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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 26, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ "fox weather" alert for at
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least 10 people are dead across three states some children after tornadoes ripped through the southern plains this memorial day weekend. the flattened homes, flipped arby's left hundreds of thousands of people without power. hello welcome to "fox news livei am rich edson. molly: i am molly line eric and arthel are off today. there are reports of a least 20 tornadoes in the region overnight. recovery efforts are now underway one te in texas the sheriff says it is not easy. corwe have a lot of assets backn the western part over here trying to gain access. power lines were down, and trees treeswere down it has taken a he effort to get where most of the damage is. we pray for those lost but also we can still find uninjured and get help too. >> heartbreaking losses there. those tornadoes are part of this
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weakens while the weather. tennis ball sized hail reigned it down in kansas. the intense lightning leading up the arkansas night sky. one resident captured a massive web of bolts in the slow-motion video "fox weather" max gordon isn't rogers, arkansas with the lease on all of this. max, to you. quick some horrible scenes across america's heartland. here in rogers, arkansas extensive damage. benton county judges says at least one person died in this county. unclear how many were injured you can see behind me collapsed buildings, downed power lines the smell of natural gas hangs thick in the air we talk to when manny said his home took extensive damage after the radar confirmed tornado struck here a little after 2:00 a.m. in the morning. take a listen. >> we have a tree in our living room we have windows blown out. it flooded the house. it was raining real hard. it is not livable. we are going to do our best. pretty eye-opening it's a lot
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worse than i thought it was initially once the sun came up you realize the magnitude. it is pretty shocking honestly. >> there are at least 20 reports of tornadoes that came in last night and this morning in texas, oklahoma and arkansas. in north texas cook county sheriff said seven are now confirmed dead after a suspected tornado hit a mobile home park there. the sheriffs of the number of dead couldn't go up and dozens were also injured at a travel center. emergency managers see two people are dead after another suspected tradition hit there but several people are injured with emergency officials think some of the injured are children. in the boone county, arkansas that jail and sheriffs buildings sheriff'sbuildings were hit witm damage no officers or inmates were injured. power outage is a big problem with the storms more than three and a thousand customers are without electricity and arkansas that is around 100,000. back to you. molly: are thoughts with all those who lost lives and their
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families forgiveness accents of that damages. max gordon, thank you. see fort morris of your weather's on the meteorologists with what to expect the rest of today and tomorrow. quick severe weather risk expense only this afternoon and evening but on into monday. let's it dive into severe weather risk for the rest of the day today. will continue to push into the valleys tennessee louisville, knoxville, tennessee nashville and the risk zone is width of the afternoon and evening. especially overnight tonight as the cold front starts to drape its way across the region. we close out and movement of the memorial day on monday to areas of severe weather. what a crusty delmarva in the northeast those storms continue to fire up on the southern tier of that boundary say georgia, gander alabama, mississippi and into portions of new orleans,
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the gulf coast. talk about today severe weather risk you've seen ongoing storms, destruction from overnight tornadoes in texas and oklahoma. leading into arkansas as well. this complex of storms continued to slice its way across the east coast. the second round of storms develops with the cold front in the evening. that brings a level three at risk. all severe weather hazards on the board tornado at risk, damaging winds, very large hail. potentially up to a golf ball to tennis sized hail. the first round of storms exits off to the east to buy about the dinner hour more storms developing along the cold front. it becomes more of it linear line of storms pushing for nashville, tennessee by about midnight. this severe weather risk continues to pull into the southeast fizzling out by early monday morning. but speaking of the mandate the severe weather risk creeps in washington d.c. especially in the afternoon hours. we clear out the storm system by the time or back to work and
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school on tuesday we finally get a quieter period of rutherford here's how the storms are wrapped in the second half of the day for your monday. any beach plans or barbecues may be better off in the early start of our monday by about 5:00 p.m. in the evening rush of traveling i'm scattered showers and thunderstorms continued to pull the way to the 95 corridor again bringing damage eat wind at risk for the possibility of a tornado. back to you. rich: fox meteorologist jane minar thank you. it's been a former president troubled with the patriotic pedal to the metal he'll be in charlotte, north carolina today for the sold out coca-cola 600 nascar race. he's hoping for a bit of a warm reception that he got the libertarian party's national convention in d.c. just last night. madeline has more on that but first madison scarpino live at the charlotte motor speedway. great day to be there. >> it is an exciting day here at
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the track for the coca-cola 600 is the large longest race of the season you said a former president trump is expected to be at the race. officials at the track tell us it's the first time eight former or sitting president has been to the coke 600. of course north carolina is a key battleground state. former president trump when the tar heel state in both 2016 and 2020. but the democrats are welcoming the former president and nascar fans from around the world with some new billboards they are funded by the democratic national committee the title reads beware from extreme maga agenda for north carolina. dance here are really focused on that military aspect of this race and honoring soldiers this memorial day weekend fared back out here at live we are at a luncheon there's going to be 200 goldstar family members each cart racing today will honor a soldier who died in combat their names will be written on the
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car's windshield. so it memorial day is a big focus in this race. there is going to be 2000 active duty military members here at the prerace show will honor fallen soldiers there will be an air show with blackhawk helicopters, c-17 planes and fans tell us it's a really special thing to see. >> they are honoring the fallen soldiers who h paid the ultimate price. it really means a lot to us veterans and i'm sure it means a lot to the world. they put on such a great memorial day prerace it is just phenomenal. it really makes you proud to be american. >> big news in the nascar world we are just learning the indianapolis 500 has been delayed due to severe weather. one of the big things people are talking about it for a certain kyle larson will be able to make from the indy 502 here at the charlotte motor speedway for the coke 600. we'll see how that delay impacts that we will be here all day
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keeping you guys updated. back to you. >> member the pollen in madison scarpino covering an incredible amount of ground for us on this memorial day weekend. rich: tough crowd for the former president at the libertarian convention in d.c. he was booing and heckled asking for the support. closing arguments in his criminal trial are expected tuesday. madeleine rivera is live here in d.c. with more. >> good afternoon but this is not the type of reception the former president is used to add his campaign rallies. many people in the crowd were already skeptical for he took the stage at the national convention saying he does not align with their values trump did not help his case and much when he took aim at the performances of libertarian candidates in recent presidential contest even as he told the group to vote for him. >> only do that if you want to weigh in, if you want to lose don't do that.
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keep getting your is 3% every four years. >> trump at several booed he would with the black market website silk road a lot of libertarians have been pushing for his release. trump also got cheers when he said he would put eight libertarian in his cabinet and in senior posts the former president is trying to tamp down the threat of third party candidates who could impact already close and match up with the president biden his appeal to libertarians comes as he also reaches out to black and hispanic voters with a rally in the south bronx thursday supporters believe his strategy is working. >> i give him a lot of credit going to places where it republicans have not gone before. if we are going to win this election cycle we must go where we are not invited. and to see the former president take that seriously is it in my opinion a strong sign.
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>> trump return to the courtroom tuesday when closing arguments in his new york hush money trial are set to begin. rich: madeleine rivera at live for us here in washington thank you. let's us talk about it for more on those closing arguments. new york versus trump trial federal prosecutor alex little. thank you for joining us giving us a little time this memorial day weekend. while, all eyes on tuesday going to be very exciting for the jury has had an unusual circumstance compared to other trials they have had about a week to ruminate on this before the closing arguments are made tomorrow. the defense it goes at first, then the prosecutors. how important reds closing arguments? >> are going to be critical for this is an unusual case in which what the jury heard is one of the background about what was happening that led up to the records. the ultimate crime, if there is one what was in those records what president trump may have know about that money may have intended or closing arguments are always important to a
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criminal case when you have such a divide between the types of salacious the jury may have heard with their action would be asked is really critical of the prosecution and the defense but the best put foot forward in these arguments tomorrow. >> if you put on your psychic hat or make predictions for us but with the defense be focused on? >> your new focus on michael coe in the entire way this is his crime. he is the one who did it. he was stealing from the organization pretty focus on his credibility the fact no jury could find them credible beyond a reasonable doubt. that has got to be your focus it pretty tried to build doubt about what the president had may have known at the time he did the axioms alleged to do. the prosecution you talk to every single fact besides michael cohen's testimony that corroborates what he says. you'll see a lot of things and paper will bolster the credibility of a witness as current challenges.
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>> about those documents. twelve vouchers they've made their case based on the documents alone. if so why bring someone like michael cohen up there you mention the defense is going to go after credibility issues. lexa could not make the case on the documents alone. they're going to have to have the jury believe a portions of what cohen said. they're going to say he is unbelievable even though he may headline in his pass and not credible that certain things they are at a point certain things in those records they say would not have been that way they were but for what michael cohen said regarding president trump's actions at the time. it is certainly a case they cannot make by putting the paper in front of the jury but they ultimately will come doubt whether the jury believes president trump new and intended to commit a crime with these records. >> these could potentially take all day on tuesday the charging of the jury might have until
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wednesday. with judge merchan. could you give us a window in that? what expecting from the judge. >> is operatively uncommon a germ of the arguments the judges that would interrupt those. the lesson the judge want to do is the prosecution gets us rebuttal. the last of the judge want to do is interject interrupt that flow the next morning he will have his instructions for the jury before they go back into the deliberation room, telling them what they need to decide. how to go to the jury verdict form as a jury but that will be the last thing they hear before they deliberate. the judge sets the tone for those deliberations and the jury at that time will hopefully be able to put together the pieces of what they've been told to do. you may get jury questions we will see progress we see questions throughout the week we may get a verdict by the end of the week i went to ask it only takes one hole that we could potentially see a mistrial. would that be a victory for former president trump? your thoughts on a potential verdict this week. >> is criminal defense attorney
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if i get a mistrial that's a victory the prosecution did not succeed in convicting my clients. i think the trump team will see a mistrial is a victory it's very difficult to retry a case. every witness has sworn testimony every time you retry a case it becomes increasingly more difficult. the anything other than guilty is a victory. >> former federal prosecutor alex little or a lot we will be watching this week thank you for joining us. rich: the possibility of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressing congress is not sitting well with some democrats any are ready to boycott new york republican congressman nicole malliotakis that is coming up next. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. rich: stabbing spree left for girls wounded inside of a movie theater south of boston last night. police say he entered the amc and at braintree without a ticket began attacking those girls age nine -- 17. the attack appears to be unprovoked the victims of wounds are perfect non- life-threatening the suspect took off in a car reportedly stepped two more people at a mcdonald's with 30 miles away. police arrested him, according to reports.
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molly: hamas has claimed responsibility for barrage of rockets aimed at tel aviv israel this morning for an air raid sirens you are bringing out in the city in the first time in months. this on the same date israels war cabinet is expected to meet to discuss a new push for hostage deal with the terror group. trey yingst is in tel aviv with this. >> eight months ended the war ir between israel and hamas, rockets fired toward central israel hamas fired a barrage of long-range rockets toward the city of tel aviv. some of the intercepted. other slamming into the ground below. idf tells fox news eight were fired from gaza's southernmost city of roff i. you can see damage to this house after rocket shrapnel sunk into the building were two people are home for another large piece of
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a rocket landed in a field nearby. here in the city, just north of tel aviv you can see one of the rockets that was launched earlier today by hamas from gaza's southernmost city the shrapnel indicates it was intercepted by israel's missile defense system the iron dome after traveling nearly 70 miles. this comes as we continue to track the landing craft at a piece of the floating appear that are currently stuck on an israeli beach. we are learning more about what exactly took place saturday night into sunday paid to but to american floating piers off the coast of gaza were moved to the port in southern israel due to bad seek and seditions this is that we saw over the weekend. overnight u.s. navy and army were in the process of moving the floating pi appears off the coast of gaza to the port due to sea conditions. one of those pieces and floated ashore and got stuck. now the vessel behind meat was
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being used to try and rescue that piece when it also got stuck. now the americans are working with their israeli counterparts to try to free these pieces of equipment, take them into the port and back off the coast of gaza. getting 328 million-dollar project up and running again is critical for palestinian civilians inside gaza who are in desperate need of aid. molly: trait great point about the rockets are coming out of rafah. israel looking to route the terrace on that southern city bred great work on the ground and on the sea as well. trey yingst and tel aviv today thank you. rich: tensions are running high in the middle east and controversy on capitol hill but house speaker mike johnson says israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will soon address a joint session of congress many hausa democrats are criticizing the invitation for it one told actio's this speech it would be enormously controversy over there's been a deep divide in
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the party of late over the biden administration handling of the israel hamas war and the humanitarian situation gaza be a gossipyjourneyman out republin congressman nicole malliotakis of new york. congresswoman, thank you for joining us this afternoon. wondering if you could give us any more sense of the details of the invitation if we will be hearing sooner when we might be hearing from the prime minister? congresswoman? >> 's speakers goal yes. >> argued frozen up upper secono right ahead. >> okay the speakers goal is to invite prime minister netanyahu to speak with us before the break in august. i do support this decision. i do believe it is critical for our alliance that he come and speak to congress. if you like there are many members of congress who need to hear what the prime minister has to say. this is a critical security partnership it is for our own
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security of this partnership as well. the failure of this administration the closure there has been al qaeda, isis and k and individuals on the loose. wet open southern border. we need to be mindful of all of that and continue this strategic military and security partnership. eradicate hamas and all of the other terrorist organizations backed by iran. i would say the democrats need to hear what prime minister netanyahu has to say. they need to hear it as soon as possible. rich: there has been criticism certainly from democrats and the left flank of that party. here is some of that. >> is probably one of the most disturbing things that congress can do is to have netanyahu c come. >> what concerns you about that? >> it is just unconscionable wyatt in the world do we invite
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him to address us? >> our central goal should be to establish a lasting peace and a permanent cease-fire. i do not think we should be rewarding individuals who are not as focused or committed to that name. rich: 's not just the progress as you have congressman tell xes let's not complicate an already complicated situation. you had a ranking member of the house intelligence committee say that netanyahu should be focus on freeing hostages not on charming legislators. what you think of that? >> netanyahu needs the help of the united states and our allies to ensure those hostages are freed he also needs our help to make sure they defeat the individuals who took those individuals hostage which is hamas it is unconscionable to me the democrats stand there and
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act as if we should not be siding with israel we should not be supporting netanyahu. they are the ones attacked october 7 by i r iranian backed terrorists. you either side with israel, or you side with the hamas terrorists. it seems the democrats are more sympathetic to the agitators, the terrorist in this war. and that to me is unconscionable. you either support israel or you don't. it is so critical for the united states to show our allies the majority of congress is with you. let's also point out, i do not believe this war would even be happening if it president trump or in office. we had so much peace through strength. we had the abraham accords. we had a new relations between israel and other countries in the middle east and brokered by president trump. that has all been unraveled by the biden administration. if they are happy with what's happening we are all very
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unhappy this war broke. but let's look to the leadership or lack there of president biden's whose weakness his appeasement of adversaries like iran led us to where we are today. rich: there has been some analysis part of the recent hamas launch this attack is because the israelis were making peace throughout the middle east. do you think there should still though be an effort for normalization between let's say saudi arabia and israel? >> absolutely. there is a lot more potential for israel to expand the abraham accords. saudi arabia is just one example. indonesia is another country, there are various nations where they can help continue the success. but we need leadership at the top for that includes leadership here in the united states. and unfortunately under president biden we do not see the diplomatic leadership. we do not see a president who's
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interested in expanding the abraham accords. we do not see a president who is interested in trade deals. that is why i think democrats are embarrassed by what is happening within their own party. they lacked leadership from the president. when it comes to the rank and file they went to side with the far left agitators that have taken over at college campuses. that have taken over halls of congress. i think that is a stark difference between the public as the democrats right now for. >> many negotiations in the middle east have stalled this war certainly drag out republican congressman nicole malliotakis thank you for joining us. much appreciated. >> thank you. molly: thousands of motorcycles are writing to the nation's capitol for the rolling to remember events. we will take you to washingtonbt next. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't.
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so, here's to now. boost. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food.
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the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and
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mary parents confirmed her son took his own life pga player had been open about his struggles with depression. he died one day after withdrawing from the charles schwab challenge in texas. he was only 30 years old. molly: america honors its fallen heroes this memorial day weekend the annual rolling to member ride in the nation's capitol pays tribute today for the 36 consecutive year thousands of motor bikers they are taking part from the pentagon they go rumbling all across washington very loud and clear reminder to keep praying for the still missing in action or taken prisoner. rich: president biden is back in delaware after dressing at west point. clear political undertones as polls continue his race for a second term faces an uphill climb. mark merited this live at the white house with more. >> good afternoon tea of the
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present spent much of his west point address talking about u.s. leadership in foreign policy. specifically when it comes to ukraine for the white house is doubling down on its support for ukraine, even as polls show it's quite divisive with voters especially because of the costs. on saturday the president vowed to help ukraine fight russia for as long as it takes. >> there are no american soldiers in the war in ukraine. i am determined to keep it that way. but we are standing strong with ukraine and we will stand with them. >> it at ukraine's president by ukraine the presidentinvited pre president jinping to append eight peace summit in switzerland next month within the last hour of oxford for whiteout official who said the u.s. will send some went to switzerland but we do not know yet if it will beat president biden who will accept the invitation here at home the president spending good at his home out in delaware this week will be back on the campaign trail. to be going to the battleground state of pennsylvania by the latest poll shows abided ahead of them are president trump by
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only one point. that is within the margin of error today democrats urge the party to move past any talk of making 11th hour change to the democratic ticket. next we are well past that conversation. president biden is going to be the nominee. we are going have our convention and he is going to win in november. >> the biden campaign does have a fundraising advantage over the republicans, the biden campaign is one third $92 million on hand for the latest filing charlie trump team is catching up. oughts are it will be a race to the finish as we get ready for the summer conventions. rich: mark merited that breaking it down the white house thank you. molly: 2024 match up between president biden former president trump plays out in some key swing states. democratic candidates are leading even as a biden's trailing trump we will dig into that a little bit here let's bring in lauren wright associate and lecture and politics and public affairs at princeton we are very pleased for you to be here on this mem memorial day
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weekend to talk about this with us. i want to talk about the impact that biden and trump may have on these down ticket races the senate races across the country but le let start with a quick lk at some of the numbers and siena college bowl the "new york times" a poll released last week found democratic senate candidates. we are talking races like pennsylvania, arizona, nevada are leading their republican opponents yet they are also running ahead of president biden. your take on that, what that means biden's impact on they're down ticket races? >> thanks molly you set it up so nicely. both the candidates are a drag on the senate races because they are very controversial to swing voters who are very mad at biden over the economy. over immigration, over crime. they are still not back with trump from their vote in 2016 because the heat lost in 2020 and has continued to alienate some swing voters with his
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positions on abortion and all the legal trouble in making the election about himself. it's a tough year to run statewide if you are a republican or democrat they are both a drag on these races. molly: you look at biden moderates tend to do fairly wellin pennsylvania. even democratic moderates who have some of those positions that you need to have an rural parts of pennsylvania. his biden's effort to appease some of the left wing of his party is that's what's getting him in states like pennsylvania and some of the battleground states? >> is probably less likely that then his ability to bring over some moderate republicans that are frankly not fully on board with trump. what tends to happen in these races is republicans and this is happening right now in my state of new jersey. it happens all of the time in my home state of california. people assume that it is a left leaning state republicans will
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nominate someone moderate and they often don't. there's a lock of republican parties at nominating trump a line candidates who are more extreme than the state is. in pennsylvania that's a state where a process like this would play out. if it's eight right leaning conservative democrat they did quite wellin those states. molly: mirroring what you say when we say it new jersey for instance republicans like to snag the menendez seat coming up. is that where the trump comes in and which went broadly speaking as it trump or biden that's hurting leaned down ticket races for their party? >> that is hard to say. frankly biden is very unpopular among a lot of voters right now. because in all of the issues they care about he is behind it trump. those are issues where republicans have a natural advantage over economy, over issues like inflation or issues
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like immigration, crime. people are angry at but i don't think that should be under estimate in new jersey we have one of these exact situations blank out we have a trump ally running against a more moderate republican. that primary is on june 4 and depending on which of them gets the nomination we will see how close they can get to the democrats. i do not think new jersey is going to be part of the process it gives republicans back the senate. but, a few years ago we had a gubernatorial race here and they were probably at 148% of the vote. it is not a foregone conclusion but new jersey is a tough one. [laughter] molly: that the great window you are giving us. speaking of windows like covered the susan collins race in 2020 she was one of those that split ticket was big out there sheet one yet president biden also carried that state by about nine-point to beating trump she
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held her seat. are you seeing any race like that across the country where the incumbent is a standalone character it might not be hurt either way by who's at the top of the ticket? >> i think hogan in maryland is a really exciting opportunity for republicans a lot and the left leaning state like him and know him. so that could be a pickup. but then you have states like sa where kari lake is still denying the 2020 election paid she will very likely be the nominee and maybe that is a state democrats will end up getting. and republicans and any other election years any other candidate at the top of the ticket and the senate should win that state. molly: a few more months to watch it all play out f but thak you for giving us some of your insights we appreciate it, thank you for joining us. rich: kansas city chiefs kicker harrison is defending his comments at benedictine college
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with this speech that they enter into a frenzy of social media accounts were bombarded with insults and hates it. some critics call for the three-time super bowl champion to be fired over his views. christina coleman has that. >> a three-time super bowl winner said he has no regrets about expressing his beliefs during his recent commencement speech he addressed the blowback over a statement friday nights at a gaily hosted in support of a home school hybrid academy for catholic families, take a listen. >> if it was not clear the timeless catholic values are hated by many it is now. over the past few days my beliefs are what people think i believe have been the focus of countless discussions around the globe. >> it during the may 11 commencement speech trent eight sated venture to guess the majority of women are most excited about their marriage and the children they will bring into this world with that statement guarded swift reaction both criticism and supports his
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teammates also weighed in saying he has a right to his own opinion and they defended his character. >> i have known him for seven years. i judge them by the character he shows every single day and that is a good person for their some things he says i don't essentially agree with but i understand the person that he is. >> during the commencement speech butker denounced biden's support for abortion ri rate and questions his faith. all the reaction of her statements and his criticism of the president's policies the kansas city chiefs are gearing up to visit the white house on friday to celebrate their big national championship win. risteve or christina coleman thk you. molly: we honor our servicemen and women this week and we must not forget the struggles many are facing when it comes to their mental health. we will tell you how to help those in need, next.
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rich: as does come back traumatic stress disorder but one nonprofit group is on a simple mission to help heal those wounds using the power of the ocean. joining is now cofounder sean and afghan war veteran tricia north over. tricia, i want to get started with you. tell us your story how did you get connected to this group and what is it meant to you? >> my name is tricia and i am a 10 year combat veteran of the united states army. i was a nurse in the army. during that time i was deployed to afghanistan where i worked in an icu. we received patients are constantly. it was a really, really rough time to be there. when i came back home i had challenges almost immediately.
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it was pretty obvious i was s sick. i exited service and moved back home with my family. i started therapy at my local va. through therapy at my local va and joining my american legion legionpost i was introduced to l ahead i started going sailing with them. rich: look at these numbers here. this is from the department of veterans affairs appeared in 20216392 veterans died from suicide. there's a massive need out there those arms or three years old but the problem is not gone away. sean, tells what your organization does. >> actually and fast we started sail ahead that was 10 years ago and i was 14 years old but the numbers were at least -- but produced by the va at least 22 veterans are dying every day. that was over 8000 year. our mission is plain and simple.
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one day while my brother and i were getting ready to go to high school we heard at least 22 veterans were dying every day. and being citizens of a democracy where your word not only has your choices have implications not over our fellow citizens but over the whole world. we thought that as sailors we could invite some veterans on board with us in the same weight for things giving dinner you have room to squeeze a woman or person in the table. we took that first veteran sailing was from the vietnam war was going to therapy for 30 years for his ptsd after we went sailing and got back on shore he gives his hugs, started crying so that the best therapy he had ever had. so, from that moment on we realize the potential for healing that sailing has since then we have been trying to figure out how to bring more sailors on board we can take
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more veteran's sailing. continue making friends like trish is a good friend of ours now. it is a win/win situation for me i get to go out on the water of these wonderful people. rich: so trisha what you are still sailing? what's i do every season during the winter i text and say when are we going question were going to be going? the first time i went and 2015 i had a similar experience to what he describes. there was an unlocking of all of the trauma i had been holding onto. when you are on the water you are immensely small. it was in that feeling i was able to appreciate the vastness of the water and understand there is so much going on more outside of me and i can lean into that. so sailing, i still sail i was out there friday with them. i love it.
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rich: incredible story, incredible organization. sean duclay and trisha northover thank you for joining us have a. wonderful memorial t day. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. when was the last time you checked in on your heart? with kardiamobile, the personal ekg device, you can check it from home using your smartphone. i use kardiamobile every day. sometimes twice a day. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty good about my heart condition. it's a complete game-changer.
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molly: memorial day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer. and in new york that means the unofficial opening of those public beaches history things might look a little different the city had to change it's a lifeguard requirement due to a nationwide shortage. cb cotton is life at rockaway beach in queens with a look at this. >> that is right sprayed this weekend for many it marks the return of all of our favorite things about the summer months. one of them being the beach free to check out behind that you can see some kids out here learning to surf. but as we all know mother nature is more powerful than all of us. which means if you plan to swim this weekend in the ocean it is always best to do so when there is a lifeguard there. having lifeguards on duty has become increasingly challenging for places across the country but experts in the lifeguard industry have advocated in recent years for communities to increase in pay and weight training fees.
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new york city has eased some of its hiring requirements to help with the shortage and boosted pay there is also hiring bonuses for returning lifeguards here in the big apple as a city work to increase its lifeguard staffing, these are drones, check this out. these drones will be used to drop flotation devices to swimmers in distress and shoe alerts help is on the way. here is new york city mayor eric adams with this. >> 'this crisis is not going away. and we need to deal with this. some beaches will have shortening hours or may not be able to have a full complement because we have a national lifeguard problem that we are trying to resolve here in the city. >> the cdc drowning deaths have been higher in recent years spread so again it is really so important to always swim where there is a lifeguard on duty. back to you for. >> a great point calling all lifeguards, cb cotton thank you. while richie was wonderful to beat with it will be back again
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at 4:00 p.m. of course progress wonderful to be with you and it is great to see a live shot from the beach. >> absolutely cb had a great assignment today and remember the fallen of course on this memorial day weekend with thank you for joining us i believe i get to leave you with a gorgeous shot from the pacific northwest today. there you go that is cannon beach, oregon. gorgeous stunning coastline out there. we will see you soon. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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