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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 26, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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before us. to give us what we have today, this blessed country, our freedom, our prosperity. it's also why i defend this country every way i know how the broadcast platforms and online because the people who take advantage of this country, who walk into this country who attack our monument to attack our founding fathers are a disgrace. in fact they are disgusting for they put nothing on the line. they've contributed nothing to this country. memorial day is very important. so tomorrow, sunday, memorial day being monday talk to your kids and your grandkids about why we embrace memorial day the men and women who gave us the country that we so adore. i will see you tomorrow night, ♪ ♪ if.
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♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪
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will: well, that was the navy band if's northeast ceremonial band performing the national anthem live on fox square on this memorial day weekend. welcome to fox and friends. joey: good morning, guys. if you saw the first picture there, i didn't see it -- rachel: let's bring it back. joey: yeah. i think the first picture was the hegseth family with hair brand new horse. they did send a picture in, and the word is the horse does not yet have a name or at least we don't get to know it until pete's back on the couch, and he's going to to unveil the name of that beautiful horse. rachel: that is exciting. of. joey: look at that. rachel: that's very exciting for the hegseth family. will: it's a good looking horse.
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joey: as horses go, it's very pretty. [laughter] rachel: i'm going to be -- i have a feeling it's going to to be a patriotic name. it's going to be, like, washington or something like that. will: i have a lot of questions about that horse. rachel: i do too. [laughter] who's going to feed it? [laughter] all right. joey: horses are a lot of work, they're like a giant dog. rachel: i know. and it's hard enough to get your kids -- when they want a dog, they promise to do all this stuff. what's a going to happen -- will: pete's got a -- rachel: lot of work to do. will: jen's got -- [laughter] joey: all right. so we have a fox weather alert, severe storms bringing large hail, torrential rain and tornadoes to the midwest and the south. will: tens of thousands are waking up this morning without power with outages reported across oklahoma, missouri, texas, kansas and arkansas. rachel: two people are confirmed dead in texas and tornadoes and
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thunderstorm watches are still in effect this morning for millions. if rick is going to be tracking the forecast for us later this hour. will: looks like a pretty bad storm -- a. rachel: those pictures. will: storms also moving into the east on what is the most busy travel day of the weekend, i believe. 2.9 million people traveling. joey: we have that traditional tornado alley, and rick pointed out yesterday morning, hey, this is dark red, so buckle down. hopefully, not too terrible. will: well, joe biden gave a commencement address yesterday at west point. when there talking to the cadets, he managed to fit in another -- [laughter] another entry into his resumé, another entry into his forrest gump of life story. he was there, this time -- although he's speaking at west point -- he was there, he was appointed to the naval academy. listen. >> i was appointed by my -- [inaudible]
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when i was 29 years old to the naval if academy. i was one of ten. i wanted the play football. and on the day i was supposed to be down, a classmate of mine was with also one of the ten appointed. chosen from. [inaudible] i found out two days earlier they had a quarterback named roger staubach and i said, well, i'm not going there. [laughter] i went the delaware. rachel: a little difficult to hear, but this is another corn pop moment for us where joe biden is now saying that he was appointed by a congressman to the west point academy, but, you know, football got in the way or something of that sort is. will: he said he was appointed to the naval academy, then he found out that roger staubach was going to the naval academy, so he went to delaware.
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rachel: people try to go back, he's said this story before. they tried to verify it. there's no evidence that this actually happened. joey: so i interpret this a little bit more generously for the president, and i say that, no to one is more bothered and angry when the president tries to say his son died in iraq and the other things he says. i think what he's saying, which is a common process, representatives, senators have the opportunity to recommend for appointment someone from if their district. rachel: yeah. joey: the way i understand this story is i believe it was his senator was interviewing ten candidates to be appointed. but because he's 100 years old and doesn't really care about the truth, he says it as though ten of them were appointed and he doesn't go. so i think it's a larger sign of being elderly is and not with it than an outright lie, but at some point does it really matter? rachel: well, the rnc -- joey: he can't get the story
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straight. rachel: this is what they said about it, joey. they said biden tells west point graduates that he was, quote, appointed to the naval academy where he, quote, wanted to play football. he has repeated this line many times before, and there is still no record of it ever having happened. joey: yeah. you know, i think he -- i guess my point is he says much more egregious lies when he talks about a his son's death -- rachel: fair point, joey. joey: i think in this case it's him literally misunderstanding how to use words with. and i think that's even worse than lying. [laughter] rachel: well, later on in the speech joe biden had some more things to say, but then at the end of it he says, hey, everybody, you've got to clap. that's the laugh line, listen. >> americans are strongest when we lead not only by our example of our power, but by the power of our example. you can clap for that. [applause]
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rachel: what's worse, that the cadets didn't clap or that the cadets didn't clap the to a line that i think in another generation might have been sort of -- anyone would clap for that, but no one really feels that way about america that much anymore. will: i don't know that they would have clapped at that line. rachel: i read it, i would have maybe. we were setting a good example in the world, are we anymore? will: it's a nice little play on words. i always wonder, is this when we clap? [laughter] rachel: it's hot. will: yeah. it's a jeb bush moment, you know? please clap, asking for, you know, it's the exclamation point on your speech. but it's not ideal. rachel: he is the commander in chief, and you don't really feel a lot of enthusiasm there. joey: you sit there in a wool uniform in may, even in new york it's still hot. they've been in that uniform for hours, they've stood at
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attention, they've marched, they're listening to him talk, and there's no inflection. he's just yelling a monotone speech. it's a hard to know when to clap. t easy to tune out. they didn't clap because he didn't deliver a speech, he read a teleprompter in a loud voice, and those are two different things. when he does go off script, he says something about being appointed to the naval academy -- will: good point about the tone. kind of like what i was saying, because you can feel the ride. the ride was here, you know? [laughter] joey: that's right. rachel: yeah. well, meanwhile, here in new york city people trying to come here to visit, you know, summertime a lot of people planning their vacation, they're going to find out that the cost of hotel rooms are higher than average, so back in 2022, the average hotel room here in new york city, the area that we're at right now, was around $278, now it's $302. and one of the reasons why rooms
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are so expensive is that our government is paying hotels to house migrants. the hotels kind of like that they have full occupancy, and and sometimes the government's paying over the costs of the room just to make sure they have room for the migrants, and many of them are not reopening up the rooms for tourists. on top of all that, there's, like, this airbnb ban going on here in new york city, and so there's not enough rooms so, you know, supply-demand, that's what happens. new york times looked into it, and this is what they say -- said. they said two years in as the peak tourism season is about to begin, the migrant crisis has has a dramatically shifted the hotel landscape in new york because conversion of hotels to shelters has sharply decreased rooms just as demand as risen. with many congregated in midtown
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manhattan, long island, in queens and near kennedy international airport, all traditional magnets for tourists participating. hotels are $385 a night per room according to the city. not a single one has converted back to a tradition although tell room. will, how do you think -- will: all i could hear is how many times -- certain words you with say, what is that word? [laughter] room. rachel: you like room. should i read that whole darn thing again and say room -- will: from the top, please. [laughter] it's getting expensive. attention, fox, i'm a real good corporate citizen. i'm right here at the average, you know, in my hotel rooms. that's the other thing i thought about if in this story. yeah, $300 a night any place else in the country is insane for your average hotel price, and to think one of the reasons being driven up not just because
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of inflation, or but because you got the total inventory reduced because of illegal immigrant withs. just is another examples of, my gosh, americans pay the price for a policy that takes away jobs and then other opportunity from america. joey: yeah. you know, the city that makes so much of -- i don't know if it makes a bunch of its income on tourism, but tourism -- new york city is the city that is the stay thing of this country, right? you should come here and see the su statue of liberty, you should come here and see this mecca of enterprise and business that helped build this entire country as americans just to get a perspective on it. for somebody like me you see it and go, man, i'm glad i live in georgia. but at least you see it. and that's becoming increasingly impossible to do. t not just hotels, it's the opportunity to walk down the street and not get -- rachel: mugged -- will: i told you that happened to me yesterday -- rachel: you got urinated on? will: this close, and i'm not
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exaggerated. walking town the street looking at my phone, and i swear it was one of these situations. rachel: oh, my god. [laughter] you know what's interesting? eric adams' response to this has been, like, of course the problem is so many people want to come to new york. that's why the prices are up. the place is so clean, he literally said it's is clean, it's so safe, this is such a great place, that that's why it's happening. and, by the way, i hate to, i love dumping on new york, but it's not the the only place. when with i'm at the border, a lot of those hotels -- joey: yeah, you went into them. rachel: exactly. those hotels, a lot of them are an average a hotel, they're like, you know what? i could have full occupancy, government rate guaranteed. it makes financial sense for them and it puts out the tourists. joey: and those are places where there aren't many hotels to choose from to begin with. rachel: that's true. will: a suspect is in custody
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after a knife attack at a movie theater just outside of boston. four girls age as9-17 were stabbed in a ran attacked at the amc last night. the investigation if finding the man entered the theater and went into a movie without paying before attacking the girls. he fled bringing state police on a long pursuit before crashing outside of cape cod. the suspect is believed to be linked to another stabbing at an area mcdonald's. man. new overnight hunter biden's legal team filing another appeal to the ninth circuit in the first son's federal tax case. his lawyers are asking to re-examine the various grounds that hunter says the case against him should be dismissed and for special panel of judges to offer its review. the judge in the case says the tax trial will start on september 5th in l.a. unless the ninth circuit takes concrete action to force a change. now to spring football, the birmingham stallions' 15-game
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win streak comes to an end. san antonio brahmas defending -- defense holding birmingham to under 10 points handing hem their first process in two seasons. the score was 18-9. >> pressure, martinez! how did he do it again? if throwing middle of the field -- [cheers and applause] oh! will: you know what? i like the san antonio president obamas' uniforms -- brahmas. yellow and black. rachel: is that black or yellow and green? will: black to me. this afternoon the d.c. defend pers square off against the memphis showboats, and the michigan panthers face the houston roughnecks. check your local listings for both games, but they will be on fox. and those are four headlines -- your headlines. against, another one of your words, all a i hear is a record scratch. rachel: i say against and rum. it really bugs will.
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by the way, if your watching us, this is not the first time. i'm going to find some -- [laughter] and i'm sure there are some, and and i'm going to make sure i bring them up. [laughter] by the way, another thing he does, joey is consistently 100%, like, that's his accent -- joey: there's a reason why i'm not in this conversation. rachel: right. will has an accent, but multiple time we've brought in sheriffs who came in with a hat and -- [laughter] and all of a sudden will turns into joey. it's crazy. joey: a belt buckle appear ifs out of nowhere? if there's spurs on this -- what is going on. >> if. [laughter] rachel: oh, like me. will: i have a -- you see, i just did it. [laughter] i have a very adaptable accent, yes, it's true. rachel: but it goes -- will: i mean, yeah, it knows. like a sea monkey, drop it into water, is and hear it goes.
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[laughter] rachel: great analogy. joey: characters in the water that are magical and amaze being, this is an interesting headline here. the directer of the little mermaid and aladdin, princess and the forbes he says disney needs a course correction away from pushing a political message. rachel: you think? joey: you know, we covered bill maher yesterday morning, and there is sort of this this slow, steady push for people to to say,, gosh, maybe i'll dip my toes in the waters of common sense and speak out. this was someone who was big in the '90s and 2000s, and he's probably retired and not depending on them for money anymore. he's a legendary disney filmmaker, and this is his quote. he says, i think they need to do a course correction a bit in terms of putting the message secondary behind entertainment and a compelling story and engaging characters. the classic disney films didn't start out trying to have a message. they wanted you to get involved in the characters and the story and the world, and i think that's to still the heart of it.
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you don't have to exclude agendas, but you have to first create characters you sympathize with and who are compelling. i mean, a very judicial way of saying it, but i think what he's saying is go woke, go broke. disney+ has seen it, a million not resubscriber doing -- resubscribing -- will: yeah. what he's saying is you have placed so many things in front of the idea of writing a come compelling story. all these other priority thes which is representation -- rachel: feminism -- will: -- message, agenda. that's not how the creative process works, you know in not that i'm telling you i'm the greatest artist, but i can tell you i've been around people enough to know you don't go into a board look, you you don't have 12 people sitting around and and start with a checklist. you start with an idea that's interesting to people and proceed from there. rachel: it was always in the past where artists were so
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committed to the story that they can't care what anybody thinks, you know? many they were willing the break barriers if it was in the interest of the story. it's quite e the opposite, as you said. everyone goes in and says i have to check this off, this off a, this off and then the we'll figure out what the story is. the problem with disney in particular is that disney is a company that had built up decades and decades of trust with families. it became this place where no ma matter what debauchery was happening in the culture, service the happiest place on earth where you could feel safe with your kids, and they have broken trust with the with the parents k. ask and that is something -- it's not just that it's bad for the bottom line for disney, it breaks my heart. i grew up on disney. and the early years with my kids, with my older kids -- i have kids from 4 to 24 -- those are magical years where you could feel safe about it. even going to the park now i took, you know, i took my kids, if you go to the salon, the
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fairy godmother has a beard -- [laughter] i'm not kidding. it truly is. and you know what? i came here for my daughter to have a fairy godmother experience, not to get shocked by, you know, this person's, frankly, mental illness that he wants that job but su somehow this corporation gave it to him. is so they broke trust with america. let's move on to this, a red threat is rising. the u.s. is deeply concerned over china's military drills in taiwan. former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus is going to break it down for us. stay with us for that. joey: but first, the navy band's northeast ceremonial band performs my beloved marines' hymn live. ♪ ♪ all-new tempur-pedic adapt mattress was designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-material
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♪ joey: yeah, we're back with a red threat rising. the u.s. is urging beijing to act with restraint amid deep concerns over china's military drills in the taiwan strait. the drills surrounding the entirety of taiwan while leaders from china, south korea and japan agree to a trilateral
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meeting tomorrow many seoul for the -- in seoul for the first time since 2019. here with more is former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus. morgan, good morning. i know that the you have a lot of experience with this, but for those sitting at home watching this or hearing this, you know, that they say, well, south korea and japan, they're our allies. why are they meeting with china? explain what this meeting means. >> hey, good morning, joey. so let's pull back sort of the bigger picture of, yes, we have this meeting going on, but why is china conducting these exercises around taiwan? they've been doing this for quite some time, but it's been incredibly aggressive since nancy pelosi, when she was speaker of the house, visited taiwan early in the biden administration. i was just in taiwan last month, and the officials told me that was really the turning point for china and taiwan in terms of their exercises of their military drills being much more invasive.
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why does all of that matter, joey? well, as you know, you're a marine, there's several different ways in which they could, the chinese could invade taiwan. and one of the big concerns is the that one of these big military drills around a taiwan could go from an exercise right into an invasion. is that's one of the main concerns. plus, i think it's sort of, joey, i think it's the drip, drip, drip of these exercises. they keep doing more and more and more and trying to make this appear normal until one day it's suddenly not normal. so then you start to look, joey, and you say, okay, why are our allies, south korea and japan, meeting with china. listen, you have to meet with your neighbors. i'm not necessarily concerned that our neighbors are meeting and talking. i'm sure there's information that we will glean from our allies in having those meeting. what's the most important thing for the united states is to focus on our relationships with things like the quad that the president trump revived after it went sort of dormant in the
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obama years. so that means japan, south korea, the philippines, desperate name, australia -- vietnam. you go through the list of countries in southeast asia, i think the most important thing we could be doing diplomatically is doubling and tripling down on those relationships with those countries, india as well. jee yeah yeah. a couple of aspects of in that i find very interesting. from my understanding, south korea and japan are meeting with china with a concern over north korea, wanting china not to support north korea's rogue actions seeking nuclear weapons. then you look at what's happening in taiwan, and basically taiwan is this major manufacturing in computer chips and other things that's a huge export. and another thing on the list with china if for japan and south korea is declining age. that's a problem they have. so is part of this action from china, being bold in some ways, is it to set themselves up for a better future? if what's their reasoning behind needing to take taiwan?
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>> the taiwan question is an excellent one. i mean, listen, we have to remember that taiwan is a democracy. they just actually had an inauguration last week, as you know. that's part of the reason why we see these drills. xi jinping, the leader of the chinese communist party, wants to take taiwan. he believes that it belongs, it's a part of china. there's been an ongoing civil -- there was, of course, an ongoing civil war for decades, and that is where chang high she can and the force toes that lost went to taiwan. so he see ises it as existential to take taiwan. of coursing we as americans in the west believe in freedom, believe in the autonomy and the democracy and the right for people to choose their future and don't think that china or any other country should just be able the take -- to take -- [audio difficulty] we do have a position called strategic ambiguity. but biden over the past three or four years has said, well, no,
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we're going to defend taiwan. his administration walks that back, but it's really important also to remember from a religious freedom perspective, joe by, there are thousands of churches and hundreds of thousands -- thousands of christians in taiwan. that is not something that china wants, right? they persecute their own christians in china -- joey: yeah, we've got to -- >> that matters too. jee we're going to leave it here. this is a big question, and even the marine corps has reoriented it for a pacific war, and we need to be reporting on it. morgan, thank you for bringing this perspective. >> thanks, joey. joey: former president trump makes his pitch to the third party voters vowing partnership with libertarians. >> what ises the purpose of the libertarian party getting 3%? if we unite, we are unstop the,. i will be a true friend to libertarians in the white house. joey: jason chaffetz is here to react next.
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rick: welcome back to "fox & friends." a dangerous morning in store after a ton of storm thes moved through parts of texas, oklahoma and kansas last night. two fatalities confirmed in cook county, texas, just north of the dallas area. right now we've got a big complex of stormses moving across much of missouri, northern parts of arkansas into louisiana, numerous tornado-warned storms. if you're in this area, you need to take shelter immediately. this is the first batch of storms bringing a lot of rain with it, the cold front eventually forms behind this. we'll see another bout of storms later on this afternoon. big flooding concern, there's some images from denton, texas, you can see some of the damage. these scenes have been repeated over the last about month and a half, and this overall pattern that a we're in is not going to break down anytime soon. think we'll see more severe weather happening later on this week, so if you're in parts of the plains, really no significant rest coming for you at all.
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notice this flood threat here, this cabrera-bello, that's the worst of it -- yellow. bigger severe weather threat today, illinois, indiana a, over towards kentucky, tennessee, still again parts of missouri as a well. tomorrow this entire complex if moves farther east, the severe weather threat diminishes a bit with, but we're heading towards some really big population zones and, obviously, it is memorial day tomorrow. so many people will be out and about. you're going to want to be very careful tomorrow as well as making all of your plans. will: two fatalities in cook county, i did not know that, rick. this is one of my favorite areas. i was just there last week. former president trump making his case to third party voters urging libertarians to ditch their party and get behind him instead. >> so what is the purpose of the libertarian party getting 3%? what is the reason to take a chance of having this horrible president destroy our country
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which he will do in far less than four years many? that is why i'm committing to you tonight that i will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also a libertarians in senior posts. if we unite, we are unstoppable. i will be a true the friend to libertarians in the white house. will: fox news contributor and former congressman jason chaffetz joins us now. jason, let's address the obvious, you can hear some of it in the awed a wrote for president trump -- audio. it was not 100% reception there from the libertarians. >> i love that donald trump actually does that. joe biden's over taking a nap in delaware, can and there's donald trump fighting for votes. the reality is there's the only two people that are going to become the next president of the united states, is it going to be joe biden or donald trump? if donald trump has a better chance of becoming president than whoever the libertarians put up there, but you've got to
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court those votes. i'm a conservative republican, that's how i view myself, real strong libertarian streak. small government, want government out of our lives, freedom, liberty, these are things that resonate. that's why i think he's there to attract them rather than going to rfk jr. who is, quite frankly, a really -- he's a big government liberal. will: no, it's not -- you and i were just talking about this, it's not unlike donald trump going to the bronx. >> right. will: there's something that he's clear wily doing, because you can know before you go to the libertarian conference, this will probably not be a 0100% -- 100 to% positive resense. libertarians like being not a republican and not a democrat. so by going in as the republican candidate, you are setting yourself up for some certain amount of next. rejection. and whether or not it's the bronx or with the libertarians, donald trump says, yeah, let's do it, i'm going in. >> yeah. i think he actually likes the raucous crowd like that and a
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challenge to them, get them to think and engage with them. i think he really relishes that. this is a strong play. he's the best retail politician we have seen in our lifetime. he is amazing in front of those types it is of crowds. will: take a look at this fox news poll, one shows how people are looking at a 5-candidate matchup. that's kind of important because rfk's on the ballot, i believe, in, what's it up to? half the states, you have cornel west and jill stein. do you think there is a prospect for, as you mentioned, i mean, all a -- i think most conservative republicans have some strong libertarian streak -- >> yeah. will: but i don't know how that works electorally. will they actually vote republican? will they vote for donald trump? does the pitch work to bring some libertarians to donald trump? >> well, i think the biggest problem is for joe biden because they're pulling people
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from from biden in a big, big way, but is it accretive to what donald trump's trying to do? absolutely. i think people look at a it at the end of the day and say we can't afford joe bind. the reality is it's going to be biden or trump, i'm going with trump because he's going to tear town that morass, that swamp that is washington d.c. that's really at the heart of what libertarians want to get rid of. will: jason just made an awesome point about the number of falsehoods joe biden claimed in not going to west point because of roger staubach. we'll break that down later. he's had good insight. [laughter] check jason out because he's on "the big weekend show" tonight at 7 p.m. eastern time. there's your cohost tonight, jason, so we'll be checking you out on fox. thanks, man. >> very good. will: biden's green dream blown away by a new house report. how his agenda is hurting consumers and the power grid. marc morano has the details
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pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ rachel: this morning growing outrage over president biden's green energy agenda and it real impact on consumers and their wallets. a new house report or arguing under these policies the cost of
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gas has soared, the power grid has weak withenned and another trillion dollars in regulatory costs have been added on the taxpayers' dime. climate publisher marc morano joins us now. so great to have you. no surprise, right? green policies, lots of regulation, higher prices. i want you to look at this screen,. mark:, and and we'll get your thoughts on the other side. so these are gas prices, they're now $3.59. they were a year ago a little less, but back in january of 2021 they were only $2.38. we could go through a ton of other prices that have gone up as a result of that. >> yeah. i mean, this is a situation where we've heard of all these lawsuits against the oil companies, you know, they knew that climate change was coming and yet we still had fossil fuels in the 19700s. now we know that the biden administration knew. this new report from the republic shows that the biden
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administration, they were able to get documents and everything else, their own administration was worried that these policies that they were imposing, the rationing of energy, coming after rationing of food, transportation, freedom of movement was going to wreak havoc on the american economy. we now know according to this report that they were worried about energy shortages, about rationing, about skyrocketing costs. and guess what? they were absolutely right. this is the remaking of america in the words of his epa director to fight the historic ballot against climate change, the existential threat. and all they've done is gone request after american energy and americans by destroying their reliable, cheap base that we had that powered our economy x. a second term would complete this job right now. and it's on everything whether it's banning oil and gas on federal land, or it's gone after, of course, gas prices have skyrocketed, canceling pipelines, and the second term
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they're ready to come for a lot more. rachel: i mean, but that's the point. so they raised the price of everything with all their policies, but do we have any evidence that it's the improved the environment or that co2 has decreased, whatever they were battling? do we have any evidence of that? if it's a sincere question. >> no, absolutely not. in fact -- well, in the united states we were doing better under donald trump in terms of rapidly reducing co2 emissions because of this transfer from carbon -- if fromming coal to natural gas. so we actually led the world in reducing co2. what they're doing now is they're just hammering our economy to doing nothing. and here's the thing, even if the united states limits our co32 reduction, all we've done is outsourced it to the worst environmental -- rachel: exactly. >> begging venezuela, the middle east, or other countries for oil and fossil fuels. and that raises global emissions of co2 way higher or than they
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would have been anyway, and they're coming after as -- yeah, go ahead. rachel: and i was going to say not to mention that then we've transitioned to other forms of energy that require inputs like minerals from africa, and we see that, you know, you have 40,000 the children basically in slave labor trying to dig for cobalt. you know what costs nothing, marc, and cleans the environment? picking up trash. i was just at alexandria ocasio-cortez's district a couple months ago, it's filthy. why can't we start with what actually works? [laughter] >> yeah. and that's what's essentially happened with the entire green movement. the climate change battle against this alleged existential threat has hijacked all the real environmental issues. we saw what happened in east palestine. it comes down to this the insane mono-focus on one issue that you can never win a battle to fight the climate. we may as well fight ocean
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circulation or continental drift. rachel: no question about it. not to mention the whales and the birds that have died from the windmills and the whales from the exploration in the sea that they're doing. it just really is mind-boggling. you all are bring us all the a craziness and remind us there's a different way -- [laughter] and we're really grateful for that, marc. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: all right. have a great sunday. all right. watching your wallet. experts say one type of card should never be linked to your digital wallet. kurt the cyber guy explains next. measure lowe's knows the right paint at a great price can get you the right look today. that's why select paints and stains are buy one get one half off. so you can refresh your space inside and out. paint more for less this memorial day.
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because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it's totally worth it. rachel: new, stark warnings over your digital wallet. one financial guru sounding off on the risk of storing certain cards to your account. >> all those, i don't know, digital payment thing, whatever you call it, apple pay, right? if you link accounts to it. don't link your checking -- don't link your debit card to it. hinge a credit card. if you want to be safe, remove your debit card from that platform and just use your credit card as the main if payment. will: here with insight is kurt the cyber guy.
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that seems very common sense, yeah, kurt. like, not a debit card -- >> yeah, you would think, you would think, or right? go check some of your friends and go check their digital wallets. and if i'm not talking about just apple pay or if you're using google's payment method. venmo, paypal, all the apps that are in people's phones, often times these debit cards sneak in there, and the problem is one of these criminals who swindled money out of people's account, up to to $300,000, i mean, wipes out somebody completely, and what recourse do they have? if well, some banks capp that liability to just $50. and so, i mean, you just really want to go check your phone today, maybe sure you -- make sure you don't have any debit cards that snuck on to there. one of the tricks they -- all they have to do is get to your unlocked phones, and one of those tricks is, hey, i'll give
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you my phone number. okay, or i'm just putting it in your phone right here, and the next thing you know, they have access to your phone. you don't even know what happened. rachel: you've with always been warning us about the problems with privacy and our cell phones, so talk to us about how -- what we can do to disable that tracking that's quick on on our phones, all these different companies. >> yeah, rachel, another story we're tracking this morning, dirty little secret for many major wireless carriers, they track our data. they do this for a variety of reasons that they claim is really good for us but, quite frankly, you don't have to let 'em do it. so is data is being tracked that includes your browsing history, location data, the messaging information that you have on there, how you use your apps. what in the world do i want to let them know all those things? the oh, so you can send me an ad i might like? no, thank you. if you've got t-mobile if or a a, the and, the or you've got verizon, the big ones -- at&t,
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don't worry about it. we got you covered. log on to cyber, and you're going to go into your setting, privacy on many of these things. it's a little different for each one, but we'll show you how to do that. and if you get my newsletter which is going out literally, i think, 202 minutes, it will have these -- 20 minutes, it will have these details. it's one of those things that sneaks into our lives where they're collecting this data, they're using it however they want to do, they just take from us, and they don't even ask us. why do we want to let this keep happening? we're not -- the relationship's not equal there. you want to take that back, you want to get just a shred of your privacy back. joey: what you're saying with the carrier and the settings they have the enact ad, you can opt back out of those. that doesn't mean you can't own social media apps and stuff like that, right? >> yeah, this is just what your carrier itself is collecting about you and in many cases sharing with third parties.
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because of the fine print, we said yes to that. no one with ever looked at that. now at least you can go on to your service, log into it, we'll show you step by step how to go with in there and say, no, thank you, i opt out of that. and you can tweak those privacy settings that you have just a shred of your privacy -- rachel: sometimes that third party is your government, so -- [laughter] let's just make sure -- exactly. kurt, always great advice. thanks for joining us. don't forget,? >> happy memorial day -- rachel: you too. subscribe to kurt's newsletter from from cyber for more important, essential tips. thanks, kurt. will: thank you. rachel: we've got a big show still ahead this holiday weekend. more "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ ♪ owsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist.
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