living room floor, this movie is for you. >> it's creepy. >> the nearest taxicab driver. >> at fox executives were on, people thought they were on meth but that clears up. a classic with dustin hoffman, cornyn. adult men dressing like women could land cabinet position. [laughter] some guys didn't sign up for that.
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>> i don't know, broke back mountain. if you're watching, you are gay. [laughter] >> you got this jacket. [laughter] >> how dare you, that was between us. [laughter] >> i took my kids to see utopia, that is your first indoctrination to critical race and gender theory when this little kid, an animated child who is a bunny dresses up like an elephant, somebody says to the child, that's okay, you can be anything you want to be. i sat there going -- this is indoctrinating kids to believe they can be elephants. >> and the product popcorn, they are turning them into elephants. >> trigger warning -- cocaine bear will remind you of hunter biden. [laughter] >> again, political. [laughter]
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you want runner ups we can agree on? titanic, one, the speakers uncharged murder. [laughter] there is room for him. do we not agree? >> i should not have been the last line. the last line should happen move over. they can die anyway but at least we acknowledge what was going on. mission impossible eight, there should be a disclaimer saying this mission is clearly not impossible if we are up to number eight. mission highly difficult but doable maybe. don't go anywhere, start your engines. catherine like joins us in a challenge for the saturday night cup coming up in moment. ♪
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welcome back to fox news saturday night. tomorrow marks 100 eighths edition of indianapolis 500 making it the same age as nancy pelosi. [laughter] today we caught up with another woman looking to make history of her own at the brickyard, check out. my next guest is an international driving superstar was getting ready to compete in
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her fourth indianapolis 500 although as a former new york city cabdriver, i'm not impressed because she does have passengers in the back screaming at her. when asked who the real is, legendary public wonderful, super set himself kat think lake is here. >> that was quite an intro. [laughter] everybody comes on the show once after the interviews, you will figure out why no one comes back twice. i'm just kidding. we are amazed by your achievements including the fact that i understand in 2023 you have the fastest qualifying never 230 miles an hour -- >> for a woman. >> that's impressive for anybody. my question is, how do you compare in the car driving to tax driving? >> it's basically the same th thing. >> i have time travelers trying to scam you. things go on.
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i want to ask you, for you, is driving that fast, exciting or relaxing because you have to be so focused? >> relaxing it away. it's where the noise kind of disappears and is just you in the car. they are calm humans, not normally screaming at you. >> they don't make small talk? >> no so it's busy. the whole month of may is busy, a lot of noise and a lot of things going on. you get in the car and it's just you and everything is quiet and calm and it's the most fun you can have. >> is there a horn? >> no. [laughter] >> the cabdriver in me talking, where are they on hand gestures? >> you haven't watched much, have you? [laughter] >> i feel like i probably
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wouldn't represent elf in the best way possible. i could give a lipstick wave or like -- >> a dirty note lipstick on the side of the car. >> the side mirror, that the great idea. >> something else, he started racing when you are nine so -- there it is. are you daredevil on a bicycle up as a kid? >> absolutely. i think i was the son my dad never have. there was an adrenaline junkie. definitely more of a tomboy. >> i was the same kid who came from the bicycle with the scratches and bruises that's because my dad beat me but anyway. who is ready for comedy? i kid. you are giving foreshadowing how car races woke up because i promised the audience we would engage in a car race for this trophy right here to settle who the superior driver is, indycar or cabdriver. should i expect to be bumped?
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>> no. i would really lose in a kat race and new york city. >> i know the streets better. as much intel as i can because most of my fans have a gambling problem. move some money around. who plays you in the movie? >> that's good. >> people just say brad pitt for me -- i kid. that look you gave. [laughter] maybe his brother, chad. let's settle this once and for all. ♪ >> start your engines. on your mark, get set. go. i'm going good. no.
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left one. ♪ >> i don't know that i would pass the test. [laughter] >> i hit too many carbs. >> victory. victory is yours. >> you went. listen, i was clearly losing to the superior driver. i will be a sport. you know this is hard for me to take but i will try to take the high road because my car didn't take any wrote. we want to present you the inaugural fox 500 trophies. >> thank you. where's the champagne? [laughter]
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>> will have that kind of budget on the show but with any luck this is foreshadowing for what we do tomorrow so best of luck. >> thanks and good luck tomorrow you piece of [bleep] [laughter] to be clear, she drives for elf cosmetic, not the elf who host gutfeld. [laughter] one person who should not get behind the wheel this was promised to a new study by forbes magazine quitclaims new mexico has the worst drivers and massive massachusetts has the best. as if we imagine the word mass holes. i've never driven through mexico because of how human traffickers count result, the panel returns to help me pick it up. hello. i wanted -- forms because they did a great write up on the s show. they said nice things and that being said, whoever worked on the study should have kharkiv taken away immediately because there's no way massachusetts are
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the best drivers in the world. unless you want speed, you go to gigs. >> we are better drivers because we correct bad drivers, we pull up next to them. >> so there is good oversight in the northeast but if you want speed, only place in america for you seek somebody high beaming say. if you've driven on it, you know it is hostile. >> i will say full disclosure, families from new mexico. >> a beautiful state could be bad driving. >> albuquerque is lovely this time of year. it is for this that i think you might experience, arizona is the worst because there's no order to the road so arizona has five
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lanes but the right lane is 90 some left lane is doing 30 and people in between a look like university subway race or one lane is in front of the other and most of them don't have insurance. how do i know when i was at the airport, nobody brings back a car in one piece and nobody has insurance and it's like a real thing in the corporate man, he wasn't harassing me. >> i was at the border in arizona and they don't want their fees so they are just trying to get across. >> people don't know but if the functional doesn't get there in 30 minutes, it's free. >> they have drive-through liquor stores, to. they are putting in a speed l line. >> would you think is the worst driver? >> south but they have a hard, they drive rvs in the get in an accident, they just lost their house. [laughter] >> florida i will say has
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another issue of, they drive fast and everyone has their vipers on the whole time but they do like 135 miles north. i made it between fort lauderdale, 300 miles and made it in two and a half hours. the only people on the road for me in this police helicopter. [laughter] i got a personal escort. the only thing i would say about new york, we get a backdrop because we are in traffic the whole time. think about it, our law enforcement rights horses because it's faster. >> that's the thing, he capital boston, new york, how can anyone be a bath driver when there is nowhere to drive? nowhere to go. can't move. >> we are not bad drivers, we are bad communicators. we don't that say anything nice because it is -- you know what i mean? you want them dead. apologize. next, host of fox news sunday,
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shannon breen is here to go off the meter. do not move. ♪ good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber.
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♪ innovation in health care means nothing if no one can afford it. ♪ at evernorth, we're helping to unlock barriers. ♪ using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits
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management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services. dad: every day, thousands of kids start vaping. and i can't let this happen to my kid. of course, it's awkward to talk to your kids about the dangers of vaping. hey bestie! how sketch is vaping? it's hard to get their attention. ready? go! yes! look at that. y-you didn't even turn yours over! so, if you want to talk to your kids about the dangers of vaping, you got to get it trending. ♪ to the left ♪ daughter: no, you're doing it wrong. ♪ to the left ♪ ♪ to the right ♪ ♪ let's go! ♪ ♪ hey! ♪ dad: can we talk? daughter: yeah, what's up? narrator: visit for tips on when and how to have the vape talk.
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most people would assume my next guest is too classy to work on national but like brooks, she's got friends of all places. shannon bream is in the house. >> i'm excited to be here. >> we are going to keep it quick because you have to get up and host boston sunday sunday morning. >> and i do. >> we will not send you out drinking because we are trying something new this week, we are drinking after we get done. [laughter] >> are free game situation. >> i love that you tried to downplay it on letter is having
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because it is -- is a little awkward but to take a brother excuse me for getting personal, you are not also wearing a rhinestone brawl, are you? >> don't ask, don't tell. [laughter] >> all right, you are off the meter. watch this. going to ask you a series of questions between you and me, what was shannon blamed first car? >> i have is weird round to tone light brown on the top and dark brown on the bottom like a chevy something. we called it chocolate chunk. >> i had a chrysler to what zero to lonely and 3.2 seconds. >> part buzzing. >> my brother mike had one, he had a car that lost its windshield wiper motor and he
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had to price range on either side. he went on one date. [laughter] >> you end up with her she is a keeper. >> she is not capable she's nowhere to be found protection i have something to do about. i'm kidding. your first job. >> my parents -- i was schoolteacher my mom had a gig meal i think it would trust me to do, all of these windowpanes everywhere and i had a razor and scraped paint there repainted, i had to scrape it off and i made $4 an hour, a ton of money. >> they need to scrape paintings off columbia university. [laughter] looking for a side hussle. >> we are having a conversation. has shannon brame ever done a cake stand? >> no. i'm not a fan of beer.
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>> i interviewed at the white house correspondent. i'm kidding. >> my mom text me afterwards. she's like that was animated. [laughter] >> factor fiction. your once disqualified from a beauty pageant for taking a stage dive after singing meatloaf. [laughter] >> it's true but i wasn't disqualified. [laughter] >> i love it. >> i was playing shipping on the piano until i forgot my piece. it was super painful. i wanted to die, iran backstage and cried. i did not win. >> i want a recount. >> when you forget your piece and blackout, it's not good. [laughter]
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>> they start to recognize the scales. we've all been there. fox news sunday had a house band, which 80s hairband that she higher? >> if you know me. >> i know you, the american people are getting to know you. >> world-class gold medalist skater for my birthday last year, he gave me a signed def leppard guitar. >> he still tours in their singing splenda. [laughter] >> he said we should go. there it is. give me this. true or false -- budget the whale, the best ice cream cake. >> when i was five, i have my birthday party because he used to throw the parties.
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i remember even as a 5-year-old, maybe you don't do the birthday parties we did get fudgy the whale. >> i was one of those little kids who looked like he was in the third trimester. [laughter] i think i'm the reason they don't do it anymore. >> the first one. final question, if you were on vacation, he worked very hard, well-deserved and you got into an international problem at the swim up bar, which fox news talent would be your emergency contact in america? >> no question, janice. there to kick houthis. >> we know and love dennis on the show, she's on the first flight down there because of the swim up bar.
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[laughter] >> what she has to do when she gets there is another story. >> we have a deal we are each other's call and bail money so if anything happens, we have a packed. >> you want to know how comedians are? of phone call and fit. [laughter] >> whatever it takes to get you out. >> thank you so much. it is memorial day and folks are on the road for vacations but can you trust bizarre roads on the highway? find out next. ♪
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switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. you bring a lot back
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to civilian life. leadership skills. technical ability. and a drive to serve in new ways. syracuse university's d'aniello institute
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for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. memorial day weekend marks the beginning of road trip season and no shortage of things to see him. he with your partner and spend three hours in traffic. i told you we should have taken the tunnel, marie.
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the landmark they will tell me if it's something you really could see on a road trip or something you'd imagine if you are tripping on acid. [laughter] the winner gets to take us to see the world's biggest launcher and the loser gets to take us to the world's largest launcher. >> they have been torn down yet? the mark we don't have a wide berth your, used to be statues on the game. [laughter] of the name of the game, what's left -- >> wait your turn, young man. the world's largest cowboy boots, would you see that in amarillo texas or imagine because you dropped acid in texas? >> i will say it exists but i'm still pointed drop acid and see it. >> i love it, but it is fake. >> i would have thought that was real. >> you can go big texan which is a giant mistake. >> my brother tried and couldn't do it. >> the world largest pistachio
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in new mexico. >> i will say treatment. >> you say it's not true but it is. the owner of the pistachio ranch wanted to honor the memory of his father who the pistachio built in 2007 is 30 feet high. the only thing higher is the audience. [laughter] it's harder than the sat. >> the world's largest frying pan in rose hill, north car carolina. >> i will say real. >> you are on the board. frying pan ways to tone from a 200 gallons of oil and 365 chickens oil at a time.
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>> it takes a lot of heat on the show. question number four, the world's largest office chair in anniston, alabama. i would expect to find world's largest cracker barrel rocking chair. what you think? >> absolutely fake. >> alabama? [laughter] >> it is real. 1981 office-supply wanted to call attention to itself so letter to miller but the world's largest chair next to the building and it still stands today 33 feet tall with 815 square-foot seatbelt out of 10-ton steel and cement. >> or they call in alabama, small feet. >> we got a chair for you. [laughter] >> bringing the heat, love it. the world oldest operating and
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longest pulling allie lane in preston, idaho. >> this game is so specific now. i will say is true. >> you are incorrect. it is make. >> you said operating in detail. >> i sure did. [laughter] >> they filmed napoleon dyn dynamite. true story. court would have put me on, we would have one chance. world largest belt buckle in kansas,. >> i will say tripping, fake. >> it is real 20 by 14 feet. abilene and smokey. it is a big buckle. [laughter] trip or treatment. the world's largest mattress in
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montana. they've got a lot of lizards out there. maybe they corral them all. >> you finally, right. >> here we go. >> the world's largest mattress, no way. >> i could show you in my search history. [laughter] the world's largest swedish meatball in duluth, minnesota. >> since i live in minnesota, i say tripping. >> you could win right here. foam hinge in virginia. a foam version of stonehenge? >> fake, tripping. >> you are wrong. there is. a replica open in 2004. the stones are composed of
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styrofoam, for 20000 a piece. there is no winner. yellow jacket goes to the judges panel. stay right here. we will decide during the break. one of you is going home with jacket worn by every cabdriver in new york city. [laughter] enjoy. when we come back. ♪
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welcome. the nice thing, this is the closest you will come being in the flintstones. [laughter] we stopped it with our feet. [laughter]
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the gps is named wilma. [laughter] it is unbelievable. remember the buffalo club? >> water buffalo. [laughter] they are always breaking tables and stuff i've never seen barney rubble break a folding table and half. >> that's because he had bam b bam. i love the water buffalo's hats. the tall hats with the horns. >> they were not to the capital. [laughter] [laughter]
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>> welcome back to fox news saturday night. the moment you've been waiting for, coveted yellow jacket and the best panelist on the show. full disclosure, this is normally -- by rick kavanaugh. [laughter] but it's memorial day weekend, he's clearly drinking. i will take you inside our methodology so everybody knows how it works. my favorite person to work with in the world, the reason i can't get the jacket is because he's going to a strip club after this he's not going to be able to wear it. a two-time champion who deserves to beat the champ, who got to knock out the champ and she's got a great jacket but that being said, you are so gay and fabulous and i really do believe you will wear this jacket somewhere so his debut on the show, here we go. [laughter] how about it. give it up. there she is, ms. america. >> mike shannon in a pageant. >> you can't be because you are
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sober. i kid. we love you, shannon. thank you so much for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dba to ten p.m. eastern here on fox news. do not forget to follow us on social media at fn saturday night. for more, i'm coming to a city near you might everybody calm down to her, tickets on sale at fox across or you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. thank you to all those who put on the uniform for our freedom. we celebrate you this weekend and every weekend. next saturday. you can be republican, you can be a democrat but don't be a -- [bleep] ♪ e troubled greg gutfeld will put a smile on your


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