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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! >> former president trump
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appealing to libertarian voters this memorial day weekend speaking at the party's convention in washington saturday night. promising the group he would put a libertarian and his cabinet. welcome to fox news lives. i am like the manuel. madeleine rivera is following it all for us. >> it was quite a scene on saturday with some supportive trying to drown out boos from the crowd. the former president attempt to win them over by making promises like these. >> i am committing to you tonight that i will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians and senior posts. if you vote for me on day one, i will commute the sentence of ross who was sentenced to time served. he has already served 11 years. we will get him home. >> the founder of the black
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market website silk road. a lot of libertarians want him to be released. the trump team knew the former president may not be well-received at the libertarian national convention on saturday. they are also trying to neutralize the threat of third-party candidates who polls show could hurt trump and president biden's chances in november. they are spending it as a success. president trump is a leader. he shows up. unafraid to take his message to every corner of this country from the deep blue bronx to the libertarian convention. joe biden is a shell of a man to pray to debate in front of a small audience. one wildcard would affect border choices in november. we could get some insight into that this week by closing arguments in his hush money trial expected to begin on tuesday. >> a busy week. thank you very much.
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mike: for more on this let's bring it matthew whitaker. welcome. >> good to see you. >> great to see you. former president trump is clearly frustrated by the new york trial. let's play him. >> a political witchhunt. should have done it seven years ago if they had to do it. they waited until the election. >> what do you expect as we look ahead to closing arguments. >> first of all, the most interesting thing will be the jury instructions. those have been kind of kept secret. they have not been made public. a lot of that will set what the jury considers. they heard a lot of testimony. most of it has been either contrasted or rejected. you know, the bottom line is that michael cohen is not a trustworthy witness. at the end of the day, like, the jury will be left with the
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choice believing michael cohen the third time he tells a story at their different way or, you know, acquitting donald trump. >> have prosecutors made a case or just basically embarrass the former president and his family? >> i think a lot of it has been an intentional embarrassment. even the judge said most of the stormy daniels testimony was not relevant to the underlying case. it has been a little bit of an attempt to embarrass and keep donald trump off the campaign trail. he has made it very effective. i was with them tuesday in new york at the trial. also the discussion on the jury instructions. you know, he will eat any challenge like an energy bar and keep moving forward. >> then there is hunter biden and his trial on gun charges set to begin june 3. special counsel david weiss says his laptop will be used.
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it is real it will be introduced as a trial exhibit and it contained significant evidence of the defendants guilt. what is the impact? >> the political impact is on the 51 intelligent individuals. for the case, it will demonstrate, you know, some embarrassing information on the biden family and hunter biden's long-standing addiction to crack cocaine. if you are the prosecution, that is a key element. after demonstrating falsely filled out the application to purchase a gun. he said he was not a drug user. it will show around that time that he was actively using crack cocaine. as a former u.s. attorney that did a lot of these cases, this will be a key piece of evidence as demonstrating that he was a drug user and should have never had a gun and was illegally possessing one. >> do you expect he is in serious trouble or do you think
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this will turn out to be us lap on the risk -- slap on the wrist >> probation with the devil misdemeanor tax charge. he has felony tax charge out in california where the trial will come up later in the summer. this will be a significant time. if convicted the sentence will be considered for the tax charges. it will compound to some serious prison time potentially. >> as a former acting attorney general someone presented the more conservative viewpoint than the current administration, does it encourage you that these cases are going to trial against the first family son? >> i don't think you take any encouragement or enjoyment about seeing someone prosecuted. at the end of the day if you stand for the rule of law you stand for doing justice, justice is blind and you have to do the
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cases that are the priorities of the community. when people cheat on their taxes are legally possess guns, those are dangerous crimes that undermine the very existing of our republic. this is not a time to celebrate, it is a matter of the law, it should be a different to whether you are powerful, privileged, do to the priorities of the community and enforce the laws on the book. >> what is more dangerous for hunter biden. the california charges are the delaware gun charges. >> the most dangerous are the gun charges. the tax felonies are serious as well. as i was explaining earlier, the gun charges, if convicted, would factor into the tax sentencing if he is convicted. he could end up being convicted for a higher penalty for those tax charges and otherwise if he had not had any criminal history
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before the case starts. >> thank you so much for your time. have a wonderful day, sir. >> you to. mike: president biden speaking to the graduating class of the united states military academy at west point yesterday. indirectly taking swipes at president trump did this comes as mr. biden faces dropping numbers in the polls. mark meredith is live with the latest. >> good afternoon. the president did not directly mention his predecessor. later this week he will be back on the campaign trail where he is likely to have attacks against president trump. the trump campaign able to play catch up when it comes to finances. the biden campaign has an advantage right now. they argue money will only be part of the equation. >> what donald trump does not have whatever campaign does is an infrastructure. that is what we have been spending every day since last year when the president
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announced in april building a structure that will be able to communicate with voters. >> we are just one month out until the first presidential debate. this debate happening a lot sooner than what americans are used to seeing. both sides have been talking about getting excited for the moment. we have seen the biden campaign. launching a new ad. voiced by actor robert de niro. part of a broader scenario to take trump on. "this is an opening sale of a month-long push of team biden harris to lap the contrast voters will seal the debate stage on june 27". that is if trump shows up. the first one down in atlanta june and another in september. biden believes voters will know how they feel about the election well before election day. >> i think the initials will start to clarify themselves. school is about out. we are starting to see prices
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start to moderate. we are seeing inflationary pressures go down. then we can focus on the real issues. >> a lot of x factors that could pop up between now and election day. mike is you're just talking about happening with these trials. polls show the economy and immigration, two top issues on voters minds. those are issues that trump has traditionally pulled better on then-president biden. >> mark meredith on the lawn. thank you very much. >> sirens heard in central israel today for the first time in months. firing rockets from gaza. hostage negotiations expected to restart. trey is live in tel aviv with more. hello, trey. >> good afternoon. eight months into the war with israel in thomas, rockets are still being fired toward central israel. today they launched a barrage of long-range rockets towards the city of tel aviv sending thousands to bomb shelters.
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they tell fox news that eight of them were fired from gaza southernmost city of rough. you can see the damage to this house after rocket shrapnel slammed into the building while to building -- two people were home. >> here in the city just north of tel aviv you can see one of the rockets launched earlier today. from gaza southernmost city. some of the shrapnel here indicates it was intercepted by the missile defense system. the iron dome after traveling nearly 70 miles. it appears they ran the wrong video there, but what you saw there was a rocket that landed in a field just on the outskirts when we talk about the situation on the ground, we are still learning more about what is happening inside the house out. one of those things has to do with a floating american here
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where piece of it actually came off and floated towards an israeli beach over the weekend i got stuck along with an american landing graft. we are learning more about what exactly took a saturday night into sunday morning. just off the coast city in the southern part of this country. here's what we saw the scene over the weekend. >> overnight the u.s. navy and army were in the process of moving the floating peers off the coast of gaza to the port due to see conditions when one of those pieces floated ashore and got stuck. the vessel behind me was being used to try and rescue that piece but it also got stuck. now, the americans are working with their israeli counterparts to try to free these pieces of equipment, take them to the port and then ultimately back off the coast of gaza. this $320 million american project is critical to get aid to palestinian people in the northern part of gaza. there are hopes that this peer could get up and running again
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in the next 24 hours. >> many thanks. four more, let's bring hudson institute fellow rebecca heinrichs. welcome. >> thank you. sirens going off in tel aviv. what does that tell you about the ability to still strike targets in israel. >> this is a clear reminder that israel is still under threat. the military operation that the idf is still conducting into gaza must continue because there are goals that are remaining. eliminate hamas. threat in the israeli people and rescue the hostages. the most recent barrage of attacks against the israelis reminding that the job is not yet finished. >> benjamin netanyahu expected to address a session of congress netanyahu has caused the worst
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humanitarian disaster in modern history. let's play him and we will get you to react. >> what netanyahu has done is gone to war against the entire palestinian people. invite somebody that has done such horrific things to the palestinian people is something that i think is a very bad idea. >> how important is that platform addressing the joint session for the prime minister at this critical stage? >> i think that it is very important. it's unfortunate that senator sanders made those remarks. clearly an attempt at genocide right now. it is hamas against the israeli people. it is what they want to get rid of the nation of israel. hamas is responsible for the catastrophic civilian casualties that continue to persist. thomas sorting the aid from the region. it is hamas using human shields to increase civilian suffering
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and death. and then trying to blame it on the israelis. i think that it is important that speaker johnson gave this invitation to invite. i hope it's bipartisan. i hope that chuck schumer, the senate leader for the democrats joined him and inviting him and that president biden of course then welcomes the invitation as well. it is important to have joint bipartisan american solidarity with our israeli allies. >> could it help put a human face on some of the suffering going on there in the middle east in terms of what the israeli people have been going through since october 7? >> i think it might. also be able to articulate what their military mission is that they have been abiding by. they have sought to minimize civilian casualties and to target, military target specifically. thomas is making it incredibly difficult. i think netanyahu will be able
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to explain his views are not only his own. he is widely supported by the israeli people. across the political spectrum his views about eliminating hamas are shared among the israeli people. the last thing it will demonstrate is that israel is in the right. it is a righteous actor this particular conflict and it is on the side of the civilized west in the international criminal court which has said that it will issue a warrant for the arrest of netanyahu. the one on the side of barbarism and it holds no legitimacy over israel or the united states. >> the u.s. $329 floating peer to help get aid into gaza. we saw some of that in training. let me quote here. attaching from the line and floated ashore. a landing craft tried to rescue the piece and got stuck with the cable wrapped around its propeller. another unforeseen cost. what is your assessment of that gaza peer?
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>> goodness. what a metaphor for the confused efforts on the part of the biden administration to provide support to israel and to also provide support for the gazans. this is not how you would do it. the cost of $325 million. that is just the monetary cost of the pier itself. there is also the fact that they are 1000 u.s. personnel operating that peer and two are at great risk of the weapons. and then there is the force protection that has to be there. additional ships, warships providing support. the distraction for the idf that have to provide a security bubble of that particular effort then you have, of course, these additional problems of these particular pieces coming detached. it's not even getting aided to the gazans. general writer, the aid that was
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delivered has not even been distributed to the palestinian people because it is so dangerous. this is a boondoggle. it is incredibly risky for the american people. >> thank you for your time and analysis today. >> thank you so much. >> to unprovoked stabbings reported in massachusetts town saturday. the suspect in custody involved in both incidents. first was inside a movie theater where four girls were attacked without any warning. the suspect fled that scene and then was allegedly involved in another stabbing near plymouth. the victim suffered non- life-threatening injuries. attorney general garland announcing yesterday that a suspected assassin for the cartel extradited to the u.s. yesterday. he is facing charges linked to drug and weapons trafficking after being arrested in november of last year. also accused of murdering and kidnapping rivals and witnesses.
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nfl kicker not backing down despite -- despite critics slamming his recent commencement address. first, as we remember our service members i gave the ultimate sacrifice, let take a lived look at our nations capital. the mental health crisis affecting thousands of our veterans every year.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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new york city changing some requirements to address the life guard shortage as the summer season approaches. cb cotton is live in rockaway beach new york at the latest. >> hi, mike. an example of one of those changing requirements getting assigned to shallow pools. no longer times while doing the 300-yard swim. they just have to be able to swim it. that is just one example right there. this life guard shortage is a conversation happening all across the country here in the big apple. all eight are opening this weekend. the numbers are still too low. access will be limited. listen to this.
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>> we will be opening up our beaches on memorial day. there will still be some segments that will be closed for one reason. ideally we want over thousand lifeguards. we don't anticipate getting to quite those automated levels. >> right now the city has 230 lifeguards spanning the beaches which is less than half of the 300 required to fully staff the city's shoreline. more than 500 recruits are in the training program so parks and bruckel officials believe by july they will be fully staff. in the meantime remote-controlled drones are being used this summer to drop flotation devices to swimmers and distrusted to alert that help is on the way. just to highlight how difficult this crisis has become, new york city started recruiting in december for lifeguards. by this time this year city officials still came up short.
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industry experts tell us to try to address the issues happening across the country they are really encouraging people that have nontraditional work schedules to consider taking up lifeguarding. the gig is not too bad. it is beautiful out here. >> cb cotton with the assignment of the weekend. thank you very much. >> harrison booker defending his comments. this is the super bowl champion team expected to visit the white house this week and president biden who we also criticized in his address. christina coleman is live with more. hello, christina. >> serving as a board member for a hybrid academy for catholic families. friday night during a goblin supported the organization he defended the remarks he made during the may 11 commencement speech. take a listen. >> over the past few days my beliefs are what people think i believe have been the focus of
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countless discussions around the globe. at the outset many people expressed a shocking level of hate. the more i have talked about what i value the most which is my catholic faith, the more polarizing i have become. it is a decision that i've consciously made and one that i do not regret at all. >> during the commencement speech he said he would venture to guess the majority of women are mostly excited about their marriage and the children they would ring into this world. his comment drew swift criticism >> as a woman i think everything he said was garbage. i think when you hide hateful thoughts and feelings and bigotry behind the religion i tend to roll my eyes and stop listening. >> however, the remark also garnered a lot of praise and support from those who nokias religious. he has a right to his own opinion. >> different areas of religion. different races. and, so, we all get along.
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we all respect each other's opinions. not necessarily do we go by those, but we respect everybody to have a voice. >> amid all of the reaction over the remarks in his criticism of president joe biden's policies, the kansas city chiefs are gearing up to visit the white house on friday to celebrate their big national championship win. >> christina coleman reporting live. thanks a lot. two-time pga tour winner murray has died. his parents issuing this heartbreaking statement. we have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone. he was loved and he will be missed. life was not always easy and although he took his old life, we gnocchi rest peacefully now. grayson murray was just 30 years old.
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mike: former president trump said to make an appearance today at the sold-out nascar coca-cola 600 and charlotte. madison scarpino is live with the latest race details. >> hello. we are here in what's called champions law. you have to be a previous winner of the coca-cola 600 race to be in the race. there are a lot of fans and campers here. we just talked to last year's winner. he has been looking to staying in champions lot since he won last year. you can see more of that interview at 4:00 p.m. on the other side of charlotte motor speedway, hundreds of fans from all over the world have been camping out for days. we spoke with harry widely. he has known as the mayor of the campground. they have been camping here since 1978. >> the main reason we are all
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here. the fellowship of the people. you take 40, 50 years or whatever, really, i call it coming home. i feel so good. when i pull into this park. >> building a different memorial outside his camper every year since the coke 600 is always on memorial day weekend. he is a veteran himself. the truck has a huge salute plant to honor fallen soldiers. there will be an air show with blackhawk helicopters. fans tell us it really is a special thing to see. as you mentioned, former president trump is expected to be at the race. democrats bought some anti-trump billboards in response to that. all the fancier tell us they are just ready to see all the action tonight. back to you. mike: madison scarpino with a pretty sweet gig, too. thanks so much.
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>> i will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians and senior posts. pretty good. that is pretty big. >> that is former president trump making his speech last night here in washington. with me today is former never back down communications director aaron and biden 2024 campaign senior advisor. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. let's start with president trump trying to arrange voters that do not typically vote republican. here is senator tim scott. >> to things that are driving black votes back to donald trump jobs injustice. wages were going up. right now fairness is going down >> how do you see it?
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>> i think when you look at former president trump's performance at the libertarian convention i think you can see how he was poorly received. he will not be able to build a coalition of voters to propel them back to the white house. what senator scott mentioned is not true and that we see resounding support for president biden in the black community. you look at the historic investments he's made in the black community. you see the increase in job numbers. i think you really see how the president's accomplishments really speak resoundingly to the black community and you can see that way his support is very studied there. >> florida congressman byron donald's. let's play him. >> the rally in the bronx was amazing. more support, a lot of blue areas. that is for president trump coming back. were looking at expanding the map. >> what about this outreach?
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>> this is something the trump campaign is making a focus of right now. we have seen him do these. you see them at the libertarian convention. they see they are trying to build a larger map for the president to try and when back the white house. that is a tough road to go down. that libertarian convention speech was a tough one. a very mixed audience for him. deep blue rocks. those are voters you can tap into. a political operative myself, you see the house will run through new york and california. they are very good. it is a very tough political map for them to make. shoring up and energizing the republican base and working towards the middle to try to get those swing voters that exist. not trying to play necessarily sr to the sides. >> let's take a look at the fox pole. voting now, biden 40% trump 43%. rfk junior 11%.
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how do you see the overall race now? >> when you look at this pull you see a snapshot in time. president biden has a very solid support behind him. the democratic base behind him. much of the support that you currently see line up behind rfk is eventually going to go to president biden. i do not think when you look at how president trump is received outside of its base voters and is based supporters of the rallies you see outside of that republican base, you see that support is behind joe biden, president biden currently and that is the point behind rfk. you ultimately go to president biden as well. i think you see that coalition that will form again. >> let's take a look at real clear politics. their top battleground averages. arizona has trump up 4.1. georgia trump up.
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wisconsin a dead heat. pennsylvania trump up 2.3. how do you break the race? >> i see it as a tall separate at this point. when you are looking at the rate right now, the big thing, this is part of why you are seeing the overtures to try to build different coalitions. rfk is really splitting and pulling right now who he is taking support from. ultimately i think he will take it from joe biden instead of donald trump. biden actually has a huge base problem which we've seen in the primaries where people continue to vote not a candidate in the democratic primary. biden has a massive base problem right now. trump has been consistently strong with the republican base. it will be 40-70,000 americans who will decide ultimately this election when you look at it in totality. seeing him up early in the swing states it's forever ahead politics. this is the kind of groundwork
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you need to make to show it is more expensive now under joe biden. you don't feel as safe. the country does not feel as good even if democrats are to tell you otherwise. >> we are almost out of time. one last issue. the republican side. tim scott out today. we saw governor doug berg him. some suggestion that the former president may be starting to forget nikki haley? how do you see it? >> this is playing out exactly how many of us assumed. the republican party, the republican leaders, those that have been very outspoken are coming home and lining up right behind him. from senator scott to nikki haley. she previously said that donald trump is not the right president for this moment and now she is supporting him. i think that when you look at how the republican party is coalescing right behind donald trump again i think you will see
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them on the campaign trail. helping him shore up no space votes. i think nikki haley could be an interesting contender. i don't think she brings a tremendous amount to a donald trump ticket for a second term. i do think that donald trump has said he would, you know, consider her being back on his team. i think it is an interesting thing to watch. >> i think electorally when you are seeing the names being floated right now, none of them will vote for the map. they vote for the top of the ticket. when you look at everybody out there right now you're talking -- if you have a great consultant that can get your name out there and get your name on tv as a republican, you can get your name on the list. i think doug is in a good spot right now. linda mcmahon could be an option i think doctor ben carson could be an option. they will not use the vice presidency as a launch springboard to the presidency.
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we will see how it lands out. >> we will track it. thank you so much at least 14 people killed in an aerial bomb attack from russia on ukraine's second largest city. stephanie bennett has the latest stephanie. >> officials say nearly 200 people inside that hardware store at the time when the attack happened. thus i rented go off so some people did manage to get out in time. this comes as russian forces continued to advance into northeastern ukraine after crossing the border earlier this month and opening a new front in the 2-year-old conflict. on tuesday, seven people were killed. one of which hit a printing house. ukraine's president is calling the recent attacks brutal. warning that russia is preparing to intensify its authentic.
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he is appealing to president joe biden and chinese leader to join the upcoming summit next month in switzerland to help pile international pressure on russian president vladimir putin >> your leadership. the real peace. the efforts of global majority the best guarantee that all commitments. >> a white house official told fox today the u.s. will participate in the summit. as of now, it is unclear who will be attending. two people killed and 10 are injured after ukrainian strike hit this weekend on a russian village. about 20 buildings and dozens of cars were also damaged in that attack. mike, back to you. mike: stephanie bennett, thank you very much. the heartland was rocked by severe deadly tornadoes this weekend.
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that's next. ♪
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at least 13 dead including two children after severe weather from texas, oklahoma and arkansas. powerful storms left behind widespread destruction, damaging homes and causing power outages. search and rescue efforts are still underway. four more on what the forecast might look like for the rest of the long weekend, adam is live in the fox weather center. >> this dame -- same storm system we are watching move across the country. moving through the overnighted early this morning. five states got storm reports overnight. this is shifting itself a little bit off toward the east. more folks could see. these are the exact same line of storms that swept across the country yesterday. really highlighting portions of kentucky here early this morning just moving through lexington.
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went up to 70 miles an hour. that is a strong wind. that is enough to take down power lines and trees. certainly caused some damage. there is still a good risk of severe weather. this is an area we are paying attention to. it includes major cities nashville up to louisville, cincinnati outside of indianapolis. columbus getting in on this perhaps as well. we continue to see a tornado threat. it is not necessarily the line we are currently showing you. the best risk for tornadoes is a little bit further down towards us out. let me get to this line real fast. once i let this move on a little bit, i would see the secondary line explode this evening. this is a bit of a one-two punch this then settles off towards nashville. there are storms out there right
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now. unfortunately storms again as we get into the later part of today >> stay tuned for the latest updates on severe weather. coming up. how you can help our veterans and their families is memorial day. as we remember our service members that made the ultimate sacrifice, let's take another look taking place in our nation 's capital. raising awareness of the mental health crisis affecting millions of veterans every year. >> the american people will win through absolute victory.
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[sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ arlington national cemetery has a unique way of remembering the fall in this memorial day. flowers were laid at the tomb of the unknown soldiers by visitors
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this first started in 2021 during the centennial anniversary. an annual event ever since. one organization working to support resources to veterans. john kilpatrick founder joins me now. welcome. >> i am well aware that this weekend is about remembering the fallen. may is also mental health awareness month. the high quality care in the world and the national va system and several other organizations. it is difficult for veterans to get to it. they don't know how to get there how to get to a facility that's
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difficult. that is the barrier that we've been trying to remove. >> i want to show the audience some stats that are pretty sobering. veteran suicide. age 18-44. suicide rate of veteran men was 43-44% greater than non-veteran. suicide rate 166% higher than nonveteran in 2021. how is your organization helping >> we deal with it every week. to this week. we are working with the veteran that literally had a gun in his mouth. on his way with the means and desire. and, so, we run a 24 our call line staffed by veterans in recovery like myself. we are just always there.
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we do a ton of outreach in our community and across the state of alabama. we recently built a treatment center specifically for that to help veterans get the help that they need. >> we have an audience that loves our military and our veterans. what can we do to help? >> talk to veterans. we are dealing with, you know, acting like humans do to these situations. talk to them. especially on memorial day. i've been in the military and never lost in combat but i lost some after the war. talk to them and tell them where help is. we run our line 24 hours a day. you can also call the 988 national helpline. help is out there. just about every resource of veteran family needs to get well
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is available. you just have to let them know about it and help them get to it >> god bless you and your team. grateful for your time, sir. thank you for your service. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> an exclusive interview with byron donald and jerrod moscowitz. stay tuned. stay tuned. at his next.. have a wonderful day. ng around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ ♪ welcome to the roots of our legacy. where excellence, comfort,
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and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv. this is the tempur-pedic breeze mattress, and it's designed to help you feel cool. so, no more sweating all night no kicking off the covers or blasting the air conditioning. because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology— that pulls heat away from your body. so, the mattress feels up to 10° cooler all night long. during the tempur-pedic memorial day sale, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience deep, undisturbed rest. learn more at this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today.
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the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some
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of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ ♪. shannon: i am a shannon bream put in as millions o


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