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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 26, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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they have to do that. >> i've got to talk about that. first there was jenkins and now cool kids sweatpants genes and i'm one of the cool kids and m my -- there i am, it looks like genes, those are sweats and a picture of genes on it, the most comfortable thing of ever one of my life, my daughter who is a gen z and fashion major in college was appalled. she does not like them but i don't care because i get to wear them and they are fabulous so get yourself swept jean things, they are wonderful. >> they are comfortable to wear though. >> that doesn't for us, we will see you back here 7:00 p.m. eastern for the "big weekend show". life, liberty and levin starts right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin welcome to a special memorial date. memorial day is important and edition of "life, liberty & levin." tonight i want to share with you some of the critical discussions we have had so far this year with patriots like steve moore, mike gonzalez, senator ted cruz, mike huckabee and many others. but first we begin with america's wisemen as i call him, victor davis hanson has written a truly incredible book called the end of everything. putting on details how america's unraveling how it impacts your life than the life of your children it's a truly amazing book i highly encourage you to read it. do not just take my word for it hear from victor himself, go. quick spar spear of the medical
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america's wisemen, victor davis hanson but i don't bring on pollsters or political commentators. i bring on people who can help inform us about what is going on in this country. through a perspective of history, philosophy or economics. victor davis hanson is a tip of the spree has a brand-new book coming out to see the end of everything. how war descends to annihilation there's lot of ancient history in here. for example he talks about the destruction of carthage the fall of constantinople the aztec empire's and so forth and so on. why is this important? these empires were also supposed to last forever. and they did not last forever. what happened? is it happening to us today victor davis hanson is always an honor and pleasure to have you. this is a fantastic book. i learned more about ancient history than i could have imagined. you can get it at, any major bookstore. why did you write this book? how do you tie it to the
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american republic today? ivory a once in a while not just in slaughter but the complete erasure of the civilization of language and religion. i was interested, when did this happen? they targeted to people are very naïve. they do not realize they are not as a preeminent as they thought they were. they have no appreciation for the type of the people who are outside the walls that would to destroy them. they misinterpret the intent of the enemy a lot of that is contemporary of the relevant too. especially here at america. we think we are as a preeminent as we were we set up the postwar order. we are very strong but not continuing that supremacy. whether it's a borrowing a trillion dollars every 100 days or the pentagon has been a
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weaponize, politicized the art not spending money on the defense of the money we do spend is not well spent. we are torn apart at home. our enemies abroad are sensing that buried our friends are very worried to look to us. everyone thought someone would save them. they thought the venetians will sail up at the last moment. they're not prepared and very naïve about the existential threat that confronts them. i was worried there's a lot of parallels here in the present age as well because some of the most effective things you do in this book is you explain tremendous empires that existed before. and they don't exist anymore. they disappeared it. you explain how that happens. you explain how it can happen in the united states of america.
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my question to you is this, you write about these things, you have a fantastic column, you come on tv, these are swirling around your mind all the time. you must be enormously frustrating as it is to me to watch what is with this knowledge of empires paid this knowledge of ancient history and modern history. and say stop do you understand what you're doing to yourselves? does this administration understand what it's doing to the country? does that run through your mind? >> it does. and unfortunately is sort of tragic. all of these weaknesses and challenges are apparent but they were neglected or ignored until the 11th hour and people walk up and said oh wow there is alexander the great outside our walls or while cortez wants to destroy us and it is too late.
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i was writing the epilogue these are arrogant, not well-trained they don't know the basics of analysis, language, computation and yet they are very arrogant. amid evil anti-semitism we thought disappeared from the modern west it's a back and away we have not seen in a century. or even further no one is saying anything about it. one good thing about the clarity we don't have enemies outside the walls yet. we dispelled a lot of myths the last month. one is being pro- palestinian is michelangelo pro- hamas. there is no difference. everyone save your anti- israel does not mean your insights and medic buried there is no difference they hate jews, it is the same.
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everyone said the democratic base is left wing and there's a moderate note there's one democratic party it's been taken over by the left. everyone said stanford, princeton, harvard, yale or institutions these are the cream of the green. no, they are not, they are not. mark: if you're going to read anything and get a book i want you to get this but the end of everything how war descends into annihilation by victor davis hanson. you can get right now any major bookstore comes out fresh off the press on tuesday morning. i read this book i learned a tremendous amount it is so compelling is very, very important. a couple quick questions here victor. how long did carthage survive before it was destroyed? >> 800 years, market. teams 1100 years, constantinople 1200 years. the aztec empire about 300 years. that is what was so fascinating. it all came to an abrupt end so
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quickly when they thought they were invulnerable given the longevity of the empire. mark: we are about 250 years we are not the same in america we were two years ago, five years ago 50 or 100 years ago is that correct? >> that is what is striking how quick the client comes because it is almost like the oral old hemingway it was gradually then suddenly bankruptcy that is what happens. it's gradually you don't detect it and then it just appears. you woke up about a year ago and decided what dhec happened to america? we did not realize it was accelerating the rate this chaos and confusion and decline. there are people out there banging the pots and pans they are ringing the alarm bells you have, i have come at some other have. it is interesting but kind of dismissed me go on with our lives rather than the other side never go to purdue they are
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insomniacs for a power they are insomniacs per revolution. receipt and congress, he stayed in the media coming seed and entertainment for the average assistant who loves this country are loving the country. they're busy with the revolution. my question to you is i guess they've never figured out how to promote liberty without tierney exploiting liberty to destroy liberty. >> is a very good point, mark. i think most people who are traditional and conservatives they say i cannot take this anymore i'm going to move to a red state. i'm not going to watch the oscars i'm going to turn off the nba eight taken the people i don't watch tony's or go to the movies but that is not enough the monastery of the mind this late date according to our stations and got to stand up and say i'm going to vote. going to be active winter press the left. i'm going to debate with them,
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argue with them they've got to be active because they control the institution and controlling the country it's not enough i'm going to isolate myself on my farm i'm going to to small-town america and see the seat of insanity. every actions into every day all the opportunities they have every day have a rational discussion with the zealots focus on the fence and opportunity for our paul revere and thomas paine's tens of millions tens or millions of us that we apparently do they might have a shot, correct? >> absolutely. we cannot be fearful or captive
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of our fears we are going to be called to reactionary or too radical to be commonsensical. for example we are borrowing a trillion dollars 10 million people coming in tomorrow. not to let them get free income we can tax it very easily when we try to discuss things like that we are saying you're racist, you are mean. we have to ignore that. the power is in our hands if we exercise it. mark: we ought to as i wrote to use the movement against these colleges and universities. boycott the funds, sanction, they do not have a god-given right to all of our money but they do have a god given rights the state legislatures, our congress, our department seem to start focusing on how faculty is hired how administrators are hired. we need to do a surgical
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operation of what is taking place on these campuses. final word? >> you are right harvard, yale, princeton, stanford they say were private know you're not really private. you participate into trillion dollar subsidized student loans get tax-free endowment you get multi- million-dollar grant from the government you do not obey the bill of rights. we can stop that. we can enforce rules. they are dependent on us we are not dependent on them for. >> we are dependent on you victor davis hanson how war has descendent on annihilation very, very, very important book. any major bookstore comes out tuesday. i encourage you to order it makes you give a copy to a few knuckleheads around t so they cn educate themselves too. up next, economist even more reveals how bad biden's economy really is and how he is getting away with
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i needed a miracle... so i went straight to where miracles happen... social media. hey did someone say miracle? let me see that. so, i got the board to tony... and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code. if this is what we did for a skateboard, see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? mark: welcome back to the special edition of "life, liberty & levin." and what you dear for my friend and economist even more reveals a biden budget proposal and the disaster that it is for hard-working americans. especially you in the middle class go.
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folks are there buddy steve moore economist extraordinaire the heritage foundation founded the committee to unleash the prosperity, fox news contributor. steve, i want to read something to than i want you to comment on it as long as you need too. biden administration proposed a budget. that tells us what is in his mind and heart and soul about where he wants to take this country. the tax foundation looked at it and they said his proposed budget would/gross domestic product in the long run by two-point to percent rate/capitol stock by 3.8% rate/wages by 1.6%. results increased unemployment of almost 800,000. it would decrease american incomes but 1.9% in the long run. raising corporate income tax of 28% the largest driver of negative effects. it would drive down gdp by .9% capitol stock by 1.7%, wages by
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almost 1%. rezoning and unemployment of almost 200,000. it goes on and on and on. this guy is getting away with saying he has cut the debt. he has a responsible proposal it's like $8 trillion and everybody is saying, except the hard left this guy is crazy what he is proposing here what is your take? >> grade to be with you. i loved your opening monologue. i do feel sometimes like we are living in george orel 1984 when you look at wha what is happeneo our country. you are one 100% correct now let's talk about the budget. i've lived through it i've been doing for 40 years i have examined 40 years of budgets. normally what happens is a the democrats they get to the election year they move to the middle and they pretend like they are conservatives and i've got to give joe biden credit he is not moving to the middle. this is like the big government is here to stay like we have
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never seen before. you mention t mentioned the facs lying about deficit reduction numbers this is a joke for this is a president in just three years and office has increase the 10 year forecast for the debt by tenant trillion dollars. $10 trillion how is that reduce the deficit? second of all let's talk about taxes i'm an old-fashioned rag and supply side it went to get tax rates lowered to bring jobs and businesses back, reagan did it, donald trump did it work to create a great economy. you are not going to believe this but under the biden tax and plan the united states of america, the land of the free would have a higher tax rate than russia and china, our businesses. my old boss dick armey who i loved and adored he was the former majority leader he uses eight liberals love jobs but they hate employers. this is an assault against american businesses.
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small businesses, american corporations is playing right into the hands of our enemies like china and russia and that european countries that our are competitors. trump used to say these other countries are laughing behind our back. that is exactly what is happening here this is put america at last budget. mark: he says we also like marxist now and he frames it in the marxist language of class warfare, get the rich, go after the corporations. this is the democrat party theme song now which is we are cutting spending will massively increasing it. we are cutting the debt will massively increasing it. you want to distort social security when in fact they refused to reform at their destroying it. then they go on a rant about how they stand for the little guy. so maybe you can tell me what exactly has joe biden done for the middle class in this country? >> the middle-class is poor since her biden came in but we take in account of inflation. we have not seen this kind of inflation in this country since
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the late 1970s when jimmy carter was in office. you remember what happened with him. ronald rag and beat an incumbent president by 10 percentage points. i think you are looking at the same frustration frustration te middle-class is financially stressed out right now. they are having a hard time paying mortgages they're having a hard time paying their grocery bills. when i go to the grocery store with my wife sometimes people come up to me and get angry at me because they think the inflation and their feeling and inflation rate that is much higher than the rate that is being recorded by the federal government. if you look at what is happened to the price of food, if you look at what is happening to the price of energy, if you look at what's happening at the gas pump if you look at mortgage payments those are not up by 20% since biden came into office they were up by 30%. how many people's incomes have gone up by 30% in the last four years? not many except the very rich rick wicks made that use a safety kill the golden goose you don't get golden eggs is quite that simple. let me ask you this question.
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in addition to the taxes, the regulations that literally want to ban the combustion while of the gasoline automobile. what will that due to the average person both in terms of their lifestyle and their costs? the epa is doing this is not a statute that supports this. >> this is probably the dumbest thing joe biden has come up with and he has come up with a lot of crazy ideas. i want to make sure your viewers understand this. joe biden is talking about taking away your car this is a war against the gas powered car. what he wants to do is force consumers and car buyers to buy electric vehicles. whether they want to or not. i am not against electric vehicles. i'm not against tassels on my best friends have tesla's. but in this country we believe people have the right to choose, don't we? why should the government tell you what kind of car you can buy? only 1% of the cars to down the road did you know only 1% of the
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cars or electric vehicles? only six or 7% of the sales are electric vehicles even though they are pouring massive subsidies into it. i think people are going to be angry about this for the price of cars is going to go up there not align the companies to produce them like ford and gm. it's an outrage people are extraordinarily frustrated by this i think there's going to be a real push back. they are not taking my car away for me. that is a people tell me but they're not going to take my car away for me. mark: the electrical grid is not set up for this were going to have brownouts and blackouts. you're going to have a rationing of energy. these vehicles and the charging stations are not ready for this. they are not ready for the cold weather, the freezing weather. how many fire departments tell us these are very, very dangerous vehicles but when they blow up all kinds of toxins they cannot get people out of these cars and they do not care they are driven by ideology not by economics they are imposing
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their will on the american people. >> if you want to destroy a country's economy destroy its energy supply. people should know this. they are going after our fossil fuel industry. that provides 80% of our energy. we are not going to have been the industry it left in this country if they pursue this green energy strategy. >> simply return mike gonzalez further exposes a topic that is near and dear to my heart and i know yours. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ ♪ welcome to the roots of our legacy.
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♪ welcome back america pretty although i've been talking about american marxism for years. my buddy mike gonzalez reveals to us exactly what is going to happen to this country when the youth of this country start running our country and his new book nexgen marxism, go. >> the left has their ideologues i don't call them philosophers. they are propagandists, they are demagogues going away back. they read them, they know them, they can cite them and the implement their agendas. we conservatives and constitutionalist don't really do that. so it is important that we have people who know what is going on can express it in a way that's on extent. we vent might consult on your before he is a fantastic thinker and writer about this issue of
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american marxism and marxism generally has cowritten this book with catherine who is a friend of ours as well. nexgen marxism what it is and how to combat it. now, why is this important? because we are living it right now in the united states of america you are confronting it. it is swirling around to it is in the media, what's in that government, it's in hollywood, it is everywhere. mike is also welcome congratulations on this fantastic book let's begin you start out with the revolution. briefly tell us what is this revolution are we in the middle of it? has it taken place? where are we going with that? >> thank you mark for the things you said but we are in the middle of it. i action of good feelings and optimistic i think the american people are going to win because we caught this early enough. in this book what we did was set out to answer and explore the nagging questions americans are asking themselves why is the country becoming unrecognizable? you ask about the revolution by
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the revolution was everyday little things that are big things. why are some teachers pushing gender confusion question require some librarians showing pornography with young students in hiding it from their parents? why has raced once ag race oncee the most important factor in promotion and hiring and why are universities becoming centers of intolerance? our answer is because it is eight revolution bubbling from within it's not by accident this a transformation of america is due to the fact some very important people agree on some fundamentals that sometimes called cultural marxist. they call themselves a critical marxist we call them nexgen marxists because they bring to the equation elements are traditionally missing and cultural marxism or critical theory such as one of them is the use of neighborhood
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organizing community organizing as perfected by a very american thing. also the use of sex to destroy society from within and destroy the family but now as you know because you've written about this, this is not quite new it started in the hungarian soviet in 1919 use it to destabilize the family. mark cusa talked about it in errors and civilization in 1957 but today it is the use of queer theory and gender theory to deny reality. to say amputations of perfectly healthy organs is visit gender care. and also the use of racial grievances to deconstruct society to dismantle society and lastly the new elements the 21st century element is the
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use of vast networks marxist networks expand the globe in social media. what we saw in 2020 and the blm riots was exactly that it revolutionary outpouring of this cultural marxism. we saw in 2014 in ferguson, missouri it was another revolutionary spark of this. what we tried to do is expose this and provide solutions on how to stave it off how to help the american people fight back. mark: do you see now, i do, a fusion of the marxist and the islamists? both of which hate america, western society, western values and now there seems to be a fusion in the universities and colleges seems to be this fusion in our media seems to be a fusion enter streets, the river to the sea. do you see this effusion now because they have a common
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enemy, which is us also questionable. >> in europe this is called the red/green alliance let me give you two examples of this very thing you're talking about. in 2007 marxist leaders called for a beachhead of revolutionary to be set up your inside the u.s. chavez of venezuela calle call e center thousand six this is established when american marxists open the u.s. social forum in atlanta in 2007 with the gathering of thousands of people. by the way the founders of black lives matter weren't there in atlanta in 2007 this is a decade that a decade but many years before they found a black lives matter. who else is there? gobs of policy and activist erin atlanta 2007. again in 2014 i've mentioned before i ferguson, missouri.
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when the world marxist gather who is there? a lot of palestinians as december 2014. the next month 2015 patricia's in the west bank cutting videos of palestinians you're talking about semi- happening. mark: thanks senator ted cruz joins me too discuss how to fix (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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mark: welcome back america. her current department of justice sadly is the most corrupt and partisan department of justice in american history. i lay the blame directly at joe biden's feet. our good friend ted cruz and i discuss how we can attempt to dig out of this. no. >> senator cruz, does the lawlessness of the biden administration of the department of justice know no bounds? they have been subpoenaed for records about joe biden's
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interview with a now defunct a special counsel and a public report no criminal charges. the attorney general of the united states has a decided he is not going to turn the videos over because it's just going to be used to embarrass biden. number one, must be pretty bad videos but number two, to have it embarrass biden exception to the constitution are you aware of that? >> of course not. this department of justice a tragically's most partisan and politicized department of justice we've ever seen. you and i are both alums of the department of justice for the department of justice has a long history of staying out of politics of being a political and american garland has come in and turned d.o.j. into essentially the enforcement arm of the dnc. number one he has weaponize d.o.j. and the fbi to go after biden's enemies. but number two he has also marshaled d.o.j. as a political protection rackets to cover up joe biden's wrong doings.
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in this instance he does not want congress and american people to see joe biden answering questions about the corruption of the biden family about the millions of dollars his family made selling favors from joe biden. it is utterly disgraceful and it's dangerous to the rule of law. mark: he is also, senator cruz, divide two supreme court rulings. one involving student loans and playing catch me if you can breeze going to shove it may be another trillion dollars out the door from working americans who did not go to college to pay off the debts of those who did it order to turn out what he believes is that youth vote in the big cities to win the election. what do you make of that? >> this one is a trifecta he isn't simultaneously screwing working men and women for the most consequential political shift in the last decade republicans have big, a blue-collar party we are the party of truck drivers and steelworkers and cops and
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firefighters and waiters and waitresses. joe bided and the democrats have abandoned working men and women so they are taking the money. if you are a construction worker they are taking your money and giving it so woke up gender studies major in an effort to buy votes. the people who are footing the bill are working men and women who are going to pay higher taxes or face inflation from the debt biden was a take. number two it's utterly lawless as you noted he tried this before the supreme court struck it down. he is doing it again, defying the law. and number three he is deliberately lying to young people to naked effort to try to buy votes to convince young people come out and vote for the democrats they give you free stuff. but biden and the white house know this will construct out in the courts so they are counting on the democrats believe young people are not very bright. they will not figure out this is an empty promise as a lawless and cannot happen they help a bunch of young people can vote for it anyway and get duped.
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it's an nakedly transparent and political. mark: you know the third rail used to be social security and medicare. joe biden spent most of his life in the senate demanding we/both or freeze both or significantly changed both and now he is campaigning as if he is the defender of social security and medicaid accusing donald trump of wanting to do it donald trump is never said. just as now he pretends nelson mandela of civil rights when he goes into the senate he sides with the old confederacy segregation is in the races city throws in with them and introduces legislation to prevent school integration and our public schools in 1994 crime bill. which laid out a plan to basically go after people who use and sell crack cocaine more aggressive than people use crack cocaine he was told that was races and he did it anyway. it is because the media are corrupt to the public does not get the context for joe biden and who he is, isn't that
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correct? >> that is exactly where the democrat party history on races terrible and joe biden is right in the middle of it. it was democrats who founded the ku klux klan it's a democrats here at the jim crow laws the democrat party it was built on racism. by the way as a republican the first republican president was abraham lincoln our party was literally founded to defeat slavery we succeeded in its democrats have engaged in an naked race and baiting. they try to divide us on race for the try to scare the african-american community unfounded lies. now mind you with the same time joe biden is doing everything he can to trap young african-american kids and hispanic kids in failing schools because joe biden opposes school choice he is fought for and paid for by the teachers unions. and the lie that media says democrats are races for 100 years. but magically they transformed. as you and i know robert byrd
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senator was senate majority leader a democrat was exalted cyclops in the ku klux klan in joe biden gave a eulogy for him. now i've got to see if you are giving eulogies for klansmen you are not exactly on the moral high ground when it comes to race. but remember biden on race is just going to hypocritically abuse remember when he said running against trumrunagainst t voting for biden you ancient black. he does not think african-americans are for that matter hispanics or women or young people anyone can think for themselves. he wants everyone instead to be captive to the power of the democrat party. mark: after the break former arkansas governor mike huckabee joins me too discuss the left's war on trump and how their witchhunt is des the best moments happen outside. where laughter dances with the wind, and stories are told beneath the stars. where connections grow and memories are born.
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her uncle's unhappy.
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i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. mark: welcome back america. biden does not want a fair election he does not believe in democracy. the democrats cannot defeat their opponent they simply want to disable them and that is what they are trying to do with president trump my putting him in prison. mike huckabee joined me recently to tell us how it goes even further than we realize, go. >> with our friend former
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governor mike huckabee former presidential candidate all-around smart guy. mike huckabee, joe biden and the democrats are bent on imposing donald trump the media they arer elected democrat hackett judges, bent on imprisoning i donald trp that rogue prosecutor from the hague event on imprisoning donald trump. my question to you is this, joe biden could put an end to most of this if not all of this if he wanted to because this benefits him enormously. joe biden is not going to do that because he does not want a fair election he does not believe in democracy, does he serve? >> i don't think he does of the reason is not putting a stop to it because he is the one who put a start to it. this is a strategic decision on the part of democrats when they cannot defeat their opponent they simply want to disable them. that is what they are attempting to do it donald trump that's what they attempted to do with him throughout the 2016
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election. they threw every kind through ef nonsense imaginable at him. they were unsuccessful. they have use the levers and powers of government in a way that is really more appropriate for the third world banana republic dictatorships than it is the united states of america. they have shredded the constitution, the whole process of due process, presumption of innocence. the idea that we let the political atmosphere play out and let the people make decisions. but this is an administration that has turned all the guns of the department of justice, the fbi, the cia, the nsa turned them loose on donald trump but the hopes they could somehow either discourage him or scare the daylights out of everyone who is supporting him. i just want to make it clear they have got scared me i'm sticking with trump. he's the best shot we have a gave this country turned around we better send with him. qwesrequest is that precisely wh
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her trying to destroy him or imprison him there's not many republicans who can do it he has done it was sent was taking place i tell people there is only reason donald trump is running for office for the trying to bankrupt him, destroys businesses, put them in prison in four different jurisdictions for the rest of his life. they are smearing his name comparing him to hitler all these outrageous character assassination phrases that these against him. so what is he getting out of this? absolutely nothing unlike a bidn i would argue it's been a while washington like a bad rash for his entire career. trump loves america it's simple as that. >> it pretty much is if you look at the reality it donald trump not only give up a fortune to run for president and spent his own money to get there. he did not even take the salary of the president gave every dime of his salary as president of the united states to charity. let's look at the contrast joe biden went into government is supposed to be in public
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service. he has gotten filthy rich as a u.s. senator, a vice president then as eight corrupt opposed a politician in the interim between is the vice presidency in his presidency. we are really still trying to figure how much of that money came from the communist chinese party through his son and through his brother and through shady business dealings. you have one that has enriched himself in the name of public service. another one that is all but impoverished himself in the name of public service it is pretty easy for me too pick one of those people as the one who really loves america and the other one who loves himself and uses america for his own ends. >> don't we see biden's very bitter nasty angry mentality and his willingness to use any thug mobstsubmobster tactics in my he opinion playing out in other places we see it playing out in the state of israel is trying to top eight legitimately elected government?
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he is stabbing repeatedly netanyahu who is the commander-in-chief in the back he has now sent directly and indirectly far more money to iran and the terrace of the middle east and he has to ukraine 40 times more money than he is provided to the state of israel. what kind of man does something like that? >> a man for reasons i cannot understand just will say he is for israel but he is not. here is really does not make sense when donald trump was a president he does not bomb iran but a dog dog on your bankrupted them. second and third degree sanctions donald trump and his n menstruation put on iran impoverish them to a point they cannot sell their oil they cannot sell anything. they did not have money to get to giveto hezbollah and hamas, y were hurting, they're hurting badly joe biden comes in and immediately he turns on the >> he gives them cash, he releases of funds he takes away the sanctions and within a short period of time the iranians are rolling endo they do not use it
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to build schools and feed people that use it to fund terrorism through their proxies like hezbollah and hamas. hamas would never have gone into israel on october the seventh of donald trump i've been president they would not about the resources to do it. they also probably would've feared the reaction of the united states and other countries had they done something as atrocious as what they did when they went in and brutally butchered innocent israeli citizens on that morning. mark: and ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new
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welcome back america. i consider it memorial day one our most important days we as a nation recognize the men and women who died for this country. one of the reasons i do this job and a radio and blaze and write books, is because i think about
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all of the heroes that went before us. to give us what we have today, this blessed country, our freedom, our prosperity. it's also why i defend this country every way i know how the broadcast platforms and online because the people who take advantage of this country, who walk into this country who attack our monument to attack our founding fathers are a disgrace. in fact they are disgusting for they put nothing on the line. they've contributed nothing to this country. memorial day is very important. so tomorrow, sunday, memorial day being monday talk to your kids and your grandkids about why we embrace memorial day the men and women who gave us the country that we so adore. i will see you tomorrow night, ♪ ♪


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