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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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sober. i kid. we love you, shannon. thank you so much for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dba to ten p.m. eastern here on fox news. do not forget to follow us on social media at fn saturday night. for more, i'm coming to a city near you might everybody calm down to her, tickets on sale at fox across or you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. thank you to all those who put on the uniform for our freedom. we celebrate you this weekend and every weekend. next saturday. you can be republican, you can be a democrat but don't be a -- [bleep] ♪ e troubled greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face have a good night. >> ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> sean: i know. [ cheers and applause ] i know how you feel. happy tuesday. once again caught editing a transcript changing i was vp during the pandemic to i was vp during the recession the even cleaned up videos removing his mistakes. [ bleeps ] thank you. >> edgy michael cohen admitted he stole tens of thousands from
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trump's business they said he's like robin hood stealing from the rich to give to the hor patty murray introduced an auto safety testing bill with male and female crash dummies the difference is in the crashes the female is always driving can't argue a science. people say pence so resident dug up lots of cocaine during yardwork but he did get his yard care done and we'll when eighth that time on this day ehrhardt flew her final flight across the atlantic open i tell a joke but it wouldn't land.
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a budget chinese tech company is offering a 4-foot tall robot with a price of 16 grant half of what it costs to book a dana perino. microsoft revealed a new aia bought that screen caps everything you do on your windows pc so we now need to computers 1 for up a graffiti 1 for worse pornography. vivid nightmares might be an indicator of early disease also it could be that you saw jesse waters primetime a new york man kept a alligator in his house until it went away just 1 man living with the 750-pound
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reptile. you people are awful. how did i do announcer guy? >> great jokes great hit me with a monolog. >> sean: the defense rests did in the trump posh money trial probably because he doesn't need to. as he received a call and -- a cohen skippy heat put scope of truth up his ass and show the giant polyp of lies. cohen is the key witness the man he depends on more than the taylor who lets out his sweatpants the only 1 who can try the tie trumped any crime even if nobody is sure what that is. he fell apart like written any spears in an iranian helicopter. >> sean: it gets worse.
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all that's left is for the media to pretend none of it happened. trump could still be convicted this is manhattan where shoving grandma in front of the train gets a verbal warning but double parking gets you the chair. these are 12 jurors from a pool to eden electing break and voting for biden almost 85% last time these are the dope to gave his bill report, bill de blasio and sucker punch a woman weeks let's manage expectations but if there's any hope maybe there is a juror who will hang the jury so weekend and this and get on with the summer. let new yorkers put on their short shorts and halter tops. ladies as well. and at this point even if you convict trump of anything it won't matter like jesse's first toupee he put on craigslist nobody is buying it. you can think it cohen and bragg for that because of them
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americans trust the system as much as the expiration date on a dollar store condom. now nobody was more disappointed watching the bragg case fall apart then the media you think they would be used to this by now but this was supposed to be an epic takedown of trump starting a killer witness with all the dirt sadly they were promised george clooney but instead got george costanza. the big moment he admitted he stole $30,000 from the trump organization he explained how we build them for 50 grand ode to a vendor but only paid them 20 and pocketed the rest so low, whales [ bleeps ] on them finally an actual crime in the mess is the media is shocked cohen was when he committed. >> and reeling from the revelation that he stole money
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from the trump organization that was stunning. >> it's given such ammunition as to possibly fatally undermined the prosecution case. >> it's an argument to be made that he's just an opportunistic thief. it's moved him from this figure where he's part tom hagan from the godfather really more like freight oh corleone to know a guy who stealing $60,000 through fraud with the being larceny in new york state falsifying business records. >> sean: so the guy in cahoots under a plan to defraud the electorate was actually stealing from trump if you can't trust the convicted perjurer who can you trust? the prosecution didn't seem to know it was coming either meaning cohen lied to them as well you think they would cover this in witness prep if you are going to put jeffrey dahmer understand it you tell him please don't bring up your favorite recipes now we are
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watching the lemmings work through the 5 stages of grief. lawrence o'donnell is in the denial stage. >> he asked about the $50,000 irrelevant to the $130,000 where he got him to say to say yes, he still $30,000 later when cohen was asked about that on redirect by the prosecution didn't sound like ceiling erie thousand villemure like he's doing the little he could within that calculation to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserves still less then the bonus he thought he deserved and what he got the year before. >> sean: it been in the media forever but that's the stupidest thing ever broadcast and i watched the view. cohen didn't steal the money he just rebalanced it.
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that's like something you do on an airplane with liz oh. rebalancing isn't how they defendant looting and reparations it's a new word for theft after the show i think i will rebalance some of judge and's activity. that's yogurt to be clear the bad news is left a lot fare restricted to trump is according to a website called the 65 project some 400 republican lawyers and politicians were targeted criminal and civil litigation as well as disbarment proceedings this as we head into the 2024 election whole new round going on in arizona is another election interference cases underway to attack and bankrupt republicans of course arizona's a swing state and trump is up in the polls it's a coincidence right in fact trump's premuch up in all the swing states so what point will the left realize that law fair is working about as well as their afghan pullover hunters
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pellete with that stripper. he also might want to remember if trump does when it would be the orange meanie who controls the department of justice and paybacks a clinton like the old saying then there is the trump trial judge who is been treating tim trump like a date he treats houseguests. when the trump team surprise witness delivered testimony which destroyed cohen even more the judge actually accused him of staring him down something i have been accused of many times in the men's room. i told lou dobbs i thought i saw a nickel in his urinal. anyway the judge paraded the trump lawyers and threatened to have the testimony stricken from the record a judge that allowed testimony of his choice and underwear and let stormy spread lies like they were her ankles. enough already. do your job and strike the
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entire affair and let america go back to being a country where banana republic only refers to the place i shop at the boys department. let's welcome tonight's gas. he looks like a tennis pro hiding in your wife's closet. comedian jeff dye. she protects swimming from dudes against women. riley gaines! she turns more heads than a chiropractor for owls. new york times besseling offer an fox news contributor kat timpf. and for him, housesitting is using a house is a chair. >> why do i even come here. >> sean: comedian and former nwa world heavyweight champion and fox news contributor tyrus!
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so much is funny about the cohen stuff the rebalancing but the media still has to take it seriously which is great. >> it feels good it's fun to watch of this zoo and circus on television i don't understand most of it honestly but it's funny. the steering games and all that stuff i like the way they play with words i talked about it on the show they reuse their words like i was rebalancing i still like a hundred dollars from starbucks win i worked there back in the day and they treated it like a really big deal so for them to be like what's the big deal he just still a little money that's what i said to starbucks and it didn't. [ bleeps ] work they when did you really steal from starbucks when you work there? >> what i would do is i would buy a lot safer for dollars and they'd leave at 5 and walk away and i was like i think i can figure the matthau i would just delete the whole thing and take the 5.
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>> did you regret that week. >> yeah, but i wasn't some creep in office they make you really grown since then. stand up comedian barely making it your really growing. >> hey, i make hundreds of dollars greg. >> sean: riley ginnell to sow the media is actually excusing their abysmal behavior because apparently trump is worse. >> this will bite in thing going on here right everybody is on their side the judge the media their star witness makes pinocchio looks like jerry paulo it's insane is what it is and i hope new york city voters see this for what it is just political persecution. there taxpayer dollars are being used to put away or at least to try and put away donald trump while real criminals are in the street walking around new york city today i saw a woman leg on the ground fully exposed an officer standing there i look at
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the officer is like are you going to help her and it's like nope she's a regular. >> sean: normally would be goldberg hands in the parking lot i don't even know why a said that. >> you are just an evil little man right now. >> i'm an evil little man. kat you don't have to comment on this but it occurred to me they are sending the jury home for about 7 days don't talk about the case so they leave the cesspool of new york to go to a courtroom and then come out back into the same place that creates their own bias it's crazy. how do we rebalance that? >> i can't get over the rebalancing of the fact michael cohen said it was kind of like self-help. you're helping yourself to somebody else's money i suppose but for jake tapper to say oh i was stunned or shocked by this at least he acknowledged it was
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stealing. just some of the craziest stuff i've ever heard. if you feel like your bonus wasn't fair you either renegotiate or you quit your job you are not welcome to steal from the company everybody knows that why would you potentially you don't? nobody can listen to something you say if you're going to say that it's ridiculous. >> sean: i still a lot during the pandemic at fox from the snack tray remember the free snacks. >> you ate them all that's not stealing. >> they were free snacks. >> i would take them home and resold them. >> it with every way to get new basketball uniforms for madison square garden. >> sean: exactly. the tourists fall for it every time. tyrus i don't care call me conspiratorial. why should we trust the election system if they rigged the justice system in front of us?
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>> sent me the reference to the godfather earlier i think we are seeing the godfather but it's godfather 2 michael cohen is done something he hasn't done in 10-15 years he told the truth and he completely. [ bleeps ] the prosecution there's a great scene in godfather 2 where the dude is in witness protection and they walk up to amend say your family is going to be good your reputation will be good you just have to do the right thing and he slid 8 his wrists in the bathtub and did the right thing but then he lied in the movie but cohen told the truth which. [ bleeps ] the entire prosecution because they expected him to say whatever he needed to say to get donald trump to go away instead may be had a moment of clarity because he didn't need to say he stole that he had gotten away with it they were perfectly willing to bury it but he said i'm not giving them credit just thing may be in the moment he decided to do the right thing.
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>> sean: and interesting twist to this discussion more to come. i think i hope. up next jamail hill dumb remark about caitlin clark. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that.
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this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. - it's polite to thank someone when they do something nice for you, isn't it? well, how about when they do something brave for you? let's show veterans our gratitude. ask your local veterans affairs office how you can help. the more you know. [ cheers and applause ] >> sean: did her rise to fame have nothing to do a four-game? it can't be caitlin's drive and skill says jamail hill. i speak of caitlin clark who set the all-time ncaa record for scoring.
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hold your applause. for scoring and was the number 1 pick in the wnba draft my numbes off-the-shelf also her final college game through 24 million viewers and she signed a $28 million endorsement deal with nike one dollar per child working in their china factory. that's only 350 times are w and be a salary but according to former espn host jamail hill is -- her rise to fame is because she is white and straight telling the new york times and rather the los angeles times saying we would all be very naïve if we didn't say race and her sexuality played a role in her popularity it's problematic what it says about the worth and market ability of the players
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already there it said black women are often a race from the picture and now that she's out of work he must have had her cable cut off due to nonpayment otherwise she would've heard about brittany greiner you know the black lesbian hoopster who wasn't erased at all just bailed out by our government because she packed her bong for a trip to russia but it's time america addresses the lack of black professional basketball players and to view the lesbians and sports. right after we get more whites into hockey and more chinese playing ping-pong. riley what he's -- what she's saying is it's not about her talent it's that she's white and straight but also because she saying she straight.
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>> she said caitlin clark is problematic which doesn't make sense it's somebody who brought viewership to the wnba and college basketball setting record sold out arenas. how in the world is she problematic. to your point the code trump awaits her premises and the woman who working at espn called for a boycott of the dallas cowboys because the owner said they wouldn't stand for their players not standing for the flag as crazy to have a woman of her caliber in the way they do. >> sean: i don't think she has any caliber. if it wasn't for race hustling for acts of desperation on a number 1 late-night show spouting this stuff and i'm grateful for it.
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as you are not high-calibre you are no caliber. >> you no caliber deficient. [ bleeps ] your are a blank. everybody knows you are a huge wnba fan actually demanded we do this story so how are the other players reacting to this week whether they play -- a saying in the street says kids like to say? >> i love reading this article my favorite part was when she said sure she's the leading scorer and women's college basketball history as if it's something to write off and not something that explains it. i heard about her before i had any idea what she looked like i guess the point is if you know her and don't know the previous personnel the records because your races is probably because that that happened before i was born and i didn't have an opportunity to hear about it. also just a gloss over highest score in history but that can't
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be it. >> sean: know it's because she's white and straight. tyrus if only she would identify as black and gay. larry kudlow is doing that. >> he's not doing it alone brother phil. [ laughter ] i don't know what that means but it was funny. >> it's a subsidized league meaning it hasn't made money and when their top stars of gotten shine like candace parker it's been because of the w -- the money comes in and be and renounce about the 3-point shot same thing stefan curry they have a beautiful shot the way the game is about as here's the young lady who is done that at a high level with those in college sports in the pros.
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they get that gift in the wba again iconic player bringing an audience with you is it where get more money instead of owing $80,000 making it for the losses giving up ticket sales as they don't have to fly commercial as they're pistoning us off -- therapist off because it's a straight white woman. most of america is also white and straight so they will bring their kids and families to support and you are mad because it's not a black woman getting all of this. caitlin gets this thing not because she's cute or shows her but on eiji because she plays this game at a beautiful high-level and i watched of the and watching her i found some of my favorite players like lsu is awesome, the young kid at theirs
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of the lady at usc had a great shot. it goes back to this thing where they've a beautiful thing but because it's not them they want to trash it so they don't care about success for the league again unfortunately for black people right now in entertainment this is a common thing we don't have anything left to say everything is racist arguing with marjorie taylor green the other day talking about eyelashes is racist because they don't have an argument anymore. >> sean: it's true any time the race card is introduced you can't have any fun it's a beautiful moment. a strong commented there with race hassling and capitalizing on those things the podcast is called jamail hill is unbothered but she seems to be very bothered. everything is black folks are
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like this and she's the racist. as the fact that caitlin clark is white and strait is the reason people as the recently your because she's white what's a problem with that i thought it was called representation. as frantically q and that's the whole point of representation i was told by cnn it's racist to even point out it's -- tiger woods is a black bailey -- blackley a white lead to get and his gang attention. i was told it was racist it's blatant racism to go you only liken because you are straight and white. i like her because she's get a basket bullet helps she's straight and white though i guess. that i don't see a problem. >> sean: good for you racist.
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>> i don't mind telling him a big fan of straight white woman. up nex centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt.
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you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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(avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness.
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♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ >> it's a video of the day! >> sean: when cnn quizzed the rapper the whole thing went into the crapper. so as the network rating sink some guy tries to sell a drink. it came from cnn where anger abby phillip interviewed cameron around the allegations when he decided to chug a sex supplementing question what the hell he was doing there. a common reaction from cnn there >> can you tell us more about
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that. is there something known in the industry about how would deity you treated his artists? >> going to get some cheeks after this horsepower joint. >> get some cheeks speak for millions of old white guys when i say what her cheeks? >> i will tell you after the show. let's have some more. >> what about the industry in general so many pointed out that he can get away if the stuff there wasn't a lot of people protecting him is that the case? >> who's the talent agent for this joint doing all this i didn't know what kind of joint this was who voting for this joint could he thanks for
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joining us thank you for your time thank you for having me. i love him. hello that he thinks cnn as a talent agent. as a network could put a coke at dis- sleep why did he think he was asked to be on cnn in the first place for his views on benjamin netanyahu his analysis of the national debt. when they want that kind of insight they always go to other guys. tyrus i knew it. on man. >> sean: i will never be cool as that person as much as i try please tell me what cheeks are. >> well, if you put them together they clap. they help you run fast. >> sean: okay like cakes.
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>> ass is going to go procreate apparently came in the news to let everybody know that's what he does. so brave to shame on women wasn't still at cnn. a. >> he does another thing no problem on the other ones. this for me is the ugliness of the elites as offending black men to come forward as there is no support. nobody gave a damn about his apology he did it 10 years ago when you are apologizing now you're talking about now you're having tough times spending all of the money of big. these individuals get caught the question we should be asking is why did it take so long.
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as somebody had it. as some of the things they are being accused of his disgusting usually video of that as you bring somebody on just another black guy who wraps. did he never wrapped he brought a black eye on there having fun with the and good for him he outsmarted him made a full out of him because they were try to make a full out of them. as the great comment as trent asked me if i was offended or disgusted. nobody like nobody understands how is filling that woman. he hit a woman got away with it and now he's got and basically saying i'm sorry to us because he got caught. >> sean: going back to cameron and how awesome is that individual and abby phillip. her stoic face something every husband understands when they come home drunk.
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cameron. >> he said in 1 of my favorite songs i'm a changed man look at the range man i've got a whole new game plan. and he was right about that. he's able to go from wrapping to perhaps being the reason for the best segment ever airing in cnn history. i watched this 14 times 1 of the most entertaining things he's on most 50 years old and he looks amazing. >> we don't crack we look good. no matter what a white person does they cannot be as relaxed and as cool as of that. it's basically for sure. >> i'm about to get some cheeks after this. going to have to send you to hr.
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>> sean: how did you feel about the appearance? >> you liked it but it's cnn being racist rate. black rapper let's ask him about the current event and this guys like don't know what's going on. i mean you shouldn't be surprised he's wearing sunglasses and a bucket hat and taking a shot of a sects energy drink making inappropriate statements when you brought him on for this kind of clown every. it's crazy to ask him that it's like saying jeff you are a white comedian you did a show 17 years ago with louis ck what are we doing. >> sean: did you find abby phillip handling inappropriately >> they set themselves up for that so much pink house -- horsepower sold. mimicked think horsepower. as i'm curious about think
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horsepower it helps with covid-19. it's ivermectin, hey,. as there is a horse joke in there. this is a family show right. whose family though. the manson family. just walking across the carpet. >> sean: this is a doozy if you are triggered by a movie. [ cheers and applause ] if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly
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improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections.
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hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. my life partner connie and i were in really rough shape regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight. i saw a golo commercial and i thought, "we really need to try this."
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as the weeks went by, the weight came off. we learned to make healthy choices and be supportive of each other. together, we've lost 170 pounds. golo worked for us. since losing weight on golo, i'm feeling grateful and hopeful about the future. (energizing music) hi i'm chaka khan and i feel for you and your health. black americans are at a higher risk for diabetes, but we're less likely to get the latest technology to manage this dangerous disease. it's called cgm continuous glucose monitoring. instead of a painful finger stick to check your blood sugar, you wear a small device that can give you glucose readings at anytime. if you have diabetes, find out if cgm is right for you.
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>> a story and 5 words.
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>> sean: goodfellas get a trigger warning. amc added a warning before and airing of goodfellas which says the film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes. well that are inconsistent with today's standards of inclusion and tolerance. they may offend some viewers nothing about the fact that 100 people get sliced and diced as about this was about a grandma who paints a dog of only seen 1 scene. i think we haven't. >> it's beautiful. 1 goes 1 way and the other goes the other. >> this casing what what you want from me. >> it's a nice wholesome dog painting movie. >> sean: while they are doing that there is a man barely alive in the trunk of the car who is been stabbed and shot. >> that can't be true.
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>> sean: that's the truth think about what you can do to all movies now as every movie has stereotypes. because what are you going to do thinking of irish movies are there? >> there's plenty. >> sean: okay name 5. >> the quiet man. >> sean: don't they punch each other? >> they are irish of course they do. >> who's potato that is this leprechaun 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. all irish movies. >> who's potato is this. >> amazing. just think about riley have you seen goodfellas? >> i was born in 2000. >> that doesn't answer the question. >> no i have a it's about a grandma who paints dogs. the final heist scene has italians a black eye and a
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jewish guy. that's diverse. >> sean: it's like that kind of ad with the guns. you know what glad they did this but they didn't go far enough as a gave a seen goodfellas 17,000 times isn't funny the only person in the entire movie whose late all the time is sammy well al jackson. he was the 1 who overstepped, the 1 black eye in the movie can't be on time for a robbery. so they didn't go far enough as far as i'm concerned. >> sean: should they do a wizard of oz warning for the little people, the munchkins. i'm offended by it. >> not to mention there is a which culture going on there. >> sean: in the house lands on the witch. >> a which of color mind you. >> sean: let's admit we have an older audience. the wizard of oz -- because the
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house landing on her was creepy and the flying monkeys of that was in there. that was triggering. it was. >> and a stereotype of monkeys they don't even fly. >> i don't think they hate to the 2 that level. >> they disemboweled him. >> sean: by the way it's a scary film. ving on kat has a surprise [sfx] water lapping.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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the new york times best-selling author has a lot more to author. she have an announcement to make >> i wrote another book. [ cheers and applause ] >> what inspired you to write this book quickly. >> noticing around the country from a tour we have more in common that we think we do and that people in power want us especially i think it's going to get worse getting up to the election people empower pushing to divide us for their own gain in the book exposes the tricks they used to do that and it makes an argument that a single difference of opinion or association or assumption should not be enough to write off another person what we lose when
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we do not only in terms of relationships but freedoms. >> sean: i stopped listening to you when they put the cover up. look at the cover. >> it's not sexual. everything you see you think is sexual. what it supposed to be and what it is, it's a vulnerability in the face of overwhelming hatred i'm covered in hate mail yes i'm not wearing clothes and yes, i tell a lot of personal at times outrageous stories in the book that i'm a little scared for people to read but it's too late now the stories in the cover the same thing that we want people to see each other as humans we have to show ourselves as humans >> sean: so what's it called? >> i use like you until. >> in your first book he had this chuck shocking chapter regarding something if you haven't read the book i won't tell you it's in chapter 5 just figure it out for yourself but
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it's a very shocking thing she have anything as shocking? >> there are things i was too afraid to put in the first book that i instead put in this book. >> anything there regarding me? >> you are in there a little. so you are in the. >> how many pages does he cover? >> when you open a book. >> he wants to check where his name is that. >> he goes to check for his name in the index. they also think the stories make an interesting read. >> was harder to write the second time in the first time we >> i think this book is way better than the first book way better. >> and now we know what you do if your hate mail. >> that was not ai that was all real hate mail i was in that position for 2 and a half hours and needed help getting up because i was stiff. >> you mean real hate mail as you wrote all that stuff. >> i get worse i think we are so
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quick to hate each other when we have so much more in common i lost all respect for you we heard that a million times for something so small with that view. >> where can people start preorder -- reordering? >> my website has it, and people sulfate things as well so my website you can preorder it there it's a wild ride you don't want to miss it. >> sean: again i bought those pills that i thought for real. >> those are mine you should be fired. congratulations, go in preorder th after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday.
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help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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>> see you tomorrow. that's how fox reports this saturday may 25. i am jon scott. thanks for watching. ♪


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