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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 27, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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these different military sorties into the airspace they are very, very concerned. >> todd: congressman, final, it is mohammed, 15 seconds. you are a veteran yourself. what does memorial day mean to you. >> let's remember memorial day is not a day of celebration. it's a day of solid remembrance to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. i will be in charlotte county today in multiple different events speaking for memorial day. it's just to remember those that we lost. we wouldn't be the country we are without the freedom and the patriotism of those that served our country. >> todd: congressman greg steube, thank you for your service and time this morning. those who are going to barbecue today or enjoy time with friends and family please remember why you're able to do so the brave young men who lost their lives. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> lawrence: it's 6:00 a.m. on the east coast and it is
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memorial day. monday, may 27th. this is "fox & friends." fox weather alert. desks and destruction. at least 18 people dead as tornadoes rip through america's heartland. millions still under severe storm warnings as they prepare to hit the road. damn is tracking it. >> rachel: that's right. he sure is plus, trump met with roaring reception at the coca-cola 600 in charlotte. [. [cheers and applause] >> joey: and saluting service, billie ray cyrus joins us with a special performance of some gave all. "fox & friends" begins right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪
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♪ [god bless america] ♪ [god bless america] ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: that's a great way to start this morning. we are honoring memorial day with the navy band northeast ceremonial band performing live on fox square. good morning to you all, rachel, as well as joey. thank you for your service, brother. >> joey: thank you. >> lawrence: on this memorial day. >> rachel: good morning to both of you. there's a lot planned on this show. >> lawrence: we're obviously celebrating memorial, the life and legacy of those people that made the ultimate sacrifice. we do honor them today. we got some news as well, some weather. and we're going to be getting your input all morning.
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you can tell your stories right here on "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert though. more than 120 million people are at risk for severe weather this memorial day. as dangerous storms barrel through the east coast. >> joey: this coming as at least 18 people across four states are dead after 38 confirmed tornadoes tore through 10 states in the south and midwest. >> rachel: let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. adam, some not so great news. >> adam: no, definitely not. this has been going on for days. we are watching it run itself up across the east coast. began across the plains, the southeast. moving across the region. looking at the leading forgts of this. georgia running over where joey lives. the north georgia mountains back across portions of alabama that is the beating edge tore now. ultimately does push itself up along the east coast. not as severe as it has been the
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last several days a tornadoes risk. a little bit lower a two on the scale of five. last couple of days 4. still major cities in the bullseye. new york, philadelphia, d.c. running a little further south. charlotte over towards atlanta before the day is over. all these folks could see big thunderstorms. otherwise, this is what it looks like across the country. the red area where you see the severe risk. maybe rain in the midwest. you look off towards the west and the weather looking nice. warm weather, # 4 degrees in dallas. the west coast has seen a beautiful couple of days that continues to be the same trend here on memorial day. guys, focusing on the east coast. that's where you will see the severe weather. that's where the beaches might be rough. for everybody else, a really nice day to enjoy the day with friends and family. >> rachel: thank you, adam. >> rachel: president biden and former president trump are honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice this memorial day. >> lawrence: president biden is heading to arlington national
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weekend i while trump spent the weekend with gold star families. >> both of the major presidential candidates are honoring the sacrifices of fallen service members over next tended holiday weekend. we will start with former president trump. he appeared yesterday at the coca-cola 600 nascar race in north carolina. first he flew over the track and then later greeted the crowd and met with gold star families there. president biden, meantime, will host a memorial day breakfast at the white house this morning and then make the traditional visit to arlington national cemetery later this morning to lay wreath and honor the fallen and while this is a day to honor those who gave all, it's hard to ignore the politics here with the november election rapidly approaching. and both of these candidates recognize the role that veterans can play in any election. four years ago, trump enjoyed a 20-point margin with veterans according to our fox news voter
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analysis of the 2020 election. just yesterday, his national press secretary posted this on x. on this memorial day weekend, president trump has announced his new coalition veterans and military families for trump with 175 plus endorsements from decorated veterans, gold star families and heroes who love our country. and there is a website to go along with that as well. just launched called veterans for trump. and believe it or not, today, we are just one month out from the first presidential debate in atlanta. rachel, lawrence, and joey, back to you guys. and joey, thank you for your service. >> joey: thanks, doug. >> rachel: thanks, doug. >> lawrence: yesterday president donald trump went out to north carolina to get a flyover of nascar, but he also went and talked with the crowd as well. and this comes on the heels of days and days whether it was the libertarian national convention, going to the bronx as you and i
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were there as well, rachel, and it doesn't look, for someone that is in his 70s, it seems like he doesn't sleep. >> rachel: right. he supposedly is on lockdown, right, because of the trials. but even with that impediment on his travels, is he still traveling more than joe biden and your point is so good. is he going to places that are outside of the box. by the way, remember, it wasn't very long ago he did a cnn town hall. can you imagine joe biden doing a fox news town hall it. would never happen. here is michael singleton a g.o.p. strategist. this is what he thinks about all the places that trump is going that biden is not. >> i think going to the libertarian convention was smarted. according to gallup represent 17 to 20% of the american electorate. maybe you shave off 8% of them that can make a difference in a very tight presidential race. regardless of the reason going to the bronx important.
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no one should be presumptive that people of color are going to vote one way purely because they are black or hispanic. that seems to be the case for my democrat friends. i think it's why a lot of people of color are looking at joe biden and realizing my life is not better. when i go to the grocery store things are expensive. the fruskt in my surrounding community has not improved. when i think about the future of my children they are still in dilapidated schools where the educational system is deplorable. that's the democratic message in my perspective. to have the republicans show up whether is he being booed whatever the case may be. he is showing up to places joe biden is not and that's going to make a difference. >> rachel: that shows confidence. >> joey: amazing that cnn let that finish. surprised they didn't have some sort of technical difficulties. >> i don't know michael but i appreciate him saying that. i want to go back to nascar. a lot of people say that's trump showing up to a bunch of white rednecks. that's not the nascar audience.
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half of the races are on the west coast. things like the success of fast and furious, things like that. nascar has embraced those things among the latino community. and nascar is as conversation of an audience now as it has ever been. not just in raceeth nilsz city but the region. not just a southern sport anymore. one thing that happens at nascar. every company sponsoring something has executives at these big races. coca-cola 600 being one of four. they have to stand there and see, i don't know, 100,000 people cheer on president trump and say, listen, my company was thinking about going woke but maybe not what america wants. there's a lot of layers to him showing up at ufc, nascar, college football. place where politics don't have a front row seat because this is where people can be passionate about something other than politics. i think it's really smart for him in the last year he has done college football ufc nascar, charlotte where the nascar sand some corporate partners.
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giving money. i'm very popular, not just among certain demographic but among the entire nascar demographic as diverse as it's ever been. >> went to deep blue minnesota as well. and then when he went to the libertarian event, lawrence, he offered some things. he said i promise to put libertarians in my cabinet. i promise to give them high level positions. then he said something i didn't know anything about this guy. but apparently if you are a libertarian. i know who rob holbrook is. and is he somebody who is facing a lot of jail time. internet freedoms issue. and that went over really well. yinged it when i heard it. but i guess it's a big deal for libertarians. i think he made a difference. and, again, he just has to get a little bit from there, a little bit from there, a little bit from there as he said, lawrence, it needs to be too big to rig. >> lawrence: i notice, you are right, it's his new message now.
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is he not going to give any room for the possibility of this happening this election cycle. but, if you watch the pundits and if you watch the media critics and all this, they have gone from -- people on the left as well from criticizing donald trump to the places that he is going. and i just don't think that is working -- there is this intimidation again. i saw it in the bronx, too. the tale of the folks that decided to support the president that they're less than. that they're crazy. >> joey: clowns. >> rachel: clowns. >> lawrence: do you know what's clownish somebody who has chicken up 3.4%, cheese 6%. pickles up 13%. listen, you don't get to support the guy that has wrecked this economy, that is getting us in wars in the middle east because we may be in world war iii because of his lack of presence there, that has not secured the border and then when people say do you know what?
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maybe there is an extra way, another way make fun of those people. i'm going to be watching that in the days to come to see how the media, are they gonna say vote for how want to or say vote the right way like they did the last time and we got joe biden? >> joey: on a memorial day monday it would be great to say we had a president that didn't start a new war. that would be great. >> rachel: that would be wonderful. we will turn now to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. two top hamas officials and dozens of civilians are reportedly dead after israeli airstrike in rafah. the idf confirming that the strike saying the targeted a compound are with the terrorist group was operating. idf sources tell fox news the strike killed two men responsible for several terrorist attacks against israelis in the early 2,000s. this comes two days after the international court of justice ordered israel to end its
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offensive in rafah. i believe they -- i thought they hit a -- i will have to go back and look at that i thought they hit a place where some civilians were. to another alert, more than 2,000 people may be buried alive in papa new guinea after a massive landslide. that's according to government officials. they say the land slide still poses a, quote, extreme risk. according to rescuers at least 150 homes were buried under debris. officials have asked for international help. a pilot and his passenger are walking away unharmed after their small plane was forced to make an emergency landing in australia yesterday. the pilot was able to steer clear of nearby homes in sydney suburbs after the plane lost power mid flight. he said the plane clipped trees and just made it over the hanger before landing and skidding on the runway. the pilot says is he lucky to be alive. a 15-year-old boy from arizona
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is lucky to be alive after his brother saved him from a bear attack in a cabin. 18-year-old brother was able to divert the bear's attention and chase it of o. their mom opening up about the incident. >> a bear came in to the cabin. and from behind the couch, he -- from what we're piecing together came and crashed hills face. >> rachel: my goodness, that's scary. the teen is recovering after suffering cuts on his arm and face. officials caught and euthanized the bear. don't expect to see the boss at work any time soon. bruce springsteen postponing at least four shows on his european tour over vocal issues. springsteen's team says doctors have determined he should not perform for the next 10 days. the european tour continues junf
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motorcycle riders taking part in the rolling to remember ride in washington, d.c. yesterday. the annual ride calls for full accounting for american prisoners of war and soldiers who are missing in action. it raises awareness for veterans molt. after the ride, a vigil after the lincoln memorial honored the service members who have died and who are still missing. and those are your headlines. >> lawrence: it's one of my goals before this year ends to learn how it ride a motorcycle. >> rachel: really? >> lawrence: all my boys literally ride motorcycles. >> >> rachel: what kind of motorcycle? >> lawrence: i want to do a harley. i feel it's the right thing to do since i'm 31 now. >> joey: old man now. >> lawrence: my mom was very anti-motorcycle. >> rachel: i would be, too. >> lawrence: i'm older now. can i make my own decisions, rachel. >> rachel: he is rebelling, finally. took a while but it's happening. but it's not with like -- he is not sneaking a beer but getting
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a harley for wisconsin. >> lawrence: we are way past that. >> rachel: now you can afford your own. i love it. should he get a motorcycle. >> joey: i have a harley with a side car on it. it's a custom job. it's cool. probably need to get a big wheel bagger. but blacked out. something that doesn't just say look at me but has some style shows you know what a custom bike is the thing about a bagger is, it's comfortable and bring a bunch of stuff with you. go riding down the road and stay the night somewhere. >> rachel: side car? >> joey: my side car is down on the ground and nothing around you. >> lawrence: i don't think i could fit? >> rachel: it would be hilarious. people in a clown car. >> lawrence: we should do it. >> joey: the reason i'm talking about harley's. we talked about rolling to remember. reiteration of rolling thunder came from vietnam veterans wanting their p.o.w.s missing in action to be accounted for
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over the decades rolling to remember. now a push towards mement and veterans of the most recent war. all of that this is in remembrance of memorial day, the day we get to remember what it means to serve and give your life serving this country. there's a a lot of ways people acknowledge memorial day. sometimes people say happy memorial day it. makes sense it. rolls off the tongue. i don't mind saying happy memorial day. is always ask people with that say a day of remembrance and to remember the sack files if not the people. i had a chance to go spend some time with the marine corps league out of staten island. special place, retired marines. the way they remember is they do a ceremony with a color guard. 60, 80, 70-year-old veterans, most marines who go almost every week and do military honors at funerals. so we have a clip here of some of the time i spent with them and it's really touching. >> joey: we are about to celebrate memorial day. that's the day one day a year recognizes and remembers the fact that people died to protect this country and to serve this
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country. but for you all it's not just one day a year. >> no. no. the old saying goes never forget. we must never forget. these guys are going in on their own. there was no draft. they volunteered for this. and some guys didn't come back the same way they left. and if you ask any one of them, what do they all say? i would do it all over again. just remember that you can go to your uncle's house and have a barbecue. that's because of all the men and women who fought and died before you. by all means have your picnic, have your parades and whatnot. but it's what went on before, the people who fought for your country and died for your country. that's to me is the meaning of memorial day. >> joey: wow. we were glad you went there to spend that moment with them. it's interesting watching that generation also pass away. >> joey: yeah. >> lawrence: we only have them
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and their wisdom for so much time. i remember that these flights that they take all the way to normandy that they are trying to wrap it up to get as many of those folks to take those flights before they pass away. >> joey: this year may be the last year. >> rachel: i think they mentioned that yesterday. there is a lot of seniors now that have to go back to work because of the economy. i think we really under estimate seniors in this case veterans. dr. seniors all over our country who volunteer, make their community better. do quiet work all over. and when we have an economy like this, they are not able to do those things because they have to go work at walmart. they have to pump gas or work at -- i saw a bunch of seniors at home depot when i went the last time. i was surprised at the average age of people working there. a lot of them are veterans who do this kind of stuff that makes the world better. i'm really good that you are highlighting that. >> joey: all those men just exceptional. about every one of them went to tears at some point in the
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interview. means so much to. they later in life you reflect on things differently. hopefully they are watching. today remembering brothers and sisters they remember every day. a shocking crime. a general hospital star is shot and killed in los angeles by armed robbers. what his family says happened. >> lawrence: plus democrat james carville at it again. continues to pound his own party. >> messaging is full of [bleep]. and talk about cost of living and we're going to help deal with this and don't talk about [bleep] gaza and student loans. >> lawrence: what can we say, joey, is he a marine. misguided messaging could turn off voters. >> rachel: they don't like all this truth telling on the democrats. but, first, here's the navy band, northeast ceremonial band peperforming live on fox square
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it's totally worth it. >> rachel: a former general hospital star is dead after being gunned down during an armed robbery in downtown los angeles this weekend. todd piro is here with the details. todd? >> just a horrible story here. 37-year-old johnny who appeared on 1 # 4 episodes of the soap opera general hospital shot and killed after confronting three men from stealing catalytic converter. this happened 3:30 in the morning leaving a side bar at a job with a female co-worker. he thought his car was being toed. when he went to confront the three men they shot him. pair made dicks was shot. he didn't try to fight them or are stop them from stealing the car. they were walking to their car and when they got there,
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johnny's car, which was parked in front of the co-workers, looked like it was jacked from one side from. what i understand he said hey, man, you towing my car and the person looked up and had a mask. so then i guess they knew they weren't doing that stopsd in front of the co-worker and backed up and his his hands up or both and the person shot him. back torens agent saying he was not just a talented standing for hard work, tenacity and never give up attitude. in the highs and lows of a will thatting profession, he always kept his chin up and kept striving for the best he could be. according to police those three suspects still have yet to be found, lawrence. back over to you. >> lawrence: it can happen to anyone. >> todd: anybody, anywhere. >> lawrence: thanks, todd. this memorial day morning hind's economy facing backlash from members of his own party. watch. >> why these young people aren't
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coming home to the democrats, why blacks are not coming home to the democrats? because democratic messaging is full of [bleep]. that's why. and talk about cost of living. and we're going to help deal with this and don't talk about [bleep] gaza and student loans. >> lawrence: is he trying to warn them washington executive editor kaylee mcgee white joins us now. thank you for joining the program. 28% of the people say it's the economy. when you go to the bottom, only 4% say that israel, hamas war. so why is the observation extremists on the party focused on that? >> right and carville has such a way with words. got liv him. especially youngs voters when he is talking about why isn't the young vote coming home to the democratic party? it's exactly for this reason. these polls aren't limited to
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just adults. it's limited to young voters as well. there was a recent harvard poll that found that the gaza conflict is at the very bottom of young voters priority list right side along student loans. so the two thingsed that the biden campaign is running on right now to try to win over the young vote, my demographic gen z voters they are not working. this is the problem that the biden campaign is not only going to fail to bring in these voters but it could end up actually back firing if he continues to talk about these issues that they clearly don't care about. >> lawrence: why the refusal to pivot? >> they look at what is happening on college campuses across the country and assume that those are reflective of the entire generation of all young voters. it's easy to think that this isn't to say that gen z isn't much more liberal in their views about the gaza conflict. they surely are. it's not a priority for them. we are not thatch different than older generations in that we are very concerned about the things that effect our lives most directly. and right now that's the economy. the high cost of living.
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inflation. >> lawrence: real simple. this is hillary clinton. she is explaining we she lost the election. but she also says this. if we don't make the right decision in this election in our country, we may never have another actual election. and if we no longer have another actual election, we will be governed by a small minority of right wing forces well organized and well funded getting exactly what they want in terms of turning the clock back on women to which you say. >> no. listen, hillary clinton and self-awareness have never been caught in the same room. i never take anything she takes too seriously. same interview she went on to blame women why she lost the 2016 election as if she is not the common denominator in all of those situations. listen, it's the same kind of democratic talking point where they assume because we are women that we all think as some monolithic thought and no diversity of thought among us. listen, young women like myself are going to got polls in
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november and vote to whatever does their best to win us over. make the effort. hillary clinton did not do doo that in 2016. she took us for granted and joe biden is doing the same thing. >> lawrence: making politicians work for your vote. cailee is doing double duties today. outnumbered at 12:00 p.m. eastern. make sure if you give it a look. thank you for joining the program. >> thank you. >> lawrence: national park taking heat for telling construction crews to stop flying the american flag. congressman ryan zinc joins us as he demands answers. first here is the navy band northeast ceremonial band performing live on fox square on this special memorial day ♪ ♪
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>> rachel: we're back with a fox weather alert. dangerous storms barreling towards the east coast putting millions at risk after killing 19 people across four states in the south and midwest. valley view, texas was hit especially hard over the weekend after a gas station collapsed with dozens inside. fox weather correspondent max gordon joins us from outside that gas station. max, good morning. what are you seeing there? >> hey, good morning, rachel, well, it's miraculous to think those dozens of travelers who sought shelter all made it out alive during this tornado. unfortunately not everyone was so lucky. seven people are confirmed dead. around 100 injured. this is the deadliest tornado to hit texas since 2015. and among the dead a 2-year-old
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and a 5-year-old. now, this tornado hit northern texas late on saturday night. the tornado tore through an rv park destroyed 200 homes and damaged around 120 others. between friday and sunday. 38 confirmed tornadoes that touched down across 10 states, the death toll from these tornadoes has been climbing. along with the seven dead here in north texas, two people died after e f-3 tornado hit oklahoma. 8 storm related deaths arkansas, one died in louisville, kentucky due to the storms. the storm sunday morning caused a delay at indy 500 after lightning in the area. paused activities and fans had to leave the grand stands and snake pit. the fans were allowed to return a few hours later and race eventually got underway. power outages. in kentucky 200,000 customers still without power. electricity is still slowly being restored. in tornado hit areas still are
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many without ac amid sweltering temperatures. back to you. >> joey: all right. this morning. we have growing speculation over donald trump and who he'll choose as his running mate as some republicans, including our next guest is urging him to consider someone with center right appeal. possibly even nikki haley. congressman ryan zinke served interior secretary under donald trump. he joins us now. also served in the military. i know you are going to have a solemn memorial day as well. real quickly on this. i have a graphic to show hot frontrunners are senator tom cotton. governor doug burgum. marco rubio, tim scott. j.d. vance. you look at those and i wouldn't say all of them are establishment at all. but, they are not necessarily in states where president trump really needs to get some votes or money. so what do you think is the strategy or should be the strategy for president trump. >> at the end of the day it's
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about winning. there is nothing more important than winning the elections. and pairing the right candidate for the win i think is the right advice. and, you know, i don't necessarily should think that a vice president should be a direct reflection of donald trump. there is only one donald trump. and quite frankly i think this election is as much of a movement as it is about a particular candidate including donald j. donald trump. america is upset and we don't like the direction we are going. the solution is donald j. trump. who he picks though i think should be on the basis of winning. look at the polls. look at where his weak spots are and choose a candidate that shores up weak spot to the voter. >> joey: new leader in the senate. do you want to pull a senator out of ohio that could be a swick state? there's a lot of strategy here that i don't think people see. what are the priorities
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fundraising, votes or a complementary personality? >> well, i would say working with donald trump, and i have he was great boss. i don't think there is any problem working with donald trump but, again, i think the number one goal to win. look carefully at the polls. what candidate brings the most to the table for victory. there is no second place in politics. i think this is the most important election of my lifetime. i keep saying that, joey, but this is it. guys, we are finally here. and choose wisely who our president is, biden has been a disaster. and trump, you know, offers hope. so, again, on his vice president, i am confident that you look at the polls, he has got goods, good intuition. of course he likes his peer group, he likes successful people. in the group you mentioned, look, they are all very, very talented. i know them personally. doug burgum is very talented, tim scott, everyone likes tim. of that group, they are all very, very good.
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i'm not cernsdz about, you know, the senate bringing a senator over, especially from, you know, a red state. you know, i think a senate loss would be a net zero because we'll get a replacement. but i'm excited about the electoral map, too. joey. when you look at it. there is some fine talent. sheehy is running in montana. grgreat candidate. ronald reagan optimism. >> joey: i like it. i want to hear more actually. turning to something that may be a negative story. i'm not sure what is happening here. i know as secretary of interior you understood there is more politics a bill last year that people fought over. i guess what has happened in alaska denali national park. report a construction crew was told to take an american flag down. its made its way to alaska senator and yourself writing a
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letter saying listen we need answers on this did this actually happen? real quick i want to read their response. this is from the national park service. reports to the national park service official ordered the removal of american flag from demali denali national park. no time did official seek to ban the american flag from the project side or associated vehicles. what exactly are you all asking for and what do you think about that statement? >> well, you know, this was brought to my attention good friend and marine veteran dan sullivan of alaska that our con construction crew. whether it was the department of transportation or park service and said the flag was a distraction. the united states flag distraction. we will get to the bottom of it. i'm glad the park service backpedaled on it. there is a lot of good superintendents out there. our park service and our park assets, obviously, are a great
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treasury. hosting and saluting and paying tribute to our flag is not a distraction in our park. >> joey: not at all. the american flag should be everywhere all the time. listen, today is memorial day. as you noticed i didn't say happy memorial day. i said have a solemn memorial day. that's how i feel about it. i would love to know what your message is on this important holiday. >> i thought about it a long time. i think it's a day of reflection of why we fight. sometimes we fight for freedom. family, teammates, country, there's a lot of reasons to fight. but, when we do fight, we don't fight as republicans or democrats. we don't flight as red or blue. we flight as red, white, and blue. >> joey: that's right. >> i think this day would be a good reflection on the constitution and the value ofs of this country and why those before us did fight and sacrifice their life and why it's important to remember the sacrifice that will come. >> joey: veteran and congressman ryan zinke, thank you for
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joining us and thank you for that message. >> good to see you, joey and god bless. >> joey: princess kate reportedly won't return to public duties as she undergoes cancer treatment. what this means for her diagnosis we have medical monday next. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin...
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i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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>> i underwent major abdominal surgery in january in london. the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment. >> rachel: two months since princess kate shocked the world with her cancer diagnosis. initially the palace said she would return to public duty after easter. a new report claims the princess of wales, quote: may not appear in public for the rest of the year here to discuss on this medical monday is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. great to see you this morning. this is really shocking news. and so when i heard it, my first thought was maybe she had had a lot of weight loss or lost her hair. maybe she wants to wait until she heals and looks more like herself. could this also mean her
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condition is even worse than we think? >> you know, we don't know, right? we don't know. i will tell that you chemotherapy, rachel, could take several months. and it could be, as you just said, side effects, ann arbor, vomiting, hair loss. we don't know the type of cancer she has yet. we don't know if it's a gyn cancer, a gastrointestinal cancer. we don't know for sure. oncologists have weighed in on that. stress reduction and sleeping better and eating better and having a lower key life actually has been shown recently over the last two years to decrease the risk of cancer recurrence and cancer spread. it actually improves your immune function. it decreases inflammation, better diet. actually. and more exercise. helps to you fight cancer. so whether it's actually come back or not, that would seem to be the right pataskala. and by the way it, doesn't some her and prince william from calling out today in great
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sadness reducing stress is going for everybody. someone with cancer and fighting off so many bad things in their body is super important. having a cancer diagnosis makes you go i'm only going to focus on what really matters and of course that's her kids and family. maybe she is being really guarded of her time and i can certainly respect that it puts things focus. dr. siegel, i want to ask you about this as well. >> absolutely. >> rachel: nfl star is announcing this shock retirement at just 29 after suffering a blood clot, a terrifying blood clot. what do you think of this, this nfl player. i'm sorry for right now billy franks. oh my goodness. his name slipped my mind there. what do you make of this?
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is this pulmonary elm bliss, are they on the rise? normal for somebody as young as him to have this? >> it's rare. you know, it's one out of 1,000 people. that's mostly older people. why a younger person would get it. it can be due to a genetic factor or a tendency to form blood clots. he might have had one in his leg. we don't know that spread to the lungs. we don't have the exact answer. i will tell you something shocking. 2% to 3% of all deaths at that age are due to blood clots and a lot of times we don't know until it's too late. what happened here is some great surgeon came in and fished it out just in time, rachel. the reason that he is not going to play is the blood thinners. you cannot play nfl football if you are on blood thinners. >> rachel: of course. >> marc: he needs to be on blood thinners for a period of time. he was center at ohio state. he hasn't played in a year or
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two. again, this shows us all to your other point that diseases like this can effect young people. >> rachel: we're not seeing an increase? it's rare in young people. not seeing more cases of young people getting it; is that correct. >> no, nothing like this. not this kind of pulmonary embolus. blood clots are not on the rise we are seeing more cancer and obesity in young people. not blood clots, no. >> rachel: lots of good stuff today, dr. siegel. thank you for coming on. >> happy memorial day to you, great to see you, rachel. >> rachel: all right. turn now to lawrence. >> lawrence: i even learned a few things about young people. turning to sports headlines, nascar driver christopher bell winning the rain shortened
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coca-cola 600. the race was called before midnight after two hours lightning delay and heavy downpour. bell led a race high 90 laps for his second win of the year and first crowned gel ever. and to the greatest spectacle in the race the indianapolis 500 also delayed for severe weather. but despite a four hour setback, joseph new garden was able to win the race for the second year in a row. now to spring football, the d.c. defenders defeating the memphis snow boats 36-21 after racking up a season high 431 yards of offense. and the michigan panthers winning their fifth game in a row after taking down the houston roughnecks. 26-22 panthers quarterback bryce perkins scoring three touchdowns to help his team rally to victory. and those are your headlines. so we're honoring our heroes this memorial day. here's the navy band, northeast ceremonial band performing live
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