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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 26, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> fox weather alert, at least six people are dead as severe
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tornado outbreaks brings damage and devastation to the south. joey: max gordon joins us from rougeses -- rogers, arkansas wih the latest. >> reporter: good morning. we just got on the ground moments ago. you can smell natural gas on the ground in rogers, arkansas and many buildings are damaged after yous suspected tornado ripped through this community. a county judge here says at least one person here is dead, no idea yet on how many people are injured. but just looking from the devastation behind me, there are likely going to be some that are injured here in rogers, arkansas. now, this was a part of a tornado outbreak among 20 tornadoes reported across oklahoma, texas and here in arkansas. in texas, the cook county sheriff says that five are now confirmed dead after a suspected tornado hilt a mobile home park there. the sheriff says the number of dead could rise.
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dozens were injured in a travel center to the north in mays county, oklahoma, emergency managers say two people are dead after another suspected tornado hit there. several people are injured in oklahoma with emergency officials saying some of the injured are children. in boone county, arkansas, a suspected tornado hit the local sheriff's office there, sheriff's officials saying no inmates or sheriffs officers were injured in that tornado but their buildings did take significant damage there. now, this comes as more than 300,000 customers throughout america's heartland are without power this morning, due to these storms and tornadoes. here in arkansas, more than 100,000 are without power with and the cleanup now is just beginning. guys, back to you. will: quick question for you, max. i understand that travel center in texas was some das place plae were seeking refuge from the storm. as they were gathering to seek
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refuge, that's where the tornado touched down. the number could rise, it seems to include children, there are children missing in that area of texas. >> reporter: it's absolutely horrible. we've got a lot of missing folks there. we have the number of dead likely to rise. the travel center i believe was along i-35, a lot of people traveling for the memorial day holiday, trying to seek shelter somewhere and unfortunately the tornado hit right there. will: max, we appreciate that. i believe we may be joined shortly here by the cook county, texas sheriff. we're working on bringing him in. but that's pretty bad details. that's rough stuff now. not just in texas but as you report as well, max, in arkansas, oklahoma and seemed to be spreading north and a east along this path. joey: yeah. >> reporter: yeah, a lot of destruction here. will: thank you, max. if we get the sheriff of cook county at this, we'll bring him in. there's a lot of questions to be asked about the circumstanceses which we're just beginning to
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get the details on. rachel: it's not too far from where you and your family live. >.will: it's not far from wheri grew up and my mother lives. >> reporter: thanks, appreciate you. will: it's not far from where i live now, i-35 is a major interstate, major artery in the country, people going north to south so for it to hit -- valley view, sanger, these are pretty populated. rachel: we might have the sheriff. let's go ahead and bring him in. this is texas sheriff ray sappington. sheriff, what's the latest? ?do we have him? dis% yes. rachel: sheriff sappington, can you hear me. >> i can. rachel: you can. okay. >> i can, yes. rachel: okay. so first of all, we're so sorry to hear about everything that's been going on there, the damage looks horrible. tell us what's the latest and what you're focused on right
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now. >> we are still in a search and rescue mode. we've had a couple hours of daylight and the damage is really devastating, but our latest numbers, we had five confirmed fatalities, three adults, two juveniles and sadly we expect that number to rise. joey: sheriff, i know you're a county sheriff. have you heard from the governor? have there been any state assets deployed as far as the search and rescue, things like that? >> we have had some state resources and i've not personally heard from the governor but i have had a call from a state senator, drew springer, and so we have plenty of resources for right now.
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it's been a amazing response from surrounding counties and cities, various fire departments, law enforcement agencies who responded so we've had a lot of help, much appreciated. will: i would love to ask you to confirm a few of the details we've had come in this morning. so this is in the southern part of cook county, looks like, northern denton county, and from my understanding it's hit both the mobile home park but also a travel center where it looks like people were seeking refuge from the storms off i-35. is that right? it hit where people were actually seeking shelter from the storm and from what i've read it seems to include some missing children among the concerns. >> yeah, that's correct. now, the shell station, ap travel center sits right on 35,
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off of the service road, and there were approximately 60 to 80 people that were in the store and some seeking shelter, some were just in the store, and that building really suffered extensive damage as well. amazingly, no one was killed at that convenience store, so the deaths have occurred about a mile, mile and-a-half west of that store. will: okay. last question for you, sheriff. do you have any sense of the geographic breadth of the damage, like the tornado, did it keep touching down at various parts of cook county or moving on over into grayson ors is it these two locations that are to your knowledge the place of concern? >> the main damage was -- you appears be maybe half, three
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quarters of a mile west, maybe for or five miles in length. it did cause a little damage further east of 35 at a state park, there were a couple trailers flipped over there and some tree damage in there but there were no significant injuries in the state park. so it it appeared to lift up ani can't comment on grayson county which is east of us. i don't know about any damage over there. will: all right. we wish you guys the best. i know it's a tough day in cook county. i'm sure everybody's very relieved that you're out there on the job helping them out. we appreciate you giving us an update this morning on "fox & friends." >> yes, sir. thank you. rachel: thank you, sheriff sappington. will: let's move on to some politics this mornings. donald trump made a pitch to libertarian voters at the
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libertarian convention, mixed reaction. there was some cheers, there was some jeers as well. here he is, talking to l libertarians. >> in thereafter year i've been indicted by the government on 91 different things. if i wasn't a libertarian before, i sure as hell am a libertarian now. roy wrote donald trump will address the libertarian party at its national convention on saturday, the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states. that's nice. that's nice. only if you want to win. only if you want to win. only do that if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting your 3% every four years. what is the reason to take a
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chance of having this horrible president destroy our country, which he will do in far less than four years. it's not going to take four years. that is why i'm committing to you tonight that i will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians in senior posts. joey: we haven't talked about this part. who would those libertarians be? because there are a lot of republicans in congress that call themselves libertarians. i don't know who there are -- you know, who is out there forward facing with the label libertarian that he would bring into a cabinet. rachel: i was looking to see. is greg gut field in there? this was really brave. this shows that donald trump is on the offense. last week he was in bright blue south bronx where he got a really warm reception. apparently libertarians lessen newsas particular but you saw a lot-lesless enthusiastic.
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libertarians are counter cultural if you will, they're contrarian. i thought this was interesting. the message wasn't just the funny line, go ahead had, don't vote for me, get your 3 and 4%, and be done with yourselves. he talked about stopping the forever war mentality in american poll techs, ticks, he- politics, he talked about taking on censorship and a he had a detailed plan, encouraging people at the event to look into it. i think this is fascinating, will. and joey. he was, again, in bright blue bronx last week. he's been to bright blue minnesota. he's speaking with unions. he did sneaker com. he went to the cnn town hall. he is in joe biden's playpen and that is a sign of strength that i think has to be appreciated. will: well, first of all, when
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it comes to libertarians and conservatives there's a lot of ideological overlap. it doesn't make strange bed fellows. people share similar views in the camps. rachel: rfk junior is going after them as well. >> there's not as much of ideological overlap, except for enforcement by the government on free speech and censorship. outside of that, there's not a lot of overlap. i find it fascinating, he goes to the bronx and he speaks to people that would have been either dismissed or said oh, you'll never get the voters or whatever. when there's a difference between being protested at one of your own events or booed at one of your own events or seeking it out, maybe not seeking it out but going to a place where you're almost guaranteed it's going to happen. rachel: taking et it on. will: taking it on. you know it's going to happen. he knew it's going to happen.
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i think it reveals a level of confidence. rachel: even the way he responded. will: you don't agree with me 100% on something, there's a percentage that might hear what i have to say or potentially vote for me. it is offense. it is confidence. rachel: he needs a little bit from the here, a little bit from the bronx, he's got to conquer this all together. he needs the vote to be too big to rig. he can't just rely on reliable voters. he's got play in joe biden's box and take some of those votes away. joey: it will be interesting to see where he goes next. there's a big push to get him in chicago. they've floated that idea. hopefully the trial will be over this week and we'll get to see is this a trend that will continue or is it a victim of circumstance being stuck in new york, i think probably more the former. we're going to turn to your headlines. suspect in custody after a knife attack at a movie theater just outside of boston, police say four girls, aged 9 to 17, were stabbed in a random attack at
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the amc in brain tree last night. an investigation finding the man entered the theater and went into a movie without paying before attacking the girls who were taken to a local hospital and treated for nonlife threatening injuries. the man fled, bringing police on a long pursuit before crashing just outside of cape cod. the suspect is believed to be linked to another stabbing at an area mcdonald's. portland police are looking for three men caught on camera, pick pocketing a 93-year-old man. the victim was heading to his car after shopping at costco earlier this month when the men followed behind him and snatched his wallet out of his pocket. they used the victim's credit cards to buy hundreds of dollars in gift cards at a local store. the men were seen trying to pick pocket other shoppers. police believe the thieves were also responsible for previous pick pocketing incidents in seattle. you get what you vote for out
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there. all right. a texas high school valedictorian leaves the audience in tears with an uplifting graduation speech dedicated to his late father, just hours after he was laid to rest following his battle with cancer. let's listen. >> i will spend every hour of every day working as hard as i can to achieve all of my goals because that's what he wanted. i will do it for him. joey: he joined us earlier on how he was able to give such a powerful message. >> i didn't know if i had the strength to do it. i was up there talking about my dad and at any time i could have -- i wanted to stop but i looked in the audience and i saw people listening to what i was saying and really taking it in and a like relating to me, getting touched by the words that were coming out of my mouth. that's what really kept me going. wi.joey: he will attend the university of texas next fall to study chemical engineering.
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i have no doubt he'll do very well. those are your headlines. and thank god for kids like that with that kind of strength and i'm sure his dad was a good dad. rachel: you did such a good job. >> thank you. thank you. yeah. i'm sure his daddies incredibly -- dad is incredibly proud of him. have americans forgotten their manners. alarming new you study revealsw many say please. only 7% of americans preface a request with the word please. rachel: do you believe that? joey: you would get slapped if you didn't say please. when i lived in d.c. in 2010, 11 and 12, if i held the door open for someone they would think i was going to ask for money. if i called a female under the age of 60 ma'am, she took it as a comment on her age. will: i know. joey: i tell my 5-year-old dorks i call her ma'am. that's part of our -- 5-year-old daughter, i call her ma'am.
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that's part of our c culture. will: i lived in both cultures, grew up in texas, lived here for a long time. now back in texas. it's not the same. i'm not saying one's better than -- manners and politeness are a bigger part of the culture. i will say by the way, i think it's important. my wife thinks it's incredibly important. there's a lot of yes, sir and no, sirs for the boys. it can be used to cover up underlying bad manners. i'm not saying everybody in the north that's doesn't have these manners is not -- rachel: give us an example of eddie haskell. will: it's over-the-top, sounds robotic. joey: it's like you're going to wear thoses shoes, bless your heart. will: bless your heart is one. rachel: in the midwest they say that's different. will: that's not a compliment. rachel: listen, if american kids are not saying please and thank you wherever they are in
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the country that's a parenting fail. we needs to get better at. will: andrew of ucla, phd candidate, he you authored a book on when americans use the word please, he said a lot of please is basically to t put pressure to comply on the other party, when making a request that we shouldn't be making but we're going to do it anyway. he's saying please is a pressure word. joey: like a manipulation. will: he's wrong. say please and thank you. rachel: yeah, that's a cynic if i've ever. joey: yes, ma'am and hold the door open for people. rachel: i want you both calls me ma'am from now on. come on, will, step it up. [laughter] will: there is a line where it's like do you call people -- you said you do it with your daughter. consicontemporaries you don't-ik we're contemporaries.
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i don't think you're older than me. i think you look amazing for your age. [laughter] rachel: he's said jason chaffetz looks younger than me. will: i didn't say that. roll the tape. i never said that. rachel: he said jason chaffetz looks younger. i'll still take the ma'am, will. joey: yes, ma'am. rachel: don't call me a brainless socialist. joey: i'm not going to call you a brainless socialist. that's how one gop governor is referring to biden's add vidsers he predicts the president's student loan plan will come back to haunt him. will: sean duffy has his take when we come back. stick around. rachel: first the navy band performs live. ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america.
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>> from a political standpoint alone it's a disaster. there's no young person that's voting for trump that said he canceled by debt, i guess i'll vote for biden now.
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he's ticking off a lot of hard working fall liss, democrat families, union member families that work hard and see the inherent unfairness to the whole thing. rachel: gop governor predict biden's latest student loan bailout will push american taxpayers towards trump, the president canceling nearly $170 billion total as he's hurting for support from some young voters. will: joining us the co-host of the bottom line, sean duffy. what's up? >> i think it's interesting. joe biden had failing polls with young people. he's losing hispanics, losing blacks, losing young people so the effort to win those people back is i'll pay off student loans, right? the problem is, even though he's done it, it's not working. the polls are still horrible with young people for joe biden because they care about israel, hamas, care about home prices, rent, gas, food, they can't buy a car so those are the issues that are driving these young
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people. paying off student loans is not bringing them into the joe biden fold and to sununu's point, he's angering average americaning saying this is not free, someone will pay for it and it's us the taxpayers that will pay for the efforts to buy youth voters. rachel: or maybe somebody who couldn't go to college and now he's paying for the college of a small subset of young people who are going to benefit from this and in fact, sunu. said he thought it was a bunch of crazy, radical 26-year-olds inside of biden's administration who are coming up with the ideas that are ticking off the working class. >> do you think joe biden was that radical when he was a senator. he brought in the bernie sanders type staffers who have ideas of how to win votes by giving you way tax taxpayer money. it's not working. if joe biden focused on the
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economy, how to make things better for people, maybe we shouldn't spend so much money, maybe $34 trillion in debt is a real problem for the country. gas prices are high which leads to higher prices for everything. if you would just drill more, that would have a remarkable impact on gas prices and he refuses to do the things that work. he does the easy things by giving give-aways. rachel: the 26-year-olds don't want -- joey: something that's near and dear to my heart, this man from new zealand that was crowned world lumber jack champion in ymilan. you were the champion in the 90-foot speed climb. give us your reaction. let's take a look at this and give us your reaction. >> jack jordan is on the second side. world record! >> it's a new world record! >> oh, my goodness. will: what do you call that, the undercut? >> the standing shop.
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the lumber jack world championships are held in wisconsin. the perception is you have limb lumber jacks that are fat, burly men. these are fine athletes. these are ray. razor sharp spee axes. they are remarkable athletes. they're mott baseball players, they're not football players. but they make good money in the competitions and travel the world. >> this is you, right. rachel: that's sean. >> i was what little had younger. will: is that you on the right. rachel: he's the one winning. joey: are you looking up the whole time. rachel: that's him. >> when you're going up you look up. when you hit the bell, it's a free fall back down. the rules now are -- will: that looks like it would blow your knee out, coming down like that. >> it hurts your back, not your knees. the pressure transfers up your legs into your back. you see the pads there. they're pretty thick.
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rules are, you've got to hit the tree every 20 feet or every 30 feet so you get a free -- you can't just free fall. rachel: he was the fastest one coming down, that's why he won three times world champion speed climber. i traveled with sean. i've been to the calgary stampede, a lot of races, competitions. he never took me to milan. why didn't that happen? >> that's a story there. rachel: we were in the u.p., i think. >> one last point on this, this is part of or great american history. our country was built on most all men who went into the woods and chopped and sawed trees, brought them to a mill town and built the country out, really wonderful, fantastic men who now have this modern day sport. rachel: will loves that you brought -- >> it's a new thing for sean, fastest men up and down. joey: it's like kirby says,
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just keep chopping wood. rachel: sean is a world class athlete. he's going to be hosting maria's sunday morning futures next but also he's a bee keeper and so this week -- he's a bee keeper. this week on the kitchen table podcast after lots of different episodes on the royals, sean finally said i want the world premier bee keeper on and so -- >> it's about bee keeping this week. rachel: sean, take it away. >> bee keeping has been fan takes a particular. i'm new to it. -- fan a fantastic. i'm new to it. i talk to the bees. i see them by the pool, i say here's one of my little guys. in 30 minutes i'm doing something -- we have a great show coming up, senator ron johnson, we'll talk about what's going on on the border, we had a second time this border bill came up this week, what it means, what democrats are trying to do. alena haba will join me, we'll talk about the summation, the
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closing arguments that will be made on tuesday in the trump case and also some hunter biden as well as we'll reflect on memorial day and what's happening with israel and haas. it's going to be a great show. tune in. join us half an hour from now. rachel: tune into the kitchen table for the best bee talk you've ever heard. joey: flags for the fallen meet the veterans making sure our heroes are never forgotten. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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joey: this memorial day weekend flags of the fallen is honoring the airmen of the mighty eight air force. with more than 26,000 american flags in memory of those lost. the mighty eight played a critical role in the allied invasion of europe during world war ii including paining the way for d-day. we're joined by flags for the fallen co-brand director,
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colonel brent blackwell and major john lucky, lukadoo, who piloted more than two dozen missions over nazi occupied europe with the mighty eight air force. i want to go to you first, colonel. i want you to explain to us about the flags and what they symbolize. >> thanks, joey. as you said in the intro, the 26,000 flags, represent more than 26,000 airmen casualties take they the air force suffered during world war ii. we want to honor, recognize, commemorate this so three years ago a, this is the fourth year doing it it's now become bigger than just the 26,000. it represents all soldiers, sailors, airmen, marine, anyone who has given their life in service for their done you tri, we want to say this 26,000 stand for them. joey: major lucky, i want to go
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to you. you served with the mighty eight. what does it mean to you to see this h memorial? >> it's remarkable. becomes it does commemorate the memory of my dear friends and comrades who didn't come home. those of us who were fortunate enough to come home, such as myself, are pretty at this rareu know. but those who did not, we certainly should remember for their magnificent contribution to the freedoms that we enjoy today. joey: absolutely. thank you for your contribution. we call you the greatest generation for a reason. colonel, as you go about doing this, i presume you need a lot of volunteers. what's the support of the local community and nationwide look like for this? >> it's been wonderful. to me, it's my favorite time of year at the museum. we start asking for people like
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a save the date, we send out early in march. but then come that morning, 9:30 in the morning, tuesday earlier in the week, we had probably -- i bet we had about 200, 250 people show up and we get all 26,000 flags in the ground, through the work of great volunteers and help in two hours and-a-half. when it was brand-new, may have taken two days. people are coming in and it's an event where people no matter what background or what side of the aisle they're on, we're united in our love of service of country, sacrifice, and wanting to recognize it so it's really a precious event. joey: major, one more question to you. you understand the significance of d-day and winning world war ii. do you think right now today we do enough to honor that and remember it? >> well, i think by and large we do. there are unfortunately some oversight as to what occurred
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during world war ii when the country came together after pearl harbor and united in perfect harmony and support of all the troops. i'm referring to those who were not in uniform, those who were the home front heroes that we've never acknowledged or never recognized as being so significant in the victory that we prevailed in. we would not have done so if it had not been for them and yet we have no day of commemoration for them but as far as those who did, the ceremonies that we do hold such as memorial day, which is very significant because it recognizes those who made the supreme sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy and that
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certainly is something that we can never allow to be diminished or forgotten. joey: absolutely. i love those words. i love the fact that you're selfless in this moment even acknowledging the service of the civilians at home rather than just what you and your peers did. listen, colonel, major, thank you both for being with us today. thank you both for your service. and thank you for all that you're doing to honor those that we've lost in battle. thank god for this country and thank god for the men and women that serve it. you all have a solemn and memorable memorial day. >> thank you, joey. >> thank you. and god bless america. joey: you can find more about flags for the fallen at, such an amazing tribute. all right. she's back and hillary has a brand-new excuse for why she lost the 2016 election, tammy bruce is going to join us live to break it down, next. first, the navy band northeast
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line of storms that brought tornadoes to texas during the overnight hours. all of this complex moving across the mississippi and ohio river valley. we've got a few tornado warnings still in effect, tornado warning went through mayfield, kentucky, a town that back in 2011 that ef-4 tornado go through it so more severe weather going through there and throughout the afternoon hours, we will eventually start to see the cold front come through. it's going to bring more severe weather. so we have severe weather this morning, we dry things out a little bit for a few hours and another line of storms begins to form and eventually moves through. this is the month of may, normally by now we would have 170 tornadoes, we've had 359 in the month of may and year-to-date we are almost double where we would typically be so this active pattern likely continues at least for another week before maybe we get a bit of a break, people across the central part of the country, rachel, need to continue to be weary, unfortunately, for all
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the severe weather that they've been dealing with. rachel: thank you, rick. tough story. all right. hihillary clinton has a new exce for why she lost to donald trump in 2016. i hear terry bruce laughing to the side here. this time she's blaming fellow women. clinton saying, quote, they just couldn't take a risk on me because as a woman, i'm supposed to be perfect. they were willing to take a risk on trump because he was a man and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief. fox news contributor and former democrat tammy bruce 10eu6d as the president of the national organization of women and she joins us now. she doesn't stop complaining. >> she doesn't. rachel: it's not fair, tammy. i mean, that she's even saying this. look at donald trump. what if the clinton foundation got the same kind of scrutiny as trump did on his taxes. >> what she doesn't understand, she's dripping with irony, is this is why she lost. it's all about her in the way
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she was doing the campaign, her entire political career, it's never been about the people. right? she can't take any responsibility. it wasn't because oh, i was the worst candidate in american history oh, i'll a malignant naggernarcisct, she doesn't taky responsibility for the failure of what she has done including standing by you her husband with all a of what he was doing to her, signaling to women everywhere that you just put up with it. it's just that this is a woman who still in the midst of this is now it's not just anybody, it's other women because we just don't understand, because we're infants, because we're jealous and this is because she's not perfect while arguing that she's perfect which is why they should have voted for her. rachel: are she ooh got away wh so much. she deleted all the e-mails. she's acting like she's perfect.
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the way she brought up with abon rights, see, women didn't vote for me, now look what happened to abortion rights. it ignores the fact that there's lots of pro life women in the country and most don't agree with her position on aabortion. >> she voted against the partial birth abortion ban. we've seen democrats move in this direction. most people want women, accidents happen, birth control fails, they want an option in the first trimester. that's where most americans have always been but not unlimited. the american people understand that women need this kind of framework, obviously but at the same time there's hillary, making this argument that women aren't good enough, that they were bad or that this is what happens because you didn't elect me. how dare she?
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because right now we know it's at the states, it's where women's voices, where the citizens' voice are heard more directly, you're not going to be heard by the supreme court. it's not something you can lobby. even though the democrats tried to by threatening them. this is a dynamic where women win and they are voting for legislation that allows abortion in some cases or through the first trimester, not unlimited and that's the difference. hillary is still trying to frighten women with the upcoming election. it has failed. we care about the future. yit's not an existential issue. rachel: women care about food prices. >> food on the table. rachel: they care about what their kids are taught in school. they want to gas up their car. >> they don't want to be called a terrorist because you're active at the school board meeting. enough is enough, people. hillary, take a seat. sit down. rachel: she's still trying to be relevant. maybe she's trying to get on the ticket in case joe biden doesn't
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make it. we'll bring you back to talk about that. >> okay. not that we'll have anything to say. [laughter] rachel: all right. tammy bruce. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. rachel: need a sweet treat for your memorial day cookout? we have the red, white and blue deserts for the whole family. that's next. ♪ when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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rachel: all right. well this memorial day weekend we're celebrating patriotism and the unofficial start of the summer. joey: here with red, white and blue deserts to enjoy after the bbarbecue, chef eric levine. >> thank you for having me again. my partner is in italy. we ran out of provolone. we have some great deserts, the first is a non-bake cheat cake. you -- sh cheesecake. we're going to throw this in here. a little cream cheese, throw that in they there and then i'm going to add a -- i'm going to start this up. rachel: who wants to turn on the oven in the heat.
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>> you don't want to turn on the oven. keep it nice and cool be the house. will: what's that there. >> this is a like a sweetened condensed milk. we're going to add that do it. we're going to get that bad boy going and a kick it into overdrive. use a little bit of lemon juice. rachel: just going to get the whipped cream off of this. >> we're going to slowly add sugar to it, powdered should ca. the idea is to get it done early, let it cool down and we have that here. let you try one of. rachel: so good. yummy. >> this is the no non-bake cheesecake. we finish wit a it will a littlt of lemon juice. rachel: you put it in the cup. >> let it cool down. >> it's hea healthy with the fh fruit. >> we have cup cakes, a pound
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cake, whoopie pies, this is the red, white and blue rainbow cookie, donut. a little panacotta, white chocchochocolate mousse. with raspberries. you don't have to take time with this. you can make this days ahead. once it sets in your refrigerator, you can put anything on it, berris. rachel: it's so simple. it's a great recipe. >> we'll get the recipe online so people can go and enjoy it. we do this at 317, one of our signature deserts, a non-bake cheesecake. simple and he's. rachel: what is this? >> it's a white chocolate mousse. you've got to try this one. joey: i haven't had much to say because it was so good. will: thank you so much. >> thank you for having me as all. will: more "fox & friends" moment away. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ will: awesome. a big thank you, by the way, to the navy band's northeast if ceremonial band, they've been performing all morning, all weekend long for your memorial day weekend. joey: remember the fallen, have a great memorial day tomorrow. rachel: and joey and i will be on tomorrow as well. will: happy memorial day. ♪ if. ♪ sean: good sunda


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