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tv   Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy  FOX News  May 27, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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the greatest country ever imagined and never established. you look at these graves were these men and women put their lives on the line because they wanted to defend the greatest country on the face of the earth had their lives cut short. we stand on their shoulders, we stand on their shoulders, we must do in our own way and our own lives our own rules carry the flag that they did to war. we must preserve this fantastic country for generations. god bless all the men and women who fought for this country, died for this country. this is the day we read calibrate as a nation. see you next time liberty and leaven. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> trey: good evening, and thank you for joining us, i am trey gowdy and it is "sunday night in america." it wasn't the most enthusiastic endorsement i have ever heard. >> as i'vea voter, i put my priorities o n a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account. trump has not been perfect on these policies. i have made that clear many, many times. but biden has been a catas catastrophe. so, i will be voting for trump. >> trey: former south carolina governor and trump appointed ambassador to the u.n. said she will vote for her former boss this november, but will herse supporters do the same? s if former trump has work to do in order to solidify his support among g.o.p. voters, is it on style or substance?
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does his policy give potential voters pause, or the manner in which he communicates? make no mistake, allte is not wl on the other side either. women of "the view" surrogates for the in-kind contributions on a daily basis but they forgot to tell a guest.>> n >> charlemagne now is not the time to sit this one out. >> i never said i was sitting it out.s >> what are you going to do?otin >> i am definitely voting in november but. i like to focus on issues. >> why not endorse biden? >> i think reality both candidates are trash. >> help him out, help him out! >> trey: biden trying to shoreti up support with constituencies who seem to be exploring other options.orin >> if you are a black man that loves this country, even if it doesn't love you back in equal measure. they don't see you in the future
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of america, but they are wrong. to me, we make history, not erase it. >> trump encourages voter suppression and election subversion. he gutted affirmative action. >> trey: biden sounds like a man with reconstruction of the 1960s, not a man who served a black president who now serves with a black vice president and put a black woman on the supreme court. it would bld be nice if biden occasionally would acknowledge thcknoe process this country has made, just every now and again. it turns out, black voters care about inflation, gas prices, wan and the middle east, thees, direction of the country and art not falling for the same racial rhetoric of yesteryear. for hieryes part, donald trump compares himself with abraham lincoln. >>e do for doing record numbersn the african american voters. they are tired of what is happening to them.enin
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but there has been no president since abraham lincoln that has done more for the black individual in this country then president donald j. trump. j >> trey: i'm not a political expert, but i wonder if it might be better for candidates to address the issues of 2024 rather than hearkening back to the civil war era joining us now are two political experts who were not around for therts civil war, marc thiessen and david carlucci here at two to use to be seen as a plus.a candidates talked about bridging gaps and bringing the countryde together and biden mentioned the word unity in his inaugural address more times i think thann any other president. is unity even a winning argument anymore, or is sowing the seeds ofg aggrieved men, the present and future politics?liti >> there is a winning argument in 2020 because that is what he ran on, he just didn't deliver
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it. he's been one of the mostdi divisive residents in my lifetime. when you gents in o out and saya black audience of college graduates about to enter the world and possibly change the world, hopeful optimistic message, you love your country even though it doesn't love youhoug back. contrast that with what donald trump did on thursday when he went to the bronx andan spoke directly to black and hispanic voters who aren he disaffected by joe biden's presidency, his policies. he said i will fight like for you and focus on solving problems. it has been a disaster for black and hispanic americans and i will focus on bringing you back and giving you opportunity and lifting you up here those aretui the contrasting messages. that is the reason why donald trump right now isco getting 23% ofnt the black vote, which would be the most if that happened the most of any president since 1964.. >> trey: david, it is hard toar
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find a clip where james carville is not cussing, but i think we found one. i want us to listen to ite together for a second, and then i will ask you a u question on e other side. >> sec i do think the presidents to deal -- the age issue was suffocating him.eeds he needs to bring up that he'sg only four years older than trump. >> making that speech, i'm sorry, he is cadaver like. >> but his brain is good. >> trey: david, age may be a factor for some people, but the real issue, i think his mental acuity o menr the perception of decline, regardless of whether president trump, president biden, or anybody else.ll i will voters process age and acuity versus policy this time around, in your judgment? >> i think you are right, it ist about mental acuity. it is about what are they actually talking about. look, donald trump gives us error of more vibrancy, but when you look closely and you
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actually listen to whaty an donald trump is saying, you can't really hear much here that rally in the bronx, he is pointing out problems, this ands that, but he's not a saying t what he will do.s there you can judge the pose what president bidenan hasly actually done. he actually delivered money to the bronx, south bronx. the positive news we see as democrats is the latest bowlinge although it shows favorability for donald trump, that is only among the overall electorate, but not people who actuallywi come outll to vote. people that actually voted in 2020, joe biden is winning that race. so i think the details matter. and people once they get more engaged and learn about the actual policies, i believe they will fall in line with joe biden because donald trump, yes, he is a good salesman, a good entertainer, but i think it stops there. you get the entertainment, but you don't get any substance with donald trump. >> trey: marc come i've seenm
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more enthusiasm and ransom notes in governor healey's commentsr about voting for trump.u is my question to you, it doesn't matter how enthusiastic she is?l ucwill reluctant g.o.p. voters including herself come home, do you think? or stay home? >> donald trump has to bring them home and it's on him to doa that. i'm glad she gave thatt endorsement.leav but he can't leave -- one thing i agree with david and what he said, the race will get tighter. donald trump can't afford to leave any votes on the tableso particularly g.o.p. votes. he has to reach out to nikki haley voters appear they are the swing voters t for 2024 election and will decide it oney or the other. but the reality is what david was saying before, the polls show 55% of americans think donald trump's presidency was a success, whichonal is a reverse three years agh wao when 25% it a failure. 61% of americans think joe
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joe biden's presidency is a failure. on thesubs substance, they thinn biden was a failure and trump was a success.cces when it goes out and says -- it wasn't great under me, weren't you making more money and moreea comfortable? wasn't inflation lower?th that will resonate with the american people. peo >> trey: i will give you a chance to show you you are the republican strategist spirit donald trump just called you and said, "okay, who should i pick for my vice presidential running mate?"o i will make you give free advica to put republican and semi of a bill but who should he pick for a running mate? >> i think nikki haley because it would show humility and pick up exactly what we are talking about here, scenting an olive branch to many disenfranchised voters. donald trump is really not done that since the primary. hasn'tne moved to the center. he hasn't reached out to peoplep who disagree with him. he'sle
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gone hard to the right and yes, it rallies the troops and gets the diehard supporters outd but i don't think it does much to win over the independent t voter. so i think it would do him wella tore pick a leap. >> he did that in the bronx. did that in.en t he went to dark deep blue city and got a crowd only joe biden could dream of. i don't think joe biden could pull that in the south bronx anr he reached out to black hispanic voters and democrats. thank you. [laughter] >> trey: he is also doing great for tourism in new york because i was there last week for the trial and i will be back this week. hean is an economic juggernaut r new york city right now. thank you both for joining us. i look forward to having youving both real soon.ou >> great to be with you. >> thanks, trey. >> trey: up next to him at the second time in three months, the senate did not advance aisan
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bipartisan bill. number one issue for voters, why did it fail? let's find out, senator james lankford right after the break. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." immigration consistently holes at the top for those in novembe. criminal justice reform, the lens has switched and democratsg wants as progressive backfired. it turns out nearly everyone wants a secure border knowing who is coming and going is notye seen a phobic or racist.hobi performing a sale and refugee systems is not mean-spirited.pi for years democrats benefited from the problem more than the b solution, but more than the one
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switch.nate senate democrats need to showo h toughness, but it may be too little, too late. republican senator james lankford state ofs the great oklahoma. he sits on the senate homeland security and intelligence committee. has worked very hard on this issue, and he joins usts now.end welcome to you, senator. this issue has plagued us for decades. while the public seems reasoned more by solutions than compromises, legislation has proof is in elusive orve legislation that can pass. do you think the parties, and i hate to be cynical, you are not cynical, but i am here or do you think the parties benefit from the issue more than the solution or is there anothekr explanation why we have not been able to par legislation? >> no, the parties have benefited from the issuebeen asl the consulting says if you can't solve money, you can prolong it. this whole attitude of we can continue to point at each other
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has work now for decades, except for an outcome of the issue is different. this is a real national security issue. the vast majority of people men in their, 20s, 45% of those every singleev day not from the western hemisphere, they are china,, ru russia, pakistan, they are from west africa, here these are areas we are not familiar andtig numbers coming across. and they are a very securityse threat. 5,200 today are coming in last month and literally the last three months, more people who illegally cross than any yeardet under president obama. so, this has really been a dramatic shift. that is why i said i will work with anyone who wants to getnyon serious about this and to say, "let's solve the problem ofy so border security." we have other issues with who's here and lots of other things but first things first, let's stop the bleeding and stop the border. let
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that is the first thing. >> trey: you know, it seems like yesterday, we actually came in together, came into the house together. you moved up and i moved out. immigration, asylum order security, those have been issues since we came together before. it feels like now we have almost given up on legislativeve solution. we are waiting to see which executive will take whicho executive action, which to me neuter as the legislative branch. it is also a branch issue from s substantive issue but a branchwe issue.goin are we really going to wait and see who wins the presidency and takes executivs e action? >> currently, that is true. we are seeing that over and ovee again. this is aga rule of law issue. f congress lays down a low, the law needs to be applied. it varies and we know it is weak
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under asylum. congress has the ability to see that and not say judges and executive branch, you go figure out how to work around week law we note the asylum definition is weak and too man y appeals in the .w thss. we know we are not detaining enough people that is allocatind funds to the detention processon precipitously. we do not have deportation are flights. those are all things congress can fix. something with the executive branch. i brought this up over and u ovr again, 2.5 million people crossing illegally over the ar iborder and president obama a half a million people in trump lessons that we were in one year where it went above that but less than that. so we can enforce it but the last half-million people, we have to deal with that issue.av that is why i push so hard to bh able to save the executive branch, biden took his job to bring the numbers down. congress needs to do its job ton be able to finish the job. so let's put theob pressure on. people are sick of singing, democrats, republicans everybody
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my state says somebody step in them fix this.g >> trey: you were actually one of the least political people i know, despite the fact you were in a political office. i ask you because you do notno have a reputation for being overly partisan.crat there were democrats and birds up for reelection. do you think the renewed any interest has anything to do with election hearing or genuine in border security?. >> it is very, very much electioneering at this point. that is the painful part. the vote was intended to have a vote for democrats to put out fund-raising emails and say, look, we are trying to be able to do something.hing they were seeing district attorneys gettining kicked out f inthe west coast and liberals allowed in bad criminal activities here they are seeingd the wins before have changed significantly. people nantlo longer want to celebrate sanctuary cities. they no longer want to celebrat openness or they want to say i'm
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good with illegal immigration, not illegal immigration.egal i think people just feel this is getting worse and more morel dangerous anthd ready for someby to solve it.ey a that is what i'm trying to do. i'm very conservative, but i think we need to be able toey solve this. >> trey: senator james lankford from the great state of oklahom: sea takg on and attacking a very toughh issue that has evaded resolution for probably since reg and i would guess. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thanks, trey and thinsundigho the golden star families out there as well. >> trey: amen, the evidence and donald trump versus bidens and remain there construction on the law. closing arguments and a verdict next on "sunday night in america."
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>> this is a fox news alert, ashley strohmier in new york. powerful torrent of mike storm's bettering the northwest with destructive tornadoes. missouri and illinois hit the hardest overnight. oh whole extent of injuries and damage unknown. pure giant heavy rain, winds across the region an official searching everyone in the paths of these forms to be prepared. a new threat comes as the central u.s. is once again reeling from deadly tornado
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responding storms. at least 18 people killed across texas, arkansas, kentucky saturday night. officials fear that number can rise as search and rescue crews get a better gauge on the damage. the storms obliterated home and flipped over 18-wheelers pure and a half a million homes are without business this hour. ashley strohmier back on sunday "sunday night in america." ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america."meri michael cohen swears he's telling the truth about all of the lies he let that sink prosecution store witness being praised by left-wing pundits for admitting he lied to come admitting he's biased, stole money from trump, admitting he would like to see trump in, ad prison and see himself in congress.on ordinarily that would nogrt make for a great aunts.
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on the other hand, part of the trump defense was cupartt out by juan merchan who said an expert could not fully explain the lale to the jury. i was in the new york courtroomt last week and must admit, it was a curious ruling in part because michael cohen himself was allowed to testify as to thed to lawfulness of the catch and kill plan.e la so michael cohen went is fec expert but a real fec expert is not. and cohen was allowed to signalo to the jury because he pled guilty, trump, therefore, must be guilty too.most most judges don't allow that ane for good reasons, it is burden shifting and ishift is wrong. a defendant is never required tl put up a case but when they doe call witnesses, the witnesses are fair game.hael former cohen lawyer costello said cohen told him, "i swear to god i don't have evidence of wrongdoing by trump."
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that would be very important evidence for the defense because cohen's testimony noted byng pickering with the judge in theo customer was on email about rudy giuliani. all that is left is charging thi jury in closing argument in the hardest part of all, litigation rating on a verdict.dera andrew cherkasky, federal prosecutors and they join us now. welcome to you both,emen andrew, let's listen to the defendant, the former president and i will ask you about on the other side. >> everybody knows it is a witch hunt, a political witch hunt. there was nothing wrong.they they didn't do it but they waited until the election. hav literally seven years later. it should have never been done. >> will you be vindicated? >> iav don't know, we have a jue that is conflicted and unfair to the american citizen. you know that better than i do. >> trey: i think there is zero chance donald trump whatever
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testify in this trial. jury i instructed not to even think about that. a jury is probably wondering whb a defendant would hold a press conference and do interviews, but not speak directly to them. so, as a lawyer, how, if at all, do you address that with the jury come next week? >> donald trump never needed to testify because the jury already heard what he had to say. that is one of my roles i use with my defendants is if the jury already got that evidence through other means through the prosecutors usually introducing it, there is no need for you tos take the stand to say at the same thing or potentially get caught in some sort of confusing type of question we are thet ca prosecutors put on a great deal of evidence in 2016 and rolling into 2017, donald trump seem to have the intentions to kill s tostormy daniels story, to prott his reputation as a celebrityrti family man and someen consideration for purposes of the election.
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there wae s noel evidence he mae statements that were particularly incriminating, especially dealing with most fundamental elements, that ishe the idea legal expenditure entrh into the accounting books was improper. it's not likeny ine he put instn caught gnomic cost or donations. they were aney hd what he had ty through the prosecutors. he didn't need to take the stand. >> trey: all right, tom put on. prosecutor have the defense will harp on the back edge michael cohen whened t has and it's a lot, bias, perjury, animosity, ambition, revenge or the prosecution is likely to say, you know what all of tha,t is true all of that is true, but we did not pick him as a witness. h if we were picking witnesses we would have picked a catholic nuo or first grade school teacher or veterinarian.empt trump picked michael cohen because that's who we chose to c deal with. how would you deal with that ifw given summation? >> that is how i would try to
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pitch it, trey. cohen was one of the least credible witnesses in american history. prosecutors likeameric general i the army. and in this case, they didn't have much choice other than todu rest their case onhael michael cohen. they knew going and it would be g inan absolute debacle cross o examination, that prove true. the trump team did masterful job further undermining his credibility, not that they needed a lot of help doing it because cohen self indicted y himself over the years. if you are in the prosecutors shoes and closing arguments, that is how you have to pitch it.. look we never put michael cohen went up as an angel like he was close to trump and he was trusted by trump at one point in time as his lawyer. mealthough he was lying then, h is not lying now.lyin i don't know if the jury will buy it but the prosecutors don'l have any other choice. >> trey: all right, andrew,pr osyou are sitting in with the defense counsel right now trying
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to figure out whether or not tor allow for lesser included offense. n i know there is an argument that the is run. but do you want to compromise misdemeanor verdict? e thu want it to be felony d or nothing? whatt to are you arguing for wih the jury instructions?itth >> i want a straight verdict, and i want that verdict to be acquittal, not guilty. that is what i'm going fornt. i think the defense could make a terrible mistake to ask forth lesser included because therrib statue of limitations is ait waivable issue for the defense. so i think by asking for the lesser included of just thea misdemeanor, i think effectively they waive that issue.waiv with that said to them i think the strongest defense in this case is to attack the misdemeanr crime it said and not the escalating felony additional charge. >> trey: all right, tom,e tobefore i let you go, how would you handle costello? the substance of what he said was good. but his demeanor i was watchingr
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him it was off-putting to be candid. how do you deauttil with that ia summation with the jury? >> yeah, look, i think in retrospect, i'm confident the had to doam if they it over again would decline to call costello in my view. cal it was a little bit of piling oe and undercut his credibility. they did not get costello to doi it. you are right, his testimony was not great. got crosswise with the judge and the jury escorted out when the judge lectured him come i think you will see friction. prosecutors have to focus the juryve t on costello.ey: >> trey: i would tell you both to send me a bill, but i don't make enough toa bi pay just consider this pro bono work. both of y'all, thank you for joining us on a sundayg night. i have a suspicion i will be talking to you all a again at sk point about this or another matter. think you both. >> thank you trey. >> thanks. >> trey: hunter biden will have his own day in court even
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as he faces new allegations fro house republicans of lying to. congress. the ways and means committee claims biden among other things mischaracterized his work and relationship with the chinese business executive and misled congress about bank accounts associated witeh his firmrm rosemont seneca. congress does not have a prosecution team. allegations of criminality must be referred to law enforcement.t for investigation and doj formi review. the record there is mixed atey g best, rachel rawlins was given a pass and former republican congressman jeff fortenberry a lifelong exception for doj. what if anything will happen to the president's son? joining us his ways and means committee member, representative brian fitzpatrick. welcome, congressman. you are also former federal prosecutor and federal law enforcement officer here anl so if you tell me someone may have violated the law, i tend to pay attention. what is going on herion.e with h
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biden's in testimony in your opinion? >> thank you, hunter came in for a deposition. r we reviewed theve deposition. when that was released, the two whistle-blowers came forth with the information had identified three statements that huntering made during that deposition that we now know based on the information they provided areon provably false. one pertaining to what's that message hunter sent to chineseea national, the head of one of th energy companies there more pertaining to his position as secretary at rosemont, one of thhue 20 entities that hunter created a. the the ceo charism o to the applicatio and obtaining of a visa. those who are three provablytl false statements just like you lied to fbi agent or prosecutor or official congressional
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proceeding, it is aa violation section 1,000, title 18, a felony.: al >> trey: all right, in your own job you can do the arresting yourself, but the process ayo little bit different here. i think there has to be atl referral. then i asked to be investigated, and then the results presentednd to a prosecutor. i think the timeline for that would not be quick members of congress cannot control thee speed of the investigation or doj deliberations.or d i'm just trying to set people's expectations correctly.ying you can arrest or prosecute anybody. you rely on other people to do that, correct?peop >> that is right, trey. what would happen now, we would have a vote to send former dojhe based on 1,001 violations. some cases are a lot quicker than others.t these are pretty straightforward provably false statement. there is not a whole lot ofstig investigation to happen here.
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the question will come down to doj discretion and obviously hunter has tinting tax evasion case in california, gun charges in delaware and if they want to have this third charge or not. >> trey: do you think there is any chance president biden says, "you know what, i'm going to pardon my son and former president donald trump on his two federal matters. i can't do anything untoward to put these two federal matters. people are welcome to be mad at me, but i have the pardon power and i'm going to do it. i'm not going to watch my loan son go to prison, and i will pardon my political opponent." do you think there is any chanca that happens? >> that would certainly be a bold move. trey, i've never been a fan of pardons, with the exception of very, very rare cases. you know, trey, you were a federal prosecutor in these and cases are hard to put together. they involve a lot of work here
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at the justice system works its will. juries will deliver the products is the system. now, pardons are appropriate in certain circumstances. and this would certainly be a bold move, that is for sure. >> trey: congressman fitzpatrick thank you for joining uss and your service to our country and all the ways t that it manifested itself.ciat >> appreciate it, thanks, trey. >> trey: up next, something called international criminal court wants to arrest israelimi prime minister benjamin netanyahu.ah what about the real gangsterslos running loose around the world? you ask? good question. that and more only on "sunday night in america" next.
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wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa! know ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." the international criminal court announced it is exploring arrest warrants, not just for hamas but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. prosecuting the leaders of a terrorist group who have no regard for human life, who organize and carry out the massn murder of innocent civilians ano still hold hostages seems reasonable and overdue. about seeking to arrest the leader of a nation defendingin itself renders the icc meaningless in the eyes of mosto of and that sentiment is shared on both sides of the aisle here >>
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we reject the icc's application arrestct t warrants against isri here at whatever these warrants may imply, there is no equivalence between israel and hamas made by the national court of justice.cide what is not happening it is not. we reject that. >> trey: this came one day after a rainy and president abraham raised he was killed in a helicopter crash. he was no friend of the u.s. or israel. about who and what comes after him? joining us former acting secretary for civilian security democracy and human rights, mr. nathan sales. welcome, sir. first give us your reaction to the mirror fall of the iccve seeking to arrest and prosecuteo benjamin netanyahu. >> well, trey, this court is out of control. they have drawn a grotesque comparison between a democracy
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o defend itself and to a terrorist organization that unleashed the unleashed the deadliest wave oashef violence j against since the holocaust. for 1200 innocent israelised, mostly murdered,, burned alive and it's not just israel that this court is gunning for but threatening to come afterer members of congress.s you are saying this court is ou of control. we need to sanction these people before they come after the united states. tthe court responded to that by putting out a statement andthe wagging its finger, "well, you y might be obstructing justice and you might be next."dr a clear line in the sand. now you are coming after israel but us next and we will stop it before this gets off of the ground. >> trey: all right, for those of us not familiar with the icc, i'm a little bit familiar, but not a court i've ever appearedea in front of the spirit where does the jurisdiction derivede
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from and who finances thatdo entity?re >> trey ata great question, the consent of states. you only have jurisdiction over a state if the state as ratified the underlying treaty.s guess who didn't ratify theed treaty? one, the united states, and two, israel. the reason is both countries understood that if the icc was created, it was only a matter of time before rogue prosecutor started coming after us, not the world's dictators like the leaders of iran and syria anda north korea. about the world democracies who believe in the rule of law and human rights bureau that is exactly what is happening here. where does the money come from? that is an interesting point.ria it comes from american allies, countries like japan, germany, united kingdom, france are responsible for the vastth majority of iccs budget. what the administration needs to y communicate to they co
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countries, guess what? it is american soldiers gue stationed on the soil protecting you from countries like russia,ies china, north korea. it would be obscene for you to be funding a court that isneli coming after american soldiers, the very american soldiers that are on your soil to protect youo from ourte shared enemies.shar >> trey: you mentioned soldiers.y ha does the icc have a police force to actually serve arrest warrants? i have aly sve a hard time seeia agent showing up and doing battle with the idf and israelee to serve an arrest warrant on t benjamin netanyahu. >> that would be aha vert woy one-sided fight. the way this works, trey, is that i cc insert there has anan arrest warrant fornyah benjamin netanyahu or anybody else, it would rely on national police forces to do the dirty work for them. so if benjamin netanyahu traveledhu t to new york, for instance, th we icc would expecl
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the european countries would take benjamin netanyahu into custody. i have to tellod you, we seeorry warning signs coming out of europe that some european countries may actually be willing to consider such antr outrageous, radical step as i had. >> trey: nathan sales, thank you for joining us on athn sunday night and loaning us your expertise. y>> thanks for having me, trey. >> trey: coming up, there is a new way of spreading across the nation and it's colder remorse. some cities have had enough of progressive prosecutors, now they want real public safety. fox news contributor, paul talks about the failure of the criminal when the criminal approached law enforcement. next on "sunday night in america."
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♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." sometime we go through fads whether parachute pants, vinyl records, pixie hair codes. some fads, however, can be deadly with fad with prosecutors who aren't really prosecutors. the defense attorneys masqueradingtorn as prosecutors. portland had a progressive d.a. called mike schmidt with the operative word being had. even portland figured out coddling criminals is not a good public safety strategy. i'll sit in, george gascon undergoes weekly rico effort, it seems, kim fox is out, marilyn
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mosby ran into prosecutors herself, but alvin bragg and fani willis are still there. a few things in life have remained truly bipartisan. t gettinglive and no rob resulted worse among them. it turns out conservatives and a even liberals are tired of experimenting with their own safety. joining us as a good friend of the show, turning, retired nypd inspector and fox news contributor, paul moreau. welcome, paul. some fads are harmless and some cause danger and threaten your life. this experiment was so cold progressive prosecutors could very much wind up costing people jeopardy or their safety. >> it can also cost a certain resident of three white house's job because crime is definitely on the agendhea this november. you know, trey, you and i have talked about it before, asidere. from the points that you mentioned, this time, the
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devolution is televised. we are seeing the stuff, it was a very bad time for the democrats to decide, hey, let'sh let the defense bar rewrite all of the rules of engagement for law enforcement across thehe c country. yoountu can't hide the fact thae see videos like the one you are w in times square. so even portland, as you say is coming to its senses. you know, it is not the big headline grabbing crimes this time around. that is the subtlety. ifa su his quality of life stuf. as you say, even liberals want to walk down the street. they want to be able to go to the bodega and get a quart of milk without putting their lives and their hands. thata qu is what is driving thi. ground up movement.s wh i think it is being felt and you are certainly feeling it in the d.a. races across the country. a >> trey: you know, paul, you i and i are both attorneys and we like to ask the question why, although it is a dangerous question, weso like it here andw
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wonder why this fad started. it always seems counterintuitive to me because a very small group of people want to actually hurt or kill us. why don't we identify, prosecut them, separate them frome society? it seems simple to me but we goe through these cycles where the left wants to experience with justice reform, which is really latin for "let's let people out of jail." >> i.t never works. there was a point a number of years ago in new york where we have this precriminal justice reform. broken windows, policing, i don't care what anybody says , and it worked. but what we also had to, and we had the metric, we had declinig incarceration rates. that is right. we had both. okay? this was after we had the police commissioner, bill bratton, twom a list police commissioners and you achieved a sweet spot.
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what did that mean?id the peoples whose job it is to dismantle that kind of thing had to speak up here they had gracie mansion in new york andn ne bill de blasio. it comes down to money and power. the people who get their money in their power from the kinds of initiatives you are talkingta about is not juslkt george soro. if you'd drill down deep enough, it is government money, which is astounding. they are never going to give it upas. k as aee result, they keep the mee going all we want to do is incarcerate people. yo iu have "the new york times"o pile on. you know, they save all of the u will find the corporate, culprits. >> trey: you mention something but i cannot let you go, most crime is state local as yous. pointed out. but this issue a pink tough or soft on crime has becomessue a national issue. and i think it may be even ayo presidential issue. able to view the last word. >> i think very much so. a lot of stuff it's important tf
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that colander if you look at it. consider what we've seen around the country on college campusese the kids are being treated with kid gloves.we we know those are not the gardes variety students but the progressives that will get out and end up in congress and voted for more of this stuff.f people are tired of it. whichever way you go on donald trump or joe biden, they know more of the same is nothe productive for this c it is on the agenda, and it is going to matter. >> trey: paul mauro, the voice voicthat matters on law enforcet and justice system. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you, congressman. >> trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. you can find us online on godlty >> todd: destructive tornados blasting several states right no


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