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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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search and rescue is ongoing right now. we have a lot of assets back in the western part trying to gain access. power lines were down, trees were down, it is taken a huge effort just to get back in that wtherewere most of the damage i. for those loss but also we can still find the injured and get help too. severe weather outbreak devastating america's heartland. at least 14 people are confirmed dead in texas, oklahoma and arkansas with hundreds of thousands still without power. a search and rescue operations are underway across multiple states. today the possibility for more severe weather. you are watching another hour of "fox news live" i am molly line thank you for being here on this memorial day weekend. rich: always great to join you i'm rich edson eric and arthel are off for these powerful storms and instruct the sums ud states overnight left behind a trail of destruction for you are
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looking at studying aerial footage from kansas showing homes flattens and trees uprooted in oklahoma at least two dozen tornadoes, two tornadoes touched down leaving some buildings in shambles and neighboring arkansas residents are waking up to a mess. >> quick suffice it to say we had extensive damage to our facilities here in benton county including the courthouse right behind you. we know there's a lot of our citizens are hurting today and this morning they've had a lot of damage. spoof it when the state's hardest hit town rogers sub businesses and homes a story that is where f "fox weather" fy correspondent max gordon is reporting today. >> building collapse, power lines down and in some areas the scent of natural gas king hangs heavy in the air breather's significant damage here in rogers, arkansas. benton county judge says one person is that it's unclear how many were injured when this early-morning twisters truck this community. he talked to one man he said his
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house sustained major damage a d preclusive stakes sticking out of stone. we have a treat in our living room fo but we have windows blon out. it flooded the house. it was raining really hard. it is not livable but we are going to do our best way over the course of saturday evening and sunday morning there were at least 25 reports of tornadoes in five different states. in north texas cook county sheriff's office said seven are now confirmed dead after jenness hit a mobile home park. some of the dead children the sheriff says a number of fatalities could go up. dozens were injured at a travel center in north texas at mayes county, oklahoma emergency managers say to people are dead after another trader hit their several people there are also injured in boone county, arkansas sheriff's office of the jail insurer's buildings were hit with storm damage no officers or inmates were injured in addition to the person killed them benton county, arkansas two others were also killed in the state and baxter and ovi counties hundreds of thousands of customers across the
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heartland have been without power after these storms that means no ac admitted sweltering temperatures a hot sticky lead up effort to head for many communities hit by these tornadoes in rogers, arkansas max gordon "fox weather." rich: the severe weather system is shifted to the mississippi, ohio and tennessee river valleys but some areas devastated yesterday are not out of the woods yet "fox weather" meteorologist adam klotz is here now with the forecast. >> unfortunate we continue to watch that same line of storms that move across portions of the country. actually a little one -- to punch everywhere and show you initially is the first round of storms. some of the severe is everything in the yellow boxes is a severe board of thunderstorm we just had a tomato crop on the ground big showers in the trade warrant areas. this is just outside nashville severe et cetera thunderstorm a lot moving across this area moving a winds at 68 miles per
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hour. it is currently battling some of the severe storms are sweeping across the country. this is the big bull's-eye it's three on a scale of five of the severe risk yesterday was a fourth so it is slightly lower than that. severe weather still a concern. national and show your severe weather toward cincinnati just outside of indianapolis. all included in this. this initial round was round one for this a second round that brings a tornado at risk would be happening over the next several hours that includes areas like memphis getting in on it and surrounding communities there to the north running over several states and the mississippi river for this is the initial round it is a storm i'm currently showing you pay attention off to the north. 7:00 p.m. st. louis running up the south side of indianapolis. this is what march across the region for it again memphis is an element. national gets in and out. ultimately cincinnati gets in on
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it. this will then work its way off toward the east. a weakening as you get overnight but still severe weather nonetheless the people need to pay attention too. because it's a multiple round the situation flooding is obviously a concern throughout his saturated f father rarely sn this morning three on a scale of four for risk of flash flooding. a lot of the different issues people need to deal with over the next several hours. rich: "fox weather" meteorologist adam klotz. >> look, look, look. [background noises] 's defied the sound of sirens blaring in tel aviv today for the first time in months as the air defense system intercepts rockets fired from hamas in gaza the latest attack comes as israel pushes further into rafah. trey yingst is live in tel aviv,
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israel with more as it unfolds straight to you. >> nearly eight months into the war between israel and hamas rockets are still being fired toward a central israel but we do know today hamas launched a barrage of long-range rockets toward the city of tel aviv where we are reporting from tonight. the idf's at eight were fired from gaza's southernmost city of rafah. you see the video in damage to this house of herzliya. it slammed into the building two people were home another large piece of rocket shrapnel landed in a field nearby. here in the city of herzliya north of tel aviv see where the rockets launched earlier today by hamas from gaza's southernmost city of rafah sum they shrapnel indicates it was intercepted by israel's missile defense system the iron dome after traveling nearly 70 miles. this comes as we continue to track the american landing craft
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and piece of a floating appear that were stuck on an israeli beach we do understand tonight the landing craft is now free but the piece of the pier it remains on israeli sure saturday night and into sunday morning to american floating piers off the coast of gaza were moving to the port of ashdod due to bad sea conditions this is what we saw over the weekend. >> overnight u.s. navy and army were in the process of moving the floating piers off the coast of gaza to the port of ashdod due to sea conditions when one of the pieces of floated ashore and got stuck. the vessel behind meat was being used to try and rescue that piece when it also got stuck. now the americans are working with their israeli counterparts to try to free these pieces of equipment. take them to the port of ashdod and off the coast of gaza. >> there are very concerning images of the southernmost city.
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where media is reporting numerous civilian casualties followed israeli bombardment of an area where civilians are staying intensive. thank you for that information about the american troops thank you. appreciate it. rich: israel is debasing growing condemnation over his military incursion into rafah top court ordered idf to help is offensive but one of the courts presiding judges is accused of a bias. critics are pointing to anti- israel tweets from 2015 congressional lawmakers say despite all the international backlash the u.s. will stand by israel. >> icc is irrelevant they have no jurisdiction we might as well call them the harry potter ministry of magic they are irrelevant. israel is not a party to their training.
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this is a pressure and forgery from the international community that wants to see it no more israel. they are using the icc to go ahead and do that. rich: let's bring in former foreign policy adviser under margaret thatcher now the director of the heritage foundation margaret thatcher center for freedom. so it may not be the court of magic under harry potter that is the un top criminal courts. it is indicative of growing international pressure against israel do you think it matters? >> thank you for having on the show today. i would say the court of justice is a kangaroo coat it's a highly politicized court in fact the united states is not recognize it is not party to it. israel should ignore this ruling. the presiding judge is from lebanon has a long track record of condemnation of israel. he was the lebanese ambassador to the un for about a decade or
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so. in effect de facto is controlled by hezbollah which is aligned with hamas and firing rockets into israel but i do think it does not have a leg to stand out here. israel is one 100% right to reject its ruling here. the israelis are engaged in a battle between good and evil. they must strike against hamas in order to destroy inside rafah the israelis are one her% right to be standing up to this monstrous of barbarism and evil the united states should be standing shoulder to shoulder with the people of israel at this time. rich: there is internal debate or discussion as an every country he said he would leave the unified government the war government in israel if prime minister benjamin netanyahu did not come up with what he called a credible plan after words. do you think there will be any change in attack from the
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israeli government to think internal pressure changes? anything that israel is doing? >> of course is a lot of internal debate on how to conduct the war but the reality is israel is fighting a war for its very survival here. i do think the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is actually correct ensuring israel goes off to hamas inside rafah itself there's still the tides in existence they must be wiped out in order to see the release of water 25 hostages remaining. but also to completely eradicate hamas. it is monstrously barbaric terrorist movement backed by the iranian regime i don't think there is any alternative for the israelis other than to go into rafah and destroy hamas. the united states, president biden should g get be giving one to percent back into the israeli government. biden has been appalling in terms of mixed messages that he
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has been said into the israeli government in their hour of need. the united states needs to be standing shoulder to shoulder to the people of israel. it should be giving israel whatever support they need to defeat and destroy hamas. joe biden has been an absolute disastrous as the u.s. president to his weak kneed leadership is been undermining close u.s. allies such as israel but we need to completely different approach been taken by the white house. when that fully supports and stands with our friends and allies. >> the white house has become more critical as of late but has shown support. it has become critical as but holding offensive weaponry warning against a rafah invasion. once you get to something you said earlier you mentioned has the look, you mention hamas and you mentioned iran. the pres present side lest we ga helicopter crash does that change the calculation at all for what we are seeing both internationally and the pressure israel is facing from hamas and
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has below? they don't think it changes the big picture. the butcher of tehran was an absolute monster he will they'le replaced by another monster that's out works in iran shamefully the united states joined silence of the security council paying condolences to the terrorist leader of tehran this is appalling doing this. we need to see a completely different approach from the u.s. toward the iranian regime and to the appeasement of iran. we need to see strength and resolving projected by the united states together with its allies against the iranian dictatorship. the big picture does not change. irene is a big state sponsor of international terrors of the biggest supporter of hamas we need to stand up to iran and defeat everything this evil regime stands for including a support for terrorist
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organizations such as hamas wages the real strength and determination from the united states and its allies in support of israel against what is barbarism and evil. rich: thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> my pleasure thank you very much. >> if it was not clear that timeless catholic values are hated by many, it is now. >> kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker has no regrets for the chiefs will visit the white house to meet president biden. christina coleman is life with more on this. >> hyatt molly that is right the three-time super bowl winner says he has no regrets about expressing his beliefs during his recent commencement speech he address the blowback of her speech friday night at a gala hosted in support of a homeschool hybrid academy for catholic families. take a listen.
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both of the past few days my beliefs are what people think i believe, have been the focus of countless discussions around the globe. at the outset, many people express a shocking level of hate. the more i've talked about what i value most which is my catholic faith, the more polarizing i become. it is a decisions i have consciously made and one i do not regret it all. >> durbutker may 11 commencement speech butker said the majority of women were most excited about their marriage and the children they will bring into this world. the comet garnered criticism and support. some of butker's teammates have waited saying he has a right to his own opinion. >> i've known you for seven years and i judged by the character he shows every single day. that is a good person for there are some things he said i don't necessarily agree with w but i understand the person that he is. >> during the commencement speech butker did as president
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divided support for abortion rights and question his faith. amid all the reaction of his remarks to kansas city chiefs are gearing up to visit the white house on friday to celebrate their super bowl win. molly: will be an interesting day but we'll see how the interaction goes christina coleman thank you. rich: a dozen people are hurt and another incident of extreme mid air turbulence for the details on that and how you can protect yourself when you ares flying. a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. breathing claritin clear is like... [♪] feeling the breeze instead of feeling congested. [♪] fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®.
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♪ ♪ [background noises] molly: thousands of bikers right through the streets in relation j-uppercase-letter for the annual rolling to remember ride but some coming from across the country traveling hundreds of miles to raise awareness for those who sacrificed their lives on memorial day, this week in the organization also looking to demand accountability for americans held as prisoners of war. and those who are currently still missing in action. rich: former president travis in north carolina did is expected to attending sold-out coca-cola nascar race the first time a sitting or former presidents visited the charlotte motor speedway where drivers are preparing to hit speeds of up to
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150 miles an hour. also honoring our fallen soldiers on this memorial day weekend. madison scarpino as at the race right with more. >> an exciting day at the track. the energy is high. coca-cola 600 is the longest race of the season but you mention former president trump expected to be here. of course in north carolina is a key battleground states. the former president when the tar heel state in 2016 and in 2020. but democrats are welcome mink former president trump nascar fans from around the world with some new anti- trump billboards we spoke to it at last year's e 600 winner and asked him about trump watching the race, listen. >> it just speaks to the special weekend this is. a former president coming in, not wanting to attend this race.
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that is pretty neat honestly. do not care what your views are but that's pretty cool. >> tells us the race being on memorial day weekend exit especially meaningful. fans that are here are really focus on that on the military af this race and honoring fallen soldiers. earlier today there was a luncheon with a 200 gold store family members each car racing today will honor a soldier who died in combat their name will be written on the car's windshield in about 15 minutes the preet ratio will honor fallen soldiers they'll be an air show with a blackhawk helicopters, seat 17 planes advance and tell us it's a really special thing to see you do not know if you can tell behind me but the crowds are definitely picking up here we'll see how they react when former president trump arrives and when the race begins. back to you. madison scarpino live at the charlotte motor speedway, thank you. molly:
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>> the plane seemed to go install it but it didn't and then it drops quite a severe drop. and unfortunately the captain got under control quite quickly there's a couple passengers that did not have seatbelts on. they were thrown out of their seats and hit their head. >> is so scary it's time you just don't know if this is it or not. >> passengers describing the moments 12 people including six crew were injured today after a qatar airways flight to dublin and encountered severe turbulence over turkeys have the passengers say that plane was shaking violently this is just the latest incident comes days after a passen passenger aboarda singapore airline flight died after their aircraft was rocked by severe turbulence. dozens of those passengers are still recovering in the hospital but want to bring in a commercial pilot and aviation consultant at a former nasa air force crash investigator. ken, thank you for your time on
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this memorial day weekend but we really appreciated especially in the wake of these two incidents we are seemingly pretty dramatic according to the people who were on those planes some people very severely injured. i want to start with what exactly is it turbulence? how do you avoid it? is it increasing? cook's hyatt molly, how are you doing today question what they are two types of turbulence there is convective turbines you can see we all see clouds and thunderstorms. when that happens you can avoid it. turbulence will get a little lighter and then more severe is you closer to the order of the storm. but, what we're talking about is called cats clear air turbulence. that turbulence is not visible via a radar in the aircraft or from the pilot. think of the two rivers merging together and that's with the two air masses in the thousands of
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feet and that is when those two columns of air come together just like when two rivers come together it is turbulence. it could be mild or very violent as it was here at the singapore flight. >> is it tough to see it, to dtoodetected and know about ahef time is it, is as much of a surprise to the pilots as to those folks who were unfortunately unbuckled? >> in regards to clear air turbulence it is not discernible they do make some instrumentation that concern some of that but not a lot of aircraft have that type of equipment on board to detect that so typically this is over oceanic flight the pilots cannot see it they enter it and that's why it's very important for passengers to always wear the seatbelts. >> that is the faa advice as well. think we have all been on a plane riding in the back of a much better view where you have flloan you have the nervous momt
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for the turbulence is sitting i force shall have never been in any variant severe turbulent type of thing but it has happened and makes you nervous. what should a passionate sitting on a plane do we need turbulence starts? >> for some of the crew upfront is very trained in the aircraft is stressed to take that turbulence you should not worry about the external part of the plane coming apart. but what you can do as a passenger always, always, always wear your seatbelt but we were in the seat, seatbelt should be undecided to be supertight they can be loose. you want to prevent your cell from your head, the top of your head from hitting the overhead. becbecause of healing 12 -- 18 inches between the top of your head and that overhead. if you hit that you risk getting a spinal compression fracture or a myriad of medical things that are bad if you do that. so you want to stay in your seats if you do encounter
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turbulence and place your feet firmly on the ground place your head back on the seat you are sitting in and look forward. it is always eight vertical a vt never a horizontal element. >> and or slightly spinal injury and the head injuries are what your talk about some of the folks in the hospital of the singapore flight. should seatbelt wearing the mandatory other than if you have to get up and go to the bathroom or something? >> yes. i would advise that. there's probably going to be a lot of pushback from the flying public but we saw that with masks regardless of what you think about a mask people had to wear them. i think of the faa mandated mandateseditor i ko that's intel faa if you will then that is what it is when you are in a seat, put your seatbelt on does not be supertight just to prevent you from hitting the overhead this would not of happened. >> finally can airlines be sued
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cosmic they are but are those losses very successful? >> it is a great question. yes, they can be sued. now dependent upon what flag the carrier is from if it's that us-based flag or asian country flag so if it is a state run aircraft or owned aircraft they have limitations for each country has their own limitations of weight they view is fair compensation for injury and or death. >> great points can christians and thank you very much, great advice feet planted i appreciate i hope you have a wonderful memorial day weekend thank you. >> use you, take care. >> i did not know grace and all that well i spent the last two days with him and he was so funny we get so worked up out here about a bad break here or a good break there.
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stewart pro golfers and fans are more in the sudden death of grayson murray. heartbreaking statement today mary's parents revealed he died by susie suicide's second round of a pga tour event in texas friday when he withdrew from the tournament citing an illness' hs death was announced yesterday. he was open about his struggles with depression and alcoholism he won the sony open back in january saying his faith and his fiancée helped turn his life around. grayson murray was only 30 years old our condolences to his family and loved ones.
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world's deadliest drug trafficking enterprises. in the u.s. he faces drug, gun, witness retaliation charges. president biden think the mexican president for aiding in the extradition. molly: president biden spending part of his holiday weekend in delaware after delivering the commencement address at west point yesterday. his speech had pretty clear political undertones as many polls continue to show the president's reelection campaign facing an uphill battle mark meredith is at the white house with a look at this. >> good afternoon to you we are about one month out until the first debates between presidents of biden and trumpeted team biden says it's ready to roll out a whole new messaging campaign that will show voters what they see is the difference between the two men the first debate is happening in atlanta in late june the this is way earlier than normal and presidential politics a second debate right now set for september in the meantime the biting campaign has a new ad out voice but vocal trump critic
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actor robert de niro. >> from midnight tweets to bringing drinking bleach and tear gassing citizens and staging a photo op we knew trump was out of control when he was president. biting campaign says the @is an opening salvo of eight month long push from the team to let the contrast voters will face this of course of at the polls are showing right now the president leading his predecessor by only one point today democrats urge the party to come together and move past any talk of making 11th hour change to the democratic ticket. >> we are well past that conversation. president biden is going to be the nominee. we are going to have our convention and he is going to win in november. >> the president is due back at the white house a little bit later on this evening he'll be back out on the road this week is going be heading up to philadelphia on wednesday for campaign events. a big factor in his schedule at this week the weeks ahead what may happen for mark president trump's trial the verdict expected it will depend how the white house may choose is a messaging and the wake of that
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major news event. molly: very interesting week ahead mark meredith thank you. chris yu are okay with that? [inaudible] [background noises] heroic florida deputy came to the rescue of a 1-year-old child stuck in a hot car this is last many deputies from the county sheriff's office responded to a call about a child in a locked car at a walmart parking lot. deputy christian harrison had to break the car's window to rescue the child. in 202329 children died of heat stroke and vehicles it can take only 10 minutes for a child to suffer from heat stroke that heroic deputy joins us now to talk about this. thank you so much for joining us today on this memorial day weekend giving us a little bit of your time. we really appreciate it for this is close to every mother's heart
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really we all have fears this could happen in our own families and worry about this happening. just tell us why it was so important you got into that car as quickly as you did? >> right, yes we understand as deputy said law enforcement we know how to get into a car. we often get dispatched to calls like this however often times the cars unlocked or something like that. once we determine the car is a locked and it is 80 degrees and the child is locked inside the vehicles for 10 minutes we understand how hot it can get in that vehicle so he ups the urgency a lot provides great praise you kudos to you for acting so quickly. i watch the video a little hesitancy i think the people there is a car were hoping there is some special tool that could without entering the car but a hot car on a warm day can get hotter and hotter very quickly kept talking about this at 10 minutes and that is how fast the temperatures can aptly soar. child'child the body is not thee as an adult so why is it so
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important to act quickly to not wait for the fire department? >> right so it is very important especially after we determined it had been 10 minutes later sent children's body temperatures do not regulate his same residuals the child is in the for 10 minutes the child to spit up the door sweating and it currently got to get in that car to make sure she is okay. we cannot sit around and wait for the departed apartments are not close. >> your quick actions of greatly appreciated the child is okay and doing well. the national highway traffic safety administration said the majority of hot car deaths happen because someone forgets a child in a c car which is an absolute nightmare something called a forgotten child syndrome they have talked about how this can happen many times a child is left outside of a daycare or a parent or caregiver's thoughts they drop the child off but there is also children will sometimes let themselves into someone's car that has been left unlocked there couple of scenarios where this can play out do you have
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advice for just the people to help protect children? >> yes. be cognizant on what kind of vehicle you have understand if the doors lock automatically after you shut them to be cognizant of that. if you have a child or pet that you are responsible for, make sure you can confirm the door is not locked prior to leaving the keys are going about your business piglets and lit up in the northeast he does not get up hot appear we do not see quite as many deaths as they do in texas and florida which see more of these hot car deaths and other places around the country. even in maine there have been children who have died because once again the oven factor of these cars the temperature really raises much much higher than the outside temperature. so finally i just want to say thank you so much for your actions. for coming on today and talking about this we are sort of entering these warmer seasons were unfortunately it's a more likely to happen just want to give you a final word comes deputy. >> thank you for your time,
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thank you for having me. any one of her coworkers would've done the same thing. i appreciate our sheriff for giving us the tools to get into that car safety of that traumatizing or injuring the child elects christian harrison thank you very much for think if he is not tool in using it quickly and thank you for coming on over this weekend. we appreciate it. >> thank you. rich: [background noises] charlotte motor speedway let's hear it one more time. [cheering] that was a matchbox 20's former present trip aboard ashdod's one going over the coca-cola 601 seat lands he will head over to the charlotte motor speedway were humic gold star families take part in a ceremony before the race but after the race he is expected to head back to new york where his criminal trial is entering the final stage this week. we'll talk about the case after a quick break.
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rich: former president shep new york criminal trial enters its final stages this week. closing arguments from the defense and prosecution are set to begin tuesday followed by jury deliberations. trump attorney expressing the importance of the judge's instructions to the jury. >> he jury instructions. the jury instructions are the roadmap for not attorneys and insurers to follow the law. it is going to be critical and frankly at this point, i have zero confidence of the fact this person who should not be sitting on the bench right now will do the right thing and give jury instructions that are an appropriate manner without any persuasion toward the prosecution. there is my biggest concern, it always has been. clustering and steve former prosecutor now serves as principal of a bear claw. thank you for joining us this
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afternoon. i don't to ask about the roadmap there. maybe not her evaluation of the judge in this case. about f the judge's instructions here. >> the number one thing lawyers fight over our jury instructions printed number one reason they get reversed by court of appeal it is the number one focus of every lawyer. this is the thing jurors are going to go back in two deliberations. read it, and apply the testimony and they heard to at their instruction law is. there instructions are crucial. the number one thing these instructions are going to find it we've never heard of to this point, what is this law the prosecution is saying that these phony ledger entries were designed to cover up? what is this specific federal
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law that the former president was alleged to try to conceal? that is crucial. he's going to have to do it very specifically in his instructions and if i was the defense i would actually ask the judge instruct the jury on the elements of that law as well. these instructions are extremely important. >> a judge is a bit of a trailblazer here this is a novel legal theory there's never been anything set like this before. if he does not give instructions that let say are viewed as appropriate by an appeals court, as he open this up for an appeal by the defense as x absolutely. the lawyers have spent a lot of time with the judge. working on instructions, arguing over the appropriate instruction is the number one thing lawyers address falsely instruct the
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jury on the law and in this case is more relevant than ever. this is novel known as urban prosecutor for something like this before. so what what kind of arguments we hear the end of the day? what does the prosecution need to do? what does the defense need to do? >> i have argued on both sides of been a prosecutor and defense i can tell you there are some general things. i think the prosecution to get 40000-foot view on this. look at the over all things focus on the salacious nature of these facts and argue on that. gloss over some of the crooks in their case. with the defense is going to do is they are going to focus on getting this jury to focus specifically on these instructions and focus on the law. an essay look, the credibility of these witnesses, michael cohen in particular you never know what to believe in.
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they have the burden. they must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. which is a very high standard. i want to point out one thing in california and most other states, california where i practice, there is instruction toxic to reasonable interpretations of circumstantial evidence. if both of them are reasonable one points to innocence and one that points to guilt the jury, must under our system of law followed the reasonable interpretation of evidence that points to innocence. if i was the defense i would focus on the high bar, the high burden the prosecution must cross to convict the former president progressed really quick do you think the prosecution proved its case here? >> athink the prosecution has some challenges. when you are relying on witnesses, especially your star witness who has a history of perjury and lying and admitted to stealing, i think that is a
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challenge. where this is occurring and every one has a predisposing notion regarding argument where the most famous human beings in the world and that is the former president donald trump. if i were to look at it based on what i heard what i think the instructions were going to be i think that the prosecution is going to have a hard time crossing that threshold. but due to the nature of the case it is anybody's guess. rich: a heckuva week ahead. thank you for joining us for >> happy memorial day, richard. rich: youtube rate. molly: still had other nations honoring the greatest generation fought and died defending ourng help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. (psst! psst!)
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the nation honors the brave men and women who died fighting for our country. saturday marked the anniversary of the memorial here in washington. veterans came town of the 400,000 heroes lost in the battlefields of europe and in the pacific. many of them were only teenagers as they called to serve. frank cohen to escape nazi germany as a kid only to turn around and fight under the american flag. this was his message for americans this holiday weekend. >> during and after world war ii we were all together. there was a great feeling of patriotism because we had won the war and we had conquered the people that were just miserable. unfortunately, our country is not together right now. i think we have to work on it to
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get it back together. that is what the lesson should be about world war ii. >> 16 million americans fought in world war ii. less than 1% are still alive today. molly. >> remember the fallen. that does it for us. we are back tomorrow. >> and we will see you then. have a great nightovid. ♪ rgy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> i'm jim f


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