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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> nearly 2 dozen people are dead as violence storm -- violent storms were up across america. tornadoes reported in parts of mississippi, tennessee and ohio valley. damage assessment being done on the ground with state and local officials. hello and welcome to the brand-new hour of fox news live.
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great to be with you again molly. >> you to cliff. president biden just spoke with the governors of oklahoma, arkansas and texas does to descendent condolences and offer federal assistance in the coming days. the threat of storm snow shifting east where aliens along the i-95 corridor are at risk of these storms. max gordon is live with a look at what's happening there. >> reporter: hello molly. the shell station behind me is where dozens of motorists sought shelter as a tornado board down of the community. even though the walls collapsed everyone inside still survived. 7 people did died. around 100 injured and the video taken shows the chaos inside the tornado. take a watch. >> my ears are popping from the pressure. the sign is shaking.
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>> we are right in the middle of the tornado. what do i do? the car is shaking. >> the tornado hit northern texas late saturday night and it tore through an rv park and destroyed more than 2000 homes. it damaged around 120 homes. between friday and sunday there were 38 confirmed tornadoes that touched down across 10 states and the death toll has been climbing. along with 7 dead in north texas, 2 people died and oklahoma. 8 storm related deaths in arkansas and 4 in kentucky. it also caused a delay of the indy 500 and after lightning was detected, officials paused activity and fans had to leave the grandstand and snake bit. the fans returned hours later and the race got underway eventually. power outages have also been a big issue. hundreds of thousands across the heartland without electricity.
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so many folks as they worked to clean up after the tornadoes are still without air-conditioning and mid scorching to pitchers. >> great point. these pictures are heart wrenching. will sea if they get the help they need. the president making these phone calls and it's shocking to hear this is the deadliest tornado in nearly a decade. thank you for all those details max. graph. >> griff: now with the latest on what to expect for the rest of the week here's box whether meteorologist nick coaster. >> it's been an active memorial day weekend for sure. you can see yesterday 670 severe weather reports and it just goes to show you how active the entire month has been. 3 of the 5 most active days so far this year being in the month of may. over the past couple days severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings and my goodness you can barely see this state of kentucky back there.
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since yesterday 98% of the commonwealth of kentucky has been covered by either a severe thunderstorm warning or tornado warning. a lot of hail from missouri 1 state over. you can see these reports to quarters of an inch up to softball and grapefruit -sized hail being reported. 38 conform -- confirmed tornadoes as of now but. the number could go up as damages surveyed. it covers a wide array of states tickle -- texas, oklahoma wisconsin, parts of ohio. we had an ef to tornado that caused damage there across texas. so far in the month of may way above average in terms of tornado report. griff back to you. >> griff: thank you nick kosir. molly. >> molly: earlier today the president took part in a ceremony for wreathlaying of the
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unknown soldier before delivering his memorial day message. peter has more. >> reporter: molly earlier today president biden hosted a private breakfast repulsed our families here at the white house before he motorcade across to arlington national cemetery where he made remarks that shared in the grief of those in attendance. >> this weak marks 9 years since i lost my son bo. our losses are not the same. he didn't perish in the battlefield, you is a cancer victim. a consequence of being in the army in iraq for a year next to a burn field. is pain and his losses with me every day. >> he will visit another military cemetery next week in normandy france. the 80th anniversary of d-day and he is previewing a bit of the way he will frame that visit as part of a larger battle for democracy that he says continues
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today. >> every generation has to earn it. fight for it and defend it and battle between autocracy and democracy. between the greater -- the greed of few on the rates of many. it matters. our democracy is more than just a system of government, it's the very soul of america. >> he is back at the white house now. we believe he has at least been in and out of the oval office at least on this memorial day but we don't expect to see him again on camera until tomorrow at the earliest molly. >> molly: thank you. griff. >> griff: water republican white house communities holding the attorney general in contempt. will there be enough support when it heads for a full vote on the house floor? we will find out and we will bring in now republican california congressman darrell i
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set. congressman thank you for taking time. so, everyone is wondering whether or not this vote will actually happen and whether it is in limbo. >> that's a good question. when we held air holder in contempt we had a dozen democrats who sided with us to give us a bipartisan support. this is really no different. he is refusing a lawful subpoena and that's what the contempt is all about and is the reason we may not have bipartisan support again. >> let's just for our viewers trying to understand what's happening if they haven't been following, of course it pertains to the interview by the special counsel of president biden over his handling of documents. the full transcript is out. but the executive privilege president biden now is exerting over the taping released why
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does it matter to republicans? why do you guys care so much quick. >> first of all you said something vary accurate, the full transcript. the most import thing were trying to do is make sure it's the full transcript. we've seen time and time again this and other administrations play fast and loose with the word transcript. if there are things that were omitted in national security great we want them omitted. but let's be honest he is sitting there in an interview talking about quite frankly a lot of the thanks he did including a book deal. unlikely there is anything that has true executive privilege but the assertion of executive privilege isn't new again when eric holder was held in content. president obama -- president obama executive privilege was swept away as completely inappropriate by a judge that obama appointed. we've been down this road before there is in 1 thing and
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returning it to be vary different as the late president reagan said trust and verify. they want to verify the accuracy of the transcript. it's the congresses right but it's also a history that says it is very likely that the transcript is not a true and complete accounting of what the person said. >> what do you say to your democrats on the other side, people like the top democrat in the oversight committee and others that say republicans are only trying to get this tape out there for political reasons to chop it up and put it in the campaign adds. >> if this material is released inappropriately, fine. but what were asking to do is review it. the review by affectional stock is not only appropriate but jamie notices from the last time
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the shoe was on the other foot. remember what we are trying to do is assert appropriately rational authority and that goes back and forth between republicans and democrats. democrats should be voting with publicans if they want particular protection asserted. but the idea that we would not have our career professionals review for accuracy is absurd particularly with the history of other administrations dating back to richard millhouse nixon. we have to be sure that we get the truth and not an interpretation buy if you willed the people who translate it and work for the president. >> we will follow it to see whether or not that boat happens when you guys get back from the recess. before we go i want to take a moment because you're staff has followed closely by a 13 lives lost and this memorial day we are honouring ad recognizing the sacrifice of all of those who
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died in service of our nation. the 13 most in the afghanistan withdrawal cap we photos here we can show of some staff visiting arlington i believe today. what can you tell us? >> we visit every year 8 -- on memorial day a number. we chose to visit the 3 of the 13 at arlington this year. we did it for a good reason, they are the forgotten 13. the president met with gold star families but has yet to meet with any of them even though we've repeatedly asked for that. today would be in the right day. if the president would just once and for all recognize the special relationship that should exist, 1 that he forgot at the honours ceremony when their bodies were brought back and 1 that today you notice he will talk about his son at this time he got a right.
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his son didn't dive combat wounds as he asserted the bringing home of those bodies. all they really want is the dignity that other gold star families have. that's what our office continues to work toward were not quitting until they have all the dignity and rights that are appropriate to 13 who give it all. >> a day much today we honour and recognize those in the name of freedom and fitting our nation. thank you for taking the time congressman. >> thank you griff in and look forward to seeing you for normandy. >> griff: okay molly. >> molly: now the touching story of world war ii navy sailor finally laid to rest. seen in first class frank horwitz 1 of the hundred supported the uss oklahoma during the japanese attack on pearl harbor. he was just buried in arlington national cemetery this month.
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jennifer griffin has more on this american hero. >> reporter: molly, for decades hundreds of american sailors killed at pearl harbor were identified and buried in a few coffins in a cemetery near honolulu. since 215356 service members who died in the uss oklahoma have been individually and divide using painstaking dating analysis. -- data analysis. finally some closure 80 years later for 1 of the soldiers in a burial with full honours under 21 gun salute at the arlington national cemetery earlier this month. frank was a native of 3 rivers massachusetts and was only 20 years old when the ship he was stationed on pearl harbor the uss oklahoma was bombed by japanese warplanes. >> what i feel is an incredible sense of relief.
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he is home. be brought him home. >> for years his family clung to the letter written by his older brother after the attack telling him to be in touch and informing him he had become an uncle. frank's niece joey was inspired by the stories of her uncle and joined the u.s. navy. >> the importance of him being here is that he will not be forgotten. anybody can see where he is and he is with his shipmates. that gives me goosebumps. he is with the people whom at ocean met -- met the most to him when he served. >> 's sister was named for her uncle and attended the ceremony. >> this is 82 years later and the government and everyone is still paying on her to those who fall and realizing that they really did give up a life.
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>> and accounting agency has been working to identify the remains of those lost on the uss oklahoma, 1 of 7 that she sank during the attack. 61 caskets and 41 graves had to be disinterred from a cemetery and honolulu. a single casket contained the partial remains of 100 sailors. >> we identified 362 of the missing servicemembers from the oklahoma which is 92%. so we were able to provide answers to many family members. that's really rewarding and can be a little bit emotional to be able to see a big part of the project where men are being returned home are to other national cemeteries for burial. >> a burial in the arlington national cemetery which is the nation's most sacred burial
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ground comes more than 82 years after their beloved uncle was lost in the pearl harbor attack. molly. >> molly: thank you for that work for jennifer. >> griff: meanwhile the democrats messaging the 2024 election race is being called into question by 1 of their own. we take a look at what's going wrong with the left. [ ♪♪ ] with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. mountain climbing tina at a cabin. or tree climbing tina at a beach resort. nice! booking.yeah. call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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>> harrowing news from los angeles where former general hospital star johnny wachter known for his role as brando on the show was shot and killed early saturday morning. his mother tells fox news it happened 3:00 am after his bartending shift, a person wearing a mask open fire his mother said you stepped in front of his coworker and was shot. he was transported to hospital where he was pronounced dead. 37 years old. martin 3 dozen shootings taking place over the weekend in chicago taking the lives of many
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people including a 5 euro girl. carrot has more. >> reporter: that grow like somebody shooting victim -- victims we see was to an innocent bystander. the police said she was and a car 3:30 am sunday and her dad and a group of others were outside the car when gunshots broke out hitting her in the stomach and her dad in the leg. she did not survive but her dad did. folks there say for months now there has been an increase in gang activity. >> there is just being like a war zone. >> it could be a lot better. they could patrol it more. >> reporter: memorial day weekend is often when we see violent crimes start to pick up. on friday the safety plan was laid out that focuses less on policing and more in investing violent neighbourhoods with millions of dollars for things like community programs, jobs for teens and neighbourhood
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peacekeepers. >> were holistically investing in people and communities to eradicate the root causes of crime. the root causes of harm, to create long-term peace. >> the teen takeovers all summer are still fresh on a lot of folks minds and to prevent a repeat of those scenes leaders are asking parents to be more proactive more proactive and to know where their kids are this summer. if things get out of hand that chicago top cop go said police will not hesitate to take action. >> if you're showing up to wreak havoc in the city and infringe upon people's rights and safety we will stop you. if that means we need to arrest you we will. >> reporter: there is a lot riding on the strategy to tackle violent crime this summer considering that democratic national convention is coming in chicago -- to chicago in august. the policies we'll go a lot of attention. griff. >> griff: thank you for that garrett. molly. >> molly: democratic
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strategist james carr will carry into his own party over there messaging which he took she says isn't remotely enticing to people. watch. >> wondering why these and people aren't coming home to to the democrats. because democratic messaging is full of [ bleep ] that's why. and talk about cost-of-living and we will help deal with this. don't talk about [ bleep ] and student loans. >> i'm joined now by guests to discuss this. laura let's begin with you. perhaps not in tone but in substance do you agree with him in the sense are democrats discussing the right thanks we you're thoughts? >> i assure you you won't have to use the beeper when i'm talking today. james carville always has
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critiqued to levy against democrats and that's 1 of the reasons why he is famous. certainly biden needs to do a better job discussing economic issues. the focus needs to be on trump and his backroom meetings with oil companies and business leaders, promising to lower their taxes just as he did when he was president. i think talking about being on this side of americans and the thanks he is artie done in terms of fees for credit cards and airlines and of really working to make sure healthcare costs come down. those need to be central in the campaign, by another campaign is discussing many things but i have no doubt as the election comes forward back they will return their focus their. >> molly: i want to point out we have some polling that talks about some issues that voters care about. very high on that list, there is abortion, candidate qualities, party affiliation. dusted what do you think or democrats talking about the right things? are -- republicans talking about the right things?
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>> i think republicans are tackling these issues and have a bit more credibility we saw that in the wall street journal poll and fox news poles and our american news polling that republicans have more credibility on the economy and inflation. the other big issue is the border and immigration. when it comes to these other issues and the cost-of-living, i think republicans are talking about it but even if joe biden were to change his tune, it's really a failure of policies and how will they rollback inflation such that people are paying 30% more at the grocery store. it's a daily reminder willie oh -- open questions in our poles, voters tosses the cost of things that has an impact on the vote. >> ably put that pull up a moment ago this is about the economy and gas prices and a utility cost and healthcare cost, when you see numbers like this laura is this approach -- problem not just for families but for the democratic party as
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we get closer to voters heading into poles? >> it's like asking the dodgers lost or if the padres would be a problem for them in the fall. where they eventually lost after winning season. dusted his right trump is in a dominant position in the poles but there is a lot of room for growth on the bite inside. for trump to lose those voters because he is yet to articulate a plan as to what he would do. when he comes into the spotlight and has to deal with the fact his own record is in play. right now he and the republicans are today instead of talking about goldstar families he is talking about the recipe of grievance that hurts him. the move see -- the more he moves in the centre of the spotlight the less he can hide from his record and what he might do in the future because that's what this election is really about. >> molly: dustin i want to get to you for the final word." ahead. >> that goes to an important issue here, the other factors we have inflation, the border, we also have law a really the
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injustice that they seen that just on trump another republicans across the country. they are concerned about it. 66% believe these lawsuits are all political 59. ♪ believe there actually at the orchestration of joe biden and 54% would like to see a stop. >> molly: okay laura and dustin thank you both for giving us you're time on this day we appreciated. >> thank you. >> griff: the death and devastation continuing in the middle east. >> yes hey griff yesterday we saw horrific scenes and causes southernmost city of rafah. just before that new rocket fire from the gaza strip. more after the break
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sad news out of the sports world legendary basketball player and analyst has died. the two-time champ billy walton passed away after a long battle with cancer. he would later go on to cover games in the nba and men's college basketball. he was 71 years old. molly. >> molly: turning to the middle east israel facing another round of rocket fire out of gaza as palestinian health workers say is really air strikes killed at least 45 people yesterday and hit tents for displaced people in the southern gaza city of rafah. numerous others reportedly trapped in the flaming debris. tray is lived with more. >> reporter: molly, that afternoon. yesterday we saw long-range rockets fired from gaza toward central israel and horrific scenes coming out of gaza's southernmost city of rafah overnight.
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the screams of palestinian civilians pierced the air of rafah with nothing but buckets of water, bystanders try to extinguish the inferno. we went into the house and didn't find anyone. when we checked over the wall and found a girl and a manhood being cut. the easterly military tells fox news they launched airstrikes and retargeting 2 senior hamas militants both killed overnight. reports for civilian casualties were acknowledged and said they are reviewing the incident. comes after the international court of justice ordered israel to hold military operations and rafah which is a move israel rejected citing the more than 120 hostages still being held by hamas and continued rocket fire from the gaza strip. yesterday how most targeted central israel with a barrage of long-range rockets.
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this morning the e.u. foreign policy chief called the situation a dilemma. >> what we have seen in the media is that israel continues military action that's being requested to stop. also hamas rocketing israel so both sides are not respecting it. >> reporter: the israeli military has launched an investigation into the strikes overnight as the country's prime minister called this a tragic mistake. molly. >> molly: thank you trade. griff. >> griff: here we go. closing arguments expected tomorrow in the new york versus trump trial. the prosecution presented 20 witnesses over 15 days. jurors have heard nearly 80 hours of testimony and or eventually going to submit their decisions when they have a verdict. let spring afford up -- former federal prosecutor, steve thank you for taking the time. all eyes on trump tomorrow as we see closing arguments begin. what can we expect?
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>> i think we can expect fireworks. i think this week ulysses something something unprecedented in american history, closing arguments in the closing -- the trial. i thank the prosecution have to focus on the weaknesses of its witnesses namely michael cohen who has a history of perjuring himself outline and also admitted on the witness stand he stole from the trump organization. i think that is a big hurdle for them to get over it. been on the defence, you know, they are going to have to get the jury to set aside the salacious nature of the case and set aside any feelings they may or might not have her president trump and focus on the law and facts. >> steve there's an interesting moment that's going to come. after closing arguments finish, judge marchant is going to issue his instructions to the jury,
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what they can and cannot consider. how significant over moment do you think that would be and what can we expect from that? >> i mean that is everything. in every case the jury instructions are on bully hubley significant. i think this case the biggest factor is going to be he'll have to finally instruct this jury on what is this federal crime. what is the specific crime that these ledger notations and whether or not they are false or true, whether or not those notations and what crime where they constructed to avoid or conceal. that is everything. we've been waiting 18 months to find out what this actual law that the former president is accused of hoping to conceal. >> yes, we will be watching that. steve, the trump legal spokesperson weighed in yesterday, upset that the jurors
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were not sequestered. listen here i like the plate and get your reaction. >> these are not sequestered jurors. they should have been sequestered because in my opinion these jurors are handling something that's completely unprecedented and unwarranted and america. for them to be out and about on a holiday weekend with friends and families who have opinions who were watching the news and the tv on in the background at the pool party i have serious concerns. >> what do you think steve? >> i agree 110% i mean you are dealing with the most famous individual ever to be tried in american history arguably. and they're going to be starting deliberations here shortly. why they are not sequestered is very surprising to me. i think in light of the fact that there is so much intense media coverage on this case and this judge at 1 moment seems to
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be very concerned about what the former president says to the media, but then doesn't sequester the jurors at the head -- as they had toward deliberations. i share her concern. the bottom line griff is that we all wanted this country a fair trial. if we were going to be prosecuted for a crime we would want to make sure we would have a and unbiased jury. 1 of the ways we seek to control that were create that circumstance is sequestering the jury. so i agree with her. it's highly highly suppressing. >> we've got to be that there steve thank you for joining us. to in tomorrow on the closing arguments begin. thank you steve. molly. >> molly: the holiday weekend is coming to an end. next we take a look at some celebrations from the past few days. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> holiday celebrations are in full swing as millions of -- aaa projecting 44 million travellers would leave town for the unofficial start of summer this year. many in north carolina escaping to lake norman for the long weekend. that is where we find madison joining us for more. hello madison. >> reporter: hello griff happy mom -- happy memorial day. it's a popular spot for both locals and tourists here with people out in the sun enjoying some time with her family and friends. but i've got to say almost everyone we've spoken with acknowledged the true meaning behind is holiday. wasn't. >> i have a lot of military family past and present so it's nice to just be able to
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recognize what these people are actually doing. >> my grandpa is a veteran i think right? so, yeah, it makes me happy that people were trying to honour the countries so that everyone else stays safe. that means a lot. >> reporter: there are hundreds of events across the country today to honour people who made the ultimate sacrifice. phoenix arizona this morning honouring america's veterans hosting the 2024 home of the brave no loyal days ceremony. he event had a keynote address from a gold star mother and a speech from governor katie hobbs and performances from an army national guard band. a tradition in chicago where firemen in the city honour the fallen every year on memorial day. this is the 89th year of paying respects to those who died while serving. >> i think for families that helps let them know we will never forget. by them knowing we still care
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and we remember and appreciate the support they gave us is important. >> there are hundreds of other events planned across the country and as you mentioned aaa projects 33.8 million travellers this memorial day weekend. aaa's said we've not seen numbers since this and about 20 years. if you're going to anymore loyalty event definitely give yourself plenty of time. an overwhelming majority of people hitting the roads. bacteria. >> alright medicine thank you very much. molly. >> molly: more than a dozen veterans in the u.s. died by suicide every day. 1 new york city-based dance company is hoping to bring the number down the head of memorial day with veterans and members of the military ending healing and telling their stories of war through dance.
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>> in midtown manhattan the sound of sirens are drowned out. the museum of the aircraft carrier and ship it inside exit 12 a new york city dance company is showcasing performers and most of them like money have no background in dance. she was a member of the u.s. army. >> in 2004 i deployed to iraq until 2005. >> reporter: when she returned home from her tour the brooklyn native felt like anything but herself. >> anxiety, depression, ptsd. i knew i had to get help. he [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: through her treatments with veterans affairs she found out about dance helping her and other veterans
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and expressing pain when words fall short. >> if i'm feeling heavy or down or upset or stressed i walk out of here as if something has been lifted off my chest. >> reporter: exit 12 knows the struggles of service members because the founder is a veteran to. rahman was deployed in 2005 with the marines and formed exit 12 and 2007 looking for a way to release his anger after returning stateside. >> what was really healing about that is helping people voice their own stories and voice their struggles and find hope and help me as all. >> reporter: an average of 17 veterans tagged by suicide every day in the u.s. he lost proffer of his marines to suicide. they are all bonded by a service but now they have a different
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mission. >> it's like moving together as a unit we are doing that here together. in a space that is safe. >> reporter: helping veterans regain their footing 1 beat at a time. madeleine where a fox news. >> molly: heroes all plan. we'll be right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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this memorial day americans across the nation are taking time to pause and reflect an honour those who fought for our freedoms, heroes and be the ultimate saarc buys for this country. our next guess fights to improve the lives of post- 9/11 veterans. let's bring in retired captain alison chow's low. thank you so much for being here thank you for your service at thank you for all you do. i want to get you're reflections on this memorial day. >> first of all thank you for having the. but as it relates to memorial day every year, you know, i do 2 things. i reflect on those who weren't
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as lucky as i was to make it back home from more. but i also, you know, there is a metre i wear my wrist everyday and made a promise when we lost imagery and the moves i would've made had i been hidden his shoes and got the mission that a. to live a life after that point that's worthy of his sacrifice. so for me honouring the sacrifices also challenge myself >> over a thousand service members have been killed. women as well and what they growing in leadership positions. what does it mean for women all over the country who want to serve and also who want to be in the military creek. >> etiquettes great making sure women's leadership is embraced
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and that all occupations within the military are open to women is an important thing for our health force. it's giving for country and i'm proud their organizations like mine elevating women in leadership positions but also chief operations is the first chief of staff. the same goes what you can't be what you can see a look forward to more young women wanting to serve and be inspired to serve because their leaders affecting our nation's troops. spinnaker phase to improve the lives this generation soldiers that served after 9/11. 1 of the greatest challenges are facing? >> i think 1 of the greatest challenges we face a sort of as a community is how the military bases widening. getting attention is harder and harder. gone other days where everyone had a grand father who is or.
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1 of the biggest challenges we have as something i tried to lean into as a ceo is bridging that divide and making sure people still understand our community, their sacrifices that were not forgotten on days like no more real day. and i think we will have to continue to work at that hard going forward because less than 1 half of 1% of the american public is serving in uniform today. >> that's a great point. we are at the end of the interview but what would you want to say to young people considering joining the armed forces? >> you won't regret it. >> that's great. well put. thank you so much alessandra giving us some of your time on this memorial day i don't must be busy for you. and for sharing your insights and you won't regret it. thank you for bringing us that thought we appreciated. >> thank you for having a. we must never forget this weekend is meant to recognize and remember the sacrifice of the men and women who died in
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service to our country and made our beach days and barbecues possible. twenty-one years ago in the earliest hours the invasion of iraq in 2003 -- embedded with marine -- the red dragons, the crew of an order helicopters work were -- among the first u.s. casualties of the war. so today i am honoring the courage and sacrifice of these heroes you see here. major jr been, staff sergeant kendall watters b. and corporal brian kennedy who gave all in the name of freedom in 2003. and i think fox -- think fox -- to pay tribute at our producers help me put that together because today, this day is such a solemn day for the nation to recognize someone, some rain -- brave hero that came their lives to the freedoms we share. >> speed without lovely and i can see how close that is to
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your heart and we all know many people -- morning not just our fallen heroes but their friends and people they had deep connections with so very beautifully but. >> it was great to be with you for the last three hours per month will do it for on this memorial day. we'll get -- i'm griff jenkins charles payne next. >> ♪ ♪ got me s hredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. oh, my leaffilter? i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything. leaffilter's technology protects your gutters for good! now my home is protected. call 833 leaffilter or visit diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it's heading
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1:00 pm
>> ♪ ♪ >> charles:


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